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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.29
How to Cite:
Iuksel, G., Dosenko, A., Sytnyk, O., Yuldasheva, L., & Zakharov, V. (2024). Journalism in times of war: challenges and
opportunities in the digital age. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 356-364. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.29
Journalism in times of war: challenges and opportunities in the digital
Журналістика під час війни: виклики та можливості в епоху цифрових технологій
Received: February 26, 2024 Accepted: April 29, 2024
Written by:
Gaiana Iuksel1
Anzhelika Dosenko2
Oleksii Sytnyk3
Liudmyla Yuldasheva4
Vitalii Zakharov5
The current conditions of journalistic activity
demonstrate the importance of the ability to work
properly in times of conflict and instability. The
peculiarities of such work determined the purpose
of the article - to study the problems of conflict-
sensitive journalism as one of the trends of our
time. This goal was achieved through the use of
scientific methods. First of all, we are talking about
the method of content analysis of professional
scientific literature, the use of methods of
generalisation and systematisation.
The results of the study show that for objective
coverage of events, it is recommended to use the
idea of a ‘just’ war, to carefully assess the opinions
and views of different segments of the population
regarding the war, not to be in the position of
propagandists, to focus on the coverage of the
process, to demonstrate the interests and concerns
of the warring parties, avoiding the understanding
Сучасні умови журналістської діяльності
демонструють важливість уміння правильно
працювати в умовах нестабільних ситуаціях.
Особливості такої роботи зумовили мету статті
дослідити проблеми конфлікто-чутливої
журналістики як одного з трендів сучасності.
Цієї мети було досягнуто завдяки
використанню наукових методів. Насамперед,
мова йде про метод контент-аналізу фахової
наукової літератури, використання методів
узагальнення та систематизації.
Результати дослідження свідчать, що для
об’єктивного висвітлення подій
рекомендується використовувати ідею
«справедливої» війни, уважно оцінювати
думки та погляди різних верств населення на
війну, не займати позицію пропагандистів,
зосередити увагу на висвітленні процесу,
продемонструвати інтереси та занепокоєння
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Educational & Scientific Institute of Philology and
Journalism, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAB-2490-2021
PhD in Social Communications, Associate Professor, the Head of Department of Journalism, Educational and Scientific Institute of
Philology and Journalism, V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: Z-1396-2019
PhD in Social Communications, Associate Professor, Department of Publishing and Editing, Educational and Scientific Institute of
Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABB-3181-2021
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Slavic, Roman and German Philology, Educational and Scientific
Institute of Philology and Journalism, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: Y-6026-2019
PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Television Journalism, Faculty of Cinema and Television, Kyiv National
University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KQV-4806-2024
Iuksel, G., Dosenko, A., Sytnyk, O., Yuldasheva, L., Zakharov, V. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 356-364 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
of war as a concept of struggle for the same ideas.
As shown in the article, it is important to avoid
‘hate speech’, which is the basis for the
development of discriminatory policies. The
conclusions note that journalistic work should not
be understood as entertainment or selfish practice.
Keywords: ethics of conflict portrayal, media
literariness, influence of social media, conflict-
sensitive journalism, emotional intelligence.
ворогуючих сторін, уникаючи розуміння війни
як концепції боротьби за ті самі ідеї. Як
показано в статті, важливо уникати «мови
ненависті», яка є основою для розвитку
дискримінаційної політики. Розгляд елементів
інтеграції соціальних медіа в журналістику
показав важливість поглибленого фактчекінгу
як основи роботи з цим сегментом. Водночас
інструменти цензури можуть бути
неефективними і їх слід замінити елементами
налагодження якісної комунікації з
суспільством. У висновках зазначається, що
журналістську роботу не слід розуміти як
розвагу чи егоїстичну практику. Через значний
вплив на прийняття рішень конфліктно-
чутлива журналістика має дотримуватись
етичних принципів роботи, які можуть бути
закріплені у відповідних нормативно-правових
Ключові слова: етика висвітлення конфлікту,
медіаграмотність, вплив соціальних медіа,
конфлікто-чуттєва журналістика.
