Analysis of Russian legislation from the point of view of gender asymmetry




gender asymmetry, gender symmetry, gender equality, gender analysis, gender approach.


This article is devoted to the analysis of Russian legislation from the point of observance of gender symmetry and the identification of norms that infringe on the rights of one of the genders and thereby hinder the exercise of rights on equal footing. The starting point in the research methodology is the study of the concept of a gender-neutral norm, which should proceed from the position of ensuring equality of conditions and opportunities for men and women to the same extent. Also, a gender analysis of Russian legislation was used as a methodology, as a result of which it can be concluded that the Russian state, as an institution to which society has delegated power, is not fully consistent in the political measures and steps taken to resolve this issue. The final conclusion that was reached during the study, in a number of cases, seems advisable to revise the provisions of Russian legislation beforehand with sociological research, which makes it possible to reveal the real effectiveness and possible side negative consequences of the application of certain legal norms and thereby minimize the procedural problems that arise in this regard.


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Author Biographies

Olga V. Klimashevskaya, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

Pavel E. Studnikov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

Pavel V. Poznyakov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Klimashevskaya, O. V., Studnikov, P. E., & Poznyakov, P. V. (2021). Analysis of Russian legislation from the point of view of gender asymmetry. Amazonia Investiga, 10(39), 86–93.


