https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.8
How to Cite:
Malykhin, O., Bondarchuk, J., Tersina, I., & Voitanik, I. (2024). Unlocking success: strategic approaches to enhancing
communicative competence in English learning. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 90-102. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.8
Unlocking success: strategic approaches to enhancing communicative
competence in English learning
Відкриваємо секрет успіху: стратегії підвищення комунікативної компетентності в навчанні
англійської мови
Received: February 5, 2024 Accepted: April 20, 2024
Written by:
Oleksandr Malykhin1
Julia Bondarchuk2
Iryna Tersina3
Iryna Voitanik4
This article explores the multifaceted nature of
communicative competence, discuss its key
components, and examine strategies for
developing and enhancing this vital skill based
on the survey conducted among English
language learners. Through a deeper
understanding of communicative competence,
learners can unlock the full potential of their
language abilities and navigate the complexities
of our interconnected world with confidence and
proficiency. The analysis of an online survey
among first-year students provides insights into
gender distribution, English proficiency levels,
communication skills, and cultural awareness. A
significant gender disparity is evident, with
females comprising 83% of participants.
Regarding English proficiency, the majority
perceive themselves as intermediate, with
smaller proportions identifying as pre-
intermediate, beginner, or advanced. While
confidence in overall communication skills is
high, specific challenges exist in grammar,
У даній статті досліджується багатогранна
природа комунікативної компетентності,
обговорюються її ключові компоненти, а також
розглядаються стратегії розвитку та
вдосконалення цієї життєво важливої навички
на основі опитування, проведеного серед тих,
хто вивчає англійську мову. Завдяки глибшому
розумінню комунікативної компетентності
студенти можуть розкрити весь потенціал своїх
мовних здібностей і впевнено та кваліфіковано
орієнтуватися у складнощах нашого
взаємопов’язаного світу. Аналіз онлайн-
опитування серед студентів-першокурсників
дає уявлення про гендерний розподіл, рівні
володіння англійською мовою, комунікативні
навички та культурну обізнаність. Очевидною
є значна гендерна диспропорція: представниці
прекрасної статі складають 83% учасників.
Щодо рівня володіння англійською мовою, то
більшість вважає себе на середньому рівні,
менша частка – на попередньому, початковому
або просунутому. Хоча впевненість у загальних
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Didactics at the Institute of Pedagogy of National Academy of
Educational Sciences of Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GLV-1311-2022
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Doctoral Student at the Institute of Pedagogy of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine;
Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages at Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: T-5186-2017
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages at Educational and Scientific Institute of
International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KLZ-2739-2024
English teacher of Department of Foreign Languages at Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KMA-1498-2024
Malykhin, O., Bondarchuk, J., Tersina, I., Voitanik, I. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 90-102 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
speaking, and writing. Limited engagement in
English conversations outside formal settings
indicates a need for increased practice
opportunities. Various strategies are employed to
enhance English skills, including media
consumption and interaction with native
speakers. These findings underscore the
importance of tailored support for learners at
different proficiency levels, promoting increased
engagement in English practice outside the
classroom, and integrating cultural sensitivity
training to enhance communication skills and
intercultural competence.
Keywords: communication skills,
communicative competence, effective
communication, language teaching, online
survey participants.
комунікативних навичках є високою, існують
певні проблеми з граматикою, говорінням та
письмом. Обмежена участь у розмовах
англійською мовою за межами офіційних
установ вказує на необхідність збільшення
можливостей для практики. Для покращення
навичок англійської мови застосовуються різні
стратегії, зокрема використання засобів
масової інформації та спілкування з носіями
мови. Ці висновки підкреслюють важливість
індивідуальної підтримки студентів на різних
рівнях володіння мовою, сприяння більш
активному залученню до практики англійської
мови за межами аудиторії та інтеграції
тренінгів з культурної чутливості для
покращення комунікативних навичок та
міжкультурної компетентності.
