Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.5
How to Cite:
Oseredchuk, O., Sadovyi, M., Pelekh, V., Koriakina, I., & Tsarova, Y. (2024). Emergent properties of modern education. Amazonia
Investiga, 13(76), 63-74. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.5
Emergent properties of modern education
Емерджентні властивості сучасної освіти
Received: March 2, 2024 Accepted: April 27, 2024
Written by:
Olha Oseredchuk1
Mykola Sadovyi2
Vladyslav Pelekh3
Iryna Koriakina4
Yevelina Tsarova5
The article reveals the essence, content, and
advantages of emergence and shows the
possibilities and situations of using the word
"emergence" and its derivatives. Analyzing the
ways of development of an emergent society, the
integrity and emergence of synergistic education,
and the importance of an emergent educational
modern innovative system in a higher education
institution are shown. Augmented reality (AR),
considered a technology that is necessary in the
educational sector today, emergent properties of
the educational space are highlighted
informatization, virtualization, and
digitalization. An experiment was conducted to
identify the expediency of using AR technology
in the educational process in general and the
higher school, in particular, to ensure the
emergence of the educational space as a final
result. We were asked to assess the level of
training of each respondent, in particular, the
ability to use AR technologies. The obtained
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School
Pedagogy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: DZW-4339-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Digital Technologies, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAG-3432-2019
Ph.D. Student, Institute of Pedagogy National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education,
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HDO-3125-2022
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Foreign Systems of VET, Institute of VET of the NAES of Ukraine,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KIA-7147-2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
results showed that the majority of teachers and
future specialists assess their own level of
formation of the use of AR technologies as low
and average 78% of respondents and 22% as
sufficient and high. This indicates the
expediency of using AR technology in the
educational process in general and higher
education, in particular, to ensure the emergence
of the educational space as a final result.
Keywords: emergence, institution of higher
education, augmented reality, informatization,
virtualization, digitalization.
The modern world has resolutely shifted the
epicenter of human existence to the pole of self-
organization and "non-linearity" when the
universe appears through multidimensionality. In
the modern scientific discourse, in search of the
fundamental foundations of existence, there is an
increasing trend of methodological reorientation
from a stable state to a state of constant
formation, from a single to a multifaceted one,
from identity to differences, which is connected
with the emergence of a new post-nonclassical,
non-linear type of thinking (Fedoryshyn &
Tkach, 2023).
The modern system of higher education is
constantly being modernized, actualizing the
search for new educational strategies for the
development of higher education in the
conditions of a global pandemic, which involves
the revision of existing forms, the optimization of
meaningful components of the organization of
the educational process by the new, in the
educational space, communication conditions. In
the educational process of the higher education
system, special emergent properties appear
successively, which help the system to update
itself without losing its quality indicators.
"Today, the emergence of something new in the
education system is perceived as reality, and only
the unpredictable threat of viral infection from
COVID-19 reveals elements with emergent
properties in the system" (Puchkov & Uvarkina,
2021). Each person has unique knowledge that
makes him stronger and benefits the group during
training and professional activities, and emergent
systems help achieve a positive result.
Knowledge exchange occurs when the team
receives new facts and uses them in the process
of discussing ideas and projects for the
implementation of innovations. Therefore, the
study of emergent properties of modern
education is important and necessary today.
Literature Review
Studies of the emergent properties of modern
education, and their impact on the professional
activity of an individual are the subject of
scientific research in psychology, philosophy,
and pedagogy. Let's analyze such studies.
N. Heseleva and N. Zaritska (2013) provided the
basics of the emergent properties of the education
system, defined and considered approaches to the
meaning of the concept of "emergence", and
clarified the emergent strategies of enterprise
management. Similar studies were conducted by
O. Puchkov, & O. Uvarkina (2021) in particular,
emergent properties were analyzed in modern
education. The actualization of the search for
new educational strategies that contribute to the
development of higher education in the
conditions of a global pandemic is shown.
Integral components of modern education are
singled out. It has been proven that digitalization,
virtualization, and informatization are becoming
essential in the educational sector, and the
concept of nomadism can become the conceptual
basis for the formation of modern educational
strategies. It is clear that "special emergent
properties consistently appear in the educational
process, which helps the system to update
without losing its quality indicators".
