www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.21
How to Cite:
Krymets, L., Logvinenko, N., Nedvyha, O., Pidopryhora, I., & Chornyi, V. (2024). Ethical dimensions of leadership in the context
of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 248-261. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.21
Ethical dimensions of leadership in the context of the
Russian-Ukrainian war
Dimensiones éticas del liderazgo en el contexto de la guerra ruso-ucraniana
Received: January 29, 2024 Accepted: March 24, 2024
Written by:
Liudmyla Krymets1
Natalia Logvinenko2
Oleh Nedvyha3
Ihor Pidopryhora4
Vitalii Chornyi5
The purpose of the article is to study the ethical
dimensions of leadership in the context of the
Russian-Ukrainian war, to analyse the impact of
value orientations on decision-making strategies.
The methodology of this study is qualitative,
which means the use of a qualitative approach
based on the analysis of scientific literature and
expert opinions. The application of this approach
contributed to obtaining a general idea of the
peculiarities of the implementation of ethical
concepts and leadership based on the content
analysis of scientific literature. The findings
indicate that in the context of the Russian-
Ukrainian war, ethical aspects of leadership
manifest themselves as determining factors in the
formation of decision-making strategies in
organisations and management structures. The
analysis of the influence of value orientations on
these strategies shows that leaders who are
Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Associated Professor, Department of Social Sciences, The National Defence
University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAI-1170-2020
PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Department of Military Humanities, Military Institute of
Telecommunications and Informatization Heroes of Kruty, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JTU-1647-2023
PhD in Psychology Deputy Head of the Department of Social Sciences, The National Defence University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JTU-4016-2023
PhD (support of troops (forces)), Associate Professor of the Department of Military History of Ukraine, The National Defence
University of Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: C-7170-2019
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor Department of Military and Humanitarian Disciplines, Military Institute of
Telecommunication and Information Technologies named after the Heroes of Kruty, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Krymets, L., Logvinenko, N., Nedvyha, O., Pidopryhora, I., Chornyi, V. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 248-261 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
focused on humanitarian values define strategies
that are committed to caring for their
subordinates. Their decisions reflect national
values and patriotism. In the context of the
Russian-Ukrainian war, it becomes obvious that
ethical aspects of leadership determine decision-
making strategies based on value orientations.
Keywords: leadership, Russian-Ukrainian war,
ethical dimensions, decision-making,
Research problema
Leadership is not only a question of strategies in
military operations, but also an ethical issue
concerning value orientations and moral business
approaches in the context of the current
geopolitical confrontation between Russia and
Ukraine. In particular, this research article
focuses on analysing the ethical dimensions of
leadership in the context of the Russian-
Ukrainian war and their impact on strategic
The scientific issues of this article objectively
examine the ethical aspects of leadership in the
context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and their
impact on decision-making strategies. The main
research objective is to study and analyse the
ethical dimensions that determine leadership
behaviour during military conflicts. In particular,
the article aims to reveal what values and moral
beliefs influence leaders' strategies in making
important strategic decisions in the extraordinary
circumstances of a military conflict. Among the
key aspects of the research is the analysis of
leaders' value orientations, ethical principles, and
moral obligations in the context of military
activities (Rosenhead et al., 2019).
Research focus
The study is aimed at revealing the ethical
aspects of leadership during a military conflict,
taking into account the peculiarities of the value
orientations that define leaders. The analysis of
these ethical dimensions will be an important
step in understanding the internal mechanism of
leadership in wartime and will help to determine
how these ethical principles influence decision-
making in difficult situations. A special emphasis
will be placed on how these ethical dimensions
interact with strategic decision-making, as this is
an important aspect in the context of military
conflict. Identifying these interrelationships can
highlight ways in which leaders can avoid or
resolve ethical dilemmas during warfare,
contributing to more effective and morally sound
strategies. This study also attempts to highlight
the ethical aspects of leadership in acute conflict
and can serve as a basis for developing a deeper
understanding of leadership approaches in a
military environment, contributing to the
creation of future strategies and moral dilemmas.
Research aim and research questions
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify
the ethical dimensions of leadership in the
context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and to
analyse the impact of value orientations on
decision-making strategies. The realisation of
this goal implies the identification of specific
tasks: defining the general ethical aspects of
leadership in the context of war and analysing
values and describing their impact on decision-
making strategies. Thus, the article also aims to
determine how these ethical aspects interact with
strategic decision-making, considering the
specifics of military circumstances and
geopolitical realities. This issue is important
because it is aimed at understanding the internal
mechanisms of leadership during wartime and
can serve as a basis for developing effective
strategies that consider ethical aspects, ensuring
a high level of morality and responsibility in
solving important tasks in a conflict.
