Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.29
How to Cite:
Savytska, I., Tryfonova, O., Feltsan, I., Alekseiko, V., & Ahiy, Y. (2024). Immersive technologies in the educational
space. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 343-358. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.29
Immersive technologies in the educational space
Імерсивні технології в освітньому просторі
Received: January 20, 2024 Accepted: March 20, 2024
Written by:
Inna Savytska1
Olena Tryfonova2
Inna Feltsan3
Vitalii Alekseiko4
Yaroslav Ahiy5
The article reveals the importance of digital
technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality,
mixed reality with the use of artificial
intelligence) in the educational space of
educational institutions, identifies the types and
considers the advantages of virtual reality, shows
the important role of augmented reality in the
educational space of educational institutions; the
most well-known means of digital technologies
in the educational space of educational
institutions are analyzed. The use of immersive
technologies is presented as a tool to involve all
students in the educational process, where digital
technologies are used to personalize learning, a
new innovative educational environment is
created, motivation is increased, and for
understanding reality, providing information,
ease of its perception, new opportunities are
being searched for the future specialist; The
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABB-1316-2021
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Digital Technologies, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAJ-9881-2020
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of English Language, Literature and Teaching Methods, Mukachevo State
University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: CPL-6053-2022
Master of the Faculty of Information Technology, Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department, Khmelnytskyi
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KIA-1707-2024
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Innovative-Methodical Support of
Educational and Scientific Processes, Municipal Esteblishment of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» by
Transcarpathian Regional Council, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AIE-8471-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
advantages of using immersive technologies in
professional education are highlighted, the
importance of artificial intelligence for higher
education is shown, directions for using a chatbot
are suggested. In the conditions of the real
educational process, we conducted a study on the
formation of students with a high level of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of higher
education institutions.
Keywords: virtual, augmented and mixed
reality, educational activity, educational
institutions, students of education, immersive
The problem of modernization and improvement
of professional training of specialists is quite
acute in the modern information and digital
society. Society is entering a new stage of
development, therefore higher education
institutions face the task of providing an
opportunity for each individual to find his place
in life, meet the challenges of the times, and fully
realize himself as a qualified, modern,
competitive specialist (Khmelnytska, 2023).
The implementation of virtual, augmented, and
mixed reality systems in education is noted as an
innovative learning of educational material, as a
new approach to learning. These technologies
can be used in different classes and their stages,
as they have adaptability and flexibility.
Visualization, interactive learning, technological
design, construction, technical construction, and
virtual travel can be realized thanks to immersive
technologies. It is closely related to the intensive
rethinking and flexible renewal of the higher
education system. Substantial progress in the
modern information society is based on the deep
immersion in the digital information
environment of higher education students and
teachers (Khmil et al., 2023).
Therefore, an urgent scientific task arises, which
consists of the development of methods and
models of immersive technologies in the
educational space based on the unification of all
functions, procedures, and information bases into
a single concentric information technology for
the digital transformation of the academic
activities of educational institutions.
Summarizing the theoretical and practical
developments regarding immersive technologies
in the educational space, we note that the issues
of training pedagogical workers for the use of
immersive technologies in the educational space
are accompanied by the aggravation of
contradictions between:
the existing level of development of
immersive technologies in the educational
space and their insufficient practical
implementation in the educational process of
educational institutions;
the need to harmonize the competence
formation process regarding the use of
immersive technologies in the educational
space and the insufficiency of specially
developed methods using these
the expediency of using immersive
technologies in the educational space and the
need for coordinated actions in this matter
by teachers, parents, social pedagogues,
practical psychologists, and students;
between the need to improve immersive
technologies in the educational space with
students and the inadequacy of methods for
applying these technologies in the formation
of students' information competence.
Considering the actuality, social significance,
and insufficient development of the specified
problem, the following topic of the article was
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In the framework of
research work, the quality of data collection and
analysis not only adds weight to the research but
also contributes to the formation of sound
Savytska, I., Tryfonova, O., Feltsan, I., Alekseiko, V., Ahiy, Y. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 343-358 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conclusions, which is the key to academic
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms a simple tool for creating
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions, and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey is a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R, or Python for more advanced data
analysis, statistical analysis, and processing
of volumes of data.
