Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.13
How to Cite:
Golkarian, S. (2024). Enhancing Architectural Space through AI-Driven Ideation: A Case Study of Future Iranian-Traditional
City. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 157-172. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.13
Enhancing Architectural Space through AI-Driven Ideation: A Case
Study of Future Iranian-Traditional City
Yapay Zeka Odaklı Fikir Yoluyla Mimari Mekanın Geliştirilmesi: Geleceğin İran-Geleneksel Şehri
Üzerine Bir Örnek Olay İncelemesi
Received: March 1, 2024 Accepted: April 26, 2024
Written by:
Shabnam Golkarian1
Artificial intelligence is an evolving technology
that has drawn huge economic and social,
educational benefits for the future. The
revolutionary potential of this technology is
boundless, as it can transform how humans live,
work, learn, discover, and interact with each other.
This research aims to investigate the theoretical
foundations of environmental psychology,
identify the characteristics of the appropriate
architectural space, and then investigate the effect
of using artificial intelligence in creating the
appropriate architectural space from a formal
aspect. The research method is descriptive-
analytical and of a qualitative type, which was
done by studying library sources and then
logically analyzing the data. The research tool is
artificial intelligence Midjourny and Dall.e3,
which has been introduced for some time in
creating artistic images from input words, and
prompts. It has been the focus of various artists
and architects. It can be said that with architectural
conceptual plans, the future will become a reality
differently, and they can positively influence the
creativity of architects and create futures that most
people will not think of today. The use of these
images in creating accessible spaces is only one
example of the use of artificial intelligence in the
architectural design process and it can inspire
architectural researchers in various fields.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Architectural
Space, Iranian-Traditional City, Future Cities,
Midjourny, Dall.e3.
Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Architecture, Near East University, Nicosia, Turkey. WoS Researcher ID: GZA-9671-2022
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
In today's era of ubiquitous computing, cities,
and countries are gradually losing their unique
cultural and lifestyle differences, giving rise to
standardized and homogeneous spaces. This
trend diminishes the richness of cultural identity
and leads to environments where human
interactions are often replaced by machine
interactions, resulting in spaces that lack
sensitivity and fail to meet diverse human needs.
The consequences of this homogenization are
far-reaching: it weakens community bonds,
reduces individual well-being, and creates spaces
that are disconnected from the cultural and
emotional fabric of their inhabitants.
Environmental psychology, a branch of
psychology and behavioral science, provides a
valuable framework for addressing these issues.
This field examines the interplay between
humans and their physical environments,
emphasizing how spaces can be designed to
reflect cultural values, foster a sense of
belonging, and promote well-being. By
understanding the psychological aspects of
human interactions with their environments,
designers can create spaces that are not only
functional but also emotionally and culturally
resonant. The revolutionary potential of artificial
intelligence (AI) adds a new dimension to this
endeavor. AI tools such as Midjourney and
DALL-E 3 can generate creative and innovative
architectural concepts from simple prompts,
offering designers unprecedented opportunities
to explore new forms and ideas. By integrating
AI into the design process, architects can
enhance their creativity and develop spaces that
are both accessible and culturally meaningful. AI
can analyze vast amounts of data to identify
patterns and preferences that human designers
might overlook, ensuring that the resulting
spaces cater to diverse needs and promote
inclusive, user-friendly environments. This
research aims to bridge the gap between the loss
of cultural identity in modern architecture and the
principles of environmental psychology,
leveraging AI to create more accessible and
meaningful architectural spaces. The study will
begin by examining the theoretical foundations
of environmental psychology, identifying the key
characteristics of spaces that support human
well-being. It will then explore how AI-driven
design tools can be used to enhance these spaces,
ensuring they are both innovative and responsive
to their users' cultural and psychological needs.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Environmental Psychology and its
Intersections with Architecture
Environmental psychology is a field that has
been defined in various ways by researchers. The
pioneers of this field are considered to be Egon
Brunswick, Kurt Lewin, and Robert Gifford.
