www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.23
Yevsieiev , V., Rovynska, K., Koshovyi, B.P., Myrna, O., & Syniavska, O. (2024). Peculiarities of regional development under
martial law: State and administrative aspects. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 274-284. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.23
Peculiarities of regional development under martial law: State and
administrative aspects
Peculiaridades del desarrollo regional bajo la ley marcial: Aspectos estatales y administrativos
Received: February 19, 2024 Accepted: March 27, 2024
Written by:
Vadym Yevsieiev1
Kateryna Rovynska2
Bohdan-Petro Koshovyi3
Olha Myrna4
Olena Syniavska5
Considering the conduct of state policy in the
conditions of the protracted Russian-Ukrainian
war, it is important to characterize the main
aspects of its development through the prism of
the peculiarities of sustainable regional
development. The purpose of the research is to
determine the peculiarities of regional
development in the realities of wartime based on
the study of state-management aspects. The
study is based on the analysis of modern works
and reports of international organizations. Data
collection was carried out in stages: first, a search
was made for the main documents and reports of
international organizations, then a search for
scientific literature for the study was carried out.
In general, such research methods as thematic
analysis, categorization, comparative analysis,
and graphic method were used. The results of the
study demonstrated the effectiveness of the use
PhD in Military Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chief of the retraining center, The National Academy of the National Guard of
Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: J-5668-2018
PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Department of State Studies, Law and European Integration, Institute of Public
Service and Administration, Odesa Polytechnic National University, Odesa, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCK-2008-2024
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Demography, Labor Relations and Social Policy, Educational and Scientific
Institute of International Relations, Sustainable Development and Innovative Education, Institution of Higher Education
“Lviv University of Business and Law”, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAS-9669-2021
PhD in Economics, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration, Educational and
Research Institute of Economics, Management, Law and Information Technologies, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: Q-9771-2016
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics, Faculty No. 6, Kharkiv
National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JEP-4842-2023
Yevsieiev , V., Rovynska, K., Koshovyi, B.P., Myrna, O., Syniavska, O. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 274-284 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of digital systems in regional development
strategies improving the level of intellectual
security, identified the peculiarities of planning
and operation of regional budgets under martial
law. Digital systems have proven effective in
enhancing regional development strategies and
improving intellectual security. They enable
better planning and operation of regional
budgets, even under martial law, by providing
real-time data and facilitating communication
among stakeholders. In the conclusions, it was
noted that the military operations had a
significant impact on the system of public
administration and needed further adjustment in
connection with overcoming the consequences of
the military operations.
Keywords: Russian-Ukrainian war, martial law,
public administration, national security,
sustainable development.
The Russian aggression against Ukraine has
opened a new page in the life of the Ukrainian
state mechanism related to ensuring social,
military, legal and administrative stability. Based
on the experience gained, it is possible to identify
certain aspects that are of particular importance
in times of crisis. This experience may be
relevant for other countries, as it demonstrates
the vulnerabilities of the public administration
system in the face of challenges related to both
war and long-term emergencies. Under these
conditions, the study of the specifics of regional
development makes it possible to plan the work
of individual regions for the effective planning of
actions of larger regions, to coordinate the state
regional policy in many areas, to ensure
sustainable regional development and the
security of the population with regard to the
problems connected with armed aggression and
its aftermath.
At the same time, the present reality of military
events in Ukraine has revealed the problem of the
effectiveness of state and administrative actions
in the restoration of the damaged areas, the
progressive re-integration of the areas
temporarily occupied by the hostile forces, the
optimisation and search for internal resources for
further developing them. Such actions should be
based on data on destruction, type and extent of
civilian resettlement, relocation of production,
etc. In the context of the war on terror, the
centralisation of public administration is
becoming more and more important, highlighting
the need to develop public administration
The issues of further research, taking into
account the experience already gained and its
reception in the scientific literature, are relevant
in the field of public administration, provision of
quality medical and educational services,
administration and search for the necessary
management solutions aimed at reconstruction
and reintegration of war-torn territories and the
specifics of working with the displaced
population, relocated industrial facilities, etc.
