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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.22
How to Cite:
Luhovyi, V., Drozd, V., Hahach, V., Chaplynskyi, K., &Yefimov, M. (2024). The debate on the interaction of authorized units in
the investigation of transnational crimes: a critical review. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 274-285.
The debate on the interaction of authorized units in the investigation of
transnational crimes: a critical review
Наукова полеміка стосовно взаємодії уповноважених підрозділів під час розслідування
транснаціональних злочинів: критичний огляд
Received: March 1, 2024 Accepted: April 28, 2024
Written by:
Luhovyi Viktor1
Drozd Vitalii2
Hahach Vitalii3
Chaplynskyi Kostiantyn4
Yefimov Mykola5
The article is devoted to the study of the essence
of interaction between authorized entities in the
investigation of criminal offenses committed by
transnational organized criminal groups. The
authors focus on the fact that this type of
cooperation has always caused scientific
discussions and practical differences. The
methodological basis for the research is a set of
general and specific methods and techniques of
scientific knowledge: dialectical, monographic,
logical and semantic, structural and functional,
grouping, formal and legal documentary analysis,
system and structural, modelling. It is stated that
all scholars defined interaction in view of the
existing system of law enforcement agencies and
their inherent functions. At the same time, the
subject of interaction is always specific, and full
interaction occurs when the subject with
managerial authority treats the hierarchically
subordinate entity as a complete entity without
Стаття присвячена дослідженню сутності
взаємодії уповноважених суб’єктів при
розслідуванні кримінальних правопорушень,
вчинених транснаціональними організованими
злочинними групами. Автори акцентують
увагу на тому, що цей вид співпраці завжди
викликав наукові дискусії та практичні
розбіжності. Методологічною основою
дослідження є сукупність загальних і
специфічних методів і прийомів наукового
пізнання: діалектичного, монографічного,
логіко-семантичного, структурно-
функціонального, групування, формально-
правового, документального аналізу,
системно-структурного, моделювання.
Встановлено, що всі вчені визначали
взаємодію з огляду на існуючу систему
правоохоронних органів та притаманні їм
функції. При цьому суб'єкт взаємодії завжди
специфічний, а повноцінна взаємодія можлива
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Scientific Institute of Public Law (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Scientific Institute of Public Law (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Pre-medical Training of the Dnipropetrovsk State
University of Internal Affairs (Dnipro, Ukraine).
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Pre-medical Training of the Dnipropetrovsk State
University of Internal Affairs (Dnipro, Ukraine).
Luhovyi, V., Drozd, V., Hahach, V., Chaplynskyi, K., Yefimov, M. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 274-285 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
ignoring its subjective features in the process of
their common activity. The importance of
cooperation between international law
enforcement and police organizations, for
coordinating efforts to combat crimes of a
transnational nature was highlighted. The authors’
concept of law enforcement cooperation during
the investigation of crimes committed by
transnational organized criminal groups is
Keywords: transnational organized criminal
group, criminal offenses, interaction, law
enforcement agencies, investigation, investigative
(search) actions, planning.
лише тоді, коли суб'єкт, що володіє
управлінськими повноваженнями, ставиться
до ієрархічно підлеглого суб'єкта як до
цілісного, не ігноруючи його суб'єктивних
особливостей у процесі спільної діяльності.
Було підкреслено важливість співпраці між
міжнародними правоохоронними та
поліцейськими організаціями для координації
зусиль у боротьбі зі злочинністю
транснаціонального характеру. Представлено
авторську концепцію взаємодії
правоохоронних органів під час розслідування
злочинів, вчинених транснаціональними
організованими злочинними групами.
Ключові слова: транснаціональне
організоване злочинне угруповання,
кримінальні правопорушення, взаємодія,
правоохоронні органи, розслідування, слідчі
(розшукові) дії, планування.
Investigating crimes committed by transnational
organized groups is a very complex process in
many aspects. In particular, this activity is multi-
stage in the procedural sense, diverse in the
technical, methodical and tactical aspects.
