Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.16
How to Cite:
Babachuk, Y., Mysiv, V., Rodikov, V., Ivanenko, O., & Koshliak, M. (2024). Physical education of students in the conditions of
distance education. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 185-196. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.16
Physical education of students in the conditions of distance education
Фізичне виховання студентів в умовах дистанційного навчання
Received: February 8, 2024 Accepted: March 25, 2024
Written by:
Yuliia Babachuk1
Volodymyr Mysiv2
Volodymyr Rodikov3
Oleksandr Ivanenko4
Mykhailo Koshliak5
The article shows the importance of the role of
motor activity in human life. The specially
organized motor and physical activity of the
student is distinguished, and the importance of
vocational and applied physical training and
general special physical training of the student
for a person is proven. To overcome adaptation
and transfer the whole organism to a higher level
of functioning, movement qualities of different
scales of influence are grouped. Ways to create
effective conditions are shown for teaching the
rational technique of sports movements. The
purpose, task, organization, and stages of the
process of physical education in higher education
institutions in distance form are disclosed. The
most effective methods and techniques in the
conditions of distance learning, which change the
attitude of students toward their health care, are
analyzed. An experimental study of the analysis
Assistant of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education Department, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical
University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KHD-8367-2024
Candidate of Science of Physical Education and Sport (Ph. D.), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and
Methodology of Physical Education, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KHC-8552-2024
Ph. D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Captain of the Civil Protection Service, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Special and Physical
Training of the Faculty of Operational Rescue Forces, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National
University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KGL-7648-2024
Ph. D. in Pedagogy, President, Judo Federation of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IZD-5760-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the daily motor activity of students of higher
education in the conditions of distance learning
was carried out. Recommendations for
overcoming the negative manifestations of
distance learning have been developed and the
most significant ways of reducing a sedentary
lifestyle and maintaining an active physical form
have been highlighted.
Keywords: physical education, distance
learning, students of higher education,
institutions of higher education, student's
physical activity.
At the current stage of the development of the
higher education system, the issue of preserving
and strengthening the health of the younger
generation remains quite acute. During the
quarantine and in connection with the war on the
territory of Ukraine, institutions of higher
education had to switch to distance learning, and
this, in turn, led higher education students to
reduce physical activity, and the performance of
exercises and processing of materials began to be
carried out on their own and processing.
Therefore, now, to strengthen the psychological
and physical health of young people, there is a
need to strengthen the role of physical education
in institutions of higher education and create
conditions for the full realization and physical
development of the younger generation during
the educational process, organized based on
special modern general scientific technologies,
methods, theories, practices of physical culture
(Babadzhanian et al., 2023).
Currently, the effectiveness of the physical
education system, taking into account modern
challenges, depends on modern technologies,
their optimal use, and their capabilities, which
makes it possible to ensure the delivery of
information based on the use of ICT in an
interactive mode and is the main strategic
direction of the development of the physical
education system in higher education. In this
way, it is possible to activate the transition of the
educational sphere of physical education from
the traditional form of education to distance
learning among students of higher education
In the conditions of the introduction of a distance
form of education, the decrease in motor activity
of students of higher education requires the
search for methods of interaction with students,
new approaches, and an adequate selection of
tasks, goals, organizational forms, means and
methods of physical education to prevent the
phenomena of social maladjustment and create
the possibility of maintaining an appropriate
level of physical health. I am a personality. One
of the key problems in this case is the proper
organization of physical culture and health
activities of students of higher education in
conditions of extremely limited motor activity to
preserve their health (Leshchenko & Zakharova,
The traditional approach to the use of
professional methods and tools in the system of
physical education of students of higher
education in institutions of higher education lost
its relevance due to its imperfection and turned
out to be somewhat ineffective. Therefore, the
improvement and modernization of the process
of physical education of students of higher
education is a necessary condition for distance
learning for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of
student youth through the perception of norms of
behavior, the ideal, and awareness of the negative
impact of factors on the psyche and body of an
individual as a condition for the preservation of
humanity (Bielkova et al., 2021).