Ключові слова: комунікативні навички,
комунікативна компетентність, ефективна
комунікація, викладання мови, учасники
In the contemporary global landscape,
characterized by the ever-evolving dynamics of
globalization and international collaboration, the
acquisition of proficiency in foreign languages
stands as a pivotal determinant of success.
Among these languages, English emerges as the
predominant lingua franca facilitating
communication across borders, disciplines, and
cultures. Various societies possess unique sets of
standards and principles that shape how
communication occurs. These cultural standards
play a pivotal role in determining the selection of
verbal actions, the level of explicitness or
subtlety employed, the application of courteous
tactics, and the understanding of significance
(Bernadette, 2017; Kádár & Zhang, 2019).
Despite the recognized importance of English,
numerous studies reveal significant deficiencies
in the development of communicative
competence among learners worldwide. For
instance, a 2020 report by the British Council
Collen (2020) found that less than 50% of non-
native English speakers demonstrated adequate
communicative competence, impacting their
academic and professional opportunities.
Language serves as an extraordinary instrument,
enabling humans to transmit not only
information but also their intentions, emotions,
and social interactions (Al-Athwary, 2022; Xiao
& Lee, 2022). However, achieving fluency
transcends mere acquaintance with grammatical
structures and vocabulary. It encompasses a
broader spectrum of language skills encapsulated
within communicative competence. This entails
the adept articulation of ideas with clarity and
confidence in oral expression, the adept
comprehension of spoken discourse in native-
like contexts, encompassing subtle nuances and
intricate details, and the adept interpretation of
texts spanning varying levels of complexity,
discerning both primary and ancillary themes.
Furthermore, effective writing entails the
production of clear, concise prose adhering to
grammatical conventions and stylistic norms.
The consequences of insufficient communicative
competence are far-reaching, affecting not only
individual career prospects but also broader
economic and social integration. Therefore,
investigating this area is critical. This study aims
to address the current gaps in communicative
competence by exploring effective teaching
methodologies and providing concrete
recommendations for educators. By enhancing
communicative competence, we can better
prepare learners for the demands of the
globalized world, thereby contributing to their
personal and professional success. Consequently,
communicative competence serves as the
cornerstone of language proficiency,
encompassing a multifaceted array of skills
essential for effective communication in diverse
contexts. This study not only highlights the
existing deficiencies but also underscores the
importance of targeted interventions to improve
communicative competence, thereby justifying
the need for this research.
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
Literature Review
Previous research has thoroughly investigated
gender differences in academic settings. Psaki
et al. (2018) noted that in various low- and
middle-income countries, girls’ education is
advancing, yet gender disparities in educational
participation persist, with females frequently
outnumbering males. This pattern is reflected in
the findings of this study, which observed a
significant gender disparity among first-year
students. Moreover, Mott (2022) in her report
emphasized the multifaceted nature of gender
disparities, attributing them to a complex
interplay of sociocultural factors. Her mixed-
methods research combined quantitative surveys
with qualitative interviews, providing a
comprehensive view of the issue. However, Mott
acknowledged that further research is needed to
explore interventions that can effectively
mitigate these disparities. The current study’s
observation of a significant gender gap among
first-year students aligns with these previous
findings, indicating a persistent imbalance in
educational representation.
Understanding students’ perceptions of their
English proficiency levels is crucial for effective
language instruction. Khadigeh (2020)
conducted a survey-based study involving 500
non-native English speakers, highlighting the
importance of tailored language programs to
accommodate learners at different proficiency
levels. This study’s recommendations, which
include differentiated instruction and
personalized learning plans, resonate with the
current study’s analysis. Khadigeh’s work, while
insightful, was limited by self-reported data,
which may not accurately reflect actual
proficiency levels. Additionally, Smith et al.
(2019) underscored the role of diverse language
learning strategies, including exposure to
authentic materials and interaction with native
speakers, in enhancing language proficiency. The
findings regarding students’ varied approaches to
improving their English skills resonate with these
existing studies, emphasizing the need for a
multifaceted approach to language instruction.