Contemporary scholarly discourse has
established that journalism plays an important
role in covering current complex problems and
tense situations in today's society. At the same
time, journalism is currently undergoing serious
changes due to the emergence of the
phenomenon of ‘media convergence’, i.e. the
expansion of the audience in all possible ways
(Antonopoulos et al., 2020; Johnson et al., 2020).
Thus, this affects the transformation of the
methodology of covering events and the basic
principles of journalism.
In their materials, journalists may not adhere to
ethical professional principles and standards
when writing about conflict-sensitive topics. At
the same time, the events of the Russian-
Ukrainian war have demonstrated the importance
of the media in a modern democratic society
(Skurtul, 2023). In times of war, there is an
urgent need for accurate and high-quality
information, without which democracy cannot
function effectively (Zhytnikova, 2023).
On the other hand, intense competition and active
transformational digital changes require
journalists not only to have professional skills,
but also to have a detailed understanding of the
main trends in the modern globalised world. This
article will examine the main aspects of conflict-
sensitive journalism and its principles in modern
media. Thus, given the current realities, it is
necessary to comprehensively study the problem
of conflict-sensitive journalism, which will
determine the main purpose of the study.
At the same time, modern technologies used in
modern information wars involving the media
deserve important attention. All these aspects
make this problem extremely relevant for study.
Therefore, the main tasks include highlighting
the aspects of conflict-sensitive journalism,
identifying the negative effects of hate speech,
and determining the updates of journalistic work
with social media.
The structure of this papper consists of an
introduction, a systematic review of the
literature, which summarizes the main work of
the authors and trends in modern journalism,
results and conclusions. In the results section, the
main principles of conducting conflict-sensitive
journalism and its importance during the war are
described. The conclusions summarize the
practical features of using emotional-conflict
journalism and describe directions for further
research. Therefore, this study is aimed at solving
a topical and not fully researched topic, and the
conclusions demonstrate the importance of
avoiding hate speech when conducting
journalism in conditions of war.
Literature Review
Given the above-mentioned relevance of this
issue, contemporary authors have outlined the
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theoretical aspects of studying sensory
journalism in the digital age. Today, this area is
not well represented in research. The analysis of
the possibilities of sensitive messages is devoted
to studies that highlight the role of empathy in
journalistic material (Howard, 2015). In general,
Howard's (2015) work is devoted to the
theoretical concept of conflict-sensitive
journalism, and the author outlines the main
practical tips on how modern professional
journalists should cover sensitive topics,
especially in view of the conflict situation in
different regions. However, the limitation of this
study is a theoretical review of the basic
principles of conducting conflict-sensitive
journalism; however, the author does not delve
into practical solutions. Changes in Ukrainian
culture in the era of the Russian-Ukrainian war
are also highlighted in separate studies (Kurok et
al., 2023; Romaniuk et al., 2023). These studies
are important in the context of this topic given
the important role of Ukrainian culture and its
development during the war.
As for conflict-sensitive journalism in a broader
sense, this topic is present in theoretical studies
that contribute to the development of
methodology and monitoring of sensitivity in
relation to certain groups of people (Hackett,
2012; Lipschultz, 2020). At the same time,
Owino & Karani (2022) in their empirical study,
based on the analysis of media reports,
characterised the observance of ethical norms in
modern media resources. The authors also
proved that the media play an important role in
conflict resolution and peace-building. The
strength of the study is its empirical approach,
however, the local nature of the study can be
highlighted as a limitation.
