www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.20
How to Cite:
Chovriy, S., Skyba, N., Dmytrenko, A., Zabiiaka, I., & Holovchenko, O. (2024). Strengthening the professional training of staff in
EU higher education. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 234-247. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.20
Strengthening the professional training of staff in EU higher education
Посилення професійної підготовки кадрів у вищій освіті ЄС
Received: February 10, 2024 Accepted: March 23, 2024
Written by:
Sofiya Chovriy1
Nadiya Skyba2
Alina Dmytrenko3
Iryna Zabiiaka4
Oleksii Holovchenko5
The article reveals the most relevant and
important for developing world societies to the
professional training of personnel in the EU
countries in the educational space. The
methodological principles of the research are
leading provisions of the theory of scientific
knowledge; general scientific principles of
historicism, systematicity, and scientificity;
conceptual provisions of pedagogical,
psychological, and sociological sciences; ideas
of comparative research experience; and
philosophical and pedagogical ideas of the
development of modern education. The
principles on which the reform of higher
education is based are described and the main
trends of the structure of world higher education
are clarified. The significance of developing
educational information networks in the
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions in the EU countries is shown. The
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of
Primary Education, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: CAJ-1660-2022
Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages for Sciences, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher
ID: KHV-9319-2024
Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education Department, Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ISB-4649-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign and Ukrainian Philology, Lutsk National
Technical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-6434-2022
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport, Associate Profesor, Associate Professor of Sporting and Physical Education
Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AFI-1656-2022
Chovriy, S., Skyba, N., Dmytrenko, A., Zabiiaka, I., Holovchenko, O. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 234-247 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
main tasks of the organization of educational
institutions in the world's countries are
highlighted. The conducted experimental
research is aimed at researching: the
effectiveness of professional training of
personnel in the educational space;
determination of suitability for employment in
EU countries; and effectiveness of continuous
professional training at the workplace in EU
countries. The conclusions summarize ways of
professional training of personnel in the EU
countries in the educational space of universities.
Keywords: professional training, EU countries,
higher education institutions, continuous
professional training, employment in EU
The training of specialists who can think
creatively, specialists of a new quality, who will
be able to make non-standard decisions, quickly
navigate in the saturated modern space of
information, develop and learn throughout life
is becoming a requirement of the time
(Marrero-Rodríguez & Stendardi, 2023).
The methodological principles of the research are
leading provisions of the theory of scientific
knowledge; general scientific principles of
historicism, systematicity, and scientificity;
conceptual provisions of pedagogical,
psychological, and sociological sciences; ideas
of comparative research experience; and
philosophical and pedagogical ideas of the
development of modern education.
The modernization of European education is
inextricably linked with the development of the
entire society at the current stage, the
characteristic features of which are the updating
of the content of education, its structure, the
introduction of the credit transfer system into the
educational process, and the consistent
introduction of innovative technologies into the
educational space. The system of higher
education and its modernization should be aimed
at the education of the individual, and the
development of a new generation of people who
live by humanistic laws and are aware of
universal human values. Modern education faces
universal goals: to ensure its competitiveness on
the world market, to reach a new level of
European education quality, reforming it based
on continuity, openness, mobility,
democratization, and equal access to education,
while preserving the authenticity of national
education (Sysoieva & Krystopchuk, 2012).
Within the framework of the European Higher
Education Area, to increase the competitiveness
of education, the position is taken that higher
education should be responsible to society and
should undertake obligations to support and
initiate the intellectual progress of the world
economy. It is education that is built on European
traditions that will contribute to continuous
education, personality development, and social
expediency (Egido Gálvez, 2019).
The study of international experience is
extremely important, since the lack of a clear
national strategy for the internationalization of
education leads to a low volume of export of
educational services, unsatisfactory rates of
development of international educational
programs and, accordingly, complicates the
effective integration of domestic education into
the European and global educational space.
Therefore, the processes of Ukraine's integration
into the European educational and economic
space, the socio-economic significance of
establishing the interaction of higher education
with the labor market, the importance of studying
the experience of the European Union on this
issue, as well as the insufficient theoretical
development of the problem determined the
relevance of the topic of the article.