G. Woolcott, S. Leonard, A. Scott, R. Keast &
D. Chamberlain (2021) respond to a growing
literature arguing that change in higher education
institutions might be better understood and
managed if such institutions are understood as
complex systems with emergent properties. The
study finds evidence of subsystem variations on
the initial partnership priorities, including
Oseredchuk, O., Sadovyi, M., Pelekh, V., Koriakina, I., Tsarova, Y. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 63-74 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
substantial boundary crossing, leading to
emergence and co-evolution, indicating that a
macroscopic view of emergent variation rather
than ‘micromanaging’ may be an essential factor
in scaling and sustaining collaborative
V. Fedoryshyn, & M. Tkach (2023) examines in
the context of the convergence of scientific
research polyparadigm principles and strategies
of knowledge the interdisciplinary nature of
scientific research in the field of higher
education, shows the ways of using modern
innovative approaches in the content of
education with prominent signs of non-linearity:
emergentity, reflexivity, irreversibility,
multidimensionality, etc. In the studies, the
problem of the formation of a non-linear new
post-non-classical type of personality thinking
was considered, which led to a deepening of
methodological reflection in the field of
humanitarian knowledge. In this regard, it was
determined that "transitional orientations of
professional training of students require the
implementation of several non-linear
approaches, the defining features of which are an
interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge,
methodological pluralism, polyvariance of
search vectors, interdisciplinary connections,
strengthening of integration interaction, etc." It is
proved that the problem of "explication of the
modern non-linear paradigm, its systematicity,
multifacetedness, and complexity requires the
synthesis of the entire complex of sciences,
represented by synergy, and humanitarian
knowledge, represented by the philosophy of
A. Stepanyuk, L. Mironets, T. Olendr, &
I. Tsidylo (2022) conducted experiments to prove
the effectiveness of the proposed methodical
system. It has been established that in the
conditions of the information society when
implemented in the educational process of a
higher school, it contributes to the improvement
of the quality of training of future specialists for
educational activities. A list of educational
disciplines has been defined: "Innovative
learning technologies", "Digital technologies in
professional activity", "Digital technologies in
education and science", and "Theory and
teaching methods", which are expedient to form
a person's professional skills in different ways.
Despite the existing scientific works on the
systematic analysis of the educational sector, the
issues of emergent properties of the educational
system remain insufficiently studied.
The purpose of the article: the study of emergent
properties of modern education.
To ensure the achievement of the goal, a set of
methods was used in the research process:
theoretical: analysis of scientific research
aimed at the researched problem, with the
aim of systematic comparison of different
views, regarding the organization of the
educational process and the study of
professional experience;
empirical: use of interviews, surveys,
observation methods, questionnaires.
Conducting conversations with teachers and
students of higher education institutions
about the ways of using augmented reality in
the educational process, clarifying the
difficulties and advantages of specialists that
exist when using augmented reality in the
educational process, the sufficiency of
access to technologies to be able to use
augmented reality, etc., to ensure in the end
the emergence of the educational space;
conducting a pedagogical experiment;
statistical: registration and processing of
experiment results using computer
programs, in particular MS Excel and SPSS,
for statistical processing of the obtained
The experiment was conducted on the
expediency of using AR technology in the
educational process in general and higher
education, in particular, to ensure the
emergence of the educational space as a final
To study the state of implementation of the
problem in teaching practice, a questionnaire was
conducted to find out the use of augmented
reality in the educational process, what
difficulties and advantages specialists have when
using augmented reality in the educational
process, whether access to technologies is
sufficient to be able to use augmented reality,
whether the use of augmented reality improves
academic achievement of students, or whether
augmented reality should become an important
component of the educational process.
The experimental research took place according
to the following stages: organizational-
methodical, educational-processual, and
The organizational and methodological stage
involved the study of the research problem and
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
substantiation of theoretical questions, the
determination of priority research and
methodology, with the help of which the
methodology of familiarization with AR
applications is developed, the special training of
specialists in the use of AR technologies and the
use of modern forms and methods of learning to
achieve the set goal.
