Human rights in the context of gender and juvenile policy in different legal systems




gender and juvenile policy, gender, principle of equality, principle of non-discrimination, gender gap index.


The study aims to identify the features of gender and juvenile policy in different legal systems and the formation of women's and children's rights. At present, equal rights are one of the main tasks of the modern social and legal state, as equality of rights and non-discrimination have been proclaimed by many constitutions and enshrined at the international level. The implementation of an effective gender and juvenile policy will increase the state's reputation in the international arena and ensure a high degree of trust in the government. Given the differences in the development of this aspect of countries from different legal systems, the analysis of the specifics of ensuring rights within gender and juvenile policy will further improve existing ways of regulating gender and juvenile relations by borrowing the main promising ideas and provisions underlying public policy. To conduct a research the authors used different scientific methods. Among these methods are the analysis and synthesis, the formal-legal and the comparative law method. The result of this work is to identify specific features characteristic of gender and juvenile policy of different legal systems, determine the importance of human rights and non-discrimination, offer effective ways to improve the implementation of gender and juvenile policy on the example of progressive states.


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Author Biographies

Boris Perezhniak, Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la Educación Superior de Ucrania, Ucrania.

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of Constitutional Law Department of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Ukraine.

Olga Melnychuk, National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Jurisprudence of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Mykola Matiiko, National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Civil Law Department of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Hanna Kotyk, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Ukraine.

Specialist of the Department of International Relations of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Ukraine.

Nargis Mokhd, National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.

Ph. D. candidate of the Department of International and European Law of National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Perezhniak, B., Melnychuk, O., Matiiko, M., Kotyk, H., & Mokhd, N. (2021). Human rights in the context of gender and juvenile policy in different legal systems. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 138–147.


