Published 2022-10-18
- Eastern Romance borrowings, Ukrainian dialects, etymology, Proto- Indo-European stems, regularities of semantic development.
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The article deals with the original Eastern Romance vocabulary recorded in the dialects of the Ukrainian language and its proto-forms, as well as examines the formation of the semantics of Eastern Romance borrowings from the Proto-Indo- European period to the present. To achieve the goal, the author compiles a corpus of original Romance words presented in Ukrainian dialects, determines their Indo- European, Italic and Latin proto-forms, corrects those of them indicated in the etymological literature, and establishes regularities of semantic transformations of various thematic groups on the axis of Proto-Indo-European language – Proto- Italic – Latin – ancient and modern Eastern Romance languages and dialects – Ukrainian dialects. The study proves that the Proto-Indo-European origins of Eastern Romance dialectisms, which had the meanings “action” and “state”, as a result of natural changes in the semantic structure, acquired the meanings of objects of practical human activity and became the basis for naming the animal and plant world of the Carpathian region, tools and the results of the work of the ancient population of the West of Ukraine.
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