Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.30
How to Cite:
Shapoval, A. (2024). Challenges and opportunities in the creative productivity of scientists and the demographic composition of
science. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 359-368. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.30
Challenges and opportunities in the creative productivity of scientists
and the demographic composition of science
Виклики та можливості для творчої продуктивності науковців та демографічного складу
Received: February 8, 2024 Accepted: March 27, 2024
Written by:
Anton Shapoval1
The article confidently explores the broadening of
the demographic contingent of science. Since the
end of the twentieth century, the problems of
attracting the younger generation to science,
studying international cooperation of scientists and
migration patterns in science have become relevant
issues. Also important are the issues of the
influence of interdisciplinary education on
obtaining breakthrough scientific results,
determining the impact of the favorable scientific
environment on the productive work of a scientist,
the problems of inclusiveness of the scientific
environment and the expansion of racial and ethnic
representation in science. It is shown that although
academic mobility of scientists is globally viewed
as a process of internationalization of science,
which contributes to the dissemination and
exchange of knowledge and ideas, and the growth
of scientists' productivity. However, given that in
certain contexts mobility is associated with the loss
of human resources in science, it should be viewed
as a complex political problem of attracting and
retaining scientists. This problem is exacerbated in
times of military conflicts and socio-political
crises. It is emphasized that despite the usefulness
of scientists using the benefits of Open Science and
participating in international research projects,
attention should be paid to national and regional
problems that require scientific support.
Keywords: Gender identity in science, mentors in
science, people with disabilities in science, science
of science, science-sociological aspects.
В статті розглядається розширення демографічної
контингентності науки. З кінця ХХст.
актуальними питаннями стають проблеми
залучення молодого покоління до науки,
вивчення міжнародної співпраці вчених та
міграційних потоків в науці. Також важливими
стають питання впливу міждисциплінарної освіти
на отримання проривних наукових результатів,
визначення впливу сприятливості наукового
середовища для продуктивної праці вченого,
проблем інклюзивності наукового середовища та
розширення в науці расового та етнічного
представництва. Показано, що хоча академічна
мобільність вчених в глобальному плані
розглядається як процес інтернаціоналізації
науки, що сприяє поширенню та обміну знаннями
та ідеями, росту продуктивності вчених. Проте
зважаючи на те, що в певних контекстах
мобільність пов’язана з втратою кадрового
потенціалу науки, її слід розглядати як складну
політичну проблему залучення та утримання
науковців. Загострюється ця проблема в періоди
воєнних конфліктів та соціально-політичних
криз. Підкреслюється, що незважаючи на
корисність використання вченими переваг
Відкритої науки, участі у міжнародних наукових
проєктах, слід приділяти увагу національним,
регіональним проблем, які потребують наукового
Ключові слова: Гендерна ідентичність в науці,
наставництво в науці, люди з обмеженими
можливостями в науці, наукознавство,
соціологічні аспекти науки.
Ph.D., Senior researcher, Center for Humanitarian Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: KIG-0181-2024
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In the modern world, scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies are the basis for
competitive advantages in social and economic
development. Intensifying activities in the field
of science is a top priority for societies seeking to
ensure a comfortable life for current and future
generations. In the complex and multifaceted
system of science, the human element is clearly
the most important factor. Attracting talented
young people, increasing labor efficiency, and
creating a favorable environment for creativity
are urgent issues that demand immediate
Reflection on the productivity of scientific
activity is typically carried out using methods
from science studies, philosophy, sociology, and
the history of science. Demography methodology
is also utilized to study the productivity of
scientists based on age and gender. Bibliometric
indicators determine the productivity of a
scientist, the effectiveness of research teams, and
the impact of scientific journals. Although all
these results were useful for understanding the
functioning of science, their practical use for
management purposes, especially without taking
into account the context, turned out to conceal
risks and harm the development of science. The
intensification of globalization processes in
science, the formation of networked forms of
cooperation and communication among
scientists, and the transformation of scientists’
work due to the use of information and
communication technologies have led to changes
in the understanding of professional problems of
scientists. Scientific cooperation and migration
flows are recognized as factors that intensify
scientific work and facilitate the exchange of
ideas. Open Science concepts and practices are
actively being developed and disseminated.