General background
This study aims to thoroughly examine and
characterise the role of ethical principles in
decision-making in the context of the Russian-
Ukrainian war. The main objective is to provide
an in-depth understanding of the key value
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priorities and strategies used by contemporary
Ukrainian managers in the face of uncertainty.
Type of research
The type of this work is a qualitative study, i.e.,
using a qualitative approach based on the study
and processing of scientific literature and
individual expert opinions, the main ethical
principles for a leader in military conditions are
characterised. This approach allowed us to get a
general idea of the peculiarities of implementing
ethical approaches in the leadership system.
The process of learning
The study was carried out systematically and in
stages. First, the research problem was identified,
and a literature review was conducted to identify
the main approaches to characterising ethical
leadership. After that, the influence of value
orientations on decision-making was analysed
(see Figure 1).
Figure 1.
The research process
Source: author's development
Simple procedure of materials and research
Thus, this study is based on a content analysis of
the current literature. The main stages are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Step-by-step content analysis
Definition of the Study
At the beginning of the content analysis, a specific area of research was identified,
i.e. the ethical dimensions of leadership in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Definitions of Key Terms
Key terms related to ethical leadership, the Russian-Ukrainian war, value
orientations, and decision-making strategies are defined.
Selecting Sources
Sources for analysis are selected, such as scientific articles, books, dissertations,
conference reports, and other scientific publications related to the selected topic.
Categorisation and
The literature is systematically categorised to identify key themes and trends. Each
source is coded according to the presence of specific aspects, such as ethical
leadership, value orientations, impact on decision-making strategies, etc.
Content analysis
A detailed analysis of the content of each source is carried out, identifying trends,
common patterns, and features that emerge from the research.
Interpretation and
Summary of Results
The data is interpreted and combined to identify key findings.
Source: author's development
1. Definition of
the research
Thorough explanation of
the relevance of the topic
and focus of the study
2. Review of scientific
Conducting a
comprehensive review of
articles and monographs to
gain a general
understanding of ethical
3. Creating
research results
The article analyses the
basic values in the context
of leadership development
during the Russian-
Ukrainian war, analyses
the value orientations for
decision-making in the
crisis era
4. Drawing
On the basis of the data
obtained and the principle
of generalisation, the
following conclusions are
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Therefore, the establishment of methodological
foundations for analysing the ethical dimensions
of leadership in the context of the Russian-
Ukrainian war involved a systematic
categorisation of terms related to the ethical
principles of leadership in the context of military
events: leadership, ethical dimensions, ethical
leadership, the Russian-Ukrainian war, war,
communication strategies, management
principles, crises, Ukraine, morality, ethics,
diplomacy, leadership theory.
At the initial stages of the search, attention was
focused on the leading repositories for research
in the field of ethics, leadership, international
relations, and military aspects. A thorough
analysis of the Web of Science, Google Scholar,
Elsevier Scopus, WorlsCat, EbsCo, Index
Copernicus databases was carried out using
keywords to ensure full coverage.
The total number of results was 1154, which
were processed using bibliographic software
such as Reference Manager v11. Next, the titles
and abstracts were analysed to exclude irrelevant
results for our study, i.e., those not related to the
ethical dimensions of leadership in military
conflict. After these steps, 231 articles remained.
Important details such as title, abstract, and
publication data were transferred to Excel
spreadsheets. Further sorting was based on the
following exclusion criteria:
Current literature. Year of publication: 2012.
1. The abstract does not mention the
methodology for studying the ethical
dimensions of leadership in a military
2. There is no mention of elements of strategies
for implementing ethical leadership.
3. The article does not deal with the influence
of value orientations on the decision-making
strategies of leaders in a military conflict.
4. The article is not written in English or
This approach led to the identification of 56 main
sources, which became the basis for further
analysis of the ethical dimensions of leadership
in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The following criteria for including literature
were based on the following aspects:
1. Actuality and relevance. The literature
should reflect modern approaches to
leadership in military conflict and have a
direct link to the ethical dimensions of
2. Practical application. The literature should
have a practical dimension and take into
account specific cases of the influence of
ethical leadership on strategic decision-
making during the Russian-Ukrainian war.
3. Consideration of Value Orientations. Papers
that systematically examine the influence of
different value orientations (humanitarian,
national, ethical, etc.) on decision-making
by leaders during military events.
4. Integration of Views. Works that reconcile
different perspectives and theoretical
approaches to analysing the impact of
leadership on decision-making strategies in
5. Update and novelty.
Inclusion of the most recent works and studies
that take into account the current state of the
Russian-Ukrainian war and the ethical challenges
it poses.
