Study on The Motivation and Needs of Students For E-Learning at A University



e-learning, distance learning, motivation, needs, student-bachelor-teacher, competitiveness of graduates, continuing education, additional professional education.


Currently, we live in the age of information technology, which greatly simplifies the life of a modern person. To obtain any information of interest, you do not need to put special efforts, as before, it is enough to simply drive a query into the search bar of the browser and select the source of this information. Progress does not stand still: in recent years there has been a huge leap that allowed you to carry “the Internet” directly with you in your pocket.

In such centripetal conditions, the attitude towards knowledge itself, the carriers of this knowledge, sources of knowledge, etc., is changing. The need for study throughout a person’s life is growing, becoming a necessary condition for a competitive professionally competent person in the labor market. In this situation, the urgent and leading task of higher education is to create sustainable internal motivation in students and the need for lifelong education through competitive and affordable e-learning, as well as maintaining continuity in the reproduction of new teaching staff.

Innovative e-learning in terms of its properties, content, parameters of the provision of educational services in modern conditions is becoming popular among young people, as it allows you to combine production activities and receive additional professional education, undergo professional retraining, improve and update the existing level of qualification, as well as use the resources of e-learning for the purpose of teaching and other practice. This determines the relevance of research aimed at identifying students' motivations and needs for accepting novelty, obtaining of higher professional education and lifelong education through e-learning.


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Author Biographies

Marina Vitalievna Bryantseva, State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

Victor Konstantinovich Vittenbek, State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

Konstantin Pavlovich Yadrov, State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

Darya Alexandrovna Pastukhova, State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

Galina Pavlovna Ivanova, State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

State Regional University, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Bryantseva, M. V., Vittenbek, V. K., Yadrov, K. P., Pastukhova, D. A., & Ivanova, G. P. (2019). Study on The Motivation and Needs of Students For E-Learning at A University. Amazonia Investiga, 8(24), 431–440. Retrieved from