Literature review
Many publications analyze the achievements of
higher education and outline ways to overcome
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the problems of forming a high-quality European
educational space. The publication, which
contains articles by more than 50 researchers of
the Bologna Process: "The European Higher
Education Area: Between Critical Reflections
and Future Policies", presents the main aspects of
higher education: teaching, learning, financing,
and management; the process of its
internationalization; ensuring the quality of
educational space; involvement of higher
education seekers in today's educational space;
justice and social dimension of the higher
education system; superiority and variety of
missions; the relationship between education,
research, and innovation; the impact of the
Bologna process on the European area of higher
education and beyond (Curaj et al., 2015).
In the research of Bergan (2019), the progress of
the educational space in the present is shown and
the main difficulties faced by the higher
education system in Europe are highlighted.
The stages of the development of the European
area of higher education are analyzed, and the
main ways of reforming the world education
system are shown, but it is noted that in recent
years, as a result of increasing difficulties in the
management of the educational sector, the
optimism of a person regarding the fulfillment of
his obligations has decreased (Zaskalieta, 2019).
H. Khoruzhyi (2016) pays attention to the
organization and internationalization of lifelong
learning, personnel, and institutional provision,
considers the content and essence of national and
European higher education policy, analyzes
historical aspects of the activities of European
institutions, educational projects, and strategies
of the European Union aimed at modernization
higher school.
S. Cankaya, T. Kutlu, & E. Cebeci (2015) singled
out and characterized the stages of development
of the strategy of the European Union in the field
of education, and also showed the need to ensure
the quality of education at the current stage of the
educational process. Yu. Zayachuk (2015),
agreeing with the previous research, revealed the
problem of implementation of educational
management reforms and structural reforms
within the framework of the modern European
space. The research A. Dzhurylo (2018), based
on the experience of European countries,
regarding the distribution of powers between
those entities that manage the general education
The methodological recommendations
developed by the team of authors (Divinska et al.,
2018) include the best foreign practices and
relate to the improvement of the educational
process of higher education institutions of
education: development of standards and
professional profiles of scientific and
pedagogical workers, prospects of using
European educational practices in the activities
of higher education institutions, career growth of
scientific and pedagogical workers,
determination of the effectiveness of models of
professional development of students of higher
education, based on the competence approach of
development of research students, foreign
language, valuable competences.
S. Zaskalieta (2019) examines the conceptual
foundations and directs the entire scientific
search for effective ways of developing the
higher education system, proving that in the
countries of the European space, the general
trend of professional training of specialists is the
internal quality assurance of education, analyzes
the ways of ensuring the quality of higher
education, which include: the availability of the
necessary resources; in the higher education
sector, monitoring the quality of educational
activities and the quality of training at all levels
and stages of specialist training.
L. Pukhovska, A. Vornachev, & S. Leu (2015)
prepared a manual based on the materials of
comparative studies of the European Center for
the Development of Vocational Education and
Training, where they used European periodicals,
monographic studies and characterized the trends
in the professional development of non-
specialists and the current state of the educational
space in the countries of the European Union.
Therefore, many publications analyze the
achievements of higher education and outline
ways to overcome the problems of forming a
high-quality European educational space.
However, the problem of professional training of
personnel in the educational space of higher
education institutions in the EU countries is
relevant and important today for the development
of world society.
Despite a significant number of studies on the
development of educational systems in the
member states of the European Union, the study
of the European experience regarding the
interaction of higher education has not yet
become the subject of a separate, coherent
scientific study, in particular, the conditions,
stimulating factors and mechanisms for
regulating the interaction of higher education in
the European Union have not been disclosed.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The relevance of the study of the selected
problem is also strengthened by the need to
resolve the contradictions regarding the
development of the interaction of higher
education with the labor market in Ukraine,
namely, between:
the need to balance the interaction of higher
education with the domestic labor market
and the imperfection of mechanisms for
regulating this process at different levels
(state, higher education, labor market);
the quantitative and qualitative discrepancy
between the professional training of
specialists in the field of higher education
and their employment in the domestic labor
the socio-economic significance of the
interaction of higher education with the
domestic labor market and the lack of an
effective model of harmonization of this
the presence of European experience of
higher education and the absence of
substantiated directions for its practical
application in Ukraine.
