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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.77.05.11
How to Cite:
Akansu, V., & Farjami, E. (2024). Analysis of transect theory in Kyrenia West Coast settlement dynamics. Amazonia
Investiga, 13(77), 145-158. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.77.05.11
Analysis of transect theory in Kyrenia West Coast settlement dynamics
Girne Batı Kısı Yerleşim Dinamiklerinde Transekt Teorisinin Analizi
Received: April 3, 2024 Accepted: May 28, 2024
Written by:
Vedia Akansu1
Elnaz Farjami2
Besides Nicosia, there are four main settlements in
North Cyprus: Kyrenia, Famagusta, Trikomo and
Morphou. Kyrenia is one of the most important ones
preferred by local and foreign people to live because
of its social, environmental and economic values. In
this direction, the city has experienced development
spread towards the center perimeters to suburban and
rural areas with increasing population. Thus, the
ecological and socio-cultural sustainability values
wear off. For protecting the socio-cultural and
ecological values of the area and increase the level of
sustainability approaches, an interference with
systematic instruments from cities to rural areas is
needed. Accordingly, the determination of the
itinerary along with transect theory is important for
the development of settlements. The data derived
from the government planning organization and
statistical data from the Cyprus Turkish Building
Contractors Association (CTBCA) between 2004-
2011-2016. The method is determined by SWOT
analysis and the comparative analysis of the
settlement dynamics of suburban and rural
settlements towards the Kyrenia western-coastline.
Keywords: Transect theory, Urban- Suburban,
Rural, Kyrenia western coastline, Sustainability.
Urbanization has grown at an unparalleled rate during the previous few decades. The United Nations
estimates that 55% of the world's population today resides in cities, and by the year 2050, that number will
have nearly doubled to 70%. Urbanization has led to a number of issues, including rising social inequality,
limited access to public an amenity, and a general disdain for environmental factors, which collectively
Ph.D. in Architecture, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Architecture, Near East University,
Turkey. WoS Researcher ID: HKO-8911-2023
Ph.D. in Architecture, Doctor of the Department of Architecture, Near East University, Turkey. WoS Researcher ID:
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
contribute to the problem. Urbanization activities that have been accelerating since the Industrial
Revolution are one of the main reasons for the environmental crisis that each region is facing currently as
humankind. From this situation, both rural and urban habitats in a community get affected, and there is a
lot of pressure on these habitats in terms of shrinking of the resources that nature has provided (Dubey &
Narayanan, 2010). Therefore, it can be said that globalization and modernization trends that started in the
last century bring serious environmental disasters in settlements (Asilsoy et al., 2017; Akansu & Gertik,
2018; Yıldırım et al., 2020). After the Miami 21 codes has being utilized, the Urban Transect has been
developed and implemented in a number of US cities, including Mississippi, Nashville, and Texas. The
Urban Transect-based codes gained traction in the US and have since been adopted and modified for use in
many contexts across the entire world (Sanders et al., 2016); (Hussein & Al-Jameel, 2023). The transect
has been used more often in landscape architecture, mostly in Greek urban environments at micro spatial
scales, moving beyond the multidimensional space of the rural landscape. Duany & Talen (2002); Vlami et
al. (2023).
Socio-cultural continuity values “to respect, preserve and maintain the knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles” (Ghilardi, (2001, pp. 61).
relevant to both cultural diversity through the conservation and sustainable use of historical places including
urban and architectural heritage.
Consideration about the conservation of architectural heritage instead of demolishing them has always been
a worthy topic, and lately, this topic is investigated by means of both environmental, socio-cultural and
economic points of view. Furthermore, the request for ecological sustainability in different fields is
increasing, particularly in architectural conservation (Farjami, 2021). One of the most important of these
disasters is the spread of cities towards suburbs and rural areas. Auclair and Fairclough (2015, p. 3) discuss
the consistency of conservation and resilience themes with focus on cultural and social sustainability
dimensions which should not be reflected as a separate pillar but as a vital part of sustainable development
pillar named as socio-cultural pillar (Lebel et al., 2006), (Farjami, 2021).
As a result of expansion of urban settlements towards suburban and rural areas within the population
growth, it has been observed that the ecological and socio-cultural values have disappeared in time.
