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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.77.05.2
How to Cite:
Nurpeisova, A., Niyazbekova, S., Zhangaliyeva, Y., Tovma, N., Yessymkhanova, Z., & Tashtamirov, M. (2024). Responsible
consumption for a green economy in Kazakhstan. Amazonia Investiga, 13(77), 20-41. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.77.05.2
Responsible consumption for a green economy in Kazakhstan
Consumo responsable para una economía verde en Kazajstán
Received: March 20, 2024 Accepted: May 4, 2024
Written by:
Ardak Nurpeisova1
Shakizada Niyazbekova23
Yelnaz Zhangaliyeva4
Nataliya Tovma5
Zeinegul Yessymkhanova6
Magomed Tashtamirov7
Currently, with population growth, economic
development and the constant improvement of
people's living standards, the amount of garbage
continues to increase, the composition of garbage
has also undergone major changes, and the harm
from garbage is becoming more serious. In
Kazakhstan, there is a danger to health due to
environmental degradation and misuse of waste.
To analyze the problems and satisfaction of the
population with the waste management system
implemented by local authorities in cities, a survey
was conducted in two cities of Kazakhstan -
Astana and Almaty. For this study, a sample of
978 respondents from each randomly selected city
was selected, which included an equal number of
respondents. After the survey, we found out that
residents of Astana are more satisfied with the
waste management system for each category than
residents of Almaty. The study examined issues
related to the formation of solid waste in
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: AAV-3919-2020
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. WoS Researcher ID:
Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
4 Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: KPA-4379-2024
5 AlFarabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: N-2877-2014
6 Esil University, Astana, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: P-7337-2014
7 Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russian Federation. WoS Researcher ID: AAC-8067-2020
Nurpeisova, A., Niyazbekova, S., Zhangaliyeva, Y., Tovma, N., Yessymkhanova, Z., Tashtamirov, M. / Volume 13 - Issue 77:
20-41 / May, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Kazakhstan. As a result of this survey, it turned out
that 46.5% of the surveyed residents do not sort
the discarded garbage. Residents are concerned
about the shortage of garbage collection containers
and recycling containers, and residents are asking
for an increase in the number of garbage collection
containers. The public is well aware of the types
of household waste. Most citizens are aware of the
importance of the problem of plastic waste and are
trying to reduce the size of such garbage, as well
as trying to reduce the size of this waste, but a
significant part of the residents still do nothing
about it. Based on the conducted research,
recommendations are given on the application of a
set of measures aimed at effective waste
management in the context of the transition to the
principles of the "green economy" and the
achievement of sustainable development goals in
Keywords: solid household waste, population,
environment, recycling, green economy, waste
hazard class, environmental safety, environmental
Waste management plays a key role in the transition from a linear economy to a cyclical economy. Efficient
waste management can save money in the long run, and the introduction of advanced waste management
solutions requires an initial financial investment.
The widespread use of synthetic plastics and their consumption create environmental problems.
Agricultural waste is the richest natural source of carbon in terms of a closedloop economy
Uncontrolled accumulation of garbage is harmful to health and can lead to diseases transmitted by rodents
and insects. A lot of attention is paid to the closedcycle economy in the European Union, where in 2020
the Action Plan for the ClosedCycle Economy (European Union, 2020) was adopted, confirming the
intention to get rid of household waste by 2030.
Waste disposal is one of the most important problems in the field of environmental management, and
irrational waste management leads to various environmental problems. Integration into a waste
management system is essential, so an important recycling method is needed to create a good and stable
waste management system.
Effective waste management reduces the need for natural resources, increases environmental efficiency in
the field of environmental protection and waste management. Waste management can be carried out using
intelligent systems that ensure efficient recycling. An intelligent waste management system can solve
complex waste management problems by reducing human intervention.
The economy can benefit from the formalization and improvement of these processes in integrated systems.
Improving waste management systems can improve the condition of cities, the local economy, the value of
real estate and the quality of life. There is no standardized way to easily calculate the size of waste, because
the context of global waste management varies greatly for example, the composition of waste, climate,
economic and social consequences.
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To achieve this goal, the article describes the following tasks:
1) Consideration of waste classification issues in Kazakhstan;
2) Study of waste management problems in Kazakhstan;
3) A social survey on solid waste management was conducted;
4) Recommendations are given on the application of a set of measures aimed at effective waste
management in the context of the transition to the principles of the "green economy" and the
achievement of sustainable development goals in Kazakhstan.
Literature review
The efficiency of management in the field of municipal waste management is significantly increased by
regulating the flow of household waste in the non-residential sector of the city (commercial waste) and
immiscible flows of household waste in the residential sector (MacArthur, 2013; Silvestri et al., 2023).
Municipal solid waste is a heterogeneous mixture of complex morphological composition with valuable
components of resources and raw materials, which are a potential source of energy. Effective municipal
waste management requires scientific concepts based on municipal waste collection, disposal, recycling
and recycling systems in urban areas (Zhou, 2009; Sankar et al., 2021; Saha et al., 2018). This concept is
based on a more advanced waste management model and solves the problem of municipal solid waste with
a special focus on the use of reserves to increase the economic efficiency of the municipal sector of the city.