Effective communication in English extends
beyond linguistic proficiency to encompass
cultural awareness and sensitivity. Tsang (2022)
emphasized the significance of cultural
competence in fostering successful cross-cultural
communication, a theme echoed in the current
study’s findings regarding the importance of
cultural awareness for effective communication.
Her ethnographic study involved international
students in a multicultural setting, revealing that
those with higher cultural awareness had better
communication outcomes. Tsang’s findings
support the current study’s emphasis on cultural
awareness, though her research was limited by its
small sample size. Furthermore, Johnson W. &
Johnson T. (2018) highlighted the role of
language practice outside formal settings in
enhancing communication skills, aligning with
the current study’s recommendations to
encourage more frequent English conversations
among students. Johnson W. and Johnson T.
pointed out the need for institutional support to
facilitate such practices, noting a gap in
extracurricular language learning opportunities.
Overall, the literature supports the importance of
addressing both linguistic and cultural
dimensions in language learning to promote
effective communication in English.
The European Union Department developed the
‘Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages’ (CEFR), which outlines language
competences demonstrated through activities and
actions related to generating and perceiving texts,
linked to specific communication topics and
areas, and using appropriate strategies (Council
of Europe, 2001). The CEFR underscores the
importance of developing communicative
competence to solve communication problems in
various conditions, an idea supported by
Bondarchuk (2023). Celce-Murcia (2007)
rethought the role of communicative competence
in language teaching, emphasizing its importance
in real-world communication contexts. Her work
aligns with the current study’s focus on practical
language use and cultural awareness.
Furthermore, the development of intercultural
communicative competence in teaching English,
as explored by Dvorianchykova et al. (2022),
emphasizes the integration of cultural elements
in language instruction, which is crucial for
fostering effective communication in
multicultural environments. Hult & Johnson
(2017) provided a practical guide on research
methods in language policy and planning,
highlighting the importance of robust
methodological approaches in studying language
education. Their insights underscore the
necessity of combining quantitative and
qualitative methods, as done in the current study,
to capture the complexity of language learning
Evans et al. (2021) explored the impact of
migration on educational outcomes, noting that
gender dynamics play a crucial role in the
adaptation and success of migrant students. Their
study, published in the IZA Journal of
Development and Migration, used a cross-
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
sectional analysis to examine how educational
participation rates among migrants differ by
gender. The findings suggest that while female
migrants often achieve higher educational
outcomes, they face unique challenges that
require targeted support measures. This adds a
layer of complexity to understanding gender
disparities in education and supports the need for
comprehensive strategies to address these issues.
Kate Whiting (2020) in her article for the World
Economic Forum identified the top job skills of
the future, emphasizing the importance of
complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and
creativity. Whiting’s analysis indicates that
language proficiency, particularly in English, is
integral to these skills, as effective
communication is a cornerstone of global
collaboration and innovation. This aligns with
the current study’s emphasis on enhancing
communicative competence to prepare students
for future job markets. Wilson & Sabee (2003)
explicated the theoretical term "communicative
competence" in their comprehensive review,
highlighting its various components including
linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic
competencies. Their work, presented in the
"Handbook of Communication and Social
Interaction Skills," provides a detailed
framework for understanding how
communicative competence can be developed
and assessed. This theoretical foundation
supports the current study’s approach to
integrating diverse instructional strategies to
enhance communicative competence among
As per the definition provided in the 2014 Law
of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’, competence
refers to a dynamic combination of knowledge,
skills, practical abilities, ways of thinking,
professional, ideological, and civic qualities, as
well as moral and ethical values. It determines an
individual’s ability to carry out professional and
educational activities successfully and is the
outcome of studying at a specific level of higher
education (Law of Ukraine 1556-VII, 2014).