Therefore, Human population growth together with competitive land use causes land scarcity, conversion
of wild lands to agriculture and other uses (Kanianska, 2016). While the suburbs competed with urban, they
lost the necessary ecological values of rural areas, agricultural/pastoral landscapes and cultural interactions
in traditional architecture. The topographic features and agricultural/ pasture landscapes that reflect the
ecological diversity of the rural area are transformed into parcels in land qualification, and even take a new
look by using serial production materials in factories instead of traditional materials which can serve an
economical purpose in building and selling architecture. Yuan et al. (2019) conducted a study on the
association between urban environment and how the higher density of the population can lead to
environmental degradation. The results of the study suggested that noise pollution is a significant issue in
urban areas, and as the population of these areas starts to expand, the rate of higher environmental risk
increases. It is so because a higher population leads to congestion in terms of housing and traffic as well
that eventually affects the overall environment (Mahmood et al., 2020).
In relation to that, this situation causes problems in the interaction of urban and rural settlements and causes
the suburban and rural areas to act like cities. As it has been observed; with the disappearance of agricultural
/ pasture lands, agriculture and livestock are starting to decrease or even not to be done. This situation leads
people, who live in rural areas, to turn towards different business areas. It causes difficulties in the
ecological values of the region and in handing the environment down to the next generations. In this
direction, the decrease or the disappearance of the climate and vegetation cover of the region causes the
biological diversity (Hyderabad, 2009), which is important for the living experience to be negatively
affected. Uncontrollable building dynamics (floor heights, building densities, uncontrolled development of
green spaces and built-up areas). The problematic aspect of the work reveals the inadequacy of planning
studies and the negative impact of the autonomous decisions on the parts of the land. The overcoming of
this problem reveals the necessity of considering and evaluating the rural values of the urban areas.
Therefore, as the findings of this research, the importance of ecological and environmental aspects in urban
rural context has been considered by presenting the case study analysis in Kyrenia coastline.
Akansu, V., & Farjami, E. / Volume 13 - Issue 77: 145-158 / May, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Literature Review
Ghilardi, L. (2001) Preserving the present needs without compromising the capacity of upcoming
generations in order to encounter with their needs, this development became sustainable as discussed in the
Conejos et al., 2011. In order to contribute to the development of rural areas together with urban areas but
preserving their own values, a new urbanism movement emerged in America in the late 1980s and early
1990s. In this way, planning activities to be done are aimed to increase and support human relations, to
offer neighboring units where social relations can be made more easily and permanently in the cities that
are pushed to loneliness by becoming individualized in the modern world to define each other descriptively
instead of separating living, working and entertainment areas (Onuc, 2002). Moreover, awareness of the
need for urban planning policies and private entrepreneurship has been considered for different contexts
andthe Transect scheme, which is a system that aims to arrange all the elements of the built environment
has been developed. (Ozdal, 2010).
The Transect scheme, which deals with urban-rural areas; reveals the edges which include the center, the
general area, the rural and urban, with various urban densities in the different types of settlement and
concepts (Bressi, 2002; Akansu & Karaman, 2023). Thus, the features and design characteristics of the
lighting elements, building densities and uses, public spaces, sidewalks, intersections, parking spaces, green
spaces and landscaping items will be taken for each series as well as transportation axes, facades, masses,
street silhouettes. In addition, it is considered that all urban elements within the system are in a suitable
location and continuity (Walters, 2007; Stueteville & Langdon 2003). In this regard, the urban-rural scales
categorization structure offers settlement proposals that include natural open spaces from the urban core to
the outside of the urban. Thus, the suburbanization that exists in the cities is important in decentralization
and in the curing of the cities that grow unconsciously in the horizontal.
