Published 2024-09-30
- migration processes, forced migration, voluntary migration, academic migration, migrants, migration policy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Volodymyr Horbatenko, Oksana Kukuruz, Ihor Petrenko, Yevheniia Levcheniuk, Halyna Podolian

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The article discusses migration processes in the first quarter of the 21st century, which have become a characteristic feature of global development and emerged as a global challenge for the future of humanity. One of the factors influencing these processes has been the Russian-Ukrainian war, initiated by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in 2014. Until 2022, this war was perceived by the international community as a localized conflict; however, during this period, it triggered large-scale displacements of people forced to leave their homes due to ethnic cleansing, discrimination, and brutal violations of human rights.
As a result of the large-scale war initiated by Russia against Ukraine, external migration of Ukrainians has reached unprecedented levels, particularly in the countries of the European Union. This situation has come as a surprise both to the state leadership and to many Ukrainians who were unprepared for such a turn of events. Ukraine lacked sufficient experience in managing issues related to mass migration, making it extremely difficult to determine the quantitative and qualitative parameters of migration flows under these extraordinary circumstances. This presents challenges not only for the state but also for international organizations trying to provide assistance and support to Ukrainians who have left their homes.
In such conditions, it is crucial to develop effective strategies to support refugees, integrate them into new societies and cultures, and address the social and economic consequences of this migration.
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