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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.77.05.5
How to Cite:
Herasymenko, O., Hrytsai, N., Karskanova, S., Pliushch, V., & Protsenko, I. (2024). Development of research competence in
university students through cloud-oriented technologies: a pedagogical experiment. Amazonia Investiga, 13(77), 66-80.
Development of research competence in university students through
cloud-oriented technologies: a pedagogical experiment
Розвиток дослідницької компетентності студентів університету за допомогою хмарно-
орієнтованих технологій: педагогічний експеримент
Received: April 2, 2024 Accepted: May 30, 2024
Written by:
Oleksandr Herasymenko1
Nataliia Hrytsai2
Svitlana Karskanova3
Valentyna Pliushch4
Iryna Protsenko5
This article explores the content and main
directions of scientific and research activities in
higher education. It highlights the key types of
research work and conceptual tasks undertaken in
these institutions. The study clarifies the
interconnected elements, components, principles,
and priority areas for organizing, developing, and
enhancing the effectiveness of students' research
activities. It emphasizes the need to integrate
creative methods and cloud-oriented technologies
into higher education to foster the creative abilities
of future professionals. To assess the effectiveness
of these approaches, a pedagogical experiment
was conducted. The hypothesis posited that a well-
organized research process in higher education
institutions leads to a high level of research
competence in senior undergraduate and graduate
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Training and Sports, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical
Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Health, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences with Teaching Methods, Rivne State
University of Humanities, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAC-1067-2019
Candidate of Psychological Sciences (PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences), Associate Professor of Special Education Department,
Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HGD-0946-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Natural Sciences and Methods of its Teaching Department, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HPE-5051-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IRZ-1584-2023
Herasymenko, O., Hrytsai, N., Karskanova, S., Pliushch, V., Protsenko, I. / Volume 13 - Issue 77: 66-80 / May, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
students. During the experiment, cloud-based
technologies and innovative research methods and
forms were implemented in university education.
Keywords: research activities, cloud-oriented
technologies, quality of education, higher
education institutions, research competence.
For a modern graduate of a higher education institution, the formation of readiness for scientific and
research activity is relevant today (Varava, 2021).
In order to solve the task of training a competitive specialist in modern conditions, higher education
institutions need to pay attention to the development of research skills and creative initiative in students,
since scientific and research activities form in competitive specialists the ability to analyze, the need for
continuous education, the ability to make decisions, educate independence, cognitive activity , flexibility
of thinking, that is, it forms the research competence of students by means of cloud-oriented technologies,
which is current today because the labor market requires the formation of only specialists with a high level
of professional competence, competitive and ready for self-improvement, capable of generating new ideas,
analyzing, researching, adequately responding to changes in the social and professional sphere, to act
independently and creatively, to think, to grow professionally, Therefore, the introduction of new
educational technologies is now necessary to form the research competence of students, in particular, cloud-
oriented technologies that are current today and are aimed at increasing the creative abilities of future
specialists (Povidaichyk et al., 2020).
Taking into account the development of society, there is a growing need for specialists ready to analyze,
search, and systematize information; in specialists with innovative, non-standard thinking. The formation
of students' research competence, which is current today, reflects the trends of modern education and is
aimed at increasing the creative abilities of future specialists, and contributes to the individualization of the
educational process and the development of student's creative abilities (Khromchenko, 2021).
The analysis of available cloud-oriented multimedia educational resources demonstrated the overwhelming
lack of quality control of these resources and the unsystematic nature of their introduction into the
educational process. Determining the quality of cloud-based educational resources and developing
methodological recommendations for their use for teaching students' research competence is an urgent task.
The analysis of the theory and practice of the researched problem revealed the following contradictions
The global digital transformation of education and the unpreparedness of higher education institutions
of Ukraine for the full implementation of digital technologies in the educational process;
The change of classical means of education in accordance with the needs of students and the
insufficient level of preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers for the design and
implementation of cloud-oriented educational resources in the educational process;
Updated requirements for teachers' competencies and graduates' unpreparedness for these changes;
The availability of freely distributed multimedia educational resources and the lack of a well-founded
methodology for their use during student education.
The application of such a cloud-oriented environment in the educational process is currently a topical issue
of the theory and methodology of using ICT in education. Based on this, we considered the following
questions in the article:
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1. Content and main directions of scientific research activity.
2. Main directions, types of research work, and conceptual tasks of scientific activity in institutions of
higher education.