These criteria were important for the selection of
scientific sources and literature that most closely
correspond to the topic of ethical principles of
leadership in war. Based on these criteria, the list
of references was 34, which led to their further
processing and obtaining results. Based on the
systematisation and generalisation, it was
possible to process the results and interpret them.
In this paper the bibliographic analysis software
was utilized. The software Microsoft Exel was
employed for bibliographic analysis, which
offers advanced features for organizing,
managing, and analyzing academic references
and citations. This software allows for the
systematic collection of relevant literature on the
ethical dimensions of leadership, particularly in
the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Therefore, the methods of analysis and synthesis
were important, based on which the influence of
value orientations on decision-making strategies
in wartime was considered.
Theoretical framework or literature review
Leadership in the public administration system is
a peculiar process of organising activities of
social groups to solve common problems based
on the leader's authority, preference of his/her
subordinates for his/her traits, and organisational
conditions of work formed by these individuals.
The importance of the leader plays a key role in
organising the group's joint work and ensuring
the effectiveness of its activities. The leader's
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
personality and style of behaviour determine the
fate of any member of the group in many aspects.
Problematic elements related to the phenomenon
of leadership have been the subject of scientific
consideration. The analysed works can be
divided into two groups:
1. The first includes an analysis of leadership
in difficult times of military threats;
2. The second group is primarily concerned
with the development of leadership skills in
the learning environment (taking into
account current experience).
Based on this division, the most important
studies used to formulate conclusions and
generalisations can be noted.
Watters (2017) analysed the ethical aspects of
decision-making during the Bosnian war,
addressing the current challenges of decision-
making under high pressure. His work explores
the dynamics of leadership in complex situations
and the challenges that arise in military conflicts.
Padan (2017) examined the construction of
“crisis events” in military settings, taking into
account the Israeli perspective. Her work serves
as a source for understanding the emergence and
impact of crisis situations on leadership in the
context of military operations. Mock & Ciloci
(2022) focus on the role of resilient leadership in
times of crisis, analysing the case of leading a
nation during the Ukrainian conflict. They
explore how leadership effectiveness can be
ensured in the context of military confrontation.
Perepelytsia (2021) explores the challenges of
war and peace in the twenty-first century,
especially in the context of the Russian-
Ukrainian conflict. The work creates a theoretical
framework for understanding the ethical aspects
of war and their impact on leadership. Zachara-
Szymańska (2023) analysed the international
image of Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the
international community's reaction to the
Kremlin regime's aggression. Her work
highlights the understanding of how the image of
a leader can influence international politics in
times of crisis. Kaltenbrunner and Simsa (2021)
examine leadership in extreme conditions on the
example of the European refugee crisis. The
proposed study makes a significant contribution
to understanding how different forms of
leadership can influence management and
problem-solving in complex situations. Lepskyi,
Masiuk, Skvorets & Kudinov (2023) examine the
phenomenon of decision-making mechanisms in
wartime, based on the paradigms of the current
Russian-Ukrainian war. The article examines
what factors influence decision-making in crisis
situations and how this is reflected in the conflict
between Russia and Ukraine.
Xiong (2022) characterised the importance of
artificial intelligence in supporting specific
leadership strategies. Thus, Xiong (2022)
investigated the interaction between artificial
intelligence and leadership, exploring how
artificial intelligence technologies affect the role
and functions of leaders in the modern business
environment. At the same time, Talajic, Kopal &
Mršić (2022) described the main aspects of
leadership's impact on business performance and
developed an analytical concept of leadership
that includes an assessment of leadership
qualities and their impact on enterprise
performance. Iskakova et al. (2023) studied
modern philosophical concepts of educational
trends, considered the interaction of crisis factors
in the development of the educational process
and the creation of a harmonious approach to
education. Maciej (2023) focused on identifying
the influence of futuristic philosophy and
evolution in education, analysing information
and communication technologies and strategies
for gaining pedagogical experience in the context
of personal consciousness. Zeng, Li & Li (2023)
traced the importance of the learning aspect in
the formation of leadership qualities. Sanakuiev
(2022) explored the importance of knowledge in
light of the challenges of globalisation, providing
a philosophical and intellectual context for
understanding how these aspects affect
leadership decision-making in the modern world.
Yolida & Marpaung (2023) examined the
elements of leadership learning and how they can
be applied in education. They open up new
possibilities for improving pedagogical strategies
and developing a deeper understanding of
pedagogical challenges in light of current trends.
Therefore, the proposed studies make a
multifaceted contribution to the understanding of
various aspects of leadership in different
contexts, including crisis situations, historical
influences on political leadership, as well as
factors that determine decision-making in
wartime, training, and formation of modern ones.
