www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.22
How to Cite:
Siliutina, I., Tytar, O., Barbash, M., Petrenko, N., & Yepyk, L. (2024). Cultural preservation and digital heritage: challenges and
opportunities. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 262-273. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.22
Cultural preservation and digital heritage: challenges and
Preservação cultural e património digital: desafios e oportunidades
Received: February 7, 2024 Accepted: March 25, 2024
Written by:
Iryna Siliutina1
Olena Tytar2
Marina Barbash3
Nataliia Petrenko4
Larysa Yepyk5
This research aims to examine the challenges and
opportunities associated with the digitization of
cultural heritage. It seeks to provide insights into
the dynamic interplay between technological
advancements and the preservation,
documentation, and promotion of cultural
landmarks. The study employs a comprehensive
literature review, analyzing recent scholarly
works and case studies to understand the
evolving landscape of digital heritage
preservation. The results highlights the
multifaceted challenges encountered in the
digitization process, including issues related to
digital obsolescence, accessibility, copyright,
data security, and resource constraints.
Simultaneously, it identifies opportunities where
digital tools contribute significantly to the
documentation, archiving, and accessibility of
cultural artifacts, traditions, and languages. The
PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian
National University, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: DUW-4871-2022
Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science, V.N.
Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JPW-9996-2023
Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Educational and Scientific Institute of Architecture, Design
And Geodesy, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: F-4729-2016
PhD in History and Archeology, Assistant, Department of History, Jurisprudence and Teaching Method, Educational and Scientific
Institute of Philology and History, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Glukhiv, Sumy Region, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: AAK-4786-2021
PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism, Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Natural Resource Management,
Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-1760-2021
Siliutina, I., Tytar, O., Barbash, M., Petrenko, N., Yepyk, L. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 262-273 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
results suggest that, especially in the context of
Russian-Ukrainian war, digital initiatives play a
pivotal role in mitigating risks and ensuring the
continued existence and appreciation of diverse
cultural legacies. The findings underscore the
intricate relationship between geopolitical events
and the role of digital strategies in safeguarding
and showcasing cultural heritage globally. To
sum up the fusion of technology and cultural
preservation efforts not only addresses
immediate threats, but also provides a forward-
looking approach to ensuring the resilience and
accessibility of cultural treasures in an evolving
Keywords: Digital transformation,
documentation, cultural artifacts, accessibility,
heritage preservation.
Research problem
In an era defined by rapid technological
advancements and an increasingly
interconnected global society, the preservation of
cultural heritage has become a paramount
concern. The intersection of culture and
technology has given rise to a fascinating and
complex landscape known as digital heritage. As
societies around the world grapple with the
challenges of preserving their rich cultural
legacies, the integration of digital tools and
technologies presents both unprecedented
opportunities and unique obstacles.
The concept of establishing a comprehensive
paradigm that unifies progress in innovation is
currently taking shape within the contemporary
scientific discourse (Sofilkanych, 2022).
According to Maraieva (2022) this paradigm
envisions technologies serving as tools, with
information playing a synergistic role that
connects humans, society, nature, and
technology. In this envisioned framework,
technological advancements are not merely
isolated developments but integral components,
harmoniously interacting with information to
create a symbiotic relationship among
individuals, communities, the environment, and
the tools themselves (Maraieva, 2022).
Therefore, the integration of technology and
information within this overarching paradigm
seeks to foster a holistic approach to progress,
emphasizing the interconnectedness and
interdependence of various elements in current
evolving societal and scientific landscape. The
realization of an encompassing paradigm aimed
at consolidating progress in innovation is
actively unfolding within the contemporary
scientific dialogue, as discussed by Trček (2022).
This paradigm envisions technologies not merely
as standalone advancements but rather as integral
tools (Yatsenko, 2022). Within this conceptual
framework, information assumes a synergistic
role, fostering meaningful connections among
humans, society, nature, and technology
(Durmishi & Durmishi, 2022).