Accordingly, there is often a need to combine the
efforts of several officials, divisions, bodies, and
departments to achieve a common goal
ensuring quick, objective, comprehensive,
effective and impartial investigation of such
crimes. In addition, the necessity is determined
by the complexity of the mechanism of such
The main task of the interaction of authorized
subdivisions when investigating crimes
committed by transnational organized groups is
to prosecute those offenses, bring the
perpetrators to justice, compensate for the
damage caused by such offenses, and restore the
violated rights and interests of citizens and legal
The interaction between various law enforcement
agencies has always caused scientific discussions
and practical differences in connection with
different understandings of the need to use the
specified category. In fact, if for some entities
cooperation is sufficiently relevant in their
activity, then for others it is sometimes an
unnecessary burden. At the same time, it should
be noted that the commission of criminal
offenses by transnational organized criminal
groups cannot be effectively investigated without
the participation of various units both in Ukraine
and abroad. In view of the above, there was an
urgent need to investigate the above issues.
At the same time, it is worth noting that
interaction is one of the main prerequisites for
ensuring any activity, and especially for the
realization of criminal proceedings of each
category, as it is logically constructed and aimed
at achieving common objectives that will most
effectively implement relevant procedural
actions into reality, as well as ensure the optimal
result of the investigation.
Besides, the commission of criminal offenses by
transnational organized criminal groups cannot
be effectively investigated without the
participation of various units both in Ukraine and
abroad. This is explained by the fact that certain
illegal acts are committed in different states near,
as well as far abroad. In the context of the above,
in our opinion, there is also a need to involve
interstate law enforcement organizations
(Interpol, Europol) in cooperation.
Consequently, the purpose of this article is to
determine the essence of the interaction of
authorized units during the investigation of
crimes committed by transnational organized
criminal groups.
To achieve this goal, we considered the
approaches to the concept of interaction between
authorized agencies in the investigation of
offences in general and organized crime in
particular provided by foreign and domestic
scholars. We also examined how this issue is
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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regulated in relevant Ukrainian legal
instruments. Besides, we allocated the forms,
principles and levels of cooperation of law
enforcement agencies in the field of combating
organized crime. The importance of cooperation
between international law enforcement and
police organizations, for example, Interpol and
Europol, for coordinating efforts to combat
crimes of a transnational nature was highlighted.
As a result, we presented our own concept of law
enforcement cooperation during the investigation
of crimes committed by transnational organized
criminal groups.
The methodological basis for the research is a set
of general and specific methods and techniques
of scientific knowledge. In particular, dialectical
method was used to examine the essence of
interaction in general.
Monographic method was applied for the study
of the works by the domestic and foreign
scholars, who investigated the issue under
The application of logical and semantic method
helped to examine the following forms of
interaction: between the investigative and
operational units; between pre-trial investigation
bodies and operational units.
The structural and functional method made it
possible to find out the main types of interaction
in the practice of preventing criminal offenses by
relevant law enforcement agencies.
With the help of grouping method, the features of
modern organized crime were revealed.
The formal and legal documentary analysis
method was helpful in highlighting the
importance of international law enforcement and
police organizations for coordinating efforts to
combat crimes of a transnational nature as well
as in approving the fact that the interaction of the
National Police of Ukraine with international
organizations takes place at the global and
regional levels.
Application of the system and structural method
was useful for schematic construction of the
channel of passing information or carrying out
interaction between the law enforcement body of
Ukraine and the relevant agency of the other
The modeling method allowed to develop the
author’s definition of the concept of law
enforcement cooperation during the investigation
of crimes committed by transnational organized
criminal groups.
Literature Review
Many scientific works are devoted to various
aspects of cooperation in the fight against crimes
committed by transnational organized groups. In
particular, the research “The theory and practice
of combating transnational organized crime in
Ukraine” by Zharovska (2019, p. 23) deserves
special attention. The author states that
international cooperation as a necessary element
of systemic control over transnational organized
crime can be implemented both informally
(exchange of information, technical assistance)
and officially in the forms facilitating the
extradition of criminals and mutual legal
assistance at various stages of the investigation.
