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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.19
How to Cite:
Babikov, O., Smirnov, A., Chernysh, M., Syrovatka, S., & Pylypenko, I. (2024). Use of electronic search systems in the
investigation of corruption crimes in Ukraine: opportunities and challenges for human rights. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 236-246.
Use of electronic search systems in the investigation of corruption
crimes in Ukraine: opportunities and challenges for human rights
Використання електронних пошукових систем під час розслідування корупційних злочинів в
інтересах кримінального судочинства: можливості та загрози для прав людини
Received: March 1, 2024 Accepted: April 28, 2024
Written by:
Oleksandr Babikov1
Anton Smirnov2
Maryna Chernysh3
Serhii Syrovatka4
Ihor Pylypenko5
The purpose of the article is to study the use of
electronic search systems during the investigation
of corruption crimes in the context of the balance
of interests of criminal justice and ensuring
guarantees of human rights and freedoms.
Methodology. In the process of scientific research,
the following methods were used: dialectical,
logical, dogmatic, monographic, systemic and
structural, comparative and legal, sociological,
legal modelling. Research results. It was
established that in accordance with the developed
and tested methods investigators use various
information systems when investigating on
corruption crimes; the content and features of
these schemes were studied. International
documents establishing the limits of the possible
use of artificial intelligence in criminal
proceedings were considered. The decisions of the
Метою статті є дослідження використання
електронних пошукових систем під час
розслідування корупційних злочинів в
контексті балансу інтересів кримінального
судочинства та забезпечення гарантій прав і
свобод людини. Методологія. У процесі
наукових пошуків були використані наступні
методи: діалектичний, логічний, догматичний,
монографічний, системно-структурний,
порівняльно-правовий, соціологічний,
правового моделювання. Результати
дослідження. Встановлено, що відповідно до
розроблених та апробованих методик, під час
розслідування кримінальних проваджень про
корупційні злочини слідчі використовують
різноманітні інформаційні системи; вивчено
зміст і особливості застосування останніх.
Розглянуто міжнародні документи, які
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of Kyiv National Aviation University
(Kyiv, Ukraine).
Candidate of medical Science, Associate Professor, President of Kharkiv Institute of medicine and biomedical sciences (Kharkiv,
Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal
Affairs (Dnipro, Ukraine).
Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal
Affairs (Dnipro, Ukraine).
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Expert of analytical department of training of prosecutors of the Prosecutors Training Center of
Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Babikov, O., Smirnov, A., Chernysh, M., Syrovatka, S., Pylypenko, I. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 236-246 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
ECtHR on the need for a balanced approach to
interference with privacy and delimitation of such
interference, were studied. Practical
implementation. The ways to achieve a balance of
the interests of the parties in the criminal
procedural legislation of European countries were
investigated in order to implement their positive
experience in Ukraine. Value/originality. The
principles, on which the process of regulating the
use of electronic search systems, databases,
algorithms and artificial intelligence in the
criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine should
be based, are proposed.
Keywords: corruption crimes, criminal justice,
electronic search systems, ECtHR, human rights.
встановлюють межі можливого використання
штучного інтелекту у кримінальному
судочинстві. Вивчено рішення ЄСПЛ, які
стосуються необхідності збалансованого
підходу до втручання у приватного життя та
визначення меж такого втручання. Практичне
значення. Було досліджено шляхи досягнення
балансу інтересів сторін у кримінальному
процесуальному законодавстві країн Європи з
метою імплементації позитивного досвіду в
Україні. Цінність/оригінальність.
Запропоновано принципи, на яких повинен
базуватися процес регламентації використання
електронних пошукових систем, баз даних,
алгоритмів та штучного інтелекту в
кримінальному процесуальному законодавстві
Ключові слова: корупційні злочини,
кримінальне судочинство, електронні
пошукові системи, ЕСПЛ, права людини.