Literature review
With the help of innovative technologies and
teaching methods, a lot of attention in modern
scientific research is given to the problem of
transformation of the system of physical
education and sports. In particular, researchers
A. Vakoliuk, V. Sheliuk, & N. Symonovych
(2021) characterized the ways of using
innovative modern technologies and showed
their features. O. Shkola, & D. Shkalenko (2022)
performed an analysis of the key directions of
improvement of the physical education of
students and wrote out a system of modernization
Babachuk, Y., Mysiv, V., Rodikov, V., Ivanenko, O., Koshliak, M. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 185-196 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the physical education of students. Australian
scientists Bauer, & Sturman characterized the
main educational opportunities of modern
F. Meng (2017) singled out the peculiarities of
the formation of the club model of education in
universities and colleges.
A. Andres, R. Pavlos, O. Korol, &
O. Bezhrebelna (2021) and A. Hammami,
B. Harrabi, M. Mohr, & P. Krustrup (2022) prove
that "the task of physical education in the new
realities of distance education is the need to
ensure students' understanding of the threats of a
lack of physical activity, as well as to help by all
possible means to compensate for its lack in the
daily routine." L. Tsovh, O. Kuspysh,
Ya. Zubrytskyi, & O. Rozhko (2020), prove that
"the importance of physical education lies in the
formation of sustainable motivation for health
care and the development of students' need for
physical self-improvement."
R. Pavlos A. Kuspish, S. Nezhoda, &
M. Havrylenko (2021) physical education is
considered in institutions of higher education as
"a practical subject that is extremely important
for health and well-being".
T. Bielkova, Zh. Malakhova, & N. Pastushkova
(2021) devoted their research to outlining in the
process of physical education the ways to solve
the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for
students of higher education, which encourages
self-development, stimulates independent work,
requires the search for scientific developments of
distance learning conditions and special
pedagogical attention to solving shortcomings in
V. Babadzhanian, N. Semal, N. Beseda,
V. Farionov, & O. Kurii (2023) showed the
peculiarities of the organization in higher
education institutions of physical education of
students during physical exercises, revealing the
shortcomings of distance learning. It has been
proven that "the main task of the modern system
of physical education in institutions of higher
education is: increasing the level of physical
fitness of students, providing optimal conditions
for their physical development, forming the need
for systematic physical exercises".
M. Zhang, J. Mai, & Z. Liao (2021) consider the
issue of physical education of students in the
conditions of distance learning and reveal ways
to ensure the effectiveness of physical education
of students in the conditions of distance learning.
The same questions are considered by
T. Hurtova, & S. Ponomariov (2022). It was
established that "the organization of effective
distance learning, the adaptation of the
educational process of physical education to the
requirements of today consists in ensuring the
physical development of students based on
increasing the level of their physical activity".
Kh. Shavel, Yu. Boiko, & L. Sokolenko (2023)
analyzed innovative models of student training in
the field of physical education and sports, among
higher education students, they singled out the
most popular innovative models of the
organization of the educational process (modular
learning, problem-based learning, contextual
learning, a model of full knowledge acquisition,
distance learning, club learning).
Yu. Petrenko, & I. Makhonin (2020) during the
period of forced quarantine focused attention on
the importance of students' physical activity in
the process of distance learning and noted that
maintaining physical fitness in quarantine
conditions is a necessary condition for the
prevention of mental and physical health
disorders, with the involvement of information
technologies justified ways to increase physical
activity of students.
In the implementation of the physical education
of students H. Leshchenko, & O. Zakharova
(2022), the target direction of distance learning is
singled out; to create an opportunity to support
the appropriate level of physical activity of
students of higher education, they proposed a
system of organizational forms, means, and
methods of physical education; revealed the
content of vector information technologies in the
process of distance learning. It was found out that
"the application of distance learning technology
allows to ensure holistic multi-faceted physical
education, aimed at preserving and strengthening
the health of students in a situation of forced
restriction of their motor activity".