At the same time, modern scholars argue that
digital communications in the online
environment, as well as the widespread
development of audio and television media,
allow for the free dissemination of any, and in
some cases, inaccurate information about the
actions of certain social groups or individuals
(Choi & Yang, 2021). This is an important
problem for modern journalism. In general,
modern authors have explored various
possibilities of digital journalism, in particular,
the study by Antonopoulos, Konidaris, Polykalas
& Lamprou (2020) analyses the phenomenon of
online journalism through the prism of analysing
individual news websites. The strength of this
study is the empirical measurements and
characterization of practical areas of journalism
implementation, at the same time, this study is
also local in nature, as the authors analyzed the
news websites available to them. Cheruiyot
(2022) proved the importance of media literacy
for the modern audience. The same problem is
covered in detail in Dadakhonov (2024), who
outlines the importance of media literacy based
on an empirical study of this issue. Guta (2021)
outlines the importance of journalistic ethics in
sensitive reporting. The strength of the study is
its extraordinary approach to the coverage of this
problem, however, the author generally
approached the chosen topic.
The development of conflict-sensitive journalism
is presented in Jimoh & Kayode (2018). These
authors have identified the peace journalism
model as an important way for journalists to
practice their craft. These authors also showed
the basic background and contexts of conflicts
and highlighted some peace initiatives in news
coverage of conflicts. The strong point of the
study is the raising of an actual topic, which is
currently not fully researched. However, some of
the statements made by these authors need to be
revised and clarified. Thus, although
contemporary studies have developed theoretical
aspects of conflict-sensitive journalism, this
topic is not fully covered and needs to be clarified
in view of current challenges.
The study was conducted on the basis of a
content analysis of modern scientific literature.
This method allowed for a qualitative approach
to this study and a comprehensive
characterisation of the issue.
Data collection
Data collection was carried out using the main
scientometric databases of international and
national importance in order to include a variety
of sources. First, key words such as ‘journalism’,
‘conflict-sensitive journalism’, digitalisation’,
‘Ukraine’, ‘war’, ‘journalism trends’ were
entered into the scientometric databases. After a
critical superficial analysis of the topics and
annotations, the most relevant sources were
selected - 50 items in total.
After that, the criteria for including the literature
were formed:
1. The article deals with general trends in the
development of journalism.
2. The article describes the digitalisation of
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
3. The main theoretical aspects of sensory
journalism in the modern informative space
are investigated.
4. The qualitative and quantitative data of a
conflict-sensitive journalist are described.
5. Preference was given to both qualitative and
quantitative research.
6. Inclusion of relevant and contemporary
The date range of the sources included included
literature from 2012 onwards. At the same time,
the main focus was on the analysis of
contemporary literature (from 2019).
Date Analysis
The paper uses the method of content analysis of
the literature, which was carried out in stages. In
particular, first, an initial analysis of the main
annotations from the selected literature was
carried out, and then the main results were
analysed. Thus, the main trends in the
development of modern journalism were
identified. Also, based on the systematic method,
the author characterises conflict-sensitive
journalism as a phenomenon that evolves in
accordance with modern globalised challenges.
Results and Discussion
Conflict-sensitive journalism has been
undergoing significant changes for a long time.
With regard to the problem of implementing it in
practice, researchers have identified a number of
aspects that need to be taken into account (see
Table 1).
Table 1.
Some aspects of implementing conflict-sensitive journalism
Avoiding the logic of a
‘tug of war’
The use of descriptions of war as a conflict between several parties fighting for the
same goal is inappropriate in journalistic work. Among the negative aspects of this
aspect is that its implementation leads to further escalation, the formation of
competition and the denial of the need for cooperation. Usually, confrontations are
not that simple. One of the important tasks of sensitive journalists is to find and
analyse the activities of all stakeholders. The grouping of interested ‘players’ into
two warring parties is replaced by exploring the interests and needs of all parties,
which carry equal weight, regardless of status.
Process orientation
Conflict-sensitive journalism requires a focus on the process, not just on the
coverage of events. The importance of the process is determined by the
characterisation of the history of events, contexts, circumstances and conditions,
coverage of the details of violence, etc.
Caution in assessing
opinions and views
Caution in assessing opinions and views In the course of journalistic work, it is
important to avoid generalising and presenting the opinions of the elite as the only
possible and existing ones. There is a need to study the parties and their views
regardless of their power and social status, and it is also important to present the
views of ordinary citizens.
