www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.12
How to Cite:
Ivanchuk, S., Dronova, O., Vozniuk, A., Мyskova, N., & Nepomniashcha, I. (2024). Formation of conscious citizenship in the
context of rural education development. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 142-155. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.12
Formation of conscious citizenship in the context of rural education
Formación de ciudadanía consciente en el contexto del desarrollo de la educación rural
Received: February 8, 2024 Accepted: March 25, 2024
Written by:
Sabina Ivanchuk1
Olga Dronova2
Anna Vozniuk3
Nataliia Мyskova4
Iryna Nepomniashcha5
The main purpose of the study is to analyze the
prospects and threats of forming a system of the
formation of a conscious citizen in the context of
rural education development. The object of the
study is the system of training future specialists
in the context of rural education development.
The scientific task of the study is to analyze the
key threats to the formation of a system for the
formation of conscious citizenship in the context
of rural education development and forming the
leveling of these threats. The research
methodology includes methods of expert
analysis, pairwise comparison and hierarchical
ordering. As a result of the application of these
research methods, the key threats to the
formation of a system for training specialists for
the development of conscious citizenship in the
context of rural education development were
streamlined. Based on a certain hierarchy,
measures to counter these threats were proposed.
Department of Preschool Education, Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slavyansk, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Department of Preschool Education, Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slavyansk, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Department of Preschool Education, Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slavyansk, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Psychology and Professional Methods, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy,
Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JCN-8586-2023
Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education, State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K.D. Ushynsky”, Odessa, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: FQV-7294-2022
Ivanchuk, S., Dronova, O., Vozniuk, A., Мyskova, N., Nepomniashcha, I. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 142-155 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The study is limited in that it involves analysis of
a limited number of threats. It is planned to
expand this list of threats in the future.
Keywords: rural education development,
ecological values, conscious citizenship,
sustainability of education.
The development of modern society is
impossible without the formation of civic
consciousness. In the context of environmental
challenges and global climate problems, as well
as limited natural resources, the development of
a new concept for the development of rural
infrastructure with a proactive position of the
public is a decisive factor in well-being and
development. The formation of this concept
requires, first of all, a change in the paradigm of
education, its adaptation to train future specialists
who are capable of not only fulfilling the
responsibilities assigned to them, but also
predicting and neutralizing possible
environmental threats. The basis of the new
concept of education should be the formation of
a conscious citizenship and understanding of the
importance of environmental and sustainable
development of the agricultural complex.
The modern paradigm of sustainability includes
maintaining an optimal balance between
environmental, economic and social aspects of
society's development. Compliance with these
development principles guarantees the
satisfaction of the needs of the current generation
and socio-economic development, preserving the
environment and natural resources for future
generations. The implementation of this
approach requires the involvement of highly
qualified specialists, which once again raises the
issue of improving the concept of the educational
The issue of improving education in the field of
development of the agricultural complex and
rural infrastructure implies that the student must
acquire skills not only in the field of his
immediate activity, but also gain in-depth
knowledge in the field of environmental
problems and their solutions, as well as in issues
of social justice and economic efficiency. The
knowledge gained will become the basis for
further professional activities and decision-
making aimed at modern paradigms of
sustainable development of agricultural
infrastructure. Modern educational concepts
actively use an interdisciplinary approach. In the
context of which the advantage is the acquisition
of knowledge from different fields of science. In
the context of sustainable development, this
approach makes it possible to combine the
fundamentals of social, economic and
environmental development of rural
infrastructure. At the same time, an important
element of the modern education system is the
use of interactive teaching methods, among
which methods such as project-based learning,
case studies, modeling and others have already
proven their effectiveness. The use of these
methods allows not only to present large volumes
of materials in a simplified and understandable
form, but also to develop teamwork skills in
students and lay the foundations for logical and
creative thinking. Along with modern methods
and approaches to education, an important
element in the issue being studied is the
development of moral guidelines and social
responsibility. A high level of these character
parameters will have a significant positive
impact on making rational professional and
personal decisions. Thus, the modern education
system should encourage students about their
role in society and their own contribution to the
development of rural infrastructure.