The educational and procedural stage provided
for two academic years in which 86 students of
master's level education participated, who were
included in the experimental group (EG). The
obtained results were compared with the control
group (CG), which included 98 respondents.
The reflective-analytical stage of the research
included the analysis of the results of
experimental training according to objective
indicators the activity of using AR technologies
in pedagogical practice, adaptability to the
requirements of the information society, and
subjective indicators self-analysis of the level
of readiness to use AR. Students were asked to
answer the questions of the questionnaire after
the experimental training.
We conducted a study of teachers and students of
higher education institutions to determine the
level of their ability to use AR in their
professional activities. It was proposed to assess
the level of education of each respondent, in
particular, the ability to use AR technologies.
The obtained results showed that the majority of
teachers and future specialists assess their own
level of formation of the use of AR technologies
as low and average 78% of respondents and
22% as sufficient and high. This indicates the
expediency of using AR technology in the
educational process in general and higher school,
in particular, to ensure the emergence of the
educational space as a final result.
Results and Discussion
The essence, content, and advantages of
Outside the mode of self-development, education
is an externally controlled process of "processing
human material."
The situation does not change radically even
when educational material is processed based on
the best ideals. The educational space, despite all
ideals, cultivates power relations within which
everything innovative and new is "caused by the
old". Moreover, the latter leaves a mark on
anything innovative and new and thus enables its
existence to be only an imitation of self-
organization in the educational process. After all,
self-organization and self-development cannot
be "generated" by causes that are external to
these processes. It is important to consider that
creativity is a concentration of the sphere of self-
development. From this follows the conclusion
that the "constitution of educational space as an
"emergent" system is impossible without creative
activity" (Kremen, 2014). The readiness to
choose from alternatives to the emergence of a
new one enables creativity, and non-linear
thinking as the ability to ensure further self-
development, to reorient to new dimensions.
Creativity is a kind of technology for generating
everything new.
Creativity is capable of systematically organizing
the present through a controlled expansion of
perception of reality and transformation as the
As a result of fluctuations, something new
emerges as unpredictable, emergent, in the form
of a multidimensional spectrum of possible
paths. Emergence is the presence in any system
of special properties, the appearance, the
emergence of something new in the theory of
systems that is not characteristic of its blocks and
subsystems, as well as the sum of elements that
are not connected by system-forming ties.
Emergence is such processes that occur in the
process of discovering the properties of small
parts that, through a simple process of choosing
between several simple options, exist beyond the
capacity of a single individual.
Emergence directs the creativity of the
individual, its creative construction in the mode
of self-organization of the thinking process. "In
this sense, creativity differs from creativity, as
the generation of new knowledge, by the ability
to use already existing relevant properties,
connections, relationships, albeit hidden ones.
Creativity involves the creation and design of
such properties from already existing elements"
(Landau et al., 2021).
The ideals of the educational process developed
in the past should be critically reconsidered for
the self-organization of the individual in the
context of their adequacy. For this, it is necessary
to take as a basis the elements of the "emergent"
system of all participants of pedagogical activity
the interaction between such elements
generates a qualitatively new result, unexpected
and unique to human existence. In this case,
education is the ability of a person to
independently realize various personal ways of
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
existence in his own life, it serves as a gift for all
its participants (Kremen, 2014).
So, the emergence and appearance of a new
emergent in the theory of systems contribute to
the creation of an innovative system of special
human properties that are not inherent in the
blocks of subsystems, the sum of elements that
are not connected by system-forming ties.
The advantages of emergent systems are that
change the attitude towards information, and
its values;
do not replace the government,
innovatively change the preferences of the
wishes of the majority over the wishes and
prescriptions of the minority.
In these processes, the Internet plays a key role,
because it provides an opportunity for
individuals to participate in discussions, in
discussions that until recently were only possible
for individuals, not for all of humanity, and could
not be heard by society (Maraví, 2021).
Possibilities and situations of using the word
"emergence" and its derivatives.
We will reveal the possibilities and situations of
using the word "emergence" and its derivatives.
Emergence is such processes that take place
outside the capacity of a single individual, when
many small parts reveal precisely such properties
that create actions through a simple process of
the individual and allow a choice to be made
between several simple options.
