Published 2024-08-30
- prosody, syntactic structure, discourse.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nataliia Shkvorchenko, Iryna Rozhelyuk, Yuliia Sharapanovska, Tetiana Stoianova, Iryna Sieriakova
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Research on prosodic influences on syntactic structures is particularly relevant in the context of modern media, where the quality and impact of speech are crucial. Contemporary news discourse is characterized by high competition for the audience's attention, so understanding the role of prosodic elements can aid in creating more engaging and effective content. With the rapid development of technology and changing ways of consuming information, researching such aspects of speech contributes to adapting news formats to the needs of the modern listener. The aim of this study is to analyze how intonation, rhythm, pauses, and stress can alter or emphasize syntactic constructions in speech, specifically in news discourse. The research methodology includes methods such as analysis, psycholinguistic methods, and content analysis. The study concludes that in news discourse, prosodic elements are essential for conveying information in a way that is understandable, attention-grabbing, and memorable for listeners. For example, a pause before important information or a rise in pitch to emphasize certain news can significantly affect audience perception. Prosody, which includes intonation, rhythm, and stress, plays a crucial role in shaping the perception and understanding of information by listeners. Specific examples from news programs are analyzed, where prosodic characteristics change or enhance the meaning of individual syntactic constructions. It has been established that the correct use of prosody can improve the communicative effectiveness and impact of news content. Cases are also examined where prosodic elements contribute to creating certain emotional reactions in listeners, thereby influencing their opinions about the presented information.
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