https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.15
How to Cite:
Bilynska, K., Markova, O., Chornobryva, N., Kuznietsov, Y., & Mingli, W. (2024). The power of digitalization in education:
improving learning with interactive multimedia content. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 188-201.
The power of digitalization in education: improving learning with
interactive multimedia content
Сила цифровізації в освіті: покращення навчання за допомогою інтерактивного
мультимедійного вмісту
Received: February 28, 2024 Accepted: April 25, 2024
Written by:
Khrystyna Bilynska1
Оlena Markova2
Natalia Chornobryva3
Yevhen Kuznietsov4
Wu Mingli5
The article highlights the advantages of creating
multimedia content in education based on
digitization. Programs for creating multimedia
content in education on the basis of digitalization
of multimedia were analyzed and the stages of
working with them were considered, which were
grouped by main categories. The most important
characteristics of interactive multimedia are
revealed. The importance of media competence
and media literacy of the teacher and student has
been proven. The necessity of creating
multimedia content of a cloud-oriented
educational environment in our time is shown.
To achieve the goal of the research, an
experiment was conducted, the purpose of which
is to identify more effective multimedia
technologies for providing multimedia content
У статті виокремлено переваги створення
мультимедійного контенту в освіті на засадах
цифровізації. Проаналізовано програми для
створення мультимедійного контенту в освіті
на засадах цифровізації мультимедіа та
розглянуто етапи роботи з ними, які згруповано
за основними категоріями. Виявлено
найважливіші характеристики інтерактивного
мультимедіа. Доведено важливість
медіакомпетентності та медіаграмотності
викладача та студента. Показано необхідність
створення мультимедійного контенту
хмароорієнтованого навчального середовища у
наш час. Для досягнення мети дослідження
проведено експеримент мета якого виділити
більш ефективні мультимедіа технології для
забезпечення мультимедійного контенту на
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KLZ-2077-2024
Ph.D. (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GYD-2984-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Teacher of Pediatrics, Separated Subdivision "Rokytne
Professional Medical College" of Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Rivne Region Council", Ukraine. WoS Researcher
ID: CLU-1579-2022
Master, Teacher of Department of Management, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Graduate Student, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Bilynska, K., Markova, O., Chornobryva , N., Kuznietsov, Y., Mingli, W. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 188-201 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
on the basis of digitization in the field of
education, where an experimental approach is the
most appropriate. As a result of an experimental
study of the influence of multimedia content on
the quality of assimilation of educational content
by students of different age categories based on
digitalization, the combination of multimedia
tools in various combinations made it possible to
reveal the characteristic features of the
multimedia phenomenon in the modern world.
Keywords: multimedia content, education,
digitalization, cloud-based educational
environment, media literacy.
засадах цифровізації у сфері навчання де
найбільш доцільним є експериментальний
підхід. В результаті експериментального
дослідження впливу мультимедійного
контенту на якість засвоєння змісту освіти
учнями різних вікових категорій на основі
цифровізації, поєднання мультимедійних
засобів у різноманітних комбінаціях дозволили
виявити характерні риси мультимедійного
явища в сучасному світі.
Ключові слова: мультимедійний контент,
освіта, цифровізація, хмароорієнтоване освітнє
середовище, медіаграмотність.
The most successful and developed countries, in
our time of rapid changes, global informatization
of society, and competition of specialists, direct
their state policy in the direction of
modernization of educational activities, namely,
training of specialists capable of competing in the
modern labor market, specialists of a new
generation, capable in non-standard situations act
and adapt to today's conditions.
The entire education system was radically
affected by new information technologies,
affecting the content of the educational field,
methods, and forms of education, which in the
"teacher-student" paradigm led to new
requirements, namely, the possibility of effective
use of technical and new ICT tools in education
and professional activity, their strong potential
today (Vanivska et al., 2018).
A person receives video, text, and graphic
information throughout his life. One of the
possible ways to solve the task of obtaining high-
quality education is the digitalization of the
educational process of higher education
institutions, since it serves as a starting point for
the implementation of innovations, is a center for
the design of the latest technologies, contributes
to socio-economic growth and generally ensures
the development of any spheres of human life.
Based on the harmonization of education, in
particular, the educational systems of European
countries, the creation of a single European
digital educational space is a complex and large-
scale task today. Based on the European vector
of development, the main directions of
digitalization of education are: to create a digital
learning environment introduction and
development of computer innovative, computer-
oriented, and multimedia training tools and
equipment; for general access to educational
institutions creation of educational digital
platforms and resources with support for
multimedia and interactive content; development
of a remote form of education using multimedia
and cognitive technologies; organization of free
access of education seekers to the Internet
(Nesterenko, 2022).