Literature review
Some foreign and domestic scientists studied
certain aspects of virtual, augmented, and mixed
reality, as well as their introduction into the
educational process. Thus, L. Tarangul and
S. Romaniuk (2022) presented the definition of
AR technology, revealed its role, advantages, and
limitations, and showed the experience of using
(AR technology) augmented reality technology
in institutions of higher education; "we found
that an effective tool for supporting the
educational process in higher education
institutions using AR technology is the HP
Reveal platform, which is distinguished by its
advantages that allow you to visualize
educational information and improve teaching
methods and the educational process in general".
D. Yefimov (2021) paid considerable attention to
the issue of research devoted to augmented
reality technology, which allowed the scientist to
analyze AR technology, and formulate its
functions and purposes. A. Torianyk (2019)
considered the disadvantages and advantages of
virtual reality technology in education and also
proved that virtual programs in educational
institutions cannot completely replace traditional
teaching, but when studying the most complex
topics of various subjects, they can be effectively
V. Kovalenko, M. Marienko, and A. Sukhikh
(2021) in the system of general secondary
education in the context of blended learning
considered the use of virtual and augmented
reality and identified effective applications that
can significantly increase the effectiveness of the
educational process. The same problem was dealt
with by Yu. Matvienko (2021), analyzed and
identified the ways of using the most common
applications in the educational space,
implemented with AR technology, in the
educational process, as well as V. Osadchyi,
N. Valko, L. Kuzmich (2021), proved that the
process of learning educational space learners
improves the use of augmented reality
technology, helps in organizing group and
teamwork, increases student motivation, and also
promotes cooperation.
N. Khmil, T. Halytska-Didukh, Q. Wang (2023)
in the educational process of educational
institutions made an analysis of opportunities and
highlighted the prospects of using virtual and
augmented reality technologies; characterized
these technologies, identified their advantages in
education; analyzed the most common
applications based on augmented and virtual
reality technologies, which should be used in
higher education institutions to promote the
effectiveness of the educational process. The
stages of introducing virtual and augmented
reality technologies into the educational process
of higher education institutions are proposed; the
advantages of using virtual and augmented
reality, and their technical support for
implementation in the educational process are
shown and analyzed. Ways of using virtual and
augmented reality technologies in secondary and
higher education institutions have also been
developed by V. Klymniuk (2018). An analysis
of the current state of virtual and augmented
reality was carried out; the main directions of the
influence of virtual and augmented reality on the
methodology of higher education are identified,
and the ways of implementing elements of virtual
and augmented reality in multimedia educational
complexes are shown.
Scientists, O. Litorovych, and O. Karyi (2020)
showed the possibilities and outlined the ways of
using virtual, augmented, and mixed reality for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
personnel training; offered different types of
virtual reality systems; revealed the expediency
of using virtual, mixed, and augmented reality
technologies as methods of active learning in
higher education institutions; disadvantages and
advantages of using the specified technologies
are shown; examples of staff training using
mixed reality are described. O. Khmelnytska
(2023) revealed the meaning of the concept of
"immersive technologies", and showed the
problems and advantages of building a virtual
educational space and its practical application in
the professional education of specialists. The
content of immersive technologies is revealed:
technologies of augmented, virtual, and mixed
reality. Peculiarities of interaction with the
outside world are highlighted: "Virtual reality
involves the construction of an artificial world
and simulation of real processes in it; augmented
reality involves adding elements of the virtual
world to reality and creating auxiliary objects in
the real world; mixed, in turn, combines the real
and virtual worlds, their combination for
effective interaction".
The purpose of the study is to consider the
content and prove the necessity of digital
technologies in the educational space of the
university, such as virtual reality, augmented
reality, and mixed reality with the use of artificial
intelligence, to ensure in practice the high
effectiveness of the educational process, which is
necessary for the future professional activity of
students and to form students have a high level of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
The research methodology is based on the
dialectical method, its application through the
prism of the dialectics of technology, and the
interaction of the student of higher education to
reveal the specifics of virtual, augmented, and
mixed realities.
The scientific novelty consists in distinguishing
the key categories of immersive information
technologies, in particular, the concepts: "mixed
reality", "virtual reality", and "augmented
reality", the illegal use of which by students of
higher education, as synonyms, unreasonably
leads to the incorrect use of specific vocabulary.
The research used: general scientific research
methods theoretical (analysis, abstraction,
synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction,
classification, explanation, idealization, ascent
from abstract to concrete, formalization,
imaginary experiment, axiomatic method, as well
as systemic, functional, concrete sociological:
experiment, survey, description, in addition to
the above-mentioned general scientific methods,
they include: synectics, testing, monitoring
preferences, so the selection was based on the
research objective and data availability.