Additionally, Lightbown and Spada (2013) and
Nation and Macalister (2010) provided
foundational insights into how languages are
learned and the design of language curricula,
respectively. Their works support the need for
diverse instructional strategies and the
integration of both linguistic and cultural
competencies in language education.
Despite these insights, gaps remain in the
literature regarding the most effective methods to
develop communicative competence.
Specifically, there is a need for more empirical
research on long-term outcomes of various
instructional strategies and the role of digital
tools in language learning. Additionally, while
cultural competence is acknowledged as crucial,
more studies are needed to explore how it can be
systematically integrated into language
instruction. The current study aims to address
these gaps by investigating the development of
communicative competence through a
combination of traditional and innovative
methods, including digital tools and cultural
immersion. By providing the results of the online
surveys for educators, this research seeks to
enhance communicative competence among
learners, thereby improving their personal and
professional prospects in a globalized world.
Reading books, articles, and other texts in
English can help improve your understanding of
the language and expand your knowledge of
different topics. Writing texts in English can help
improve your grammar and style. Additionally,
using online language resources and apps can
provide a variety of ways to practice your
language skills. Attending language courses and
clubs can be beneficial for socializing with other
English language learners and improving
language skills.
This study employed an exploratory mixed-
methods approach to investigate language
learning and acquisition among first-year
university students. The research was designed to
provide both a broad overview and an in-depth
understanding of the subject, combining
quantitative and qualitative data to ensure
comprehensive findings. The research was
exploratory in nature, aiming to uncover patterns
and insights that could inform future studies and
interventions in language education. Quantitative
data was collected to assess various metrics,
including gender distribution, English
proficiency levels, and the frequency of English
conversations among participants. Techniques
used for the quantitative analysis included
descriptive statistics to summarize the basic
features of the data, frequency distributions to
determine the number of occurrences of different
responses, and correlation analysis to explore
potential relationships between different
variables such as gender and English proficiency
levels. Qualitative data was gathered to explore
participants’ communication skills, challenges,
strategies, and perceptions of cultural awareness
through open-ended survey questions.
Techniques used for the qualitative analysis
included thematic analysis to identify, analyze,
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
and report patterns (themes) within the data and
content analysis to systematically categorize
textual information to identify trends and
patterns. A mixed analysis approach was
employed, combining quantitative assessments
with qualitative insights to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the research
objectives. This integration facilitated a robust
exploration of language dynamics, enhancing the
validity and reliability of the study findings.
The researchers carried out an exploratory study
in four Ukrainian universities using an online
survey conceived and developed by a team of
researchers. These universities were Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv,
Ukraine), Kyiv National University of
Technologies and Design (Kyiv, Ukraine),
National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
(Kyiv, Ukraine) and Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University
(Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine). To gather the
information the researchers needed, they
developed a web-based questionnaire in Google
Forms. The research participants were 95 first-
year students, selected based on their enrolment
in these universities.
The sample consisted of first-year students,
chosen to provide a representative sample of the
population under study. Participants were
selected using a purposive sampling method,
ensuring a diverse representation in terms of
gender and academic background. To ensure the
validity and reliability of the data, the following
measures were taken: the questionnaire was
pilot-tested with a small group of students to
refine the questions for clarity and relevance;
consistent procedures were followed in
administering the survey to all participants; and
combining quantitative and qualitative data
helped in cross-verifying the findings. Quality
control procedures included data cleaning to
ensure accuracy and completeness of the data by
checking for any inconsistencies or missing
responses, and ethical considerations such as
ensuring participant anonymity and
confidentiality, and obtaining informed consent
from all participants. The steps followed
included the development of the questionnaire by
a team of researchers, pilot testing and
refinement based on feedback, distribution of the
online survey to participants via university
communication channels, data collection over a
specified period, and data analysis using
statistical software for quantitative data and
qualitative analysis software for open-ended
responses. By providing these details, the
methodology ensures that other researchers can
accurately replicate the study, thereby
contributing to the reliability and validity of
future research in this area
Results and Discussion
This section presents the findings of the study,
which explored gender distribution, English
proficiency levels, communication skills, and
cultural awareness among first-year university
students in Ukraine. By analysing both
quantitative and qualitative data, the study offers
a comprehensive overview of the current state of
language learning and highlights areas requiring
further attention to enhance English language
instruction and proficiency.
