Vol. 13 No. 81 (2024)

Economic security of Ukraine in wartime: challenges and prospects

Ihor Rohatiuk
National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Bohdana-Yuliya Ivchenko
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Ivan Kanfui
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Eduard Solovyov
National Police in Mykolaiv region, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Yermenchuk
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Olga Denysenko
National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Ukraine.

Published 2024-09-30


  • national security strategy, economic security strategy, gross domestic product, public corruption, economic crime, law enforcement.

How to Cite

Rohatiuk, I., Ivchenko, B.-Y., Kanfui, I., Solovyov, E., Yermenchuk, O., & Denysenko, O. (2024). Economic security of Ukraine in wartime: challenges and prospects. Amazonia Investiga, 13(81), 78–85. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.81.09.5


The Russian invasion of Ukraine has dramatically impacted the country’s economic security. This paper investigates the critical role of economic security within the broader framework of national security in Ukraine under wartime conditions. The study highlights the significant overlap between economic stability and national resilience while analyzing Ukraine’s current economic security model, detailing components such as financial, industrial, food, and energy security. The authors argue that legal and institutional reforms, alongside strategic efforts to enhance market competition, investment climate, and technological innovation, are crucial for sustaining economic growth amidst conflict. Additionally, the research draws parallels between Ukraine’s security framework and similar strategies in the EU countries and the United States, suggesting that a more integrated approach to economic and national security could bolster Ukraine’s long-term stability and global competitiveness. The authors, with their academic perspectives and expertise as law professors and enforcement officials, provide in-depth insights into the legal and institutional challenges faced by Ukraine in maintaining its economic security during wartime.


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