The proposed works provide a basis for analysing
the ethical aspects of leadership in times of
conflict, especially in the context of strategic
decision-making and crisis response. At the same
time, additional attention should be paid to the
ethical challenges that leaders face during global
crises, such as warfare. Similarly, the dilemma of
the interaction between leadership and
democratic forms will need to be rethought
against the backdrop of Russian aggression in
Ukraine. Also, the problems of ethical leadership
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
in an intercultural context will require further
attention, as they are being redefined and
understood in the new military realities.
Ethical leadership is a crucial factor in preventing
breaches of the code of ethics and deterring
behaviour that could potentially tarnish an
organisation's reputation in times of war. The
conceptualisation of ethical leadership refers to
the implementation and demonstration of
normatively appropriate behaviour. This
involves the active involvement of employees in
decision-making processes through two-way
communication at both the strategic and
individual levels (Hyusein & Eyupoglu, 2023).
Ethical leadership theory is grounded in both
moral managerial and individual aspects,
underscoring the importance of cultivating wise
ethical characteristics. The workplace
environment fostered by an ethical leader
revolves around ethical values, fair rewards, and
communication systems tailored to transform
organizational members (Brittain-Hale, 2023;
Northouse, 2015). Recent studies and surveys
have demonstrated the effectiveness of ethical
leadership practices, particularly in challenging
contexts like times of war. For example, statistics
on employee engagement or organizational
performance in companies led by ethical leaders
during conflicts provide robust evidence
supporting the positive impact of ethical
leadership (Kubiv et al., 2020)). Ethical leaders
are not only expected to impart ethical education
but also to proactively build processes ensuring
the comprehensive implementation of ethical
practices throughout the organization.
Incorporating data from recent studies can
substantiate the claims made about the
transformative effects of ethical leadership
during wartime. Imposing ethical processes has
been shown to significantly influence employee
attitudes and values, fostering beliefs in their
own effectiveness. This, in turn, stimulates and
fortifies the organization's vision and bottom
line. Ethical leaders are expected to play a key
role in setting moral standards and
contextualising them within an organisation,
especially in times of war. They incentivise
ethical behaviour through rewards and address
unethical behaviour through disciplinary
measures. In these ethical work environments, a
culture of continuous learning prevails.
Under the influence of ethical leaders, employees
internalize codes of ethics through various
methods such as observation, role modeling,
commitment to leadership, and performance
analysis of their colleagues. It is critical to
understand the unique benefits of ethical
leadership, especially in times of conflict. A
comparative analysis of different leadership
styles during conflict can provide valuable
information about the distinctive contribution of
ethical leadership.
Research has shown that ethical leaders not only
set moral expectations, but also significantly
improve the psychological well-being of team
members. This, in turn, leads to increased
engagement, increased job satisfaction,
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB),
increased commitment, and overall improved
performance (Hyusein & Eyupoglu, 2023). To
deepen our understanding of the meaning of
ethical leadership, it is important to compare it
with other leadership styles under similar
circumstances. Case studies and historical
examples can be used to illustrate how ethical
leadership, compared to other styles, concretely
contributes to better outcomes in wartime. By
highlighting the unique benefits of ethical
leadership, we can gain valuable insight into its
role in promoting positive organizational
outcomes during periods of conflict.
Additionally, it is important to note that effective
ethical leaders not only define moral standards
but also set strategies for reward systems. This
helps to maintain an ethical environment in the
workplace and maintains a high level of moral
values among staff (Craft, 2012). On the other
hand, leaders who do not pay attention to ethical
communication and do not use reward systems
strategically are expected to risk fostering a work
environment where political behavior among
employees can emerge, which can be detrimental
to organizational performance. While it is crucial
to emphasize the importance of ethical
leadership, a comprehensive understanding of
how organizations can effectively implement and
sustain these ethical principles, especially in
challenging times such as the Russia-Ukraine
war, is equally essential.
In order to cultivate ethical leadership,
organizations can adopt various strategies:
1. Leadership Training Programs:
Develop and implement training programs
that specifically focus on ethical leadership
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Provide leaders with the necessary tools and
skills to navigate ethical dilemmas;
2. Establishing Ethical Guidelines:
Formulate clear and comprehensive ethical
guidelines that align with the organization's
Communicate these guidelines to all levels
of the organization to ensure awareness and
3. Creating a Culture of Ethical Decision-
Foster a culture that encourages ethical
decision-making at all levels;
Recognize and reward ethical behavior to
reinforce the importance of ethical conduct.
