Current Issues of Recodification of Civil Legislation of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processese




recodification, civil law, legal norm, European integration, legal institute.


Civil law plays an important social role, namely, the regulation of property and personal non-property relations, which all members of society are without exception. The Civil Code is often called the economic constitution of the state. Accordingly, the quality of civil law ultimately depends on the well-being of each individual. In addition, the improvement of the current legislation of Ukraine is a prerequisite for deepening the integration processes with the European Community. Thus, timely alignment of current legislation with current realities, part of which is the recoding of civil law, is certainly an important function of every state. The object of the study is the public relations that arise in connection with the recoding of civil law. The subject of the study was the normative acts of Ukraine, international normative acts, civil law doctrine. Scientific research methods such as analysis method, synthesis method, induction methods, and deduction method, and special-legal research methods, such as legal-dogmatic method and method of interpretation of legal norms, were used for the study. It can be conclude that Articles 387 and 391 of the Civil Code of Ukraine should be supplemented by the notions of the vindication and negatoria claims. In addition, there is a problem of competition vindication, restitution and condictia in Art. 1212 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. Secondly, the mechanism for transferring the rights and obligations of the buyer should be more explicit. Thirdly, there is a need to improve the statute of limitations according to the civil law of Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Oksana Safonchyk, Department, National University «Odesa Law Academy». Odesa, Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of Civil Law Department, National University «Odesa Law Academy». Odesa, Ukraine.

Kateryna Hlyniana, Department, National University «Odesa Law Academy».

Ph.D., Professor Assistant of Civil Law Department, National University «Odesa Law Academy».

Ruslan Ennan, Department of Intellectual Property Law and Corporate Law, National University «Odesa Law Academy».

Ph.D., Professor Assistant of Department of Intellectual Property Law and Corporate Law, National University «Odesa Law Academy».


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How to Cite

Safonchyk, O., Hlyniana, K., & Ennan, R. (2020). Current Issues of Recodification of Civil Legislation of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processese. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 303–310.