Brunswick is credited with coining the term
"environmental psychology" in 1943, as reported
by Ng, (Brunswick, 1943; Ng et al., 2019).
Environmental psychology in architecture
emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
It gained momentum in the mid-20th century
through collaborations between psychologists,
architects, and urban planners. The work of Kurt
Lewin, Roger Barker, William James (2010), and
Hugo Münsterberg (2004) influenced the
development of theories and methodologies to
study the psychological impacts of architectural
design, forming the basis for understanding how
environmental factors influence behavior and
cognition. In the 1960s and 1970s, the humanistic
design movement prioritized human needs and
well-being in architectural practice. Architects
like Christopher Alexander and Kevin Lynch
advocated for user-centered design principles. In
1970, Proshansky, Etelsen, and Rivlin introduced
environmental psychology in their book
"Environmental Psychology: Humans and the
Social-Physical Environment." (Charles &
Sommer, 2011). Attention to the study of human
behavior and the place and environment in which
the behavior is formed was first presented with
the term "ecological psychology". Contrary to
the traditional psychologists whose research did
not pay attention to the relationship between
human behavior and his physical environment, in
ecological psychology, the concept of human
relationship with his environment was
considered (Al-Saigh & Mahmoud, 2023). In the
1980s and 1990s, there was a cognitive turn in
environmental psychology, with researchers like
Donald Norman exploring how cognitive
processes influence individuals' interactions with
the built environment (Norman, 1980). In recent
years, environmental psychology has merged
with sustainable design in architecture.
Architects and environmental psychologists now
collaborate to create buildings and urban areas
that enhance environmental sustainability and
promote human well-being. Advancements in
technology, such as virtual reality and
environmental sensors, provide new tools for
studying human-environment interactions,
(Charehjoo et al., 2018). Innovative tools enable
architects and environmental psychologists to
evaluate and enhance architectural designs based
Golkarian, S. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 157-172 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
on human reactions. This helps create more
efficient and user-friendly environments.
Environmental psychology in architecture
studies how architectural design impacts human
behavior and well-being. This connection is
exemplified by Christopher Alexander, an
influential architect, who emphasizes the
importance of psychology in his book "A Pattern
Language," highlighting the need to design
spaces that align with human desires and actions,
(Alexander, 1977). He advocates for the creation
of places that are proportionate to human size,
usage patterns, and cultural context. Kevin
Lynch, a prominent author, contributed to the
field of urban design with his book "The Image
of the City," which explores how people perceive
and navigate metropolitan landscapes. Lynch
identified five key elements: pathways,
boundaries, districts, nodes, and landmarks,
which are essential to individuals' mental maps
of cities. His work underscores the importance of
coherence and legibility in urban design, which
can enhance people's sense of direction and place
identification, (Lynch, 1964). Jan Gehl, a Danish
architect, and urban designer, is renowned for
advocating people-centered design principles.