In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, ethical
leadership becomes even more critical as it can
foster a culture of understanding, empathy, and
transparency. Implementing these strategies can
help mitigate potential conflicts and promote a
positive work environment despite external
challenges. It is crucial that leaders actively work
to foster a positive perception of workplace
processes and procedures (Sánchez-Castillo et
al., 2023; Mazur et al., 2023). Ethical leadership
plays a crucial role in setting the tone and
enhancing the culture of the workplace. By
effectively communicating organizational
policies and procedures, leaders contribute to the
establishment of an ethical work environment
that withstands external pressures and fosters
positive organizational outcomes. Ethical leaders
are expected to empower team members by
implementing fair decision-making processes
and guiding them, making it clear that
manipulation and inappropriate behaviour are not
acceptable (Strydom, 2017; Mudrak et al., 2019).
This proactive approach helps to reduce or
eliminate the impact of negative policies at their
source (Eisenbeiss, 2012). Thus, the ethical
dimensions of leadership in the context of the
Russian-Ukrainian war become especially
important due to the complex situations that arise
in connection with the conflict. In this context,
ethical leadership is determined not only by the
moral standards of individual leaders but also by
the impact of their decisions and actions on the
overall ethical state of society (see Table 2).
Table 2.
General ethical aspects of leadership in the context of war
Respect for human life and human rights
Ethical leadership requires leaders to respect life and human
rights in conflict. This means making decisions that protect the
interests and safety of citizens.
Compassion and social responsibility
An ethical leader must show compassion for the tragic
consequences of war, be willing to help the victims, and take
social responsibility for the fate of his or her citizens.
No corruption and transparency
Wartime conditions can foster corruption and unfair practices.
An ethical leader opposes corruption and establishes transparent
rules and controls.
Communication and openness
A leader who is ethical actively communicates with the public
and the international community, explains the essence of his
decisions and actions, tries to prevent misinformation, and
promote openness.
Source: Authors' elaboration based on Eisenbeiss (2012); Janovac & Virijević Jovanović (2022); Bridges
(2018); Perepelytsia (2021); Benmira & Agboola (2021).
Given the ethical dimensions of leadership in the
context of the Russia-Ukraine war, leaders are
expected to demonstrate a high degree of
responsibility, fairness, and willingness to
cooperate to ensure peace and prosperity for both
nations. A lack of clarity in ethical codes or a
failure to integrate these codes into employee
behaviour can lead to a negative political
atmosphere in the workplace (Lutsiak et al.,
Ethical principles are crucial for leadership in
modern organisations, especially in times of war,
for several good reasons.
1. A guiding moral compass
Ethical principles provide leaders with a moral
compass, guiding their decisions and actions in a
way that is consistent with values such as
honesty, fairness, and integrity.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In the context of war, where difficult and
complex decisions are often required, ethical
leadership ensures that leaders make choices that
are morally sound and resonate with societal
2. Maintaining trust and reliability
Ethical leaders are expected to build trust and
credibility among their team members and
stakeholders by consistently demonstrating
honesty, transparency, and accountability.
In times of war, trust is paramount to effective
leadership. Ethical leaders inspire confidence in
their ability to make ethical decisions, fostering
loyalty and commitment among their teams.
3. Creating a positive organisational culture
Ethical leadership fosters a positive
organisational culture where values and norms
promote ethical behaviour and a sense of
In times of war, a positive organisational culture
helps organisations overcome challenges,
maintain resilience and support the well-being of
their members.
4. Mitigating unethical behaviour
Ethical principles act as a deterrent to unethical
behaviour in an organisation. Leaders who are
expected to emphasise ethical behaviour
discourage people from engaging in actions that
could harm others or the organisation.
In the context of war, ethical leadership helps to
prevent abuse of power, corruption, or other
unethical behaviour that could jeopardise the
organisation's mission or tarnish its reputation.
5. Improving decision-making processes
Ethical leaders are expected to consider the
ethical implications of their decisions, weighing
the potential impact on individuals and
communities. In the context of war, where
decisions can have serious consequences, ethical
leadership ensures that decisions are thoughtful
and principled, taking into account the well-
being of all stakeholders.
6. Promoting unity and cooperation
Ethical leaders are expected to promote unity and
cooperation within teams by treating everyone
with respect and valuing diversity, particularly in
the demanding realities of wartime where
teamwork and cohesion are paramount. In this
context, ethical leadership establishes an
inclusive environment, encouraging cooperation
and mutual support.