Therefore, the study of the experience of the
European Union on this issue is important for the
development of strategies for the modernization
of higher education in Ukraine. Under these
circumstances, the study of professional training
of personnel in higher education in the European
Union is of particular scientific interest, where
mechanisms and models of state influence on
solving economic and social problems are being
fundamentally rethought. Changes in European
policy are aimed at mitigating and overcoming
the economic and financial crisis. Therefore,
modernization of higher education is important
for creating conditions for building a new Europe
with an economy based on knowledge.
The aim of the study. To reveal the most
relevant and important for the development of
world society ways of professional training of
personnel in the EU countries in the educational
space of higher education institutions.
The methodological principles of the research are
leading provisions of the theory of scientific
knowledge; general scientific principles of
historicism, systematicity, and scientificity;
conceptual provisions of pedagogical,
psychological, and sociological sciences; ideas
of comparative research experience based on the
simultaneous study of pedagogical, socio-
cultural and economic phenomena; philosophical
and pedagogical ideas of the development of
modern education.
To realize the goal, the following general
scientific research methods were used:
theoretical study and study of normative
sources, methodological literature,
psychological and pedagogical literature,
philosophical literature, scientific work of
foreign and domestic scientists on the
problem of professional training of
personnel in the EU countries in the
educational space of higher education
institutions, the peculiarities of their work in
today's conditions; for the semantic load and
delineation of the conceptual boundaries of
the studied phenomenon;
logical-systemic analysis, analogy,
classification, generalization of practical
and scientific-theoretical data, deduction,
induction to determine the most relevant
and important for the development of world
society ways of professional training of
personnel in the EU countries in the
educational space of higher education
comparison of the obtained data to clarify
the dependencies and cause-and-effect
relationships of professional training of
personnel in the EU countries in the
educational space of higher education
empirical methods and pedagogical
experiments questionnaires, observations
to find out and verify the use of the operation
of the most relevant and important for the
development of world society ways of
professional training of personnel in the EU
countries in the educational space of higher
education institutions; quantitative and
qualitative analysis of research results using
methods (non-parametric Pearson χ2 test
for verification of experimental results) of
mathematical statistics.
Experimental research is aimed at researching:
effectiveness of professional training of
personnel in the educational space of higher
education institutions;
determination of suitability for employment
in EU countries;
effectiveness of continuous professional
training at the workplace in EU countries.
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Recommendations for the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education institutions
and continuous professional training at the
workplace in EU countries have been developed
The strategic tasks of EU member states in the
field of professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education institutions
are outlined.
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In research work, the
quality of data collection and analysis not only
adds weight to the research but also contributes
to the formation of sound conclusions, which is
the key to academic success.
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms a simple tool for creating
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions, and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R, or Python for more advanced data
analysis, statistical analysis, and processing
of volumes of data.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
The total sample size is 70 subjects, among
whom are students of physical education. When
forming the sample, the criteria of
meaningfulness, representativeness, and
equivalence were taken into account. The sample
was formed by random selection using the
technical procedure for calculating the selection
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of an environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
Results and discussion
1. The principles underlying the reform of
higher education.
The reform of higher education, research, and
determination of the most relevant and important
for the development of world society ways of
professional training of personnel in the EU
countries in the educational space of higher
education institutions is based on the following
1) the national idea of higher education,
multiplication, and preservation of
educational national traditions of each
country. The higher education of each
country is called upon to educate a citizen of
the state, as well as to promote a
harmoniously developed personality for
which the need to improve the general
educational and professional level and
fundamental knowledge is associated with
the strengthening of one's state;
2) the development of higher education should
be subject to the laws of the market
economy. At the same time, it is necessary
to take into account important factors
political, social, social consciousness,
spiritual life, moral and psychological
values, and culture. Many problems that
have accumulated in the system of higher
education are primarily related to the
imbalance of the complex of the specified
factors of social transformations;
3) in the context of trends in the development
of educational systems: the world, in
general, and European, in particular, the
development of higher education should be
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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For high-quality professional training of
personnel in the educational space in any
country, it is necessary to bring the regulatory
and legislative framework of higher education up
to global requirements, organize the list of
specialties, structure the components and the
entire system of higher education accordingly,
constantly review the content of higher
education; to ensure higher education access to
international information systems and to improve
the informatization. It is necessary to constantly
fill the content of education with the latest
materials, not only focus on market specialties
and constantly introduce modern educational
technologies with a high level of informatization
in higher education (Piolli & Sala, 2022).
