Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.4
How to Cite:
Kovalchuk, O., Kolesnikov, A., Proskurniak, I., Halunko, V., & Коvach, Y. (2024). Implementation of innovative information
technologies in judicial proceedings: organizational and legal aspect. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 53-62.
Implementation of innovative information technologies in judicial
proceedings: organizational and legal aspect
Впровадження інноваційних інформаційних технологій у судочинстві: організаційно-
правовий аспект
Received: February 14, 2024 Accepted: March 24, 2024
Written by:
Olha Kovalchuk1
Andrii Kolesnikov2
Igor Proskurniak3
Valentyn Halunko4
Yaroslava Коvach5
This work aims to study the organizational and
legal aspects of implementing the latest
information technologies (IT), including
artificial intelligence (AI), in the justice system.
The study was based on a comprehensive
approach that integrated analytical methods,
comparative analysis, the case study method, and
risk assessment. It is determined that to improve
the existing regulatory framework on the use of
IT in the judicial system, it is necessary to
regulate the following organizational and legal
aspects: I. enshrine compliance with ethical
principles, ensure information security, and
define responsibility for the risks of using AI
systems at the legislative level; II. develop
unified standards and requirements for
algorithms, models, and data used in AI systems
that support the information activities of courts;
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Theory of Law and Constitutionalism Department, Faculty of Law,
West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: H-3889-2017
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Security and Law Enforcement, Faculty of Law, West Ukrainian National
University, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: G-5615-2017
Assistant Professor of the Department of Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KIH-6041-2024
Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher of Research Institute of Maritime and Space Law, Professor of Kyiv University of
Intellectual Property and Law, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GNO-9205-2022
PhD in Law, Leading Research Scientist, Department of Planning and Coordination of Scientific-Llegal researches National
Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KIH-4300-2024
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
IV. provide proper guarantees for respect for
human rights, prevention of discrimination and
bias in the use of AI in legal proceedings; V.
ensure transparency of legal regulation, which
will increase public confidence in the use of AI
technologies in the judicial system; VI. ensure
flexibility and adaptability of legal regulation,
and promote harmonization of the regulatory
framework at the international level through the
adoption of generally accepted principles and
unified standards for the use of AI systems.
Keywords: judicial system, organizational and
legal support, legal regulation, information
technologies, digitalization, artificial
intelligence, European integration, international
experience, smart technologies, court.
The latest information technologies, in particular
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning
(ML), and big data analytics, are rapidly evolving
and penetrating critical areas of modern
technologized society, including law
enforcement agencies, the judicial system, and
the security sector. The global digital
transformation has encompassed the justice
system in recent years, which is responsible for
upholding laws and protecting the rights and
freedoms of citizens. The judiciary is adapting to
the latest challenges and megatrends by
implementing digital platforms and utilizing data
analytics capabilities.
Artificial intelligence is considered one of the
most significant achievements in the field of
information technology. This cutting-edge
technology has penetrated all sectors of modern
digital society and is being actively implemented
in the judicial systems of different countries,
including Ukraine. AI is called one of the most
promising technologies of the future due to its
extraordinary functional capabilities that go far
beyond human abilities. Judicial bodies have
accumulated huge arrays of various legal data
that require prompt and high-quality processing.
This information is constantly being updated
from various sources, so powerful technological
tools are needed for its analysis. The problem of
effective processing of legal data has become
particularly acute in the context of Russia's full-
scale war against Ukraine and the need for
careful documentation of war crimes by
international standards.
AI tools can optimize this process and provide
rapid and high-quality analysis of evidence. They
are capable of obtaining data from sensors that go
beyond human perception and processing visual,
audio, geospatial, and tactile information. The
logical capabilities of AI systems surpass those
of the most powerful computing systems. The
application of probabilistic analytics and fuzzy
logic based on parallel and quantum computing
allows for more accurate modeling of biological
systems even under conditions of uncertainty and
incomplete data.