Therefore, much attention is paid in modern
scientific research to the problem of improving
the system of physical education. In particular,
the researchers characterized the ways of using
innovative modern technologies, showed their
features, analyzed the key areas of improvement
of physical education of students, outlined the
system of modernization of physical education of
students, highlighted in universities and colleges
the peculiarities of the formation of the club
model of learning, showed the importance of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
physical education for the formation of
sustainable motivation for health preservation
and development of students' need for physical
self-improvement. In institutions of higher
education, scientists consider physical education
as a practical subject that is extremely important
for health and well-being, in the process of
physical education, they outline ways to solve the
problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for
students of higher education, which stimulates
independent work, encourages self-development,
requires searches for scientific developments of
distance learning conditions, solutions to
deficiencies in education, substantiation of ways
to increase physical activity of students.
However, the physical education of students in
the conditions of distance learning requires
thorough study and improvement in the present.
Purpose of the research: to analyze the most
effective methods and techniques in distance
learning conditions that change the attitude of
students to their health care; conduct an
experimental study of the analysis of daily motor
activity of higher education students in the
conditions of distance learning and develop
recommendations for higher education.
To achieve the goal of the research, general
scientific methods of scientific knowledge were
used: theoretical to outline the conceptual
boundaries of the studied phenomenon and its
semantic load analysis of normative sources,
psychological-pedagogical, philosophical,
methodological literature, scientific work of
scientists on the problem of physical education of
students in conditions of distance learning and
originality their work in today's conditions;
analogy, classification, logical-systemic
analysis, induction, deduction, generalization of
practical and scientific-theoretical data to
determine the conditions for the formation of
physical education of students in the conditions
of distance learning; comparison of the received
data to find out dependencies and cause-and-
effect relationships; empirical surveys,
questionnaires, observations, conversations to
check and clarify the effectiveness of
implementation of recommendations;
pedagogical experiment to determine effective
ways of physical education of students in the
conditions of distance learning and to check the
effectiveness of the proposed conditions;
qualitative and quantitative analysis of research
results using methods of mathematical statistics
to verify the results of the experiment.
An experimental study of the analysis of daily
motor activity of students of higher education in
the conditions of distance learning. We
introduced into the educational process the
Framingham method of timing the motor activity
of a person during the day to assess the amount
of motor activity of student youth. The method
included five levels: basic, sedentary, small,
moderate, and intensive:
the basic level includes: lying down rest,
human sleep;
to the sitting level: working at the computer
and the table, listening to music, reading,
watching TV programs, etc.;
to a small level: classes at a higher education
institution, movement on all types of
transport, personal hygiene, walking;
up to a moderate level: yard work, regular
walking, repairs, housekeeping, ballroom
dancing, etc.;
up to an intensive level: running, strength
sports, dancing, fast walking, long
swimming, household work, etc.
The optimal index of motor activity according to
the Framingham method corresponded to 42
points, and predicted motor activity:
at the basic level 8 hours;
sitting 8 hours;
at the level of low physical activity 2
at the average level 3 hours;
at the level of high physical activity 3
Research work was carried out by institutions of
higher education in Ukraine. 217 students (117
girls and 100 boys) took part in the study.
The classes were conducted by 6 teachers who
acted as program experts at the same time.
All students of higher education were divided
according to the levels of motor activity
depending on the obtained results (high, medium,
The results of the conducted research indicate the
need for distance learning to be introduced into
the daily routine of each person: specially
organized and independent physical exercises,
walks in the fresh air, morning gymnastics, etc.
because the formation of a healthy lifestyle of
students of higher education is based on the need
to introduce health and preventive programs,
which gives reason to assert in the conditions of
distance learning about positive changes in the
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
indicators of motor activity of students of higher
education, thanks to the use of means of physical
education preservation of their health.
Results and discussion
1. The role of motor activity in human life
Physical work is a natural need for all systems,
tissues, organs, and the body where large groups
of muscles are involved. Normal activity of the
bone, muscle, neuroendocrine, respiratory, and
cardiovascular systems is possible only with a
certain amount of movements performed during
life, that is, a dose of motor activity (Petrenko,
2019). Physical activity is the main determinant
of energy expenditure and is therefore crucial for
weight control and metabolism. Reduces the risk
of developing non-communicable diseases by 60
minutes of daily physical activity from moderate
to high by WHO recommendations. Systematic
motor activity helps to strengthen nerve
connections, improve blood circulation in the
brain, prevent stress and depression, and slow
down the process of cell loss. All this has a
positive effect on a person's mental abilities.
