Using the electronic information and educational environment of the university in the training of tourism industry workers




university, educational technologies, electronic information and educational environment, e-learning, distance technologies, students, scientific and pedagogical workers, vocational training of workers in the tourism industry, information and communication technologies.


The availability of electronic information and educational environment of an educational institution today is the most important requirement of the Federal state educational standards of higher education in all areas of preparation for the conditions of implementation of educational programs by universities. The purpose of the study is to rationale for use in modern educational process of the University electronic information-educational environment and study of its use in training future employees of the tourism industry. Research methodology: system-structural, competence-based, informational approaches; research methods: theoretical (analysis of normative documents, local acts of the University, experience in implementing the electronic information and educational environment at the University, comparison, synthesis of educational and methodological knowledge on the research problem, the method of analogy, forecasting; empirical (observation, study of educational products, description). The research was carried out on the basis of the faculty of service and tourism of the Kuban state University of physical culture, sport and tourism. Results: the necessity of using the modern educational process of higher school of electronic information and educational environment, discloses the functionality and experience of using electronic information-educational environment in the professional training of tourism industry personnel; the structural-functional components and design principles of the electronic information-educational environment of the University; the ways of implementing forms of educational activities with the use of e-learning technologies in the process of training future employees of the tourism industry and their advantages are revealed. Conclusions: the electronic information and educational environment of a University is a set of tools and resources based on information and communication technologies aimed at ensuring the requirements for the implementation of educational activities; in the training of future employees of the tourist industry used the following electronic information-educational environment: electronic library system; e-library of the University; module "qualifying work" on the platform MEGAPRO, Date Express LLC, management system training courses (virtual learning environments); information system "Document of the University"; the software package "Plans"; system "Antiplagiat.VUZ " electronic portfolio and other components; the advantages of using electronic information and educational environment are: the ability to build the educational process with active interaction of all subjects of the educational system; prompt informing of participants of educational activities about changes in the educational process; the ability to form various virtual communities, etc.


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Author Biographies

Tatyana N. Poddubnaya, Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar).

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of The Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar).

Elena L. Zadneprovskaya, Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar).

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of The Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (Krasnodar).

Tatyana A. Dzhum, Department of Trade and Public Catering, Krasnodar Branch Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Krasnodar).

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of The Department of Trade and Public Catering, Krasnodar Branch Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov (Krasnodar).

Fatima R. Khatit, Department of Pedagogy and Social Psychology, Adygea State University (Maykop).

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Social Psychology, Adygea State University (Maykop).


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How to Cite

Poddubnaya, T. N., Zadneprovskaya, E. L., Dzhum, T. A., & Khatit, F. R. (2020). Using the electronic information and educational environment of the university in the training of tourism industry workers. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 249–259.