Modern AI systems can be considered intelligent,
as the complexity of data representation in them
often goes beyond human comprehension even
after computer analysis. This creates a risk of
misinterpreting AI results and even losing human
control over such systems. Of particular concern
is the uncontrolled use of AI in judicial
proceedings, which can lead to serious threats
and violations. To prevent these risks, it is
necessary to develop clear legal frameworks and
ethical norms for the use of AI in the judicial
system, ensure proper supervision and control,
and take measures to combat bias and protect
human rights. To date, in the science of
information law, there has been no
comprehensive analysis of the organizational and
legal foundations for the implementation of
innovative IT in the judicial proceedings of
Kovalchuk, O., Kolesnikov, A., Proskurniak, I., Halunko, V., Коvach, Y. / Volume 13 - Issue 76: 53-62 / April, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
countries around the world and the judicial
system of Ukraine. Therefore, there is an urgent
need to conduct comprehensive multidisciplinary
research on this issue.
This article aims to investigate the organizational
and legal aspects of implementing the latest IT in
the justice system. To achieve this aim, the
possibilities of using innovative technologies in
the digitalization of judicial proceedings have
been studied; the current state of international
and domestic legislation in the field of AI has
been analyzed; and proposals have been made to
improve the legal regulation of the use of AI in
Literature Review
The topic of research on the comprehensive
analysis of the organizational and legal
foundations for the implementation of innovative
IT in judicial proceedings is quite new and under-
explored in domestic science. This issue has an
interdisciplinary nature, as it lies at the
intersection of several fields of knowledge
information law, jurisprudence, and information
technology. The issue of applying machine
learning, big data, and artificial intelligence in
judicial proceedings is being actively researched
in developed countries, where these technologies
are already finding practical applications. These
issues were discussed in the works of the
following authors: Münch & Ferraz (2024),
Demertzis et al. (2023), Ho et al. (2020).
However, in Ukraine, this topic remains under-
explored in legal science. It is addressed only in
separate works by the following researchers:
Berezka et al. (2022), Kovalchuk et al. (2022),
and Kovalchuk et al. (2023). The few
publications by domestic scholars touch only on
certain aspects of the problem of digitizing
judicial proceedings, including Turkanova
(2023), Teremetskyi et al. (2023), Kovalchuk &
Teremetskyi (2023). However, comprehensive
studies on the implementation of AI in the
judicial system from an organizational and legal
perspective are practically non-existent. The
legal foundations of the organizational support of
the activities of the courts of Ukraine are
dedicated to the works of the following authors:
Pavlyuk (2020), Goncharuk & Bielova A (2022),
Svitlychnyi (2023). Thus, this study has a high
degree of scientific novelty, as it is one of the first
in Ukraine to comprehensively consider the
opportunities, challenges, risks, and legal aspects
of using AI in the judicial system based on an
analysis of global experience. Due to the lack of
a sufficient range of national scientific research,
particular attention is currently required to
address the issues of improving the
organizational and legal support of the activities
of courts based on the use of data science
methods and innovative IT, as well as adapting
legislation in the field of digital technologies and
data, including AI, by EU norms. The
improvement of legal norms on the widespread
use of AI in the judicial system also remains
This study employed a qualitative research
approach combining multiple methods to
develop evidence-based recommendations.
Specifically, a documentary analysis method was
used to critically review relevant scientific
literature, international documents, and
legislative acts from different countries,
including Ukraine, related to the regulation of AI
in the judicial system. A comparative analysis
method was applied to study and compare
different approaches to the legal regulation of AI
across various countries worldwide.
Furthermore, a case study method was
implemented to examine practical cases of
implementing digital technologies and AI
systems in the judicial systems of selected
To ensure methodological rigor, the
documentary analysis followed a systematic
process of searching, screening, and analyzing
relevant documents based on predefined
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The comparative
analysis involved a structured framework to
evaluate and contrast AI regulation approaches
across countries based on key dimensions such as
scope, principles, and enforcement mechanisms.
