Vol. 10 No. 38 (2021)

Implementation of manipulative speech tactics in translation (based on English and Spanish journalistic texts)

Vitaly V. Kabakov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.
Paola Julie Aguilar-Cruz
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán School, University of the Amazon, Colombia

Published 2021-04-12


  • manipulation, influence, journalism, public, politics.

How to Cite

Kabakov, V. V., & Aguilar-Cruz, P. J. (2021). Implementation of manipulative speech tactics in translation (based on English and Spanish journalistic texts). Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.38.02.3


The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of manipulative speech tactics, which are actively used in journalistic texts to form a certain impact on the target audience. The article explores the tactics on the example of English and Spanish speech techniques. The purpose is to study the influence of manipulative tactics on journalistic discourse. The research methodology includes an analysis of newspaper and journalistic texts popular in the United Kingdom and Spain. The article explores the strategies of manipulative speech techniques in political discourse. In journalistic texts, speech techniques have a peculiarity in manifestation in the multilevel perception by the reader. For political discourse, a special role is to use metaphors. Tactics based on speech techniques, including visual and expressive means (metaphorical models), are in every language culture. Manipulation here will be considered as a means used for the implicit implementation at the mental level of specific goals, intentions, and attitudes that do not coincide with those that the target audience currently has. Communication in political discourse has the only goal: to influence the object of influence. Therefore, the basis for using manipulative speech techniques is to use a strategy of influence and control by public consciousness.


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