The use of databases, electronic search systems,
special technical means of removing
information, application of software complexes
and artificial intelligence for their
systematization and analysis is becoming more
widely used every year. Such means are
constantly being improved, and the trend of
digitalization of social relations is regularly
increasing sources of data for law enforcement
and intelligence agencies. In this regard, more
and more attention is drawn to the issues related
to ensuring the balance of the interests of
criminal justice and the rights and freedoms of
persons who experience intruding into private
life. In the context of the protection of human
rights and freedoms, automatic retrieval of
information and creation of databases on
individuals, regardless of whether they are the
objects of investigations, investigative or
intelligence activities, is of particular concern.
At the same time, little attention is paid to the
issues of preservation, use, destruction of
information that cannot be used in the interests of
law enforcement, guarantees of non-interference
or restrictions on interference in the private
sphere, and their legal regulation. Law-making
activity, the introduction of mechanisms of
supervision and control over the legality of the
accumulation and use of digital information, is
significantly lagging behind the processes of
improvement of technical means, used for this
Therefore, the aim of our article is to study the
use of electronic search systems during the
investigation of corruption crimes in the context
of the balance of interests of criminal justice and
ensuring guarantees of human rights and
In view of the organizational problems of pre-
trial investigation, in particular the investigation
of corruption offenses, which affect its full and
prompt implementation, the application of AI is
justified and appropriate. In order to properly use
modern technologies, as well as avoid the breach
of human rights in the course of their application,
it is necessary to examine international legal
instruments governing this issue, study foreign
experience on this matter, clarify how this
problem is regulated in Ukrainian legislation and
formulate the respective conclusions and
The methodological basis for the study is
dialectical method of scientific knowledge, on
the basis of which the examination of the
application of electronic search systems in the
investigation of corruption crimes is considered
as a multi-stage, complex and contradictory
process requiring proper regulation. Other
methods used in the article are:
Logical method (analysis, synthesis, induction,
deduction, analogy, etc.). It was applied for the
research of the process of proving the
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
circumstances of the commission of a corruption
crime by performing a set of secret measures of
obtaining information (control over the
commission of crime, audio and video
monitoring, interception of telephone
conversations and other investigative actions, in
particular, the seizure and analysis of documents,
conducting interrogations, expert studies, etc.).
Dogmatic method helped to examine the content
of international legal instruments regulating the
limits of the possible use of artificial intelligence
in criminal justice (Convention for the Protection
of Individuals with Regard to Automatic
Processing of Personal Data, Recommendation
CM/Rec (2020)1 to Member States regarding the
impact of algorithmic systems on human rights,
Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial
Intelligence, etc.).
Monographic method made it possible to
consider the works of the scholars, who
investigated the issues of using electronic search
systems and ensuring the balance of State
interests and guarantees of human rights and
freedoms during this process.
System and structural method was useful when
studying informational systems used by the
investigators during the investigation of criminal
proceedings on corruption crimes (Unified State
Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized
to Perform the Functions of the State or Local
Self-Government; information System “Arkan”;
information and telecommunication System
“Hart 1”; databases of the State Migration
Service of Ukraine; State Registry of Real
Property Right; Unified State Register of
Vehicles; “Safe City” et al.).
With the help of comparative and legal method
the rules of criminal procedural legislation of
other countries ensuring a balance of the interests
of criminal justice and guarantees of human
rights and freedoms in the course of electronic
search of information were reviewed (Germany,
Great Britain, China, Singapore).
Sociological methods were applied when
studying the decisions of the ECHR on this topic
(Szabó and Vissy v. Hungary (2016); Centrum
för rättvisa v. Sweden (2021); Tretter and others
v. Austria (2010); Ringler v. Austria (2010);
“Azer Ahmadov v. Azerbaijan” (2021); “Big
Brother Watch and Others v. the United
Kingdom” (2021)).
Legal and modelling method was used for
determining the principles of regulating the
application of electronic search systems,
databases, algorithms and artificial intelligence
in criminal procedural legislation.
Literature Review
The issues of using electronic search systems,
ensuring the balance of State interests and
guarantees of human rights and freedoms are the
object of the research by a number of recognized
experts and scientists. In particular, Hans Born
and Aidan Wills (2012) examined them in the
activities of intelligence services.