Despite the information age as a new stage in the
development of civilization, the subject of
digitization of education cannot be considered
sufficiently studied. There are a number of
problems in the economy, politics and culture
that require additional research efforts and
intelligence. The information age actively and
profoundly affects the educational process, it
needs significant transformations, bringing it into
line with the new requirements of the time.
A theoretical analysis of the practical experience
of using digital technologies in the process of
training students of higher education indicates
the existence of contradictions between:
the socially determined task of digitalization
of education and science and the insufficient
level of readiness of a significant part of
higher education institutions of Ukraine for
their implementation;
the task of higher education institutions
regarding the training of scientific personnel
in the context of integration into the global
scientific space and the insufficient level of
development of the provisions of the theory
and practice of digitalization of the process
of training specialists under educational and
scientific programs;
the intensive development and spread of
digital means of supporting scientific
communication and the lack of students'
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
ability to carry out digital scientific
Overcoming these contradictions requires the
solution of a socially significant research
problem, which consists in the need to develop
and substantiate the theoretical and
methodological foundations of the
implementation and application of digital
learning with the aim of forming an information-
competent specialist.
In the article, we described the main aspects of
digitization in education in order to improve
learning with the help of interactive multimedia
content: advantages of creating multimedia
content in education based on digitization;
programs for creating multimedia content in
education based on digitalization of multimedia;
the most important characteristics of interactive
multimedia; media competence and media
literacy of the teacher and student; creation of
multimedia content in a cloud-oriented
educational environment.
Literature Review
Several authors, summarizing modern innovative
processes in professional education, single out
innovative, promising directions of digitalization
of the educational sector, in particular:
implementation of digital learning management
systems, mixed digital learning systems; creation
of appropriate digital platforms of information
infrastructure with support for multimedia and
interactive content, etc. Among such authors are
N. Lazarenko, R. Hurevych, S. Kizim (2021).
In his research, V. Bykov (2017) notes that "the
software and hardware basis of the digital
transformation of society will be laid by the
convergence of the most modern nano-, bio-,
information, and cognitive technologies NBIC
Technologies, basic technologies of the
knowledge society, and user- the technological
basis is a global network of data processing
centers built based on a cloud-oriented
virtualized ICT infrastructure and personal
electronic communicators." The scientist
understands a personal electronic communicator
as "a portable, compact, convenient and safe to
use by a mobile user wireless electronic digital
device that combines the functions of
smartphones, pocket personal computers, and
controllers, as well as means of radio frequency
identification and GPS positioning".
In the process of distance learning, O. Vanivska,
O. Malinovska, R. Presner (2018) considered the
possibilities of modern information and
communication technologies and showed ways
to improve distance higher education; discussed
the role of a teacher and a student of higher
education in the distance learning system based
on the use of a multimedia approach, a wide
range of ICT, which allows organizing a full-
fledged educational interaction in the "teacher-
student" paradigm. With this approach, the use of
multimedia learning is the basis of modern ICT,
and the basis of multimedia learning is
multimedia content, one of the main and
effective components of multimedia content is
audio and video content.
T. Bondarenko (2022) considered video editors,
programs for viewing videos, programs that
allow you to convert files from one video format
to another, and screen recording programs the
most popular and often used when editing,
viewing, or transforming multimedia content.
The analysis is given and the possibilities of
software tools are described.
The analysis of the scientific works of O.
Dushchenko (2021) made it possible to
determine the most modern technologies digital
technologies, to characterize key concepts, to
propose ways of using technologies (cloud
environment, large volumes of data, robotics,
quantum technologies, the Internet of Things,
artificial intelligence, etc.) and gadgets, the
Internet, modern personal computers, reveal the
content of digitization, characterize the current
state of digital transformation, show ways of
using digital technologies; outline the directions
of digitalization of education, show the
advantages and highlight the existing problems
of the digital transformation of education.
In the form of a list of skills, abilities, and
knowledge that are used in assessing the level of
digital competence of higher education students,
I. Borodkin and H. Borodkin (2018) created a
model of digital competence for students, which
includes: information management (information
storage, search, reproduction, review, and
evaluation), cooperation supported by digital
technologies, communication in digital
environments (distribution of content and
information, communication using digital means,
civic activity on the Internet, digital identity
administration, network etiquette), digital
content for creativity (copyright, programming,
creation of new knowledge, protection of
intellectual property), security (protection of
personal data, equipment, environment, health),
problem-solving (finding ways and clarifying
needs for their solution, solving technical
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
problems, creative use of technologies and
innovations, self-assessment of digital
L. Ivanova and D. Dzhabrailov (2022) carried out
an analysis of the use of multimedia technologies
in the educational process, conducted an
experimental study on the influence of
multimedia means of presenting educational
content on the quality of assimilation of
educational material; a diagnostic program was
developed to conduct research. an experimental
study was conducted among college students;
experimental research made it possible to build a
model of the interaction of participants in the
educational process and to provide
recommendations on the use of "methodology for
creating high-quality educational content for
certain categories of education seekers".