In the aspect of adapting to changing situations,
ethical leaders are anticipated to demonstrate
adaptability and resilience. This involves
adjusting strategies and decisions to meet
evolving circumstances while steadfastly
adhering to ethical principles. The context of
war, characterized by inherent unpredictability,
necessitates ethical leaders to navigate
challenges with a flexible and principled
Therefore, ethical principles constitute an
integral aspect of effective leadership in modern
organizations during times of war. Ethical
leaders act as reflections of integrity, providing
guidance, building trust, and cultivating a
positive organizational culture capable of
withstanding the challenges of conflict and
Analysing the impact of value orientations on
decision-making strategies in the context of the
Russian-Ukrainian war involves understanding
how the fundamental values of individuals and
organisations shape their approaches to
managing complex and challenging situations
arising from the conflict. The values selected for
this analysis are patriotism, humanitarian values,
economic interests, honesty and transparency,
and social responsibility. Table 3 presents an
analysis of these values and their implementation
in the decision-making system in the context of
the Russian-Ukrainian war.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Analysing values and describing their impact on decision-making strategies
Nationalism and patriotism
Focus on values
Leaders who are influenced by strong nationalistic and patriotic values
give priority to decisions that are in the interests and welfare of their
respective nations.
Influence on decision-making:
Such managers tend to support strategies that strengthen national identity,
security and sovereignty. This includes allocating resources, cooperating
with national defence, and maintaining organisational resilience in the
face of geopolitical challenges.
Humanitarian values
Focus on values:
Leaders guided by humanitarian values prioritise solutions that uphold
human rights, protect civilians and minimise harm to those affected by
Influence on decision-making
These managers advocate for strategies that prioritise the safety and well-
being of employees and stakeholders, potentially engaging in initiatives
that contribute to humanitarian relief efforts or promote diplomacy and
peaceful problem-solving.
Honesty and transparency
Focus on values
Ethical leaders are expected to emphasise transparency, honesty, and
Influence on decision-making
In the context of war, managers with strong ethical values adopt decision-
making strategies that ensure clear communication about the impact of
conflict on the organisation, building trust among employees and
stakeholders. Ethical leaders can advocate for transparent communication,
compliance with international laws and regulations, and avoid actions that
could lead to ethical controversy. They are expected to foster a corporate
culture that is principled, accountable, and in line with global ethical
Global cooperation
Focus on values
Managers with a global perspective can emphasise solutions that promote
international cooperation, diplomacy, and collaboration to solve complex
problems in times of war.
Influence on decision-making
These managers are expected to support strategies that involve
participation in international efforts, participation in international forums,
and building alliances to address the company's challenges in the face of
the geopolitical consequences of war.
Ability to adapt
Focus on values
Managers who value crisis management and adaptability prefer solutions
that increase organisational resilience, flexibility, and agility in
responding to the uncertainties of conflict.
Influence on decision-making
These managers advocate strategies that involve scenario planning, risk
assessment, and rapid adaptation to changing circumstances. They
implement measures to ensure that the organisation can effectively deal
with unforeseen problems.
Economic interests
Focus on values
Managers who focus on economic values prioritise decisions that ensure
financial stability, are expected to protect investments and reduce risks to
the economic interests of the organisation.
Influence on decision-making
Such managers may emphasise strategies that ensure the financial
sustainability of the organisation, including market diversification,
currency risk management, and adaptation of business models to
withstand conflict-related economic fluctuations.
Source: compiled by the authors based on Brantly (2023); Geier (2016); Goleman (2015); MacLean &
Titah (2021); Žotkevičiūtė-Banevičiene (2022).
Thus, value orientations have a significant
impact on decision-making strategies in the
management of organisations in the context of
the Russian-Ukrainian war. Understanding and
alignment of these values can contribute to the
development of sustainable, ethical, and socially
responsible approaches to overcoming the
challenges caused by the conflict. At the same
time, in an era of warfare, a risk-taking approach
and business contingency or a focus on long-term
sustainability and responsibility play an
important role.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, a risk-
based management approach means actively
considering and analysing the risks associated
with the conflict to minimise its impact on
business processes (Kaltenbrunner & Simsa,
2021). Managers who follow this approach adopt
strategies aimed at preventing possible threats,
responding to emergencies, and building backup
plans to ensure business resilience. At the same
time, business resilience is the ability of an
organisation to adapt and function in the face of
uncertainty and crisis (Bridges, 2018). In the
context of war, this includes the development of
strategies that allow the enterprise to ensure the
continuation of operations, preserve key
resources, reduce the impact of negative factors,
and effectively adapt to changes in the external
environment (Zachara-Szymańska, 2023). On
the other hand, leaders seeking long-term
sustainability consider the impact of their
decisions on the future of the enterprise and its
role in the community. In the context of war, this
includes developing actions aimed at creating
lasting values that contribute not only to survival
but also to the successful development of the
organisation during and after the crisis. Leaders
who feel a sense of responsibility to the
community are expected to make decisions that
take into account the interests of not only the
organisation but also the wider social
environment (Watters, 2017; Sánchez-Castillo et
al., 2023). In the context of war, this may include
measures aimed at supporting local communities,
preserving jobs, and contributing to the
restoration of economic prosperity in the conflict
During the Russian-Ukrainian war and historical
conflicts in Europe, similar and different
leadership strategies were revealed. Both
contexts highlight the importance of adaptability
and principled decision-making. Emphasis is
placed on maintaining team unity and
cooperation, as well as the importance of creating
an inclusive environment. However, different
challenges arise, such as specific geopolitics and
different socio-cultural factors, which determine
the unique aspects of leadership strategies in each
The proposed theses underscore the critical role
of adaptation to global challenges as a strategic
imperative for leaders in the field of public
administration. In our interconnected world,
facing numerous complex problems transcending
national borders, this adaptive approach is
crucial. Various contemporary authors support
this perspective, including Maxwell (2013) and
Safonov et al. (2018).