Ethical compliance was of critical importance to
us during data collection. This included:
ensuring confidentiality;
obtaining the informed consent of the
protection of personal data.
In the conditions of a real educational process,
we conducted a study, the purpose of which is to
consider the content and prove the need for
digital technologies in the educational space of
the university, such as virtual reality, augmented
reality, and mixed reality with the use of artificial
intelligence, to ensure in practice the high
effectiveness of the educational process, which is
necessary for the future professional activity of
students and to form among students a high level
of competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
It can be asserted with a probability of 95% that
as a result of the formative experiment, there
were positive changes in the levels of formation
of competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
university in the experimental group.
The type of research conducted is quantitative,
and the approach to it is experimental.
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main, and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study: Google Forms;
SurveyMonkey; JSTOR; Zotero or Mendeley;
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets; SPSS, R or
When determining the sample of subjects, the
general specificity of the research subject was
taken into account. The total sample size is 130
subjects. When forming the sample, the criteria
of meaningfulness, representativeness, and
equivalence were taken into account. The sample
was formed by random selection using the
technical procedure for calculating the selection
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of the environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
Results and discussion
1. The role of digital technologies (virtual
reality, augmented reality, mixed reality
with the use of artificial intelligence) in
the educational space of the university.
In recent years, from another new trend to
innovative technologies, virtual computer reality
has overcome an innovative path: now in the
field of education, it is possible to create sounds
and other sensations, realistic images that can
transport a student of higher education to a
fictional exciting world. Digital technologies in
the educational space of the university, such as
virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed
reality with the use of artificial intelligence, in
turn, strengthen the confidence that innovative
technologies will greatly influence the future and
bring an element of virtuality to the surrounding
It is the mixed reality that provides the projection
of three-dimensional virtual objects that combine
digital elements and the real world, thanks to
which students of higher education can interact
with virtual and physical objects and the
environment at the same time, as well as with the
help of the latest perception and visualization
technologies, manipulate them.
Mixed reality combines virtual and augmented
reality, that is, it superimposes non-existent
virtual objects on the surrounding world.
The Google translator function is a typical
example of mixed reality, which translates text
from one language to another using a smartphone
in real-time, choosing a similar font and
replacing it.
In 1994, the term "mixed reality" was proposed
by P. Milgram and F. Kishino (1994) and
described the "Reality-Virtuality Continuum"
the space between virtuality and reality, between
which mixed reality and augmented reality are
located closer to augmented virtuality, reality,
virtuality. C. Bavor (2017) proposes to combine
in one term all those technologies that
P. Milgram and F. Kishino denote as mixed
reality immersive information technologies.
But the term MR eventually gave way to the
more innovative "augmented reality", which
characterizes digital information superimposed
on the real and physical world, and "virtual
reality", which is primarily used to describe fully
digital environments.
Mixed reality usually requires special equipment:
glasses or helmets and is important and
interesting for the educational field.
Virtual images in mixed reality are brought into
the physical space and placed and visualized
according to the objects of reality so that they are
perceived as real. A student of higher education
continues to interact with the physical world,
where virtual objects are also present, which
sometimes cannot be distinguished from real
2. Types and benefits of virtual reality.
A highly developed form of computer
simulation, this is virtual reality, which allows
the user to immerse himself in the artificial world
and act directly in it with the help of special
sensory devices that connect him with
audiovisual effects. At the same time, the motor,
auditory, and visual sensations of the student of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
higher education are replaced by their imitation,
which is generated by a computer. Therefore, the
artificial world that exists "in the computer" can
be considered virtual reality. At the same time,
object models that function in the middle of this
innovative world can interact with a person or a
group of people, and not only with each other.
Let's distinguish the types of virtual reality:
computer modeling and simulation;
network imaginary reality;
cyberspace hardware.
There are many large-scale installations in the
modern world, which are used in various fields
of technology and science, dealing not only with
the solution of fundamental tasks but also with
the improvement of scientific disciplines of
higher education.
Let's find out the main feature of VR models it
is an illusion created for the user and ensures the
presence of a student of higher education in a
simulated computer environment, which is called
remote presence. The feeling of remote presence
depends most on how convincingly the VR
model reacts when interacting with the user of
the educational space and how realistically the
movements are reproduced. In particular, the
model can adequately respond to head rotation
and eye movement with appropriate technical
Let's highlight the main advantages of using
virtual reality in education.