Worldwide, it has been observed that these studies have been done in mostly large square measure and
densely populated settlements. Additionally, application of sustainability approaches on the urbanization
identity have been investigated in minor scale. It also needs to be applied to settlements with a smaller
surface area and population, such as Cyprus Island. Accordingly, the necessity of the method to be used
within the scope of planning studies that can intervene with urban areas with more dynamic means to rural
areas is important for the transfer of settlements to future generations and the formation of livable
environments. This article has been conducted by analyzing approximately 1000 researches and studies
retrieved from the Web of Science and local articles to achieve trends and patterns characterizing different
Accordingly, this study claims to reveal the research question sourced from uncontrolled development of
the building dynamics, densities, green area, and constructed area as a result of urban expansion that
revealed due to structuring from urban areas towards rural areas in the small square measure island. Newly
urbanizing areas on the edges of cities have not been researched very much but this study tries to understand
what is happening there as it tends to result in quite a lot of ecological decline. The northern shoreline of
the Cyprus island affects the intensity of construction in the city center of Kyrenia, but still the purpose is,
the examination of the dynamics of suburban towards western settlements and residents in rural areas with
the transect theory. This article attempts to explore the merit of the Transect Theory for interpreting the
urban developments in Kyrenia. In this context, the proposals to be put forward will play an active role in
the planning studies to be carried out. In following up the introduction, the article structured into three
sections: The methodology explanation, case studies simulations and assessments with final remarks and
future perceptions for this research.
Presenting the Literature review title is not evident.
Materials and Methods
The study was developed based on both qualitative and quantitative method. As for qualitative method, the
literature review has been conducted via grounded theory method. The observation and case study analyze
have been done for the quantitative method part. In the first stage of study, the literature data has been
collected through vital recourses related to the field of study particularly the local investigations and
researches about the Kyrenia suburban areas. Furthermore, as the second stage of the method; case studies
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have been selected according to the analyzes criteria. The method used for data in the case study was by
photography technique, observation technique, drawing sketches, and interview and questionnaire
technique with a host of selected urban, suburban and rural settlements.
City of Kyrenia and suburban (Lapithos and Karavas towns) and rural (Orga and Livera villages)
settlements in western part were discussed/ compared as the study area. Within this context the building
dynamics, intensity, green space and built-up areas have been influential in choosing this sampling. When
these criteria are determined, the last 2011 population census and housing count results in Northern Cyprus
and the statistical data within the reports of the Cyprus Turkish Building Contractors Association (CTBCA)
2004-2011-2016 data are taken into consideration (Akansu & Karaman, 2023). CTBCA data was carried
out with the participation of all the public in the northern part of the island of Cyprus. The study area was
carried out with the participation of all the people living there (as population and housing census by the
state) with rural settlements and suburban settlements where dense construction takes place on the northern
coastline of the island.
Transect Theory is a way in which present the changes in Kyrenia urbanism will be assessed. In addition
to data collection, the drawing method has been done by sketching the existing area and evaluating based
on the Transect scheme. The aim here is to reveal the development dynamics of the regions and their
situation in the intensive construction process.
As a result of the drawing method, it drawn out for the districts, the height and density of the building floors
have been determined and a suitable Transect scheme has been created for the study area. In accordance to
get the precise data for the quantitative analysis, the interview was conducted for the study in a 12-month
period starting from the last quarter of 2021 to the last quarter of 2022.
The main interview question was conducted about the research era which focuses on the rural urban,
housing census and population developments after 2011. Therefore, the interview has been prepared for the
users with the CTBCA knowledge for achieving the precise SWOT evaluation analysis. Hence, the SWOT
analysis has been distributed to 100 users, among all of them. 75 people has been responded by regional
users and the remain 25 were analyzed by data analysis based on interviews with experts in the region (non-
governmental organizations and relevant institutions of the state).
The western residential areas of the northern coastline, which were chosen as the study area for SWOT
analyses, were first divided into regions according to the transect theory. Tables were created and
evaluations were made for each allocated region, taking into account the socio-cultural, economic and
ecological values.
The assessment was carried out by SWOT analysis (strong, weak, threat and opportunities), which had
formed by data analysis based on the interviews and questionnaires taken from the people in each of the
selected region, non-governmental organizations and the related institutions of the state. The questions have
been designed for SWOT analysis in order to describe the comparison of each region which are determined
in the scope of the Transect Theory (T1 Natural Zone, T2 Rural Zone, T3 Suburban Zone, T4 - General
Urban Zone, T5 Urban Center Zone and T6 Urban Core Zone) of ecological and socio-cultural values.
However, the comparative analysis of housing dynamics in the suburban and rural areas towards the west
Kyrenia settlements (Karavas, Lapithos, Orga and Livera) has been explored. In this manner, the findings
of the questionnaire illustrated the present state and existing issues while the statistical data supplied an
insight of the status in the regions surveyed. Moreover, the selected settlement area where there are intense
effects of construction in Kyrenia urban center have been perceived, evaluated and suggestions to achieve
the socio-cultural, economic and ecological sustainability for the future generations have been put forward.