Complex use of informal methods of interaction
combined with official ones is important for
overcoming difficulties and misunderstandings,
as well as preventing delays in the process of
controlling transnational organized crime.
In the view of Zavydniak (2021) cooperation in
the investigation of transnational crimes, as well
as cooperation in the investigation of general
criminal crimes committed on the territory of
Ukraine, from the point of view of Ukrainian
legal doctrine, is carried out in the form of
information exchange, namely, by sending
requests for legal assistance, extradition, for
taking over criminal proceedings, the creation of
joint investigative teams or the presence of
representatives of competent bodies of foreign
States during procedural actions and by sending
a request for the temporary transfer of a person.
According to Chornyi et al. (2021) joint
counteraction against international crime by all
law enforcement agencies of different countries
brings common results in eradicating this
phenomenon in the world and reducing the
number of crimes in a single state. This is one of
the most relevant areas of international
cooperation worldwide.
Kolomiiets and Yushchenko (2024) turned to the
criminal procedural legislation of Germany,
Spain, the UK and France to study the main
aspects of the pre-trial investigation and inquiry
in these countries. The authors established, how
criminal proceedings are initiated, as well as the
way prosecutors and police officers cooperate.
They also found out that the success of the pre-
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
trial investigation in foreign countries is
facilitated by a clear organizational structure of
criminal justice bodies in a complex with a well-
established interaction of prosecutors with
judicial investigators, the court and the police.
According to Kevin Carty Senior Police
Advisor to the OSCE Secretary General, if the
fight against organized crime is to be successful,
then it is essential that the different elements of
the criminal justice system work cohesively
together. Lack of co-ordination militates against
the overall effectiveness of the system and only
serves the interest of the criminal. It is also
important to remember that the investigation of
organized crime requires a multi-agency
approach with the support of civil society
(OSCE, 2007).
Professor of Criminal Law of the University of
Queensland Andreas Schloenhardt, Professor of
Criminal Law, University of Queensland stresses
on the importance of comprehensive, efficient,
effective, multi-agency and flexible international
cooperation to ensure the appropriate
investigation and prosecution of transnational
organized crime. Such interaction is grounded on
the treaties between States) to cooperate for
achieving a common goal. It takes place when
countries share data or evidence, interact to bring
perpetrators to justice and join assets and human
resources, including officials of law enforcement
agencies to fight transnational organized crime
(UNODC, 2021).
Shelly (2018) states that involvement of various
international organizations significantly
strengthens the fight against transnational
organized crime, as these entities play a pivotal
role in facilitating cooperation among nations,
developing legal frameworks, and providing
resources and expertise in the battle against these
global crimes.
Having conducted the relevant research, Dulskyi
et al. (2023) come to the conclusion that direct
interaction between the competent bodies of the
States contributes to increasing the efficiency of
cooperation in the investigation of organized
crime, as well as simplifies the solution of a
number of organizational issues.
In the view by Zakir et al. (2024), a multifaceted
approach involving enhancing international legal
frameworks, improving cooperation among
nations, and adopting innovative strategies is
required for addressing transnational organized
crime. This method includes: strengthening
international legal instruments, harmonizing
national laws, enhanced international
cooperation, capacity building and resource
sharing, utilizing technology for law
enforcement, public-private partnerships,
strengthening judicial cooperation, protecting
human rights, targeting crime proceeds, global
governance and policy coordination.
The study of the problem under consideration is
also impossible without the study and analysis of
the provisions of international treaties and rules
of procedural legislation.