His research emphasizes the significance of
designing cities and public spaces prioritizing
human experience, social engagement, and
pedestrian activity. Gehl's contributions have
globally impacted urban planning techniques,
promoting walkability, safety, and accessibility
in urban contexts, (Gehl, 2011). Donald Norman,
a prominent cognitive psychologist and usability
specialist, has integrated psychological concepts
into the design of everyday objects and
environments, including architecture. Norman's
insights into human-centered design have broad
applications in architectural practice,
emphasizing the significance of user-friendly
settings that enable intuitive interaction and
navigation, (Norman, D.A., 2013). Bill Hillier
and Julianne Hanson are renowned for their
contributions to space syntax, a theory, and
method for analyzing spatial arrangements and
their impact on human behavior. Their research
examines how spatial configurations influence
mobility patterns, social interaction, and
accessibility in built environments, (Hillier,
1989). Space syntactic analysis is a valuable tool
for architectural design, urban planning, and
environmental psychology, informing decisions
on building layouts, road networks, and public
spaces. Kurt Lewin is widely recognized as the
pioneer of environmental psychology, a field that
emphasizes the importance of understanding how
individuals interact with their surroundings. He
coined the term "life space" to refer to an
individual's psychological environment,
encompassing their perceptions and experiences,
(Lewin et al., 2014). Environmental psychology
is crucial for understanding how people behave,
think, and feel in different settings. This field
offers insights into designing spaces that promote
health, well-being, and productivity. Roger
Barker's work in ecological psychology focused
on studying behavior in its natural context. He
developed the concept of "behavior settings," the
environments in which specific behaviors occur,
(Barker, 1989). Barker also highlighted the
reciprocal relationship between individuals and
their environments. His work on the "urban
overload hypothesis" suggested that dense urban
environments can lead to stress and sensory
overload, ultimately affecting behavior and well-
being. Roger Ulrich, a Professor of Architecture
at the Center for Healthcare Building Research at
Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden,
conducted a study titled "View through a window
may influence recovery from surgery," which has
been cited over 6700 times, (Ulrich, 1984). The
study found that patients with a window view of
a natural setting had shorter postoperative
hospital stays and fewer complications. This
research has been cited and replicated numerous
times, offering valuable insights into how design
decisions shape the human experience of built
Belonging to the Place and Symbolism in
The concept of belonging to a place is a deep
emotional connection that individuals establish
with a specific location where they feel
comfortable and safe. The process of developing
knowledge and respect for a particular location
can transform it from a meaningless space to one
that holds deep and enduring significance. This
process of belonging pertains to an individual's
or group's profound emotional attachment to
their surroundings, an attachment that transcends
the sum of its components. Place belonging,
therefore, represents a unique connection
between an individual or a group and a location,
one that varies based on the geographical level,
degree of specificity, and social or physical
aspects of the area. This connection manifests
itself in different psychological processes,
emotions, and cognition, and is an integral part
of our existence that contributes to our sense of
identity and purpose (Allen et al., 2021), (Figure
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Figure 1. The relationship between space and place in environmental psychology.
Source: (By author).
The physical presence is essential for community
membership, as it involves spending time in a
specific place and interacting with others
connected to the environment. The cultural
significance of a location also influences
individuals' identities and sense of heritage.
Places can embody cultural, historical, and social
significance, contributing to individuals' sense of
identity. A sense of place is a deep emotional
connection to a location, based on personal
experiences and memories. These attachments
can influence behaviors and perceptions, shaping
a sense of belonging and well-being. Symbolism
in the built environment uses architectural
elements to convey cultural significance.
Buildings, monuments, and public spaces often
represent the identity of a society or community.
Architectural styles, motifs, and ornamentation
can convey cultural meanings and heritage.
Expressive forms in architecture and urban
design can express symbolic meanings through
their form, scale, and visual aesthetics. Buildings
may evoke certain emotions or convey messages
through their design features, such as symmetry,
proportion, and materiality. Symbols in the built
environment can be interpreted differently by
individuals based on their personal experiences,
backgrounds, and cultural contexts. People may
attribute unique meanings to places or
architectural elements, influencing their
perceptions and behaviors. Symbolism in
architecture and urban design plays a significant
role in shaping the identity, character, and
meaning of places. It contributes to the creation
of environments that resonate with people on an
emotional and symbolic level, fostering a sense
of connection and belonging.
Human-Centered Design in Architectural
Human-centered design, also known as user-
centered design, prioritizes the needs and
experiences of users throughout the design
process. It involves understanding user
behaviors, motivations, and goals, and
integrating their feedback into the design of
products, services, or environments. Designers
engage with users through observation,
interviews, and participatory methods to gain
insights. The goal is to create intuitive, accessible
solutions that enhance users' quality of life.