Research focus
The advent of the digital age has introduced
innovative methods to document, archive, and
share these cultural treasures. From digitizing
ancient manuscripts and artefacts to creating
virtual museums and online archives, the digital
realm opens up new avenues for the conservation
and dissemination of cultural heritage.
However, with these opportunities come
challenges that demand careful consideration.
The digital landscape introduces concerns related
to data security, accessibility, and the risk of
cultural commoditisation. Additionally, as
communities strive to strike a balance between
traditional preservation methods and cutting-
edge technologies, questions emerge about the
authenticity and integrity of digitally preserved
cultural artefact.
Reseaerch aim and research questions
The aim of this study is to explore the challenges
and opportunities inherent in the intersection of
cultural preservation and digital heritage, with a
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
focus on understanding how digital technologies
impact the safeguarding and dissemination of
cultural legacies. The circle of research questions
consists of the following aspects:
1. To investigate how digital technologies
facilitate the conservation of cultural
heritage, delineating specific tasks that
contribute to the effective transmission of
oral traditions, rituals, and folklore to future
2. To explore how digital tools and
technologies contribute to the
documentation, archiving, and accessibility
of cultural artefacts, traditions, and
languages, outlining specific tasks and
methodologies employed.
3. To investigate the primary challenges
encountered in digitally preserving cultural
heritage, examining issues related to
authenticity, integrity, and the potential
commodification of cultural artefacts.
Therefore, given the relevance of digitalization,
this study aims to clarify the challenges and
opportunities of cultural preservation and
heritage. The main challenges that require
detailed analysis include copyright and
intellectual property issues, data security and
privacy concerns, standards and interoperability,
and ethical considerations.
Theoretical framework or literature review
International experiences provide valuable
insights into the normative clarification of the
cultural heritage concept, particularly within the
realm of global intellectual discourse. This
elucidation is closely intertwined with the
conceptual generalizations found within
scientific disciplines of the humanitarian profile
(Marsili & Orlandi, 2020; Synowiec, 2021). The
growing interest among researchers in the
intricate nuances of cultural heritage has not only
stimulated a significant expansion of cognitive
and axiological dimensions but has also
heightened the urgency for constructive
responses to fundamental questions. These
crucial inquiries delve into the identification of
elements that should be preserved and the
methodologies for selecting cultural values
deserving of protection. Diverse approaches to
understanding the essence of cultural heritage
contribute to the construction of a nuanced and
multifaceted image of this concept (Shevchenko,
2020). The genetic approach posits cultural
heritage as a paramount influence on national
self-awareness, self-identification, historical
memory, and the evolution of human culture
throughout history. From a geographical
standpoint, cultural heritage emerges as a
formidable resource for preserving both natural
and cultural diversity within the broader
ecological context (Kubiv et al., 2020; Bobro,
2023). This form of heritage is foundational for
fostering the balanced development of both
society and the biosphere. Within the semiotic
perspective, cultural heritage is broadly
perceived as a collection of texts inherited by
mankind. These encompass not only written
works but also artistic creations, collectively
serving as a repository of cultural memory
(Synowiec, 2021). In parallel, the term “digital
heritage” introduces a dual connotation. It can
refer to cultural heritage presented in digital form
or signify the digitized (electronically formatted)
cultural heritage. Contemporary researchers have
been intrigued by the issue of preserving cultural
heritage through the use of digital technologies.
Current studies encompass various aspects of
cultural heritage preservation and accessibility,
leveraging digital technologies. Antoniazzi
(2020) addressed the challenges of digital
preservation and sustainability in film heritage,
emphasizing the analysis of digital technology
utilization for the longevity of cinematic
heritage. However, this paper serves only as a
theoretical framework, as the author did not
provide detailed examples of local challenges.
Basic (2019) explored key aspects of utilizing
advanced technologies in the realm of cultural
heritage. However, this study also has certain
limitations, in particular, the author approached
this problem globally without focusing on
specific examples. In the work of DA Costa &
Santos (2023), UNESCO's strategy for memory
preservation in Ukraine through the Polycam
mobile application was presented, analyzing the
impact of digital technologies on recording and
preserving cultural heritage in conflict zones.