Practical application of knowledge through
internships, participation in community projects
and volunteer programs focused on rural
education development provides not only real-
world experience, but also the opportunity to
contribute to positive change. Self-education and
professional development in the field of rural
education development should become an
integral part of every specialist. In a world where
knowledge and technology are rapidly changing,
the ability to constantly learn and adapt is critical.
Effective formation of a conscious citizen ready
to contribute to rural education development is
only possible through close cooperation between
universities, government agencies, business and
public organizations. Such interaction will create
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conditions for the implementation of
comprehensive educational programs focused on
the comprehensive development of students and
their preparation for an active role in achieving
rural education development goals.
In the modern world, rural education
development is turning from an abstract idea into
a concrete course of action for every person.
Education focused on rural education
development becomes the foundation for the
formation of a new generation of conscious
citizens ready to face the challenges of the future
and ensure the rural education development of
our planet.The main goal of the study is to
analyze the prospects and threats of forming a
system of training future specialists for the
formation of a conscious citizen in the context of
rural education development. The object of the
study is the system of training future preschool
education specialists in the context of rural
education development.
The structure of the article consists of a literature
review, a description of the methodology,
coverage of the results, their comparison and
Literature review
The literature review plays a key role in our
research, as it provides a solid basis for analyzing
and understanding the topic of forming a system
for training future preschool education specialists
as an important part of rural education
development. Studying contemporary literature
is important because it allows us to identify and
analyze new trends, theoretical approaches and
practical examples related to a given topic. Such
a review contributes to understanding the current
state of the problem under study, identifies gaps
in existing knowledge, and draws attention to key
aspects requiring further research. Studying
modern scientific works, articles, analytical
reports and other types of literature allows us to
lay a solid foundation for our research and ensure
its relevance and scientific validity.
Thus, in a study by Melnychuk et al. (2022)
explored the importance of protecting children's
rights in armed conflict and the role of public
administration in this process. The authors
highlight the critical need for educational
initiatives aimed at raising awareness of
children's rights among all sectors of society,
including future professionals. This work
highlights the need to integrate principles of rural
education development and civic responsibility
into educational curricula to develop responsible
citizenship in response to global challenges such
as armed conflict. At the same time, in the study
by Yuryk et al. (2021) examines the balance
between the right to medical confidentiality and
the employer's right to obtain information about
the employee's health status, focusing on the
moral and legal aspects of this issue. The authors
explore how this interaction affects the provision
of human rights and freedoms in the work
environment, which is directly related to the
formation of a conscious citizenship in the
context of personal data protection. This source
emphasizes the importance of developing critical
thinking skills and moral understanding among
future professionals, which are necessary to
balance confidentiality and the need for
information in a professional context.
In turn, Boshoff et al. (2020) resorted to
analyzing child development programs using the
DIR/Floortime method. This can provide
valuable information about the outcomes and
effectiveness of early childhood education
approaches, which is important for
understanding which programs and practices to
invest in. An interesting study by Yetik et al.
(2020) where the authors consider the criteria for
lifelong learning in the context of open and
distance education. This research may be
important in understanding how to effectively
use the region's resources to support such modern
learning formats. Mousena et al. (2022) presents
a study focusing on curriculum development that
promotes citizenship and sustainability. The
authors argue that modern education should
include a comprehensive approach to developing
students' understanding of their rights and
responsibilities as citizens, as well as the
knowledge and skills necessary to support the
rural education development of society. This
work highlights the importance of an integrated
approach to education, combining theoretical
knowledge with practical skills aimed at solving
real-life social and environmental problems. At
the same time, Barenthien et al. (2020) focus on
learning opportunities for early childhood
teachers and their impact on professional
knowledge and motivation. This is important for
understanding the effectiveness of investments in
teacher training and their impact on the overall
quality of early childhood education, which are
important rural education development policy
In the study by Jandri et al. (2018) discusses the
concept of post-digital science and education in
the system of rural education development,
which is important for understanding modern
approaches in educational technologies and their
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
impact on preschool education. This source
makes an important contribution to
understanding how digitalization can affect
educational processes and its further impact on
the success of rural education development. At
the same time, the study by Alazzam et al.