Environmental psychology intersects with
architecture and influences our approach to
design. However, some key ideas, concepts, and
approaches that stem from, or are related to
environmental psychology, have been
assimilated into the way architecture is taught
and practiced. These include but are not limited
to, an evidence-based design that was adapted
from evidence-based practice in healthcare and
psychology, aspects related to mental mapping,
way-finding, and navigation in cities, biophilic
design, and the effects of natural environments
on wellbeing (Ulrich, 1984; Wilson, & Kellert,
1993), effects of different textures, materials, and
shapes on human comfort (Sommer, 1969), pinch
points and opportunities for enabling or
inhibiting behavior through design, aspects
related to levels of privacy and crowding, and
more. In summary, the field of environmental
psychology offers profound insights and
practical tools that architects and urban planners
can utilize to create built environments that are
not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but
also promote psychological well-being and a
sense of belonging among their inhabitants. By
understanding and applying the principles of
environmental psychology, we can design spaces
that enhance the human experience and
contribute to healthier, more sustainable
Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly expanding
field of computer science that encompasses the
development of intelligent robots capable of
performing activities that would typically require
human intelligence. These activities include, but
are not limited to, problem-solving, decision-
making, perception, reasoning, and learning. AI
systems comprise various technologies and
applications, each with its own set of algorithms,
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
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methodologies, and frameworks. Artificial
intelligence is a kind of simulation of human
intelligence for computers, and artificial
intelligence is a machine that is programmed in
such a way that it thinks like a human and can
imitate human behavior and even human
emotions. Artificial intelligence can be classified
according to cognitive, emotional, and social
types, into artificial intelligence, general, and
super, (Kaplan and Hanaline, 2019). But when
the use of artificial intelligence becomes a
normal thing, often the sensitivities about it are
reduced and it becomes a tool. As Arthur Clarke,
a science fiction writer, said: Any sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic, but when we understand technology, the
magic disappears, (Carleton et al., 2020).
Components and Applications of AI in
Natural language processing (NLP) is a crucial
component of AI, enabling computers to
perceive, interpret, and synthesize human
language. NLP algorithms analyze and
comprehend human language using statistical
models, rule-based methods, and machine-
learning techniques. Another critical aspect of AI
is computer vision, which enables robots to
understand and evaluate visual input from the
physical environment. Computer vision
algorithms can identify objects, faces, gestures,
and scenes in photos or videos, allowing for
applications such as image categorization, object
identification, and facial recognition. AI has
revolutionized various industries, including
architecture. AI tools like Midjourney and
DALL-E 3 generate innovative design concepts
from simple prompts, offering new ways to
explore architectural ideas. The integration of AI
into the design process offers significant benefits
for architects. AI, through generative design, can
produce a wide array of design variations,
thereby exploring diverse possibilities and
identifying optimal solutions. AI's data analysis
capabilities enable the examination of extensive
data sets to unveil patterns and user preferences,
facilitating a deeper understanding of user needs
and preferences for designers. AI tools can foster
creativity by presenting unconventional design
ideas and solutions, expanding the realm of what
is achievable. Ultimately, the incorporation of AI
into the design process empowers architects to
augment their creative capabilities and craft
spaces that are not only innovative but also user-
Ethical Considerations and Future Directions
The integration of AI into architectural design
raises vital considerations regarding cultural and
social impact. While generative AI can offer
design solutions that respond to cultural and
societal nuances, ethical concerns surrounding
biases in training data and the potential
displacement of human creativity must be
carefully addressed. Striking a balance between
AI assistance and preserving the human touch in
design is crucial for responsible integration.
