Economics and democracy: The problems of democratic maturity of local communities in the context of regional spatial disbalances


  • Tyutin Vasilyevich Dmitriy Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia
  • Evgeniya Valerievna Emelyanova Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia
  • Tatiana Viktorovna Lesina Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia
  • Natalya Valentinovna Kharchikova Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia
  • Natalia Vladimirovna Maslennikova North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Russia
  • Timur Gadzhievich Aygumov FSBEI HE «Dagestan State Technical University» (FSBEI HE «DSTU»), The Republic of Dagestan, Russia


Spatial imbalances, municipal democracy, Kaluga Region


The article analyzes the spatial imbalances of municipalities of the Kaluga region in terms of socio-economic development. Subsequently, the estimates obtained were compared with the spatial grouping of regional municipalities in terms of institutional democracy. On the basis of the obtained comparisons, conclusions are made about the impact of socio-economic conditions on the development of grassroots democracy.


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Author Biographies

Tyutin Vasilyevich Dmitriy, Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Evgeniya Valerievna Emelyanova, Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Tatiana Viktorovna Lesina, Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Natalya Valentinovna Kharchikova, Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Kaluga branch of RANEPA, Russia

Natalia Vladimirovna Maslennikova, North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Russia

North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Russia

Timur Gadzhievich Aygumov, FSBEI HE «Dagestan State Technical University» (FSBEI HE «DSTU»), The Republic of Dagestan, Russia

FSBEI HE «Dagestan State Technical University» (FSBEI HE «DSTU»), The Republic of Dagestan, Russia


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How to Cite

Dmitriy, T. V., Emelyanova, E. V., Lesina, T. V., Kharchikova, N. V., Maslennikova, N. V., & Aygumov, T. G. (2019). Economics and democracy: The problems of democratic maturity of local communities in the context of regional spatial disbalances. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 551–557. Retrieved from


