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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.18
How to Cite:
Tretiak, O.A., Khmelnykov, A.O., Batrymenko, O.V., Karashchuk, M., & Husieva, N. (2024). Paradigmatic dimensions of local
public management research: The path to reliable managerial decisions. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 228-235.
Paradigmatic dimensions of local public management research: The
path to reliable managerial decisions
Received: February 15, 2024 Accepted: March 23, 2024
Written by:
Tretiak Oleksii Anatoliiovych1
Khmelnykov Artem Oleksandrovych2
Batrymenko Oleh Volodymyrovych3
Karashchuk Мykola4
Husieva Nataliia5
Explicated the need to compare the established
paradigmatic ideas in local public management and
in the political science research environment.
Particular attention is paid to the important issue of
the project relationship establishing between the
paradigmatic approach and the subject field of public
management research. Essential discrepancies
between the key paradigmatic approaches to local
public management and policy making at the local
level are revealed. Stated the necessity of essential
empirical material evaluation for further research and
possibly improvement of the regulatory framework
for local public management. Proved that the
particular author's (actors`) main reason for
conducting paradigmatic discussions on local public
management is the need to communicate with a
powerful research tradition. It is concluded that, the
success of public policies and their impact on the
lives of citizens depends on an understanding of
Висвітлено необхідність порівняння
встановлених парадигматичних ідей у місцевому
державному управлінні та у середовищі
політичних досліджень. Особлива увага
приділяється важливому питанню встановлення
проектних відносин між парадигматичним
підходом та предметною областю досліджень у
сфері державного управління. Виявлено суттєві
розбіжності між ключовими парадигматичними
підходами до місцевого державного управління
та формування політики на місцевому рівні.
Зазначено необхідність оцінки суттєвого
емпіричного матеріалу для подальших
досліджень та можливого вдосконалення
нормативної бази для місцевого державного
управління. Доведено, що головною причиною
проведення парадигматичних дискусій щодо
місцевого державного управління конкретним
автором (акторами) є необхідність комунікації з
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of Political Science, Sociology and Public administration Department of Oles Honchar
Dnipro National University, Dnipro Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GXM-5718-2022
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, University of Customs and Finance of Ukraine (Dnipro, Ukraine).
WoS Researcher ID: KIA-8186-2024
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Head of Political Science Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
(Kyiv, Ukraine). WoS Researcher ID: AAD-2891-2022
PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at the Politology Department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv,
PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, State University
of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tretiak, O.A., Khmelnykov, A.O., Batrymenko, O.V., Karashchuk, M., Husieva, N. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 228-235 /
April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
epistemic foundations. Established that different
paradigmatic alternatives of public decisions are
determined on the basis of scientific data. Considered
the most optimal way of applying any paradigmatic
approaches is the analysis of the expediency of
applying the methodology and forecasting the
achievement of scientific novelty or specific results
of management projects.
Keywords: paradigmatic foundations, decision-
making, local public management, local politics,
epistemic freedom.
потужною дослідницькою традицією. Зроблено
висновок, що успіх державної політики та її
вплив на життя громадян залежить від розуміння
епістемологічних основ. Встановлено, що різні
парадигматичні альтернативи державних рішень
визначаються на основі наукових даних.
Розглянуто найбільш оптимальний спосіб
застосування будь-яких парадигматичних
підходів як аналіз доцільності застосування
методології та прогнозування досягнення
наукової новизни або конкретних результатів
управлінських проектів.
Ключові слова: парадигматичні основи,
прийняття рішень, місцеве державне управління,
місцева політика, епістемологічна свобода.
In contemporary Ukraine and all over the world
obtained the significant number of scientific
schools of public management researches. They
generally adhere to the principles of
“multiparadigmaticity”: the validity and
effectiveness of all scientific paradigms.