For the case study method, a purposive sampling
strategy was employed to select relevant cases
that demonstrated diverse applications of AI in
judicial processes. Triangulation of data sources,
including official reports, legal documents, and
expert interviews, was conducted to enhance the
validity and reliability of the findings.
Additionally, a risk and opportunity analysis was
carried out to comprehensively assess the
potential benefits, challenges, risks, and threats
associated with the use of AI in the field of
justice. This analysis was informed by the
insights gained from the documentary analysis,
comparative study, and case examinations, as
well as input from subject matter experts and
Based on the cumulative findings from the
various methods employed, specific proposals
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
and recommendations were formulated to
improve the legal regulation of AI use in
Ukraine's judicial system, addressing identified
gaps, mitigating potential risks, and capitalizing
on opportunities for enhancing judicial processes
through responsible AI adoption.
Results and Discussion
Use of IT Technologies in Digitalization of
Judicial Proceedings Worldwide
In countries with high crime rates, such as the
United States, the digital modernization of the
justice system is actively taking place through the
implementation of statistical methods, machine
learning, artificial intelligence, and big data
analytics. However, predictions made by
machines are not accurate, and the cost of errors
increases sharply when artificial intelligence is
applied in critically important areas related to
life, security, and freedom of people. Meanwhile,
the justice system is becoming increasingly
technologically complex, and its effectiveness
depends on processing vast amounts of
unstructured and disorganized data.
Artificial intelligence technologies are
increasingly being used in the justice system to
predict the likelihood of crimes and their
recurrence, assess risks in determining bail or
punishment, as well as to establish a person's
guilt or innocence (Yu et al., 2020). Law
enforcement agencies in developed countries are
actively involving predictive methods to identify
potential offenders, and crime victims, and
identify criminals. The application of machine
learning technologies in the judicial system can
be extremely useful. One of the key advantages
of AI is the ability to effectively analyze previous
court decisions in similar cases to reduce the
number of biased verdicts (Mathis, 2022).
Computer vision and image recognition
algorithms can automatically analyze video
surveillance, and identify people, license plates,
weapons, and other important details, helping
investigators find key evidence more quickly
(Gkougkoudis et al., 2022). Machine learning
technologies can analyze vast amounts of
financial data to detect suspicious transactions,
money laundering, fraud, etc., finding complex
patterns invisible to humans (Shetty et al., 2023).
AI algorithms can assess the risk of former
prisoners re-offending based on historical data to
determine the necessary monitoring and
rehabilitation measures (Berezka et al., 2022). AI
systems can quickly analyze large databases of
previous court decisions to search for relevant
precedents in the current case, helping lawyers
build more substantiated arguments. By
analyzing large data on previous sentences, AI
systems can assist courts in determining optimal
sanctions, taking into account various factors,
and reducing the risk of unjustifiably severe or
lenient punishments (Alghazzawi, 2022).
Machine learning can detect potential systemic
bias in the decisions of individual judges based
on race, gender, age, etc. AI algorithms allow for
efficient scheduling of court hearings, taking into
account the complexity of cases and the
availability of participants. Based on an analysis
of data on past proceedings, AI systems can more
accurately predict the expected duration of
different categories of cases (Shaikh et al., 2020).
Many progressive countries are actively
implementing a probation system, which allows
individuals convicted of non-serious crimes to be
released and begin the process of reintegration
into a law-abiding society. Probation legislation
and its functioning are regulated by national laws
and regulations of each state, which may include
different rules, procedures, and standards
depending on the region. In Ukraine, probation is
regulated by legislation that establishes the
conditions and procedures for the execution of
this type of punishment, with the key regulatory
act being the Criminal Executive Code of
Ukraine. However, there is a risk that courts may
impose overly lenient sentences, creating
potential threats to public safety. A dilemma
arises: to ensure the safety of society or to give
convicts a chance for resocialization and
correction. To make such decisions, reliable
information support is needed the application
of a scientific approach and artificial intelligence
algorithms, including the creation of predictive
models to determine the likelihood of recidivism
among convicts (Berezka et al., 2022).