Thanks to the Internet, the birth of emergent
democracy became possible a kind of collective
intelligence, a new political phenomenon.
Humanity got the opportunity to challenge the
authority of respectable institutions through
amateur blogs. Emergence allows this system to
significantly exceed the capabilities of each
individual (Chuc & Riveroll., 2022).
The human brain is the most amazing example of
emergence. Out of 20 thousand genes, a third of
them are in the human brain. Each neuron is not
conscious by itself, but when connected, all
neurons form a network, and this exceeds the
sum of their parts and gives a person the ability
to be so conscious that one can reflect on the
thought process itself (Conejo & Carmiol, 2017).
Development of an emergent society.
Emergence systems include:
each individual possesses knowledge that is
useful and unique for the entire group;
human knowledge makes a person stronger;
in the process of discussing projects and
ideas, there is an exchange of personal
knowledge, which is formed in the process
of studying at a higher education institution;
during education, a team of higher education
students receives new facts, which they use
in their professional activities to implement
creation of an educational platform for
involvement in the development of an
emergent society.
The spread of cheap or free online education is
one of the important stages of emergence. This
includes practical classes in various workshops,
educational websites, and informal exchange of
information with peers to combine parts into a
whole and to create something qualitatively new
in the educational process, without which there
simply could not be an association. This property
is called a certain resource of the system, i.e.
emergence. That is, when we all gather together
and work as a team, we achieve a more
significant result than when we act individually.
"The theory of emergent evolution, the purpose
of which is the recognition and interpretation of
"jumpy" development and the emergence of
something new, is relevant in our time. From the
standpoint of the dialectical approach,
emergentism leads to the denial of natural and
historical patterns and the role of the quantitative
stage of change in the development process
(Fedoryshyn & Tkach, 2023).
Emergent educational modern innovative
system in a higher education institution.
Considering the emergent educational modern
innovative system in the institution of higher
education as large, complex, dynamic, and open,
the organization of which is determined by the
tasks of professional training and the goals of
education, improving the qualifications of branch
specialists of education, management workers,
the following integrative features are
manageability and purposefulness (the
presence of a general purpose, a general goal
that is adjusted and set by society);
innovativeness of the emergent system (the
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presence of properties that are integrative
and cannot be deduced from the known
properties of individual elements of the
the structure of the organization is
hierarchical and complex (presupposes
coordination with the autonomy of elements,
subsystems, and centralized management);
multi-connectedness of system elements (the
connection between levels of the hierarchy
and at the same level);
the complexity of relationships between
variable, and dynamic parameters;
multidisciplinary specialists;
the presence of external information
connections and multiple internal
connections between system elements and
their subsystems;
multiple changes in composition and
transition from one state to another;
probability of conflict situations;
the presence of internal disturbing factors of
competing parties and external ones.
The signs listed above make it possible to
conclude that this emergent educational modern
innovative system in a higher education
institution is differentiated into separate systems
and subsystems of different levels of complexity
and orderliness. At the same time, the subsystems
are interconnected, their components interact
with each other and are coordinated, which
causes radical changes in the professional
development of a person in the conditions of
optimization and intensification of the
educational process (Puhach et al., 2021).
Emergent properties of educational space
informatization, virtualization, digitalization.
In the educational process of a higher school,
special emergent properties appear successively,
which help the emergent system to update itself
without losing its quality indicators.
Virtualization, digitalization, and
informatization transform educational processes
towards the latest technologies, contribute to the
development of the modern personality of the
21st century, become integral components of
world educational systems, and form new mobile
forms of thinking in the space of education
(Thorne et al., 2021).
Today, in the education system, the emergence of
something new is perceived as a reality. Only the
threat of viral infection from COVID-19, which
is unpredictable, or military conflicts in the world
manifest themselves more and more and
accelerate the pace of development in the system,
providing an opportunity for the development of
elements with emergent properties.
