The development of an effective algorithm searching for strong pseudoprime numbers


  • Nikolai A. Antonov Kazan Federal University


Strictly pseudoprime numbers, strongly pseudo-simple numbers, algorithm for constructing strictly pseudoprime numbers, Miller-Rabin test, special form of a number


The problem of searching for strictly pseudoprime numbers is relevant in the field of number theory, and it also has a number of applications in cryptography: in particular, with the help of numbers in this class one can strengthen the efficiency of the Miller-Rabin simplicity test by transforming it from probabilistic into deterministic. At the present time, several algorithms for constructing sequences of such numbers are known, but they have a rather high complexity, which makes it impossible to obtain strictly pseudoprime numbers of large magnitude in an acceptable time. The theme of this paper is the construction of strictly pseudoprime numbers of the special form n = pq = (u + 1) (2u + 1), where p, q are prime numbers, u is a natural number. Numbers of this kind are present in the sequence ?k, used to estimate the number of iterations in the Miller-Rabin simplicity test. We denote by Fk the smallest odd composite number of the above-mentioned type, which successfully passes the Miller-Rabin test with k first prime numbers. The paper proposes a new algorithm for constructing Fk numbers, gives data on its speed and efficiency on the memory used, and specifies the features of the software implementation.


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Author Biography

Nikolai A. Antonov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal  University


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How to Cite

Antonov, N. A. (2018). The development of an effective algorithm searching for strong pseudoprime numbers. Amazonia Investiga, 7(16), 94–100. Retrieved from