The importance of international cooperation
during the investigation of transnational
organized crime is emphasized in the UN
Convention against Transnational Organized
Crime (UN General Assembly, 2000). In
particular, the Convention defines the concept of
mutual legal assistance as the provision of the
widest possible assistance by States Parties upon
request in the investigation, prosecution and trial
of crimes defined by the Convention, which is
carried out on a mutual basis, provided there are
reasonable grounds to suspect that such crime is
transnational in nature and, including, the
victims, witnesses, proceeds, means of
committing crimes or evidence related to the
commission of such crimes are located in the
requested State Party, and that an organized
criminal group is involved in the commission of
this crime
The rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine (Law of Ukraine No. 4651-VI, 2012)
enshrines the following areas of international
cooperation in the prosecution of transnational
crimes: service of documents, execution of
separate procedural actions, extradition of
perpetrators, temporary transfer of persons,
takeover of criminal proceedings, transfer of
convicted and execution of sentences.
Consequently, a number of scientific works are
devoted to various aspects of cooperation in the
fight against transnational crime. However, to
date there are no unified approaches regarding
the essence of the concept of interaction,
classification and content of its forms and
In addition, the adoption of the new Criminal
Procedure Code of Ukraine and the subsequent
amending of related legal acts require revision
and improvement of previously formulated
proposals and recommendations on this issue.
Many scientists in their definitions note such
signs of interaction as legal grounds, coherence
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and the purpose (task) of this activity. At the
same time, some authors try to expand the range
of mandatory signs of this concept. The third
attempted to reflect various aspects of the
interaction: its external expression (joint
activity); method of activity (organizational and
tactical approach); individual features of activity
(mutual trust, etc.). In general, all this testifies to
the multifaceted nature of this problem.
However, in our opinion, it is possible and
expedient to provide one common definition of
the concept of interaction during the
investigation of crimes committed by
transnational organized criminal groups, what we
tried to do as a result of the conducted research.
Results and Discussion
Turning to the term of interaction, its following
basic elements can be allocated: its foundation on
law, cooperation between the independent
bodies, coherence and purposefulness of
activities, combination of means and methods for
the purpose of preventing and solving crimes,
bringing those guilty to criminal liability, search
for the accused, provision of compensation for
damage caused by offenses.
In criminal procedural science, interaction is
considered as a legal institution. In the theory of
operational and investigative activity, issues of
interaction are investigated in relation to certain
actors operational units. In turn, forensic
interpretation of interaction is closely related to
the criminal procedural one. At the same time,
the analysis of relevant scientific literature
allows to ascertain the presence of different
points of view on this issue, which can be
grouped into three general approaches broad,
narrow and combined.
In a broad sense, the interaction of the
investigator with the investigative and other
agencies in the detection and prosecution of
crimes can be defined as the unification of the
efforts of the investigator with other law
enforcement agencies for coordinated actions to
achieve the common goal of detection and
investigation of the crime, which is carried out in
the forms provided for by law, departmental
regulations or produced by practice (Stepaniuk &
Zaiats, 2014).
In the narrow understanding, the investigator
always acts as one of its actors, and the
interaction itself is considered as a form of
organization of the investigation. The interaction
of the investigator with other participants in this
process is an activity coordinated by goals and
tasks, forces, means, place and time in
establishing the truth in criminal proceedings.
The status of the investigator determines his main
role, personal responsibility for the decisions
made, and the results of the prosecution as a
whole. All the activities of other participants in
the investigation are subordinated to the tasks set
before them by the investigator, and are
coordinated by him (Shevchuk, 2017).
The narrow interpretation of interaction as a
coordinated joint activity of the investigator with
other bodies and actors is the most acceptable,
therefore, it is most often presented in the
procedural literature.
Following the essence of the concept, it can be
argued that structurally interaction involves:
a) coherence (coordination) of activity;
b) joint activity;
c) purpose of activity;
d) certain content of activity;
e) presence of at least two actors.
According to the third approach (combined),
which lies in the effort to understand the
interaction in different ways, there is an attempt
to reflect various aspects of the interaction: its
external expression (joint activity); method of
activity (organizational and tactical approach);
individual features of activity (mutual trust, etc.)