The purpose of the article is to analyse the
peculiarities of regional development under
martial law through the prism of public
administration aspects. The realisation of this
goal involves consideration of the following
issues: characterisation of the impact of
hostilities on the public administration system,
consideration of the effectiveness of digital
management systems and service provision
under martial law, and determination of the
peculiarities of regional budgeting. Thus, the
structure of the article consists of an introduction,
a literature review, key aspects of regional
development in the context of war, a discussion
of the results and conclusions.
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Literature review
Modern scholars have explored various aspects
of the impact of war on the development of
public administration in the international context.
In particular, Ba Abbad (2024) presents a
valuable study of the main challenges and
difficulties caused by war based on the analysis
of the problem of implementing local public
administration in countries where military
operations are underway. The authors focused on
the analysis of Yemen. In general, modern
studies have shown that countries affected by war
may face various rare problems that generally
affect different governance systems (Leheza et
al., 2023; Vasylieva et al., 2020a; Bevz &
Stadnyk, 2023). The consequences of wars or
conflicts go beyond humanitarian crises, in
particular, they disrupt centuries-old governance
mechanisms and structures, undermine the
capacity of state institutions, and create major
obstacles and difficulties for the effective
operation of state institutions (Hudyma, 2022;
Oneshko et al., 2022).
Bozhok (2018) provides the theoretical basis for
this paper, as the author has formulated the basic
principles of administrative culture development
in Ukraine. Dragan, Yermakova, Chvaliuk,
Kurchin and Karagodin (2020) identified the
impact of corruption on public administration
through the lens of studying certain
psychological aspects of corruption in Ukraine.
Gasik (2023) demonstrates potential ways of
further development of the Ukrainian public
administration system despite current challenges
and threats. Khadzhyradieva, Slukhai and
Rachynskyi (2020) describe the problem of
developing public administration in Ukraine in
accordance with modern European norms and
standards. However, the authors described the
main problems without identifying potential
opportunities and ways to overcome them.
For this study, it is also important to study the
experience of other countries in regulating the
system of state and public administration
(Ba Abbad, 2024; Bobro, 2024). While the work
of Ba Abbad (2024), as mentioned above, was
mainly concerned with the realities of Yemen,
Sahil Huseynov (2023) presented a detailed
study of the problems faced by the local self-
government in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
At the same time, Drozd, Kobzar, Romanov,
Hryhorii and Pohoretskyi (2022) presented
certain aspects of the development of law
through the prism of analysing the challenges
caused by military operations. However, this
study focuses on national levels, which is a
limitation for interpretation. While contemporary
authors have mainly focused on local governance
features, this study aims to characterise
governance at the level of regional development
and delve into some general trends that will help
overcome the above limitations. However, the
problem of implementing public administration
in wartime has not been fully explored, and given
the changing landscape of hostilities, this issue
requires more detailed study. Therefore, this
issue will be addressed in this article.
This study aims to identify certain public
administration aspects in wartime. In view of the
main objectives of this work, the methodological
basis of the study is formed on the basis of
scientific papers and reporting data of modern
international organisations, in particular, the
Fragile State Index Annual Report.
Data collection
The data collection was carried out in stages:
first, the main relevant documents and reports of
international organisations were found, and then
the main literature for the study was searched.
The literature search involved the use of certain
specific keywords (as well as their synonyms)
and entering them into Google Scholar. The date
range was strictly defined as 2018-2024 (see
Table 1).
Table 1.
Key words of the study
Similar expressions
Public administration aspects
Public-management aspects, power aspects of management, state-
legal aspects, public-organisational aspects.
Public administration
Power, public administration, state apparatus, power structures,
public authority, public resource management, public leadership,
Martial law
Military realities, war, martial law, martial law, Ukrainian-Russian
war, conflicts, war-affected areas, conflict-affected areas.
Source: Compiled by the authors
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Initially, almost 595 results were found (given
the relevance of the topic and the strictly defined
date range from 2018 to 2024). After analysing
the main abstracts and keywords, 102 items were
selected. After this brief analysis, the main
results were examined and 34 literature items
were selected.
The criteria for including scientific papers were
as follows:
1. Relevance: only contemporary works from
2018 to 2024 were selected.
2. A special emphasis on countries affected by
war: the focus is mainly on Ukraine, but
works that highlight the role of war for
public administration in other countries are
also taken into account: Afghanistan,
Yemen, Brazil, etc.