Understanding the
injustice of war
Conflict-sensitive journalism refuses to accept narratives of a just war. Instead of
discussing the possible reasons for justifying war, it should demonstrate the cost of
warfare, its outcome and impact on social life, reveal the real face of war, and
demonstrate the destructive impact of conflicts in the modern world.
Countering propaganda
The two-sided geometry of war coverage does not imply taking a neutral position.
Using this method, a journalist must take sides. Theoretically, using rational
arguments, they can counteract the other side's propaganda. However, focusing on
the demonstration of violence can lead to simplification of facts and can lead to
Source: Rudenko & Kharkov (2023), Tkhorzhevska (2023)
An important trend may be the use of ‘hate
speech’. It is widespread in public and private
life, and there are many discussions about
whether it is possible to regulate this issue in law.
In a broad sense, hate speech means any
expression that denies the existence of the
principle of equality of all people. Such a
construct can describe and hierarchically
compare different groups of people and evaluate
their personal qualities based on their
membership in one group or another. Negative
stereotypes or prejudices can become the main
underlying hate speech (Nilsen, 2014). The latter
are spread to justify discrimination, most often
ethnic or ‘racial’ (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Elements of ‘hate speech’
Source: Nilsen (2014), Said-Hung, Montero-Díaz & Sánchez-Esparza (2023).
The main targets of such rhetoric may be groups
of people, including ethnic groups, residents of
certain territories or regions, internally displaced
persons, migrants without official documents,
drug or alcohol addicts, people with disabilities,
representatives of certain religious groups and
representatives of certain professions, which may
be ambiguously treated by society. In particular,
messages containing hate speech may use
stereotypical names for social groups, such as
Gypsies rather than Roma, Jews rather than Jews.
This problem can be particularly acute in times
of global challenges or conflict (Said-Hung et al.,
For example, in Ukraine, many people have had
to leave their homes and become displaced, and
are more vulnerable and may be affected by
various media headlines on displacement or
refugee issues (Skurtul, 2023). In some contexts,
the use of IDPs, displaced persons instead of
Ukrainians, especially in topics related to their
stay abroad, can be vulnerable. In particular, the
news item titled ‘An IDP-coloniser detained in
Lviv region’ has a negative connotation. In this
context, journalists should find a line when it is
really necessary to emphasise that a person is an
IDP. When it does not play a significant role in
the text, it is not necessary to focus on such
details. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that hate
speech can take several forms (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Forms of ‘hate speech’
Source: Author’s development
Not facts, but rumours
about social groups Language clichés Discriminatory
Stereotypical names
Emotions of fear, anger,
Calls for violence
An incorrect word
was used
accidentally and
Deliberate repetition of
several stereotypical
clichés and incorrect
The message
contains some hate
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Thus, the use of hate speech elements may affect
the professional activities of journalists. They
should adhere to the Code of Ethics for Ukrainian
Journalists. It is also worth remembering that
crimes are committed by criminals, and not
focusing on social status. Special attention in the
work of journalists should be paid to the
competent use of the potential of social networks
and messengers, as these areas of cooperation
with the public are extremely difficult to regulate
through censorship or other actions of state
authorities. The experience of the Russian-
Ukrainian war has demonstrated that Facebook,
X (formerly Twitter), Instagrem, TikTok,
messengers (primarily Telegram, which is
popular in Ukraine) can become platforms for the
rapid dissemination of information.
The ability to communicate easily, show images
of destruction and casualties, and avoid
unnecessary expert opinions and judgements
imposed by media holdings, make it possible to
show the real face of war without embellishment
(Kostrubitska, 2022). Due to the efficiency and
close integration of digital technologies into
everyday life, information can be updated in real
time, and the audience will grow exponentially.
This has a tangible advantage - the ability to
demonstrate the reality of military operations and
the associated deprivation, pain and suffering.
Moreover, this demonstration will be served
directly to viewers/followers, without
unnecessary censorship in most cases. However,
the use of social media in journalism can also
become a powerful source of disinformation.