A. Gender Data
Figure 1demonstrates the gender data on online
survey participants. The data in Figure 1 below
clearly shows that out of 95 students who took
part in the online survey, 83% were female and
17% were male. This indicates a significant
gender disparity, with females outnumbering
males by a considerable margin. Additionally,
the point “gender” reflects a minority
representation of males, accounting for only 17%
of the total population among freshmen. Overall,
the characterization of the point “gender”
underscores the unequal distribution of genders
within the first-year students due to a lot of
factors, especially war in Ukraine.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Fig. 1. Gender difference between online survey participants.
B. Current English proficiency level
The analysis of the data reveals that the majority
of students, accounting for approximately 69.1%,
perceive their current English proficiency level
to be at the intermediate stage. This suggests that
a significant portion of the surveyed students are
comfortable with everyday conversations,
possess moderate comprehension skills, and can
express themselves with reasonable fluency.
Furthermore, the data indicates that 14.9% of
students consider themselves to be at a pre-
intermediate level, indicating a slight progression
beyond the beginner stage but still with a limited
command of English. Additionally, 10.6% of
students identify as beginners, suggesting that
they have a basic understanding of the language
but may struggle with vocabulary and grammar.
On the other hand, only 5.3% of students
perceive themselves to be at an advanced level of
English proficiency. This smaller proportion
indicates that a minority of surveyed students feel
confident in engaging in complex discussions,
comprehending nuanced language, and
expressing themselves fluently in various
Fig. 2. Current English proficiency level of online survey participants.
The data underscores the importance of
recognizing the diverse proficiency levels among
English language learners. While a considerable
portion of students perceive themselves to be at
the intermediate level, indicating a satisfactory
command of the language for everyday
communication, there remains a significant
number at pre-intermediate and beginner levels
who may require additional support and
resources to progress further.
Furthermore, the relatively small percentage of
students identifying as advanced highlights the
need for tailored programs and opportunities to
challenge and nurture higher-level language
skills. Efforts to provide enrichment activities,
advanced courses, and opportunities for
immersion or authentic language practice could
benefit this subgroup of learners.
Overall, understanding the distribution of
students across different proficiency levels
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
allows educators to better address the varied
needs and aspirations of learners. By offering a
comprehensive and inclusive approach to
English language instruction, institutions can
empower students to achieve their language
learning goals effectively and confidently.
C. Communication Skills
Communication skills encompass various
abilities that enable individuals to convey
information effectively, both verbally and non-
verbally, in diverse contexts and with different
audiences. These skills include listening,
speaking, writing, and non-verbal
communication such as body language and facial
expressions. Effective communication is
essential in personal, professional, and academic
settings, facilitating the exchange of ideas,
information, and emotions.
In personal relationships, strong communication
skills contribute to building trust, fostering
understanding, and resolving conflicts amicably.
In the workplace, effective communication is
vital for collaboration, teamwork, leadership, and
customer relations. Professionals who can
articulate their ideas clearly, actively listen to
others, and adapt their communication style to
different situations are often more successful in
their careers. Moreover, effective
communication is crucial for academic success,
as it facilitates learning, comprehension, and the
expression of ideas in both written and oral
Overall, communication skills play a pivotal role
in various aspects of life, influencing social
interactions, career advancement, academic
achievement, and personal development.
Enhancing these skills through training, practice,
and self-awareness can lead to improved
relationships, greater opportunities, and
increased success in both personal and
professional domains.