However, the political and public administration
sciences of Ukraine faces the task of unifying the
meaning of paradigms of local public
management research. This is necessary, firstly,
in order to finally remove the influence of unreal
(irrational, ideologically determined)
methodological and theoretical ideas. Secondly,
it is necessary to intensify research on
consolidated democracy in Ukraine and other
transitive countries and political aspects of
sustainable development. For this, it is obvious
that there is a need to compare the established
paradigmatic ideas in Ukraine and in the leading
countries of the political and public
administration interdisciplinary science
The paradigmatic approaches have a broader
meaning than the theoretical foundations of
research. It covers the author's research problem
subjective choice, his or her values and author's
world view guidelines. Also it embraces the
possibilities of research results predicting and
planning (even before it begins). An important
issue of the project is relationship establishing
between the paradigmatic approach and the
subject field of public management research. It is
also expedient to find out the key foundations of
paradigmatic approach defining for different
scientific schools.
The orientation of paradigmatic approaches of
local public management research to a certain
methodology becomes fundamentally important.
This should provide a more accurate prediction
of research results. As a result of the research, a
more standardized “algorithm” for the local
public management research work should be
established, which will probably consist of the
following: 1) author's own paradigm definition;
2) subject area clarification; 3) optimal
methodology identification; 4) selection of
adequate methods.
The purpose of the article is to identify
differences and collect key benefits in the
interpretation and application of paradigmatic
principles of local public management
Literature Review
The problem of paradigmatic prerequisites of
political management is of interest to a number
of modern authors. For instance, the study of
A. Pegan delves into strategic planning methods
for local government co-creation, drawing
evidence from Croatia and Slovenia . Through
empirical analysis, it sheds light on effective
strategies for fostering collaboration between
governments and citizens in the local context
(Pegan, 2023). E. D. Schoburgh critically
examines the concept of the «new orthodoxy» in
local governance within the Caribbean context,
questioning whether it represents a genuine
paradigm shift or merely rhetorical discourse.
She offers insights into the dynamics of local
governance and its evolution in the region
(Schoburgh, 2009). N. Baptista, H. Alves,
N. Matos synthesize existing research on the
engagement of public sector organizations in co-
creation activities with citizens. It explores the
various benefits, drivers, and barriers associated
with such collaborative endeavors, providing a
comprehensive overview of the subject (Baptista
et al., 2020). (David et al., 2023). employ the
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PRISMA methodology to analyze and synthesize
existing literature on digital technology adoption
strategies by local governments. It offers insights
into the factors influencing the adoption of digital
technologies and provides recommendations for
enhancing technological uptake in local
governance (David et al., 2023).
K. Gurdon-Nagy (2021) examines whether local
governments are drivers or followers of broader
societal transformations. She contributes to the
understanding of the relationship between local
governance and societal change within the
Hungarian context. Despite these achievements,
there is a need to consider paradigmatic
discussions within the framework of the
administrative and management components of
public management at the local level.
Methodology of the research
The process of data systematization regarding
paradigmatic dimensions in local public
management research was carried out on the
basis of a comprehensive analysis of the main
philosophical and political paradigms and the
decision-making agenda of local political
management. The systematic approach revealed
the regularity and expediency of the application
of certain paradigmatic dimensions and
prerequisites for clarifying the results of their
application both in the framework of research
and in the framework of practical managerial
activities. The paper analyzes the empirical
agenda of political decision-making in
contemporary Ukraine during the war in a
comparative context with modern sustainable
democracies. The modern management
community at the local level in the broadest sense
(leaders and performers), which carries out
certain research procedures within the
framework of strategic decision-making at the
local level, acted as the main actors, choosing the
paradigmatic dimension. The development of
projective procedures for the analysis of the
managerial paradigms of the context at the local
level was carried out on the basis of the
application of inductive and hypothetical-
deductive methods, as well as prognostic
analysis. They made possible to reveal the need
for further identification of the choice of a
paradigmatic dimension by researchers and
managers within the framework of scientific
support for decision-making.