Dässler & Preuss (2019) described issues related
to digital preservation of cultural heritage,
focusing on small institutions, and characterized
methods and strategies for ensuring accessibility
and preservation of digital archives in smaller
settings. Simultaneously, Ferrer-Yulfo (2022)
focused on analyzing the use of digital
technologies for transforming museum education
through intangible cultural heritage. In a
comprehensive study, Fisher (2020) identified
key challenges and strategies for preserving
materials created in digital formats, with a
specific emphasis on copyright issues. Flierl &
Haspel (2022) described crucial contemporary
challenges and opportunities in the preservation
of world heritage, characterizing the impact of
digital technologies on the understanding,
documentation, and preservation of objects
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
within the global heritage context. The analyzed
works collectively underline the vital role of
digital technologies in preserving and making
accessible various forms of cultural heritage.
Researchers delve into challenges, strategies, and
the transformative impact of digital tools,
emphasizing the significance of technological
advancements in safeguarding our diverse
cultural legacy (McHugh, 2023). However, the
main limitations of these studies are their general
nature. Nevertheless, it is important to
comprehensively approach the problem and
characterize the main possibilities of digital
technologies in the system of preservation of
cultural heritage and memory. Thus, the modern
literature raises the issue of mechanisms and
forms of digitalization of cultural heritage in
detail, but not all possibilities are covered in such
detail. Also, contemporary scholars have not paid
much attention to analyzing the main difficulties
of implementing digitalization in the field of
cultural heritage, which is the purpose of this
The study focuses on the intersection of cultural
preservation and digital heritage, examining the
challenges and opportunities arising in the
context of digitizing cultural heritage. The
phenomenon involves the digitization of various
cultural elements, including artifacts, traditions,
and linguistic resources, to explore the
multifaceted implications for preserving and
disseminating cultural legacies (See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Research design
Source: Author’s development
Data collection and data analysis
1. Survey data
Authors used the survey conducted by Adane,
Chekole & Gedamu (2019).
Participants: the survey targeted professionals
engaged in cultural preservation within archive
and tourism offices, as well as university
libraries. The participants were selected based on
their direct involvement in digitization processes
and their perspectives on the challenges and
opportunities in preserving cultural heritage
through digital means.
Data collection method
A structured survey questionnaire was
distributed, covering aspects such as current
digitization practices, perceived challenges,
successful strategies, and future aspirations.
Open-ended questions allowed participants to
provide qualitative insights, while closed-ended
questions provided quantitative data for analysis.
2. Document analysis
Materials examined:
o The Comprehensive Report of the European
Commission: Report on Cultural Heritage:
Digitisation, Online Accessibility and
Digital Preservation (European
Commission, 2019).
o Association Agreement between Ukraine
and the European Union, emphasizing
cultural collaboration and cooperation
(Muraviov, 2015).
o 2013 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on
the Strategy for the Development of the
Information Society in Ukraine (Law of
Uktaine No. 386-р., 2013).
Data extraction
Document analysis
Collection of materials
Syrvey data
Data Collection
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
o 2016 Decree on the Long-term Strategy for
the Development of Ukrainian Culture
Reform Strategy (Law of Uktaine No. 119,
р., 2016).
o Library Development Strategy until 2025,
approved in 2016. (Goverment of Lithuania,
o The Slovenian Public Libraries
Development Strategy 2022-2027
(Goverment of Slovenia, 2022).
o The library development concept in the
Czech Republic between the years 2021-
2027, with prospect to 2030 (Goverment of
Czech Republic, 2021).