Clearness. Virtual reality, using 3D graphics,
makes it possible to show chemical processes in
detail, down to the atomic level, and to show how
nuclear fission occurs before a nuclear explosion
inside the atom itself.
Involvement Virtual reality allows you to
influence the course of an experiment, change
scenarios, or solve a problem in an accessible and
game-like form for understanding. By
conducting a virtual class, you can see the world
of the past through the eyes of a historical
character or go on a journey through the human
body in a microcapsule.
Virtual classes. One of the main features of
virtual reality for a student of higher education is
the feeling of his presence in the drawn world, a
first-person view. It is this approach that makes
it possible to conduct classes entirely in virtual
Security. It is possible to immerse the viewer
without the slightest threat to life in any
environment of any important circumstances:
control of a space shuttle, a high-speed train, an
operation on a human heart, and safety
techniques during a fire.
Focusing. The virtual world surrounds the
student of higher education at 360 degrees, from
all sides, which allows him to focus entirely on
specific material and not pay attention to external
VR formats in education: in semantic learning,
the transfer of empirical material through VR
full-time education; with the effect of the
presence of social interaction, group classes
distance education; the opportunity to interact
with real students and the teacher, to see what is
happening, to be remotely in the classroom
mixed education; any of the developed
educational courses can be adapted for
independent study self-education.
At the current stage of the educational process,
virtual reality becomes a necessary form that
significantly increases the effectiveness of the
educational process for obtaining quality
education. During the development,
improvement, and implementation of virtual
reality elements in multimedia educational
complexes, it is necessary to take into account the
professional level of developers, the capabilities
of the higher education institution, the time
allocated for implementation in the virtual reality
educational process (Klymniuk, 2018).
In education, the use of virtual reality (VR)
systems represents a new approach to the
assimilation and transfer of scientific-methodical
knowledge. Thanks to VR technologies, users
can visit any point on the globe, build volumetric
diagrams, visit unique experimental laboratories,
conduct virtual chemical experiments, observe
and actively participate in historical events, go on
virtual space trips, explore different countries
and cities, interact in a scientific environment
with other users: directly participate in scientific
research and observe experiments (Kovalenko et
al., 2021).
Nowadays, there are a significant number of
virtual reality applications, which are constantly
increasing. More than 300 companies operate on
the European market, which has been
implementing their technologies in the education
sector for a long time (in particular: Microsoft,
Samsung, Oculus, Sony, HTC, etc.), offer
schools and higher education institutions services
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for the development of unique educational
programs for successful use in the educational
3. The role of augmented reality in the
educational space of the university.
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that
makes it possible to add digital data to the
physical world in real time with the help of such
computer devices as tablets, smartphones, and
AR glasses. AR, using the environment, only
adds virtual elements to such an environment
(sounds, response to touches, graphics), which
differs from virtual reality (VR), which immerses
the user completely in a virtual environment
(Chaban & Pashkevich, 2022). Let's highlight the
key advantages of augmented reality technology
in the educational process (Korkishko, 2021):
increases the level of concentration of
students of higher education and their
interest in repeating and studying new
allows you to conduct experiments and your
own innovative research;
provides an opportunity, compared to the
usual static illustrations in maps, textbooks,
etc., for a detailed examination of processes
and objects;
provides an opportunity to carry out
dangerous and complex observations and
experiments without harming the health of
students of higher education.
However, some aspects must be taken into
account when working with educational
technologies based on AR. Including (Tymchyna
& Tymchyna, 2020):
dependence on the availability of supported
AR applications on smartphones for all
insufficient professional level of teacher
problems with content mobility on different
devices and platforms (Khmil et al., 2023).
4. The most famous means of digital
technologies in the educational space of
the university: are virtual reality,
augmented reality, and mixed reality with
the use of artificial intelligence.
Teachers of higher education institutions,
applying professionalism, imagination, and
creativity, to increase the motivation of students
to study, try to use the most modern means,
methods, and technologies, focusing on their
popularity among students of higher education.