Motor activity is a powerful factor in preserving
memory, slowing down the aging process of the
brain, and improving thinking efficiency (Koval,
Specially organized movement and physical
activity are distinguished.
Habitual motor activity includes types of
movement aimed at educational and production
activities and the satisfaction of natural human
needs. Physical activity is one of the most
effective prerequisites for the formation of
physical qualities and a healthy lifestyle, so it can
only be achieved through systematic training.
Thus, in today's conditions, physical activity is
sharply reduced among distance learning
students, and the time spent sitting has increased.
Versatile and in-depth studies of the educational
process and detailed development of specific
methods are necessary, taking into account the
effectiveness and purposefulness of the
implementation of information technologies and;
the creation of a new innovative and diverse
model of the entire process of physical education
(Ashanin & Filenko, 2018), including remotely.
Therefore, the involvement of information
technologies in the educational process is
currently a rather relevant tool.
In the modern realities of our society, there is an
opportunity to conduct online classes, watch
videos, provide consultations, and training, and
use various information resources. A qualitative
transition to an information high-tech society for
the control of motor activity involves the
development of modern information and
communication technologies. The appearance
today of software applications for various
smartphones, various smart watches, fitness
bracelets, and sports bracelets makes it possible
to use them for operational control to determine
various functional indicators of the human body.
One of the factors in improving the health of the
nation, which is a priority, is ensuring the optimal
physical activity of student youth. The physical
activity of higher education students is
significantly influenced by their physical culture
and sports orientation. It is the physical culture
and sports orientation that is a system of
organically combined needs, values, and interests
inherent in a person, which determine the
motives of activity and behavior, the main
directions, form the results in the process of
physical education classes, promote participation
in physical culture and mass sports events during
independent physical exercises and sports
(Petrenko & Makhonin, 2020).
2. General, special, and professional-applied
physical training of the student
The physical training of a higher education
student is divided into general, special, and
The general physical training of a student of
higher education is aimed at the harmonious
development of the personality, provides an
increase in the functional capabilities of body
systems, organs and contributes to the
improvement of physical qualities, improvement
of coordination abilities, motor skills, and skills,
is achieved by the constant influence on the
human body of special and general
developmental exercises of various types sport
(Bida et al., 2019).
Special physical training contributes to the
development of exactly those functional
capabilities of the body, on which achievements
in sports depend, and at the same time,
competitive exercises and special preparatory
exercises from a certain type of sport serve as the
main means.
One of the main directions of the physical
education system is vocational and applied
physical training, which is designed to form
special and physical abilities, skills, and qualities
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that contribute to the achievement of a person's
readiness for successful professional activity. To
a large extent, the training effect of classes is
determined by the type and nature of the
exercises performed, which are divided into the
following groups using training: special-
preparatory (specific); general training (non-
specific); main competition (special)
(Leshchenko & Zakharova, 2022).
3. Movement qualities of different scales of
influence to overcome adaptation and
transfer the whole organism to a higher
level of functioning
One of the ways to transfer the whole body to a
higher level of functioning and overcome
adaptation is strength and speed-strength
exercises, which are performed with high
intensity (preferably on training devices) and are
different in terms of impact. Such exercises:
significantly intensify the training process;
selectively affect various muscle groups,
including lagging ones;
such classes are more emotional.
Different motor qualities reach their natural
maximum development at different ages. Age
periods are called sensitive because they are
characterized by significant changes in the body's
age-related development. Special training in
certain periods has a higher effect on the
development of certain qualities. Therefore, one
should take into account the most favorable age
for the development of certain qualities in the
long-term training of higher education seekers. In
particular, take into account that the student must
have perfect technique in the chosen sport to
achieve high sports results.