(Saltevskyi, 2005). It seems that such an
approach has a purely epistemological
significance for clarifying the essence of the
interaction and requires additional understanding
regarding the possibility of introducing practical
Priakhin (2022, p. 85) defined the essence of
interaction as one of the important conditions for
achieving success in the investigation of crimes
by the bodies involved in this activity. When
combating crime, law enforcement agencies
form a unified system and perform their
functions in accordance with the Constitution of
Ukraine and other laws. At the same time, the law
enforcement system is characterized by the fact
that it includes management structures of various
departmental subordination. The common goal,
tasks, principles and nature of activity connect
them into a coherent scheme. This also applies to
the agencies and officials who exercise their
powers during pre-trial investigation; the
problem of their interaction is currently relevant,
as it is directly related to strengthening the
effectiveness of the fight against crime.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Dusheiko (2001, p. 12) provided the following
formulation of interaction: it is correct (or
rational) combination and effective use of
powers, methods and forms of investigative and
operative units’ activities.
Another group of authors (Ablamskyi et al.,
2017, p. 19) consider interaction as an
organizational form of activity of two or more
persons, which is jointly agreed and regulated by
laws and other departmental regulatory acts and
aimed at achieving the objectives of specific
criminal proceedings.
The approval of the Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine in 2012 somewhat transformed the
essence of the pre-trial investigation of crimes.
The new legal act has significantly expanded the
powers of the criminal procedure actors;
therefore, the correct combination and effective
use of their authority is rather an intermediate
goal of interaction, a condition for effectiveness,
than its essence. Defining any activity only
through its intermediate result is insufficiently
substantiated. In such definitions, the mechanism
of interaction remains undisclosed, since it is not
clear how, due to what, the correct combination
and effective application of different actors’
methods and modalities is achieved. As we can
see, the issue of interaction has remained out of
the attention of legislators.
In turn, Topchii (2012, p. 146) defined
interaction of the investigative and operational
units as law-based joint coordinated (in terms of
purpose, nature, place and time) activities aimed
at solving the tasks of criminal justice under the
guidance and the organizational role of the
investigator and clear demarcation of
Yefimov & Chaplinskyi (2023, p. 633) quite
accurately formulated the definition of the
interaction of pre-trial investigation bodies and
operational units as the activities of independent
individual subdivisions based on regulatory and
legal acts, as well as coordinated in terms of
purpose and conditions, which is reflected in the
most effective combination of their own methods
and means aimed at preventing and investigating
illegal acts under the management of the
authorized person.
In view of the above, we consider the opinion by
Yukhno (2009, p. 35), who highlighted the
significant role of the interaction of operational
units in preventing illegal actions by law
enforcement agencies, to be relevant. The author
defined it as the joint activity of operative units
(within their competence) aimed at effective
crime prevention, based on the law and by-laws,
agreed upon in terms of goals, place and time.
Besides, the scientist established the main types
of interaction in the practice of preventing
criminal offenses by relevant units. That is, the
researcher formed in sufficient detail the essence
of the interaction of units that existed at that time.
In our opinion, rational is the thesis by Maliuha
(2016, p. 9), who noted that the interaction of the
investigator with operative units and other
criminal proceedings actors should be considered
as joint functioning of external (legal,
organizational, professional) not subordinate
subjects of interaction with their inherent
communicative activity or/and specific
professional competence, specialization
coordinated by the investigator (prosecutor
procedural manager) in time, place, forms, as
well as means and methods of implementation
for solving specific tasks determined by the
nature of the investigative situation, with the aim
of ensuring quick, comprehensive and impartial
investigation of crimes and their prevention,
which is directed and enshrined in the law,
departmental regulations or recommended by
forensic science.
For his part, Danyliak (2018, p. 16) formulated
the concept of interaction during the
investigation of economic crimes committed by
organized groups as a complex of mutual
relations of the investigator with other actors, the
range of which depends on the specific situation
and tactical tasks arising during the detection,
termination, proving crimes of this type, bringing
those guilty to criminal liability, as well as
preventing the commission of these offenses. The
author also substantiated that the interaction
during the investigation of economic crimes
committed by organized groups should be
considered at general and special levels.