(2023), focuses on public environmental
management in the context of commercial
bioeconomy development and rural education
development. This provides important context
for understanding the sustainability aspect of
education and its potential impact on the
financing of educational programs. The issue of
formative learning is actively discussed in the
study by Blömeke et al. (2017) This article
examines the relationship between education and
knowledge of preschool teachers. This source is
important for assessing the impact of funding on
the quality of teacher training and, accordingly,
on the quality of education. Johansson &
Sandberg (2012) focus on training and
knowledge development in teacher education for
early childhood teachers. This helps to
understand how resources can be directed to
improve educational programs and teacher
training. Similar to the study by Krasovska et
al.(2020). The article is devoted to the training of
future preschool teachers in the field of artistic
and aesthetic education using contextual learning
technologies. This is important for understanding
how funding can influence innovative practices
in early childhood education.
However, there are a number of gaps in the
literature according to the issues of the article
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. The main gaps in the literature according to the issues of the article
(formed by authors)
To summarize, it should be noted that, despite
significant research in the field of formation the
system of training future preschool education
specialists for the formation of a conscious
citizen in the context of rural education
development, this topic still remains
insufficiently studied, especially in the context of
identifying and analyzing potential threats. A
review of the literature showed that there are
many works focused on general issues of
education formation, but specific aspects related
to the identification of threats and risks for the
system of training specialists for the formation of
a conscious citizen in the context of rural
education development in preschool education
remain insufficiently studied. This indicates that
there are gaps in the scientific discourse and the
importance of further detailed analysis in this
area, which will not only allow for a deeper
understanding of the problem, but also the
creation of effective strategies for solving it.
Limited thematic coverage.
Many sources focus on the general principles of
rural education development without a detailed
analysis of their integration into the specifics of
preschool education. This creates a gap in
understanding how specifically permanency can
be implemented in training programs for
professionals working with early childhood
Lack of attention to practical application.
Although the theoretical foundations of rural
education development are well represented in
scientific works, there is a lack of research that
focuses on practical methodologies and strategies
for integrating these principles into everyday
teaching practice in preschool settings.
Lack of interdisciplinary approach.
Sustainability requires the integration of
knowledge from various disciplines, including
ecology, sociology, economics and ethics.
However, most of the literature has a highly
specialized focus, limiting the depth of analysis
and understanding of rural education development
in the context of early childhood education.
Shortcomings in Student Impact Research.
There is a limited number of empirical studies
that evaluate the impact of tenure-track
educational programs on pre-teacher students and
preschool-aged children. This creates a
knowledge gap on the effectiveness of different
approaches and methods for promoting
responsible citizenship and understanding of rural
education development.
The main gaps in the
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The scientific task of the study is to analyze the
key threats to the formation of a system for
training future preschool education specialists for
the formation of conscious citizenship in the
context of rural education development and
forming the leveling of these threats.
To achieve our goals, we will use a number of
methods, each of which meets the objectives and
goals of the article. The first method that was
used in the research process is the method of
expert analysis. The essence of this method is the
use of expert opinions and assessments in the
process for research purposes. In the context of
our research, experts provided their opinions on
the key threats to the formation of a system for
training future preschool education specialists.
The key advantage of this method is the ability to
obtain data from subject matter experts from the
field under study. At the same time, this also
implies a key drawback of this method - the
subjectivity of judgment, since we by default
accept the opinion of experts as truthful. In
addition, there is a risk of receiving diametrically
different assessments from experts, which will
complicate the compilation of a final list of
threats and further research.
The next method used in the study is the paired
comparison method. This method is based on
conducting a systematic comparison of a certain
list of factors (in our case, the key threats to the
formation of a system for training future
preschool education specialists) with
determining the level of their importance. In the
context of our research, this method will allow us
to determine the impact of which threat is
decisive, which will become a vector for the
formation of further management strategies and
policies in the field of education. The advantage
of this method is the detailed structuring of
problems and the possibility of specifying the
assessment. At the same time, the disadvantages
of this method are the limited number of factors
for the list and the difficulty of determining all
the relationships between a given factor. The
third method is the threat hierarchy, which allows
you to systematize and rank potential risks and
threats. In the context of education formation,
this method can be used to identify and prioritize
the most significant threats. This method has the
advantage of providing a clear framework for
risk analysis, but the disadvantage is that it may
be difficult to identify and assess all potential
In addition to these methods, data analysis is also
used. The essence of this method is the
collection, processing and analysis of large
volumes of information, including statistical
data, financial reports, survey results, etc. In our
study, it allows us to assess the real state of
formation and identify trends and anomalies. The
advantage is the objectivity and accuracy of the
data obtained, but at the same time, a large
volume of data can complicate their analysis and
interpretation. The threat hierarchy method may
be limited in its ability to accurately identify and
evaluate all potential threats. In some cases,
important risks may be overlooked because the
ranking process is based on current
understanding and available information, which
may be incomplete.