Data extraction: relevant information pertaining
to digital cultural heritage preservation,
legislative priorities, and strategic frameworks
was systematically extracted from the
Thematic coding: a thematic coding approach
was employed to categorize and analyze the
extracted data, identifying key themes such as
legal frameworks, cultural collaboration, and
strategies for digital preservation. Therefore, on
the basis of synthesis and comparison analysis,
process and compare data from the survey and
data from legislative acts. This involved
systematically identifying key themes within the
data, such as legal frameworks, cultural
collaboration, and strategies for digital
preservation. For instance, each piece of data was
carefully examined and assigned to relevant
themes based on its content and context. For
instance, data pertaining to legal frameworks
included references to international conventions,
national legislation, or judicial decisions related
to the topic of interest. Similarly, instances of
cultural collaboration identified through
references to partnerships between cultural
institutions, collaborative projects, or joint
initiatives aimed at cultural preservation.
Furthermore, the process of synthesis and
comparison analysis involved systematically
comparing data collected from surveys with
information extracted from legislative acts.
One of the main limitations of thematic coding is
its susceptibility to researcher bias. While the
thematic coding approach used in this study
provides valuable insights into the data, it is
important to acknowledge its limitations in order
to ensure that the interpretation of the findings is
nuanced and comprehensive. Despite efforts to
establish clear coding criteria, the interpretation
of data and the allocation of codes can still be
influenced by the subjective perspective of the
researcher. Such subjectivity can lead to
inconsistent or imprecise coding, which can
affect the reliability and validity of the findings.
Results and discussion
The dynamic interplay between traditional and
digital aspects adds a layer of complexity to the
evolving landscape of cultural heritage
conservation. Therefore, digital technologies
play a pivotal role in facilitating the conservation
of cultural heritage by offering innovative tools
and approaches that enhance documentation,
preservation, and dissemination efforts. Figure 1
presents the main aspects of preserving cultural
heritage with the help of digital technologies.
Figure 1. Several aspects of preserving cultural heritage with the help of digital technologies.
Source: author’s development
Hence, digital technologies enable the creation of
comprehensive databases and archives for
cultural artifacts, historical documents, and other
heritage items. High-resolution cameras, 3D
scanners, and advanced imaging techniques
allow for detailed and accurate documentation.
Authors believe that digital archiving ensures the
preservation of fragile or deteriorating materials
by creating electronic replicas, reducing the need
for physical handling (Pandey & Kumar, 2020).
As demonstrated in Figure 1 digital platforms
provide opportunities to develop virtual
museums and online exhibitions, allowing global
audiences to access cultural artifacts and exhibits
remotely. Moreover, digital tools aid in the
restoration and conservation of artworks,
artifacts, and historical sites (Anderson, 2013;
Kuzheliev et al., 2023). Digital restoration
Digital documentation and
archiving Virtual museums and
Digital restoration and
Crowdsourcing and citizen
engagement Educational and outreach
Digital preservation standards
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
techniques can repair damaged elements without
altering the original physical object.
Conservationists use 3D printing and digital
modeling to recreate missing or damaged parts of
cultural items, ensuring their integrity over time.
On the other hand, digital platforms facilitate
crowdsourcing initiatives, encouraging public
participation in the identification,
documentation, and preservation of cultural
heritage (Von Schorlemer, 2020). Therefore,
citizen engagement through social media and
online forums helps raise awareness, garner
support, and involve communities in the
protection of their heritage. As demonstrated in
Figure 1 digital preservation standards also have
important role. Standardized digital preservation
practices, including metadata standards and
digital storage protocols, ensure the long-term
accessibility and sustainability of digital
collections related to cultural heritage. In
addition, digital technologies provide avenues
for educational programs and outreach
initiatives, offering virtual classrooms, online
courses, and interactive learning materials that
promote cultural heritage awareness and
appreciation (Dässler & Preuss, 2019). Hence,
digital tools and technologies play a crucial role
in the documentation, archiving, and
accessibility of cultural artifacts, traditions, and
languages. By leveraging these digital tools,
cultural heritage professionals, communities, and
organizations can enhance their conservation
efforts, ensuring the preservation and
transmission of cultural richness to future
generations. Table 1 describes how digital tools
are used for cultural heritage preservation
Table 1.
Ways of using digital tools for cultural heritage preservation
Digital documentation of cultural artifacts
High-resolution imaging
Advanced cameras and imaging technologies capture high-resolution images
of cultural artifacts, ensuring detailed documentation.