There is also a “sensitivity and specificity
dilemma”: what is more important ‒ to prove the
innocence of a potential suspect (risking their
impunity) or to protect the rights of an innocent
victim? Because of this, crime facts are often
silenced by victims due to a feeling of insecurity
based on negative experiences from previous
cases where the guilty went unpunished. Solving
crimes is a complex task that requires significant
resources and expertise. Intelligent data analysis
models can provide effective solutions for non-
standard crime investigation problems. Artificial
intelligence algorithms are increasingly being
used in predictive justice, including the
qualification of crimes and their conformity with
criminal proceedings. Text analysis algorithms
provide reliable support in building an evidence
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
base, judicial analytics, and making informed
decisions during proceedings (Ma et al., 2021).
Traditionally, law enforcement agencies have
acted reactively arresting criminals after crimes
have been committed. However, the emergence
of the latest technologies, such as intelligent data
analytics and artificial intelligence, has opened
unique opportunities for predicting and
preventing crime. New tools effectively gather
information from various sources (databases,
geospatial data, social media, news) and detect
hidden connections and patterns. The
exponential growth of data volumes has led to the
need for scalable algorithms for information
analysis. Today, predictive policing actively uses
AI predictive algorithms to identify criminals by
facial features, assess the risk of recidivism,
predict likely crime sites, monitor social media,
and more. Artificial intelligence systems are used
at various stages of criminal proceedings: to
determine the possibility of parole, and
participation in probation, calculate optimal
prison terms, and assess the defendant's danger.
In the high-tech society of the 21st century,
questions arise about recognizing humanoid
robots as legal entities, the feasibility of granting
them citizenship, and protection from global AI
threats. AI systems can be used for facial and
human silhouette recognition, tracking, and
information search on social networks. Such
technologies to some extent violate the right to
privacy, but at the same time, they make it
possible to make a balanced decision. Private
data can be encrypted, not stored, and not
disseminated to minimize risks.
The issue of the impact of AI on ensuring
transparency, fairness of justice, and the rule of
law remains unresolved, creating new
opportunities and threats for legal systems. For
example, judges and lawyers may use AI systems
to obtain recommendations on decisions in court
cases, which could facilitate the decision-making
process and help avoid bias. However, there are
risks in the field of justice related to human rights
violations or case law if AI decisions are
erroneous or the system is used for malicious
Already today, judicial systems in many
countries around the world use digital tools such
as electronic document management systems,
video conferencing, analytical systems, AI, cloud
services, etc., which optimizes workflows and
increases productivity. International experience
in implementing innovative IT in the judicial
system demonstrates a general trend toward
digitalization and automation of judicial
processes. For example, Singapore has an
advanced eLitigation electronic litigation system
(Heng, 2023), Estonia has a fully digital court
system (Maakohtu, 2023), the UK uses an
advanced video conferencing and electronic
document exchange system (James, 2020). The
UAE uses artificial intelligence for document
translation, case distribution, and retrieval of
judicial practice (Park & Chai, 2021). Canada is
implementing solutions for automatic order
generation, evidence management, and
transcription of meeting records (Alcántara
Francia et al., 2022). Brazil uses digital case
management systems, electronic signatures, and
judicial statistics analysis (Reiling & Contini,
2022). China is developing a “Smart Court”
system based on AI, voice recognition, and big
data analytics to automate judicial proceedings
(Zheng, 2020). Some U.S. states use AI systems
for legal materials search, case outcome
prediction, and risk analysis (Sajida et al, 2023).