Global informatization is one of such properties
that influenced the development of education and
covered all spheres of society. Today, the
informatization of education acts as a
communication and defining information base of
the educational space, which ensures the
harmonious development of the modern
personality (Bida et al., 2022). The exponential
nature of global informatization constantly
reveals new properties of its own information
system, affects the updating of technologies in
education by the requirements of digitalization,
and forms new social communication relations
for all participants of the educational process in
higher education. It is known that the systems of
personality consciousness and communication
systems are evolutionarily tuned to each other,
thus unprecedented autonomization and
formation of personality occur through
informagenesis (Nazar, 2018).
The educational space contributes to increasing
the effectiveness of information, unites the
subjects of information genesis in our time, and
creates conditions for the formation of an
informational cultural field where personality is
improved and developed.
Nowadays, the virtualization of a person as an
emergent property of modern educational
processes gives birth to a virtual personality that
realizes real reality through information
networks and becomes a full participant at all
levels and forms of the educational process. The
student of education is actively involved in
intercultural communication, evolving towards
the development of potential virtual
opportunities, improves and studies English as
the language of communication in global
networks, self-realizes in virtual space and
introduces new rules of virtual communication
into information technologies, meaningful
knowledge (emojis, abbreviations, etc). This
virtualization of a modern student contributes to
learning to overcome a stressful state, for
example, during a pandemic, or to protect
scientific work and creates the most favorable
psychological and pedagogical interaction with
the already formed virtual personality of the
student of education (Uvarkina, 2020). In
conditions of rapid growth of the role of
information technologies, the digitalization of
society is taking place, which leaves no choice to
the educational system, in all spheres of social
life, the network principle of organizing the
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
world community is emerging on the surface of
global transformation. Quarantine restrictions
and martial law, for example, in Ukraine, have
formed a new virtual personality, a modern
informational and educational space, which is
related to the so-called "digital nomads", a
special category of people. A feature of
educational "digital nomads" was their mobility,
which made it possible to transfer and receive
professional skills, abilities, and knowledge
remotely from various geo-locations with the
availability of the Internet and modern means of
communication. The majority of educators
belong to a large social group of people who talk
about the presence of "digital inequality". These
are individuals who widely use and know
computer systems in everyday life and
professional activities because the digitalization
of the entire society leaves no choice to the
educational system. Teachers become subjects of
education with emergent properties of
modernity, become "digital nomad" or "digital
literati" (Puchkov & Uvarkina, 2021).
Integrity and emergence of synergistic
Significant changes in the existence of national
cultures and interactions led to globalization
processes as a necessary attribute in the modern
A cultural gap occurs, under such conditions, the
loss of traditional supports, and the transition to
a polystylistic culture from a monostylistic
culture, the main characteristics of which are
emergence, dynamism, openness, non-linearity,
etc. The formation of a new type of society (post-
industrial, technotronic, informational)
actualizes the role of a creative, creative
The principle of emergence "characterizes
complex open self-organized systems in terms of
the emergence in them of new, integrative
qualities that appear due to the combination of
individual components of the system, which were
not characteristic of neoplasms."
The emergence of integrative qualities
determines the emergence of a system that
appears not due to a simple rearrangement or
addition, but the unification of some of them and
a lower level of organization. This explains the
emergence in modern society of qualities
essential for the functioning of the individual,
which appear:
due to the combination of individual skills
and knowledge qualities of a lower level;
formation of competencies qualities of the
highest level.
Therefore, in the coordinates of modern science,
the personality should be considered by
pedagogy and philosophy of education as a
synergistic system emergent, complex, capable
of self-organization, self-development, coherent,
open, and dissipative.
As a constant movement from one state of the
system to another, from the point of view of
synergy, the development of the individual
appears, in which randomness, chaos, passage of
bifurcation points, destruction, creation, etc. are
natural states of the system, which build a
continuous chain of transformations,
successively change each other. It is impossible
to predict and perceive personality development
as a dependence on "pedagogical pressure" the
organization of the educational environment,
educational influences, the amount of involved
efforts and means, etc. The possibility of
personality development is embedded in the
structure of the personality itself it is a potential
that can be spontaneously realized in one of
many options.
In the process of its development, the personality
is constantly in a state where it acts as a
component of another coherent system. It is
necessary to take into account the laws of the
phenomenon of "excessive influence on the
system, which can lead to a change in its
structure, which is explained by the occurrence
of resonance, in which a small fluctuation
(deviation, oscillation) can change the state of the
entire system."