In all these studies, people who participated in the interviews were informed about the purpose and scope
of the study.
Result and Discussion
Cyprus Island carries many of the characteristics that are typical of the Mediterranean. It lies in the East
Mediterranean, at the crossroad of Europe, Asia and Africa, which is located to the west of Syria, and south
of Turkey, it is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea after Sicily and Sardinia. The geographical
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
characteristics of the island has defined by famous researcher Casson, (1985) as, Cyprus is 40 miles (64.37
km) on the south of Turkey peninsula, 60 miles (96.56 km) on the west of Syria and 40 miles (386.4 km)
on the North of Egypt. Its area is 3572 square miles (9251, 48 square km), 670 (1735,3) of the area includes
forest land (Casson, 1985).
The island of Cyprus is divided into north (Turkish Cypriot) and south (Greek Cypriot) due to political
reasons today. Larnaca (Larnaka), Limassol (Limassol) and Paphos (Baf), the southern part of Nicosia
(Lefkosa) district, and a small area of Famagusta (Magusa) district are located at Southern Cyprus and
administered by Greek Cypriots. Nicosia is the capital and largest city. Kyrenia (Girne), Famagusta,
Morphou (Guzelyurt), Trikomo (Iskele) and Nicosia district including a small portion of Larnaca district
are administered by Turkish Cypriots. Coastal cities Famagusta on the east and Kyrenia on the north are
additionally the main parts of North Cyprus. When the eastern coastal strip settlements were examined, it
was observed that the settlement in Famagusta and the surrounding suburbs and rural areas were not as
intensive as the Kyrenia. When focused on the regions as a result of the examinations made; both the
demands of the local people and the foreign investors for the settlement of Kyrenia and the rapid
construction in this direction attract attention.
The urban development dynamics of the Kyrenia settlement on the northern shore of Cyprus island,
represents the unplanned development in line with market trends in this direction, besides the urban identity,
it causes the identity of the suburbs and rural areas to change. Numerous elements influence the process of
urban development. A few of these elements include the city's advantageous position, the coexistence of
residents from various socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, developing and changing of relationships,
and political developments. According to the circumstances of the period, it is therefore possible to see
maintained historical texture in some areas of the city and changes and development in others. However,
several other zones are in a useless and idle state as they wait for renewal (Akansu & Duman, 2022; Akansu
& Karaman, 2023). As Akansu and Karaman stated in 2023, the increase in construction will leave unusable
building areas with concreting instead of green areas. Failure to provide the necessary conditions (mixed
use) at the planning stage brings idle areas to the agenda, thus increasing the importance of regulations to
be introduced in new development areas. The opening of the urban towards sub-urban and rural areas,
differentiating people, natural and built environment that was destroyed with a coastline which opened to
building, creates pressure in sub-urban and rural settlements. Hence, this repression of the ecological and
socio-cultural characteristics of the rural settlements are caused to be exposed to danger (Farjami & Turker,
2019; Farjami & Turker, 2021). There is a discernible increase in the need for ecological sustainability
across several domains, particularly in urban areas where alignment with cultural and social elements
necessitates improvement rather than demolition.
The main reason for conducting this research is the lack of preventive policies are due to the fact that the
planning system is not effective and sanctioned since the urban design strategies are beyond the range of
designers exploration about the city center atmosphere Abusaada, & Elshater, A. (2020). This kind of
development; disrupts the ecosystem and causes the formation of urban, suburban and rural areas without
identity. It is inevitable to observe that the regions that have developed without identity gradually disappear
in their socio-cultural values. At this point, it is important to put this situation in place and include it in the
planning studies to be done, in order to make the urban, suburban and rural areas livable. In this context,
according to the examination of the eastern and western coastal settlements of the city of Kyrenia city, it
can be obtained that eastern settlements have more troubles than the western settlements. In the scope of a
2011 population census result, the number of houses newly built or under construction in the suburbs and
rural areas of the Kyrenia East Region is 1814 and the number of the stores is 72, and 994 houses and 188
stores in the Western settlements are obtained Figure 1.
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Figure 1. Cyprus North coast lane building statistic.