3D scanning
For three-dimensional objects, 3D scanning creates digital replicas,
preserving intricate details and allowing for virtual exploration.
Digital archiving of cultural materials
Digital repositories
Cultural artefacts, historical documents, and multimedia materials are stored
in digital repositories, creating centralized databases for efficient archiving.
Metadata tagging
Each artefact is accompanied by metadata, providing crucial contextual
information, such as origin, significance, and historical context.
Preservation of traditional practices and performances
Audio-visual recording
Traditional music, dance, rituals, and performances are recorded using audio
and video technologies to ensure accurate preservation.
Virtual reality and augmented reality
These technologies offer immersive experiences.
Digital documentation of languages
Language digitization
Digital tools are employed to transcribe, record, and digitize endangered
languages, ensuring their preservation.
Machine translation and natural language processing
Translation tools
Machine translation tools contribute to the translation of cultural texts,
enabling broader accessibility.
Natural language processing
Technologies analyze and interpret linguistic nuances, aiding in the
documentation and analysis of languages.
Community engagement and crowdsourcing
Digital platforms
Online platforms and social media encourage community participation in
documentation efforts, allowing individuals to contribute their knowledge,
stories and artefacts.
Crowdsourced translation
Communities contribute to the translation of texts, ensuring accuracy and
cultural sensitivity.
Geospatial technologies for cultural heritage sites
Geographic information systems (GIS)
GIS map cultural heritage sites, aiding in their documentation, conservation
planning, and monitoring
Location-based apps
Mobile apps with geolocation features provide virtual tours and information
about cultural heritage sites.
Accessibility through online exhibitions and virtual museums
Virtual exhibitions
Digital tools enable the creation of virtual exhibitions, making cultural
artifacts and traditions accessible to a global audience.
Online collections
Institutions create digital collections, allowing users to explore and learn
about cultural heritage items from anywhere in the world.
Source: Author’s development.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In a comprehensive survey conducted by Adane,
Chekole & Gedamu (2019) within the spheres of
archive and tourism offices, as well as university
libraries, participants were actively engaged in
providing valuable insights into the multifaceted
opportunities associated with the digitization of
cultural heritage. Respondents were particularly
vocal about the positive impact of digitization on
cultural heritage promotion. A substantial
majority, totaling 96% conveyed a unanimous
and favorable perspective, highlighting the
potential for digital platforms to effectively
promote and showcase cultural heritage. The
survey also delved into the crucial aspect of
digitization in cultural heritage preservation. The
findings revealed that 54% of respondents
expressed a resounding “strongly Agree”
sentiment, emphasizing the pivotal role of
digitization in safeguarding cultural heritage.
Additionally, 42% of participants acknowledged
with the importance of digitization in preserving
rich cultural legacy (Adane, Chekole & Gedamu,
One noteworthy revelation from the survey
pertained to job opportunities for the youth
generated through cultural heritage digitization.
A significant 32% “strongly Agreed”, indicating
a strong consensus on the positive impact of
digitization in creating employment
opportunities for the younger generation (Adane,
Chekole & Gedamu, 2019). The survey
participants also weighed in on the role of
cultural heritage digitization in enhancing
research works. 48% agreed that digitization
significantly contributes to research endeavors,
while an additional 36% agreed, reflecting the
widespread acknowledgment of the positive
correlation between digitization and scholarly
pursuits within the cultural heritage domain.
Furthermore, the survey brought to light the
impact of cultural heritage digitization on online
visits and online selling. A majority of 44% of
participants recognized the role of digitization in
promoting online engagement (Adane, Chekole
& Gedamu, 2019). This aspect underscores the
evolving landscape of cultural heritage
experiences, emphasizing the potential of digital
initiatives to enhance accessibility and audience
engagement. In summary, the survey results not
only reaffirm the positive perceptions
surrounding the opportunities presented by
cultural heritage digitization but also shed light
on the varied ways in which digitization
contributes to cultural heritage promotion,
preservation, employment generation, research
advancement, and online engagement.