Data analysis, although objective, can suffer
from limitations related to data quality.
Incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data may lead
to incorrect conclusions. Also, analyzing large
volumes of data requires large resources and
specialized skills.
Experts in the field of preschool education and
rural educational development are carefully
chosen based on their academic contributions,
practical experiences, and policy knowledge. A
diverse range of perspectives is sought,
considering experts from different geographical
and professional backgrounds, which helps in
reducing the bias inherent in expert analysis. The
recruitment process often taps into academic
networks and professional associations, followed
by a rigorous vetting of each expert's credentials
and relevance to the research questions. In the
pairwise comparison process, threats to the
formation of a training system for preschool
educators are evaluated. Each threat is compared
against others using a structured matrix where
experts assess the significance of one threat over
another and determine the level of importance
through a scoring system. This methodical
approach allows for the quantification of each
threat's impact, helping to prioritize them. The
process might involve several rounds of
evaluation to achieve consensus among the
experts, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive
assessment. For the data analysis part of your
study, large volumes of data including
educational statistics, survey results from
educators, and financial reports are collected and
processed. Analytical techniques such as
regression analysis are applied to identify
significant trends and anomalies (Fig.2).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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Figure 2. The flowchart that represents the research methodology
(formed by authors)
In general, the use of these methods allows us to
obtain a multifaceted view of the problems of
formation preschool education, which is
necessary for the development of effective
strategies and solutions in this area.
Results and discussion
In the course of our research, using the method
of expert analysis, we focused on identifying key
threats affecting the formation of the system for
training future preschool education specialists.
Particular attention was paid to the development
of conscious citizenship and economic and
environmental values. The use of expert analysis
allowed us to collect important data and
assessments of leading experts in the field of
education, which ensured the scientific depth and
objectivity of our conclusions. The six key
threats identified in this study are critical to
understanding the current state of funding and
guide future policy interventions.
In the process of research and interviewing
experts, we strictly adhered to ethical standards
and requirements of expert research. All stages of
the study were planned and conducted with
respect for confidentiality of information,
objectivity of assessments and independence of
experts. This approach ensured a high degree of
validity and reliability of the data obtained,
which is critical to ensuring the quality and
responsibility of scientific research in this
important area. Thus, we have identified the
following threats:
FT1. Professional burnout and staff attrition.
Insufficient funding can lead to low wages and
lack of opportunities for professional
development for teachers, which, in turn,
contributes to professional burnout and the
outflow of qualified personnel from the industry.
FT2. Changes in sustainable political priorities.
Political instability and changing priorities may
lead to reduced funding for educational
programs, especially those that develop
environmental awareness and civic
FT3. Dependence on external sources of
formation. Over-dependence of educational
Method of
expert analysis
This method leverages the opinions and assessments of subject
matter experts to identify key threats in the educational system. The
main advantage is the direct access to specialized knowledge, while
the primary drawback is the potential subjectivity and variance in
expert opinions, which may affect the objectivity of the findings.
This approach involves a systematic comparison of listed factors,
such as the threats to the education system, to assess their relative
importance. It helps in structuring problems clearly and specifying
assessments, though it is limited by the number of factors that can be
compared and the complexity of determining relationships among
Data analysis
This method ranks potential risks and threats to prioritize them
effectively. It provides a structured framework for risk analysis,
which is beneficial for clear prioritization, but it may fail to capture
all potential threats due to limitations in current knowledge and
information availability.
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institutions on private investment or international
grants can create uncertainty and insecurity in
funding, especially in the long term.