4. Creation of effective conditions for
learning the rational technique of sports
The essence of sports technique (taking into
account biomechanical laws) for a better solution
during the exercise of the motor task facing the
student lies in the intelligent use of their motor
abilities by students of higher education. The
formation of a dynamic stereotype, conditional-
reflex connections occurs as a result of multiple
repetitions of the same exercise, which
conditions the creation of skills and the
performance of the necessary movements.
It is very important when teaching techniques to
specifically teach students of higher education
the ability to quickly perform movements, to
show significant muscle and volitional efforts,
and to relax muscles in time. If you are not afraid
to use additional complications, and more widely
apply complicated and simplified conditions,
then this side of training will be carried out much
more successfully.
The opportunity to repeat the most difficult
conditions of the task contributes to the polishing
of skills to a level that is practically unattainable
during the natural educational and training
process. There is a danger of creating false skills,
which can then be transferred to the technique of
the main exercise when practicing a technique
that requires high coordination of movements.
Therefore, when creating effective conditions for
learning the rational technique of sports
movements, it is necessary to take into account:
exercises must correspond to the
characteristics of movements or their
elements when performing the main sports
exercises must have the following
characteristics: spatiotemporal
(acceleration, speed), spatial (trajectories of
movement), dynamic (magnitude of acting
when performing exercises, the degree of
muscle tension, the nature of muscle work,
the sequence of inclusion in work,
relaxation, etc. should contribute to the real
conditions of the main sports exercise.
Such training will contribute to the stability of
motor skills and automation. One of the main
reasons for the vast majority of technical errors
in all cyclic sports exercises is excessive or
untimely activity of functionally secondary fast
muscles (Bida et al., 2018).
5. Purpose, tasks, organization, and stages
of the process of physical education in
institutions of higher education in
distance form
Nowadays, we are observing a change in the
approach to physical education in institutions of
higher education in connection with the forced
transition of students of higher education to
distance education.
Free choice of the intensity of physical activity
and forms of physical activity became a priority
because there is a transition from a system
focused on the development of motor skills,
physical qualities, and abilities to a system aimed
at acquiring knowledge about the body as a
whole and the mechanisms of functioning of
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
body systems. means of influencing physical
performance, physical condition, ways of
preserving professional longevity, general
health, systematic physical education, and sports,
and formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
In the conditions of distance learning, the goal of
physical education to ensure compliance with the
regime of physical activity, as much as possible
with the adoption of quarantine safety measures,
is to form an imagination about the use of all
possible forms of physical education adapted to
the realities of today. "At the same time, the
result should be the acquisition of a high level of
physical fitness, which is a prerequisite for
preserving health, in the conditions of
hypodynamism caused by the introduction of
quarantine restrictions, let's consider the defining
goal of physical education in a distance format."
Physical education of students of higher
education is a means of acquiring new
knowledge and skills for independent physical
activity, and not only a means of forming skills
and abilities.
The main task of physical education is defined as
the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle during
quarantine, to remain active, to engage in
physical self-development during quarantine,
and to understand that there is no quarantine for
physical activity.
A specific feature of physical education is its
focus on the biological sphere, which
distinguishes it from education and mental
education: the development of motor qualities,
changes in the functional capabilities of
individual body systems, and increasing
resistance to external factors (Pavlos et al.,
The transition to distance learning provides an
opportunity through the organization of
individual training of students to solve physical
education tasks.
The organization of the educational process of
physical education in distance form involves the
implementation of its following stages:
diagnostic testing of functional indicators of
a person, physical development of the
personality, physical fitness of the student;
defining the goal and setting the objectives
of physical exercises;
study of theoretical material necessary for
building one's own system of physical
conducting and organizing independent
physical education classes;
correction of the individual plan and
consultation with the teacher through
messengers (Leshchenko & Zakharova,
Remote work of the process of physical
education in institutions of higher education is
based on the use of physical exercises to improve
the physical fitness of students and their further
self-improvement. The main task of the process
of physical education in institutions of higher
education is to help students independently
develop a system of physical activity habits.