At all stages of waste management, waste management systems should be a combination of technical
operations to separate waste into separate fractions and components, after which they are optimally
processed (Zhou et al., 2015). The main direction of solving the problem of household waste is to optimize
the collection system and include it in industrial processing based on resource-intensive technologies with
low waste content to reduce the negative impact on the environment. In the integrated planning of solid
waste recycling, the integration process takes place sequentially (and is based on sampling) with changes
in the qualitative and quantitative composition of solid waste (Ferronato et al., 2017). At the same time, not
only the problem of recycling many components of household waste has been largely solved, but also the
problem of recycling hazardous household waste and ballast components, optimal preparation of some
fractions of household waste components for further processing (Bala, 2012). Integrated municipal waste
management, based on a proven approach to solving the problem of solid waste, takes into account all
technological aspects of waste management in relation to each other (ecology, efficiency and resource
savings) (Nurpeisova, 2022; Niyazbekova et al., 2023; Burkaltseva et al., 2022a; Petrova et al., 2022).
Based on the real economic situation in the country, it is advisable to solve the problem of solid household
waste in stages (Besen, 2006; Szpilko, 2023). To ensure the correct choice of technical and economic policy
in the field of municipal waste management, it is necessary to objectively assess the state of the waste
management problem for a certain period of time, taking into account the environmental situation in the
region and the shortcomings of the existing municipal waste management system.
In general, when evaluating waste management systems, only the costs and revenues associated with the
operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants are taken into account (Al-Salem, 2014). This
may lead to a shift to alternatives such as recycling, which may be more expensive than landfilling, from a
purely economic point of view (Nahman, 2011). However, if we include external costs and revenues or
impacts related to environmental and social aspects, the results can change and encourage the introduction
of alternatives such as recycling, which will bring huge social and environmental benefits. Recycling means
reducing the consumption of raw materials, which significantly saves energy and contributes to
environmental protection, as well as reducing waste sent to landfills, which increases their service life
(Risch, 1978; Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016).
With rapid economic growth and massive urbanization, the types and volumes of municipal solid waste
continue to increase, and many cities are already faced with the problem of “garbage pollution”. Municipal
solid waste not only seriously pollutes the soil, water and atmosphere. It also threatens people's health,
affects the urban landscape and damages the city's image. The advantages and disadvantages of treatment
technologies used in some developed countries are being assessed as driving innovation in new solid waste
management methods and ideas (Xiumin et al., 2010). Waste that affects the entire world, including local
and global political disputes, assessments of economic and moral values, and concerns about environmental
pollution and crises (Boscagli, 2014). Improper waste management creates significant environmental risks,
adversely affecting soil, air and water quality. These issues need to be addressed immediately to minimize
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
the impact of solid waste on public health and ecosystems (Moser, 2002). The linear economy of modern
society cannot adequately solve some problems of sustainable development (for example, resource
depletion, waste disposal, etc.). Therefore, the scientific community and politicians attach great importance
to the implementation of the concepts of a closed-loop economy (Reno, 2014). Improper waste management
creates significant environmental risks, having a harmful effect on the quality of soil, air and water. These
problems need to be addressed immediately in order to minimize the impact of solid waste on public health
and ecosystems. Suboptimal management of medical waste is a serious problem that can be effectively
solved by implementing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to improve waste monitoring and disposal
processes (Fazio et al., 2012; Balakrishna, 2012).
Table 1.
Waste management and green economy concepts
Point of view
Liu et al., (2018)
Waste, Circular Economy,
Green Economy
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (Liu et al., 2018) requires the
collective hard work of researchers, decision makers, and the local community
to implement an innovative approach that helps reduce poverty and save
Brydges (2021).
Waste, Circular Economy,
Green Economy
Cyclical economics and waste management play an important role in the
modern world, especially in the context of sustainable development and
combating climate change. A cyclical economy is a model in which
resources are used as efficiently as possible and waste is minimized. The
main idea is to create closed cycles of consumption and production in order
to avoid inefficient use of resources and accumulation of waste.
Morseletto (2020).
Waste, Circular Economy,
Green Economy
Many countries and companies are increasingly adhering to the principles of
a cyclical economy, implementing various waste management programs,
promoting the recycling of materials and developing environmentally friendly
technologies and products. These efforts contribute to the conservation of
natural resources, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the
creation of a more sustainable economy.
Geissdoerfer et al.,
Waste, Circular Economy,
Green Economy
One of the basic principles of a cyclical economy is the principle of
prevention -reduction -of recycling. This means maximum prevention of
waste generation, minimization of their quantity and harmful effects on the
environment, as well as maximum reuse and recycling of waste.
Zhu et al., (2019)
Waste, Circular Economy,
Green Economy
In a cyclical economy, waste is a resource that can be reused to produce
new goods and materials. This reduces the consumption of natural
resources, reduces the amount of waste thrown into landfills, and reduces
the negative impact on the environment.
Song et al., (2020)
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
In order to meet the needs of various business management tasks related to
the supervision of hazardous waste, the Internet of Things technology is
used in the production, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste.
Applied research, development of an intelligent hazardous waste control
platform based on Internet of Things technology and creation of a portal for
management departments, waste production enterprises and transport.
Jino Ramson et al.,
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
The integration of the Internet of Things into the solid industrial waste
industry contributes to the full control of the life cycle of solid industrial waste
and the implementation of improved management, and also contributes to
the transformation of low-value-added products into solid industrial waste;
added value; it contributes to the increase of solid industrial waste
Yang & Wang, (2021)
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
The use of the Internet of Things in the solid industrial waste production
chain mainly includes three links: recovery, recycling and disposal: (a)
combining the Internet of Things and waste recycling makes waste recycling
work reasonable and efficient; (b) combining the Internet of Things and
recycling links will expand market channels for integrated solid waste
disposal and will contribute to cluster development of the solid waste
(c) combining the Internet of Things and recycling channels will allow you to
obtain expensive products, intensify management and precise control over
the integrated disposal of solid industrial waste.
