Las figuras de thanatos y eros en la poética de A. S. Pushkin


  • Marianna A. Dudareva Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Russia.
  • Svetlana M. Morozova Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Russia
  • Svetlana V. Smirnova Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Moscow, Russia
  • Olga V. Avakova Foreign Languages Department Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN" (MSUT "STANKIN") Vadkovsky lane, 3A, Moscow, 127055, Russia

Palabras clave:

Thanatos, filosofía, Eros, arquetipo, folklore, Pushkin.


El artículo trata sobre cuestiones ontológicas de la creatividad y el sentido implícito mortal del cuento de hadas de Pushkin. El objeto de estudio son las figuras de Thanatos y Eros en el cuento de hadas "El cuento del gallo de oro". Las imágenes del rey Dadon y la reina de Shamakhan se revelan en una relación simbiótica con la estética del folklore. La referencia al folclore es causada no solo por el género de la obra sino también por la naturaleza metafísica de la tradición oral, ya que el pueblo ruso tiene una actitud especial hacia el tema de la muerte. Esto se evidencia en el cuento de hadas ruso con la búsqueda del "otro reino" en el que un héroe debe sufrir una muerte temporal para obtener un objeto maravilloso, salvar a una novia profética y obtener el conocimiento sagrado.


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Biografía del autor/a

Marianna A. Dudareva, Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Russia.

Candidate of Philology Senior lecturer Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, 10, Miklukho-Maklaya st., Moscow, 117198, Russia.

Svetlana M. Morozova, Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Russia

Candidate of Philology Senior lecturer Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, 10, Miklukho-Maklaya st., Moscow, 117198, Russia

Svetlana V. Smirnova, Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, Moscow, Russia

Associate professor Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build.3, 10, Miklukho-Maklaya st., Moscow, 117198, Russia. Moscow, Russia

Olga V. Avakova, Foreign Languages Department Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN" (MSUT "STANKIN") Vadkovsky lane, 3A, Moscow, 127055, Russia

Candidate of Philology Associate professor Foreign Languages Department Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN" (MSUT "STANKIN") Vadkovsky lane, 3A, Moscow, 127055, Russia


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Cómo citar

Dudareva, M. A., Morozova, S. M., Smirnova, S. V., & Avakova, O. V. (2019). Las figuras de thanatos y eros en la poética de A. S. Pushkin. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 410–414. Recuperado a partir de