Proper organization of rest and work, a healthy
lifestyle, which includes giving up many harmful
and harmful habits, along physical exercises, are
important for raising the level of life and
successfully mastering educational material.
The process of physical education in institutions
of higher education consists of specially
organized cognitive activities of students and
educational activities of the teacher. The
effectiveness of education depends on the
preparedness and capabilities of students. A
physical education teacher needs to ensure
students' mental motivation and readiness to
master physical exercises, to be able to correctly
determine the level of development of physical
qualities of an individual. When a student is
aware of the need to acquire new abilities,
knowledge, and skills, then learning exists as an
activity, and the teacher, at the same time, is
aware of the need to transfer knowledge. An
integral part of the formation of the professional
and general culture of the personality of a
modern specialist is physical education, the
system of humanistic education for education
seekers (Babadzhanian et al., 2023).
Let's make a generalization based on the
systematization of knowledge. In the conditions
of distance learning, the content of physical
education is formed in such a way as to ensure:
hardening of students' bodies, strengthening
of human health, promotion of work
capacity and physical development of higher
education students;
improvement and formation of motor skills,
knowledge and skills;
acquiring knowledge about the influence of
physical exercises on the activity and
development of the body, about physical
activity and its importance for human health;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
formation of the habit of doing physical
exercises before systematic classes;
development of the student's basic physical
acquisition by students of knowledge of the
basics of health care and physical culture,
promotion of a healthy lifestyle,
strengthening and formation of the interest
of students of higher education in health
awareness of the health-improving effect of
physical education on health preservation in
the conditions of distance learning;
mastering the methods and means of
strengthening individual health and modern
healthcare technologies;
mastering the conditions of distance learning
health improvement means for self-
correction of health, methods, and
techniques of self-assessment, self-
diagnosis, and various forms of physical
Modernization of approaches and radical
changes are required by distance learning to the
organization of physical education to ensure the
effectiveness of its goals. This approach requires
the selection of methodical means and methods
of transferring educational information to
students of higher education, which, with the
least expenditure of time, will contribute to the
effective solution of tasks of different content.
This leads to the organization of classes on an
integrative basis: information is provided using
examples of the practical implementation of
acquired knowledge in quarantine conditions
using remote technologies.
6. Methods and techniques in distance
learning conditions that change the
attitude of students to their health care
It is necessary to develop such methods and
techniques that, in the conditions of distance
learning, contribute to changing the attitude of
students toward their health care (Kuzminskyi et
al., 2021). We believe that the following should
be implemented:
1. When determining the place of specific
topics in the conditions of distance learning
in the educational process, it is necessary to
take into account the direction and terms of
the content of physical education in the
conditions of quarantine.
2. The planning of classes should be started by
taking into account the preferences of
students, determining the content of each
topic of the program, and the permissible
time limit during classes for the presentation
of relevant information.
3. The principle of providing information
based on each topic in the optimal volume
should be laid.
4. The presentation of the theoretical material
in terms of volume must be planned in parts
that fit into the content of a specific cycle of
classes and structure without harming the
physical activity of the student.
5. Regarding the prevention and transmission
of COVID-19, it is necessary to provide for
educational work.
For the health of students, the volume, not the
intensity, of physical activity is of leading
importance in the conditions of distance learning
(Kuchai & Demianiuk, 2021). Therefore, it is
necessary to pay attention to the formation of the
usual lifestyle of higher education students,
which ensures regular physical activity.
Strengthening the role in the physical education
of self-employed students is a significant
opportunity to optimize the physical activity of
students of higher education in the conditions of
distance learning (Hurtova & Ponomariov,
7. An experimental study of the analysis of
daily motor activity of students of higher
education in the conditions of distance
In the educational process of higher education
institutions, physical education, as a component
of the general education system, involves a
comprehensive approach to forming physical and
mental qualities of the individual, ensuring the
development of health and its foundations,
preparation for an active life, improving physical
capacity, training based on the principles of an
individual approach to future professional
activity, optimization of the learning process, the
priority of health-oriented orientation with the
use of various forms and means of physical
improvement. Therefore, it is expedient to
introduce preventive and health programs, with
the aim of positive changes in the indicators of
motor activity of students of higher education in
the conditions of distance learning.