Theodoros (2020)
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
The creation of an environmental monitoring network "in real time,
accurately, comprehensively and in general" has become an effective tool
for addressing issues of supervision of the solid industrial waste disposal
Ramson et al., (2021)
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
Air pollution is a serious problem, especially in large cities, and poses a
serious threat to both health and climate. Using IoT sensors, cities and
private organizations can collect huge amounts of information to identify the
largest sources of pollution and warn residents when pollution exceeds
acceptable levels.
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source is cited.
Vishnu et al., (2019)
Waste management, ICT,
Internet of things, smart city
The generally accepted rules for ensuring a more sustainable waste
management system is the principle of a hierarchy of waste management
methods, in which priority is given to waste prevention (prevention) and
recycling, rather than disposal.
Akaateba & Yakubu
Waste management, waste
management service, meeting
the needs of the public
The link between public satisfaction and waste management is an important
aspect for ensuring the quality of life and well-being of society. Effective
waste management can have a direct impact on public satisfaction for
several reasons: environmental protection; health; economic benefits.
Chandra-Majumder &
Razaul-Karim, (2012).
Waste management, waste
management service, meeting
the needs of the public
Effective waste management has a direct impact on the quality of life and
satisfaction of the population, therefore, the development of appropriate
strategies and programs in this area is a key element in ensuring the well-
being of society..
Durdyev et al., (2018)
Waste management, waste
management service, meeting
the needs of the public
By collecting data on complaints and opinions of residents through special
portals or referral departments and conducting comprehensive sociological
research, including questions about garbage collection as one of the aspects
of quality of life, it is possible to more accurately determine the level of
satisfaction of the population with garbage collection and identify potential
problem areas for further improvement of the quality of services provided.
The analysis of these data helps to determine the level of satisfaction of the
Khanom et al., (2015)
Waste management, waste
management service, meeting
the needs of the public
The confidence and responsiveness of the population have a positive and
significant impact on public satisfaction. However, reliability, empathy and
tangibility do not have a significant impact. As for the guarantee, the
cleanliness of the sidewalks and the cleanliness of the paths are indicators
that have a significant impact on this aspect.
After table 1, you can see the various thoughts of the authors who studied the concepts of waste management
and the green economy. These definitions can be roughly divided into three categories: (1) Cyclical
economy and green economy. The green economy emphasizes the need to reduce the negative impact of
human economic activity on the environment and gives priority not to economic growth at any cost, but to
sustainable development with minimal environmental risks. Proponents of this trend view the economy as
a dependent component of the natural environment in which it exists and of which it is a part. (2) Waste
management and the Internet of Things. Waste management and the Internet of Things (IoT) can be linked
in the context of creating more efficient and innovative waste collection, recycling and disposal systems.
Here are some ways that IoT can improve waste management: smart waste containers; waste monitoring
and classification; optimization of recycling processes; energy management; waste lifecycle tracking. The
use of IoT technologies in waste management can significantly improve the efficiency, environmental
friendliness and innovation of waste collection, recycling and disposal processes. (3) Waste management
and public satisfaction. Effective waste management has a direct impact on the quality of life and
satisfaction of the population, therefore, the development of appropriate strategies and programs in this area
is an important factor in ensuring the well-being of society. Increasing public participation is an unavoidable
requirement to promote the development of a green economy.
This study is based on the use of theoretical and empirical research methods. The authors analyzed the
scientific and practical literature, and the main subject of the study (energy, cycling and waste management)
The issues of waste management in Kazakhstan are considered.
To analyze the problems and satisfaction of the population with regard to the waste management system
carried out by local governments in cities, a descriptive study was carried out on two cities of Kazakhstan,
Astana (more than 1.5 million inhabitants) and Almaty (more than 2.5 million inhabitants), which were
selected as an area of study. Random respondents were selected, which included a different number of
respondents from each city. A sample of 978 respondents from each randomly selected city was selected
for this study and included an equal number of respondents. To collect responses, a structured survey was
compiled, the survey was conducted in a google form, and a link was sent to the respondents. Respondents
answered the survey at a time convenient for them.
Public opinion polls on solid waste management were conducted. For this purpose, a special questionnaire
was created with questions and suggested answers on solid waste management. The survey was conducted
using questionnaires docs.google.com where 20 questions concerning the ecology of the city were
individually asked. The study was conducted for 2 months (from August to October 2023). 980 residents
of Astana over the age of 18 from 4 districts of the city were randomly interviewed: Yesilsky, Saryarka,
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Almaty, Baikonur. As a result of the survey, we received feedback on waste management, as well as
information from the public about waste management and recycling.
Currently, Kazakhstan is fulfilling 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations in
2015, as the results of the activities of departments and strategic plans for industrial development
correspond to the main goals of sustainable development. The article presents six of the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (7, 9, 11, 12, 13 17) In the case of the "green economy", it has been established that it
is directly or indirectly related to the issues of effective waste management in Kazakhstan.
Results and discussion
The problem of waste management in Kazakhstan
Based on information from the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of
Kazakhstan (EGOV, 2023), last year in 2023, about 4.1 million tons of municipal waste were generated in
the country, of which 1 million tons were buried in landfills. Last year, space monitoring revealed 5,533
unauthorized landfills in only 39 large settlements, which indicates that the actual volume of waste far
exceeds the volume taken into account. The morphological composition of municipal waste is about 70%
of useful fractions, namely 16% plastic, 11% waste paper, 9% glass, 37% organic waste, 27% others.
In 2023, thanks to observations from space, more than 5.5 thousand illegal landfills were discovered in
Kazakhstan. Of the 3,016 landfills, only 624 (or 21 percent) met environmental and sanitary standards.