Cahn and Veiszlemleinin (2020) studied these
problems within the application of digital
technologies to monitor human movement,
which were used during the COVID-19
pandemic. The authors stated that different biases
in various types of surveillance operations should
be taken into account as they may result in
significant discrimination.
The issue of ensuring the rights and interests of
the person under “digitalization” of criminal
proceedings became the subject matter of
scientific research in the work by Demura,
Klepka and Krytska (2020). The article identifies
and characterizes perspective vectors of digital
transformation of pre-trial investigation through
the prism of ensuring the rights and legitimate
interests of the individual.
The research by Kaplina, Raimundas and
Shumylo (2019) deals with the topical for
modern science of criminal procedural law and
law enforcement practice question of use in
criminal procedure digital evidence.
Kireeva, Makhlai and Basalyk (2023) studied the
issue of using of databases in the work of a
criminal analyst of an operational search unit.
They provided the concept of information-
analytical system and characterized the main
databases used by criminal analysts in their daily
work and the procedure for their application.
Problematic issues related to the use of electronic
evidence in the criminal procedural law of
Ukraine were considered by Anheleniuk (2023).
The Author draws special attention to the
shortcomings of the regulation of the electronic
evidence use in the legislation of Ukraine and the
possibilities of their overcoming.
The monography by Skrypnyk (2022) is devoted
to the use of information from electronic media
in criminal procedural evidence. The author
analysed theoretical foundations and foreign
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
experience of using digital information in
criminal procedural evidence. The emphasize is
placed on digital information as a means of proof
under the criminal procedural legislation of
Despite a significant number of works, the key
theoretical and practical aspects of the use of
databases on the benefit of criminal justice when
investigating corruption offences have not yet
been covered. The reason for this is the lack of
comprehensive scientific work aimed at
highlighting and finding solutions to the most
significant problems in this area.
Results and Discussion
The conventions of the UN and the Council of
Europe emphasize the need for law enforcement
agencies to have effective means of effective
means of evidence collection, with the possibility
of conducting covert surveillance, the use of
special investigative tools, access to financial
information, means of detecting, tracking and
seizing proceeds of crime. Accordingly,
specialized bodies to combat corruption have
special powers that are not available to ordinary
law enforcement officers. At the same time, the
implementation of such broad powers should be
carried out in compliance with international
human rights standards and be subject to external
control (OECD, 2007).
Ensuring objective and comprehensive
investigation of the circumstances of corruption
crimes requires the prosecution to direct the
investigation in such main areas as:
1) establishing the circumstances of the wrongful
benefit, the wrongful removal/misappropriation
of funds, property, providing preferences to third
parties, which is defined as the direct object of
the evidence of elements of a criminal offence;
2) investigation of the suspect’s life style, his or
her circle, the range of his (her) responsibilities,
ownership of assets, including those held by
front-line persons, which enables to reveal other
facts of corrupt acts and enforce the sentence on
the confiscation of property; 3) taking measures
to locate the person suspected of committing a
corruption criminal offense and is evading
investigation and trial.
Proving the circumstances of the commission of
a corruption crime is carried out by conducting a
complex of covert measures for obtaining
information: control over the commission of
crime, audio and video monitoring, interception
of telephone conversations and other
investigative actions, in particular, the seizure
and analysis of documents, conducting
interrogations, expert studies, etc.
Establishing the facts of corruption, the
circumstances contributing to it, as well as
investigation of the suspect’s lifestyle, his or her
circle, ownership of assets and his (her)
whereabouts in case of evading the investigation
and trial, requires first of all the use of
investigative measures involving electronic
resources to obtain information. A significant
part of information about the person, his (her)
lifestyle, connections, status is contained in open
sources (Internet), as well as in special software
complexes and databases of law enforcement
agencies, State institutions, and commercial
According to the developed and tested methods,
in the investigation of corruption crimes,
investigators use various information systems:
the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,
Individual Entrepreneurs and Public
Organizations containing information on
registered business entities, ownership structure,
including beneficiaries;
The Unified State Register of Declarations of
Persons Authorized To Perform The Functions
Of The State Or Local Self-Government, where
the information on property, income, expenses,
financial obligations, private interests of all
public servants can be found;
The Information System “Arkan and the
Information and Telecommunication System
“Hart 1” are used to establish the fact of crossing
the state border of Ukraine, as well as the vehicle
and persons who crossed the border with the
Application of the databases of the State
Migration Service of Ukraine allows the
investigators receive information on the
provision of any administrative services,
including those related to the issuance or
exchange of passport or temporary residence
State Registry of Real Property Right provides
information on real estate objects owned by the
person on the property rights, are either leased or
otherwise entitled to use.
The subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs receive information regarding the
possession of vehicles from the Unified State
Register of Vehicles.
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Information on the person’s travel routes, in
particular using vehicles, can be obtained upon
the request from the “Safe City” information
Information about mobile terminal telephone
connections is obtained for the purpose of
establishing contacts and location during
communication. Business entities providing
services related to the delivery of correspondence
may, can, upon request, present necessary
information for the purpose of establishing the
telephone numbers used by the person or his
(her) location, addressees of postal
Profiles in social networks are also investigated
to establish the photo and video materials, other
information that can be used to determine the
persons’ location and connections.
On behalf of investigators and prosecutors,
National Agency of Ukraine for finding, tracing
and management of assets derived from
corruption and other crimes (ARMA) is
authorized to collect information about the
persons assets. ARMA has access to
information, documents, automated information
and reference systems, registers and data banks
that are at the disposal of local self-government;
data on the availability and status of accounts,
transactions in banking institutions, professional
capital market participants, organized
commodity markets, foreign States agencies,
enterprises, institutions and organizations,
including banks, depository and financial
institutions, private executors, auditors, notaries,
appraisers, as well as experts, arbitration
managers, liquidators, persons authorized by the
Fund for Guarantee of Deposits of Natural
ARMA can receive information in an automated,
remote mode and perform analysis of open data
sources (OSINT) both in Ukraine and abroad. It
also gets access to paid databases, uses
information from social networks, mass media,
journalistic information and other data from open
sources. The basis for collecting and analysing
information is a written request from an
investigator, prosecutor or head of a pre-trial
investigation body (Babikov et al., 2024).
The application of the “ANDE RAPID DNA”
system enables law enforcement agencies to
perform automated interpretation of DNA
identifiers directly at the scene, as well as their
profiling in less than two hours, which is actively
used by investigative units of the National Police
and Security Service for the purpose of
identifying the person. With the help of this
equipment, it is possible to examine samples of
epithelium from the oral cavity, blood stains,
saliva, other biological traces from objects
touched by the person.
The information subsystem “BLOKPOST”
provides an opportunity (based on the relevant
request), to search for the person on the territory
of Ukraine by guiding and providing access to
information about the wanted person to all police
officers on their own technical devices.
A significant amount of information about the
person is also contained in the search systems of
technological IT giants: Google, Facebook,
Apple, Microsoft, which accumulate and store
information about the user’s location, behavior,
requests, income, political views, racial and
ethnic affiliation, correspondence and metadata
text messages (Forklog, 2020).
The information accumulated in the “Diia”
electronic application makes it possible to
explore a fairly wide range of issues related to
social behaviour: bringing to administrative
responsibility, participation in legal proceedings,
existence of enforcement proceedings, tax debt.
Taking into account that the entry to the "Diya"
application is related to the provision of banking
services, such as “Privat24”, it is additionally
possible to establish the IP addresses from which
the person entered with the verification of his
(her) identity.
Along with this, information gathering can be
carried out by using malicious software, the
application of which is performed by separate
installation on the computer equipment of the
subject of the investigation, with the aim of
obtaining information contained on his (her)
devices or using them as covert means of
receiving and recording audio and video
information on the content of conversations or
events occurring around such a device by
unauthorized activation of the user’s microphone
and webcam.