2. The main trends in the structure of world
higher education.
The structure of higher education on a global
scale is extremely diverse, but there are two
dominant trends:
1) a single system or unitary higher education
is provided by universities or similar
institutions that offer both professionally
oriented programs of different levels and
durations, as well as general academic
degrees. In Austria, Spain, Italy, Sweden,
and Finland, this is exactly how education is.
In a separate group, some scientists single
out countries with "integrated" universities
(Spain and Sweden), which include
specialized higher educational institutions
and secondary schools;
2) a double or binary system with a traditional
university sector, the basis of which is the
concept of a university, on which it is based,
as well as a separate sector of higher
education non-university, which has a
clearly defined structure. This system of
education the binary system of higher
education exists in most of the developed
countries of the world (Belgium, Greece,
Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, Germany, France, Great
Britain, Ireland, and several other countries
of the world), where there are numerous
specialized institutions along with university
sector that educates a large part of the youth
(Topuzov et al., 2023).
For global higher education, the tendency to
expand and improve "short and professionalized"
higher education is quite effective. An example
is the recently created "university institutes" in
France, where thorough education is obtained
under the condition of good organization of the
educational process and, as a result, graduates
easily find work. Along with the development of
a strong non-university higher education sector,
trends towards a single comprehensive university
system have contributed to a broader
interpretation of the term "university" an
institution with coherence between learning,
teaching, and student success in it, intensive
collaboration, where individual learning is given
great attention, which differs from the definition
traditionally used of a continental European
university. Today, this tendency is observed in
the universities of those countries that managed
to immerse themselves the most deeply in the
process of creating an information society
(Ricardo-Barreto, et al., 2020).
3. The main tasks of the organization of
educational institutions of higher
education in the countries of the world.
Until recently, poorly structured higher
education systems performed a fairly limited
number of tasks related to conducting
technological and scientific research with the
simultaneous training of scientists, strengthening
and preserving the state structures of the country,
as well as providing highly qualified specialists
in the country's economy. Institutions of higher
education in most countries of the world
performed these tasks by using disciplinary
training: mono- (or malo-). Vocational training
was transferred to workplaces if higher education
was general (Japan is an example) (Moya et al.,
Currently, the main tasks of organizing the
educational process of higher education
institutions, which, in parallel with the university
sector, have professionally oriented training
programs, are almost the same in most countries:
to offer economically beneficial and
professionally oriented types of education to
meet the needs of the labor market;
meet the needs of the growing number of
entrants without a significant increase in
government spending on higher education;
to propose programs in which applied
research will be partially used, and they will
be primarily focused on teaching using
innovative methods; improvement, and
renewal of already existing professionally
oriented education.
With the growing diversification of higher
education structures in professional training,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
there is a parallel diversification of qualifications
and degrees in the educational space of higher
education institutions, which are issued in EU
countries by various educational institutions.
There is a traditional differentiation:
between a structure with a fairly long
academically integrated study of a
"continental European" degree;
between the structure with a shorter duration
of study "English-American" university
degree for obtaining the first degree and the
variety of post-baccalaureate studies based
partly on the modular system.
In some countries (e.g. Finland, Denmark,
Portugal, and Italy) shorter cycle degree types are
introduced into the national degree structure. In
other countries (for example, in the Netherlands,
and Germany), such a system is implemented
along with the traditional tiered structure. There
is also continuous diversification of
qualifications in the non-university sector.
In certain professional areas, a large number of
new programs have been introduced for
obtaining a bachelor's degree, and several
courses have been developed after obtaining a
bachelor's degree. Courses can lead to double
major degrees or national degrees. Educational
institutions that do not have the right to master's
programs these are non-university-type
institutions can cooperate at their own will with
foreign institutions that legally have such a right.