In other words, all the above-mentioned
scientists provided a definition of interaction in
view of the existing system of law enforcement
agencies and their inherent functions.
At the same time, the Instructions on the
organization of cooperation of pre-trial
investigation bodies with other bodies and units
of the National Police of Ukraine in the
prevention of criminal offenses, their detection
and investigation (Order No. 575, 2017)
enshrines that interaction between criminal
police units and pre-trial investigation bodies is
carried out in the case of: receiving statements
and notifications about criminal offenses and
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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responding to them; submitting the materials
based on the results of operational and
investigative activities to the pre-trial
investigation body by the operational unit;
creation of investigative and operative groups for
pretrial investigation of criminal offenses;
receiving the instructions from investigators on
the conduct of investigative (search) actions and
covert investigative (search) actions by the
employees of the operational unit of the body, the
police unit; carrying out separate investigative
(search) actions and implementing measures to
ensure criminal proceedings; ceasing the pre-trial
investigation at the stage of judicial review of
criminal proceedings.
The main principles of such interaction are:
1) prompt, complete and impartial
investigation of criminal offenses;
2) the independence of the investigator in
procedural activities, interference in which
by persons without legal authority are
3) optimal use of the available resources of pre-
trial investigation bodies and operational
units of the National Police of Ukraine in
preventing, detecting and investigating
criminal offenses;
4) compliance with the general principles of
criminal proceedings;
5) ensuring non-disclosure of pre-trial
investigation data.
In accordance with Clause 2 of the Instruction on
the cooperation of law enforcement agencies in
the field of combating organized crime (Order
No. 317/235, 2011), the purpose of the
cooperation of the relevant law enforcement
agencies is to strengthen countermeasures
against organized criminal groups, including
those of an interregional and transnational nature,
created on an ethnic basis with corrupt
connections, as well as prevention, detection and
investigation of crimes committed by organized
criminal groups and criminal organizations.
This interaction is carried out:
at the central level between the Main
Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and
the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption
and organized crime of the Security Service of
at the regional level between the departments
for combating organized crime of the main
departments, departments of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the regions, cities
of Kyiv and Sevastopol and the main
departments for combating corruption and
organized crime of the bodies of the Security
Service of Ukraine in the regions, cities of Kyiv
and Sevastopol.
Two main directions of interaction of law
enforcement agencies in the field of combating
organized crime are allocated:
strategic organizing the implementation of state
policy in the field of combating organized crime,
eliminating the causes and conditions of its
existence, improving the legal framework for
combating it.
Tactical detection, documentation and
termination of the activities of organized
criminal groups, criminal organizations,
prevention, disclosure and investigation of
crimes committed by them, search and arrest of
members of organized criminal groups,
compensation for losses to the state, individuals
and legal entities.
The cooperation between the authorized agencies
can be implemented in the following forms:
conducting joint analysis of the state,
structure of organized crime, causes and
conditions contributing to the activity of
organized groups, forecasting trends in the
spread of organized crime;
exchange of operational information of
interest for fighting organized crime;
developing and implementing joint
programs and plans in the fight against
organized crime;
creating working groups for the preparation
of draft laws and proposals for amending the
implementation of agreed operational
search, preventive and other measures;
preparing and conducting joint boards,
meetings, seminars on improving
developing educational programs and
holding trainings within the professional
training system;
improving international cooperation in the
fight against organized crime;
informing public about the results of the
activities in the field of combating organized
In is worth noting that transnational organized
crime under modern circumstances quickly
adapts to new conditions and constantly
improves the means and methods of criminal
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
activity; therefore, effective counteraction to
transnational organized crime requires relevant
State policy and constant improvement of
theoretical knowledge and practical skills by law
enforcement officers. Therefore, clear and
organized interaction of law enforcement
agencies of both a specific State and interstate
structures plays a significant role in the
efficiency of the investigation of illegal acts by
the category under investigation (Bekh, 2020,
p. 203).
Let us stress on the fact that full interaction is
when the subject with managerial authority treats
the hierarchically subordinate entity as a
complete entity without ignoring its subjective
features in the process of their common activity.
