Integrative Teaching of Mathematics as a Means of a Forming Modern Economist




Profilization of teaching mathematics, integrative model, contextual approach, content-based teaching, computer workshop.


Introduction: A modern specialist in practically any field should not only possess professional expertise but also have a good command of modern computer technologies and main mathematical methods of data modeling and processing. It is employers’ requirements and, at the same time, students’ demands to receive this exact type of education. The study examines various ideas of educator-researchers striving to change the educational process to match the new goals. Meanwhile, the authors place the main emphasis on teaching mathematics. Drawing on the experience of teaching at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the authors propose an integrative model of teaching mathematics that utilizes the contextual approach and content-based teaching.

Materials and Methods: The main methods of the study are the analysis of scientific works and pedagogical modeling based on the following methodological approaches: competency-based, integrative, activity-based, as well as the concept of the zone of proximal development. The authors place special importance on the contextual approach and content-based teaching.

Results: The analysis of works confirms the significance and relevance of interdisciplinary courses. The necessary modernization of the educational process and its contents is based on the integrative approach. The contextual approach is increasingly used in higher education to reinforce professional orientation. As for content-based education, it is currently used only in foreign language teaching. Within this study, the authors propose an integrative model of teaching mathematics at economics universities. To enforce the focus on the application in basic student training, the contextual approach is utilized which allows giving professional substance to the content of an educational course. The second part of the model is content-based teaching. The authors enhance its potential uses and believe that studying interconnected subjects together allows one to show common patterns and makes the educational process more efficient, intensive and mindful.

Discussion and Conclusions: The relevance of having command of mathematical methods and computer technologies for multidisciplinary specialists makes it possible to generalize the creative model by adding various professional contexts.


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Author Biographies

Larisa P. Konnova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation

Alexander A. Rylov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation

Irina K. Stepanyan, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Konnova, L. P., Rylov, A. A., & Stepanyan, I. K. (2020). Integrative Teaching of Mathematics as a Means of a Forming Modern Economist. Amazonia Investiga, 9(26), 486–497.