The specified educational institutions thus get the
opportunity to offer international master's
programs to students (Sysoieva & Krystopchuk,
4. Development of educational information
networks in the professional training of
personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions in EU
Speaking about the international experience of
the development of informational educational
networks, its problems, and advantages, we
should note the activities of international
organizations such as UNICEF and UNESCO,
which take an active part in the processes of
education renewal, aim to consider and solve the
problems of youth development, and also direct
their efforts to satisfaction of human needs in the
modern world.
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund and
UNESCO United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization are
organizations whose activities are prioritized in
the field of lifelong learning, healthy lifestyle,
and human development; these are organizations
that implement the idea of "free dissemination of
information" in their work and provide open
access to it. Each organization during its
existence has created its own information
network to provide wide circles of those who are
interested in this problem and for the needs of
In connection with the need for the development
and application of the communication and
information sphere, UNESCO has created its
own infrastructure, the spectrum of which covers
the educational sector as a leading one in solving
the organization's global tasks (Morosini et al.,
5. Subordinate the main substructures of
the UNICEF information network.
Let's highlight the subordinate main
substructures of the UNICEF information
1. Communication and Information Sector,
which consists of departments:
Information Society department;
Department of Freedom of Expression,
Democracy, and Peace;
department of communication development.
The sector develops in three strategic
promotion of free dissemination of ideas and
universal information;
promotion of pluralism and independence of
the media;
promotion of modernization of information
2. The Education Sector with its infrastructure,
covers a wide range of problems in the field
of education.
6. The Educational Information Network in
the European Community is one of the
most famous international educational
EURYDICE The Educational Information
Network in the European Community is one of
the most famous international educational
information networks. This educational network,
created by the European Union, pays special
attention to education, its directions, and
development. The European Union, giving
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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priority to the educational network and taking
into account the diversity of the educational
systems of European countries, believes that such
isolated diversity is cultural wealth for each
country (Bolaños, 2021).
The EURYDICE network, an educational
information network, was created and works for
a better understanding of the identity of each
country, and its peculiarities and leads to the
creation of a European mutual space, fruitful
cooperation, which is possible only through the
dissemination and possession of the necessary
information about the aspects of education
systems (Sysoieva & Krystopchuk, 2012).
The impetus for improving the professional
training of personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions in the EU countries
is the fact that for all European countries, the
ever-increasing emigration of citizens has
become a significant problem in recent years
(Sysoieva & Krystopchuk, 2012).
7. Experimental study of the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions and determination of
suitability for employment in EU
In our time, great importance is attached to
suitability for employment, therefore the term
"employability" is becoming more popular in
the content of which is placed to solve the
production situation possession of educational
approaches to obtaining knowledge, a set of
skills, abilities, as well as the ability for
professional development and the desire for
continuous improvement of knowledge.
During the experimental study, employability
competencies were singled out, that is, general
competencies, which include:
the ability to perform specific tasks,
skill to work in a group,
equal of self-organization,
knowledge of information technologies
communication skills and literacy, etc.
A study was led by European proprietors, which
proved that a specialist's gaining a proper place
in the labor market depends on:
services that show the level of suitability for
employment 78%;
positive attitude to the profession and work
production practice, relevant practical
experience 54%;
directly acquired qualification or education
success rate in the organization of higher
education 28%;
standing of the graduated institution 8%.
Similar studies of the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education institutions
and the determination of suitability for
employment in EU countries were conducted
within the framework of the European
HEGESCO project.
Respondents named the following factors that
increase the chances of employment:
availability and experience of contacts with
the professional environment 25%;
intellectual capital of the individual 16%;
grade level (the average grade was over 4.0
on a five-point scale) 13%;
the equal of human social growth 13%;
readiness of higher education in the
individual 11%;
the specialist has a driver's license 11%;
practice of a person in skilled work 9%.
Thanks to the Bologna process, an alternative
method "output orientation" is widely
promoted in the European educational space and
implemented. That is, the starting point and the
basis of the process of training specialists and
creating an educational program is the model of
a specialist who will be needed in the labor
market, a professional in his field, which should
ensure his high suitability for employment. At
the initial stage of acquiring a profession, under
this approach, employers, stakeholders,
professional organizations, graduates, etc., and
not higher education institutions, should play the
main role. The paradigm of student-centered
learning contributes to increasing the
transparency of educational programs, and their
comprehensibility and is aimed at increasing the
chances of graduates to get a job, which in the
European area of higher education is one of the
main goals of creating innovative development
of the world.