3. Availability of a comprehensive
methodological framework
4. The main focus of the works was to be on
public administration, or on its individual
These selected studies made it possible to
characterise general trends in public
Date Analysis
Several research methods were used: thematic
analysis, categorisation, comparative analysis
and graphical method. Based on the thematic
analysis, the main trends in public administration
in wartime are identified. After that, the selected
trends and aspects were coded and categorised.
The results are visually presented using the
graphical method. On the basis of comparative
analysis, the results of the study are compared
with the works of other contemporary scholars,
similar and different views on the analysis of this
problem are identified. The research was carried
out in compliance with ethical rules in the
selection, interpretation and interpretation of
scientific literature. The authors aimed to achieve
maximum objectivity and impartiality.
However, it should be acknowledged that such a
methodological approach may have drawbacks,
in particular, subjectivity in highlighting the
main problem of the article.
Results and discussion
To study the problem of implementing public
administration decisions, it is important to take
into account statistical indicators. The Fragile
State Index allows us to assess the effectiveness
of public administration, the level of its
vulnerability to certain threats of existing wars or
conflicts, as well as the ability to assess the main
risks of the country's collapse. Thus, the
calculation of the Fragile State Index is
important, as it can determine certain aspects, in
particular, the main parameters of state security,
the formation of the security environment, the
role of authorities in its functioning and
preservation, etc.
A rise in the Fragile State Index implies a decline
in state security. Fragile State Index calculated
for Ukraine and its European neighbours:
Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and
Moldova in 2010-2023, suggests that the
European Union states have significantly lower
Fragile State Index scores than the states at war:
Ukraine (68.6-96) and Russia (73-80.7). In
Belarus, the fragility index is 67.8-69.9, which is
because the country is Russia's ally in the war,
but not so demonstrative (Shchokin, Soloviov &
Tantsiura, 2023). In Moldova, the Fragile State
Index corresponds to 65-67.4 (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Indicators of the Fragile State Index dynamics.
Source: adapted from Shchokin, Soloviov & Tantsiura (2023).
These aspects of the dynamics of the index in
these countries indicate differences in the ability
of public administration bodies to maintain the
optimal quality of state security. Obviously, the
European Union countries have a higher level of
public administration performance
(Malachynska et al., 2022; Mudrak et al., 2019).
However, these indicators also demonstrate the
directions of development of the country's
governance, and do not mean that the governance
system is not developing. On the contrary, in
some aspects, this system has been reformed and
developed during the war.
The provision of basic administrative services
has been adapted to the realities of war, including
through government decisions on the
extraterritoriality and urgency of their provision,
non-use of information systems in case of
temporary lack of access to it, and the
introduction of a digital services system
(improvement of the Diia application). Thus,
such decisions have had an impact on ensuring
the sustainability of the administrative service
delivery system through the prism of security and
accessibility. As of 2023, almost 800
Administrative Service Centres provide
continuous information and services to citizens
(Pavlovych-Seneta, 2022).
In addition, there are more than 3,000 access
points to administrative services in Ukraine. The
introduction of electronic public services through
the Diia app in April 2022 has reduced the
number of physical applications. In general, the
capacity of public administration is based on the
human resources of the civil service, which was
also affected by the war. In particular, as of 2022,
the number of civil servants working as civil
servants was more than 166,000. At the same
time, the number of civil service employees
located in the areas occupied by the occupier was
almost 6,000 (Pavlovych-Seneta, 2022).
It is worth noting that since the large-scale
invasion, some civil servants have been unable to
perform their functions at their workplaces, so
they have started working remotely. In order to
qualitatively adapt the civil service management
structure in 2022, the government adopted the
document “Some issues of organising the work
of civil servants and employees of state bodies
during martial law”, which regulates the main
problems of remote work of civil servants (see
Figure 2).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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Figure 2. Employees in the civil service management structure.
Source: Izha & Kurnosenko (2023).
Thus, despite some risks of war, in 2022 Ukraine
continued to reform the civil service, focusing on
the quality of human resources, the process of
optimising the selection and development of
certain competencies of employees, albeit in the
form of internships, and the introduction of
distance work technologies (Sydorenko, 2024;
Lutsiak et al., 2020). These measures collectively
contribute to the intellectual security of Ukraine
by safeguarding its human capital, which is a key
asset in any nation’s sustainable development
and resilience against external threats.