We introduced into the educational process the
Framingham method of timing the motor activity
of a person during the day according to assess the
amount of motor activity of student youth. The
technique includes five levels: basic, sedentary,
small, moderate, and intensive:
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the basic level includes: lying down rest,
human sleep;
to the sitting level: working at the computer
and the table, listening to music, reading,
watching TV programs, etc.;
to a small level: classes at a higher education
institution, movement on all types of
transport, personal hygiene, walking;
up to a moderate level: yard work, regular
walking, repairs, housekeeping, ballroom
dancing, etc.;
up to an intensive level: running, strength
sports, dancing, fast walking, long
swimming, household work, etc.
The optimal index of motor activity according to
the Framingham method corresponded to 42
points, and predicted motor activity:
at the basic level 8 hours;
sitting 8 hours;
at the level of low physical activity 2
at the average level 3 hours;
at the level of high physical activity 3
Mathematical statistics methods were used
during the experimental research, which allowed
for the calculation of basic values and the
analysis of measurements. It should be noted that
there was no difference in the amount of time
girls and boys spent on different types of daily
physical activity. Only physical exercises and
passive recreation are an exception, as the
duration was somewhat longer for young men.
Research work was carried out by institutions of
higher education in Ukraine. 217 students (117
girls and 100 boys) took part in the study.
The classes were conducted by 6 teachers who
acted as program experts at the same time.
To achieve the goal of the research, general
scientific methods of scientific knowledge were
used: theoretical to outline the conceptual
boundaries of the studied phenomenon and its
semantic load analysis of normative sources,
psychological-pedagogical, philosophical,
methodological literature, scientific work of
scientists on the problem of physical education of
students in conditions of distance learning and
originality their work in today's conditions;
analogy, classification, logical-systemic
analysis, induction, deduction, generalization of
practical and scientific-theoretical data to
determine the conditions for the formation of
physical education of students in the conditions
of distance learning; comparison of the received
data to find out dependencies and cause-and-
effect relationships; empirical surveys,
questionnaires, observations, conversations to
check and clarify the effectiveness of the
implementation of conditions; pedagogical
experiment to determine effective ways of
physical education of students in the conditions
of distance learning and to check the
effectiveness of the proposed conditions;
qualitative and quantitative analysis of research
results using methods of mathematical statistics
to verify the results of the experiment.
At the basic level (sleep, lying down) of daily
motor activity of higher education students, the
level of motor activity in boys was 8.45 ± 0.29 h,
and in girls 8.74 ± 0.32 h.
Types of activities (reading, traveling in
transport, eating, watching television, drawing,
board, and computer games) that belong to the
sedentary level of motor activity, and here
students spend an average of 5.04 to 5.24 hours.
The average duration of low-level (personal
hygiene, walking, standing with little mobility,
classes at a higher education institution, etc.)
daily motor activity was the same in girls and
boys and was 8.01 ± 0.47 hours. The analysis of
the daily motor activity of higher education
students and the timekeeping showed that classes
in the institution of higher education occupy most
of the small part of 6.5 ± 0.45 hours. This
indicates the full content of the educational load
and its large volume.
Average and high levels of motor activity were
the lowest.
The average level of physical activity (morning
gymnastics, walks, housework) was: 2±0.16
hours for boys and 1.56±0.18 hours for girls.
These levels were in percentage ratio:
35.2, 21.0, and 33.3% of the daily time
budget for young men, respectively;
respectively in girls 36.4, 21.8 and 33.4%
of the daily time budget.
About 90% of the daily physical activity of
higher education students is at the sedentary
level, basic level, and small level.
On average, students spend from 0.43 to 0.52
hours on a high level (intense mobile games,
specially organized sports, physical exercises,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
sports games) of motor activity, which is from
1.8 to 2.2% of daily motor activity. When
assessing the motor activity of students of higher
education, it was found that girls, compared to
boys, have a shorter duration of medium level
and high level of motor activity. However, in the
distribution of the levels of motor activity of boys
and girls, no significant difference was found
(p > 0.05).
