Published 2024-07-30
- online platforms, independent study of students, institutions of higher education, independent work, distance learning.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olha Svyrydiuk, Alona Balokha, Svitlana Myshkarova, Nina Kulyk, Svitlana Vakulenko

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article highlights the significance of online platforms in both classroom and extracurricular independent learning activities for higher education students, emphasizing the role of the synergistic paradigm of education. It explores independent student work in the context of distance learning, utilizing online platforms and Internet education. The article also delves into the content and periods of independent student work facilitated by online platforms in distance learning scenarios. It presents a classification of online platforms and their role in supporting independent student work within higher education. The study's findings confirm the hypothesis that the purposeful integration of online platforms in the educational process fosters independent learning, contributes to the development of informatics and general cultural foundations, and facilitates a deeper understanding of educational material and professional knowledge among higher education students.
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