So, scientists have shown ways to improve
distance higher education; discussed the role of
the teacher and student of higher education in the
system of distance learning based on the use of a
multimedia approach; provided an analysis and
described the possibilities of software tools,
proposed ways of using technologies (cloud
environment, large volumes of data, robotics,
quantum technologies, Internet of Things,
artificial intelligence, etc.) and gadgets, the
Internet, modern personal computers; revealed
the content of digitization, characterized the
current state of digital transformation, showed
ways of using digital technologies; to outline the
directions of digitization of education; singled
out innovative, promising directions of
digitization of the educational sector, in
particular: implementation of digital learning
management systems, mixed digital learning
systems; creation of appropriate digital platforms
of information infrastructure with support for
multimedia and interactive content; built a model
of the interaction of participants in the
educational process and provided
recommendations on the use of "methodology for
creating high-quality educational content for
certain categories of education seekers".
However, the process of creating multimedia
content in education based on digitization is not
fully disclosed.
The purpose of the article: creation of
multimedia content in education on the basis of
digitalization and research on the impact on the
quality of assimilation of educational content by
students of different age categories of
multimedia content on the basis of digitalization,
combining multimedia tools in various
combinations, with the aim of highlighting the
characteristic features of the multimedia
phenomenon in modern education.
To achieve the set goal, the following research
methods were used: theoretical to clarify the
conceptual apparatus of the research
generalization and systematization of scientific
sources, theoretical, scientific analysis of
psychological-pedagogical, philosophical,
methodical literature; definition and
substantiation of the conditions for creating
multimedia content in education based on
digitization; analysis of regulatory
documentation and modern practice of higher
education institutions; formation of researched
quality of multimedia content in education based
on digitization; empirical: in order to determine
the state of formation and dynamics of
multimedia content creation in education on the
basis of digitalization, a diagnostic toolkit was
used in accordance with the defined structural
components; pedagogical experiment to check
the effectiveness of the developed conditions for
creating multimedia content in education based
on digitization and the developed methodology
for their implementation; methods of
mathematical statistics were used to determine
the statistical significance of the research results.
To fulfill the purpose of the research, it is
necessary to experiment, the purpose of which is
to identify more effective multimedia
technologies for providing multimedia content in
education based on digitalization in the field of
The most expedient, in our opinion, is the
experimental approach, because it enabled the
effectiveness of multimedia systems in
educational content based on digitization in the
"frontal" comparison of data acquisition. We
proceeded from the reasoning that the more
control questions and the more respondents there
are to compare the degree of knowledge
obtained, the "cleaner" the obtained data will be.
Testing was conducted several times to obtain
more accurate results: the first testing was
conducted after passing the material, and the
second testing was conducted sometime later.
Re-testing made it possible to eliminate the error
in the field of knowledge of the applicants, and
re-testing also helped to identify the features of
multimedia in the respondents' memory. The
obtained data provided the basis for identifying a
more detailed impact of multimedia based on
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
digitization on the respondents' memory and for
conducting further experiments.
After getting acquainted with the multimedia
content based on digitalization, a diagnosis was
made regarding the assimilation of the
educational content by the participants of each
experimental group. To confirm the results of the
experimental study, a repeated diagnosis was
carried out after a certain period. The results of
the study of the impact on the quality of the
assimilation of educational content by students of
different age categories of multimedia content
based on digitalization, combining multimedia
tools in various combinations, made it possible to
highlight the characteristic features of the
multimedia phenomenon in modern education.
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In research work, the
quality of data collection and analysis not only
adds weight to the research, but also contributes
to the formation of sound conclusions, which is
the key to academic success.
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms - a simple tool for creating
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey - a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines to provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley - bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets -
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R or Python for more advanced data
analysis, for statistical analysis and
processing of volumes of data.
When determining the sample of subjects, the
general specificity of the subject of the study was
taken into account. The total volume of the
sample is 62 subjects. When forming the sample,
the criteria of meaningfulness,
representativeness, and equivalence were taken
into account. The sample was formed by random
selection using the technical procedure for
calculating the selection step.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, the objectivity of their assessment was
ensured by the methodological soundness of the
initial positions and the qualitative mechanism
for evaluating the quality under study, the use of
a complex of complementary research methods,
and the involvement of a group of respondents
from a higher educational institution in the
analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Results and Discussion
Advantages of creating multimedia content in
education based on digitization.