Caught in the crossfire of disinformation, the
audience on social media faces a difficult choice
of trust/distrust. The situation is further
complicated by paid-for content, the use of a
huge number of bots that spread the desired
opinions across the web, and the purchase of
previously trusted accounts, which increase the
risks to journalistic work. Given the possible
scale of the problem, researchers believe that
modern society lives in a ‘post-truth’ era, in
which additional skills are required to detect
deception. Among them is fact-checking, the
ability to verify and analyse the information
received. Perhaps one of the tasks of conflict-
sensitive journalism is to facilitate this sector of
work: journalists should independently check the
materials for their relevance to reality before
publishing them, making it easier for the public
to identify false information.
There is also a popular opinion among
researchers that journalists should understand the
crucial role of journalism during military
operations (Kostrubitska, 2022). It is argued that
in times of war, simply working to present
information objectively or to cover opposing
views is not enough, as such activities can lead to
a deeper escalation and trigger new rounds of
violence. Journalists in times of war are required
to have more information about the root causes
of conflicts, the process of conflict emergence,
development and termination, as well as to be
aware of the cases in which wars end and the
ways in which such scenarios can be realised.
Researchers acknowledge that conflict-sensitive
journalism should be based on the understanding
that the problem of war in the modern world is
beyond the scope of any situation and has a
fundamental basis that needs to be critically
examined (Kostrubitska, 2022).
Therefore, when implementing the concept of
conflict-sensitive journalism, there is a need to
use facts that take into account broader contexts,
i.e., demonstrate a holistic picture of the larger
whole based on specific facts and stories that
have become a complex matrix of the military
present, which is constantly changing and
transforming. Conflict-sensitive journalism
should carry out the process of uniting society in
times of war, responding to the spread of
disinformation and deliberate hostility
(Kostrubitska, 2022). According to current
opinions in the scientific literature, even in times
of military danger, journalists should provide the
public with opportunities for political assessment
of military realities and the consequences of war.
The findings demonstrated that modern conflict-
sensitive journalism plays an important role in
covering military events, informing society about
the causes and consequences of wars, and taking
an objective approach to reporting. At the same
time, journalists should not turn into preachers of
peace, but rather act as neutral intermediaries
who possess and transmit objective information
(Martynenko et al., 2023). Similarly, media
outlets should not be subject to harassment or
restrictions, but should follow the usual standards
of operation that have guaranteed high quality
work in peacetime.
For this reason, there is no need to impose
additional restrictions on journalistic activity in
times of war. On the other hand, it is worth noting
the opinions of researchers that the objectivity of
taking into account all points of view during
wartime is a complex and partially unsolvable
problem (Rudenko & Kharkov, 2023). The vivid
example of Russian propaganda has
demonstrated that such estimates are much closer
to reality, as the free dissemination of biased and
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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fake information will turn journalistic work into
a constant provocation of conflict. Obviously,
such methods of work are not acceptable for
conflict-sensitive journalism. The main trends in
the development of journalism in Ukraine are
covered by Karpchuk & Makar (2023) and
Starkova & Yaresko (2020). Zhytnikova (2023)
describes the communication capabilities of
journalists in the era of war. The phenomenon of
cultural journalism and its development is
described in detail in a comprehensive study by
Silva (2016). This author described the main
models, practical solutions and opportunities of
this area of journalism.
Analysis of journalistic work in the media point
out that there may be several possible options for
journalists in times of open war. First of all, it is
about the possibility of journalists to accelerate
the adoption of necessary political decisions by
simultaneously drawing attention to the problem
on many information resources. The reverse
process is also likely, when the media can make
it difficult to implement planned decisions,
achieve political goals due to the degree of
emotional assessment of the situation or even
disclose plans for military operations (Vasilenko,
The example of the overly active PR of the
counter-offensive of Ukrainian troops in 2023
clearly demonstrated the short-sightedness of
journalists and experts, which led to the spread of
aggression, scepticism and pessimism in
Ukrainian society (Derviş, 2023). Thirdly,
journalistic work can influence the formation of
the political agenda (Kostrubitska, 2022).