Researchers have repeatedly analysed the
peculiarities of organisational and resource
support for regional development through the
prism of decentralisation processes (Onats,
2020). Using the available analysis materials, it
can be determined that in Ukrainian realities, the
main prospects for the development of regions
and local communities are determined primarily
by the available natural, material, financial, and
labour resources, as well as by the established
mechanisms for their use. An important factor for
the development and realisation of the existing
potential of individual communities is the factor
of their active growth, since almost all available
types of resources generally form the resource
base of the territories and will be the main ones
for further economic and social development of
local territorial communities.
Researchers have also identified that the key
prerequisites for using the potential of
administrative territories (and thus guaranteeing
their sustainable development) are social
mobilisation, which allows coordinating actions
to provide relevant administrative services to
citizens, uniting them around addressing the
current needs and challenges for the development
of the territories where they live (Smolych et al.,
2018; Mazur et al., 2023). The Ukrainian
administrative-territorial reform, which has been
implemented since 2015, has had a significant
impact on increasing the material resources and
financial competitiveness of individual
communities in terms of their overall capacity
At the same time, Russia's full-scale aggression
in Ukraine, which began in 2014 and entered a
new active phase in February 2022, has affected
a number of regional development issues: the
destruction of infrastructure facilities, including
energy and civilian ones, the displacement of a
large number of civilians and a general trend
towards a decrease in population (especially
among working-age citizens), the destruction of
enterprises and production facilities, which
creates obstacles to further economic and social
recovery, which will have an impact on
An important problem of regional development
under martial law is budget revenues and budget
equalisation. In the Ukrainian reality, as in many
other countries, there is a phenomenon of
differentiation in the levels of socio-economic
development of different parts of the country,
concentration of tax revenues and the tax base,
and unevenness in the expenditure system that
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
exists in the environment of local budgets
(Vyprytskyi & Makhova, 2023; Kozlovskyi et
al., 2020). The importance of equalisation of
budget revenues in Ukraine has long been
primarily driven by the need to achieve the same
levels of provision in different oblasts per capita.
Due to the peculiarities of regional development,
budgeting is a significant component of the
country's overall socio-economic development,
which meets the general needs to improve the
standards and quality of life of the civilian
population, affects the rate of economic growth
(or decline), and also influences significant
structural changes in the economic system,
determines the imbalance in opportunities for
further state development (Zagurska-Antoniuk,
2020; Kubiv et al., 2020; Lysenko et al., 2024).
However, errors in the formation of positive
(optimal) indicators in the development of
individual territorial communities had a negative
impact on the overall growth of the Ukrainian
economy. According to the researchers, the
formation of the local budget system continues to
be quite non-transparent for civil society
(Kozlovskyi & Mazur, 2017; Dluhopolskyi et al.,
2023). First of all, there is a lack of a coherent
system for monitoring local financial markets,
which would be relevant for finding additional
resources to fill local budgets. Similarly, this
problem does not allow investors or other
international partners and creditors to effectively
monitor local financial markets and the financial
policies of regional communities.
Given the different volumes of tax revenues and
the participation of individual regions and
territories in the formation of the general budget
of Ukraine, these indicators are unequal. In
practice, some regions with higher tax revenues
are also responsible for financing regions with
lower tax collection rates, which is implemented
through intergovernmental transfers. This results
in the formation of separate “donor regions”, i.e.
administrative territories that bring much more
benefit to the state budget, and “recipient
regions”, i.e. regions that receive much more
funding than they contribute to the state treasury.
Russian aggression has only exacerbated this
trend, turning it into a dangerous challenge -
Russian troops have also attacked “donor
regions”, which has significantly reduced the
amount of state revenues, including to local
budgets. Opportunities for financial development
of the regions became even more limited, which
required the use of certain public administration
decisions. First of all, it was decided to relocate
certain production facilities to the safe zone,
which preserved production potential and,
accordingly, promising opportunities for tax
revenues (Kuzheliev et al., 2023; Lavrov et al.,
2022). The system of allocating funds for
education and healthcare was also revised, and
now they are allocated not so much based on the
total population as on the ability to actually
provide services. It is said that the funds “started
to move” together with the consumers of public
services, which opened up opportunities for
optimising expenditures.