3. Interrelated elements, components, principles, priority areas of organization, development, and
improvement of the effectiveness of scientific research activities of students.
4. Creative methods and cloud-oriented technologies aimed at increasing the creative abilities of future
5. Experimentally tested the development of research competence of university students with the help of
cloud-oriented technologies.
Literature Review
In modern conditions, there is a need to train a competitive specialist. In this regard, attention is currently
being paid to the scientific and research activities of students in the process of professional training.
In the context of scientific-subject foreign language training, R. Pavliuk (2016) theorizes the approaches
and views of modern scientists to the design of the system of scientific and research activities of students,
offers actual ideas of scientists regarding the development of pedagogical conditions for the organization
of scientific and research activities and substantiates modern approaches to scientific and research activities
of students, suggests the implementation of the developed pedagogical conditions for the organization of
students' research activities, determines the advantages and identifies the shortcomings in general
approaches to the organization of students' research activities.
On the principles of academic integrity, I. Varava (2021) shows the peculiarities of the implementation of
pedagogical support for the formation of the readiness of future specialists for scientific and research
activities. The scientist draws attention to the importance for the student of the formation of readiness for
scientific and research activity and singles out the most important condition of scientific and research
activity compliance with the principles of academic integrity.
O. Doronina (2017), engaged in the training of a specialist in the field of economics and management,
determines the directions of development and substantiates the role of the student's scientific activity in the
formation of professional competencies in modern education, and defines the priority competencies for
employees in the field of economics and management for the near future, defines the forms of scientific
activity of students, which contribute structured by types of relevant skills and the formation and
development of professional skills. The principles and principles of the development of students' scientific
activity are revealed and priority directions for its improvement in higher education institutions are
proposed, which will contribute to the strengthening of intellectual potential and the activation of the labor
O. Bulvinska, N. Divinska, N. Diachenko, O. Zhabenko, I. Lyniova, Yu. Skyba, H. Chornoivan, &
O. Yaroshenko (2016) substantiated the methodological approaches and conceptual foundations (based on
the historical discourse of foreign experience) for the implementation of scientific research activities of
subjects of the educational process of universities; revealed the stages of formation and the essence of the
educational environment of universities, singled out approaches to research training in foreign countries,
the main components of the development of research competence, the methodology of teaching based on
research, showed the main mechanisms of the development of a researcher's career in the higher education
system, proved the effectiveness of forms of approbation of the concept of implementation research activity
at the master's level of higher education applicants.
The study of O. Khromchenko (2021), who singled out the main components of the research activity of
training competitive specialists, proved that "the scientific and research activity of future specialists is a
type of independent creative activity of a search nature, which students perform under the leadership of a
teacher of a higher education institution to acquire and generalize knowledge, developing creative abilities
and research skills, creating internal motivation for learning, forming independence as character traits,
willpower, ensuring the culture of scientific work". O. Povidaichyk, M. Herych, & M. Povidaichyk (2020)
pay attention to the development of students' research skills, creative initiative, the need for continuous
education, the ability to make and analyze decisions, the education of flexibility of thinking, cognitive
activity, independence, that is, the formation of key professional competences through the introduction of
scientific research activities into the educational process, involving students from the first years, to expand
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
the ideas of future professionals about scientific research in the context of the future profession, creating
conditions for the development of their scientific research abilities. Scientists have developed conditions
for the free self-realization of students, and future specialists, which is optimal in the aspect of scientific
research, and communication between junior students and teachers and which is aimed at increasing
motivation to solve research tasks chosen by students of higher education.
Scientists I. Maldonado Ramírez et al. (2023) in the article attempt to determine the current state of the
applied level of information technologies. The researchers analyzed information and communication and
cloud computing and their contribution to quality assurance and management in public universities.
Researchers B. Torres Chumbes, E. Quispe Alcca & B. Hermitaño Atencio (2022) reviewed the use of
effective information technology teaching methods in student learning. Their study was developed within
the framework of a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental design and proposes to determine the
elationship that exists between cloud services and attitudes towards information technology among
Despite the significant interest of scientists in the researched problem, insufficient attention is paid to the
organizational and substantive aspects of the research activity of junior higher education students in the
process of their professional training, as well as to the formation of research competence of students through
the use of cloud-oriented technologies that are available today, which aimed at improving the creative
abilities of future specialists.
