Conocimiento ancestral, desarrollo comunitario y universidades indígenas


  • Antxon Mendizábal Universidad País Vasco.


Ancestral knowledge, community development, indigenous universities.


The purpose of this paper is to present the description of the characteristics of the Amazon, as a community, society and región. In the article he reflects about different levels of incidence of the society of the value of change and ancestral knowledge, community development and indigenous universities. It presents a reflection which describes the characteristics of the Amazon, from three topics, the first as a community adapted to environment in relation of remuneration; the second, as a society undergoing change based on the commodification and third, as a region that requires that a reality in which relations, dialectical and historical dominations are exceeded. Then arises that the ancestral knowledge should be identified from the originality or tradition and from the influence of the environment. It emphasizes the value of collective labour for community development. Finally, there are indigenous universities as a decisive proposal in rebuilding these communities, so pass the anonymity to the limelight with respect to sustainable development.


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Author Biography

Antxon Mendizábal, Universidad País Vasco.

Universidad País Vasco.


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How to Cite

Mendizábal, A. (2013). Conocimiento ancestral, desarrollo comunitario y universidades indígenas. Amazonia Investiga, 2(3), 130–145. Retrieved from