Results and Discussion
The significance of the paradigms evaluation
among other things is revealed in the
paradigmatic foundations` of political science
research identification. It provides essential
empirical material for further research and
possibly improvement of the regulatory
framework for local public management. In
particular, the real features and essential
peculiarities of the paradigmatic choice of both
postgraduate students and their supervisors will
be revealed. This will make possible to raise
questions about “decision-making standards”
within the framework of local public
management and further improve the theoretical
and methodological basis. The question of the
fundamentals` formation of an integral political
theory (Grand Theory) also will be raised.
Collecting data on the content of the
paradigmatic dimension of local public
management research will allow to more fully
realize the topic of scientific and scientific
research. There is also an ambitious opportunity
for local public management researchers and
local governing actors to improve their
understanding of the author`s (actor’s) paradigm
choice as part of their research.
The obtained conclusions and recommendations
regarding the «algorithmization» (algorithm
providing) and/or streamlining of the theoretical
foundations and methodology of political
science/public administration research will be
used in local public management modernization.
The effectiveness of conclusions and
recommendations evaluation will be possible
after the research results publication in scientific
publications, methodological manuals and
monographic studies. The particular author's
(actors`) main reason for conducting
paradigmatic discussions on local public
management is the need to communicate with a
powerful research tradition.
The local public management research paradigm
evaluation could be planned as part of a series of
interviews with leading local public management
actors within the research prospective project.
The first step is to clarify the content of
paradigmatic approaches and their significance
for local public management. Also, in the form of
an open question, they will be asked to provide
their own definition of the paradigmatic
approach in political science research. Also a
question regarding research and criteria for
determining the optimal methodology based on a
paradigmatic approach will be included. It will
outline the preferences of scientists, who are
postgraduate students` supervisors. The result of
the expert interview will be the identification of
the most significant and used paradigmatic
approaches in political studies. An idea will also
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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original source is cited.
be formed about the possibility of transition from
the paradigmatic level to the methodological
level within the contemporary political and
public administration sciences` framework.
Epistemic foundations of public policy on local
level grounds on the provisions, which are
underlying the understanding, analysis and
formulation of political decisions in the sphere of
local public governing. It is a broad field that
encompasses various scientific disciplines, such
as political science, sociology, economics, law,
and others, which help to understand complex
social problems and ways to solve them. This is
especially evident against the background of the
ontological space in which a list of alternatives
for making local policy decisions is formed. As
appropriately noted M. Paananena,
M. Alasuutarib, K. Karilaa, and A. Siippainen,
when utilizing ontological authority, actor
presents or frames the nature of the situation as
an objective fact for, example, by using research
or statistics. The second is moral authority, which
draws on generally approved-of and morally
binding norms, such as human rights. The third
is capacity-based authority, which depends on
the perceived ability of an actor to condition the
actions of other actors (e.g. by imposing
sanctions). The fourth is charisma, which is
based on referring to the unique character of an
actor, be it a person or an organization. The four
forms of epistemic work are mutually
intertwined and can and often do accumulate
meaning. In other words, an actor can utilise
more than one aspect of epistemic work to
support their argument (Paananena et al., 2019).
One of the key paradigmatic foundations of
public policy is political theory, which studies
political institutions, processes, and behavior,
revealing decision-making mechanisms and
interactions between different actors in a political
system. Political economy also plays an
important role in helping to understand the
economic aspects of political decisions and their
impact on society. The materials of the debate on
the epistemic examination of local politics,
worked out M. Paananena, M. Alasuutarib,
K. Karilaa, and A. Siippainen make it possible to
assert that in discussing these shared aims and
norms, moral authority was used to argue for the
obligation to think about the ‘rights’ or ‘equality’
of the children. Even though equality and
children’s rights were shared aims among the
speakers, references to moral authority were
made only by those who opposed the restrictions.
Claims in relation to moral authorities, such as
references to the constitution and the EU, were
made when some speakers argued that savings
could not be the only criterion to influence
decision-making. Other norms, such as the rights
of children, had to be taken into account
(Paananena et al., 2019).
Sociology and psychology disciplinary
paradigms are important for analyzing society's
behavior and perceptions, and for understanding
what factors influence political decision-making.