Therefore, mastering the definitions of
synergetics and understanding concepts is natural
from the point of view of pedagogical theory and
philosophical-educational theory. The scientific
thesaurus includes the following units:
personality as a synergistic system;
principles of personality organization as a
synergistic system emergence and
dissipativeness, non-linearity of
development, openness, coherence,
imbalance; bifurcation points; fluctuations;
too little impact; catastrophe.
The emergence and integrity of synergistic
education in the developed countries of the world
are manifested in the predominantly endogenous
nature of the formation of mechanisms, factors,
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
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conditions of activity of the subjects of the
educational process, and intellectual and
cognitive growth of the individual (Kremen,
Emergence is an important feature of the
educational environment that determines its
quality as a system.
Emergence is an important feature of the
educational environment that determines its
quality as a system. Emergence in the
educational environment indicates that the
designed model of the educational space is more
complex than the sum of its constituent elements
(Sajoza Juric, 2019).
Speaking about the structure of the educational
environment of the light space, it is worth paying
attention to the coherence of its parameters, as
the ability, in the process of carrying out its
educational functions, to the mutual coordination
of the actions of various microenvironments. The
educational environment as a system:
is in dynamics and constant movement;
needs modeling;
requires monitoring and adjustment.
Therefore, we conclude that the positions of
scientists regarding the definition of the concept
of emergence, integrity, and emergence of
synergistic education, emergent properties of the
educational space, and structural elements of the
educational environment differ significantly,
which confirms its characterization of emergence
as a complex, integral formation that includes
certain components with multiple relationships
languages of the socio-pedagogical system.
In the process of structuring an educational
environment or an educational environment,
researchers single out the material-spatial
(visual, spatial-semantic, object-spatial, etc.)
component as important and necessary for
transformations in all periods of a person's life.
The subject-spatial factor of educational
situations determines the dependence on material
factors, such as classrooms, provision of the
educational process with computers, auxiliary
literature, and textbooks, the building of the
educational institution, recreational facilities,
research area, etc. (Demchenko, 2014).
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is
necessary in the education sector today.
The study of any subject of knowledge, which is
a system formation, is connected with the
selection of the basic features characteristic of
any system in general, including a plurality of
components, subsystems, components,
interaction, communication, system, system-
forming, regular connections, structure,
organization, hierarchy, integrity, and
emergency (Stepanyuk et al., 2022).
Considering the emergent educational modern
innovative system in the institution of higher
education as a large, complex, dynamic, and
open, the organization of which is determined by
the tasks of professional training and the goals of
education, improving the qualifications of
industry specialists in education, management
workers, the emergent properties of the
educational space are highlighted
informatization, virtualization, digitalization,
integrity is shown and the emergence of
synergistic education.
Emergence directs the creativity of the
individual, its creative construction in the mode
of self-organization of the thinking process. In
this sense, creativity differs from creativity, as
the generation of new knowledge, through the
ability to use already existing relevant properties,
connections, and relationships (Hashim et al.,
Global informatization is one of the main
properties that influenced the development of
education and covered all spheres of society.
Scientists consider augmented reality (AR) as a
technology that, with the help of computer
applications, allows you to identify and create a
virtual layer of information with a favorite object
or marker that is in the physical real world. A
graphic visual object can act as a marker that will
be added to virtual objects of various formats
using special software tools. AR technology
allows you to superimpose text, images, video,
and audio components on space and an existing
image. The aura (received information) can be
read from the marker using all kinds of digital
devices, such as tablets, smartphones, AR
helmets, AR glasses, etc. (Shetelya et al., 2023).
Scientists define augmented reality (AR) by its
characteristics or features. Stepanyuk et al.
(2022) interpret augmented reality as a system
that meets three characteristics, such as real-time
interaction, a combination of real and virtual
worlds, and accurate 3D registration of real and
virtual objects. C. Lytridis, & A. Tsinakos (2018)
offer the following definition: AR is "the
technology of augmenting the physical world
with the help of digital data provided by
computer devices (smartphones, tablets, smart
lenses, and AR glasses) in real time". The
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
features of AR are that "real and computer
information are combined in the physical world,
interactively in real-time, and the display of the
virtual object corresponds to the orientation in
the real world".