Moreover, several essential aspects must be
considered when adapting to global challenges.
Foremost among them is a profound
understanding of global issues and the
ramifications of actions during times of war.
Leaders must be well-versed in the intricacies of
challenges such as climate change, pandemics,
migration, cybersecurity, etc., a sentiment
echoed by Žotkevičiūtė-Banevičiene (2022).
This comprehension enables the identification of
priorities and the formulation of appropriate
strategies, as emphasized by Goleman (2015).
Simultaneously, the significance of collaboration
with other countries and international
organizations cannot be overstated. This
collaborative approach is key to addressing
complex global challenges effectively.
It has been proven that a leader must be able to
combine efforts, partnerships, and coordination
at the international level to solve problems
together. At the same time, plans must be flexible
and adaptable to new circumstances. Therefore,
leadership during the Russian-Ukrainian war in
the context of global challenges requires a broad
overview, strategic thinking, the ability to work
in a team and coordinate efforts at different levels
- from local to international.
The results show that modern wartime leadership
requires the development of leadership potential.
Modern scholars Benmira & Agboola (2021) and
Crossan et al. (2013) agree with this view.
Leadership is an important component of
management for numerous reasons; it helps to set
the direction for an organisation or team,
formulate a vision for the future, and define goals
to be achieved. Similar conclusions were reached
by Strydom (2017) and Volkan & Javakhishvili
The results show that the development of
leadership potential is an important element of
the strategies of modern public administration.
Modern scholars identify several key
components of the leadership potential of a
manager in the field of public administration
(Kozlovskyi et al., 2020; Kozlovskyi et al.,
2022). Between 2008 and 2012, the world was
faced with a number of important events, and
leaders in different countries came up with
strategies to solve various problems. Here are
some key dimensions of leadership strategies
during this period. For example, The United
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
States and the world: In the period after the
financial crisis of 2008, the leaders of many
countries, including the United States, adopted
strategies to stabilize the economy. In particular,
the introduction of economic stimulation
programs, financial reforms and public debt
management were on the agenda (Pipe et al.,
2008; Dluhopolskyi et al., 2023). Leaders of
Arabian countries affected by the Arab Spring
faced challenges from the public demanding
democratic change. The strategies included
political reforms, dialogue with society and
implementation of measures for economic
development. European Union leaders have been
grappling with the financial problems associated
with the euro crisis (Gooding-Williams, 2011).
The strategies included the creation of financial
mechanisms to support countries with serious
economic difficulties and changes in the
governance structure of the Eurozone. In general,
leadership strategies during this period were
aimed at addressing a variety of global
challenges, such as economic hardship, political
upheaval, and rapid technological development.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in an in-
depth consideration of the ethical aspects of
leadership in the context of military conflict, as
well as in clarifying the relationship between the
value orientations of leaders and their decision-
making strategies in the context of military
conflicts. The study focuses on the analysis of the
values that guide leaders in the context of
military confrontation, influence their ethical
decisions and strategies that determine further
steps and developments. Given the relevance of
the Russian-Ukrainian war as a socio-political
phenomenon of the 21st century, this study can
bring new perspectives on the ethical aspects of
leadership and decision-making in modern
military conditions, contributing to the
development of scientific understanding of these
issues and possible influence on the formation of
leaders' strategies in such situations.
Undoubtedly, this study has certain limitations.