The introduction of innovative AI technologies,
machine learning, big data analytics, and digital
tools in the judicial system opens up new
opportunities to improve the efficiency, accuracy
and transparency of justice, but requires careful
consideration of ethical aspects, security
assurance, and respect for human rights.
Application of Innovative IT Technologies in the
Digitalization of the Judicial System of Ukraine
The judicial system of Ukraine is currently only
at the initial stage of digital transformation. Its
goal is to ensure the unity, transparency,
openness, accessibility, and human-centricity of
justice. In the context of the rapid development
of digital technologies, the digitalization of
judicial proceedings is considered an objective
necessity for creating an effective, independent,
and impartial judicial system, which is an
integral component of building Ukraine as a legal
European state. The digitalization of the court is
part of the State Anti-Corruption Strategy.
Ukraine has a Unified Judicial Information and
Telecommunication System (UJITS), which
provides automation of judicial processes,
document flow, office work, analytics, and
communication between courts through
electronic data exchange, video conferencing,
electronic digital signature, and other services.
Its legal basis is the Law of Ukraine “On Access
to Court Decisions” (Law of Ukraine No. 3262-
IV, 2005) and resolutions of the Cabinet of
Ministers “On Approval of the Procedure for
Maintaining the Unified State Register of Court
Decisions” (Law of Ukraine No. 1200/0/15-18,
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distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
2018). One of its subsystems is the “Electronic
Court”, which allows filing claims and
documents electronically and participating in
hearings via video conferencing. The UJITS also
includes the Unified State Register of Court
Decisions since 2006, but it is still operating in
test mode with functional limitations. Since
March 2023, it has been possible to receive
notifications about cases and decisions in digital
format through the “Diya” application (Kibenko,
2023). The digital transformation of the judicial
system of Ukraine can increase its efficiency,
accessibility, and transparency through the use of
the latest technologies. However, the European
integration processes and the active war with
Russia impose new requirements on digital
justice in Ukraine, which can only be met on a
solid legal foundation (Ablamskyi et al., 2023).
The application of ML and AI in the legal field
opens up wide opportunities to increase
efficiency, optimize processes, and ensure
greater fairness in the justice system. However,
AI systems are not neutral and safe. AI-based
decisions can be inaccurate, and discriminatory
due to built-in biases, and become a new source
of errors and data leaks. AI algorithms can inherit
biases from training data and make biased
decisions based on race, gender, socio-economic
status, etc., violating the principle of equality
before the law. Many AI models are difficult to
explain and interpret, which can undermine trust
in the judicial system. AI systems can make
mistakes due to incomplete, outdated, or biased
training data, causing erroneous judicial
decisions with serious consequences.
The use of AI in justice also poses risks to human
rights and due process without proper safeguards.
There is a threat of malicious use or manipulation
of AI systems in judicial proceedings to achieve
biased goals. In case of errors, it is unclear who
should be held responsible developers, data
providers, or judges. This creates serious risks to
confidentiality, fairness, respect for human
rights, and other fundamental values. The
application of AI in the justice system can pose
several risks and threats if it is not properly
regulated and controlled.
Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the
One of the most progressive and promising
technologies of our time is AI. Thanks to the
rapid development of computer computing
power and cloud technologies, AI systems can
operate with huge amounts of data and perform
complex calculations in record time. Machine
learning allows AI systems to self-learn from
data, identify complex patterns, and adapt to new
situations. AI has wide applications in various
fields, which determines its interdisciplinary
nature. Due to intensive research and investment,
AI technologies are constantly improving,
expanding their capabilities and areas of
application. This causes additional ethical and
legal challenges in the use of AI algorithms. Its
progressive nature also requires careful study of
the ethical and legal issues associated with
ensuring security, transparency, and respect for
human rights.
Currently, there is no universal international
legislation that would comprehensively regulate
the field of AI. However, several international
organizations are developing recommendations,
guidelines, and standards in this area. In
particular, the United Nations, through
UNESCO, in 2021 adopted the Recommendation
on the Ethics of AI, which calls on states to
develop legal regulation of AI based on the
principles of respect for human rights,
inclusiveness, equality, privacy protection, etc.