Purpose of the research: for qualitative organization of research work in institutions of higher education,
to show the ways of formation of research competence in students of bachelor's and master's levels.
To achieve the goal, research methods were applied at the research stages: theoretical abstraction, analysis
of the subject of study; definitive analysis of the thesaurus of the pedagogical problem; empirical
organizations observing the object of research to ensure the profiling of the educational process;
comparative studies; pedagogical experiment; statistical processing of research results.
To check the effectiveness of the organization of students' experimental work, we conducted a pedagogical
experiment that lasted during the initial year of 2022-2023 in stages: ascertainment and formative.
The purpose of the confirmatory experiment was to confirm the expediency and relevance of research on
the chosen topic.
The formative experiment consisted of two stages: initial and summary-analytical.
202 students of higher education were involved in the experiment, they were senior year students of
bachelor's and master's levels.
Participants of the experimental group (EG) (100 people) were involved in scientific research and active
work, they actively participated in scientific competition events: presentations of scientific projects, round
tables, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, debates, intellectual games, Olympiads, meetings with
famous scientists, competitions, as well as in other events aimed at stimulating scientific research.
Participants of the control group (CG) (102 people) studied according to the program of the unchanged
curriculum. Their scientific and research work was mainly carried out in the process of approbation of
research results in scientific publications and during scientific and pedagogical practice.
Our hypothesis consisted of the statement that the result of a high-quality organization of scientific research
work in higher education institutions is a high level of research competence development in students of
senior years at the bachelor's and master's levels.
To diagnose the level of development of students' research competence, we selected point indicators:
During the study, we used our own observations of students' preparation for future professional activities,
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the method of independent characteristics of teachers, conversations, surveys, analysis of practice,
introspection, observation of students' actions during round tables, training, conferences, resolution of
discussions and resolution of pedagogical situations.
To determine the reliability of the distribution of students into experimental and control groups, according
to the results of the experiment, the λ-criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used, which made it possible
to find the point at which there is the largest sum of accumulated differences between the two distributions.
The value of the criterion λ is not significant.
The empirical distribution of the levels of formation of research competence in the control and experimental
groups practically does not differ. This allowed us to conclude the correctness of the division of groups into
control and experimental groups.
According to the results of the initial stage of the experiment, it was proved that the majority of respondents
are not motivated for scientific work, are not sufficiently convinced of the need to develop research
competence, do not consider it to be the most important component of the future profession, and not
everyone gets satisfaction from scientific research work.
It is shown that specially organized, purposeful work on the formation of research competence using cloud-
oriented technologies, which is current today, is necessary.
At the final and analytical stage of the formative experiment, cloud-oriented technologies and the methods
and forms of students' research work developed by us were implemented into the practice of university
education; control sections were conducted to identify the level of formation of students' research
competence using cloud-oriented technologies. The same methods were used at the initial stage of the
experiment. Indicators of the levels of students' research competence in the initial and final analytical stages
of the experiment have changed. The results of the research in the experimental group prove that the
experimental work contributed to the formation of students' research competence using cloud-oriented
technologies that are current today. Indicators did not significantly increase in the control group.
After conducting the formative experiment, the obtained results are statistically significant.
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and reliability of the data. In the framework of research work, the
quality of data collection and analysis not only adds weight to the research, but also contributes to the
formation of sound conclusions, which is the key to academic success.
The following digital data collection tools were useful in the study:
Google Forms - a simple tool for creating surveys that allows you to collect data from respondents,
create different types of questions and collect answers in spreadsheets.
SurveyMonkey - a modern survey tool that offers a wide range of customization options and analytical
tools for analyzing the collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic search engines to provide access to scholarly articles,
books, and other academic resources that may be useful for literature review and theoretical data
Zotero or Mendeley - bibliography management programs that help organize research materials, store
references, and format bibliographies and citations according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets - spreadsheets are useful for organizing and analyzing collected data
when working with quantitative data.
SPSS, R or Python for more advanced data analysis, for statistical analysis and processing of volumes
of data.
Results and Discussion
1. Content and main directions of scientific research activity.
We present scientific and research activity as the practice of knowledge obtained through scientifically
based, new components aimed at systematically changing social reality, which is implemented through the
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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application of appropriate methods and forms of scientific knowledge in a logical sequence (Povidaichyk
et al., 2020).
