Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.6
How to Cite:
Marieiev, D., Miniailo, R., Martinа, O., Tretyak, N., & Moiseienko, N. (2024). Use of onomastic material in the educational
space. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 67-79. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.6
Use of onomastic material in the educational space
Використання ономастичного матеріалу в освітньому просторі
Received: February 2, 2024 Accepted: March 24, 2024
Written by:
Dmytro Marieiev1
Roman Miniailo2
Olesіа Martinа3
Natalia Tretyak4
Natalia Moiseienko5
The article analyzes the content of onomastics
and the onomastic system in the modern
language; the main principles and perspectives of
the etymological process of proper names are
highlighted; the specifics of the onymic space of
the work of art are revealed; a review of digital
methods for research and presentation of onymic
material was carried out; characteristics of names
and their criteria are presented. An experimental
study of the importance of using onomastic
material in the educational space was conducted,
where special attention was paid to the
quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results
of the use of onomastic material. In the
experimental groups, during the exercises,
techniques, and methods of work that activate the
student's thinking were combined, and different
types of tasks were offered among the exercises,
the content of which was onomastic vocabulary
Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, the Head of the Educational and Methodological Department (Support of International and
Project Activities), Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Ukrainian Linguistics, Literature and Teaching
Methods, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: KBH-8305-2024
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAY-2089-2021
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAY-3554-2021
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the English Grammar Department, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IRW-8844-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
using an innovative method. Research in the
experimental group showed the effectiveness of
the innovative methodology and a significant
increase in the level of cognitive activity among
Keywords: onomastics, onomastic material,
institutions of higher education, etymology of
proper names, digital methods.
The word is the most active unit of speech,
therefore, due attention should be paid to the
study of lexemes at all educational levels. A
conscious attitude to language begins with
penetration into the lexical richness of the
linguistic sphere. A conscious understanding of a
person's lexical reserve, its sufficiency, is one of
the conditions for fluency in both written and oral
speech of an individual, which is the basis of
human development, his educational and
cognitive activity, which is a fundamental feature
of humanity.
One of the effective means for partially solving
the problem of national revival of any country,
which consciously helps the young generation to
acquire practically inexhaustible educational
opportunities and educational opportunities in
the educational space, is the use of onomastic
material by the student of higher education. As
evidenced by the work practice of teachers of
educational institutions, such an approach to the
content of education contributes to the
development of student's ability to use words,
constantly stimulates their cognitive activity,
helps to develop and reveal potential
opportunities for students, and generally affects
the formation of personality.
Onomastics in the modern space of education
include several sections of science, which are
interconnected and distinguish different classes
of onyms, respectively. classifications of proper
names that exist today have a different number of
proper names and their degrees. Moreover, there
is still no unanimity among scientists regarding
the number of discharges.
Literary onomastics, which arose on the healthy
soil of folk realities, live and develop for
centuries by onomastic university laws that exist
in the literary world unified process, enriching
and growing together with the development of
national literature. The literary process gave the
world numerous names of playwrights, poets,
and writers who made an invaluable contribution
to the development and formation of literary
onomastics (Hohulenko, 2021).
One of the main directions of modern linguistics
and its development is the selection for the
adequacy of the translation of proper names into
the target language of the translation strategy, the
development of issues of functioning in the
artistic works of various groups of onyms, and
decoding of compressed information in them.
(Podhurska, 2021).
In the article, we considered the following main
aspects: basic principles and perspectives of the
etymological process of proper names;
specificity of the onymic space of an artistic
work; A survey of digital methods for the
research and presentation of onymic material; an
experimental study of the importance of using
onomastic material in the educational space;
recommendations for educational space.
Literature review
One effective means that can help the young
generation partially solve the problem of national
revival is the use of onomastic material, which
has practically inexhaustible educational and
educational possibilities. This content of
education, as evidenced by the work practice of
individual teachers of secondary schools,
constantly stimulates the cognitive activity of
students, contributes to the development of their
ability to use words, helps to identify and develop
potential opportunities for schoolchildren,
affects the formation of the Ukrainian-speaking
personality as a whole.
Many researchers were engaged in developing
the principles of analysis of literary onomies and
literary onomastics.
P. Sabet & G. Zhang, (2020). presents an account
of how first name choice is influenced by socio-
ethnic changes during the transitional period
between two Iranian governments. Show the
differences, however divergent they are initially,
Marieiev, D., Miniailo, R., Martinа, O., Tretyak, N., Moiseienko, N. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 67-79 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
converge and consolidate name change patterns
derived from sociopolitical modifications.
MacKenzie, L. (2018) describes how students
can be introduced to the basics of linguistic
analysis using personal, product, and place
names as data. The author outlines several areas
of linguistics that can be effectively taught at an
introductory level through name data and
provides examples of accompanying in-class and
take-home exercises. The article demonstrates
that the everyday familiarity of names and the
ready availability of name data combine to create
a class that not only engages students but also
teaches them practical data-analysis skills.
C. Juncal (2018). analyses the evolution of the
anthroponymical repertoire of a municipal
council located in the west of the province of
Vizcaya, in the Spanish Basque Country. It has
traditionally been a Spanish-speaking area,
although it is now clearly influenced by the
language policies of the Basque Autonomous
Community to which it belongs, where recent
years have witnessed a major expansion in the
use of the Basque language in different ambits.
This study examines the evolution of onomastic
usages over a period that includes the transition
from the Franco era to democracy in the 1970s,
with the ensuing quantitative and qualitative shift
in the choice of children's names.