Understanding these options will allow experts to
develop and formulate common standards for the
presentation of events during martial law in the
media. There is also a need for such principles to
be enshrined at the state level in an appropriate
administrative and legal act. However, given the
changing situation and the active integration of
new digital opportunities for disseminating
information, such initiatives should be constantly
adjusted to take into account the emergence of
new practices that are detrimental to real
journalistic work.
The findings also highlighted that hate speech
can play an important role in modern journalism,
which modern journalists can use both
accidentally and intentionally. According to
Baider & Constantinou (2020), racism in the
linguistic framework is shaped by socio-cultural
changes and contexts. In particular, preliminary
comparisons of social media journalism about
Greek Cypriots and Greek online data showed
that the two communities use different means to
express their hostility towards each other, and
that Greek messages may be more offensive. The
findings are also consistent with Johnson,
Thomas & Kelling (2020), who found that
ethnicity can be an important sensitivity and
resource for hate speech. Other studies also
confirm that the existence of hate speech
concepts is an important challenge.
In particular, based on the analysis of Spanish
messages, it was determined that inappropriate
translation of certain ethnic phrases can serve as
a valid reason for the use of certain hate speech
constructs. At the same time, contemporary
scholars also agree that modern digital
technologies have changed the way journalism is
conducted. Contemporary scholars also identify
the significant impact of these digital
technologies, including multimedia for better
audience outreach (Antonopoulos et al., 2020;
Salaverría, 2019). However, according to
Vasilenko (2021), new professional journalism
in Ukraine has every opportunity to develop only
if there is a public demand for it, i.e. joint efforts
of scholars and practitioners are important to
inform readers, viewers, listeners about new
methods of presenting material and test them in
modern online media.
Therefore, conflict-sensitive journalism is an
important tool for organising journalistic
activities during military conflicts. In particular,
for objective coverage of events, it is
recommended to avoid certain aspects. First of
all, it is about rejecting the idea of a ‘just’ war,
being careful in assessing the opinions and views
of different segments of the population regarding
the war, the importance of not falling into the trap
of propaganda and not becoming a propagandist
yourself, focusing on the coverage of the process
in assessments, demonstrating the interests and
concerns of the warring parties, avoiding the
understanding of war as a concept of struggle for
the same ideas. An important aspect of working
in conflict-sensitive journalism is avoiding the
use of ‘hate speech’. There are no legislative
mechanisms to regulate its use, so the existence
of such a construct makes it possible to
characterise events and individuals with elements
of denial of the principle of equality of all people.
As a rule, negative stereotypes, which are the
basis for discrimination, including racial
discrimination, become the basic elements of
hate speech.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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Another important issue is the integration of
modern social media into journalism. The
experience of the Russian-Ukrainian war has
demonstrated that online platforms have become
platforms for the rapid dissemination of
information. This provides conflict-sensitive
journalism with an important advantage - the
ability to demonstrate the real consequences of
the war, which will somehow contribute to a
negative perception of the war. Moreover, this
demonstration will be presented directly to
viewers/subscribers, without unnecessary
censorship in most cases. At the same time, there
is a need for in-depth fact-checking, as the
availability of certain information, the spread of
bots, the purchase of accounts, etc. can introduce
disinformation. In such circumstances, a
journalist can turn into a mediator who performs
part of the tasks of combating propaganda.
It is important that journalistic work should not
be seen as entertainment or a selfish practice.
Due to its significant impact on decision-making,
conflict-sensitive journalism should adhere to
ethical principles of work, which can be
enshrined in relevant regulations. However, the
introduction of censorship in the coverage of
modern warfare is ineffective, as it is impossible
to block all channels of information
dissemination, and providing truthful
information is a better option than silencing
tangible problems.
However, this study also opens up new directions
for further research. In particular, it is important
to conduct an empirical study that would confirm
the effectiveness of the implementation of
individual components and principles of conflict-
sensitive journalism during the war.
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