FT4. Limited resources for innovation and
technology development. Insufficient resources
to integrate new technologies into the
educational process threaten the quality of
education and the ability of preschool institutions
to adapt to modern challenges.
FT5. Underestimating the importance of
sustainability education is a serious threat
because it results in environmental education
being ignored or underemphasized in preschool
curricula. This situation may undermine efforts
to develop economic-environmental values and
consciousness among the younger generation.
Lack of adequate emphasis on environmental
aspects of educational programs can lead to
misunderstandings and lack of understanding of
the importance of balancing human needs and
environmental conservation. Children who do
not receive sufficient sustainability education
may not understand the impact of their actions on
nature and society as a whole.
FT6. Insufficient government funding. One of
the most important threats is the limited state
budgeting, which cannot cover all the needs of
preschool education. This leads to underfunding
of programs and initiatives aimed at developing
civic consciousness and environmental values.
At the next stage of our research, the method of
paired comparison and hierarchical analysis will
be used to rank the identified threats to the
formation of the system of training future
preschool education specialists. This approach
will allow us to systematically evaluate the
importance of each of the identified threats by
comparing them with each other. Such ranking
will help to understand which of these threats
have the greatest impact on the system and
require primary focus in developing counter
The use of these methods will not only provide
quantitative and qualitative assessments, but will
also help prioritize threats. This is especially
important because it allows us to optimize the
allocation of resources and efforts aimed at
minimizing the negative impact of these threats
on the quality and stability of the preschool
education formation system.
The first stage is the formation of an even
comparison matrix. This step involves
determining the relative importance of various
alternatives or criteria in the decision-making
process. The essence of this method is to
compare pairs of elements to assess their relative
importance or priority.
The creation of the Pairwise Comparison Matrix
occurs according to the following algorithm:
each element is compared with each other
according to a certain criterion. The results of
these comparisons are placed in a matrix, where
the diagonal elements are always equal to 1
(meaning the element is being compared to itself)
and the off-diagonal elements show the relative
importance of the two elements.
In this case:
1 means the two factors are equally
9 indicates very high importance of one
factor over another.
The remaining values from 1 to 9 are used to
indicate intermediate weight levels.
Additionally, Diagonal Elements (aii) are always
equal to 1 because each factor is compared to
itself. For non-diagonal elements if aij=x then
aji= 1/x
The formed matrix is shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Pairwise Comparison Matrix
(formed by authors)
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
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The next step is to standardize the even
comparison matrix in the Analysis of Hierarchies
(AHP) method by normalizing the matrix to
calculate the relative importance of each element.
This process turns raw comparison scores into
standardized values that can be used for further
The essence of this stage is that each element of
the even comparison matrix is divided by the sum
of the elements in the corresponding column.
This allows the matrix to be "normalized" so that
each column sums to 1. This normalization is
necessary to determine the weights for each
element that are used to evaluate their relative
The matrix will be normalized using the
following formula (1):
 
 (1)
nij is a normalized element value,
n number of elements (rows or columns) in the
aij is the original value of the element in the
In accordance with this formula, we have
foremed a standardized matrix (Table 2).
Table 2.
Standardized Matrix
(formed by authors)
After standardizing the even comparison matrix,
the main task is to calculate a priority vector that
reflects the relative importance of each threat.
This process involves determining average
values for each row of a standardized matrix
representing the average importance of each
threat, taking into account all comparisons.
These averages are then normalized to sum to
one, turning them into a vector of priorities. The
priority vector is used to evaluate and rank
threats, determining which ones are most
significant and require the most attention in the
context of the study.
This process turns subjective assessments from
experts into quantitative indicators that can be
used for objective analysis and informed decision
To calculate the priority vector, the average
values for each row of the standardized matrix
were first determined. This is the average value
of each row of a standardized matrix representing
the average importance of each hazard in relative
terms. Formula for calculating the arithmetic
mean of the i-th row (2):
 (2)
average value of the i-th row.
sij element of a standardized matrix.
n number of elements.
These averages were then normalized to sum to
one, turning them into weights for each threat.