An experiment on the expediency of using AR
technology in the educational process in
general and in higher education, in particular,
to ensure the emergence of the educational
space as a final result.
To study the state of implementation of the
problem in teaching practice, a questionnaire was
conducted to find out the use of augmented
reality in the educational process, what
difficulties and advantages specialists have when
using augmented reality in the educational
process, whether access to technologies is
sufficient to be able to use augmented reality,
whether the use of augmented reality improves
the academic achievements of students, whether
augmented reality should become an important
component of the educational process.
The experimental research took place according
to the following stages: organizational-
methodical, educational-processual, and
The organizational and methodological stage
involved the study of the research problem and
substantiation of theoretical questions, the
determination of priority research and
methodology, with the help of which the
methodology of familiarization with AR
applications is developed, the special training of
specialists in the use of AR technologies and the
use of modern forms and methods of learning to
achieve the set goal.
The educational and procedural stage provided
for two academic years in which 86 students of
master's level education participated, who were
included in the experimental group (EG). The
obtained results were compared with the control
group (CG), which included 98 respondents.
The reflective-analytical stage of the research
included the analysis of the results of
experimental training according to objective
indicators the activity of using AR technologies
in pedagogical practice, adaptability to the
requirements of the information society, and
subjective indicators self-analysis of the level
of readiness to use AR. Students were asked to
answer the questions of the questionnaire after
the experimental training.
The study is based on the research scheme of
Ukrainian scientists (Stepanyuk et al., 2022), the
results of which show that:
To the question "Do you use augmented
reality in the educational process?"
respondents answered: "Yes" 72.8%, "No"
24.1%, "If possible" 0.7%, "Sometimes"
0.9%; "Rarely" 1.5% of respondents.
To the question "Name at which stages of the
lesson you use augmented reality?" 27.2% of
respondents answered, "I don't use it at all."
The received data in digital format fully
corresponds to the results of the answers to
the previous question. AR is used by 15.2%
of respondents at the stage of the lesson,
when previously submitted tasks are being
checked, in the process of updating basic
knowledge 17.9% of respondents use AR
when motivating educational activities
39.9%, while at the stage of learning new
material they use AR has the most
respondents: clarification and expansion of
information 48.9%, perception of
information 47.9%, generalization,
systematization of knowledge 36.7%."
Therefore, AR is used by most teachers and
students to expand, clarify information, and
motivate educational activities and their
To the question "What difficulties did you
see when using augmented reality in the
educational process?" the respondents had
the following answers: the need for
additional training 71.9%; technical
problems 69.7%; limited availability
38.9%; high cost 22.5%; distraction of
education seekers 11.8%; futuristic
6.9%; a large number of education seekers in
groups 0.9%; no 0.7%.
To the question "When using augmented
reality in the educational process, choose
which advantages do you consider to be the
most important?" The answers were divided
as follows: the development of an emergent
educational modern innovative system in a
higher education institution as a large,
complex, dynamic, open organization,
which is determined by the tasks of
professional training and the goals of
education 61.8%, the development of
creative thinking, informatization,
virtualization, digitization of education,
modeling, and simulation of educational
processes 60.9%, visualization of complex
and abstract concepts 46.9%, development
of problem thinking 28.9%, active
participation of students and their interaction
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
27.8%, growth in the process of learning
cognitive interest 0.9%.
To the question "Is access to technology
sufficient to be able to use augmented
reality?" teachers and future specialists gave
the following answers: Yes 40.8%; No
62.2%. However, 99.7% of respondents
expressed a desire to receive additional
support or advanced training in the use of
augmented reality.
To the question for teachers and future
specialists "Does the use of augmented
reality improve the academic achievements
of students?" they gave the following
answers: "Yes" 89.1%, "No" 5.7%, "It is
difficult to give an unequivocal answer"
To the question "What positive changes
have you noticed in students during classes
using augmented reality?" the answers were
distributed as follows: motivation for the
educational process increases ("Yes"
96.7%, "No" 3.3%); the student's cognitive
interest increases ("Yes" is considered by
90.8% of respondents, "No" by 0.2%); the
level of educational achievements of
students increases ("Yes" 95.0%, "No"
To the question "Do you think that
augmented reality is or should become an
important component of the educational
process?", teachers and future specialists
said: Yes 94.1%; No 5.9%.