It is the amount of information contained in
electronic information systems, databases, as
well as obtained from other technical means and
software complexes, that determines the need to
use certain algorithms and artificial intelligence
to optimize the search and systematize data
important for criminal proceedings.
This led to the spread of OSINT information
search systems, implementing the technology of
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
data collection and analysis from open sources,
which is used in the interests of criminal justice
by law enforcement officers.
OSINT is positioned as an exploration among
available sources covering any information. The
data about person, business entity can be
obtained on legal grounds from free public
sources. Generally, it is information from the
Internet, but can also include data contained in
open libraries, newspaper articles, press releases,
and stored on various types of media. Based on
the form of fixation, the search objects can be
texts, film, photo, video recordings, materials
located on websites about webinars, public
events, conferences (Softlist, 2022).
The main sources of information, which help to
create a profile of the object, are social networks,
blogs, video hosting, forums, magazines,
newspapers, television, radio, public materials of
state structures, publicly available observations,
reports, articles, reports, conferences, and
information with limited access (regarding
banking transactions, telephone connections,
travel routes, real estate owned or used by a
person, or people of his (her) circle and
On the basis of the profile, pre-trial investigation
bodies can establish the whereabouts, hidden
assets, possible accomplices who facilitated or
directly participated in the commission of corrupt
acts, as well as receive other information that is
not directly related to the subject matter of pre-
trial investigation, but is related to private life
and is sensitive for the person.
At the same time, according to the legislation of
Ukraine, just the access to information on
telephone connections and removal of
information from electronic information systems
and their parts, the access to which is restricted
by logical protection system without the
knowledge of the owner or user, requires the
permission of the investigating judge; the
implementation of other means does not need
such authorization. The rest of the information
from the databases can be obtained either at the
request of the investigator, the prosecutor,
directly through an electronic office, or by
examining mobile devices, including using
portable hardware and software complexes for
forensic research, which allows to extract,
decode and analyse evidence.
Therefore, acquisition and recording significant
amount of electronic information for the benefit
of criminal justice in Ukraine is outside the scope
of judicial control, and the development of
technologies for collecting electronic evidence is
substantially ahead of the regulation of such
activities by criminal procedural legislation.
It should be noted that the ECHR has repeatedly
emphasized the need for a balanced approach to
the interference in private life and defining its
In the case of Szabó and Vissy v. Hungary
(2016), which concerned Hungarian legislation
regulating secret anti-terrorist surveillance for
national security purposes (in particular, “section
7 / E (3) Surveillance”), the applicants
complained that they could be subjected to
unreasonable and to offensive measures; the
introduced regulations do not rule out abuse in
the absence of judicial control.
The court, recognizing the violation of Article 8
of the Convention, stated that under current
conditions, the fight against terrorism requires
the government to resort to advanced
technologies, including those enabling mass
surveillance of citizens’ telecommunications to
prevent crimes. Such wiretapping, given new
technologies that allow the government to easily
intercept masses of data, even on individuals
outside the primary range of operations, could be
applied to any Hungarian citizen. Besides, the
Court drew attention to the fact that the
permission to carry out the mentioned measures
took place within the scope of the executive
power, without assessing whether the
interception of communications is strictly
necessary in the absence of a judicial.
Accordingly, in the opinion of the Court,
Hungarian legislation did not provide safeguards
to prevent abuse.
Notably, the Court also stated that there had been
no violation of Article 13 (right of an effective
remedy) of the Convention along with Article 8,
reiterating that Article 13 could not be interpreted
as requiring a remedy against the state of
domestic law.
In terms of determining the procedure for access
to biological samples, in addition to the generally
recognized objects (blood, saliva, nails, hair,
sperm, suturing agent, bucal epithelium etc.), it
also refers to fingerprints, handwriting, speech
and voice of a person, traces of a person’s scent
and others.
This view is primarily due to the fact that the
purposeful search and collection of information
about a person and his (her) life as an
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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intervention in the most sensitive sphere, requires
a balanced approach.