According to official data, the most problematic regions, where the least number of landfills that meet the
standards were found, were the Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan and Abai regions. At the same time, the
Ministry of Ecology claims that landfills in Astana, Shymkent, Turkestan and Zhambyl regions are
recognized as fully compliant with environmental indicators.
In Kazakhstan, only a limited amount of waste is recycled: mainly plastic, paper and glass. Not all items in
these categories are reusable. For example, recycling usually requires only transparent glass, and plastic
should not contain impurities, since its purification requires significant resources. Not all waste paper is
recyclable. Textiles, medical waste, batteries, as well as other hazardous waste, as a rule, remain unused.
Disposal of hazardous and medical waste is not fully controlled by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and
Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Budgetary funds for the processing and disposal of
hazardous and medical waste are being used to a greater extent, but the technologies used in their processing
do not comply with current standards and regulations.
Therefore, in modern conditions, environmental protection from waste pollution or the development of
cost-effective solutions have become an urgent necessity.
The removal, storage and processing of solid household waste (SHW) is a specific and socially important
area of municipal services. The sphere of solid waste circulation is an example of a public good, which has
all the signs of public goods: indivisibility, lack of competition in consumption and nonappropriateness.
The environmental safety of citizens directly depends on the results of the organization of the treatment of
solid waste. Therefore, this area is under the jurisdiction of the state. Solid waste management includes
issues such as strategic planning, public participation, and financial management. The many stakeholders
involved in the collection and recycling of municipal solid waste must develop and establish reliable
programs that take into account political, institutional, social and technical aspects (Nurpeisova et al.,
2020), (Thakker & Narayanamoorthy, 2015), (Niyazbekova et al., 2022).
The waste management process includes several interrelated stages (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Waste management process.
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Waste collection is carried out by homeowners, housing and communal services management companies,
HOA, private enterprises. Transportation of solid waste is the removal of garbage from waste collection
sites to the sorting station. Sorting of solid waste is carried out at waste sorting stations. Solid waste is
processed at waste processing plants. Waste disposal takes place at the landfill.
As a result of daily human activity, a large amount of solid household waste (SHW) is generated. To
maintain a normal ecological situation in the city, it is necessary to take out household garbage in time.
Garbage collection that remains after production takes place in storage containers specially designed for
this purpose. The main way to dispose of industrial waste is their removal to special landfills. In addition,
a small part of industrial waste is burned in hightemperature furnaces (Yessymkhanova et al., 2021; Rudyk
et al., 2022; Niyazbekova & Nazarenko, 2018; Niyazbekova et al., 2019).
In Kazakhstan, only a quarter of solid household waste is sorted and processed. A lot of waste is generated
every day, which must be disposed of in various ways. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of
the Republic of Kazakhstan regularly collects statistical data on the amount of each type of waste. In
Kazakhstan, waste is classified as industrial, municipal and agricultural (Figure 2) and is divided into
classes according to the degree of harmful effects on the environment (Table 2).
Table 2.
Distribution of waste hazard by class according to the degree of harmful impact on the environment
Waste hazard class
Indicator of the degree of
danger, К*
The nature of ecosystem destruction
Class A nonhazardous waste
𝐾 104
The ecosystem is not disturbed
Class B epidemiologically hazardous waste
10 ≤𝐾≤102
Moderately disturbed
Class B extremely epidemiologically hazardous waste
Moderately disturbed
class D toxicologically hazardous waste
Severely disrupted
class D radioactive waste
Irreversibly broken
𝑷𝒊, 𝑲𝒊 hazard rating of the component; 𝑪𝒊 concentration of a single component; 𝑷𝒊 hazard factor of a single component;
𝑲𝒊=𝑲𝟏+ 𝑲𝟐+ + 𝑲𝒏.
Source: Created by the authors based on public data
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Figure 2. Classification of waste by origin.
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
In total, there are 3,292 (unofficial even more) landfills of solid household waste in Kazakhstan, of which
the number of landfills that meet the standards is 601 (18.26%). This is a very big environmental problem
for Kazakhstan (Table 3).
Table 3.
Number of solid waste landfills in Kazakhstan in 2022
Region Number of solid waste
landfills, units
Number of landfills that
meet the standards, units
Share of landfills that
meet the standards, %
Total for the Republic of
Zhambyl region
Turkestan region
Kostanay region
Mangistau region
Atyrau region
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source is cited.
Akmola region
Karaganda region
East Kazakhstan region
North Kazakhstan region
Aktobe region
Western Kazakhstan region
Kyzylorda region
Almaty region
Pavlodar region
exported to Almaty region
Based on information from the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(EGOV, 2023).
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
Waste in Kazakhstan is a serious problem defined by uncoordinated development. Solid waste management
is aimed at recycling, but the problem of organizing the modern organization of landfills is largely not
solved properly. Waste recycling enterprises do not get the expected results in waste distribution.
The circular economy emphasizes resource intensification and reuse, including increasing resource and
energy efficiency, recycling materials, etc. The active development of a circular economy promotes the
intensive use of resource-saving technologies and the creation of an industrial system for resource
utilization. This is of great importance in ensuring the safety of national resources, promoting the
achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and helping to build an ecological civilization.
In the process of creating an industrial resource recycling system, waste recycling is an important part of
it. The recycling market has been developing in Kazakhstan for decades, but it is still at a relatively early
stage of development, and it is urgently necessary to increase the level of use of industry resources. The
Closed-loop Economy offers a solution for the transition from the traditional linear economy: to take full
advantage of the recycling of resources in order to gradually separate economic activity from the
consumption of limited resources.