Jurisprudence provides the basis for the
development of laws and regulations that
underlie public policy. The example of the
discussion about the organization of education at
the local level shows that interdisciplinary
epistemic (paradigmatic) synthesis is important
for the development of a consensus and mutually
acceptable decision at the local level. As finish
scholars point out, in the council debates, the first
construction considered ECEC (Early childhood
education and care) as an efficient method of
ensuring human capital development primarily,
ECEC fulfils an educational function. ECEC is
constructed as being good for child development.
However, it is considered a public expense that
should be reduced. According to this
construction, parents utilise full-time day-care
services when they do not need to. Moreover, it
was posited that the restriction of unconditional
entitlement to full-time day-care services would
result in considerable savings while leading to
disruptive changes to the practices or lives of the
families affected (Paananena et al., 2019).
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of
public policy makes it possible to understand the
complexity of social problems and find effective
solutions to solve them. The success of public
policies and their impact on the lives of citizens
depends on an understanding of epistemic
foundations. Choosing the right political
alternatives based on epistemological analysis
involves the use of multidisciplinary (for
example, economic and legal) scientific data and
a mental strategy to understand the essence of the
problem and possible solutions. In this regard,
the interdisciplinary paradigmatic matrix allows
to choose the right solution even under the
condition of equal influence of two equal factors
of influence on the local situation. M. Ylönen,
J. Jaakkola and L. Saari truly resumed, that the
2010s showed a further extension of the
epistemic shift from lawyers to economists,
which completed the long-term transformation
from legalism to economism in the Finnish
corporate tax policy. First, the growing reliance
on economics in policy-making enabled
anchoring policy proposals on economics
literature. The normalization of this practice
contributed to a situation where the MoF’s
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leadership was able to bypass their own Tax
Department to advance a major corporate tax cut.
Second, the normalization of the use of
economics enabled designing tax policy with
future-oriented estimates that relied on
assumptions drawn from the economic theory
(Ylönen et al., 2021).
Finding optimal solutions in local public
administration is a complex and multifaceted
process that requires the analysis of various
aspects, taking into account the interests of
various parties and the ability to choose the most
effective strategies. The paradigmatic
(epistemic) compatibility of some academic
disciplines allows for the development of a
certain algorithm for evaluating events and
phenomena at the local level. Thus M. Ylönen,
J. Jaakkola and L. Saari rightly claim, that
exploiting opportunities between professional
bodies of knowledge requires instigating a shift
in one of the five factors the extent to which
politicians rely on expertise; the balance of
power between academic disciplines in evidence-
based policy-making; the disciplinary base to
which the dominant expert groups rely on; the
ways in which the epistemological, ontological
and methodological mainstream changes over
time within particular disciplines; and the extent
to which IOs are seen as epistemic versus policy-
driven authorities (Ylönen et al., 2021).
The process of paradigmatic evaluation of the
local decision-making situation begins with a
thorough analysis of the problem or situation to
be solved. This may include collecting and
analyzing data, identifying the factors that
influence the problem, and understanding its root
causes. On the example of legal and economic
paradigmatic considerations, one can see the
deployment of management processes in
important branches of the local economy.
M. Ylönen, J. Jaakkola and L. Saari have noticed,
that lawyers had not have made way to
economists in key working groups, the
introduction of theoretical economic approaches
to the forefront of tax policy reasoning would
have been extremely unlikely. Ultimately, these
mutually reinforcing shifts created a situation
where a single economics review article became
the main justification for a 4.5-percentage point
corporate tax rate cut with huge budgetary
impact. Given the heightened reliance on
economistic reasoning in policy-making, similar
path-dependencies are likely to be found in other
countries as well (Ylönen et al., 2021).
Thus before looking for appropriate solution in
local public management, it is necessary to
clearly define the goals to be achieved, as well as
the constraints that may affect the decision-
making process. After defining the problem and
goals, it is necessary to find different options for
solutions. This may include consideration of
different strategies, programs or policies that
may be used to achieve the objectives. Each
solution option needs careful evaluation,
including an analysis of their advantages,
disadvantages, costs, and possible consequences.