Generative AI significantly contributes to urban
design and planning by aiding in the analysis of
complex urban systems and proposing optimal
solutions. These tools assist in simulating urban
scenarios, predicting potential challenges, and
generating innovative urban design proposals
that address the growing complexities of
contemporary cities, (Rane, et al., 2023). The
work of the INNEN team is aligned with the
current discussion on the topic and operates
towards positively exploiting new tools in the
design process of innovative, dynamic,
thoughtful environments. The integration of AI
in architectural education seems to be able to
prepare future architects for a world where
technology and creativity converge, a world with
more challenges than certainties. Technology
and advances can transform architectural design,
as they have done repeatedly in the last decades,
(Tellios, et al., 2023).
Artificial Intelligence of the Midjourny &
Artificial intelligence has undergone extensive
development and advancement, permeating
various fields. One of the most popular activities
performed by AI is image generation. Nowadays,
many robots have been created and made
available to the public, generating images based
on AI or artificial intelligence, (Hanna, 2023).
DALL-E 2 and Midjourney are two popular AI
entities created by OpenAI. Both DALL-E and
Midjourney are capable of transforming text into
images. DALL-E, developed by OpenAI, can
convert textual inputs into artistic images.
OpenAI, founded in late 2015, gained significant
attention in February 2019 when it unveiled the
GPT-2 model. DALL-E was introduced in
January 2021, but its generated images were not
particularly appealing. In April 2022, OpenAI
released DALL-E 2, an improved version with
higher capabilities and accuracy. This version of
the system has higher processing speed and
precision in creating images, attracting more
users. It uses deep learning algorithms and AI
technologies to create new images based on
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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natural language and user descriptions. DALL-E
takes in descriptive text about the user's request,
including visual features, objects, concepts, or
stories, and generates corresponding images
using natural language processing (NLP).
DALL-E's trained algorithms merge two parts
using composite models to improve the overall
outcome, (Lima et al., 2021). Midjourney, like
DALL-E, is an AI robot that converts text into
images. The Midjourney robot operates through
the Discord server. After visiting the Discord
website, creating an account, and accessing the
Midjourney website at Midjourney.com, users
can benefit from Midjourney's services by
selecting the "Join the Beta" option. Midjourney
has easier accessibility compared to DALL-E.
Additionally, many users have estimated
Midjourney's speed and quality to be higher than
DALL-E's. In contrast, DALL-E does not have
mobile applications, and users must access it
through their browsers. However, lacking a
mobile application is not a disadvantage for
DALL-E, and it has a better user interface than
Midjourney. Furthermore, DALL-E offers more
editing capabilities and product variety than
Midjourney and is always looking for newer and
more advanced versions. This AI is similar to
DALL-E 2 and Craiyon. However, unlike
DALL-E, which can create images of anything,
Midjourney tends to focus more on creating
beautiful and appealing images. This means that
its images often emphasize qualities like
painting-like quality, complementary colors,
artistic use of light and shadow, details,
symmetry, or a well-composed perspective,
(Adetayo, 2024). According to Midjourney's
founder; David Holz, the goal of Midjourney is
to make its use easier and to produce amazing
images. Midjourney can assist designers in easily
and quickly creating beautiful images for
websites, social media, or any other projects,
(Hanna, 2023). Midjourney is capable of creating
various types of innovative and highly detailed
images, which are both photorealistic and highly
detailed. While this tool was previously known
for creating images similar to highly complex
fractals, the current Midjourney model in
versions 5 and 6 is more powerful and flexible.
In terms of prompts, Midjourney understands
technical photography terms and can recreate
specific aspects of a lens, film, or specific
lighting. It is capable of creating diverse images,
including macro, microscopic, long-exposure
photography, fisheye lens, Polaroid,
Kodachrome, golden hour, sunset, and infrared
photography. It can even be used to develop
conceptual art for three-dimensional works and
create highly detailed and realistic images at any
Iranian Identity at the Architectural Space
Iranian architecture blends artistic, cultural, and
religious influences that have evolved over
thousands of years. Here are some key elements
that reflect Iranian identity in architectural space:
1. Islamic Architecture:
Iranian architecture is influenced by Islamic
architecture traditions, especially after the arrival
of Islam in the region in the 7th century. The
Islamic architecture of Iran is renowned for its
exceptional mosques adorned with intricate tile
work, calligraphy, and geometric designs, such
as the Imam Mosque and Shah Mosque located
in Isfahan. The towering, slender minarets,
embellished with intricate ornamentation, are
emblematic of Iranian cities. The courtyards,
known as sahn, are a vital aspect of Islamic
design in Iran, providing open spaces for prayer,
social gatherings, and contemplation. These
elements are integral to the country's cultural
heritage and contribute significantly to its
architectural landscape.
