The activity approach implementation in the formation of students’ general technical competencies
Published 2020-02-21
- Activity approach, personality mentality, problem situations, practice-oriented training, brainstorming method, graph-dynamic image, cognitive interest
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Intensive reform of the higher education system requires a significant modernization of pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in the implementation of educational standards for the preparation of bachelors and specialists in all sectors of the economy. The practice of training engineering specialists for the agricultural sector of a region with a developed mining sector of the economy reveals deep roots of the objectively existing contradictions mentioned above. This article provides a summary of research results obtained during classes in the following disciplines of the general professional cycle: Resistance of Materials, Machine Parts, Engineering Technology. New paradigm of competency-based, activity approaches to the level of higher education should be adequately expressed by new pedagogical, educational and methodological developments. The modern educational and equipment status of most educational institutions allows active realizing innovative pedagogical technologies and methods, the effectiveness of which increases when they adapt to the mental characteristics of certain categories of students. The article outlines the main features for the development and implementation of practice-oriented classes activating and stimulating students' cognitive interest in mastering the necessary professional competencies in the study of general technical disciplines. The emergence and further maintenance of learning interest in the study of general technical disciplines by the rural youth among the students requires a full consideration of their personal experience, the mentality of a person brought up in the circumstances of purely practical everyday life. Therefore, a significant increase in the share of practice-oriented classes using the methods and techniques of the activity approach is probably the only way to stimulate and maintain the students’ learning interest.
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