There are a number of other cases related to
complaints about the collection and processing of
personal data by law enforcement authorities
brought before the ECtHR: Centrum för rättvisa
v. Sweden (2021): a non-profit public interest
law firm complains about Swedish state law
concerning the secret surveillance of citizens;
Tretter and others v. Austria (2010). The case
concerns amendments to the Law on State
Authorities in Police Affairs, which entered into
force in January 2008 and expanded the powers
of law enforcement agencies to collect and
process citizens’ personal data;
Ringler v. Austria (2010) deals with the violation
of the right to respect for private life and
correspondence, the right to an effective remedy
in similar matters.
In the case “Azer Ahmadov v. Azerbaijan”
(2021), the Court drew attention to the fact that
conduct of secret measures for obtaining
information must contain personal data of the
person in respect of whom they are conducted.
Otherwise, it violates his (her) right to privacy
guaranteed by the Convention.
In the case “Big Brother Watch and Others v.
the United Kingdom” (2021), the applicants 3
non-governmental organizations, a researcher,
working internationally in the field of privacy
and freedom of expression, and investigative
journalists, alleged that they were likely subjects
of surveillance by the UK intelligence services.
Their fears sparked media interest after Edward
Snowden’s revelation, who is the former system
administrator for the US National Security
Agency (NSA).
During the consideration of the case, the Court
examined three aspects of monitoring:
1) large-scale interception (monitoring) of
2) exchange of received intelligence
information between the countries;
3) receiving communication data (billing
information) from telecommunications
operators and providers.
In the Decision, the Court stated that in
accordance with the national legislation of the
Great Britain, there were certain stages of the
monitoring process, which included: interception
of messages transmitted by telecommunications
channels; real-time application of filters to
determine the significance of intercepted
information; analysis of selected and stored
material by an analyst.
The ECtHR previously found no abuses on the
part of the United Kingdom’s intelligence
services; however, it identified insufficient
independent oversight of the selection and
retrieval processes, in particular information
filtering criteria for subsequent selection and
verification of intercepted data.
Following this, the court concluded that the
national legislation did not meet the requirement
of the “quality of law” and the criterion of
“necessity in a democratic society”.
As for the receipt of billing information from
telecommunications operators, the ECtHR drew
attention to the fact that the legislation of the
European Union requires such procedure to be
limited to the purpose of combating serious
crime, and access to such data had to be
previously authorized by a court or other
independent administrative body.
And in this matter, the domestic legislation of
Great Britain turned out to be inappropriate,
since it did not contain such guarantees, and the
ECtHR did not find any violations in the existing
procedure for exchanging intelligence
Non-governmental organizations have also
repeatedly criticized experiments with the use of
algorithms in criminal proceedings for the
purpose of characterizing the person, on which
the reservation in the European Ethical Charter
on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial
systems and their environment on the use of such
algorithms with special restrictions is based.
Therefore, it is necessary to highlight two key
issues in the context of research on the regulation
of electronic search, collection and use of
information on the person in criminal
proceedings: 1) ensuring the balance between the
interests of criminal proceedings and the
guarantees of human rights and freedoms; 2) the
limits of the possible use of algorithms, artificial
intelligence for obtaining conclusions, individual
profiles of a person, the influence of such
information on making legal decisions in
criminal proceedings.
To some extent, the issue of the balance of
interests in the criminal procedural legislation of
European countries has found its solution. Thus,
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), the
search measures of law enforcement agencies
have been formally defined as some form of tacit
measures of obtaining information under the
name “electronic search”.
Chapter VIII “Seizure, control of
telecommunications, computer search for
possible offenders based on common indicators,
application of technical means, use of undercover
investigators and searches” of the German
Criminal Code (Federal Ministry of Justice,
1998) of the Federal Republic of Germany
defines system of secret measures of information,
which includes: 1) seizure (the objects of which
among others include computer files, electronic
messages); 2) automatic comparison and transfer
of personal data; 3) comparison of information
for the investigation of the criminal act;
4) seizure of postal and telegraphic dispatches;
5) control of telecommunications; 6) measures
applied without knowledge of the person to
whom they apply (recording of conversations in
publicly inaccessible places); 7) statements made
in private outside housing; 8) receiving
information about communication within the
framework of telecommunications; 9) other
measures applied without the knowledge of the
person to whom they relate (monitoring);
10) measures applicable to mobile phones.