The readiness of bachelor's and master's students for research work covers the following areas:
Research traits of students (observation, sense of the new, inquisitiveness, initiative, willingness to
take risks, objectivity, attentiveness, activity, cognitive independence, systematicity, consistency,
purposefulness, research tact);
An active positive attitude towards the research work of undergraduate and master's students (level of
development of motivation, inclination to scientific research, understanding of the need for research
work, creative and searching position, value orientations, highly developed abilities, and cognitive
interests, research style of thinking);
Knowledge system (knowledge of the subject, knowledge of pedagogical technologies, mastery of
ideas, scientific concepts, mastery of methods, logic, theoretical and practical apparatus of scientific
and pedagogical research);
System of skills (intellectual, research, constructive, organizational, educational-intellectual,
projective, analytical, cognitive, communicative, general education skills);
Moral and volitional personality traits (interest in business, attentiveness, purposefulness, humanity,
decisiveness, organization, responsibility, sociability, reliability, ambition, benevolence, persistence in
achieving a goal, independence);
Intellectual development of the student (formation of ideas, views, beliefs, scientific outlook, general
erudition, development of abilities, skills, abilities, abstract-logical memory, creative imagination);
Professional traits of a student of higher education (pedagogical tact, professional psychological
position, creative pedagogical thinking, the ability for self-improvement, professional interest,
reflection, interest in business, punctuality, thoroughness, high level of methodological, pedagogical,
and general culture) (Bilostotska, 2009).
In the process of scientific and research activities of higher education students, pedagogical assistance
Encouraging students to engage in research activities;
Permanent stimulation of students to research activities, aimed at the constant growth of motivation to
solve selected research tasks by students of higher education. A prerequisite for the process of scientific
research activity of students is the establishment of positive relations between the student himself, the
group of students, and the teacher. It is necessary during scientific research activities to ensure the
freedom of choice of the types of activities offered to the student;
Assistance to students of higher education in choosing, setting, and solving research tasks adapted to
the profession, which is implemented through providing conditions for free self-realization, providing
the opportunity for self-determination, optimal communication in the aspect of scientific research
between teachers and students;
The inclusion of the theory of scientific research and the basics of methodology in the content of
teaching general disciplines and the inclusion in the educational process of information about current
scientific problems in the future profession (Puhach et al., 2021).
In the process of scientific research work, an important aspect for students, as full-fledged subjects of
scientific research activity, is parity in the "teacher-student" relationship, which is realized through the
involvement of future specialists in scientific research. Educational influence gains the greatest strength
during a demanding and careful attitude to the results of students' work. In the process of implementing the
studied pedagogical conditions, the most appropriate is a democratic style, which allows the student to
consider himself as an equal partner in a joint search and communication.
Starting from the first year of study, the scientific and research activity of students involves ensuring their
free self-realization (Rojas Bahamón et al., 2019).
When realizing oneself by one's capabilities, as students are ready for scientific research activity in solving
a research task: a need may arise, a desire to do things in one's own way may arise, dissatisfaction with the
function of the executor may arise. Then the teacher should "support the student's desire for "freedom from"
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(the situation in which the student is) and "freedom for" (creating favorable conditions for self-realization)"
(Povidaichyk et al., 2020).
2. Main directions, types of research work, and conceptual tasks of scientific activity in institutions
of higher education.
The scientific and research activity of students at the institution of higher education is carried out in the
following main areas:
Scientific research activity, which is mandatory for all students and is a component of the educational
process (preparation for classes, writing essays, preparation and defense of term papers, diploma
theses, the performance of tasks commissioned by enterprises during the period of production practice
of a research nature, etc.);
Research activities of higher education graduates outside the educational process, within the creative
cooperation of departments performing scientific works, participating in scientific circles, writing
publications, theses of scientific reports, etc.
The teacher forges several tasks during the scientific research activity of students at a higher education
institution, namely:
1) Introduces the scientific research methods of the executors of scientific research work, and teaches
them to apply them in practice, including innovative methods and cloud-oriented technologies
available today, which are aimed at increasing the creative abilities of future specialists;
2) Teaches to identify an actual scientific problem, independently organize and plan scientific research
work, determine specific goals, find ways to solve the set goal, apply methods of practical verification,
formulate a research hypothesis, conduct experimental research, prepare research results by established
requirements, prove for science and practices, the usefulness and correctness of the obtained results, to
defend one's point of view in scientific discussions through public defense, participation in seminars,
conferences, etc.;
3) Forms the qualities of a professional researcher in students (Kravchenko et al., 2022).