The population needs to treat the environment, society with a certain responsibility to future generations
(Kaushal, Varghese, & Chabukdhara, 2012). The negative consequences of poor-quality waste treatment
affect future generations (Zikri, 2012).
Analysis of problems and satisfaction of the population regarding the waste management system
To analyze the problems and satisfaction of the population with regard to the waste management system
carried out by local governments in cities, a descriptive study was carried out on two cities of Kazakhstan,
Astana (more than 1.5 million inhabitants) and Almaty (more than 2.5 million inhabitants), which were
selected as an area of study. Random respondents were selected, which included a different number of
respondents from each city. A sample of 978 respondents from each randomly selected city was selected
for this study and included an equal number of respondents. To collect responses, a structured survey was
compiled, the survey was conducted in a google form, and a link was sent to the respondents. Respondents
answered the survey at a time convenient for them.
Almost half of the respondents were men, with an average age of 36. The respondents participating in the
selection have higher education (69.2%, Astana), (67.5%, Almaty). The remaining 8.6% (Astana), 1.0%
(Almaty) have graduated from secondary school, and the remaining 22.2% (Astana), 31.5% (Almaty) have
incomplete higher education (Table 4).
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Table 4.
Characteristics of the respondents
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)
from 20 to 30 years old
from 31 to 40 years old
from 41 to 50 years old
from 51 to 60 years old
The level of
Middle school
Incomplete higher education
Higher education
In the course of the study, we tried to determine the difference in public satisfaction with the waste
management system between the cities of Astana and Almaty. Respondents were asked to rate their
satisfaction with the waste management system on a 5-step Likert scale from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not
very satisfied). Satisfaction with the waste management system developed in this study is measured by nine
aspects: the frequency of waste collection, the distance of the landfill from the city, waste management,
cleanliness of the territory/yard, waste collection fees, used vehicle and equipment,
seminars/discussions/information on cleanliness, staff behavior, response to a complaint.
Maintaining cleanliness in the city in order to create an effective waste management system is the task not
only of local authorities, but also of the local population. In this study, residents' satisfaction with the role
of local authorities in Waste Management was assessed, the main cities of Astana and Almaty were selected
to determine residents' satisfaction with urban cleanliness and determine the best city among them.
To assess the effectiveness of the services provided, a survey was conducted using a structured
questionnaire using various parameters such as the frequency of waste collection, the remoteness of the
landfill, the cleanliness of the territory/yard, the fee for waste collection, the vehicle and equipment used,
seminars held, discussions/ cleanliness of information, staff behavior, response to a complaint.
(a) Frequency analysis
Table 5.
Frequency analysis of Astana and Almaty respondents
Waste collection
0 (0)
0 (0)
The distance of the
Waste management
Cleanliness of the
territory / yard
Waste collection fee
The vehicle and
equipment used
Seminars /
information on
Staff behavior
Response to the
Note: V.D.-Very Discontent, D.- Discontent, N.-Neutral, S.- Satisfied, V.S.-Very Satisfied
Table 5 presents an analysis of the entire questionnaire in the form of a comparison of responses received
from both cities. It was found that 30% of respondents from Astana and 32% of respondents from Almaty
were dissatisfied, and 55% of respondents from Astana and 34% of respondents from Almaty were satisfied
with the frequency of waste collection. In this category, none of the respondents remained neutral.
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28% of respondents from Astana were dissatisfied with the nearby landfill set up by city local governments
to collect secondary waste, while 49% of respondents from Almaty were dissatisfied for the same reason.
30% of respondents from Astana and 61% of respondents from Almaty are dissatisfied with the way the
city government handles waste; very few residents of Astana (4%) and Almaty (7%) remained neutral in
this section.
33% of respondents from Astana and 45% of respondents from Almaty were dissatisfied with the vehicle
and equipment used for waste collection, while 53% of respondents from Astana and 30% of respondents
from Almaty were satisfied for the same reason. Very few residents of Astana (4%) and Almaty (7%)
remained neutral in this section.
53% of respondents from Astana and 30% of respondents from Almaty are satisfied with the cleanliness in
their locality imposed by the municipality, while 35% of Astana residents and 50% of Almaty residents
were dissatisfied with this. 43% of respondents from Astana and 30% of respondents from Almaty are
satisfied with the accuracy of the brigade and the behavior of a member of the brigade arriving to clean up
garbage. While 35% of respondents from Astana and 50% of respondents from Almaty were dissatisfied
with this. Respondents from Astana (10%) and Almaty (7%) were behaviorally neutral.
Only 50% of Astana respondents and 36% of Almaty residents were satisfied with the way their complaints
were answered, while 35% of Astana residents and 50% of Almaty residents felt that their complaints were
not properly responded to, so they were unhappy.
Accordingly, 20% and 61% of respondents from Astana and Almaty were dissatisfied with the fee charged
to users for waste removal. 56% of respondents from Astana were satisfied, 20% of respondents from
Almaty were satisfied with the amount collected from them. The majority of respondents, namely 64%
from Astana and 57% from Almaty, remained neutral towards the seminar on cleanliness. The respondents
were dissatisfied with the monitoring and verification of sanitary conditions.
b) independent samples t-test.
To assess the level of population satisfaction with the waste management system in the cities of Astana and
Almaty, we used the t-testing method for an independent sample. As can be seen from Table 6, Astana
residents are more satisfied with each category of waste management system than Almaty residents. In
addition, the differences between the two groups (Astana and Almaty) are statistically significant on some
issues related to population satisfaction with the waste management system.