Our survey asked the first-year students to
evaluate their overall communication skills in
English. The results indicate that the majority of
respondents (69.1%) rated their confidence in
their overall communication skills in English as
a 4, indicating a high level of confidence.
Meanwhile, 34% of respondents rated their
confidence as a 3, suggesting a moderate level of
confidence. Only a small percentage of
respondents felt either not confident at all (5.3%)
or very confident (9.6%), with 16% of
respondents rating their confidence as a 2.
Fig. 3. Overall communication skills in English of online survey participants.
These findings suggest that a significant portion
of the surveyed individuals possess a relatively
high level of confidence in their English
communication skills. However, there is also a
notable percentage who may feel less assured in
this area. Further analysis could explore factors
influencing respondents’ confidence levels and
identify areas for improvement to support
individuals in enhancing their English
communication skills.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Fig. 4. Aspects of communication in English the online survey participants find most challenging.
The survey results reveal that grammar is the
aspect of communication in English that
respondents find most challenging, with a
substantial majority of 66% identifying it as
such. Following grammar, speaking and writing
are cited as the next most challenging aspects,
with 50% and 42.6% of respondents,
respectively, indicating difficulty in these areas.
Listening and pronunciation are also mentioned
by a significant portion of respondents, with
31.9% and 27.7%, respectively, finding these
aspects challenging. Additionally, vocabulary
poses a challenge for 39.6% of respondents.
Interestingly, reading appears to be the least
challenging aspect, with only 4.3% of
respondents citing it as such.
These findings highlight specific areas where
individuals may require additional support or
resources to improve their English
communication skills. Further analysis could
delve into the reasons behind the perceived
challenges and explore strategies for addressing
them effectively.
Engaging students in English conversations
outside of the classroom or formal learning
settings is crucial for their language
development. It provides them with real-life
opportunities to practice and apply what they
have learned in class, thereby reinforcing their
language skills and confidence. Encouraging
students to converse in English outside of the
classroom fosters a more immersive learning
experience, helping them to adapt to various
communication contexts and interact with native
speakers. Additionally, such interactions expose
students to diverse accents, colloquial
expressions, and cultural nuances, enriching their
understanding of the language and enhancing
their cultural awareness. Overall, promoting
English conversations outside formal settings
empowers students to become more fluent,
confident, and culturally competent
Fig. 5. Frequency with which online survey participants engage in English conversations outside of the
classroom or formal learning settings.
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
The survey results indicate that a significant portion
of respondents engage in English conversations
outside of the classroom or formal learning settings
only occasionally, with 38.3% falling into this
category. Additionally, 42.6% of respondents
reported engaging in such conversations rarely.
On the other hand, a smaller proportion of
respondents reported engaging in English
conversations more regularly, with 13.8%
indicating that they do so regularly and 5.3% stating
that they engage in such conversations very
These findings suggest that there may be limited
opportunities for individuals to practice their
English communication skills in real-life situations
outside of formal learning environments.
Encouraging more frequent and regular practice
through various means, such as language exchange
programs or conversation clubs, could help
individuals build confidence and fluency in
Exploring effective strategies to enhance English
communication skills is vital for language
learners seeking proficiency and fluency. In
today’s interconnected world, where English
serves as a global lingua franca, individuals are
increasingly motivated to refine their language
abilities to engage in diverse personal, academic,
and professional contexts. Understanding the
varied approaches employed by learners to
bolster their communication skills offers
valuable insights into effective language
acquisition methodologies. From immersive
experiences such as conversing with native
speakers to utilizing multimedia resources like
movies, music, and podcasts, learners employ a
range of techniques tailored to their preferences
and learning styles. This exploration not only
sheds light on the diverse pathways to linguistic
mastery but also underscores the importance of
adaptability and creativity in the language
learning journey.
Fig. 6. Strategies the online survey participants use to improve their English communication skills.