To study the state of implementation of the
problem in teaching practice, a questionnaire was
conducted to find out the use of augmented
reality in the educational process, what
difficulties and advantages specialists have when
using augmented reality in the educational
process, whether access to technologies is
sufficient to be able to use augmented reality,
whether the use of augmented reality improves
the academic achievements of students, whether
augmented reality should become an important
component of the educational process.
The experimental research took place according
to the following stages: organizational-
methodical, educational-processual, and
The organizational and methodological stage
involved the study of the research problem and
substantiation of theoretical questions, the
determination of priority research and
methodology, with the help of which the
methodology of familiarization with AR
applications is developed, the special training of
specialists in the use of AR technologies and the
use of modern forms and methods of learning to
achieve the set goal.
The educational and procedural stage provided
for two academic years in which 86 students of
master's level education participated, who were
included in the experimental group (EG). The
obtained results were compared with the control
group (CG), which included 98 respondents.
The reflective-analytical stage of the research
included the analysis of the results of
experimental training according to objective
indicators the activity of using AR technologies
in pedagogical practice, adaptability to the
requirements of the information society, and
subjective indicators self-analysis of the level
of readiness to use AR. Students were asked to
answer the questions of the questionnaire after
the experimental training.
We conducted a study of teachers and students of
higher education institutions to determine the
level of their ability to use AR in their
professional activities. We were asked to assess
the level of education of each respondent, in
particular, the ability to use AR technologies.
The obtained results showed that the majority of
teachers and future specialists assess their own
level of formation of the use of AR technologies
as low and average 78% of respondents and
22% as sufficient and high. This indicates the
expediency of using AR technology in the
educational process in general and higher
education, in particular, to ensure the emergence
of the educational space as a final result.
We revealed the essence, content, and
advantages of emergence and showed the
possibilities and situations of using the word
"emergence", and its derivatives. Analyzing
the ways of development of an emergent
society, the importance of an emergent
educational modern innovative system in a
higher education institution is shown.
Augmented Reality (AR) is seen as a must-
have technology in today's education sector.
Considering the emergent educational modern
innovative system in the institution of higher
education as a large, complex, dynamic, and
open, the organization of which is determined
by the tasks of professional training and the
goals of education, improving the
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
qualifications of industry specialists in
education, management workers, the emergent
properties of the educational space are
highlighted informatization, virtualization,
digitalization, integrity is shown and the
emergence of synergistic education.
Global informatization is one of such
properties that influenced the development of
education and covered all spheres of society.
Nowadays, the virtualization of a person as an
emergent property of modern educational
processes gives birth to a virtual personality
that realizes real reality through information
networks and becomes a full participant at all
levels and forms of the educational process. In
conditions of rapid growth in the role of
information technologies, society is being
An experiment was conducted to identify the
expediency of using AR technology in the
educational process in general and higher
school, in particular, to ensure the emergence
of the educational space as a final result.
To study the state of implementation of the
problem in teaching practice, a questionnaire
was conducted to clarify the use of augmented
reality in the educational process, the
difficulties and advantages of specialists that
exist when using augmented reality in the
educational process, and to clarify the
questions: is access to technology sufficient, to
be able to use augmented reality; whether the
use of augmented reality improves academic
achievement of students; whether augmented
reality should become an important part of the
educational process, etc.
The experimental research took place
according to the following stages:
organizational-methodical, educational-
processual, and reflective-analytical.
We conducted a study of teachers and students
of higher education institutions to determine
their level of formation of AR skills in
professional activities. We were asked to
assess the level of training of each respondent,
in particular, the ability to use AR
technologies. The obtained results showed that
the majority of teachers and future specialists
assess their own level of formation of the use
of AR technologies as low and average 78%
of respondents and 22% as sufficient and
high. This indicates the expediency of using
AR technology in the educational process in
general and higher education, in particular, to
ensure the emergence of the educational space
as a final result.
Consideration of innovative ways of
digitalization of society requires further
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