Source: (CTBCA, 2011)
In the consideration of these data, it is observed that the most intense structuring is in Kyrenia city.
However, focusing on the western settlements was deemed appropriate, as the continuation of work on the
eastern settlements where the Kyrenia city was observed two times more intense, the thought of more
destruction of the rural and the development of the rural areas as a continuation of the city would be
troublesome for the construction of transect schemes. In this direction, work continued in Kyrenia city and
the new construction sites in the western suburbs (Lapithos and Karavas) and rural settlements (Orga and
Livera). In all western settlements, the existence of mountain, coastal and forest areas which show
development by preservation played an active role in selecting the region Figure 2.
Figure 2. Workplace boundaries and biodiversity map.
Adapted by the author.
There is a significant amount of scientific literature underlining the benefits of transect theory in spatial and
temporal dynamic of sprawl, reconciling environmentalism and urbanism (Yu & NG, 2007). Regardingly,
this article expresses that Western settlements are determined according to the transect scheme on the
designated area. In this context the regions are accepted as; the west of Livera (which also known as
Sadrazamkoy), the west rural settlements - T1 Natural Zone, the natural area beyond Livera village - T2
Rural Zone, Lapithos (Which also known as Lapta) and Karavas (which also known as Alsancak)
settlements - T3 Suburban Zone, Kyrenia City - T4 General Urban Zone, Kyrenia City Center - T5 Urban
Center Zone and Kyrenia City and its periphery - T5 Urban Center Zone. Within this scope, a transect
scheme has been established over the determined regions Figure 3.
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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Figure 3. Kyrenia Western Region- Transect Schema by author in 2018.
Under the present transect scheme for the region, the situation of Kyrenia city and the east coast lane has
been established. From 1984 to 2017, when the settlement plans of the territories were examined within the
scope of Google Earth data, it was observed that the density of settlement after 2003 increased. In this
context, while the transect scheme of the region is being developed, the new settlements in the rural
settlements and their surroundings reveal that the natural and rural zone areas are threatened today and the
suburban areas are progressing to urbanization step by step and day by day. The general urban, central and
core zone areas are showing an unplanned development, indicating that these areas are intermingled. The
following situation arises when the design situation of urban-suburban areas and rural areas is examined
from this point.
Transportation axes: Public transport is starting to be inadequate towards rural areas in connecting urban-
suburban and rural settlements together. While the support given to the use of individual vehicles causes
atrophy to socio-cultural sustainability relations, the ways to facilitate the transportation of the users cause
problems in the development of ecological values (Farjami & Turker, 2021). The characteristic that
distinguishes rural settlements from urban areas and suburban areas is that the density of tar in the material
used on the road is reduced. In Figure 4, it can be seen leastwise as an advantage for the rural ecological
Figure 4. A view from the natural area between suburban and rural.
Source: by author.
Building density and usage: There is not much difference in floor height and density from urban areas to
suburban areas. Urban and suburban areas are observed to have a collective settlement and a high number
of floors, both due to the increased population impact and the short distance to the city center. In the rural
areas; mass structuring is observed and build and sell architecture consisting of one-storey, two storey and
triplex residences of similar material and quality is composed of holiday residences of people with different
cultures Figure 5. As it has been discussed about causes the combination of different cultures, the
disappearance of old neighborhood relations, and the forgetting of customs. In addition to these findings,
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the degradation of the topography, the material effects that are used and the intensity of the construction
are adversely affecting flora and fauna habitats within the climatic change.
Figure 5. Density of collective settlement in rural area and building masses.
Source: by author.
Frontage and mass features: It have been observed that in the newly designed buildings around the
traditional residential areas of urban-suburban and rural areas, the constructions are built similar to each
other without considering the user's need with the effects of the built and sell architecture. This situation
has caused the observation of buildings in square and rectangular forms where reinforced concrete
structures reflect single-sided fronts Figure 6. In particular, this distressing situation in the building
settlements does not offer the opportunity to co-develop open space and the ecological environment. In
addition, it makes living spaces the only units to be used for compulsory needs.
Figure 6. Mass reconstruction in suburban area and appearance from similar fronts.
Source: by author.