Therefore, the teacher needs not only practical skills and knowledge (based on the results of his own
research) on the methodology of conducting scientific research, to organize a high-quality innovative
educational process but also the implementation with the involvement of students of the results of research,
relevant research skills, a formed readiness to perform scientific research work, skills in the field of using
innovative learning technologies, cloud-oriented technologies, which are available today and are aimed at
increasing the creative abilities of future specialists, etc. (Bulvinska et al., 2016).
The main types of research work of students in institutions of higher education are:
Training of highly qualified specialists who possess the necessary practical and in-depth theoretical
Effective use of students' creative potential to solve current problems of technology, science, and
Development of new methods, technologies, teaching methods, and tools;
Professional development during life;
Introduction of new scientific results into the educational process;
Conducting exploratory research at the expense of grants or the expense of institutions, organizations,
and enterprises interested in scientific development;
Creation of conditions for carrying out scientific work (Kuchai et al., 2017); (Bulvinska et al., 2016).
3. Interrelated elements, components, principles, priority areas of organization, development, and
improvement of the effectiveness of scientific research activities of students.
The scientific and research activity of students in a higher educational institution is a creative process that
includes interrelated elements (Tsekhmistrova, 2004):
Teaching students methods and organization of scientific creativity, elements of scientific and research
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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Initiative, under the guidance of teachers, scientific research carried out by students.
Scientists have highlighted the components of scientific research activity of students in a higher educational
Motivational motives, as a reason for choosing the direction of activity; needs as sources of
personality activity; aspirations, emotions, instructions, desires, as regulators of activity dynamics;
Cognitive the availability of theoretical knowledge from professional disciplines, knowledge about
the organization of students' research activities, knowledge about the peculiarities of students' research
activities (Sultanova, 2018);
Value-motivational moral-ethical, spiritual, material, cognitive interests and needs; a system of value
orientations of a person and a person's beliefs as a guarantee of self-development and own self-
realization, regarding the purpose and essence of future professional activity; interest as an important
source of professional needs in scientific and research activity and the growth of creative potential, the
formation of motives for research activity, the formation of persistent interest in learning the
pedagogical process, the desire through scientific and research activity for self-improvement, in the
improvement of the pedagogical process, understanding the valuable role of research;
Meaningful systematic mastering of knowledge on the methodology of scientific and pedagogical
research and methodology, identifying the essence of the main contradictions and ways of solving them
in modern education; separation and selection for the study of the most effective stages of research,
components, types, forms, principles, methods of scientific research; development of innovative
technologies, models, and methods of implementation in practice; formulation of conclusions and
knowledge of the basics of statistical processing of the obtained results; disclosure of the content of
research activities in educational institutions;
Operational the ability to conduct scientific and pedagogical research, that is, to process and
accumulate scientific information, search, critically analyze the real state of the studied phenomenon
and analyze scientific literature; to possess the methodological apparatus of research, to forecast the
development of the researched problem, to introduce pedagogical research into the work system of
educational institutions, to apply the optimal system of methods of research work, to correctly design
the results of scientific work; conduct and defend experimental work; objectively determine the
effectiveness of the conducted research; the ability to cooperate with a team; apply new effective
learning models and technologies; generalize, study, implement innovative pedagogical experience; to
organize the work of student scientific groups; plan and conduct seminars, conferences, contests,
Olympiads, etc. mass events;
Procedural and operational the presence of such characteristics as organization, initiative, self-
control, self-discipline, independence, persistence, activity, consistency, objectivity, productivity,
creativity, creativity;
Reflexive-resultative systematic mastery of self-assessment skills, self-observation, self-regulation,
self-analysis, self-control, and self-assessment of the results and process of one's own activity
(Bilostotska, 2009).
Design component the ability to determine the object and subject of research, to identify and
formulate problems, to define basic concepts, the ability to plan research activities, to formulate the
purpose and hypothesis of research;
Informational component mastery, by the research problem, of methods of data collection, processing
of sources of various information;
Analytical component the choice of special research methods and the use of universal ones, creative
abilities, developed logical thinking;
Practical component presentation, formulation, and implementation of research results into practice
(Holovan & Yatsenko, 2012).
The formation of a future specialist's readiness for scientific and research activities is a pedagogically
complex process, and it is appropriate in higher educational institutions to observe the principles in the field
of pedagogical sciences in the organization of students' scientific and research activities: scientificity;
systematicity; individualization; integration of professional training and research process; self-
organization; scientific and methodical consulting; monitoring (Budnyk et al., 2022); (Doronina, 2017).