The study of the derivatives of the concept of
"digitalization" and the concept itself proves that
it appeared recently in the scientific environment
and is connected with the large-scale penetration
of information and communication technologies
into the everyday life of modern society. Digital
technologies allow the manipulation of data at
high speed, including during transmission over
continuous analog or digital communication
channels (coding, analog-to-digital conversion,
demodulation, and signal modulation)
(Havrilova & Topolnyk, 2017). Since the modern
information society requires fundamentally new
approaches to obtain quality education, the
scientific and technical progress, its rapid pace,
makes it possible to take into account the
implementation of a new and permanent digital
revolution in the field of education. It is worth
looking for ways and means of training highly
qualified specialists, and new ways of
educational space, in this context, which are
capable of development, contribute to the
introduction and spread of digital education, and
possess the basics of digital literacy. Within the
walls of a higher school, this task can be achieved
through a qualitatively adjusted educational
The creation of multimedia content in education
based on digitization makes it possible at the
current stage of development of science,
education, and technology to consider a
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
multimedia product as a form of educational
content that occupies an important place.
To support and ensure that the content developers
create an innovative educational process and
update the educational material in the best
quality, and that the students learn it effectively
and innovatively, software tools for the
development of multimedia products, video
materials, composition, special effects, sound
series, and coloristic solutions are aimed, their
installation (Budnyk et al., 2022).
Among the advantages of creating multimedia
content in education based on digitization is the
possibility for individual users to reproduce it
repeatedly at home. In the process of using the
video, the user is allowed to adjust the playback
of information fragments, control the
demonstration of the video series, and stop it
under certain conditions. Thus, already at the
stage of self-training, we get the opportunity to
provide an individual approach to learning, since
students determine the most difficult sections for
learning on their own, and this stimulates them to
further in-depth study of the subject area
(Bondarenko, 2022).
The emergence of multimedia tools and systems
made a revolutionary leap in the creation of
multimedia content in education based on
digitization in our everyday lives and firmly took
its positions in the field of science, education,
and professional activity.
A few dozen years ago, multimedia tools were
not used in the educational process, only static
texts on paper media were used. Now, in the
educational process, multimedia content in
education based on digitalization plays a huge
role, which cannot be overestimated in the era of
rapid development of digitalization. This cannot
be neglected, it must be taken into account in the
educational context. With such an approach, the
question of media competence and media literacy
of the specialist who selects multimedia content
and uses it this or that informational content as
needed for his course is at the fore, as well as the
media literacy of students who for educational
purposes are taken into account. use this media
content (Mussoi et al., 2014).
The level of media culture is taken into account
here, which refers to the ability to communicate
and express oneself with the help of media, use
information and communication technology,
critically interpret information and consciously
perceive it, separate reality from its virtual
simulation, that is, understand the reality
constructed by media sources, effectively
interact with the media space, as well as the
ability to be a transmitter and carrier of media
culture preferences, tastes, standards, to create
new elements of media culture: videos,
presentations, interactive maps, smart maps,
slide shows, animations, illustrations, etc.
(Peláez & Solano, 2023).
Readiness in the educational process to master
modern computer technologies of higher
education students and teachers (at a higher level
than the level of a "simple user") is the most
important thing in this case. Therefore, the media
literacy of students of higher education and
teachers, and their readiness for innovative
educational activities is a qualitative main
characteristic of a student of higher education, as
a future highly qualified specialist and teacher of
a higher school (Vanivska et al., 2018).
Programs for creating multimedia content in
education based on digitalization of
Programs for creating multimedia content in
education based on the digitalization of
multimedia and work with them can be
conventionally divided into the following main
1. Programs with which you can watch videos.
We can single out the most effective of them for
the educational space:
Windows Media Player a free file player
for Windows: audio and video.
BSplayer a media player for Windows that
plays files in many multimedia formats,
works with subtitles, differs in functionality,
can independently download subtitles in the
desired language, displays two pairs of
subtitles on the screen at the same time, can
automatically adjust the display of subtitles
when the subtitles and video are out of sync;
KMPlayer player of video files and sound
files for macOS and Microsoft Windows,
there is also a mobile version for Android;
Light Alloy for playing video and audio
files, this is free software. The program is
optimized for minimal system loading and
quick launch and has a small size.
2. Editor programs, video editors you can use
them to edit videos. Video editors differ
among themselves in terms of interface,
requirements for computer specifications,
functionality settings, etc. For working with
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
video, the software includes a set of tools
and functions that allow you to overlay
music, apply special effects, and adjust
frames (Zaluzhna & Nefiodova, 2020).
Among the video editors, we will single out
the most effective in the educational space:
Pinnacle Studio is a video editor used for
computer editing, which allows you to edit,
process, create, and improve video files.
Provides support for video in Ultra HD (4K)
format and multi-channel sound, works with
3D content, authors Blu-ray discs, creates
special titles and effects provides a set of
tools, provides a keying function, extended
libraries of transitions, etc.;
Adobe Premiere Pro a professional non-
linear video editing program from Adobe
Sony Vegas Pro a professional video editor
for video processing and non-linear editing;
Corel Video Studio is one of the most
popular programs today, it is used for editing
Microsoft videos and is a necessary
Windows software package.