Table 6.
t-criterion for independent simples
The degree of public satisfaction with the waste management system
Waste collection frequency
The average value
Standard deviation
The distance of the polygon
The average value
Standard deviation
Waste management
The average value
Standard deviation
Cleanliness of the territory / yard
The average value
Standard deviation
Waste collection fee
The average value
Standard deviation
The vehicle and equipment used
The average value
Standard deviation
Seminars / discussions / information on
The average value
Standard deviation
Staff behavior
The average value
Standard deviation
Response to the complaint
The average value
Standard deviation
*: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001
In Astana and Almaty, private organizations are engaged in the removal of solid and household waste,
construction, industrial waste and bulky garbage. Comprehensive work on the collection and transportation
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
of solid waste is carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded with the Department of
Natural Resources and Environmental Management for five years. In Astana and Almaty, the frequency of
waste collection is the same 1 time per day. Every day until 8.00 all waste from garbage containers is taken
out by private organizations to the landfill of solid household waste. On weekends and holidays, waste is
not taken to the landfill. Only the landfills of Astana meet all the requirements. A complex for sorting and
processing of solid household items is operating in Astana. But the capacity of the waste sorting and
recycling complex is very small. Despite the fact that the landfills of Almaty are located further from the
city, the landfill covers an area of several kilometers, while the area of the landfill increases every year.
There is no complex for sorting and processing of solid household substances in Almaty.
To identify and compare the average differences between different survey points in Astana and Almaty, a
paired sample t-test was conducted for 9 points of the questionnaire. It is clear from the above table that for
some parameters there are no significant average differences in people's opinions regarding waste
management and collection in Astana and Almaty. A significant average difference is observed in several
cases, namely: the nearest waste disposal sites (value t = -2.039), which shows that residents of Almaty
were more satisfied with the proximity of waste disposal sites, residents of Almaty were more satisfied with
the payment of waste collection compared to residents of Astana (value t = -6.287). Residents of Astana
and Almaty were pleased with the frequency of waste collection, vehicles and equipment used for garbage
collection and street sweeping, the behavior and accuracy of employees in the performance of their duties.
c) Social surveys on solid waste management
In our study, an empirical study was conducted, during which a survey of the population on solid waste
management was conducted. For this purpose, a special questionnaire was developed with questions on the
topic of solid waste management and the proposed answer options.
The survey of residents was conducted using questionnaires (using forms docs.google.com), where 20
questions were asked about the ecology of the city in an individual form. The survey was conducted for 2
months (from August to October 2023). 980 Astana residents randomly over the age of 18 from 4 districts
of the city were interviewed: Yesilsky, Saryarkinsky, Almaty, Baikonur.
As a result of the survey, it is possible to get an idea of opinions on waste management issues, as well as
about the knowledge of the population about waste disposal and recycling.
Surveys included the creation of enterprises in this area (for example, incinerators, landfills), as well as
feedback on the preparation for recycling, the volume of waste collected and the service life of each
Among all respondents, women accounted for 50. 5%, men 49.5 %, respectively. It can be said that both
men and women are interested in environmental issues. In general, the answer to the most important
question about whether people are engaged in separate collection: 24.7 % answered «yes», 28.8 % partially
answered separate collection (paper, bottles) and only 46.5 % answered «no».
931 respondents voted for "recycling" as the safest and most environmentally friendly way (see Figure 3).
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Figure 3. Respondents' answers to the question about a more environmentally friendly and safe way of
waste disposal.
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
As for the most dangerous and nonecological method of waste disposal, the respondents were almost
equally divided between disposal and incineration of waste (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Survey on the most dangerous and harmful method of garbage disposal.
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
It can be said that residents were not informed that incineration can be an environmentally friendly and
even very effective method for the economy if sorted waste is burned and environmentally friendly
technologies are applied. CO2 emissions can be low. In developed countries, fuel is used as an energy
supply for all cities and electricity generation (Burkaltseva et al., 2022b; Igaliyeva et al., 2020; Nurzhanova
et al., 2020; Barykin et al., 2022)
The question of whether people do waste at work was included in the survey, since many people often
spend them outside the home, where they may have established some kind of waste distribution order at
work. Only 8.50 % of respondents always sort (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Survey on the distribution of garbage at work.
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Waste disposal (landfills)
What is the most environmentally friendly and safe way to dispose of waste?
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Waste disposal (landfills)
Which of the listed methods of garbage disposal in your opinion is the most
dangerous harmful?
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
No, I'm not up to it there
No, because there is no equipped place
I try to sort something (paper, bottle, etc.)
Yes, I always sort
Not working/working at home
Do you share garbage at work?
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Additionally, 16 questions were asked to Astana residents. The survey included information about the
services provided by the population in the city, the informal sector, informing the population, and waste
treatment behavior (Table 7).
Table 7.
Questions compiled by the authors and presented to the residents of Astana
Point of
Questions (Q)
Possible answers to the question (Ai)
What kind of material do you think
is separated from solid household
Waste for disposal in a landfill; Materials for recycling; Waste for
incineration; I do not know.
Would you agree to build another
landfill in your city?
Yes; No, I am categorically against it; Yes, this is the best option for my city;
I do not know.
Would you agree to the
construction of an incinerator in
your city?
Yes; No; Yes, this is the best option for my city; I do not know.
What do you think are the most
littered places in our city
Streets; Courtyards; Recreation area; I do not know.
What, in your opinion, is the main
reason for the littering of our city?
Insufficient number of bins and garbage containers; Lack of a clear system
for collecting and disposing of garbage; Low level of culture of the residents
of our city; I do not know.
What is hazardous waste?
Medicinal substances; Batteries; Chemicals; I do not know
Approximately how much food
waste is generated in your family
per day?