Let's name the most famous means of digital
technologies in the educational space of the
university, such as virtual reality, augmented
reality, and mixed reality with the use of artificial
Labster 3D project, which is interactive, was
developed in the USA in cooperation with
leading institutions of higher education
Harvard, Stanford, and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. The peculiarity of the Labster the
3D project is that those who have obtained a
higher degree can conduct experiments remotely
in scientific laboratories while gaining access to
the full range of laboratory equipment;
Lecture VR virtual reality platforms (HTC
Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR) provide an
opportunity to watch a series of lectures by
eminent scientists with the support of visual
visualization, which are available for group
sessions, supplementing classes, and for
individual viewing;
Google Expeditions Pioneer Program an
innovative program that allows students of
higher education to go on virtual excursions to
inaccessible, exotic places on our planet. More
than 100 such excursions are provided by the
platform and with the help of Google Cardboard;
Human Body (Male) Educational VR 3D the
application presents the main systems of the
human body, and human organs and allows you
to enlarge and view the organs of the human body
with preset angles. Most 3D scenes include
captions, entertaining animated quizzes,
embedded animations and narration, and other
visuals (Khmil et al., 2023);
Assemblr Studio is an application that, from
categories grouped for the convenience of the
user, allows you to create an authentic model in
augmented reality; view ready-made objects,
namely: science, education, nature, technology,
cartoon animation, etc.;
ARLOOPA AR application is available in 6
languages and Contains Assemblr Studio cases
with a set of ready-made and categorized objects
for use. After downloading the application, you
need to open the case of one of the required
categories and place the selected AR object on
the screen (Rohman et al., 2024);
AR Solar System is an application designed for
the study of the Solar System and provides a
combination of informatics and astronomy;
AR 3D Animals AR-application provides
integration of informatics and biology, natural
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
sciences contain cases of animated 40 species of
animals 3D-models;
TryCam AR Cut Paste AR, Virtual Try-On an
application that provides the transformation of an
ordinary image from a smartphone into an object
of augmented reality. Students create models in
2D format independently, which provides an
opportunity for the development of creativity,
imagination, and creation (Bondar, 2020).
Virtual education takes place in a virtual
educational space, its existence is impossible
without the communication of participants in the
educational process. Educational virtual systems
represent the result and process of interaction
between students of higher education and
teachers, they cannot completely replace
traditional teaching in institutions of higher
education, because they only simulate objects in
the digital space and reality. However, their
constant use in the educational space is
appropriate when studying the most complex
topics and is necessary for in-depth assimilation
of the material by students and provides
additional educational opportunities (Babiuk,
It is important to note the technical aspect of
higher education students' access to virtual
reality. A budget version of Esperanza Glasses
3D VR virtual reality glasses is available to
students during their studies. With the help of
virtual reality glasses, it is possible to immerse
yourself in the virtual world of the scientific
process only when using a smartphone (Khmil et
al., 2023).
5. Application of immersive technologies.
As a tool for involving all students in the
educational process, digital technologies are used
to personalize learning, create a new educational
environment, increase motivation, and search for
new opportunities to understand reality, provide
information, and facilitate its perception. In
modern education, an actual trend is the use of
immersive technologies, which involve active
interaction of the individual with information,
with the educational space, and the creation of
informational, flexible environments. Immersive
technologies make it possible to learn in an
"artificial" virtual space, to gain practical
knowledge in the professional field, blur the
boundaries between the virtual and real world,
and provide the opportunity to partially or fully
immerse yourself in information (Khmelnytska,
Immersive technology represents, on the one
hand, the integration of the virtual world with the
physical environment, which allows the student
of higher education to naturally interact with
mixed reality, which embodies two types of
reality: virtual (VR) and augmented (AR). On the
other hand, immersive technologies are
considered devices and methods that, with the
help of sensory stimuli, create the effect of
identification with immersive media, which
makes it possible to use displays and simulations
to immerse students in virtual worlds that may
not always be available in real life
(Sandoval-Henríquez, 2022).
We consider immersive technologies through the
possibility of implementing a new approach to
presenting and learning new material. Therefore,
during training, we single out technologies of
augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, which
have their own peculiarities in application, even
though they have a common goal to replace
dummies, tables, and diagrams.
Let's highlight the advantages of using
immersive technologies in professional
safety and accessibility in use;
multimedia and interactive content of the
educational process;
the student's ability to concentrate on what is
complete immersion in the immersive
educational space of the student of higher
the ability to work in a team;
application of partner technologies;
providing student motivation through game
elements of learning;
the creation of educational own
prognostic analysis of the research problem;
provision of an individual educational
trajectory for the student of higher
formation of information, communication,
and digital competencies in higher education
automated verification and monitoring of a
specific student of higher education or a
group of students on the performance of
practical tasks, etc.