Holistic, comprehensively implemented scientific and research activity of higher education students
ensures the solution of the following tasks:
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Formation of the scientific worldview of higher education graduates and mastering of scientific
research methods and the methodology of education;
Development of student's individual abilities and creative thinking in solving practical tasks;
Assisting those seeking higher education in achieving high professionalism and accelerated mastery of
a specialty;
Development of the ability and initiative to apply theoretical knowledge in practical work, involvement
of the most capable students in research;
Inculcating the skills of independent scientific and research activity by a higher education seeker;
Development of existing and creation of new creative collectives, scientific schools, training of
researchers and scientists in those who acquire higher education;
Expanding the scientific erudition of the future specialist and the theoretical outlook of the individual;
The need to improve knowledge and constantly update it (Sheiko & Kushnarenko, 2004).
4. Creative methods and cloud-oriented technologies aimed at increasing the creative abilities of
future specialists.
Let's consider creative methods of scientific and research activity, which contribute to the formation of
professional creativity, ensuring that students obtain subjectively new knowledge of an educational or
scientific nature.
The creative methods we use in our work include the following: "Brainstorming"; figurative picture;
agglutination and hyperbolization. Resources that contribute to the implementation of such methods in the
educational process, contribute to the practical application of rules and hypotheses, and contribute to the
search for ways to solve scientific tasks are network tools that allow organizing collective work on a
scientific project (Correa Cruz et al., 2017).
Such resources include, according to the scientific project, the creation of joint documents in the cloud on
Dropbox, Google Drive, Zoho, and OneDrive, generating ways to solve the scientific problem, planning
joint work using network resources that contribute to the implementation of tasks in the organization of
collective work, project management: RealtimeBoard, Trello, Kanbanchi, PodiO (Knysh et al., 2023).
The introduction of such tools into the research activity of students intensifies the use of creative methods
of research activity: "Brainstorming"; figurative pictures; agglutination and hyperbolization. Joint
discussion of scientific problems in joint work on projects allows to motivate and involve students in
scientific activity.
Blogs and wikis are Web 2.0 applications, and since they are hosted in the cloud, we understand them as
cloud-oriented technologies based on the Saas service model (Lytvynova, 2014), which are characterized
by the key properties of cloud infrastructure (elasticity, pay-as-you-go, etc.).
It is worth noting that students can independently edit and create content, using wiki resources and blogs,
that is, present the results of their scientific work. Students and teachers, that is, network users, can evaluate,
analyze, edit, and comment, that is, the very process of forming scientific materials becomes controlled.
Blogs, which we implement in the educational process of higher education for high-quality, innovative
professional training of future specialists, perform the following functions: communicative; grouping and
maintenance of social ties; self-presentation; self-development or reflection; psychotherapeutic, etc.
We used different types of blogs to organize various forms of research activity:
The blog of a scientific leader or teacher to provide coverage of the organizational and operational
stages of scientific and research activities;
Blog of a group of students for project work, work on one scientific problem;
Student's blog to create and support the student's independence, which makes it possible to display
the results of his research activities. The introduction of this type of blog into scientific research activity
promotes the stimulation of students' involvement in conducting research, conducting research
planning, increases the responsibility of each student for the materials posted on the blog, provides the
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
opportunity for self-organization of each student, reflection and reviews, and participation in various
forms of scientific research activity in higher education (Proshkin et al., 2018).
5. Experiment.
To check the effectiveness of the organization of students' experimental work, we conducted a pedagogical
experiment that lasted during the initial year of 2022-2023 in stages: ascertainment and formative.
When determining the sample of subjects, the general specificity of the subject of the study was taken into
account. The total sample size is 202 subjects. When forming the sample, the criteria of meaningfulness,
representativeness, and equivalence were taken into account. The sample was formed by random selection
using the technical procedure for calculating the selection step.
The implementation of the pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages: preparatory, main and
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of the research were determined, the experimental plan was
developed, methods of measurement and processing of results were selected, control and experimental
groups were selected, and their homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed, and
conclusions were drawn about the pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The reliability and validity of the obtained results, the objectivity of their assessment was ensured by the
methodological soundness of the initial positions and the qualitative mechanism for evaluating the quality
under study, the use of a complex of complementary research methods, and the involvement of a group of
respondents from a higher educational institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and control data, statistical processing was performed using
MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science).