At the same time, such a measure as an online
search using special software is not an element of
the criminal procedure; it is regulated by other
federal laws.
Automatic comparison and transfer of personal
data, which involves the collection and analysis
of information on the person from various
databases, can be applied in cases where there are
grounds to believe that a criminal act of a
significant degree of danger has been committed.
Investigating the grounds for conducting such a
measure, one should note a key criterion for
recognizing the legality of interference in private
life. Thus, the Constitutional Court of the Federal
Republic of Germany, on the basis of an analysis
of the content of secret forms of obtaining
evidence in criminal proceedings, drew attention
to the fact that when using the obtained evidence
the first line of reference is to determine in which
area such interference occurred and distinguished
the following spheres: 1) social sphere (business
relationships); 2) private sphere (private
conversations, actions and communication in the
domestic sphere, etc.); 3) intimate sphere
(Holovnenko & Spitza, 2012).
Social contacts in the first sphere do not require
special protection. In the second area, the
interests of criminal proceedings must be
weighed against the protection of the private.
Interference in the intimate sphere is prohibited.
That is, the principle of proportionality is defined
as one of the key criteria in the criminal
procedural legislation of the Federal Republic of
Germany when clarifying the existence of
grounds for conducting special investigative
The collection and accumulation of information
in Great Britain for the benefit criminal justice is
regulated by the Investigative Powers Act
(Legislation, 2016), which gives broad powers to
law enforcement agencies to collect, store, and
analyse information, including the right to access
banking, commercial information, intrusion into
telephones, computers, as well as mass
accumulation of personal data, including data on
visits to certain Internet resources with the
approval of the judge. A limited circle of law
enforcement officials authorized to carry out
such measures is also defined, and criminal
liability for the abuse of such powers is
Analysis of the activities of law enforcement
agencies of several other countries of the world
authorized to prevent and combat corruption
indicates that they use a wide range of databases
and sources of electronic information in their
Thus, the Independent Commission Against
Corruption (Hong Kong) has the right to follow
up on a court order and detect illegal financial
transactions and assets hidden by a corrupt
person in any form. These powers include
checking bank accounts, conducting searches
and seizing documents, as well as the right to
require suspects to provide detailed information
about their assets, income and expenses.
Special investigators of the Bureau for the
Investigation of Corruption (Singapore)
following the instructions of the prosecutor, the
Director of the Bureau for Special Powers, may
obtain access to the bank’s documentation,
request any information on property in use or
belonging to him or her or close persons, bank
transfers or cash withdrawals, collect and analyse
information on business activities, etc. (OECD,
Considering the aspects of searching, collecting
and using information on the person on the
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
benefit of criminal justice, an extremely
important trend of spreading the use of artificial
intelligence during such activities and the
consequences of the risks involved should be
taken into account. As noted by the Secretary
General of the Council of Europe Marija
Pejčinović Burić, artificial intelligence is already
with us: it changes the information we receive,
influences our choices, and in the nearest future
it will influence the work of governments and
state institutions even more. Artificial
intelligence presents both benefits and risks. The
role of the Council of Europe is to ensure the
protection and development of human rights,
democracy and the rule of law in the digital
environment (Council of Europe, 2023).
Determining the limits of the possible use of
artificial intelligence in criminal justice remains
quite problematic; however, the first steps of
regulation the development of the basic
principles of its use have already been taken at
the international level.
Thus, the Convention for the Protection of
Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing
of Personal Data (Council of Europe, 1981)
introduced the basic principles of data protection,
including: integrity of data collection and
processing; their storage only for specified and
lawful purposes; non-use in a manner that is
incompatible with these purposes; to be
adequate, appropriate and not excessive in
relation to the purposes for which they are stored;
to be kept in a form allowing the identification of
data subjects no longer than is necessary for the
purposes of storage. However, there is a
reservation that even in the interest of criminal
proceedings automated processing of data on
racial affiliation, political, religious or other
beliefs, as well as data relating to health and
sexual life is prohibited, if domestic legislation
does not provide appropriate guarantees (Article
6 of the Convention).
