Methodological and practical aspects of pedagogical innovation logistics application in the regional educational holding




Pedagogical innovation logistics, methodological and practical aspects of pedagogical innovation logistics application, educational system, educational logistics, pedagogical logistics.


Transition to a post-industrial society determines the development of an educational system through innovations. To address the related issues, we need a methodology lined up with the post-industrial society and capable of maintaining effective innovation management in education. Creation of much-in-demand, competitive, and economically attractive educational innovations is largely associated with combined efforts of several educational organizations. Once merged in a territorial educational cluster, they establish conditions for a complete innovation life cycle. A driving mechanism for innovations to move throughout the entire life cycle is logistics. So far, two scientific positions have been formed in relation to the use of logistics in education. The first position is represented by educational logistics aimed at sustainable functioning of the educational system infrastructure. The second one encompasses pedagogical logistics, which facilitates effectiveness and quality of the teaching and educational process. None of them aim at development of an educational organization or its pedagogical system being implemented. Boosting the situation already in place could be done through integration of the educational and pedagogical logistics’ achievements supplemented by the idea to develop an educational infrastructure with a pedagogical system already in place into pedagogical innovation logistics. This logistics serves as a methodological basis of pedagogical innovations management in education. The scope of such logistics is a territorial educational cluster; its subject is infrastructural, educational, integrative flows, a flow of obstacles, and a pedagogical innovation flow. As a matter of applicability, the efficiency of pedagogical innovation logistics has been tested with a regional educational holding being an example. Its performance has been analyzed by using six criteria that evaluate the changes in the pedagogical innovation flow: rate, capacity, reference quality assessment, density, content variability, and uniformity. The data obtained have provided the evidence of practical efficiency of pedagogical innovation logistics.


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Author Biographies

Sergey Danilov, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Margarita Lukyanova, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Irina Aryabkina, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Danilov, S., Lukyanova, M., & Aryabkina, I. (2020). Methodological and practical aspects of pedagogical innovation logistics application in the regional educational holding. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 30–41.


