Published 2024-07-30
- digitalisation, interactive technologies, educational platform, integration, online courses.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliia Vynohradova, Olena Dyiak, Svitlana Shevchuk, Oksana Havryliuk, Serhii Hlushchyk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The relevance of the research is determined by Ukraine’s European integration educational development strategy. This outlined concept of progress highlights the importance of increasing speech competence among higher education learners, including those in non-philological specialities. The article aims to analyse the impact of online courses as an innovative tool for forming speech competence in studying linguistic disciplines by learners of non-philological specialities. The research methods used include online diagnostics of speech competence level, experimental research, assessment of result dynamics, and analysis of the effectiveness of interactive online platforms. The research mainly focused on studying the potential of interactive online courses in forming speech competence. It has been proven that using digital educational platforms in educational programmes allows for enforcing the teaching process of linguistic disciplines at a high professional level, stimulating aspects of motivation and effectiveness in forming speech competence. The research determined that implementing innovative approaches in educational programmes allows learners to acquire practical skills through active interaction with various non-standard methods and forms of work. The article demonstrates that innovative methods of teaching linguistic disciplines in educational programmes have the potential to form an effective learning environment, ensuring a significant improvement in the quality of education.
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