In the educational field, the use of immersive
technologies involves the construction of a
structured scenario with a detailed system of
tasks, rules, and strategies, i.e. an educational
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
simulation, which allows the student to apply
professional skills and contributes to the
formation of specific professional competencies
in the student of higher education in further
professional activities (Khmelnytska, 2023).
6. The importance of artificial intelligence
for higher education. Directions for using
the chatbot.
Due to the rapid development of artificial
intelligence, there is an opportunity to increase or
improve the effectiveness of using augmented,
virtual, and mixed reality. Artificial intelligence,
based on large data sets, makes it possible to plan
an employee's training course automatically and
create an individual education trajectory for each
student. Chatbots are an example of the use of
artificial intelligence in the educational process.
A chatbot is an information communication
technology, a program, or a virtual interlocutor
that simulates the behavior of a student during
communication with several or one interlocutor.
Chatbots are created based on such applications
as Skype, Telegram, Viber, and FB Messenger
(Raskopa, (s.f)).
Today, the education space uses chatbots to
communicate with teachers, students, employers,
and more. The application of such innovative
technology for the training of a future specialist
does not present significant difficulties. A
chatbot is necessary during the training of
students to master new knowledge and to
automate their acquisition in the format of
interactive interaction. This approach to
education enables every student to have round-
the-clock access to a virtual mentor, to
consolidate the material they have passed and
pass tests, and to request the necessary
information right at the workplace. At the same
time, the load on the educational department is
Let's consider the directions for using a chatbot
in student education, depending on the chosen
1. corporate culture training. Chatbot conducts
interviews, sends files;
2. on-the-job training:
creation of a chatbot platform, which makes
it possible to independently adjust the
educational process to the goals of
employees and the student's own goals;
creation of a program with a chatbot, which
makes it possible to detect gaps in the
student's experience and knowledge and to
offer such topics to the student in which he
lacks knowledge.
Due to the fact that in the current state, chatbots
cannot completely replace a person, they work
together with a mentor. When the bot cannot
answer the student's reply, the operator is
included in the dialogue. The dialog system
creates new options for answers by analyzing the
operator's answer and the student's reply. The
advantage of such an algorithm is that it is
controlled by a mentor.
So, we see that increasing the availability of
adaptive-interactive systems and reducing their
cost, in particular those that can be used in the
educational process of a higher school, stimulates
their use in an increasingly large educational
format around the world. Modern digital
technologies in practice are highly effective in
the innovative educational process through
independence, easy search for information,
increased attention and concentration of students,
simultaneous safety of the student's educational
activities, and acquisition of practical skills
(Litorovych & Karyi, 2020).
7. An experimental study of the levels of
formation of competence in the use of
digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university.
The data obtained from the survey of the EC
Eurostat statistical agency are interesting. In
particular, access to the Internet depends on the
level of education and age of users:
85% of young people use the Internet
between the ages of 16 and 24;
only 13% of elderly Europeans access the
Inequality of access to the Internet directly
depends on education:
those who graduated from higher school and
continue to study 62.2% of respondents go
those who graduated from higher school and
stopped their education 43% of
respondents go online;
those who did not finish school 20% of
respondents go online.
This is because students have a desire to use the
World Wide Web, and there are more
opportunities, as well as the intellectual potential
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the student, his education, knowledge of
foreign languages, and the social and cultural
level of parents and teachers.
In the conditions of a real educational process,
we conducted a study, the purpose of which is to
consider the content and prove the need for
digital technologies in the educational space of
the university, such as virtual reality, augmented
reality, and mixed reality with the use of artificial
intelligence, to ensure in practice the high
effectiveness of the educational process, which is
necessary for the future professional activity of
students and to form among students a high level
of competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
The research methodology was based on the
dialectical method, its application through the
prism of the dialectics of technology, and the
interaction of the student of higher education to
reveal the specifics of virtual, augmented, and
mixed realities.
Scientific novelty can be seen in the demarcation
of key categories of immersive information
technologies, in particular the concepts: of
"mixed reality", "virtual reality", and
"augmented reality", the illegal use of which by
students of higher education, as synonyms,
unreasonably leads to the incorrect use of
specific vocabulary.