Young people are being engaged in science
through innovative forms, and citizen science
projects are being utilized to promote
inclusiveness and interaction with society. This
expansion is attracting new subjects to scientific
The purpose of this article is to analyze the
transformation of the demographic contingent of
science and its relation to promoting openness
and inclusivity in scientific development. It
specifically addresses the challenges of engaging
young people in science, with a focus on
Literature Review
The most important works on the topic of this
article are those by F. Znaniecki (1940),
R. Merton (1968; 1984), and H. Zuckerman
(1977). These works remain highly relevant
today and clearly explain the essential features of
scientists’ professional activity, including the
performance of relevant functions within the
scientific team and strict adherence to the norms
of scientific ethos.
Back in the 40s of the XX century C.W. Adams
(1946) stated that scientists achieve remarkable
results in their younger years. His study of 4204
scientists found that the median age for their
most outstanding achievements was 43 years old.
Furthermore, 9% of these achievements were
obtained before the age of 30. Young people are
the most productive in science. This is because
many scientists move on to administrative work
after gaining recognition, leaving them with less
time for scientific research. The history of
science is also marked by tragic fates, such as
E. Galois who created the theory of groups at the
age of 20. If he had not died a year later, he could
have potentially achieved even more significant
results at a more mature age. G. Lemen arrived at
similar conclusions. Lehman (2017) stated that
researchers tend to reach their peak scientific
productivity and make their most significant
discoveries around the age of 35-40. Therefore,
it can be concluded that age has a significant
impact on scientific productivity, and researchers
should aim to make their most significant
contributions during their peak years.
Additionally, renowned Ukrainian scientists
demonstrated that the productivity versus age
graphs is nearly identical for the USA, Germany,
Italy, and the USSR. According to research, the
most productive researchers are typically
between the ages of 35 and 40, after which there
is a gradual decline (Dobrov & Smirnov, 1972).
S. Kanazawa tried to prove this. He analyzed the
biographies of 280 scientists and concluded that
the age distribution curve of scientists at the time
of their greatest scientific contribution in their
careers is similar to similar graphs of the genius
of musicians, artists and the age distribution of
criminals at the time of committing a crime. In
addition, marriage has a strong influence on both
crime and genius. Kanazawa argues that this is
because both crime and genius stem from a
developed psychological mechanism in men that
makes them active and competitive in early
adulthood, but this ability is ‘switched off’ when
they marry and have children (Kanazawa, 2003).
Shapoval, A. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 359-368 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
However, Kanazawa's explanation only
considers general psychological aspects and fails
to acknowledge the multifaceted roles of a
scientist, such as performing curatorial functions
and training scientific staff. Such activities take
up a lot of time, which may reduce individual
productivity, but the overall benefit to science
will increase.
The article takes an analytical approach to
examine the literature on scientists' productivity
and their demographic indicators. In order to
ensure the quality and impartiality of the
findings, the author compared the analytical
conclusions with information from reputable
institutional sources. Specifically, the article
analyzed information from international
organizations dealing with universal science
development issues such as OECD and
UNESCO, as well as statistical and analytical
data from Ukrainian institutions like the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine and the
Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical
Expertise and Information. Additionally, the
article utilized sources focusing on specific
issues, such as STEM women and eLife
magazine's "Sparks of Change" project, which
highlights neurodivergent researchers.
The utilization of analysis, synthesis, and
comparison techniques has illuminated the
characteristics and heuristic potential of various
approaches for identifying demographic issues
within the scientific community and assessing a
scientist's creative output while considering their
correlation with the principles of epistemology,
praxeology, and politics. For instance, research
has demonstrated that in contemporary
interdisciplinary science focused on problem-
solving, a scientist's productivity is more closely
linked to multidisciplinary education and
affiliation with top universities than with age-
related factors. The underrepresentation of
women in STEM fields and the engagement of
youth in scientific pursuits continue to be
pertinent issues. During societal change and
upheaval periods, safeguarding the scientific
community's human resources becomes
imperative. While participating in international
academic mobility typically enhances research
productivity, in the current globalized landscape,
it is evolving into a political endeavor aimed at
attracting and retaining researchers.
