Medium-Early Spring Wheat Cultivars Depending on The Level of Mineral Nutrition in The Northern Forest-Steppe of The Tyumen Region



Spring wheat, cultivar, fertilizers, yield rate, grain quality.


This article analyzes the results by the yield and grain quality of two spring wheat cultivars Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya and Tyumenocka, depending on the level of mineral nutrition in the forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region. The length of the vegetation period corresponded to the climatic conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region. In the reference variant and the variant with 4 tons of NPK per hectare, it was 90 days, and in the variants with 4 and 6 t/ha, it was 92 days. In the reference variant, the average yield of the Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya cultivar over the three years was 3.31 t/ha, and that of the Tyumenocka cultivar — 2.93 t/ha. The introduction of mineral fertilizers for the planned yield of 4 t/ha allowed obtaining the yield for the Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya cultivar equal to 4.14 t/ha, which was by 0.83 t/ha more than in the reference variant. The Tyumenocka cultivar yielded 3.83 t/ha, which was by 0.90 t/ha higher than in the reference variant. Further increasing the dosages of mineral fertilizers to 5 t/ha allowed obtaining 4.73 – 4.72 t/ha for both cultivars, which was by 0.27 – 0.28 t/ha lower than planned yield. The content of gluten in the grain of cultivar Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya in the reference variant was 27.2 %, of the Tyumenocka cultivar — 24.2 %. In the variant with 4 tons of NPK per hectare, an increase in the content of gluten by 9.6 – 10.4 %, respectively, was noted. According to the economic calculations, the most favorable for spring wheat cultivation in the Tyumen region is the level of mineral fertilization equal to 5 tons of NPK per hectare.


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Author Biographies

Anastasia Afonasyevna Kazak, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Yury Pavlovich Loginov, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Dmitry Ivanovih Eremin, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Sergey Nikolaevich Yashchenko, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Andrei Sergeyevich Gaizatulin, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Anastasia Eugenievna Lisovskaya, Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia

Northern Trans-Ural State Agri-cultural University, Tyumen, Russia


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How to Cite

Kazak, A. A., Loginov, Y. P., Eremin, D. I., Yashchenko, S. N., Gaizatulin, A. S., & Lisovskaya, A. E. (2020). Medium-Early Spring Wheat Cultivars Depending on The Level of Mineral Nutrition in The Northern Forest-Steppe of The Tyumen Region. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 143–152. Retrieved from