The purpose of the confirmatory experiment was to confirm the expediency and relevance of research on
the chosen topic.
The formative experiment consisted of two stages: initial and summary-analytical.
During the ascertainment experiment, educational-methodical, pedagogical, philosophical, psychological,
and literature were analyzed and summarized to define basic concepts, clarify the essence of concepts, and
theoretical-methodological foundations of research, and identify and classify methods and forms of
experimental work.
In the process of the formative experiment, knowledge sections of the questionnaire were made,
conversations were held with students and with teachers, and a complex of diagnostic procedures was
developed to identify the level of skills, abilities, and knowledge of students on improving the organization
of research work using cloud-oriented technologies.
At the initial stage of the experiment, experimental and control groups of students were selected; the method
of experimenting was developed; a working hypothesis was formulated; entrance control of the level of
development of research competence of students was carried out, which assumes the presence of theoretical
knowledge, skills in professional disciplines reflects socio-pedagogical, philosophical-methodological,
organizational-methodical, psychological knowledge of the basics of research activities of higher education
students, allows to carry out research work, controls stages of scientific knowledge, forms an idea of the
logic, structure of scientific research, provides experience of scientific work, etc.
202 students of higher education were involved in the experiment, they were senior year students of
bachelor's and master's levels.
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Participants of the experimental group (EG) (100 people) were involved in scientific research and active
work, they actively participated in scientific competition events: presentations of scientific projects, round
tables, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, debates, intellectual games, Olympiads, meetings with
famous scientists, competitions, as well as in other events aimed at stimulating scientific research.
Participants of the control group (CG) (102 people) studied according to the program of the unchanged
curriculum. Their scientific and research work was mainly carried out in the process of approbation of
research results in scientific publications and during scientific and pedagogical practice.
Our hypothesis consisted of the statement that the result of a high-quality organization of research work in
higher education institutions is a high level of research competence formation in students of senior years of
bachelor's and master's levels.
To diagnose the level of development of students' research competence, we selected point indicators:
1 point extremely poorly expressed competence;
2 points weakly expressed competence;
3 points moderately expressed competence;
4 points sufficiently expressed competence;
5 points clearly expressed competence.
This allowed us to distinguish three levels of formation of research competence.
12.5 points low level of formation of the specified competence: formation of research competence;
2.64 points the average level of development of research competence;
4.15 points high level of development of research competence.
During the research, personal observations of students' preparation for future professional activities, the
method of independent characteristics of teachers, conversations, surveys, analysis of practice, self-
analysis, observation of students' actions during round tables, training, conferences, resolution of
discussions and resolution of pedagogical problems were used. Situations.
A high level of formation of research competence was achieved by:
11.3% of EG students;
9.1% of KG. These are mostly students who are actively self-developing in the direction of using
information technologies, are engaged in scientific work, and have a stable positive attitude toward
future professional activities.
Most students are at an average level of research competence development:
28.5% of respondents in EG;
24.2% of respondents in СG.
At a low level of formation of research competence:
60.2% of respondents in EG;
64.5% of respondents in СG.
To determine the reliability of the distribution of students into experimental and control groups, according
to the results of the experiment, the λ-criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used, which made it possible
to find the point at which there is the largest sum of accumulated differences between the two distributions.
The value of the criterion λ is not significant. The empirical distribution of the levels of formation of
research competence in the control and experimental groups practically does not differ. This allowed us to
conclude the correctness of the division of groups into control and experimental groups.
So, according to the results of the initial stage of the experiment, it was proven that most of the respondents
are not motivated for scientific work, are not sufficiently convinced of the need to develop research
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
h tt ps: //a mazo ni ai nv est ig a. in fo/ I S S N 2 3 22 - 6 30 7
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
competence, do not consider it the most important component of the future profession, and not everyone
gets satisfaction from scientific research work.
So, we see that specially organized, purposeful work on the formation of research competence using cloud-
oriented technologies, which is current today, is necessary.
At the final and analytical stage of the formative experiment, cloud-oriented technologies and the methods
and forms of students' research work developed by us were implemented into the practice of university
education; control sections were conducted to identify the level of formation of students' research
competence using cloud-oriented technologies. The same methods were used at the initial stage of the
experiment. Indicators of the levels of students' research competence in the initial and final analytical stages
of the experiment have changed. The results of the research in the experimental group prove that the
experimental work contributed to the formation of the research competence of students using cloud-oriented
technologies, which are current today. In the control group, the indicators did not increase so significantly:
29% of future specialists were identified at a high level in EG, 12.8% in СG;
At the average level in EG 45.9% of respondents, in СG – 25.9%;
At a low level in EG 25.1% of students, in CG 61.3%.