Lighting elements of public spaces, parking spaces, pavements, street silhouettes: Publics that are located
at interrelated walk-able distances in public space designs are rarely observed. In addition to that in urban
and suburban areas, it is often observed that there are insufficient parking spaces, street-side commercial
spaces, street silhouettes made up of unsuitable buildings, and insufficient lighting elements and sidewalks
Figure 7.
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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Figure 7. General view from Kyrenia city center.
Source: by author.
Green areas and landscaping elements: it cannot be said that many landscaping elements have been designed
except parks which are considered as green areas. The information obtained as a result of these analyzes reveals
the situation of the Kyrenia city and the western settlements, which develop in accordance with the planning
studies. The build-and-sell architecture, the collective building sites and the needs of the user are ignored by the
inadequacy of planning studies, and the concept of urbanism and architecture are designed by only considering
today. In addition, the effects of the increase in urbanization due to population growth have also been reflected
in suburban and rural settlement areas over time. With the effect of this reflection, it will be not right to evaluate
the urban area separately from the rural and suburban settlements.
In this context, it is inevitable to use the Transect theory which evaluates urban, suburban and rural areas together.
In the light of these determinations of the Transect theory, the ecological and socio-cultural sustainability values
in the regions were revealed by the aforementioned SWOT analysis results. The SWOT analysis was made over
the defined regions and assessed for the threats and opportunities beside the strong side and weaknesses of the
regions. First of all, evaluation of Transect theory (T1- natural zone) in natural area beyond Livera village Table
T1 Natural Zone (Natural area beyond Livera village): This zone covers areas for wildlife and its habitat but
excludes places that are unsuitable for habitation because of their topography, hydrology, and vegetation.
However, due to necessity, these zones are being opened for construction in the northern villages of west Kyrenia,
putting their topography, hydrology, and biological variety in danger. Natural spaces are gradually losing their
ecological qualities as these areas, which were identified as the boundaries of forest areas, are incorporated into
residential borders. Additionally, it is noted that as more green space is developed in rural areas, these areas are
starting to lose their natural features. (Akansu & Karaman, 2023).
Table 1.
T1 Natural Zone - Orga and Livera Village
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis & Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Socio-Cultural Value
T1 - Natural Zone (Natural
area beyond Livera village)
Topography, geological features,
natural vegetation and hosting habitats
of endemic species
The existence of socio-cultural
values in the settlement around the
Inadequate decision mechanisms for
ecological protection of the zone
It cannot be said to be weak because
it is not open to building.
Slowly opening up of the surroundings
to the structuring areas
Inadequate decision-making
mechanism to prevent the opening
up of the region tothe structuring
Not opening up of the region to any
Not opening up of the region to
Source: by author
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source is cited.
Overall these findings are describing that, when natural areas are assessed, topography provides important
ecological values that are not opened to construction by the presence of mountain and marine ecosystems,
which are favorable for geological features, natural vegetation and endemic species. By not being open to
building, It can be explained that people integrate into their natural habitat, breathe fresh air and embrace
visitors from different regions. In the continuation of this, evaluation of Transect theory (T2 Rural Zone)
in Orga and Livera village Table 2.
T2-Rural Zone (Orga and Livera village): This zone includes cultivated, open, and sparsely populated areas.
These consist of agricultural fields, forests pastures, and irrigation zones. The northern coastline of Kyrenia
today has a number of rural settlement options, including fields, agricultural land, and forests, that can be
developed. They are now incorporated into built-to-sell architecture. (Akansu & Karaman, 2023).
Table 2.
T2 Rural Zone - Orga and Livera Village
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis & Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Sosyo-cultural Value
T2 - Rural Zone(Orga and Livera)
Sea and mountain ecosystem
reserving of the region
Protection of socio-cultural
Inadequate planning
Mixing different cultures into
new settlement areas
The presence of residential
design which were built with
unsuitable methods and
materials for rural settlement
The curiosity of tradition, custom
and socio-cultural values of
people in new construction
Decrease in construction due to
housing that cannot find buyers
in recent year
The concentration of new
structuring in a specific area
Source: by author.
It is observed that, in rural areas, animal husbandry is being done rather than agriculture. However, it is
observed that people who are living in traditional residential areas grow their own vegetables. The tradition,
custom and cultural similarity of the people in the region strengthens the neighborhood relations. However,
besides all these developments, it is observed that the contractors, who take the advantage of opportunities
in natural values in the Orga and Livera village settlement and the deficiencies arising from planning, will
gradually destroy the natural life and cultural values by the mass housing project which they built for region
during urban expansion process. At this point, the evaluation of Transect theory (T3 Suburban Zone) in
Lapithos and Karavas settlements Table 3.