All students of higher education were divided
according to the levels of motor activity
depending on the obtained results (high, medium,
low). Among the examined girls:
35.6% of respondents had a low level of
physical activity;
the average level of physical activity
55.5% of respondents had;
a high level of physical activity was found
only in four girls 8.9%.
Among young men:
a low level of physical activity was found in
33.3% of respondents;
average in 50.0%;
high in seven people 16.7%.
During the assessment of weekly motor activity
in the middle of the weekly cycle, students
observed a gradual increase in it, a slight
decrease in weekly motor activity was observed
on Saturday and Friday, and a slight increase on
Sunday. The results of the conducted research
indicate the need for the introduction of specially
organized and independent physical exercises,
walks in the fresh air, morning gymnastics, etc.
into the daily routine of each person in the
conditions of distance learning, because the
formation of a healthy lifestyle of higher
education students is based on the need to
introduce health and preventive programs, which
gives reason to assert in the conditions of
distance learning about positive changes in the
indicators of motor activity of higher education
students, thanks to the use of physical education
means preservation of their health (Bielkova et
al., 2021).
8. Recommendations for overcoming
negative manifestations of distance
Modern methods of physical education for
students in the conditions of distance learning
should develop tolerance, operational quick
reaction, physical endurance, adaptability,
critical, flexible, and creative thinking of the
student of higher education (Pickard, 2018).
Therefore, innovative approaches to the physical
education of students in the conditions of
distance learning are an important element of the
development of education, which are
implemented in the trends of innovations in the
educational process and the transformation of
various initiatives, which together lead to the
improvement of the quality of the field of
education (Vakoliuk et al., 2021).
The need to improve the methods of physical
education of students should overcome the
sedentary lifestyle that provokes distance
learning. To overcome the negative
manifestations of distance learning, it is
important to:
1) growth of students' motivational component.
It is proposed to introduce additional
elements of the competition to increase the
interest of students, which would encourage
them to perform tasks carefully;
2) use of a mixed education system;
3) using the potential of electronic testing, and
monitoring knowledge to improve and
consolidate theory and practice;
4) to provide theoretical information in the
process of learning how to use the latest
platforms (demonstration of presentations,
educational-methodical literature available
on the Internet, access to online videos, etc.)
(Shavel et al., 2023).
Ways to reduce a sedentary lifestyle and maintain
an active physical form:
1) active warm-ups and breaks during the day;
2) going for walks will help you stay active;
3) use of Internet resources;
4) meditation, deep inhalation, exhalation, and
relaxation will help to keep calm;
5) spending working time whenever possible in
the "standing" position, thereby reducing the
amount of time spent in the "sitting"
6) drinking enough water, and proper nutrition.
The importance of the role of motor activity in
human life has been proven.
The specially organized motor and physical
activity of the student is distinguished, and the
need and importance of general special and
professional-applied physical training for a
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
person is shown. To a large extent, the training
effect of classes is determined by the type and
nature of the exercises performed, which are
divided into the following groups using
training: special-preparatory (specific);
general training (non-specific); and main
competition (special).
Movement qualities of different scales of
influence are grouped to overcome adaptation
and transfer the entire organism to a higher
level of functioning.
Ways to create effective conditions for
learning the rational technique of sports
movements are shown.
The purpose, task, organization, and stages of
the process of physical education in higher
education institutions in distance form are
disclosed. The most effective methods and
techniques in the conditions of distance
learning, which change the attitude of students
toward their health care, are analyzed.
An experimental study of the analysis of the
daily motor activity of students of higher
education in the conditions of distance
learning was carried out. The Framingham
method of timing a person's motor activity
during the day according to E. Zakharina was
introduced into the educational process to
assess the amount of motor activity of student
youth. Recommendations for overcoming the
negative manifestations of distance learning
have been developed and the most significant
ways of reducing a sedentary lifestyle and
maintaining an active physical form have been
Further research will be aimed at considering
the most significant ways to reduce a person's
sedentary lifestyle and support the student's
active physical form.
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