Unfortunately, the sequestration of regional
budgets was not without consequences, as the
military support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
also became a major obstacle to regional
development. The inability to reallocate funds
from “donor regions” led to the need to create a
system of targeted grant support, which made it
possible to raise funds for specific projects with
a minimum degree of risk. The proposed public
administration solution opened up opportunities
for a certain normalisation of Ukraine's financial
system, together with funds from international
The results of the study demonstrate that under
martial law, there is a need to make important
public administration decisions that make it
possible to counter the threats and challenges of
military instability. In particular, the process of
adapting the provision of administrative services
has taken place, facilitated by the active use of
digital information transfer systems. The
actualisation of this area (primarily through the
use of the resources of the Diia digital
application) has made it possible to ensure the
sustainability of the administrative service
delivery system. This conclusion confirms the
opinions of scholars regarding the progressive
use of digital administrative service providers
(Melnyk, 2023; Vdovichen et al., 2023), as well
as the next important evolution of the use of
artificial intelligence systems in this area
(Sofilkanych et al., 2023). In general, this
confirms the opinions of scholars on the further
evolution of legal relations in society (Maraieva,
2022), which will be determined by the tangible
digitalisation of public life.
The results also indicate the correctness of the
conclusions of scholars on the importance of the
correct implementation of long-term strategies
that form the basis of the functioning of public
administration in the field of regional
development (Yusufzada & Xia, 2019; Vasylieva
et al., 2020b). This made it possible to amend the
existing strategies, which to some extent
alleviated the negative effects of the hostilities.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In addition, the reform of the budgetary sector,
together with the assistance of international
partners, has ensured the resilience of
communities and new solutions in crisis
management (Lytvyn & Shevchenko, 2022;
Shpykuliak & Mazur, 2014). At the same time, it
is difficult to agree with the statement that
Ukraine has a low level of security environment,
which also negatively affects the ability to
implement administrative and public functions
(Shchokin et al., 2023). Undoubtedly, during
active hostilities, the level of the overall security
environment decreases, so it is advisable to
compare the indicators of Ukraine at war with
those of peaceful European countries, but at least
with the pre-war data, rather than the indicators
of Ukraine at war.
Undoubtedly, the proposed study has
methodological limitations. First of all, it focuses
on the Ukrainian experience, although the
challenges of the administrative system of state
governance under martial law are typical for
other countries (primarily Asia and Africa). It is
also worth noting that the consequences and
results of Russia's aggression against Ukraine
have not been established (as military operations
continue). For this reason, the results obtained
are preliminary, in particular, with regard to the
impact of the actions taken on regional
development and the measures taken to improve
Thus, the Ukrainian government has been quite
active in reforming the civil service and
developing local and territorial communities.
First of all, since 2022, transformations in the
civil service have continued, taking into account
the quality of staffing and optimising the
selection of civil servants. The adoption of digital
technologies, which facilitated remote
internships and online work, has not only
advanced the intellectual security of the nation
but also ensured the continuity of government
operations during the military conflict. In the
context of military operations, decentralisation of
administrative management was further
developed. This enabled regional communities to
deepen their ability to use resources. In addition,
it was noted that the key factor for the
development of communities was their active
growth, which formed the resource base for
further economic and social development.
Moreover, the international partners bring
valuable expertise and technical support to help
regions navigate challenges associated with
martial law. This expertise may encompass
various areas, including conflict resolution,
governance reform, economic recovery, and
public administration. In addition, the
international partners often engage in capacity-
building efforts aimed at strengthening the
institutional capacity of state and administrative
bodies in regions under martial law.
In the context of military operations, active
cooperation with international partners brought
results, as the state budget deficit and
sequestration, together with military destruction,
had a negative impact on the life support system
of regional communities. By revising certain
established modes of operation, when donor
regions financed expenditures in less successful
regions, targeted support was provided for
project implementation. As a result, as the study
shows, it was possible to direct the necessary
support to the regions and, in general, to
counteract the effects of hostile aggression.
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