Published 2024-07-30
- cultural integration, visual communication, artistic trends, cross-cultural design, aesthetic changes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nataliia Zolotarchuk

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The research problem is relevant given the subordination of all life processes to certain global trends (globalization), within which the development vectors of each individual country have recently been determined. The purpose of the study: to determine the features of design development in Ukraine, taking into account the general influences on globalization processes. Research task: to analyze literary sources and real projects. The research methodology involves systematization of the experience of domestic designers in the conditions of today's realities in order to identify the main challenges of the modern community and respond to them by means of design.
The study is divided into semantic blocks: analysis of approaches to the study of design based on literary sources; study of the features of the reflection of globalization processes on the development of the sphere of culture and art, which includes design; analysis of modern design practices in Ukraine, taking into account the general trends of globalization and the peculiarities of Ukrainian culture.The choice of projects and initiatives for analysis is primarily due to their relevance in the cultural life of modern Ukraine. Then the task was set to consider those areas that are currently continuing to actively develop. It was found that the development of various design areas in Ukraine is in line with global trends (implementation of new technologies, digitalization, digitalization, sustainable development, finding one's own path). The economic component influences the choice of the potential audience of a design product, the principles of its positioning in the market. The concept of sustainable development is reflected in the priority of innovative technologies and materials for creating a design product, new methods and forms of design, and the development of a full "life" cycle. The socio-cultural component has activated the need for self-identification through design as a communication technology. Now the aspirations for the development of design in line with national traditions have become as relevant as possible. The need for physical renewal of the environment and the assistance of the world community have determined the possibility of more active use of technical and technological innovations in the field of design. Further studies involve covering the formation and use of national codes in various areas of design, as well as the implementation of innovative ideas in educational practices.
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