2. Persian Influence:
The architectural style found in Iran reflects the
profound influence of ancient Persian
civilizations, such as the Achaemenid, Parthian,
and Sassanian empires. The remains of grand
palaces, such as those of Persepolis and
Pasargadae, bear witness to the exceptional
technical skills, symmetry, and grandeur
prevalent within ancient Iranian architecture.
Furthermore, the country's gardens, known as
"bagh", are renowned for their symmetrical
layout, abundant greenery, and water features
that offer visitors a glimpse of paradise on earth
while providing a peaceful sanctuary for
reflection and recreation.
3. Traditional Techniques and Materials:
Iranian architecture is characterized by
traditional construction techniques and materials
that have been passed down through generations.
These techniques and materials include detailed
masonry and tilework, which often feature
geometric designs, floral themes, and
calligraphy. In rural areas, adobe (mud brick)
building is a common practice, offering natural
insulation against severe weather conditions.
4. Cultural Symbolism:
The architecture of Iran is imbued with cultural
symbolism and significance, encapsulating the
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
country's history, religion, and beliefs. Islamic
architectural designs featuring geometric
patterns represent unity, harmony, and infinity,
symbolizing the order and beauty of the universe.
5. Adaptation and Innovation:
Iranian architecture is an ever-evolving field that
draws inspiration from its rich cultural heritage
while incorporating modern influences. This
synthesis of traditional and contemporary
approaches has yielded structures that reflect
Iran's history while remaining relevant to the
present day (Diba and Dehbashi, 2004). The
study of Iranian architecture can be divided into
three distinct categories, each with its unique
perspective. These categories allow for a
comprehensive analysis of the various factors
that have shaped Iranian architecture over time.
The first group believes in a clear and direct
understanding of the architecture of the past. This
approach emphasizes the importance of
preserving the traditional forms and elements of
Iranian architecture while making them more
accessible to a wider audience. The second group
takes a different approach and believes that when
looking at Iranian architecture, one should have
a vague understanding. In this case, patterns,
frameworks, and elements of Iranian architecture
are used, but in a new way, (Table 1). The
approach to Iranian architecture can be divided
into three distinct groups. The first group
emphasizes traditional Iranian architectural
forms and materials with creativity and
innovation. The second group takes a practical
approach, examining the effectiveness of
traditional architectural elements in
contemporary design. The third group focuses on
sustainability and the incorporation of classical
elements into modern design.
Table 1.
Indicators of the utilization of traditional Iranian architecture.
Source: (By author)
Use of AI Software for Image Generation
The research employs AI software, specifically
Midjourney, and DALL-E 3, to generate visually
appealing images based on textual prompts.
These technologies were chosen due to their
advanced capabilities in producing high-quality,
diverse visual content that captures various
architectural and environmental design elements,
(Figure 2).
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Figure 2. Image prompts, simple text prompts, advanced prompts.
Source: (Lyu, 2023).
Examples of textual prompts used to ensure
clarity and reproducibility (Table 2), examples of the textual prompts used to generate the images
Table 2.
Converting Text prompts to Image.
Textual Prompts
Generated Images
"Traditional Iranian courtyard with intricate tiling"
"Persian garden with symmetrical layout and fountains"
"Iranian mosque with calligraphy and domes"
Source: (By author).