The analytical problem-solving approach has
enabled the identification of new dimensions for
broadening the demographic representation in
the field of science, including their potential
opportunities and challenges. Specifically, the
principles of openness and inclusivity in
scientific advancement necessitate the
incorporation of considerations regarding the
underrepresentation of racial and ethnic groups,
as well as scientists with disabilities, into
traditional approaches for shaping personnel
policies within the scientific community.
Results and Discussion
A scientific discovery is a unique event that
signifies the emergence of new scientific
knowledge and the formation of a new scientific
direction or paradigm. The discovery
demonstrates the ingenuity of its creator, who
was able to uncover something previously
unknown to others. Productivity, measured by
the number of publications in influential journals,
may correlate with the author’s experience,
skills, competencies, activity, and diligence.
Each scientific work involves formulating novel
provisions, but more often it involves clarifying,
analyzing, classifying, or typologizing obtained
facts, interpreting previously known but perhaps
not explicitly expressed knowledge, and
reviewing existing literature. In other words,
scientific discovery and the number of
publications, even if widely cited, are distinct
phenomena. The first is an event, while the latter
provides information about the research and its
results. Therefore, analyzing the demographic
contingent of science and its impact on a
scientist’s creative productivity cannot be limited
to age-related dimensions. The article should
cover topics such as the participation of young
people in science, migration patterns, the
influence of the scientific environment on
productivity, and increasing racial and ethnic
diversity in the field.
Issues with determining a scientist’s
productive age
It is important to note that all of the studies on the
productivity of scientists mentioned above are
based on data from the first half of the
XX century. However, studies that used data
from the late XX century have produced different
results. For instance, O.S. Vashulenko,
O.P. Kostritsa, and O.S. Popovych analyzed the
list of scientific publications of 118 full members
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
as well as several dozen doctors of sciences who
are not members of the Academy. They
discovered that scientists are most active in terms
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of publication at an average age of 55-65, which
is 20-25 years later than in the first half of the XX
century. The study analyzed chronological
indicators of printed works and found that the
most cited works were published between the
ages of 55 and 59. The authors suggest that
changes in the nature of scientific work and in
science itself over the past half-century require
adjustments to the management of research
teams and personnel policy in science. It is
important to utilize the experience and
knowledge of older generations to train young
scientists (Vashulenko et al., 2019).
The study by G. Yair and K. Goldstein confirms
the uneven productivity of scientists and the
presence of peaks of creative activity, known as
‘year of miracles’ (from Latin Annus Mirabilis).
However, the researchers suggest that some
scientists may experience multiple peaks.
Productivity levels can be influenced by
administrative factors, such as position and
availability of a favorable creative environment
(Yair & Goldstein, 2020).
The conclusions presented are based on a
longitudinal study conducted by M. Kwiek and
W. Roszka. The study aimed to determine
whether scientists can maintain a consistent level
of productivity throughout their careers.
Productivity was defined as the number of
publications in high-impact journals. The study
found that the majority of researchers maintain a
relatively constant level of productivity
throughout their careers. Highly productive
associate professors tend to maintain their
productivity or become equally productive
professors. Similarly, highly productive
professors typically do not experience a decline
in productivity with age. Therefore, a
researcher’s productivity should be considered a
stable characteristic when making hiring
decisions, as suggested by Kwiek and Roszka
Methodological approaches can explain certain
contradictions in the interpretation of the
productive age. The productivity of a scientist is
commonly measured by quantitative indicators
such as the number of publications, citations, and
h-index. Therefore, the conclusions of
C.W. Adams, S. Kanazawa, G. Yair,
K. Goldstein, M. Kwiek, and W. Roszka may
appear contradictory at first glance. The first
three works suggest that scientists have a most
productive period, while M. Kwiek and
W. Roszka found that individual scientists tend
to have stable productivity. To reconcile these
seemingly contradictory findings, it should be
noted that C.W. Adams analyzed the age of
scientists who made outstanding discoveries,
while M. Kwiek and W. Roszka considered
quantitative indicators of labor results, such as
A. Krauss’ study is noteworthy for its analysis of
the demographic and professional characteristics
of scientists who have made significant
contributions to science and received recognition
for their achievements. Krauss analyzed the
biographies of scientists who received 750 of the
most important scientific achievements,
including Nobel Prize winners and those
recognized as outstanding. Krauss concluded that
there are ‘shifts’ in science towards
interdisciplinary education, obtaining
outstanding achievements at an older age, and
being located in leading universities (Krauss et
al., 2023).