Normalization formula (3):
 (3)
where Wi is the normalized weight coefficient of
i-th element
Pi average value of the i-th row
 the sum of all average values.
Table 3 contains the results of calculating the
weight coefficient.
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Table 3.
The results of calculating the weight coefficient
Weighting coefficients
(formed by authors)
These weights reflect the relative importance of
each threat, with a higher value indicating greater
importance of the threat in the context of the
study. For example, FT6 «Insufficient
government funding» and FT4 «Limited
resources for innovation and technology
development» have the highest weight, meaning
it is of higher importance compared to other
The next step is to check consistency. In the
hierarchy analysis method, it is important to
ensure the reliability and validity of the results.
This step ensures that the scores presented in the
even comparison process are consistent and
First of all, the maximum eigenvalue (λmax) is
determined. This value is used to assess the
degree of consistency of the experts' answers. It
is defined as the average value of the ratio of the
sums of the rows of the even comparison matrix
to the corresponding elements of the priority
vector. If the matrix is completely consistent,
λmax is equal to the number of elements in the
matrix. Formula to determine the maximum
eigenvalue for our matrix (4).
 (4)
As a result of calculations, we determined that
the maximum eigenvalue (λmax) is 6.27. Which
is a sign that the constructed matrices are
The next step is to determine the consistency
index. The consistency index allows you to
determine how significant the deviation from
consistency is. The lower the CI value, the higher
the consistency of the matrix. Formula for
determining the consistency index (5):
 (5)
In our case, the CI is approximately 0.053. This
value means a high degree of matrix consistency.
The final metric in the consistency check phase
is the determination of the consistency
relationship. This index is used to assess the
acceptability of CI and is calculated as the ratio
of CI to the random index (RI), which is a
standard value for matrices of a certain size. For
a matrix of size 6, RI is 1.24. Formula for
calculating CR (6):
 
 (6)
Having made calculations, we determined that
the CR value for our matrix is approximately
0.043. Since the CR is less than 0.1, the matrix is
considered consistent, which means that the
experts' assessments are consistent and reliable,
and the determination of the ranking values can
be considered correct.
After identifying key threats to the formation of
the system of training future preschool education
specialists, especially with an emphasis on the
development of a conscious citizenship and
economic and environmental values, the next
step is to develop and implement a system of
measures to counter these threats. This includes
not only developing strategies that address
specific problems, but also implementing an
integrated approach that covers various aspects
of financial management, including attracting
additional sources of funding, optimizing costs
and strengthening internal resources (Table 4).
An effective system of measures should be based
on a deep analysis of the needs and capabilities
of the educational sector, and be flexible and
adaptive to changing conditions and challenges
that the industry may face in the future.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 4.
Measures to counter the most influential threats
Measures to counter the most influential threats
Insufficient government funding
Limited resources for innovation and technology
Attracting private investment Increased collaboration with the private sector can
help attract additional financial resources. This could
be through partnerships, sponsorships or corporate
social responsibility.
Partnerships with technology companies Collaborations with IT companies and startups can
provide access to the latest technologies and innovative
solutions for the educational process.
Grant Programs and Funds The use of international and national grant programs
can help provide additional funding for educational
projects, especially those aimed at innovation and
rural education development.
Attracting Technology Grants Actively seeking and utilizing grants focused on
technology development and innovation in education can
help improve technology infrastructure.
Improving efficiency of using existing resources Optimizing budgetary expenditures and improving
financial management mechanisms can help make
better use of existing resources.
Development of own innovative rural education
development programs Creation and development of own innovative educational
programs and educational materials can reduce
dependence on external resources and contribute to the
development of internal potentials.
Increasing Community Engagement Organizing charitable events and soliciting
contributions from parents and local communities can
provide an additional source of funding for
educational programs.
Cooperation with Scientific and Educational Institutions Building a network of cooperation with universities,
research centers and other educational institutions can
facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience in
the field of innovation and technology.
(formed by authors)
After conducting a survey of experts, using
paired comparison methods and hierarchical
analysis, we successfully identified the most
significant threats to the formation of the system
for training future preschool education
specialists. This process not only made it
possible to identify key problem areas, but also
to formulate targeted and effective measures to
counter these threats. As a result, a set of
strategies was developed covering various
aspects of financial and resource management,
and also involving the active involvement of
various stakeholders. This approach not only
helps to minimize potential risks, but is also
aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of
formation the education system as a whole.