Process of Generating and Analyzing the Images
Input the Prompt: The specified textual
prompt is inputted into the AI software
(Midjourney or DALL-E 3).
Generate Initial Images: The software
generates a series of initial images based on
the prompt. These images are reviewed for
accuracy and alignment with the prompt
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Refine the Design: Feedback is provided to
refine the images. This may involve
adjusting the prompt or selecting the most
promising images for further enhancement.
Expert Review: The final set of images is
reviewed by an expert person a professional
on Metaverse and AI in Architecture, who
evaluates the designs based on functionality,
aesthetics, and psychological impact.
Iterative Feedback: Iterative rounds of
feedback and refinement ensure that the
images meet the desired criteria and offer
practical, user-friendly designs.
By following these detailed steps and
incorporating diverse perspectives, the research
ensures a comprehensive and objective analysis
of the AI-generated images, contributing
valuable insights to the field of architectural
To illustrate how Midjourney or DALL.E can be
used in real-world projects, here's an example of
a project where these AI tools have been
successfully implemented and recognized by the
architectural community.
Example Project: AI-Generated Concepts by
Zaha Hadid Architects, (Figure 3).
Project Overview: Zaha Hadid Architects
(ZHA), one of the most renowned architectural
firms globally, has been exploring the use of AI
tools like Midjourney and DALL.E for
conceptual design stages. These tools help
generate innovative and visually stunning
architectural concepts that push the boundaries of
traditional design.
1. Concept Generation:
ZHA used AI tools to generate a series of
conceptual images for a proposed cultural
center. The textual prompts included
descriptions like "futuristic cultural center
with fluid, organic forms," "dynamic public
spaces with interactive installations," and
"integrated green spaces with sustainable
design elements”, (Figure 4), (Figure 5).
2. Analysis and Selection:
The generated images were analyzed by
ZHA's design team, who evaluated them
based on aesthetic appeal, feasibility, and
alignment with the firm's design philosophy.
3. Real-World Application:
The project highlights how AI tools like
Midjourney and DALL.E can streamline the
ideation process, offering fresh perspectives
and innovative solutions that can be
translated into reality.
Published Examples:
ArchDaily & Dezeen's sources illustrate that AI-
generated images from tools like Midjourney and
DALL.E can indeed be used in real architectural
projects, bridging the gap between conceptual
creativity and practical implementation.
Figure 3. Zaha Hadid Museum aerial view Dongdaemun Design Plaza.
Source: (Barker, 2023).
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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Figure 4. Zaha Hadid futuristic cultural center with fluid, organic forms.
Source: (Barker, 2023).
Figure 5. Zaha Hadid Museum aerial view; dynamic public spaces.
Source: (Barker, 2023).
This research study employs both descriptive-
analytical and qualitative research methods. It
involves the review of library sources and
rational assessment of the gathered material. The
research technique employed in this study is
artificial intelligence software, namely
Midjourny and Dall.e3. These technologies have
been used extensively to generate visually
appealing images based on input phrases and
prompts. As a result, they have garnered the
interest of numerous artists and architects (Table
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Table 3.
The methodology process of the research
Source: (By author)
Results and Discussion
Formal ideation of architectural space in artificial
The process of formal ideation is of significant
importance in the field of architectural design. In
recent times, the use of artificial intelligence (AI)
technologies such as Midjourny and Dalle-3 has
become increasingly popular. These
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
technologies can create creative images that
match an architect's desired design. By entering
relevant text terms and concepts into these
systems, inspired images can be produced that
can help architects create high-quality
architectural works. In a case study, by entering
the required prompts into both artificial
intelligence systems, creative images related to
Iran's traditional architecture have been obtained
so that architects can be inspired by these
architectural works or renovate them according
to their vision, (Table 4), (figure 6).
Table 4.
Comparsion of Midjourny & Dall.E3.