Although the history of science has seen many
great discoverers who only graduated from high
school, such as Faraday, Tesla, and Dalton,
today’s outstanding achievements are
increasingly being made by scientists with
interdisciplinary scientific education. While
modern science is becoming more specialized,
most scientists still have knowledge in a narrow
field. However, A. Krauss found that the
majority of Nobel Prize-winning discoveries
(54%) were made by scientists who had received
two or more degrees in different academic fields.
Additionally, since 2000, over 70% of all
discoveries have been made by scientists with
dual degrees. It is important to note that
disciplinary differences exist. Interdisciplinary
collaborations yield outstanding results more
frequently in medicine and biology, accounting
for 69%, compared to only 39% in physics
(Krauss et al., 2023).
Science is becoming concentrated in a few
centers, leading to concerns of elitism. For
instance, the top 25 ranked universities produced
30% of all discoveries, including those
recognized as outstanding and Nobel Prize-
winning. Additionally, five elite universities -
Cambridge, Harvard, Berkeley, Chicago and
Columbia - account for 16% of all Nobel Prize-
winning discoveries (84 discoveries in total). The
period of greatest productivity has shifted to the
age range of 35-45 years, while the period during
which a scientist receives recognition for their
work has also become longer (Krauss et al.,
2023). However, one aspect of science has
remained unchanged: the low representation of
female discoverers. Women account for only 5%
of all scientists who have made a major discovery
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and only 3% of all Nobel laureates. Nevertheless,
there is a positive trend, with more than half of
all female Nobel laureates having received the
prize since 2000 (Krauss et al., 2023).
These transformations emphasize the
significance of having adequate resources for
modern science, including finance,
instrumentation, equipment, opportunities for
skill improvement and expansion, and the
development and maintenance of
communication. Additionally, there is a
persistent need to eliminate barriers to research
opportunities, particularly in STEM fields, for
women (Stem Women, 2023).
The challenge of attracting early career
A crucial issue of our time is the recruitment of
young talent in science. This is not due to the
older generation losing their position as active
researchers, as demonstrated above, but rather
because modern societies require more
researchers with diverse specialties who can
solve the problems of the contemporary world for
innovative economic development.
Jean-Luc Simard, Rabeya F. Omar,
Maurice Boissinot, and Michel G. Bergeron,
Canadian researchers, highlight the worldwide
decline in high school students’ interest in
science, regardless of gender. To address this
issue, it is crucial to create scientific programs
and activities that will motivate young people to
pursue careers in science. The leading role in
attracting the next generations of scientists
should belong to research centers. To achieve
this, the authors presented the Researcher for a
Day programme, which offers high school
student’s immersive days in microbiology
laboratories. This programme has already helped
more than 4,000 young people who are
considering a career in science to choose a career
in science. Similar approaches could be applied
in various settings to expand efforts to promote
science among young people (Simard et al.,
2019). The ‘Researcher for a Day’ project aims
to encourage youth participation in science by
highlighting its significance for social
development and addressing challenges. The
project offers young people the chance to gain
valuable experience in a research laboratory,
where they can learn from skilled professionals
and work with advanced technologies. Scientists
have the opportunity to share their passion for
science with young people and demonstrate how
to conduct research in a highly competitive sector
that demands extensive knowledge and
interdisciplinary skills. It is important to spread
such programmes widely and introduce young
people to the problems prevalent in their region.