Nowadays, every person senses an absence of
certain skills and information and needs to update
them regularly. In EU countries, the principle of
"lifelong education" applies. Not only
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professionally successful specialists, but also
unemployed people, who have become
unemployed due to the lack of necessary
qualifications or the impossibility of
employment, seek professional retraining for
effective professional training and professional
development. Studies conducted by sociologists
show that in modern conditions, the number of
specialists who acquire new professions and
qualifications for them and continue their
education is increasing. Let's name the
multifaceted reasons:
professional knowledge acquired by a
person quickly becomes obsolete;
once popular professions are now becoming
a person loses interest in the chosen
a specialist seeks to build a career and
improve professional knowledge;
a person, with the help of obtaining an
additional qualification or specialty,
increases his competitiveness.
European researchers, studying the experience of
implementing the concept of "Learning during
life", concluded: that it is impossible to form an
agreed single universal definition of this concept,
which would include conceptual and operational
components. The meaning of this term may
change over time. Taking this into account,
international organizations have developed
different approaches to the definition of "lifelong
learning" by the goals of their activities and
direction. For example, "Learning throughout
life" is considered a key factor in preparing
employees for the conditions of competition in
the global economy, according to experts of the
World Bank. "Lifelong learning" contributes to
greater social unity, more equitable distribution
of income, reduced crime, and increased people's
ability to function fully as members of society.
The concept of "lifelong learning" has acquired a
similar vision in the documents of the OECD
Organization for International Cooperation and
Development, which emphasizes the need to find
ways to develop economic potential through the
increase of human capital, which should
contribute to strengthening democracy in society
and raising the standard of living. The OECD has
the following main task: "determines the search
for practical solutions to expand the educational
opportunities of all people". The analyzed
international organizations to the interpretation
of the concept of "lifelong learning" formulated
an approach characterized by researchers as
"pragmatic" or "instrumental", which
emphasizes the role of education in the
acquisition of results, for an individual and for
society in general, which has an economic
8. An experimental study of the effectiveness
of professional training in the educational
space of higher education institutions and
continuous professional training at the
workplace in the EU countries.
European statistics on professional training of
personnel in the conditions of integration into the
world educational space take into account several
terms: learning by doing, off-the-job training, on-
the-job training, formal learning, informal
learning, teacher in VET; trainer, open learning,
profession development, etc. In recent years, the
concept of "professional development" has been
an important component in the professional
training of personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions in EU countries and
is interpreted as "actions aimed at improving
professional activity." Professional development
refers to special/special skills and general skills
(team management or time management,
negotiation skills, conflict management,
communication, etc.). Professional development
can take the form of self-study, formal education,
consulting, conferences, coaching or mentoring,
community practice, or technical assistance."
(Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
The European Center for the Development of
Vocational Education and Training conducted a
study using CVTS4 data. One of them
"Learning at the workplace, in the process of
work: successful stories of learning in Europe"
is aimed at revealing key achievements in
professional training of personnel at the
workplace, innovations, and areas, and
successful solutions that require further
development. All partners governments,
employers, social partners, public and
professional organizations, education and
training providers, and employees must realize
the responsibility for achieving "new skills for
new jobs".
We were interested in the question "What forms
of obtaining higher education in institutions of
higher education and in-company training are
used in EU countries?" Data from the
Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills,
СVTS4 are interesting.
On-the-job training is defined as professional
training that is carried out in a normal work
situation. It can be the only form of professional
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
training of personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions in the EU countries,
or it can be combined with training outside the
A characteristic feature of continuous
professional education in Europe is that: 62% of
all production personnel in the EU countries are
trained according to this indicator at the
This indicator was specified by the research data:
the level of coverage of training at the workplace
in medium and large organizations is
significantly higher, making up 75% and 82%,
Analysis of studies by sector showed a similar
picture: in the manufacturing sector, this
indicator reaches 64%, and in the sector of on-
the-job training services it is 61%.