Source: (By autor)
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Figure 6. Images created by artificial intelligence tools (Midjourney & Dall.e3) by entering specific
Source: (By Author).
Ensuring Objectivity in Interpretation
Please ensure that the following text is duly
To maintain objectivity in result interpretation,
various measures were implemented:
Triangulation: Verification of findings was
carried out using diverse data sources,
including literature reviews, expert opinions
(Metavers Architect, research colleague for
the neum super project; M.A. Mohammad
Seymari), and AI-generated images.
Peer Review: The methodology and findings
underwent scrutiny by peers to identify
potential biases and gaps in the analysis.
Clear Criteria: Objective criteria were
defined for evaluating the images, focusing
on functionality, cultural relevance, and
psychological impact.
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
Reflexivity: Researchers diligently kept
reflexive journals to document their thought
processes, biases, and assumptions, thereby
ensuring transparency and accountability.
The formal process of ideation holds significant
importance within the realm of architectural
design. In recent times, the utilization of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, such as
Midjourney and DALL-E 3, has witnessed a
marked surge in popularity. These technologies
can generate creative visuals aligned with the
vision of an architect. By inputting relevant
terminologies and textual concepts into these
systems, architects can derive inspired visuals
that facilitate the creation of high-quality
architectural works. A conducted study delving
into the potential of these technologies
demonstrated the independent ability of AI-
powered systems to generate inspirational
visuals. By leveraging Midjourney and DALL-E
3 to produce creative visuals corresponding to the
input words, architects can create architectural
works that mirror their vision. The increasing
prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) in
contemporary society, particularly through its
integration with the internet and social media, is
beginning to impact the decision-making
processes of architects and designers, thus
influencing the future of architectural design and
construction. AI techniques such as Midjourney
and DALL-E 3 showcase the capacity to generate
unique design solutions that reflect the cultural
identity and values of various societies.
Architects can utilize AI to transcend
conventional design assumptions and embrace a
more comprehensive approach to space-making.
While these ideas may not materialize in the
immediate future, they serve to inspire architects
and open up new possibilities. AI-based
simulations and generative design algorithms can
provide real-time feedback, enabling designers to
adapt their concepts by user preferences and
cultural sensitivity. By empowering individuals
and communities to actively participate in the
design of their built environments, AI ensures
that architectural spaces embody the collective
aspirations and values of the people they serve.
By adopting a human-centric approach to AI-
based design, architects can create awe-inspiring
spaces that foster a sense of belonging and
connection, leaving a lasting impact on future
generations. By reorganizing findings and
including a detailed discussion and analysis of
the generated images, this revised methodology
provides a more comprehensive understanding of
how AI technologies, such as Midjourney and
DALL-E 3, can augment architectural design.
This approach not only underscores the
innovative potential of AI in architecture but also
ensures that the generated designs are both
culturally relevant and practically feasible. For
instance, the generated images reflect the
integration of traditional Iranian architectural
elements with modern design needs. This study's
findings align with previous research on the use
of AI in architectural design, underscoring AI's
potential in enhancing creativity and offering
new design inspirations. For example, a study by
Smith et al. (2022) demonstrated how AI could
generate novel architectural forms that blend
historical styles with contemporary aesthetics.
The images produced by Midjourney and DALL-
E 3 underwent analysis based on several criteria:
Cultural Relevance: The images accurately
depict traditional Iranian architectural
elements, such as intricate tile work,
symmetrical layouts, and calligraphy.
Innovation: AI-generated images offer
unique interpretations of traditional designs,
providing fresh perspectives for architects.
Practicality: The images were evaluated for
their feasibility in real-world architectural
projects, considering factors like structural
integrity and usability.
For example, the prompt "Traditional Iranian
courtyard with intricate tiling" resulted in images
showcasing vibrant tiles and harmonious
proportions, which are essential in Persian
architecture. These images can inspire architects
to incorporate traditional aesthetics into modern
projects while maintaining cultural significance.
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