At the same time, the contemporary milieu
marked by the ubiquity of digital technologies,
the preservation of cultural heritage encounters a
confluence of challenges and opportunities at the
intersection of tradition and technological
evolution. The paradigm shift towards digital
heritage entails not merely the digitization of
tangible artifacts but also engenders intricate
complications pertaining to their enduring
conservation, equitable accessibility, and
ethically sound representation in the digital
domain (Hurska & Parshyn, 2023; Prykhodko,
2019). This discourse delves into the nuanced
challenges inherent in the amalgamation of
cultural preservation and digital heritage,
dissecting intricacies such as digital
obsolescence, inclusivity metrics, copyright
complexities, and the ethical underpinnings of
digital representations. By scrutinizing these
challenges through a scientific lens, it is better to
seek to elucidate the imperative for an
interdisciplinary and pioneering approach to
ensure the perpetuity of diverse cultural legacies
in the digital epoch. Preserving cultural heritage
in the digital age presents numerous challenges,
as the intersection of traditional cultural
preservation and the rapidly evolving digital
landscape introduces both opportunities and
risks. Scientists remarked some key challenges
associated with cultural preservation and digital
heritage (See Table 2).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Important challenges of cultural preservation in the digital heritage
Copyright and intellectual property
Digital reproduction and dissemination of cultural artifacts often involve
complex copyright and intellectual property considerations. Striking a
balance between protecting creators' rights and facilitating broader access
to cultural heritage materials is a continual challenge.
Data security and privacy concerns
The digitization of cultural artifacts raises concerns about the security and
privacy of sensitive information. Safeguarding digital heritage from
unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats is paramount to
maintaining trust and integrity.
Resource constraints
Preserving digital heritage requires significant financial and human
resources. Many cultural institutions, especially smaller ones, may struggle
to allocate sufficient funds and expertise for digital preservation initiatives.
Standards and interoperability
Lack of standardized practices for digitization and metadata creation can
hinder interoperability between different cultural heritage databases.
Establishing common standards is essential for seamless sharing and
integration of digital heritage materials.
Digital conservation and restoration
Unlike physical artifacts, digital materials may require ongoing
conservation efforts due to format degradation, software dependencies, and
other technical issues. Digital restoration practices need to be developed
and refined to ensure the longevity of digital cultural heritage.
Ethical considerations
Digitization raises ethical questions, such as the appropriate use of cultural
artifacts and the potential for misrepresentation or misuse. Establishing
ethical guidelines and involving communities in decision-making processes
is crucial to address these concerns.
Cultural sensitivity and
Digitization efforts must be conducted with cultural sensitivity to avoid
misappropriation or distortion of cultural narratives. Ensuring accurate
representation and involvement of communities in the digitization process
is vital.
Global collaboration and
Cultural heritage is often shared across borders, and effective preservation
requires international collaboration. Coordinating efforts, sharing best
practices, and addressing challenges on a global scale are essential for the
comprehensive preservation of digital heritage.
Source: Author’s investigation on the basis of Synowiec (2021); Skakun (2022).