After the formative experiment, the obtained results are statistically significant.
The content and main directions of scientific research activity are revealed. The main directions, types
of research work, and conceptual tasks of scientific activity in institutions of higher education are
The interrelated elements, components, principles, and priority directions of the organization of
development and improvement of the effectiveness of scientific research activities of students have
been clarified. The need to introduce creative methods and cloud-oriented technologies into the
educational process of the higher school, which are aimed at increasing the creative abilities of future
specialists, is emphasized.
To check the effectiveness of the organization of students' experimental work, we conducted a
pedagogical experiment that lasted during the initial year of 2022-2013 in stages: ascertainment and
formative. The purpose of the confirmatory experiment was to confirm the expediency and relevance
of research on the chosen topic. The formative experiment consisted of two stages: initial and
202 students of higher education were involved in the experiment, they were senior year students of
bachelor's and master's levels.
Participants of the experimental group (EG) (100 people) were involved in scientific research and
active work, they actively participated in scientific competition events: presentations of scientific
projects, round tables, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, debates, intellectual games,
Olympiads, meetings with famous scientists, competitions, as well as in other events aimed at
stimulating scientific research.
Participants of the control group (CG) (102 people) studied according to the program of the unchanged
curriculum. Their scientific and research work was mainly carried out in the process of approbation of
research results in scientific publications and during scientific and pedagogical practice.
Our hypothesis consisted of the statement that the result of a high-quality organization of research
work in higher education institutions is a high level of research competence formation in students of
senior years of bachelor's and master's levels.
To diagnose the level of development of students' research competence, we selected point indicators:
During the study, we used our own observations of students' preparation for future professional
h tt ps: //a mazo ni ai nv est ig a. in fo/ I S S N 2 3 2 2 - 6 3 0 7
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
activities, the method of independent characteristics of teachers, conversations, surveys, analysis of
practice, introspection, observation of students' actions during round tables, training, conferences,
resolution of discussions and resolution of pedagogical situations.
To determine the reliability of the distribution of students into experimental and control groups,
according to the results of the experiment, the λ-criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used, which
made it possible to find the point at which there is the largest sum of accumulated differences between
the two distributions. The value of the criterion λ is not significant.
The empirical distribution of the levels of formation of research competence in the control and
experimental groups practically does not differ. This allowed us to conclude the correctness of the
division of groups into control and experimental groups.
According to the results of the initial stage of the experiment, it was proved that the majority of
respondents are not motivated for scientific work, are not sufficiently convinced of the need to develop
research competence, do not consider it to be the most important component of the future profession,
and not everyone gets satisfaction from scientific research work. We see that there is a need for
specially organized, purposeful work on the formation of research competence using cloud-oriented
technologies, which are available today.
At the final and analytical stage of the formative experiment, cloud-oriented technologies and the
methods and forms of students' research work developed by us were implemented into the practice of
university education; control sections were conducted to identify the level of formation of students'
research competence using cloud-oriented technologies. The same methods were used at the initial
stage of the experiment. Indicators of the levels of students' research competence in the initial and
final analytical stages of the experiment have changed.
The results of the research in the experimental group prove that the experimental work contributed to
the formation of the research competence of students using cloud-oriented technologies, which are
current today. Indicators did not significantly increase in the control group.
After conducting a formative experiment, we claim that the obtained results are statistically
Our unique research contribution is that for the qualitative organization of scientific and research work
in institutions of higher education, we show the ways of forming research competence in students of
bachelor's and master's levels.
Proposals for future research are that due to the application of cloud-oriented technologies, higher
activity of the participants of the educational process will be achieved, both the effectiveness of the
educational activities of the students of education and the level of their research competence will
increase. Therefore, the strengthening of requirements for the quality of the training of specialists in
institutions of higher education determine the expediency of further theoretical and practical
development of this problem, in particular, the study of the possibilities of diversification of methods,
forms and technologies that would contribute to the formation of research competence of university
students with the help of cloud-oriented technologies, which will become important a step on the way
to the professionalism of modern teachers.
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/ May 2024
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