Identification of Development Poles on Brazilian Amazon Region and Analysis of the Geographic Accessibility




Theory of development poles; spatial analysis, Amazon region.


Identification of development poles within the regional planning is important for defining the nodes of a given transport network and plays the role of driving economic growth in a region. Nevertheless, such proceedings are complex, especially in some areas where there is a lack of data that could support studies of this nature, for example in the case of the Amazon region. Thus, this study aims to identify development poles using spatial analysis of production values of soya, coffee, wood, and mineral products like cassiterite, aluminum ore, iron ore and copper. In addition, the geographic accessibility analysis was carried out at these poles in order to identify the potential of the transport network to be structured. Results demonstrated that it is possible to build a dense transport network by identifying more development poles, which would increase the connectivity, allowing more intense exchange of flows and development of the region.


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Author Biographies

Alex Mota dos Santos, Goias Federal University, Brazil.

PhD in Geography, Goias Federal University, Transport Engineering Professor, Brazil.

Cristiano Farias Almeida, Goias Federal University, Brazil.

PhD in Transport Engineering, Goias Federal University, Transport Engineering Professor, Brazil.

Daniel de Oliveira Soares, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Master in GIS & Science, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Carlos Fabricio Assunção da Silva, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Master in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Mota dos Santos, A., Farias Almeida, C., de Oliveira Soares, D., & Assunção da Silva, C. F. (2020). Identification of Development Poles on Brazilian Amazon Region and Analysis of the Geographic Accessibility. Amazonia Investiga, 9(34), 85–101.