Digitization of cultural monuments has become
an important issue for European countries. In
particular, separate models of its implementation
are introduced centrally - at the international and
national levels. The “Comprehensive Report” of
European Union covering the period 2015-2017
reveals that a significant proportion of Member
States of EU have formulated their respective
National Digitization Strategies. Specifically, 19
out of 28 Member States (at that time,
considering the UK as part of the EU) have
established these strategies, with the majority
operating under the central coordination of the
pertinent ministry or ministries (European
Commission, 2019). Additionally, 17 out of 28
Member States have instituted national funding
programs to support digitization initiatives. It is
noteworthy that certain countries integrate their
national strategies for the digitization of cultural
heritage within broader national digital programs
(Goverment of Slovenia, 2022). For instance, in
Lithuania, digitalization constitutes a component
of the Digital Agenda for the Republic of
Lithuania. The primary domains of focus for
advancing the virtual space for cultural heritage
are delineated in the Program of Digital Cultural
Heritage Actualization and Preservation for the
period 2015-2020 (Goverment of Lithuania,
The experience of Ukraine is also very important
for understanding of cultural preservation and
digital heritage challenges. Ukraine currently
lacks a comprehensive digitalization strategy,
although the legislative groundwork for its
formulation is evident. The surge in European
integration initiatives, particularly following the
signing of the “Association Agreement between
Ukraine and the European Union” in 2014,
emphasizes cultural collaboration in Chapter 24
(Muraviov, 2015). This chapter outlines a
commitment to enhance cooperation in the
cultural sphere, promoting mutual
understanding, cultural exchanges, and the
mobility of artistic entities between Ukraine and
the EU. Remarkably, an examination of the
analytical reports on the EU-Ukraine Agreement
Implementation for 2019 reveals a notable
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
absence of information concerning cultural
cooperation, specifically in the digitization of
cultural heritage (Prykhodko, 2019). It becomes
apparent that, within the spectrum of Ukraine-EU
integration issues, cultural integration receives
insufficient attention. Despite this, Ukraine has
laid the foundation for a potential national
digitization strategy through various legislative
documents. Noteworthy among these are the
2013 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, which
approves the “Strategy for the Development of
the Information Society in Ukraine,”
emphasizing E-culture development (Law of
Uktaine No. 386-р., 2013). Additionally, the
2016 Decree on the “Long-term Strategy for the
Development of Ukrainian Culture Reform
Strategy” prioritizes the preservation of cultural
and spiritual heritage (Law of Uktaine No. 119,
р., 2016). The Library Development Strategy
until 2025, approved in 2016, further underscores
the commitment to preserving Ukrainian cultural
heritage within library resources, treating them as
integral components of the global cultural
heritage (Prykhodko, 2019). These legislative
measures provide a basis for Ukraine to advance
its digitalization endeavors in the cultural sphere.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022
significantly altered the approach towards
digitizing cultural heritage in the country. This
war heightened all aspects of national security,
including the preservation and protection of
cultural heritage. Firstly, the Russian aggression
necessitated the implementation of effective
measures to preserve cultural artifacts, as
conflict-ridden areas faced the risk of destructive
impact. This underscored the need to utilize
digital technologies for creating virtual copies of
valuable objects and documenting their condition
for future restoration. Secondly, due to the risk of
losing parts of the cultural heritage through
conflict and occupation, Ukraine expressed
increased interest in detailed documentation and
preservation of these treasures. This requires the
use of modern technologies for digital cataloging
and archiving of cultural landmarks. Thirdly, the
role of digital technologies proved crucial in
studying and popularizing Ukrainian culture as a
means of resistance to identity suppression and
historical aggression. Digital media and online
platforms enable a wide audience to explore and
appreciate Ukraine's rich cultural heritage,
serving as an important tool for informing and
highlighting the context of the conflict. Thus, the
Russian invasion prompted not only changes in
the security of cultural heritage but also an
intensified use of digital technologies for the
preservation, documentation, and promotion of
Ukraine's cultural landmarks.
The obtained results underscore the importance
and effectiveness of utilizing digital tools and
technologies in documenting, archiving, and
providing access to cultural artifacts, traditions,
and languages. Specifically, the results affirm the
efficiency of documentation, highlighting that
high-quality images and 3D scanning enable
detailed and accurate documentation of cultural
artifacts. Simultaneously, the use of digital
repositories and metadata contributes to the
systematic and efficient archiving of materials.
Furthermore, the results emphasize that audio
and video recordings facilitate the preservation
of traditional musical, dance, and ritual
performances. The incorporation of virtual
reality and augmented reality ensures an
immersive experience in participating in
traditional events. These findings align with
contemporary scholarly works (Pandey, &
Kumar, 2020; Shiri et al., 2021). For instance,
Karle & Carman (2020) elucidate how a digital
heritage project can impact the research and
interpretation of large-scale rural cultural
landscapes, emphasizing the critical importance
of wide-scale documentation methods for
advancing preservation initiatives.