As involving AI in the sphere of justice raises a
number of ethical issues, an important
international act governing them was adopted
the European Ethical Charter on the use of
Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems and
their environment (European Commission for the
Efficiency of Justice, 2018). The main purpose of
the Charter is to increase the efficiency and
quality of the administration of justice by
processing the algorithms of court decisions and
data while respecting the basic rights and
freedoms guaranteed by the ECHR and the
Council of Europe Convention on the Protection
of Personal Data.
The Charter establishes five principles regarding
the use of artificial intelligence in the
administration of justice:
the principle of observing basic human
rights when using AI.
the principle of non-discrimination, namely
prevention of any discrimination between
individuals or groups of individuals.
the principle of quality and security, which
requires the processing of court decisions
and data in a secure technological
the principle "under the control of the user".
the principle of transparency, impartiality
and fairness.
Based on the mentioned Convention, the
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
issued Recommendation CM / Rec (2020) 1 to
Member States regarding the impact of
algorithmic systems on human rights, which
provides guidelines and the algorithm of
necessary actions for effective protection of
human rights and personal data. The measures
provide for the legislative regulation of issues of
access and use of information and the obligation
of users and processors of personal data to submit
adequate documentation to verify compliance
with the law.
In addition, the Recommendation on the Ethics
of Artificial Intelligence (UNESCO 2021)
proposed the following basic conditions for the
use of artificial intelligence, particularly those
that may apply to criminal justice: 1) privacy
must be respected, protected and encouraged at
all stages of the use of artificial intelligence
systems. The collection, use, transfer, storage
and removal of data in such systems is carried out
taking into account the standards of international
law, regional and national norms; 2) the
framework principles of data protection and their
management mechanisms should be developed
on the basis of the principles of multi-stakeholder
interest, protected by judicial systems, and based
on international principles of data protection and
standards regarding the collection, use and
disclosure of personal data, provided that there
are legal purpose and the appropriate legal basis
for processing; 3) algorithmic systems require
pproperly assessing the privacy implications, and
the actors of artificial intelligence are obliged to
ensure accountability in the development and
implementation of such systems, protecting
personal information throughout the life cycle of
such systems; 4) the control of artificial
intelligence systems is not just about control by
individual persons, but also, in necessary cases,
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
inclusive control by society; 5) delegating the
control of artificial intelligence systems can be
limited in number and do not deal with crucial
issues; 6) the transparency and comprehensibility
of such systems is a guarantee of the realization
of the right to a fair trial; where there are
substantial risks of adverse effects on human
rights, the principle of transparency may be the
basis for the disclosure of algorithms or
The use of electronic search systems during the
investigation of corruption crimes is an effective
tool contributing to the performance of criminal
justice tasks, which provides quick, objective
investigation of the circumstances of the case,
establishes the whereabouts of the person,
evading pre-trial investigation and trial,
identifies assets and ensures execution of
punishment through confiscation of property.
Along with this, such activity is related to
interference in private life and significantly
limits human rights and freedoms. Accordingly,
the use of electronic search systems, databases,
algorithms and artificial intelligence is subject to
detailed regulation in criminal procedural
legislation, taking into account such principles
1) Balancing the interests of the criminal
justice system and human rights and
freedoms, thus limiting, collecting and using
information as an exceptional measure due
to the gravity of the offence;
2) decision on permission to search for, collect
and use private information must be
considered as a form of tacit receipt of
information with the introduction of an
appropriate judicial control;
3) application of algorithms, artificial
intelligence for searching, collecting and
analysing information cannot replace a
person, whose sphere of control includes
interpretation and conclusions regarding the
information obtained;
4) misuse of databases by law enforcement
agencies, software complexes allowing
interference in the person’s private life,
including their application without
necessary legal grounds, is subject to
criminalization, and results obtained shall
not be admissible as evidence of guilt.
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