There are many functions in its arsenal for video
editing: cropping, cropping, instant video
correction, rotation, correction of the fish-eye
effect and distortion in videos shot with a wide-
angle camera, muting, video stabilization, direct
upload to Vimeo sites and YouTube, audio
mixing, etc.
3. Screen recording programs programs that
help record user actions from the screen.
Among the digital tools for visualizing
educational information, you can distinguish
special software that allows you to record
user actions from the screen. These
programs include:
Bandicam software that works on the
principle of capturing an image from the
monitor screen;
Camtasia is a versatile and powerful
application used for video reviews,
recording professional screencasts,
educational presentations, or product
demonstrations. The program, for further
editing of the video document, has a
significant set of tools and can record sounds
and actions in any part of the Windows
UVScreenCamera a functional and simple
program for recording the monitor screen
with sound. You can quickly create
educational and demonstration videos, and
presentations with the help of software;
Screen Recorder is a Chrome extension for
recording the screen that can be used for
video instructions, recording video lessons,
Screen recording in Google Chrome
provides complete autonomy and creates an
intuitive interface.
4. Programs that allow you to convert files
from one video format to another.
There are many ways to record, encode, and play
video. For video conversion, the software allows
you to convert the video file format in such a way
that the file can be opened in a certain media
player or the file size is reduced. The user can
edit the codec and bitrate, resolution, and video
conversion format.
The selection of the converter depends on the
task: the files of which format should be received
and the files of which formats should be
The most effective programs in the educational
space that can help convert files from one video
format to another include:
VideoProc Converter is a software complex
equipped with a large number of convenient
tools, including a video editor, media
converter, video downloader, screen
WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is a
software, with a large set of tools, universal
support for publishing on the network, for
appropriate (including HD) devices, for
converting video files into various formats;
MediaCoder video and audio transcoder
for Windows, which transcodes media files
into various audio/video formats;
VSDC Free Video Converter is a video
converter with a large set of additional
functions, which is universal and works
flawlessly on all Windows systems.
It provides several options for video editing, and
not only allows you to get high-quality
conversion (Bondarenko, 2022).
The most important characteristics of
interactive multimedia.
The most important characteristic of multimedia
interactivity is the interaction between the
machine and the user, where each of them plays
an active role.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
The advantages of interactive multimedia are that
it is easy for the user to combine, manipulate, and
control different types of media, such as
computer graphics, text, animation, audio, and
video materials (Correa Cruz et al., 2017).
Interactive multimedia combines the following
information technologies: television, storage,
data, telephone, computer, and others. The most
effective interactive multimedia programs in the
educational space include educational and
educational programs, electronic encyclopedias,
video games, and guides. The participant of the
interactive educational multimedia program or
the user changes his role he becomes an active
participant. Interactive multimedia systems will
become the next generation of electronic
information systems. Another name for
interactive multimedia is Hybrid art the art
movement of the modern world, in which people
of an artistic direction work with new
technologies and advanced fields of science such
as information visualization, artificial
intelligence, physical sciences, robotics, biology,
experimental interface technologies, etc.
In Tokyo, Japan, the Museum of Digital Art the
first in the world that amazes the imagination
has opened. It was created by hundreds of
scientists and artists. The exhibits of the Museum
of Digital Art interact with each other and with
the viewer, "flowing" into each other. The works
of digital art scientists combine carefully
thought-out virtual spaces of various
environments, and projection sounds, where
imagination and fairy-tale fantasy border on
The term hypermedia is sometimes used as a
synonym for multimedia, but the definitions of
these concepts are somewhat different.
Hypermedia refers to a technology that is used to
combine programs on a network and various
multimedia files. This practice is based on the
concept of linking different text documents in the
network using hyperlinks. Hypermedia links
related content, which can consist of text,
images, video, and animation, and takes this
concept a step further (Brovchenko & Tymenko,
Media competence and media literacy of the
teacher and student.
Easier and faster reproduction of lexical-
semantic connections in the human mind is
provided by the use of multimedia content.
Here we can talk about the nominative-definitive
function in educational multimedia content.
The video shows the peculiarities of the behavior
of students of higher education, which is
characteristic of their culture, helps to remember
and understand the semantics of words thanks to
a certain situation with the help of associative-
semantic connections. Thus, the video provides
an opportunity to demonstrate extra lingual
components, which in education have an
important informational load and the sound side
of speech. The number of associative
connections increases due to the specifics of the
video image, and wider opportunities are opened
for understanding the shown video or simple
video text, which can be presented using
animation, illustration, color selection, and
underlining to establish certain associative-
semantic connections with one or another video
The sound information displayed on the screen
significantly expands the audiovisual
information system in general and the concept of
informativeness, in particular. If a person
receives information using the organs of hearing
and vision, then this information is perceived
more effectively compared to information that
comes to the student of education with the help
of only vision or only hearing. Regardless of the
age of the participants in the educational process,
multimedia content is remembered much better.