At the same time, the subject of interaction is
always specific. Its experience, both positive and
negative, recorded in the system of knowledge,
skills, abilities, value orientations, motives,
attitudes, stereotypes, is actively used in
everyday activities.
Consequently, actor of interaction is
characterized by subjective features acquired in
the process of its formation and development:
activity, awareness of oneself as a subject in
relation to other subjects, uniqueness, will to act,
involving free choice of specific goals. In
addition, collective subject interaction is
characterized by an internal structural
construction, the distribution of functions
between its components and their
interdependence, which is not reduced to the
arithmetic sum of elements, as well as collective
consciousness and self-awareness, determining
the presence of group reactions and the collective
will to act (Sakovskyi & Zhyzhyn, 2019, p. 51).
Pitsik (2022, p. 676), having studied and
analyzed the works by numerous scholars on the
issues presented above, correctly testified that the
following aspects within the conducted research
remain unexplored to date: organization of the
work of the Department of Strategic
Investigations units regarding operational and
investigative countermeasures against the
activities of criminal communities and
individuals under the status of aggravated
criminal influence; tactics of operational and
investigative countermeasures against such
activities; its documenting; conceptual
provisions of operative and investigative support
for criminal proceedings regarding the activities
of criminal communities and persons under the
status of aggravated criminal influence; forming
strategic decisions aimed at ensuring operative
and investigative countermeasures against the
named activities; interaction of law enforcement
agencies of Ukraine regarding operative and
investigative countermeasures against such
operations; international cooperation on
neutralizing the influence of the "thief"
community (using foreign experience).
That is, the author, among other things,
established international cooperation and
collaboration of law enforcement agencies of
Ukraine in relation to operational and
investigative countermeasures against the
activities of criminal communities.
Filashkin (2011, p. 240) also highlighted the
importance of cooperation between international
law enforcement and police organizations, for
example, Interpol and Europol, for coordinating
efforts to combat crimes of a transnational
nature. The author emphasized that the
international organization of the criminal police
in Ukraine represents the National Central
Bureau of the Interpol Ukrbureau Interpol,
which is the center of coordination of the
interaction of law enforcement agencies of the
country with the competent authorities of foreign
States in the fight against crime, is of
transnational nature or goes beyond the borders
of the country. In addition, the researcher noted
that the unit directly responsible for the
organization of the performance of the functions
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as
the National Central Bureau of Interpol is the
working apparatus of the Ukrainian Bureau of
In view of the above, we believe that the position
of the group of scientists (Chaplynskyi et al.,
2023, p. 479), who noted that the interaction of
the National Police of Ukraine with international
organizations takes place at the global and
regional levels, is quite valid. The best results are
manifested in the process of cooperation between
law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the
Working Apparatus of the Ukrainian Bureau of
Interpol, the purpose of which is:
the exchange of information resources, the
establishment of persons, things and documents
recorded in the Interpol databases;
assistance in the international search for
implementation of extradition measures;
performance of procedural actions at the
international level.
These types of cooperation also have a forensic
direction. This refers to the information
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
component characterizing the investigated
criminal offenses and assisting in their
disclosure. As a conclusion, we can state that
persons, objects and documents registered in the
Interpol database are also related to forensics,
because forensic methods of diagnosis and
identification, as well as various forensic
techniques are used.
A separate group of scientists noted quite clearly
that schematically, the channel of passing
information or carrying out interaction is as
practical division of the law enforcement agency
of Ukraine territorial division of the Interpol
National Security Agency Interpol National
Security Agency of Ukraine Interpol National
Security Agency of the foreign country → police
(practical) division of the law enforcement
agency of the foreign country.
Feedback can also be illustrated:
police unit of the foreign country Interpol
National Security Agency of the foreign country
→ Interpol National Security Agency of Ukraine
territorial unit of Interpol National Security
Agency practical unit of the law enforcement
agency of Ukraine.