The concept of leadership as a human
phenomenon has been the subject of scientific
research for a long time. To write this article, we
searched for the most relevant scientific papers
that have been chronologically written since
2012. On the one hand, this limitation is
explained by the beginning of Russian
aggression against Ukraine, which has been
determined since 2014, when the Crimean
peninsula was occupied. However, the results of
studies conducted in earlier times may also be
relevant to definitions of leadership in times of
war, so this aspect allows us to continue the study
in a comparative context in the future. Another
limitation in the analysis was the selection of
sources, which, although covering well-known
and influential scientific knowledge bases, leaves
the possibility that some studies important for
understanding the role of leadership in wartime
were out of focus.
Certainly, a more detailed discussion on how
leadership decisions, influenced by different
value orientations, impact various stakeholders
in wartime would significantly enrich the section.
This expanded analysis could delve into the
short-term and long-term consequences for
distinct groups, offering a comprehensive view
of the ripple effects of leadership. Here's a more
detailed exploration:
For example in the sphere of International
Relations Leaders are expected to make
decisions based on international cooperation and
diplomacy values can impact the immediate
geopolitical landscape. Collaborative efforts or,
conversely, isolationist approaches can shape the
international perception of a country or
organization during wartime. Over the long term,
decisions influenced by global cooperation may
contribute to diplomatic success, alliances, and
positive international standing. Conversely,
decisions that strain international relations may
lead to long-term geopolitical challenges and
diplomatic tensions.
This detailed exploration highlights the nuanced
effects of leadership decisions on various
stakeholders. Analyzing both short-term and
long-term consequences will provide a more
thorough understanding of how different value
orientations can shape the trajectory of an
organization or country during wartime in the
In the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war,
the ethical dimensions of leadership emerge as
pivotal forces shaping decision-making
strategies within organizations and management
structures. Reflecting on the impact of value
orientations on these strategies reveals the
intricate ethical dilemmas that modern political
leaders face during times of conflict.
Leaders guided by humanitarian values prioritize
strategies centered around the well-being of their
subordinates in the face of war. The safety and
psychological health of staff become paramount
considerations. Conversely, leaders embracing
national values prioritize the protection of their
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
country's sovereignty and security, aligning
decisions with patriotic sentiments. Ethical
leadership, in this context, involves outspoken
opposition to negative political phenomena,
fostering transparency, and openness in
governance. Yet, within the complexity of
wartime, ethical considerations intertwine with
risk-taking and business contingency. Leaders
adopting a risk-centric approach actively
navigate the uncertainties of conflict, crafting
strategies focused on ensuring operational
sustainability and efficiency amid volatile
conditions. In contrast, leaders emphasizing
long-term sustainability and societal
responsibility incorporate social aspects into
their strategies, recognizing that fortifying values
tied to societal responsibility is pivotal for
successful recovery from crises.
It is clear that the ethical landscape for leaders in
wartime is multifaceted. Striking a balance
between humanitarian and national values, risk-
taking, and societal responsibility requires astute
decision-making. The interplay of these factors
creates an intricate leadership context wherein
leaders must grapple with ethical dilemmas,
ensuring not only the survival but also the ethical
integrity and societal impact of their
organizations amid the uncertainties of war. This
study possesses certain limitations. The concept
of leadership, as a fundamental aspect of human
behavior and organization, has been extensively
researched within the realm of scientific inquiry
for a significant period. In the endeavor to
compile this article, our approach involved a
comprehensive search for the most pertinent
scientific literature available, particularly
focusing on works produced since 2012. The
temporal constraint of sourcing literature
primarily from 2012 onwards is a notable
limitation of this study. This restriction can be
attributed to the onset of Russian aggression
against Ukraine, which commenced in 2014 with
the occupation of the Crimean peninsula. The
significance of this limitation lies in the fact that
the geopolitical landscape and dynamics of
conflict dramatically shifted during this period,
potentially influencing the discourse and
understanding of leadership in wartime contexts.
However, it is essential to recognize that studies
conducted prior to 2012 may also offer valuable
insights into the nature of leadership during times
of war. Consequently, this aspect of the
limitation presents an opportunity for future
research to undertake a comparative analysis,
encompassing a broader temporal scope, to
further enrich our understanding of leadership
dynamics in wartime scenarios. In summary,
while this study strives to provide valuable
insights into the ethical dimensions of leadership
within the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war,
it is essential to recognize and address the
inherent limitations. Future research endeavors
should aim to mitigate these limitations through
a more extensive temporal scope and a
meticulous approach to source selection, thereby
fostering a more comprehensive and nuanced
understanding of leadership dynamics in times of
Hence, in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian
war, it was found that the ethical dimensions of
leadership determine decision-making strategies
based on value orientations. These aspects,
combined with long-term sustainability and
responsibility to the community, and risk-taking,
create an effective leadership context for
organisations in uncertain wartime conditions.
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