These programmes should convey to them that
they have the potential to become scientists and
solve these problems, thereby improving their
The decline in student interest in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) and related professions is a global
concern (OECD, 2018). Science-based solutions
and knowledge-intensive technologies are
required to address complex challenges such as
climate change, epidemic threats, and achieving
the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore,
there is a need to increase the number of STEM
specialists. The proportion of STEM graduates in
European higher education institutions has
remained at 26% for a considerable period of
time. This figure is deemed inadequate to meet
the human resource requirements for knowledge-
intensive economic and social development
(Drymiotou et al., 2021). The reasons for the
reluctance to pursue a career in science are varied
and include informational, cognitive, social, and
motivational factors. Due to the complexity of
the problem, it is suggested to utilize career-
oriented programmes in education to familiarize
oneself with the specifics and opportunities of
STEM activities. These programmes should use
a problem-based approach that includes scientific
practices, exposure to the real creative
environment of scientists, and informal
communication with researchers. This will
enable students to expand their knowledge of
careers in science and form an attractive image of
For Ukraine, the problem of scientific human
resources is extremely acute. Between 1990 and
2020, the number of researchers working in
research and development decreased by a factor
of 6.1 (Kuznetsova, 2020). However, the global
trend is the opposite and is characterized by an
increase in all indicators that determine the state
of scientific and technological potential. Ukraine
declares its European integration intentions, but
today it lags far behind the EU countries in the
main characteristics of its scientific and
technological potential: investment in research
and development as a percentage of GDP in the
EU countries is on average 2.26% of GDP, in
Ukraine - 0.29% in 2021, 0.33% in 2022
(Pysarenko & Kuranda, 2023). At the same time,
the EU’s strategic goals are to reach 3% of GDP
in R&D investment. Instead, Ukraine is one of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the few countries in the world that is reducing
research expenditure as a percentage of GDP
(UNESCO, 2021). The average number of
researchers per million inhabitants in the EU is
4,069, while in Ukraine it is 988. This means that
Ukraine lags four times behind the EU in terms
of human resources, and the national research
intensity of GDP is almost seven times lower
than the average value of this indicator in the EU.
The human resource potential of Ukrainian
science is facing a crisis, and its decline due to
natural factors will persist even if the number of
young people entering scientific institutions
stabilizes. This issue is exemplified by the state
of the human resource potential of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which is the
main scientific organization in Ukraine.
Researchers note that the human resource’s
structure is characterized by a low proportion of
young people, which will contribute to the
continued decline in numbers. It is important to
note that this evaluation is objective and based on
research findings. Even with active measures to
increase the annual inflow of young people by
10%, the decline will only be slowed down, but
full stabilization will not be achieved. Therefore,
the decline in numbers will continue at least until
2030. An increase in youth recruitment to 15%
could enhance the human resources potential of
academic science by 2025. A 20% increase may
bring the revival a couple of years closer
(Popovych, & Kostrytsia, 2020, p. 30).
It is important to note that the article referenced
was published in 2020, prior to the war period.
As a result, it does not consider the complexities
of the wartime situation for objective reasons.
The field of science and innovation experienced
significant losses during the war, which had a
major impact on personnel, infrastructure, and
the functioning of its entities. Approximately
15% of the research infrastructure was damaged,
including unique scientific equipment, facilities,
research laboratories, and centers for collective
scientific equipment use. The impact of the war
on the scientific sphere and the conditions for
researchers and academic staff to carry out their
professional activities has resulted in a decline in
scientific human resource potential. The situation
is particularly challenging for young scientists.
According to information collected by the
Ministry of Education and Science, over 5% of
young scientists working in higher education
institutions have relocated from Ukraine to other
countries. The situation is even more concerning
in academies of sciences, where 43% of young
scientists have left Ukraine for other countries
(MES of Ukraine, 2023, p. 44).
In Ukraine, there are various forms of state and
institutional support and encouragement for
young scientists. These include the Presidential
Award for Young Scientists, the Verkhovna
Rada Award for Young Scientists, and the
Cabinet of Ministers Award for Special
Achievements of Young People in the
Development of Ukraine. Grants are available
from various sources to support research by
young scientists in Ukraine. These include grants
from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Nominal Scholarships from the Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine for young scientists who hold a
Doctor of Sciences degree, and Research Projects
from the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine for young scientists. Additionally,
research laboratories/groups of young scientists
can apply for grants from the National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine. However, this extensive
list of measures aimed at supporting young
scientists does not fully solve the staffing
problem. These actions are only temporary and
local, and their effects are also temporary and
It is essential to establish a society where
knowledge and human capital are recognized as
the foundation of economic and social prosperity.
Science, as a knowledge system and professional
field, is highly valued because it serves as the
basis for the development of knowledge-
intensive innovative technologies. Therefore,
what is required is not just individual support
measures, but the creation of a culture of
scientific and innovative thinking in society.