Evaluation methods may include cost-benefit
analysis, SWOT analysis, risk assessment, etc.
Table 1.
Tasks of paradigmatic discussions at the level of local politics
Type of a paradigm
Decision-making in a
specific area
Managers, leaders,
officials of local
Coordination of interests
of institutional subjects or
links of local
Valuable/ socio-cultural
regulation of citizens'
Experts and non-
Stability and consensus in
the community
search for obtaining new
information, provision of
Scientific communities at
the local level, local
Sustainable innovative
development of the
Developed on the base of Federation of Canadian Municipalities VNG International Publication Federation
Of Canadian Municipalities. (2015)
Based on the analysis of paradigmatic
(epistemic) alternatives, a decision could best
meet the set goals and constraints. After making
a public management decision, it is necessary to
implement it and monitor the results. This allows
for expert to detect any negative consequences in
time and adjust strategies if necessary. At the
global level, the influence of the epistemic
position of the actor who makes the decision, as
well as the paradigmatic environment in which
the discussion takes place, is already felt. As
argued Ch. Bueger and A.Littoz-Monnet, by
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
epistemic orders, we refer to those larger
structural conditions and long-term patterns,
whether more ideational or material, that shape
knowledge production. Paying attention to
epistemic orders provides us with new
understandings of how the problems or “objects”
of global governance are constructed, delineated
and eventually governed (Bueger &
Littoz-Monnet, 2023).
Openness, public participation and balanced
consideration of different points of paradigmatic
view acquire key importance in local public
management. It is also important to have
scientifically sound data and use best practices to
achieve optimal results. A rather unexpected
circumstance for the paradigmatic choice of
decisions and actions within the framework of
local politics is the appearance of various
stakeholders of epistemic justification. In
particular, it is possible to say about powerful
business actors. According to Ch. Bueger and
A. Littoz-Monnet, public de-investments in
universities and research as well as a growing
economic valuation of scientific knowledge have
made it possible for large companies and the
philanthropies of the global commercial elite to
position themselves as knowledge producers.
Thus, a large share of research and expertise
activities are today funded by companies,
consultants, philanthropists, or their offspring
organizations (Bueger & Littoz-Monnet, 2023).
The formation of local public management
paradigmatic rationale begins with the collection
and analysis of scientific data on a problem or
situation that requires policy intervention. This
may include statistical data, research results,
expert opinions, and more. A careful analysis of
the data helps to understand the essence of the
problem and its impact on society. Different
epistemic alternatives of public decisions are
determined on the basis of scientific data. This
can be done through SWOT analysis, cost-
benefit analysis, risk assessment, and other
evaluation methods. Ch. Bueger and
A. Littoz-Monnet, focusing on epistemic
orderings, reintegrate considerations of how the
micro and the macro intersect in processes of
knowledge production, shedding light on how
micro-moves often sustain, but sometimes
disrupt larger structural conditions. Danish
authors also emphasize the necessity of
examining processes of sense-making and
knowledge-making, rather than questions of
collaboration and effectiveness. This lens makes
it possible to reflect on our understandings of
what needs to be governed, opening up the realm
of our reflections on global governance, the kinds
of problems it should be tackling, and the
objectives it is meant to be pursuing (Bueger &
Littoz-Monnet, 2023).
The expert opinions` paradigmatic grounds and
epistemic considering experience of local
governance officers and leaders in relevant fields
can be an important source of information for
determining the correct (appropriate) policy
alternatives. It is important to take into account
the specifics of the context in which the political
decision will be implemented. This means taking
into account cultural, historical, economic, and
social factors that may affect the success of an
alternative. The choice of a policy alternative
should be based on objective arguments, logic
and scientific data, not on personal beliefs or
ideology. It is important to ensure the
transparency of the process of choosing political
alternatives and take into account the opinions
and interests of the public. Carrying out an
epistemological analysis before making a
political decision helps to ensure the validity,
effectiveness and legitimacy of political actions
in response to public problems on a local level.
