The concept of judicial law: Russian context



Court, judicial law, judicial power, justice, procedural law, branch of law, legal system.


The article is devoted to the analysis of approaches to understanding judicial law. The existing diversity of concepts in the Russian legal doctrine can be reduced to two main approaches: judicial law as a branch of unified procedural science and as a complex branch of Russian law. A broad approach to the understanding of judicial law as a single complex of legal phenomena of the legal system is still being formed and underexplored. To overcome the contradictions in the understanding of judicial law in the framework of the study, the authors used a systematic approach, which allows considering judicial law as an integral part of the legal system. Consideration of judicial law as a polysystemic entity forming a part of the legal system allows integrating numerous legal phenomena on ideological, normative, institutional and practical levels. The complex concept of judicial law forms a universal understanding of the judicial power and affirms its special role in society while contributing to overcoming the understanding of justice established in the Soviet doctrine as a form of law enforcement. In the world legal science, a systematic approach to the study of judicial law issues is formed within the framework of the regulatory theory (the concept of a "regulated judge") and is used for the construction of the model of the future court in view of the development of information technologies and artificial intelligence. International organizations actively use the methodology of judicial law as an indicator of the effectiveness of the judicial system. The understanding of judicial law as an independent part of the legal system will allow going beyond the legal system at the national level, based on the monistic theory that considers national and international legal systems as an integral whole and to create a common understanding of judicial law issues at the international level.


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Author Biography

Alla Chechulina, Department of the Theory of State & Law and International Relations, Eastern Academy of Economics, Law and Humanities

PhD in Law, Professor, Department of the Theory of State & Law and International Relations, Eastern Academy of Economics, Law and Humanities


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How to Cite

Chechulina, A. (2020). The concept of judicial law: Russian context. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 223–229. Retrieved from