Therefore, the use of multimedia content in the
educational process, compared to the standard
study of academic disciplines, plays a key role
(Anderson & Rivera-Vargas, 2020).
In the foreground, with this approach to
education, there is the issue of media competence
and media literacy of the teacher, who, as needed,
selects and uses certain multimedia content,
informative content for his course, as well as the
media literacy of students of higher education
who use this media content for educational
purposes. First of all, we mean the level of media
culture, which refers to the ability to
communicate with the help of media, to express
oneself, to use information and communication
technology, to critically interpret and
consciously perceive information, to separate
reality from its virtual simulation, that is, to
understand the reality constructed by media
sources, as well as the ability to be transmitter
and carrier of media culture preferences, tastes,
standards, create new elements of media culture,
effectively interact with the media space:
slideshows, presentations, smart maps, videos,
interactive maps, animations, illustrations, etc.
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
Of great importance in such an approach in
education is the willingness to master modern
computer technologies on both sides of the
educational process at a high level, higher than
the level of a "simple user") both on the part of
the student and on the part of the teacher.
Therefore, the media literacy of a student of
higher education and a teacher, their readiness
for innovative educational activities is a
qualitative main characteristic of a modern
student and teacher, and as a result of the
educational innovation process, it is a future
highly qualified specialist (Vanivska et al.,
Creation of multimedia content in a cloud-
oriented educational environment.
Figurative thinking is an important issue in
innovative education, in which scientists and
practitioners plan to create virtual reality
programs including in the field of artificial
A multimedia image embodies in its essence the
interpretation of three tasks facing computer
the creation of multimedia models of
knowledge presentation should make it
possible to make images of models as
images of multimedia pictures, as objects for
logical thinking that are operated by
figurative thinking itself;
visualization of human knowledge, for
which it is impossible to find ways to
transition to the formulation of some
hypothesis about mechanisms and processes
from multimedia images-pictures, which are
hidden behind the dynamics of the image-
picture, text, or audio description;
the use of Internet resources, which is the
main source of providing a higher education
student from any field of activity with
diverse information, has become widely
used in education. Therefore, developers of
Web pages need to use a wide range of
possibilities of multimedia systems. One of
the main criteria for creating a high-quality
website with multimedia content is the use
of appropriate graphic capabilities to create
the most understandable display of
information provided by the website and
good design (Shuliak et al., 2022).
The modern educational environment and its
constant development involve the transition to
the use of software of cloud-based platforms, the
provision of services, etc. (Merzlykin &
Semerikov, 2015).
Due to its flexibility and versatility, HTML5 is
one of the main tools used by specialists to create
educational electronic courses. Such multimedia
content in education based on digitalization
provides interactivity the possibility of direct
interaction with the user's software resource.
Blended learning combines the classic classroom
system with e-learning while using a multimedia
content management system in education based
on digitization. Blended approaches to learning
provide an opportunity for a cloud-based
learning environment to be an effective option
for obtaining an education.
In the practice of the higher education institution
and the research of scientists, the tools that
teachers need to use to create multimedia content
in education based on digitization, in particular,
multimedia content of educational electronic
courses based on HTML5, remain undefined.
In the e-learning environment, the software is
called the term "Authoring Tools", which is
intended for saving the resulting product in
formats: Flash, HTML, SCORM, etc., designing
electronic courses, and educational materials.
With the help of existing multimedia content
management systems in education, it is possible
to easily reproduce created materials based on
digitization. H5P was developed in Norway by
the Joubel company, and further development
was dictated by the need to move away from the
Flash format, which modern browsers do not
About 20 types of standalone HTML5
multimedia content compatible with the full
range of touch-enabled devices and web
browsers for tablets and phones are provided by
H5P. Web pages may have embedded content
that can be used for training. H5P makes it
possible to create HTML5 content that is cross-
browser and cross-platform for higher education
students with an initial level of computer use.
H5P is a tool for creating HTML5 open
educational resources based on digitization with
such content as Chart, Collages, columns,
Accordeon, audio, course Presentation, drag Text
Fill in the Blanks, Summary, dialog Cards, find
the Hotspot, image Hotspots, flashcards Guess
the Answer, Interactive Video, Mark the Words,
Single Choice, Memory Game, Multiple Choice,
Appear.in, Twitter and Facebook User Feed, etc.
The tool is open-source and freely distributed.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Based on digitalization, to use the tool, you have
register on the H5P.org website;
create your own multimedia content (for
example, MOODLE), which can be placed
using a tag in the content management
system. In addition, H5P provides the ability
to export and import H5P files in the h5p
format, which is open, for efficient reuse of
install the MOODLE plugin. Thus, in the
content management system, when creating
an activity, the option to select the H5P tool
will appear. User evaluation results are
available through the MOODLE evaluation
Therefore, H5P is a means of creating
educational content for assessing students'
knowledge and studying educational material
with many possibilities. For one or another
educational subject, instead of text fragments, the
teacher can use multimedia electronic content,
which is represented by objects that can be
manipulated (Vorozhbyt, 2019).