Once the results are available, it is important to
conduct a comparative analysis of our own
results with those of previous studies to
determine the novelty, uniqueness, and
significance of our results in the context of the
existing scientific literature. Comparison with
other studies helps highlight our contributions to
the field, highlight similarities and differences in
findings, and identify potential future research
opportunities in this area. Such an analysis helps
to confirm the reliability and significance of the
results obtained and open new horizons for
further scientific activity.
In the study by Volchik (2019), the author
examines institutional traps in the fields of
education and science in the context of
optimization. This research is useful for
understanding institutional challenges in shaping
education, and our study complements it by
focusing on sustainable threats and counter
strategies in early childhood education.
Boni & Calabuig's (2016) study focuses on the
potential of formal and informal educational
spaces of universities to develop global
citizenship and cosmopolitanism among
students. The authors explore how university
programs can foster students' understanding and
responsibility for global challenges by
cultivating global awareness and intercultural
competence both through academic courses and
beyond the classroom. Our research differs from
this work in that it focuses on identifying and
organizing threats to the system of training future
preschool education specialists with an emphasis
on the development of conscious citizenship in
the context of rural education development, using
methods of expert analysis, paired comparison
and hierarchical ordering. This approach allows
specific challenges to be examined in detail and
targeted response strategies to be developed,
while the authors focus on the broader aspect of
global citizenship without specifying methods
for identifying and countering challenges. Our
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
study provides specific analytical tools for
evaluating and developing interventions in a
highly specialized field, making its contribution
unique in the context of early childhood
education professional development.
Bączek et al. (2021) explore student perceptions
of online learning during the COVID-19
pandemic. Our study extends this by using these
findings to understand the impact of the
pandemic on educational programs from rural
education development perspective.
Our research uses expert analysis, paired
comparison, and hierarchical ordering
techniques to identify and develop strategies to
counter threats in the system of preparing future
preschool education specialists, focusing on the
development of conscious citizenship in the
context of rural education development. In
contrast, the study by Hira et al. (2023) presents
a broad systematic review of the literature on
education for rural education development and
global citizenship education, highlighting the
importance of integrating these concepts into
educational programs. Our approach is
characterized by detailed analysis and
development of specific interventions, making it
particularly valuable for practical
implementation in the field of early childhood
education, ensuring that it meets specific
challenges and needs.
A study by Zuurmond et al. (2023) focused on
the importance of teaching critical thinking, civic
education, and Bildung in vocational education.
The authors argue that these elements are key to
preparing students to question the status quo,
which is necessary to form conscientious and
responsible citizens. Our research is
distinguished by its use of specific analytical
methods to address specific problems in early
childhood education, making it particularly
practical and focused.
Zohar, Weinberger and Tamir (1994) analyze the
impact of a critical thinking project on the
development of critical thinking in the context of
biology. Their work focuses on specific
disciplines and the effectiveness of educational
interventions. In contrast, your research is more
general in nature and focuses on systemic issues
in early childhood education.
Fellenz (2016) views Bildung and professional
development from an ontological perspective,
emphasizing personal growth. Our work differs
from this study in its emphasis on
methodological tools for solving pedagogical
challenges rather than on the philosophical
aspect of education.
Colás-Bravo et al. (2018) explore teachers'
sustainability consciousness using e-portfolios.
Our research is distinguished by its focus on
early childhood education and the specific threats
in this area, providing tools for identifying and
countering them.
At the same time, Vasylyk (2019) is engaged in
the formation of the ethnic consciousness of
future teachers, which differs from your research
in its cultural and ethnic aspect. While our
research provides a broader analysis of systemic
challenges in education and proposes specific
methods for solving them.