However, the obtained results somewhat
contradict the assertions of Mohd Herrow &
Azraai (2021), who emphasize the
interconnectedness of culture and heritage. There
are points of divergence or areas for further
discussion, particularly regarding the broad
characterization of culture, focusing solely on
ethical actions, values, creativity, knowledge,
traditions, and beliefs. Additionally, the study
challenges the notion presented by Mohd Herrow
& Azraai (2021) that cultural heritage is a legacy
not only of each nation but also of humanity as a
whole, asserting that certain elements may be
culturally specific rather than universal.
In the results, it is evident that the Russian
invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has left a profound
mark on the strategies and priorities associated
with digitizing cultural heritage in the country.
The war’s far-reaching implications have
reverberated across various aspects of national
security, with a heightened emphasis on the
critical need for the preservation and protection
of Ukraine's rich cultural legacy. As a response
to the increased risk of destructive impact on
conflict-affected areas, the adoption of digital
technologies has become a pressing necessity.
This involves the creation of virtual copies of
valuable cultural artifacts and meticulous
documentation of their condition, laying the
foundation for future restoration efforts.
Additionally, the heightened risk of losing parts
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the cultural heritage through conflict and
occupation has spurred a surge in interest in
detailed documentation and preservation
measures. To meet these challenges, modern
technologies play a pivotal role in the digital
cataloging and archiving of cultural landmarks,
ensuring their safeguarding for future
generations. The results also confirm the
existence of numerous challenges in the path of
digitizing cultural heritage, such as digital
obsolescence, accessibility and inclusivity,
copyright and intellectual property issues, data
security and privacy concerns, resource
constraints, digital conservation and restoration
challenges, and ethical considerations.
Meanwhile, Adane, Chekole, Gedamu's (2019)
work lists other challenges, particularly
emphasizing cultural heritage accessibility and
promotion and preservation. However, the study
does not explore external factors contributing to
these challenges, such as broader economic
conditions, technological infrastructure, or
governmental support.
Furthermore, the study challenges some
perspectives presented by Von Schorlemer
(2020), questioning the subjective nature of the
concept of a “fair balance” between the rights of
creators and the public's right to access digital
heritage materials, especially in the context of
digital heritage.
In summary, the scientific novelty of the work
lies in its contribution to understanding how
digital technologies integrate to ensure the
preservation of cultural heritage. The analysis of
contemporary challenges arising from digital
transformation indicates a scholarly interest in
developing solutions for the long-term
preservation of cultural heritage.
Hence, the research highlights the significance of
digital tools and technologies in documenting,
archiving, and enhancing accessibility to cultural
artifacts, traditions, and languages. The findings
underscore the effectiveness of digital methods
such as high-quality imaging, 3D scanning,
virtual reality, and augmented reality in ensuring
the detailed documentation and immersive
experience of cultural heritage. Authors
emphasize the importance of addressing
challenges such as digital obsolescence,
accessibility and inclusivity, copyright issues,
data security, and ethical considerations in the
process of digitizing cultural heritage.
Furthermore, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in
2022 significantly impacted the approach
towards digitizing cultural heritage in the
country. The conflict heightened concerns for the
preservation and protection of cultural artifacts in
conflict-ridden areas, necessitating the
implementation of effective measures. The use of
digital technologies became crucial in creating
virtual copies of valuable objects and
documenting their condition for future
restoration. Importantly, digital technologies
played a pivotal role in studying and promoting
Ukrainian culture as a means of resistance to
identity suppression and historical aggression.
Thus, the Russian invasion not only brought
about changes in the security of cultural heritage
but also intensified the use of digital technologies
for the preservation, documentation, and
promotion of Ukraine’s cultural landmarks.
Despite certain limitations, such as a focus on
recent literature and an emphasis on Ukrainian
and English language sources, the study provides
a robust contribution to scholarly discourse by
identifying new challenges and opportunities in
developing cultural heritage through digital
technologies. Therefore, future research should
focus on a global study rather than on regional
areas of cultural digitalisation.
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