In the EU countries, in the structure of
continuous professional education, the transfer of
professional knowledge is connected to the
workplace, supplemented by a wide range of
different forms in modern conditions:
attending lectures, seminars, conferences,
and trade fairs (51%);
self-study (electronic) (30%);
participation in quality and training cycles
exchange, work rotation, study visits (18%),
Effective forms of the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education institutions
in EU countries and continuous professional
training at the workplace are:
rotation model, when an unemployed person
replaces the workplace of an employee who
is absent due to training,
exchange programs with other enterprises
for employees in conditions of a different
corporate culture to gain work experience;
independent training of employees.
European educational organizations and
enterprises practice various forms of independent
learning, which depends on the size of the
organizations and enterprises themselves. The
results of the effectiveness of professional
training of personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions and continuous
professional training at the workplace in the EU
countries are interesting.
at small firms, and enterprises (10-49
employees) only 28% of employees use
various forms of self-education;
at large firms, and enterprises, the total
number of workers included in self-
education is increasing 68% of
respondents and more use various forms of
The obvious question, which is important for
researching the effectiveness of professional
training and continuous professional training at
the workplace in the EU countries, was the
following: vocational training at the workplace in
the EU countries and which of them are
The countdown to the formation of modern
approaches to competencies, and personal skills
during the effectiveness of professional training
of personnel in the educational space of higher
education institutions and continuous
professional training at the workplace in the EU
countries must be started in the field of European
integration policy with an important event the
adoption in 2000 of the Memorandum, which
included new basic skills among the priority
tasks and approaches for all EU citizens, which
constitutes a new educational paradigm, one of
its central provisions.
As a result, the concept of new basic skills was
formed, which reflects the completion of the
stage of development of approaches to
qualifications, competencies, and skills. As the
researchers note, the new concept emphasizes an
interdisciplinary approach and a wider
application of knowledge and competencies in
the educational space.
Such key competencies as:
the ability to effectively use the potential of
e-learning and information and
communication technologies;
ability to learn;
entrepreneurial skills;
communication in foreign languages;
digital literacy, etc.
We will show Eurostat data to confirm this
provision regarding the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education institutions
and continuous professional training at the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
workplace in the EU countries in terms of
competencies and skills for the development of
which various types and forms of on-the-job
training are directed.
86% of respondents (the largest percentage of
respondents) noted that priority is given to
specific, practical, technical skills related to
specific professional operations. A large
discrepancy was found when comparing the data
on the direction of training on specific
competencies and skills between large, medium,
and small firms or enterprises. In particular, it is:
work with clients: 36% in the production
sector and 62% in the service sector;
teamwork (joint work, business relations
with colleagues, etc.): 49% in the
production sector and 62% in the service
management skills (planning of personnel
activities, leadership and management of
personnel, etc.): 86% in large firms or
enterprises and 48% in small ones;
office management skills (invoicing skills,
time management, etc.): 58% at large firms
and enterprises and 28% at small ones;
general skills in the field of information
technologies (processing of collected data,
use of a computer, the Internet, an electronic
magazine, etc.): 60% at large enterprises
with 500 or more employees and 29% at
small firms, enterprises with 10 49
professional skills in the field of information
technologies (special understanding or
knowledge about the development of
complex programs, web pages, etc.): 42%
in large enterprises and 11% in small
The results are interesting from the perspective
of the effectiveness of professional training in the
educational space and continuous professional
training at the workplace in EU countries.
Respondents distribute the importance of
professional categories in this way:
teamwork 83%;
specific, practical, technical competencies,
skills 81%;
work with clients 80%;
solving problems 72%;
management 71%;
General level IT 63%, etc.
The significant percentage increase of all
indicators attracts attention. Thus, the indicators
from the point of view of organizational
development of personality differ almost twofold
concerning prospective and current general
informational competencies and skills.
For categories of workers with low
qualifications, mastering information
technologies expands access to training. This is
important when the minimum level of
qualifications demanded in the labor market of
employees has risen to the average level of a
specialist, and then many workers are in a
vulnerable position, especially older age groups
because the low level of qualifications prevents
them from participating in in-company training
programs, which are designed for high starting
the level of participants in the educational
process (Pukhovska et al., 2015).
9. Recommendations for the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions and continuous professional
training at the workplace in EU countries.