To summarize, Fig. 3 depicts the key differences
between our study and others in the context of
this topic.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. The key differences between our study and others in the context of this topic
(formed by authors)
Considering the comparison of the results of our
research with existing scientific works in this
area, we can affirm its relevance and scientific
novelty. Thus, the key priority of our research is
that it is aimed at conducting a detailed analysis
of the influence of the environment and the
relevance of measures to form a conscious
position of citizens in preschool education. As a
result, we have expanded our understanding of
the problems of this issue and formed key
theoretical and practical ideas that will be useful
in the creation and implementation of appropriate
operating strategies and management policies in
this area. Our research is relevant because it
corresponds to modern development trends and
problems in the social spheres under study. The
use of the results obtained will not only solve
current problems, but can also serve as the basis
for further research in the field of environmental
The study focuses on rural education
development, which might not capture the
nuances or the broader spectrum of educational
challenges found in urban or suburban contexts.
This geographical focus limits the applicability
of the findings to other educational settings. The
study might be constrained by time and
resources, which can limit the depth and breadth
of the research. For example, conducting a
thorough expert analysis can be time-consuming
and resource-intensive, and limited resources
may have restricted the number of experts
consulted or the extent of data analysis.
In the final part of the study, which analyzes the
system of training future preschool education
specialists in the context of rural education
development, we come to identify the key
conclusions identified during the analytical
work. The study emphasized the importance of
integrating the principles of rural education
development into the educational process, which
forms the basis for the formation of conscious
citizenship in future generations.
First of all, it has been established that
consistency in preschool education not only
contributes to the environmental education of
children from an early age, but also lays the
foundation for the development of a socially
responsible personality. This creates the
preconditions for the formation of a harmonious
society capable of adapting and responding to
modern challenges of rural education
development. The analysis showed that the
Key differences between our study and others in the context of the
Specialized Focus on Formation Early Childhood. Education One of the key differences
of our study is its unique focus on formation the training of future early childhood
education professionals. Most existing studies focus on general issues of education
formation without a detailed analysis of the specifics of preschool education. Our
research provides deep insight into this specific area, which is a significant advantage.
Integration of innovative methods Research. We use a combination of expert analysis,
paired comparison method and hierarchical analysis, which allows us to comprehensively
assess and identify key funding threats. This multi-level approach to analysis differs from
the more traditional methods used in most research and provides a more in-depth and
accurate analysis of the issue.
Practical recommendations for countering threats. Our research not only identifies key
threats, but also provides specific recommendations for countermeasure. This aspect
makes our study particularly valuable as it moves from theoretical analysis to practical
steps that can be taken by educational institutions, policy makers and other stakeholders
to improve funding for early childhood education.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialist training system faces a number of
threats that can slow down or even block the
process of integrating rural education
development into the educational space.
However, focusing on the opportunities offered
by the adoption of rural education development
as a core doctrine in education allows for an
optimistic view of the future. An important
aspect is the awareness of the need for deep and
systemic changes in approaches to education.
This requires all educational stakeholders, from
policymakers to educators, to rethink their roles
and contribute to shaping a future of
sustainability. During the study, it was noted that
the successful implementation of the principles
of rural education development requires an
integrated approach, including scientifically
based methods, innovative technologies in
training and education, as well as active
participation and support from society.
The study highlighted the importance of
continuing education and professional
development for teachers as a means of
improving the quality of the educational process.
Teachers and educators equipped with
knowledge and skills in rural education
development are key to helping children
understand the importance of environmental
conservation, social justice, and economic
In conclusion, this study opens the door for
further developments in education for rural
education development, pointing to the need for
greater dialogue among educators, researchers,
policy makers and the public. By working
together, significant progress can be made in
preparing conscientious citizens who can make
significant contributions to the rural education
development of society. As a result of the
application of these research methods, the key
threats to the formation of a system for training
future preschool education specialists for the
development of conscious citizenship in the
context of rural education development were
streamlined. Based on a certain hierarchy,
measures to counter these threats were proposed.
The study is limited in that it involves analysis of
a limited number of threats. It is planned to
expand this list of threats in the future.
The use of hierarchical ordering and pairwise
comparisons may not fully capture the
complexity of interactions between various
threats. These methods often assume that factors
are independent of each other, which may not be
the case in complex educational ecosystems.
Future studies could include a broader range of
educational settings, incorporating urban and
suburban contexts to compare and contrast with
rural education systems. This could help in
understanding the unique and shared challenges
across different educational landscapes.
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