(Ramos, (s.f)). The Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2019
adopted the OECD Principles on Artificial
Intelligence, defining standards for the
responsible use of AI in the interests of people
and society (OECD, 2019). In 2021, NATO
endorsed the Principles on the Use of AI to
ensure the responsible and ethical development
and implementation of AI technologies in the
defense sphere (Taddeo et al., 2021). The
International Organization for Standardization is
developing technical standards related to AI.
International legislation in the field of AI is still
in its early stages of development, and most
countries are only shaping national approaches to
regulating artificial intelligence.
Different countries approach the regulation of the
AI field differently, but many have already
developed or are developing relevant regulations.
The United States does not have a single federal
law on AI, but there are separate initiatives and
bills at the state level. For example, in California,
there has been an artificial intelligence law in
decision-making since 2022 (Bosley et al., 2023).
China pays close attention to the comprehensive
development of AI and the formation of an
appropriate legal framework. In 2017, the
National Plan for the Development of Emerging
Industries was adopted, which sets a course for
leadership in AI. In 2020, the “AI Standards
Guide” with recommendations for its use was
published. It is planned to develop regulations on
Volume 13 - Issue 76
/ April 2024
https://amazoniainvestiga.info/ ISSN 2322- 6307
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that the
original source is cited.
the ethics, security, and regulation of AI. China
is developing a comprehensive state policy to
stimulate research, development, and application
of advanced AI technologies, as well as forming
a legislative framework to ensure a balance
between innovation and risk control (Tu et al.,
2022). In 2023, the UK presented a White Paper
on flexible AI regulation and a code of practice
(Kurth, 2023). In 2022, Canada adopted the
Directive on Automated Decision-Making
Systems for the public sector and is developing a
draft AI Act (Canaan, 2023). In 2019, Japan
approved the Data Business Development
Strategy and the Artificial Intelligence Strategy,
and AI legislation is expected to be developed
(Maruyama & Nicola, 2022). In 2023, Singapore
updated its National AI Strategy and is shaping
regulatory approaches to prevent risks (Kaur,
2023). In 2023, India presented a draft National
AI Policy (Dumouchel, 2023). Most countries
recognize the need to regulate AI to ensure
security, ethics, and respect for human rights, but
specific approaches vary depending on national
Legal and Regulatory Framework for Using AI
in the Ukrainian Judicial System
In Ukraine, the situation with regulating the use
of AI at the regulatory level is formal and needs
further improvement and more active concrete
actions to determine the ways of its application.
Currently, there is no separate legal act that
would comprehensively regulate the use of AI in
the judicial system. The digitalization of legal
proceedings is a dynamic process that requires
constant updating of the legal and regulatory
framework, as well as information and technical
support. On May 26, 2021, the Law of Ukraine
On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of
Ukraine Concerning the Gradual Implementation
of the Unified Judicial Information and
Telecommunication System came into force
(Law of Ukraine No 1416-IX, 2021). This law
was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
on April 27, 2021, to ensure the gradual
implementation of the Unified Court Information
and Telecommunication System (UCITS)
(Teremetskyi & Duliba, 2023). Ukraine has been
developing and discussing AI legislation, but no
AI law has yet been officially adopted. It is
actively exploring the possibility of creating a
regulatory framework for AI and studying the
experience of other countries.
In Ukraine, there are legislative acts that relate to
certain aspects related to AI, such as data
protection, intellectual property, cybersecurity,
etc. However, the current legislation contains
only isolated references to the use of information
technologies in legal proceedings, but without
details regarding artificial intelligence. Issues of
ethics, safety, and responsibility in the use of AI
also need to be regulated. It is necessary to
clearly define the range of tasks and processes
where AI can be used in legal proceedings,
establish requirements and standards for
algorithms, models, and data for AI systems in
courts, and provide guarantees of human rights
and avoidance of bias. Transparent regulation
will help increase trust in the use of AI in legal
proceedings. An important issue is the adaptation
of the legal and regulatory framework for judicial
information systems in Ukraine to European
legislation and the improvement of the principles
of their functioning to ensure the possibility of
easy integration with EU systems.