200 g; 2 kg; 20 kg; I do not know
What measures can be taken to
reduce the amount of waste?
Сan use reusable containers and bottles; Switch to digital document formats;
Send materials not to landfill, but for recycling; I do not know.
What are the benefits of recycling
for the environment?
Reducing the volume of untreated waste in landfills; Reducing greenhouse
gas emissions; Creating new jobs and saving resources; I do not know.
What consequences can there be if
you do not follow the rules of waste
Nothing will happen; Fines and administrative penalties will be imposed; It
may lead to environmental pollution; I do not know.
What is hazardous household
Glass; Toxic substances and Medical waste; Industrial and industrial waste; I
do not know
What innovative technologies are
used for waste recycling?
Biotechnologies that allow the conversion of organic waste into biogas and
compost; Chemical method; Hydrolysis; I do not know
Do informal collectors collect
usable waste?
Never; Sometimes; Often; I do not know
Is the time of gathering citizens
Never; Sometimes; Yes; I do not know
Informing the
Do local governments conduct
campaigns to inform the public
about recycling?
Never; Sometimes; Often; I do not know
The number of sorting containers
near the house with an indication
of the marking and drawing.
Not enough; More than two; Enough; I do not know
When asked what material is released from solid household waste, the respondents answered as follows:
waste for landfill disposal -32.6%; materials for recycling -41.2%; waste for incineration -18%; waste for
incineration -8.2%. When asked if you agree to build another landfill in your city, 38.8% of respondents
replied that no, I am categorically against it; 39.6% replied that they did not know. When asked what, in
your opinion, are the most garbage places in the city, the majority of respondents replied that these are
yards. Indeed, the courtyards of the capital's residential complexes are buried in garbage. Untimely waste
removal is becoming one of the main problems of Astana. local authorities admit that the monopolist service
company simply cannot cope with the rapidly growing city, and tariffs for the removal of household waste
are too low.
As for knowledge, the public is well aware of the types of household waste. To the question whether the
official frequency of waste collection (per week), the time of collection of citizens, the residents answered
satisfactorily (Q14). It can be concluded that the informal sector is poorly known and not recognized by
citizens, and public campaigns are known, but not fully respected and not used (Q13, Q15). Residents
pointed out a small number of sorting containers near the house with a note and a picture (Q16).
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Table 8.
The results of the survey of the population of Astana. Higher percentages are in bold, while lower
percentages are in italics
А1 (%)
А2 (%)
А3 (%)
I do not know (%)
The results of the survey of residents of the capital are presented in Table 8 and in Figure 6, Figure 7.
Figure 6. Q1Q11 results expressed in % (Q: Question; A: Answer).
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
8,8 8,9 17,8 16,7 25,7 24,4 12,4 25,4 15,7 5,1
68,7 54,2
25,2 14,5
27,1 50,1
10,7 15,5
56,7 58,1
11,7 12,5 1,4 1,7 11,4 1,4 5,6 5,5 4,4
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11
А1 (%) А2 (%) А3 (%) I do not know (%)
Volume 13 - Issue 77
/ May 2024
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and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
Figure 7. Results Q12Q16, expressed in % (Q: Question; A: Answer).
Source: Created by the authors based on public data.
As a result of this survey, it turned out that 46.5% of the surveyed residents do not sort the discarded
garbage. We can say that the problem of garbage in Astana worries many people. In addition, a small part
collects household waste separately, but at the same time many people want this, but face problems because
they do not know where the individual garbage collection points are located. Residents are concerned about
the shortage of garbage collection containers and recycling containers, and residents are asking for an
increase in the number of garbage collection containers. The public is well aware of the types of household
waste. However, it is necessary to continue to inform the population and indicate the addresses of the
collection points of these wastes. A survey of residents of the capital, conducted based on the results of a
survey developed by the authors, showed that most citizens realize the importance of the problem of plastic
waste and try to reduce the size of such garbage, and try to reduce the size of this waste, but a significant
part of residents still do nothing about it. From the results of an empirical study, information was obtained
to clarify the problems of handling solid household waste of the population and to determine
recommendations for their solution.
Many studies have been conducted in Kazakhstan that directly or indirectly contribute to solving problems
related to the need for proper waste management associated with Kazakhstan's gradual transition to a low
carbon economy in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
In Kazakhstan, in the context of a "green economy", work is underway on effective waste recycling to
ensure the sustainable development of the country's economy. Currently, Kazakhstan implements 17
Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations in 2015, as the results of departments and
strategic industrial development plans correspond to the main goals of the SDGs.
Table 9 shows that of the 17 SDGs, six (7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 17) are directly or indirectly related to the
issues of effective waste management in Kazakhstan in a "green economy".
In this regard, we have given below a number of suggestions for solving some of the problems of the
research goal (Table 5).
80,1 71,2
80,1 80,2
4,2 7,5
1,4 1,5
11,7 12,8
14,5 14,1
Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16
А1 (%) А2 (%) А3 (%) I do not know (%)
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source is cited.
Table 9.
Mechanisms for the implementation and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
Description of the SDGs
Mechanisms for the implementation and
achievement of the SDGs
Expected effect
SDGs 7
Not expensive and clean energy
Energy efficiency is increasing, and the electric power
sector is making great strides in the field of renewable
energy sources.
Economic effect,
Social effect
SDGs 9
Building sustainable infrastructure,
promoting industrialization and
Innovation and technological progress increase
resource efficiency and energy efficiency, search for
longterm solutions to economic and environmental
Economic effect,
Social effect
SDGs 11
Ensuring openness, security,
resilience and environmental
sustainability of cities and
Rapid urbanization will lead to population growth and
worsening air pollution.