The research used: general scientific research
methods theoretical (analysis, abstraction,
synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction,
classification, explanation, idealization, ascent
from abstract to concrete, formalization,
imaginary experiment, axiomatic method, as well
as systemic, functional, concrete sociological);
empirical: experiment, observation, survey,
description, to process the results of observations
and experiments.
In addition to the aforementioned general
scientific research methods, special methods
were also used. These include synectics, the
Monte Carlo method, and monitoring. Each
method had its own limitations and advantages,
so the choice was based on the research task and
data availability.
Ethical compliance was of critical importance to
us during data collection. This included:
ensuring confidentiality;
obtaining the informed consent of the
protection of personal data.
The experiment covered 130 students of higher
education. Homogeneous control and
experimental groups are grouped together. At the
initial stage of the research, we conducted a
survey among students of higher education
regarding their use of immersive technologies
during the educational process. The following
survey questions were proposed:
1. Do you understand the meaning of the terms:
"immersive technologies", "mixed reality",
"virtual reality", and "augmented reality"?
2. What are the differences between these
3. Do you use immersive technologies in your
4. What are the means of digital technologies,
their types and what are the advantages of
virtual reality?
5. Do you use artificial intelligence and
chatbots in practice?
During the ascertaining initial stage of the
research, we received the following data.
Do you understand the meaning of the terms:
"immersive technologies, "mixed reality",
"virtual reality", and "augmented reality"?
Yes, I understand 65% of respondents
answered, I don't quite understand 35% of
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 1. Do you understand the meaning of the terms: "immersive technologies", "mixed reality", "virtual
reality", and "augmented reality"?
But when answering the question "How do
these technologies differ from each other?", we
observe the following results: only 18% of
respondents gave correct answers, and 82% of
respondents gave incorrect answers.
Fig. 2. How do these technologies differ from each other?
Answers to the question "What are the means of
digital technologies, their types and what are the
advantages of virtual reality?" again we were not
pleased. We received comprehensive answers
from 17% of respondents, and 83% of
respondents gave superficial, incomplete
65% of respondents understand the meaning of concepts
35% of respondents do not quite understand the meaning of the concepts.
82% of respondents - provided incorrect answers 18% of respondents - provided correct answers
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 3. What are the digital technologies, their types and what are the advantages of virtual reality?
The question "Do you use artificial intelligence
and chatbots in practice?" showed that a small
number of respondents use artificial intelligence
and chatbots in practice. In particular, 17% of
respondents gave affirmative answers, and 83%
of respondents denied the use of artificial
intelligence and chatbots in practice.
Fig. 4. Do you use artificial intelligence and chatbots in practice?
Among the students of higher education in the
control and experimental groups, the results of
the survey regarding the understanding and use
of immersive technologies during the educational
process impressed us with the low level of
knowledge and application of all the positions
proposed in the questionnaire.
Therefore, every week, we held classes and
meetings in the mentoring studio for the students
of the experimental group.
The main purpose of the classes was to acquaint
the students of the experimental group with:
the role of digital technologies (virtual
reality, augmented reality, mixed reality
with the use of artificial intelligence) in the
educational space of the university and the
human workplace;
disclosure of types (computer modeling and
simulation; network virtual reality;
cyberspace hardware) and advantages of
virtual reality;
83% of respondents - gave
superficial, incomplete answers
17% of respondents - gave
comprehensive answers
83% of respondents denied the use of artificial intelligence and chatbots in practice.
17% of respondents - gave comprehensive answers
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the role of augmented reality in the
educational space of the university.
practical application in the educational
process of the university of well-known
means of digital technologies: virtual reality,
augmented reality, and mixed reality with
the use of artificial intelligence;
highlighting the advantages of using
immersive technologies in professional
as a tool to involve all students in the
educational process of applying digital
technologies to personalize learning, create
a new educational environment, increase
motivation and understand reality, provide
information, and facilitate its perception, the
search for new opportunities for future
specialists was carried out;
clarifying the main areas of using a chatbot;
proving the importance of artificial
intelligence for higher education and the
further professional career of the student.
Students were offered immersive technologies in
the educational space of the university, as well as
new or updated programs and digital
applications. Students learned to use virtual tours
and virtual laboratories in the educational space
of the university. In the class, they received
comprehensive and detailed information about
the possibilities of using immersive technologies
and virtual laboratories in the educational
process. To facilitate the assimilation of new
educational material, they got acquainted with
various mobile applications and online services.