The specified information flow scheme is not the
only possible one, which may be determined by
the actors of such interaction, the tasks to be
solved in a specific case of cooperation, etc. For
example, if the request of the law enforcement
agency of the foreign country concerns the
verification of a person on criminal records, the
National Security Service of Interpol of Ukraine
will interact with the Department of
Informational Technologies of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine to obtain relevant
information or will verify the availability of
information on the person on the records of this
unit. In cases where the request concerns the
search for a person, the National Central Bureau
will also interact with criminal investigation or
combat organized crime units; in the materials
regarding the verification of business entities, the
legality of foreign economic transactions with
the State Tax Administration, the State Service
for Combating Economic Crime of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Bilenchuk et al.,
2009, pp. 14-15). As one can see, the researchers
clearly and correctly summarized the previous
We consider the opinion by Schneider (2018,
p. 26), who emphasized that relying on
potentially questionable justice officials, now
limited anti-mafia criminal justice to one
transformative achievement the suppression of
drug trafficking and elimination of related
violence, to be reasonable one. In other words,
the interaction of law enforcement agencies with
justice ensured a certain effectiveness in
preventing the commission of criminal offenses.
We also support the view by Liash (2000, p. 126),
who defined the essence of the interaction
between the investigator and the operational
worker in the following components: a) active
purposeful activity of the actors investigators
and workers of operational units, which may
involve secret employees, public members,
specialists in various fields of knowledge, etc.;
b) each subject of this activity takes specific
measures (investigative, operative and
investigative) within the limits of the powers
established by law; c) these are joint actions of
two or more actors, agreed in place, time and
purpose, aimed at implementing the obtained
results of operational and investigative measures,
information in criminal proceedings; d) overall
plans should include a combination of
surveillance and other activities in such a way
that their implementation is unexpected for the
persons whose actions are being verified, their
co-conspirators and would have the greatest
effect of establishing the facts in a procedural
manner; e) in the process of conducting specific
operational and investigative actions, it is
necessary to strictly comply with the
requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine,
current legislation, principles of operational-
investigative legislation and criminal justice
through appropriate investigative actions and
procedural decisions.
Thus, we can formulate the concept of law
enforcement cooperation during the investigation
of crimes committed by transnational organized
criminal groups as a system of measures
independent from each other in relation to the
subordination of authorized units, which is based
on relevant legal acts and agreed between them
according to the purpose and circumstances,
which consists in effective and quick
combination of methods and means peculiar to
the relevant departments, aimed at preventing
and investigating crimes under a single
Summing up, we note that the commission of
criminal offenses by transnational organized
criminal groups cannot be effectively
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
investigated without the participation of various
units both in Ukraine and abroad. It is stated that
interaction is one of the main prerequisites for
ensuring any activity, and even more so for the
implementation of criminal proceedings of any
category. At the same time the issue of
interaction was left out of the attention of
legislators in terms of establishing the relevant
rules in codified legal acts. On the other hand, the
scholars defined interaction in view of the
existing system of law enforcement agencies and
their inherent functions. It is noted that the clear
and organized interaction of law enforcement
agencies of both a specific state and interstate
structures plays a significant role in the
effectiveness of the investigation of illegal acts
of the studied category. The possibility of
interaction between only indicated persons is
pointed out (investigator and case officer; several
investigators; several case officers; detective and
operative; several detectives). Emphasis is
placed on an essential feature of interaction
single management by a specific authorized
person. Attention is focused on the mandatory
involvement of international law enforcement
organizations Interpol and Europol. It is found
that the interaction of law enforcement agencies
with justice will ensure a certain effectiveness in
preventing the commission of illegal acts. The
concept of law enforcement cooperation during
the investigation of crimes committed by
transnational organized criminal groups is
formulated as a system of independent actions
with respect to the reporting lines of authorized
units, which is based on relevant legislation and
agreed between them on the purpose and
circumstances, which lies in effective and rapid
combination of the methods and means specific
to the relevant units, aimed at preventing and
investigating crimes under a single management.
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