The survey results reveal that respondents employ
various strategies to enhance their English
communication skills. A significant majority of
respondents, 90.6%, reported that they listen to
English music or podcasts as a method to improve
their English proficiency. Additionally, 83% of
respondents indicated that they watch English
movies or TV shows for language improvement.
Furthermore, a considerable proportion of
respondents, 76.6%, reported reading English
books or articles as a strategy to enhance their
communication skills. Engaging in conversations
with native speakers was also cited by 29.8% of
respondents as a method they use to improve their
While fewer respondents mentioned participating in
language exchange programs, with only 16%
choosing this option, other strategies were also
reported. Some respondents mentioned conducting
lessons as a tutor, speaking with friends, and
participating in English-speaking clubs as
additional methods to enhance their English
communication skills.
In general, these findings demonstrate the diverse
approaches individuals employ to develop their
English proficiency, ranging from passive activities
like listening and watching to active engagement
through conversation and participation in language
exchange programs.
Cultural awareness plays a pivotal role in fostering
effective communication in English, transcending
mere language proficiency to encompass a deeper
understanding of societal norms, customs, and
values. In an increasingly interconnected world
where individuals from diverse cultural
backgrounds interact on a regular basis, the ability
to navigate cultural nuances is essential for building
rapport, fostering mutual respect, and avoiding
misunderstandings. Cultural awareness plays a vital
role in promoting intercultural competence and
fostering meaningful cross-cultural interactions.
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
Fig. 7. Importance of cultural awareness for effective communication in English according to the online
survey participants.
The survey results indicate that respondents
generally recognize the significance of cultural
awareness for effective communication in
English. A substantial proportion of respondents,
38.3%, deemed cultural awareness as important,
while 26.6% considered it very important.
Additionally, 11.7% of respondents rated cultural
awareness as extremely important for effective
communication in English.
Only a small percentage of respondents, 3.2%,
indicated that cultural awareness is not important
at all. Similarly, a minority of respondents,
20.2%, viewed cultural awareness as somewhat
These findings underscore the importance of
cultural sensitivity and understanding in
facilitating successful communication in
English, highlighting its role in fostering
meaningful interactions and bridging cultural
divides. The findings align with previous studies
that emphasize the multifaceted nature of
language learning. For instance, Krashen’s
(1989) Input Hypothesis highlights the
importance of comprehensible input in language
acquisition, which is reflected in the respondents’
use of English media. Similarly, Swain’s (1993)
Output Hypothesis underscores the role of
language production in developing proficiency,
evidenced by respondents’ engagement in
conversations. These connections suggest that
learners benefit from a balanced approach that
includes both input and output activities.
Moreover, the survey reveals that while many
respondents engage in English conversations
outside formal learning settings, there is still
room for increased frequency in such
interactions, which could further enhance their
proficiency. This finding is consistent with
research by Derwing & Munro (2013), which
emphasizes the importance of authentic
communication opportunities for language
learners to improve fluency and confidence.
Providing more opportunities for real-life
practice, such as language exchange programs or
conversation clubs, can bridge this gap.
Based on the survey results, it is evident that
there is a notable emphasis on the importance of
communication skills in English among the
respondents. Despite facing challenges, such as
grammar and vocabulary acquisition, the
majority of participants are actively engaged in
improving their communication abilities through
various means, including watching English
media, listening to podcasts, and reading English
materials. The survey also highlights the
significance of cultural awareness in effective
communication, with a considerable portion of
respondents acknowledging its importance. This
underscores the need for learners to not only
develop linguistic proficiency but also to
cultivate an understanding of cultural nuances
and context.
Moreover, the survey reveals that while many
respondents engage in English conversations
outside formal learning settings, there is still
room for increased frequency in such
interactions, which could further enhance their
proficiency. Overall, the findings suggest a
strong awareness among respondents regarding
the importance of communication skills in
English and a willingness to actively work
towards improving them. Moving forward,
continued efforts to address challenges and
enhance cultural awareness can contribute to
more effective communication in English.