The work continued in practical, seminar classes
and during group work. After a set of such
events, students had the opportunity to apply the
acquired competencies in practice. Respondents
actively used digital technologies (virtual reality,
augmented reality, mixed reality with the use of
artificial intelligence) in the educational space of
the university and at the workplace, and used
modern mobile applications and virtual
laboratories to diversify practical tasks.
A repeat survey among students (formative stage
of the experiment) was conducted after the
implementation of the measures described above.
It was conducted to find out specific digital
educational tools that improve students'
perception of educational material.
We again surveyed the final stage of the study
(the formative stage of the experiment).
Its result testifies to the effectiveness of the
experimental work of mastering the content and
proving the necessity of digital technologies in
the educational space of the university, such as
virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed
reality with the use of artificial intelligence, to
ensure in practice the high effectiveness of the
educational process, which is necessary for the
future professional student activities.
We are talking about the formation of students'
competent use of digital immersive technologies
in the educational space of the university: virtual
reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality with
the use of artificial intelligence and a chatbot.
We provide data on the general levels of
formation of competence in students' use of
digital immersive technologies in the educational
space of the university at the final stage of
research and experimental work.
In EG, 20.3% of students with a worldview and
functional level of formation of competent
application of digital immersive technologies in
the educational space of the university were
recorded (in CG 11.7%).
Table 1.
Worldview and functional level of formation of the competent application of digital immersive technologies
in the educational space of the university
It was recorded that 73.2% of EG students
showed an optional and productive level of
formation of competence in the use of digital
immersive technologies in the educational space
of the university (23.5% in CG).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Optional-productive level of formation of competence in the use of digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university
The reproductive-normative level of formation of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
university was found in 11.5% of EG students (in
CG 62.7%).
Table 3.
Reproductive-normative level of formation of competence application of digital immersive technologies in
the educational space of the university
Quantitative data on the levels of formation of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
university at the ascertainment and final stages of
research and experimental work increased
significantly in EG, while in CG they did not
change enough.
Yes, the number of EG respondents increased:
by 7.8% with the worldview and functional
level of formation of competence in the use
of digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university (in the
CG there was an increase of 1.9%);
by 51% with the optional productive level
of formation of competence in the use of
digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university (in CG
the increase occurred by 5.9%);
by 56.7% with the reproductive-normative
level of formation of competence in the use
of digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university in EG (in
CG the increase occurred by 7.8%).
Table. 4.
Quantitative data on the levels of formation of competence in the application of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the university at the ascertaining and final (formative) stages of
research and experimental work
Worldview and functional level of formation of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the university
Optional-productive level of formation of competence
in the use of digital immersive technologies in the
educational space of the university
The reproductive-normative level of the formation of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the university
So, it can be asserted with a probability of 95%
that as a result of the formative experiment, there
were positive changes in the levels of formation
of competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
university in the experimental group.
The role of digital technologies (virtual reality,
augmented reality, mixed reality with the use
of artificial intelligence) in the educational
space of the university is shown, and types are
distinguished (computer modeling and
simulation; network virtual reality; cyberspace
hardware) and the advantages of virtual reality
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
are considered, the important the role of
augmented reality in the educational space of
the university. the most well-known means of
digital technologies in the educational space of
the university are analyzed: virtual reality,
augmented reality, and mixed reality with the
use of artificial intelligence.
The use of immersive technologies is
presented as a tool for involving all students in
the educational process, where digital
technologies are used to personalize learning,
a new innovative educational environment is
created, motivation is increased and for
understanding reality, providing information,
ease of its perception, new opportunities are
being searched for a future specialist; The
advantages of using immersive technologies in
professional education are highlighted, the
importance of artificial intelligence for higher
education is shown, directions for using a
chatbot are suggested.
In the conditions of a real educational process,
we conducted a study, the purpose of which is
to consider the content and prove the need for
digital technologies in the educational space of
the university, such as virtual reality,
augmented reality, and mixed reality with the
use of artificial intelligence, to ensure in
practice the high effectiveness of the
educational process, which is necessary for the
future professional activity of students and to
form among students a high level of
competence in the use of digital immersive
technologies in the educational space of the
It can be asserted with a probability of 95%
that as a result of the formative experiment,
there were positive changes in the levels of
formation of competence in the use of digital
immersive technologies in the educational
space of the university in the experimental
Further research is needed to substantiate the
ways of using artificial intelligence in the
educational space of universities.
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