It is important to note that for young people
entering the field of science to develop as
professional researchers, they require a team of
scientists from different generations to learn
from. This team should possess experience,
traditions, scientific ethos and ethical principles
that are shared and form the necessary academic
atmosphere for creative activity. Collaboration
between young and experienced scientists
contributes to scientific progress and career
Mobility’s impact on scientist productivity
The internationalization of science is often
associated with the mobility of scientists, which
facilitates the dissemination and exchange of
knowledge and ideas, and enhances their
productivity (Verginer & Riccaboni, 2021).
According to the OECD (2017), mobility is a
crucial factor in the circulation of knowledge
worldwide, which contributes to the competitive
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
advantage of developed knowledge economies.
However, if mobility involves the exchange of
knowledge, ideas, and professionals and is a
positive factor, we should not dismiss the
problem of brain drain. This occurs when some
countries gain scientific human capital while
others lose it, and there may also be difficulties
in adapting scientists to new conditions, etc.
(Robinson-Garcia et al., 2019).
The mobility of scientists should be considered a
complex political issue of attracting and retaining
scientists. China has a successful track record in
this area, with an open-door policy for foreign
scientists and repatriation programmes for its
compatriots. Furthermore, research indicates that
repatriates are actively engaged in working,
publishing highly cited papers, and playing a
crucial role in maintaining China’s connections
with the global scientific community (Cao et al.,
Based on the results of the network analysis,
Chinese researchers draw conclusions about the
emergence of a trend of multicentric mobility in
science. In the past century (1921-2020), an
increasing number of countries have participated
in the global mobility of scientists. While the
United States, the United Kingdom, and
Germany were previously the primary
destinations for scientists worldwide, China,
India, and other countries have emerged as
significant hubs for sending and receiving elite
scientists (Cao et al., 2019). Thus, the contingent
of science is expanding by involving more and
more countries from different regions in global
migration processes.
To highlight the intricacy of developing
scientific capacity in China, it is worth noting the
particular emphasis on youth science education
(Wang, 2021). Over the past few decades,
numerous national and regional programmes
have been implemented to enhance the scientific
literacy of young individuals. Additionally, the
China Association for Science and Technology
(CAST) has made significant strides in this field.
Mobility in science facilitates the exchange of
ideas and increases productivity. However,
migration can have both positive and negative
consequences. Migration processes can
significantly alter the scientific landscape,
especially during times of war and social
transformation. For instance, during the Second
World War, many prominent scientists were
forced to leave Germany, resulting in a
significant change in its scientific landscape for
many years.
Currently, such processes are taking place in
Ukraine. Researchers have identified several
periods based on the motivational factors that
influence scientists’ migration decisions. The
development of scientific migration from
Ukraine can be divided into three stages. The first
stage (1991-2012) was motivated by economic
factors and the pursuit of stability. The second
stage (2013-2021) saw more frequent moves for
academic cooperation and financial support for
research. The third stage (2022-present), which
occurred during the full-scale war, was driven by
a sense of insecurity and the inability to continue
professional activities in Ukraine. It is
noteworthy that many scientists who have left do
not plan to return home. The availability of
numerous international grants and support
programmes and job offers facilitates the
migration of Ukrainian researchers
(Karmadonova, 2023). This highlights the need
for systemic government measures to encourage
the return of Ukrainian scientists and create
favorable living and working conditions in their
home country.