T3-Sub Urban Zone (Laphitos and Karavas Settlements): This zone is distinct from low-density suburban
areas despite sharing similarities with them in that it is host to a wide variety of occupational disciplines.
The vegetation there is still native. The blocks and the roadways don't fit with the natural layout of the
settlement. Moreover, the chunks are remarkably broad. Notable for their social accommodations and
apartments are the residential districts that grow out from the high-density city and suburban towns along
the north coast of West Kyrenia. There are settlements where infrastructure improvements that are
incompatible with the natural structure are observed, and its greenery is steadily disappearing. (Akansu &
Karaman, 2023).
Table 3.
T3 Suburban Zone - Laphitos and Karavas Settlements
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis & Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Socio-cultural Value
T3 - Suburban Zone(Laphitos and
Karavas Settlements)
Featuring settlement
characteristics in the skirts of
Kyrenia mountains and the
The protection of neighbourhood
relations and socio-cultural values
in traditional residential areas
existing in the regions.
The number of floors existing in
urban areas is also being observed
in suburban areas
Users in multi-storey, residential
areas do not know each other
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
The presence of intense and mass
housing projects with excessive
Living together with people of
different socio-cultural values
Presence of green areas in mass
housing construction
The existence of activities
organized for the continuity of
socio-cultural values within the
Source: by author.
The Lapithos and Karavas settlements are developing horizontally and vertically, as the city centers are
inadequate for the needs of the population. In the settlements mass housing, collective multi-story apartment
blocks are observed. Green areas are decreasing day by day, and in parallel with the ecological values
existing in the region are observed only in unstructured parts of mountainsides. The structuring starts from
the center of the settlements and extends to the seashores and the mountainsides. In this way, the
construction leads to its disappearance in socio-cultural sustainability values. It is observed that, the
presence of ongoing mass settlements presently and the wasteland projects that are waiting for not to be
wronged in any planning study for the future. In the continuation of this, evaluation of Transect theory (T4
General Urban Zone) in Kyrenia City (Table 4), T4-General Urban Zone (Kyrenia City): In comparison
to the other zones listed, this one is denser and mostly consists of housing settlements. It features a variety
of mixed-use residential architectural orders, including terrace and detached homes. The landscape is
variable, and the streets are designated by medium-sized block islands. Traditional Kyrenia urban
neighborhoods were often made up of detached or twin homes. Today, though, this is coupled with a lot of
apartment buildings and commercial structures. Besides, all around the city, the streets are the same.
(Akansu & Karaman, 2023).
Table 4.
T4 General Urban Zone - Kyrenia City
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis & Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Socio-Cultural Value
T4- General
Urban Zone
(Kyrenia City)
Featuring of mountain and marine
ecosystem together
The commitment of the people in the new
housing areas to socio-cultural values
Developing with autonomous decisions
without a city development plan
The existence of planning that allows people
from different cultures to live together
A constant increase of build and sale
architecture with dense and high number of
floors, where green areas are insufficient
Living people usually composed of working
The existence of preservable ecological
values in the scope of planning studies
The existence of activities for transferring the
socio-cultural values to the future.
Source: by author.
It can be said that Kyrenia city developed by destroying the coastline within autonomous decisions, without
considering the green areas and the city development plan. It is observed that there are traffic problems in
the city right now because the multi - storied structures were constructed without considering the road
arrangements. Without considering the population density in the settlements, it has not developed any
qualitative development that gives opportunity to expand the roads. At this point, evaluation of Transect
theory (T5 Urban Center Zone) in Kyrenia City center “Table 5”. T5-Urban Centre Zone (Kyrenia City
Centre): The center of this area is made up of retail stores, offices, terrace homes, and apartments that are
connected to the main routes. It features trees and spacious pavements on its tiny streets. Apartments serve
as the primary living quarters in the Kyrenia city center, which also has houses at a considerably lower
density. Commercial buildings are highly concentrated there. Although it is impossible to specify how a
mixed-use neighborhood containing both residential and business spaces is used, it is clear that the
commercial locations are densely populated. Additionally, the streets with pavements are not all that wide,
with the exception of the zone's core. There weren't enough attempts to make the city center green. (Akansu
& Karaman, 2023).