Table 2.
The main political and philosophical paradigms and the agenda of local political management decisions
The title of the paradigm
Epistemic focus or motivation
The field of the decision
protection of rights and freedoms
Political stability development of
local democracy
scientific justification
introduction of innovations
variability, unpredictability of
identification of risks
argumentation, ethical justification
openness of the community
interaction of the system and the
external environment
strategic development of the local
Developed on the base of S. Lavelle (2015), J. Bryson, B. Crosby and M. Stone (2015) and M. Cawley
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
Based on the above mentioned, the purpose of the
conducting of paradigmatic choice could be
proposed as the identifying of researchers` and
managers (local leader) attitudes to the
«algorithmization» (algorithm providing) of
methodological search and paradigmatic
justification of the theoretical grounds of
research and the policy evaluation. It is necessary
to establish how contemporary local public
management researchers are aware of the
relationship between the paradigm of their
research, their author's preferences and value
guidelines. We can propose the local public
management research questionnaire, which can
include questions about the paradigmatic sources
of their academic school, the content of their
paradigmatic worldview and value principles.
The question will be especially important, how
these elements had influenced their
understanding of the methodology and
organization of local public management
research. The second block of questions will be
to find out the intentions and aspirations of local
management actors to achieve results within their
subject area and possible subjective motivations.
The third block will be a survey of local public
management researchers’ opinion regarding the
application of their proposed paradigms of
interdisciplinary science research, as well as
open questions regarding their own vision of
optimal paradigms.
Within the third phase on the basis of the
received information, a joint scientists (experts)
and practitioners` seminar-discussion could be
held with the aim of establishing conclusions and
approving or rejecting the algorithm for
identifying the optimal paradigmatic approach,
establishing the subject area of research,
applying the optimal methodology, and obtaining
new scientific results. Thereby research will both
qualitative and quantitative. On first two phases
it will be qualitative. Then the final phase has to
be quantitative since it will be necessary to
calculate the answers to the questionnaire
Sheme 1. The order of paradigmatic justification of the theoretical grounds of research and (or) the local
policy evaluation.
Based on K.Gurdon-Nagy`s paradigmatic changes in Hungary local self-governments analyses
(Gurdon-Nagy, 2021)
Thus, local public management is now in a
situation where it is necessary to consider
political alternatives both in the context of the
competition of political actors at the local level
and within the framework of making
management decisions. The paradigmatic bases
for determining the right direction of local
governance include ideological (doctrinal)
principles, the engagement of officials, the
penetration of scientific elements of scientific
research into governance practices, the presence
of value and behavioral determinants of the
cognitive processing of local public decisions.
The possibility of choosing the «correct» (or
appropriate) paradigmatic affiliation within the
framework of local public management research
or within the framework of applied management
activities at the local level depends on the level
of training and competence of researchers or
1) Elements that influenced
actors`understanding of the
methodology and organization
of local public management
research (and/or descision
2) Intentions and aspirations of
local management actors to
achieve results within their
subject area and possible
subjective motivations.
3) Proposed paradigms of
interdisciplinary local
management research,
questions regarding actors`
vision on optimal paradigms.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
managers. The most optimal way of applying any
paradigmatic approaches is the analysis of the
expediency of applying the methodology and
forecasting the achievement of scientific novelty
or specific results of management projects.
Accordingly, the possibility of making the
«correct» decision in local public management
requires broadening of views on the current
situation. This, in turn, involves working in a
multiparadigmatic mode. The legal or political
paradigm of local public management largely
depends on the initiative of actors of local
management. At the same time, the presence of
an impartial and rationally critical analysis of the
problems and resources of the local community
indicates the introduction of a scientific approach
to management on an interdisciplinary basis.
Therefore, in the context of further discussions
regarding the paradigmatic justification of local
public management and in general activities
regarding the selection of political alternatives, it
is appropriate to turn to the assessment of the
potential of artificial intelligence in the context
of adopting standard management decisions.
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