Modern multimedia content in education is
developed based on digitization with the help of
multimedia technologies, which allows
combining methods of processing different types
of data into one computer system. The use of
multimedia technologies in the educational
process, perceived by the subjects of education,
significantly increases the flow of educational
information. Since not all information is
assimilated, part of it does not find its place in
those logical structures of a fragment or the entire
educational content, the formation of which for
an individual is the main goal of the educational
process. Ensuring the educational process, and its
planning, which involves the active use of visual
images presented using multimedia technologies,
should be based on the teacher's understanding of
the concept of "information" (Ivanova &
Jabrailov, 2022).
Experimental study.
To fulfill the purpose of the research, an
experiment was conducted, the purpose of which
is to identify more effective multimedia
technologies for providing multimedia content in
education based on digitization in the field of
Multimedia tools, which are based on digitization
are a component of multimedia content in
education, and multimedia educational resources
can include:
digital information: texts, diagrams,
visual information: video, animation, image;
audio information: music, speech, other
To conduct the experiment, a topic for training
was selected educational content for students of
the same age category and level of training;
prepared multimedia content based on
digitization using multimedia learning tools:
video lectures, presentations, audio lectures, etc.,
and also, for comparison, separately developed a
test ordinary lecture.
Education respondents were divided into
subgroups, each of the subgroups studied the
topic in its own type of multimedia. A separate
subgroup studied the topic of the lecture in the
classical form. The participants of the groups,
after familiarizing themselves with the
educational content, launched the test program to
check the level of knowledge of the respondents.
In the lecture material, to make the system of
determining the effectiveness of education by
students more effective, the same marker theses
were added for each type of teaching. The more
the respondents chose exactly marker theses
during the test, the higher the level of attention to
the presented material was considered.
The most expedient, in our opinion, is the
experimental approach, because it enabled the
effectiveness of multimedia systems in
educational content based on digitization in the
"frontal" comparison of data acquisition. We
proceeded from the reasoning that the more
control questions and the more respondents there
are to compare the degree of knowledge
obtained, the "cleaner" the obtained data will be.
Testing was conducted several times to obtain
more accurate results: the first testing was
conducted after passing the material, and the
second testing was conducted sometime later.
The purpose of such repeated testing is to
determine whether there is an effect or impact on
the long-term or short-term memory of a person
in the types of multimedia and whether there is a
difference in the long-term perspective of
training specialists.
Re-testing made it possible to eliminate the error
in the field of knowledge of the applicants, and
re-testing also helped to identify the features of
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
multimedia in the respondents' memory. The
obtained data provided the basis for identifying a
more detailed impact of multimedia based on
digitization on the respondents' memory and for
conducting further experiments.
This approach to the experimental methodology
allowed us to conduct a more in-depth study,
such as:
synergy of the learning topic and
synergy of multimedia with each other;
the relationship between the age of the
student and multimedia/learning topics
based on digitalization.
We developed software to conduct an
experimental study, namely:
justification of the stages related to the
formation of multimedia content based on
a set of software modules for studying the
effectiveness of multimedia educational
content based on digitalization for education
development of a model of interaction of
experimental research participants with
formation of analytical results of the
Each of the program modules contained a set of
fragments of educational multimedia content
based on digitization and was presented using
testing and various multimedia tools for better
learning. The results of the experimental study
were processed by the analytical module.
The diagnostic software made it possible to use
the developed templates of sets of fragments of
educational multimedia content based on
digitalization and to create their own multimedia
tools in various combinations.
The template module of educational content
fragments contained templates for creating
educational multimedia content based on
digitalization, in which the structure of
educational multimedia content from educational
blocks is formed based on digitalization to place
the material being studied in the appropriate
form: graphics, text, video, sound, games,
hypertext, etc.
The module for creating fragments of
educational multimedia content based on
digitization made it possible to fill the
educational content with educational materials
by the selected template with the use of
multimedia technologies, which gave higher
education students access to educational content
with further access to the diagnostic module,
which allowed for the created fragments of initial
content to create diagnostic tests and evaluate the
level of assimilation of educational material by
students of education.
The analytical module of multimedia content
based on digitalization carried out analytics on
the compliance of the level of assimilation of
educational content created using various means
of multimedia content based on digitalization.
A control group of respondents was divided into
five experimental groups (EG). Each EG
received a fragment of the educational content.
The fragment was created using various
multimedia technologies based on digitization
(graphics, presentation, game, video) and a
traditional textual fragment.