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Table 5.
T5 Urban Center Zone Kyrenia City Center
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis & Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Socio-Cultural Value
T5 - Urban Center
Zone(Kyrenia city
The existence of endemic plants in the
construction areas that are built with
traditional materials
The preservation of historic buildings and
traditional houses
The prevention of green areas forming
due to dense structuring
The observation of lost neighborhood
values in traditionally residential areas and
surroundings of the region
The absence of open green areas out of
parking and built environment
Incorporating the different cultures together
To be in seashone location
The existence of traditional residential areas
and the presence of people past to present
Source: by author.
The Kyrenia city center was an ancient tradition. However, it is observed that in recent years, the hotel and
apartment blocks, which were built within historical buildings, are in competition with the historical
buildings. Leaving the wastes of the hotel buildings to the sea negatively affects the marine ecosystem. It
is also observed that traditional residential buildings in the region have lost socio-cultural values today. To
sum up, evaluation of Transect theory (T6 Urban Core Zone) in Kyrenia city and surrounding “Table 6”.
T6-Urban Core Zone (Kyrenia and surrounding): This is where the city's center is. In this area, which has
little to no natural vegetation, are found the city's tallest building as well as distinctive and different kinds
of public buildings. In certain sections of this zone, a significant concentration of tall apartments with
ground floors intended for commercial use coexist with detached houses. (Akansu & Karaman, 2023).
Table 6.
T6 Urban Core Zone - Kyrenia City and Surrounding
Evaluation of SWOT Analysis& Transect Theory - Kyrenia and Western settlements
Transect Zone
SWOT Analysis
Ecological Value
Socio-cultural Value
T6 - Urban Core Zone
(Kyrenia city and
To be a settlement with mountain and
marine ecosystem
The existence of socio-cultural values in
the city
Decreasing of ecological values due to
recently increasing structuring area
People who live in very high-rise
apartment blocks do not know each other
Developing with built and sell
architecture without considering green
Observation of loss of socio-cultural values
The compulsory green area request of
urban planning department in projects
Commitment to socio-cultural values
Source: by author.
It is observed that Kyrenia city has lost its ecological and socio-cultural sustainability values due to the
increasing population and the profit aim of the contracting companies. It is observed that the marine and
mountain ecosystem is facing the danger of extinction due to urban expansion towards its perimeters.
It is observed that the silhouette, which appeared horizontally and vertically at the center of the city of
Kyrenia, is due to the inadequacy of planning studies. In this context we can say, it has emerged that urban
dynamics are designed without considering horizontal and vertical green areas. If the city is inadequate,
parts designed for the city have developed towards suburban and rural areas. It is revealed that this situation
causes the loss of ecological and socio-cultural sustainability values.
In planning studies, it is envisaged that the development plans to be prepared for the arrangements made
from the city to the countryside will be considered in the context of transect theory. If we come to
conclusion we can mention that, when world examples are examined, the transect theory has an important
role in urban, suburban and rural area planning of large settlements. However, it has been shown that the
surface area is also a theory that can be used in the planning of the small island countries, especially in
protecting the social values besides ecological diversity along the coastal shore and avoiding the irregular
settlements brought by the urban spread. In addition to all transportation axes, building densities and usage
in island, the qualification for each series and the suitable settlement for design characteristics of frontages,
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
masses, public spaces, intersections, street silhouettes, lighting elements, parking spaces, pavements, green
areas and landscaping items have place in handing them down the next generations. In the settlements that
will be designed in this context, it is necessary to integrate all these elements into the planning studies on a
regular basis. The planning studies in this concept, are expected to help the following issues;
The protection of ecological and socio-cultural values,
The formation of habitable settlements for future generations to use,
The positioning of public, residential and commercial spaces which are easy to use and in walk able
The protection of urban-suburban and rural settlements’ specific characteristics.
Besides these four issues, while planning studies are being carried out; it is expected that the decision
makers of this study make contributions to city and regional planners, architects, ecologists and
environmental scientists. It should be remembered that the design of the urban-rural areas and the suburbs
are related to one another and that independent consideration will bring about the problems as well.
Acknowledgement This research didn’t receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public
commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
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