Environmental effect
SDGs 12
Responsible consumption and
Ensuring the transition to rational patterns of
consumption and production, which continues to have a
devastating impact on the planet.
Economic effect,
Social effect,
Environmental effect
SDGs 13
Fighting climate change
Climate change has not stopped. The global economy is
expected to recover after the pandemic, and emissions
will return to higher levels.
Economic effect,
Social effect,
Environmental effect
SDGs 17
Partnership for Sustainable
The successful implementation of sustainable
development is impossible without inclusive
partnerships at the global, regional and local levels
based on principles and values aimed at satisfying
human interests.
Economic effect,
Social effect,
Environmental effect
The data in Table 9 show that if Kazakhstan gradually transitions to lowcarbon neutrality in the context
of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the proposed mechanisms may contribute to solving some
problems related to waste management, and the material mechanism proposed as part of the gradual
transition to lowcarbon neutrality in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals may
contribute to solving some problems related to with waste recycling.
The identified (existing) problems of waste management in our country need to be solved in a threeway
(threelevel) direction: the state, companies and the population.
The identified (existing) problems of waste management in our country need to be solved in a threeway
(threelevel) direction: the state, companies and the population.
So, based on the above conclusions, we have proposed some recommendations for improving waste
management in Kazakhstan (Figure 8).
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source is cited.
Figure 8. Main recommendations for improving waste management in Kazakhstan.
Garbage collection and sorting can be improved with simple technologies that minimize the total waste
incinerated or disposed of. This allows the waste to be used for other purposes, such as the production of
fertilizers and biogas. Carbon emissions from waste can be completely eliminated, but an integrated waste
management model based on the principles of a sustainable closedloop economy is needed. The complete
elimination of the impact of waste on the environment and health requires a radical transition from existing
linear consumption models to a recycling model (Fan et al., 2021; Berenguer et al., 2023; Mukhit &
Syafrudin, 2018).
The use of modern technologies, in particular the Internet of Things, machine learning, mobile peripheral
computing, blockchain technology and LoRaWAN, has played an important role in the revolutionary
transformation of waste management in smart cities. These technologies provide an integrated approach to
waste management, allowing the use of innovative strategies such as realtime monitoring, route
optimization, automatic sorting and classification, as well as effective forecasting of waste generation
trends. Revenues from composting, water treatment and waste have increased the wellbeing of greenhouse
producers to a greater extent than other participants in the supply chain (Hassan et al., 2016; Navghane et
al., 2016; Gutierrez et al., 2015; Bartl, 2011).
In order to meet the growing needs of people for a better life, it is necessary to comprehensively modernize
existing landfills, integrate landfill resources in one city and develop new technologies through research
and development of new technologies, new equipment, learn from foreign advanced technologies and
management experience and use the potential of existing garbage stations; at the same time, actively
promote environmental education in universities, secondary schools, strengthen the promotion of garbage
classification in the community and other methods of social participation to effectively solve the problems
of urban garbage removal.
The purpose of the study is to study issues related to the formation of solid household waste in Kazakhstan.
In Kazakhstan, solid waste management is aimed at recycling, but the problem of organizing modern
landfills in most cases is poorly solved. Waste recycling companies are not able to achieve the expected
results in waste distribution. The relations between the state, local authorities and the population were
established correctly, the mechanisms of interaction between them were not implemented. In our study,
Key recommendations for improving waste management
in Kazakhstan
Improving environmental safety mechanisms
Improvement of ecological culture and ecological literacy of
the population (creation of informative video clips and
introductory booklets and brochures on consumer culture;
introduction of seminars, trainings on consumer culture, etc.)
Solving the problems of household waste emissions and their
efficient disposal by strengthening tax administration, etc.
Conducting public environmental control in order to
implement the principles of responsible consumption among
the population and organizations (companies and SMEs, etc.,
formation of environmental groups in residential buildings
and office buildings, etc.).
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction, distribution,
and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the original
source is cited.
empirical research was conducted on a survey of the population on solid waste management. To analyze
the problems and satisfaction of the population with the waste management system implemented by local
authorities in cities, a survey was conducted in two cities of Kazakhstan - Astana and Almaty. For this
study, a sample of 978 respondents from each randomly selected city was selected, which included an equal
number of respondents. To assess the level of public satisfaction with the waste management system in the
cities of Astana and Almaty, we used the t-testing method for an independent sample. After the survey, we
found that residents of Astana are more satisfied with the waste management system of each category than
residents of Almaty.
For this purpose, a special survey was prepared with questions about working with solid waste and the
proposed answers. After analyzing the respondents' responses to the survey, it became clear which points
should be paid more attention to when conducting marketing campaigns. It is important to ensure the
smooth and efficient operation of the waste incineration and recycling plant. Based on the analysis, it is
proposed to create several public communication channels to inform the public about the problem of
separate collection of plastic waste and to study the importance of such events:
It is proposed to create many public communication channels through which it is possible to raise awareness
of residents about the problem of plastic waste and explain the importance of such events:
improvement of environmental culture and environmental literacy of the population (creation of
informative videos and introductory booklets and brochures on consumer culture; seminars, trainings
on consumer culture, etc.);
conducting public environmental control in order to introduce the principles of responsible
consumption among the population and organizations (companies and SMEs, etc.) (formation of
environmental groups in residential buildings and office buildings, etc.);
creation of children's games on environmental culture and instilling in children the principles of
responsible consumption;
solving the problems of household waste emissions and their effective disposal by strengthening tax
administration, etc.
creating an environmental passport for organizations.
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