Valuable recommendations for the effectiveness
of professional training and continuous
professional training at the workplace in the EU
countries contain the Recommendations of the
International Labor Organization, according to
which the optimal educational policy should
include such main elements as:
high-quality and up-to-date professional
training of personnel in the educational
participation and interaction with social
branch approaches;
forecasting the demand for professional
availability of information on the
functioning of employment services and the
labor market;
funding of professional education and
expanded access to professional training;
assessment of the effectiveness of the
implemented measures (Costa & Santana,
Analysis of the experience of forecasting the
effectiveness of professional training in the
educational space of higher education institutions
and continuous professional training at the
workplace in EU countries shows that it is worth
focusing efforts on the ability to learn, and the
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of adaptive basic and end-to-end
There is a growing demand for atypical
competencies and personal skills of an analytical
nature, in particular, communication, focus on
solving problems, the ability to work in a team,
creativity, as well as entrepreneurial
competencies that help companies to respond
quickly to changing conditions, and employees to
remain in demand. The demand for standardized
skills is falling, this is due to the automation of
all branches of production, etc. (Pukhovska et al.,
10. Strategic tasks of EU member states in the
field of professional training of personnel
in the educational space of higher
education institutions.
The European Union has defined the following
as the strategic central tasks of the activities of
the EU countries in the field of professional
training of personnel in the educational space of
higher education institutions (Khoruzhyi, 2016):
1) support of higher education institutions
regarding the mobility of higher education
seekers and professors and teaching staff, to
systematically include in curricula measures
that inhibit exchange and international
cooperation, and to eliminate unnecessary
barriers that do not bring benefits to the
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions education;
2) combination of qualifications with the
European qualification framework;
3) recognition of supplements to diplomas of
higher education institutions obtained
abroad and re-enrollment of ECTS credits;
4) improvement for researchers, teachers,
students, access, chances, and employment
conditions for careers from other countries,
for example, facilitation of obtaining
Schengen visas, etc.
5) use of knowledge, including in the interests
of excellence and regional development, a
combination of research, higher education,
and economics. The transition to innovation
led to new forms of cooperation between
research institutes, enterprises, and
institutions of higher education, and
contributed to the strengthening of
knowledge flows. However, the ability of
higher education institutions to integrate the
results of innovation and research into
education remains low;
6) overcoming existing barriers between the
economy, research, and education, requires
intensive interaction between the
participants of this process and
entrepreneurial skills.
The most relevant and important for the
development of world society ways of
professional training of personnel in the EU
countries have been revealed.
The principles on which the reform of higher
education is based are described, and the main
trends of the structure of world higher
education are clarified.
The main tasks of the organization of
educational institutions of the world are
outlined. The significance of the development
of educational information networks in the
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions in the EU countries is shown.
The importance and necessity for the
educational space of The Educational
Information Network in the European
Community one of the most famous
international educational networks is shown.
For strengthening the professional training of
personnel in higher education in the EU, we
have analyzed various aspects of the research
issues: the principles on which the reform of
higher education; the main trends in the
structure of world higher education; the main
tasks of the organization of educational
institutions of higher education in the countries
of the world; development of educational
information networks in the professional
training of personnel in the educational space
of higher education institutions in EU
countries; main substructures of the UNICEF
information network; the educational
information network in the European
community is one of the most famous
international educational networks.
Experimentally verified the effectiveness of
professional training of personnel in the
educational space of higher education
institutions and determination of suitability for
employment in EU countries.
Submitted recommendations for the
effectiveness of professional training of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
personnel in the educational space of higher
education institutions and continuous
professional training at the workplace in EU
Based on the study of the problem of
strengthening the professional training of
personnel in higher education in the EU, we
highlighted valuable recommendations
regarding the effectiveness of professional
training in the educational space of universities
and continuous professional training at work in
the EU countries: creating high-quality and
modern professional training of personnel in
the educational space; participation and
interaction of social partners; branch
approaches; forecasting the demand for
professional skills; availability of information
on the functioning of the employment service
and the labor market; financing of professional
education and training; expanded access to
professional training.
The strategic tasks of EU member states in the
field of professional training of personnel in
the educational space of higher education
institutions are outlined.
Further research will be aimed at developing
adaptive basic and end-to-end competencies of
future specialists.
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