The analysis of the state of application of AI tools
in the judicial systems of countries around the
world shows that artificial intelligence
algorithms are being actively implemented in the
judicial systems of many countries, including
Ukraine. This optimizes judicial processes,
increases the efficiency of the judicial system,
and ensures fair justice. The use of AI in legal
proceedings opens up wide opportunities but also
carries risks and threats related to bias, violation
of human rights, loss of control, and undermining
trust in the judicial system. At the international
level, recommendations, principles, and
standards are being developed for the ethical and
responsible use of AI, but there is still no
universal legislation. Most countries in the world
are forming national approaches to the legal
regulation of the AI field, but specific solutions
differ depending on priorities.
In Ukraine, there is currently no comprehensive
legislative regulation of the use of AI in the
judicial system, with only isolated mentions in
regulations without details. For the effective
implementation of AI in the Ukrainian judicial
system, it is necessary to develop a clear legal
framework, establish requirements and
standards, provide guarantees of human rights,
and avoid bias, as well as adapt legislation to EU
norms. Today, there is an urgent need to establish
a proper legal basis to ensure the safe, ethical,
and responsible application of artificial
intelligence technologies in the justice system of
To improve the current legal and regulatory
framework, which only partially mentions the
use of information technologies in legal
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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Reproduction,
distribution, and public communication of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, are permitted provided that
the original source is cited.
proceedings, but does not detail the application
of artificial intelligence, it is necessary to
regulate several organizational and legal aspects:
I. regulate compliance with ethical norms, ensure
information security, and assign responsibility
for the risks of using artificial intelligence; II.
clearly outline the range of tasks and processes
where AI can be used in legal proceedings; III.
establish uniform requirements and standards for
algorithms, models, and data for artificial
intelligence systems in courts; IV. provide
guarantees for observing human rights, avoiding
discrimination and bias in the application of
artificial intelligence; V. ensure transparent
regulation that will help increase public trust in
the use of artificial intelligence in legal
AI is constantly evolving, so legislation in the
field of its application needs constant
improvement and adaptation to new realities.
Rapid progress in this area poses new challenges.
To ensure the safe, ethical, and responsible use of
AI technologies, it is necessary to regulate the
following organizational and legal aspects at the
level of laws and regulations: I. periodic review
of existing norms and standards, since with the
development of AI, new risks or problem areas
may emerge that will require regulatory
regulation; II. flexibility and adaptability of legal
regulation to ensure the development of
innovation while simultaneously setting clear
boundaries and limitations to prevent abuse or
violation of human rights; III. harmonization of
the legal framework at the international level
through the adoption of common principles and
standards for the use of AI. IV. Consideration by
the legislation of ethical principles such as
transparency, accountability, non-
discrimination, confidentiality, and protection of
personal data in AI systems; V. involvement of
all stakeholders - developers, businesses, civil
society, experts in the process of forming AI
policy and legislation to ensure a balanced
Legislation regulating the creation and use of AI
systems is developing in many countries and
does not yet have clear international standards.
Laws and regulations can vary across different
regions and include issues around safety,
copyright, data privacy, liability for harm caused
by a robot, and many other aspects. However, it
is important to consider issues of privacy, ethics,
and accountability in the context of using
artificial intelligence in the justice system.
Guarantees are also needed that AI algorithms
and systems do not discriminate against any
group of people and adhere to the principles of
fairness. The use of AI in legal proceedings can
have both positive and negative impacts on case
law and human rights violations. It is important
to ensure that the use of these technologies is fair,
effective, and meets the requirements of human
rights and justice.
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