The role of the environment in enhancing a
scientist’s productivity
Science is a collaborative endeavor, and the
traditions of the scientific community, including
mentoring, scientific schools, and invisible
colleges, are of great importance. In this context,
the work of Weihua Li, Tomaso Aste, Fabio
Caccioli, and Giacomo Leban is significant as it
examines the long-term impact of co-authorship
with well-known, highly cited scientists on the
careers of young researchers. Research has
shown that junior researchers who co-author with
leading scientists have a competitive advantage
throughout their careers compared to colleagues
with similar early career achievements but no
well-known co-authors (Li et al., 2019). This
highlights the significance of teamwork,
particularly for young researchers. It is important
to note that this is just one aspect of the
interaction between scientists of different
generations. To address the demographic issue in
science, an environmental or ecological approach
should be prioritized over individual acts of
support. R. Florida suggests creating a cultural
climate that is favorable to the life and work of
the creative class, which includes scientists. This
climate should be characterized by tolerance,
diversity, and openness to creativity (Florida,
Undoubtedly, Open Science should be utilized,
and participation in international and European
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
research projects is necessary, as science is a
global phenomenon with universal
achievements. However, national and regional
issues require scientific support. Society expects
science to solve its most pressing problems, and
scientists, as members of the national
community, want to see the benefits of their
research in the development of their own
Once again, attention is drawn to China as a
scientifically advanced country. In 2006, China
launched the Medium- and Long-Term Plan for
the Development of Science and Technology
(2006-2020), demonstrating its commitment to
developing science and technology to lead the
country to a leadership position. The plan aimed
to achieve five goals: turning China’s population
dividend into a talent dividend, transitioning
from a ‘made in China’ to an ‘invented in China’
model, prioritizing the development of
‘software’ over hardware’, attracting human
capital over foreign capital, and transitioning
from an investment to an innovation model of
development. The plan prioritizes talent
development as its primary objective. To achieve
this, national talent development programmes
have been established across various sectors, and
a policy has been developed to further employ
talented young professionals (Cao et al., 2019).
Building an inclusive research culture
The broadening of the demographic contingent
of science is a turn towards diversity and
inclusion, in particular in addressing the
professional problems of neurodivergent
students, researchers or staff with disabilities.
The latter can be seen as a remarkable
phenomenon in the academic sphere, as science
has always tried to find ways to deal with
neurodiversity and to conduct research on
neurodiverse people. Instead, the process of their
inclusion in the professional community is
currently underway. One example is the Sparks
of Change project launched by the journal (eLife,
2023). Sparks of Change is a space for
highlighting stories of how an inclusive research
culture is developing, or should develop. In
particular, the project features a series of articles
by neurodivergent scientists talking about their
own research experiences, the challenges they
face, the opportunities they have to overcome
them, and the benefits of inclusion for science.
This is important because it is estimated that
around 15-20% of people are neurodivergent.
They may have talents and competitive
advantages due to unusual skills, such as
exceptional abilities in pattern recognition,
mathematics and good memory (Austin &
Pisano, 2017). Uyen Vo notes that the
establishment of safe spaces is urgently needed
to provide validation and solidarity for
neurodivergent scientists, allowing them to
thrive and contribute their unique perspectives to
the field of science (Vo, 2023).
In recent years, there has been active discussion
about the underrepresentation of racial and ethnic
groups in science. The issue is often due to
language barriers faced by racial and ethnic
minority PhD students, limited interaction with
teachers before starting their postgraduate
studies, and discrimination. To overcome these
challenges, it is necessary to take special
measures. For instance, Johns Hopkins
University (USA) organizes a symposium on the
‘hidden curriculum’ to assist new students from
underrepresented groups in preparing for
postgraduate studies. This includes providing
information on admission requirements and
practical advice on how to meet them. In
addition to providing information about graduate
school admission requirements, students are
given detailed information about various
university resources. These include tutoring
services offered by peer study groups,
supplemental notes and materials, and practice
exams. The university also offers
accommodations for people with disabilities, and
students are advised on how to report violence
(Edwards et al., 2022).
The principles of scientific institutions, the
interaction of scientists, and the relationship
between science and society are changing due to
globalization processes, the spread of
information and communication technologies,
and the formation of network ties.
The demographic contingent of the scientific
community is expanding due to various factors.
These include the extension of productive
periods, allowing scientists to remain productive
for longer periods of time, the use of academic
multicentric mobility and interdisciplinarity,
which can increase scientific productivity and
lead to breakthrough discoveries, and the
development of a favorable environment for
creative work. Additionally, the principles of
inclusive research culture are being introduced in
science, leading to an expansion of racial and
ethnic diversity.
At the same time, attracting young people to
science is becoming a challenge. Therefore, it is
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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increasingly important to search for innovative
projects that can develop scientific talents among
young people, create a culture of scientific and
innovative thinking in society, and enhance
human capital. Supporting interdisciplinary
education and research is crucial for solving the
social development challenges faced by
The prospects for further research lie in the
analysis of international cooperation among
scientists and the activities of international
organizations dealing with science as factors in
the transformation of the demographic
contingent of the scientific community.
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