Hunting and Use of Wildlife Species in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil




Hunting fauna. Conservation. Socio-environmental. Ethnobiology.


This article investigates the socio-cultural and ecological aspects associated with the hunting of wild animals by the inhabitants of the Cruz village, State of Alagoas. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews and informal conversations. A total of 23 species was indicated as a game, with mammals being preferred by the population. Among the techniques of capture, the hunting of persecution with dog and hunting with a shotgun stands out, in addition to the shuttlecock, used to reach the birds with small stones. Four forms of animal use were recorded: food, medicine, pets, and control. Despite being indicated as one of the main causes of the reduction of wildlife, hunting is strongly related to the socio-cultural aspects of the Brazilian semi-arid populations. Thus, proposals for the management of wildlife resources in traditional communities must take into account the needs of these populations.


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Author Biographies

Jaciara Raquel Barbosa de Lima, State University of Bahia-UNEB, Brazil.

Master in Human Ecology and Social and Environmental Management from the State University of Bahia-UNEB. Acts in the teaching of Cell Biology, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Histology and subjects related to the Environment. Develops work in the following areas: Conservation and Biodiversity, Ethnozoology and Ethnoecology. Brazil.

Patrícia Luiza de Oliveira Rebouças, State University of Bahia (UNEB), Brazil.

Doctor in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). State University of Bahia (UNEB), Department of Technology and Social Sciences, Entomology Laboratory, where it carries out activities related to teaching, research and extension, linked to undergraduate courses in Agronomy, Postgraduate Program in Irrigated Horticulture and Program of Post-Graduation in Human Ecology and Social and Environmental Management. Brazil.

Carlos Alberto Batista Santos, State University of Bahia, Brazil

Doctor in Ethnobiology and Nature Conservation, Adjunct Professor at the State University of Bahia, Department of Technology and Social Sciences, Leader of the Research Group on Ethnobiology and Conservation of Natural Resources, Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Human Ecology and Social and Environmental Management. Brazil.


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How to Cite

Barbosa de Lima, J. R., de Oliveira Rebouças, P. L., & Batista Santos, C. A. (2021). Hunting and Use of Wildlife Species in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil. Amazonia Investiga, 9(36), 9–21.