After getting acquainted with the multimedia
content based on digitalization, a diagnosis was
made regarding the assimilation of the
educational content by the participants of each
experimental group. To confirm the results of the
experimental study, a repeated diagnosis was
carried out after a certain period. The results of
diagnostics regarding the quality of assimilation
of multimedia content by students of education
based on digitalization are presented in Figure 1.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Fig. 1. Results of an experimental study.
The results of the study of the influence of
multimedia content on the quality of assimilation
of educational content by students of different
age categories based on digitalization, combining
multimedia tools in various combinations, made
it possible to identify the characteristic features
of the multimedia phenomenon in modern
the reality of the reality that is depicted:
expressiveness, the display of phenomena in
dynamics and development, the wealth of
pictorial techniques, emotional saturation;
information saturation: interactive mode of
working with information, the possibility of
combining information that is presented in
different forms (sound, text, graphics,
animation, video), and convenience of
processing different types of information.
The use of multimedia technologies in the
educational process of a higher education
institution significantly increases the flow of
educational information, which is constantly
perceived by a student of higher education
(Ivanova & Jabrailov, 2022).
The results of the research made it possible to
identify the characteristic features of the
multimedia phenomenon in modern education:
the reality of the reality that is depicted:
expressiveness, the display of phenomena in
dynamics and development, the richness of
pictorial techniques, emotional saturation;
information saturation: interactive mode of
working with information, the possibility of
combining information presented in different
forms (sound, text, graphics, animation, video),
convenience of processing different types of
It has been proven that H5P is the main tool for
creating HTML5 open educational resources
based on digitization with such content as: Chart,
Collage, column, Accordeon, audio, course
Presentation, drag Text Fill in the Blanks,
Summary, dialog Cards, find the Hotspot , image
Hotspots, flashcards Guess the Answer,
Interactive Video, Mark the Words, Single
Choice, Memory Game, Multiple Choice,
Appear.in, Twitter and Facebook User Feed and
more. The tool is open source and freely
distributed. Due to its flexibility and versatility,
HTML5 is one of the main tools used by
specialists to create educational electronic
courses. Such multimedia content in education
on the basis of digitalization provides
interactivity - the possibility of direct interaction
with the user's software resource. In the e-
learning environment, the software is called the
term "Authoring Tools", which is intended for
saving the resulting product in formats: Flash,
HTML, SCORM, etc., designing electronic
courses, educational materials.
The advantages of creating multimedia content
in education based on digitization are
highlighted. Programs for creating multimedia
content in education based on digitalization of
multimedia were analyzed and the stages of
Text Presentation Video Graphics Game
Testing Retesting
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
working with them were considered, which
were grouped by main categories.
The most important characteristics of
interactive multimedia are revealed. The
importance of media competence and media
literacy of the teacher and student has been
proven. The necessity of creating multimedia
content in a cloud-oriented educational
environment in our time and taking into
account imaginative thinking in innovative
education, which scientists and practitioners in
the plan of creating virtual reality programs are
considered to be in the field of artificial
intelligence, is shown.
To achieve the goal of the research, an
experiment was conducted, the purpose of
which was to identify more effective
multimedia technologies for providing
multimedia content in education based on
digitization in the field of education.
The results of the study made it possible to
identify the characteristic features of the
multimedia phenomenon in modern education.
H5P has been proven to be the premier tool for
creating HTML5 open educational resources.
The tool is open source and freely distributed.
Due to its flexibility and versatility, HTML5 is
one of the main tools used by specialists to
create educational electronic courses. Such
multimedia content in education on the basis of
digitization provides interactivity.
The most expedient, in our opinion, is the
experimental approach, because it enabled the
effectiveness of multimedia systems in
educational content based on digitization in the
"frontal" comparison of data acquisition. We
proceeded from the reasoning that the more
control questions and the more respondents
there are to compare the degree of knowledge
obtained, the "cleaner" the obtained data will
Testing was conducted several times to obtain
more accurate results: the first testing was
conducted after passing the material, and the
second testing was conducted sometime later.
Re-testing made it possible to eliminate the
error in the field of knowledge of the
applicants, and re-testing also helped to
identify the features of multimedia in the
respondents' memory. The obtained data
provided the basis for identifying a more
detailed impact of multimedia based on
digitization on the respondents' memory and
for conducting further experiments.
After getting acquainted with the multimedia
content based on digitalization, a diagnosis
was made regarding the assimilation of the
educational content by the participants of each
experimental group. To confirm the results of
the experimental study, a repeated diagnosis
was carried out after a certain period. The
results of the study of the impact on the quality
of the assimilation of educational content by
students of different age categories of
multimedia content based on digitalization,
combining multimedia tools in various
combinations, made it possible to highlight the
characteristic features of the multimedia
phenomenon in modern education.
Further research is needed to justify ways of
using virtual reality programs in education.
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