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
The analysis of the data underscores the
importance of recognizing the diverse
proficiency levels among English language
learners, with a significant portion of students
perceiving themselves at the intermediate level.
However, there remains a notable number at pre-
intermediate and beginner levels who may
require additional support and resources to
progress further. Efforts to provide tailored
programs and opportunities for advanced
learners are essential, as indicated by the
relatively small percentage of students
identifying as advanced. Enrichment activities,
advanced courses, and opportunities for
immersion or authentic language practice could
benefit this subgroup of learners. These findings
echo the principles of differentiated instruction
(Tomlinson, 2001), which advocate for varied
teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of
Overall, understanding the distribution of
students across different proficiency levels
allows educators to better address the varied
needs and aspirations of learners. By offering a
comprehensive and inclusive approach to
English language instruction, institutions can
empower students to achieve their language
learning goals effectively and confidently.
Moving beyond proficiency levels, effective
communication skills in English are crucial for
personal, professional, and academic success.
While a majority of respondents express
confidence in their overall communication skills
in English, there are specific areas such as
grammar, speaking, and writing where
challenges persist. Encouraging students to
engage in English conversations outside of
formal learning settings is vital for their language
development. While a significant portion of
respondents already do so occasionally or
regularly, there is still room for increased
frequency, which could contribute to enhanced
proficiency and confidence.
The strategies employed by respondents to
improve their English communication skills
vary, highlighting the importance of catering to
individual preferences and learning styles. From
passive activities like listening and watching to
active engagement through conversation,
learners utilize a diverse range of methods to
bolster their proficiency. These strategies align
with findings by Oxford (1990), who identified
various language learning strategies that
contribute to successful language acquisition,
including cognitive, metacognitive, and social
strategies. Cultural awareness emerges as a
critical component of effective communication in
English, with respondents recognizing its
significance in fostering meaningful interactions
and bridging cultural divides. Incorporating
cultural sensitivity training into language
learning programs could further enhance
learners’ communication skills and intercultural
competence, as suggested by Byram (1997).
Incorporating cultural sensitivity training into
language learning programs could further
enhance learners’ communication skills and
intercultural competence.
Thus, the survey results underscore the
importance of communication skills in English
and cultural awareness among first-year
university students in Ukraine. The findings
suggest a strong awareness among respondents
regarding the importance of these skills and a
willingness to actively work towards improving
them. Moving forward, continued efforts to
address challenges and enhance cultural
awareness can contribute to more effective
communication in English.
The conclusions drawn from the survey
underscore a pervasive acknowledgment among
participants of the vital significance of effective
communication skills in English. Moreover, it
reveals an encouraging disposition among
respondents to actively engage in endeavors
aimed at refining these skills. Recognizing the
multifaceted nature of language acquisition, it
becomes apparent that continued efforts are
imperative to overcome obstacles, foster a deeper
understanding of cultural nuances, and provide a
spectrum of learning avenues. By addressing
these facets comprehensively, the trajectory
towards more proficient English communication
among language learners can be significantly
bolstered. Consequently, initiatives geared
towards offering tailored support, promoting
cultural sensitivity, and expanding access to
diverse learning resources are poised to yield
tangible advancements in English language
proficiency. This includes implementing
enrichment activities, advanced courses, and
opportunities for immersion or authentic
language practice to cater to various proficiency
levels, as well as incorporating cultural
sensitivity training into language programs.
Ultimately, these endeavours stand to not only
enrich individual communication abilities but
also contribute to broader societal and
intercultural cohesion. By integrating insights
from existing literature, such as the theories of
Krashen, Swain, and Oxford, educators can
develop more effective strategies to support
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
language learners. Enhanced focus on providing
diverse and frequent opportunities for authentic
communication, tailored instructional
approaches, and cultural sensitivity training can
empower learners to achieve greater proficiency
and confidence in English. This holistic approach
to language education promises to foster more
effective and meaningful interactions, both
within and beyond the academic environment.
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