The necessity of using onomastic material in the
educational process with children was pointed
out at one time by E. Aldrin (2019). He shows
how a small group of Swedish teenagers handle
onomastic choices of self- and other-referencing
as part of their everyday mobile phone
interaction. It further discusses how the teenagers
explained their views regarding online names
during interviews. The data are analyzed
qualitatively using theories of identity and social
The need for wide use of local, in particular
onomastic, material in the school's educational
activities was pointed out by T. Vilchynska et al.
(2021). They investigate conceptual metaphor as
a lingua-instrumental tool by which a person can
know, evaluate, and transform the world. The
history of metaphor study has been considered in
detail, from its complete denial to understanding
as a mechanism of objective reality cognition,
and it has been found that most approaches to the
interpretation of metaphor were demonstrated in
the twentieth century. In particular, it has been
considered as a means of forming concepts, as a
semantic-two-dimensional, clearly connoted
unit, as a symbolic structure of language, as a
marker of quirk, and as an object of linguistic and
cultural research, etc. I. Podhurska (2021)
devoted her research to the analysis of the
onomastic space of the famous British writer
Roald Dahl, which occupies an important place
in children's literature because his works about
children and for children have many proper
names that reflect the country's culture, religious
beliefs, and history. Onomastic units became the
subject of study because they play an integral
role in revealing the plot of a literary work. The
researcher has shown in modern English-
language texts of the fantasy genre the growing
importance of the problem of the functioning of
onyms in children's works by R. Dahl, in
particular, and in the literary field in general,
since they play an important role in the formation
of a unique image system of the fictional world;
about a hundred units were allocated to mark the
names of characters, domestic animals, and
geographical objects; there was an immersion in
the semantics and etymology of onomastic
O. Melnyk, & O. Voloshina (2022) distinguished
the concepts of "onomastic space" and "onym
space", described the state of the study of
ergonyms and its history in linguistics,
characterized the main approaches and stages to
the study of modern toponymy, clarified the
linguistic status of the definition of "ergonym",
determined that a toponym is "a concept that
embodies the semantic features of the onymic
space, and a lexical unit, the creation of which is
determined by the action of word-forming
features and models".
The relevance of such studies is determined by
the specificity of onomastic vocabulary and its
difference from other classes of words. Although
modern onomastic research uses all linguistic
methods without exception, many acquire new
forms and approaches. Analyzing the methods of
onomastic research, scientists concluded that the
most widespread of them are: "descriptive, areal,
genetic, typological methods, as well as various
methods of comparative and historical
linguistics." On the other hand, the onomastic
material requires the connection of some
additional methods or techniques for its
comprehensive analysis.
O. Hrynyova, L. Tereshchenko (2015) devoted
their research to the problems of translating
proper names in literary works for children.
Names in such works often contain additional
information about the character's habits,
character, and origin, that is, they are telling.
Intertextual information in such a name can be
"hidden" because it becomes a kind of challenge
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for the child that arouses interest. The factors that
are caused by several translations of proverbial
names are singled out: the difference in the
interpretation of the symbols identified in the two
cultures; the cultural and temporal distance
between the audience and the original text; the
difference in the interpretation of the content by
the translator and the author; a play on words that
is lost in translation; the difference in gender
categories in two languages; subjective
preferences of the translator, etc. O. Hohulenko's
(2021) research is aimed at determining the
features of functioning and delineating the role of
anthroponyms; considering reproduction in the
onymic space of anthroponyms; definition in the
construction of the whole artistic meaning of the
anthroponymic system. It has been proven that
the onymic vocabulary supplies the text with
various information (ethnographic, historical,
connotative, geographical, etc.); endowed with a
nominative function; participates in chronotope
modeling; onymous vocabulary plays a
structural-semiotic and constructive role in the
formation of the "artistic picture of the world".
Given the constant increase in the onomastic
corpus material, the interest of scientists in its
study does not decrease. In addition, questions
regarding the structure of the onomastic space
and the relationship of elements within it,
clarification of the onomastic status of some
groups of proper names, terminological certainty,
etc., remain relevant.
In any case, the modern onomastic space is by its
structure a complex entity, within which separate
sectors or fields are distinguished. The center of
the onomastic space is anthroponyms, on the
periphery there are constantly changing groups
of proper names ergonyms, pragmatonyms,
urbanonyms, etc.
The extraordinary variety of proper units, the
uneven study of them, and the debatable
belonging to the onomastics of some classes of
names caused the presence of different views on
the structure of this array of vocabulary, the
instability and undeveloped terminology for
individual groups and subgroups of proper
names, which requires their further thorough
As we can see, the appearance of numerous
investigations in the field of literary onomastics
made it possible to reveal specific features of the
onomic space, new ways of researching the role
of proper names in modeling the artistic picture
of the world; to show the onymic component,
which turns out to be more significant and
weightier in works for children than in works for
adults, to distinguish two groups: emotional and
informational and to characterize the functions
that quite logically belong to these groups;
classify proper names, distinguish between the
concepts of "onomastic space" and "onym
space", describe the state of toponymic study and
history in linguistics, characterize the main
approaches and stages to the study of modern
toponym. However, not enough attention is paid
to the use of onomastic material in the
educational space.
The purpose of the research: is to find out
innovative ways of using onomastic material in
the educational space.
In our study, the following methods were used to
achieve the goal:
theoretical: analysis of psychological,
linguistic, pedagogical, and methodical
literature; generalization and theoretical
understanding of the pedagogical
prospective experience of teachers;
empirical: diagnostic observation of the
amount of use of onomastic material by
teachers in language classes, of the level of
development of the educational and
cognitive activity of students of the
educational space; conversations with
students and teachers; psychological and
pedagogical observation, questionnaires,
statistical: qualitative and quantitative
processing of experimental data.
The research was conducted in three stages.
The first stage. The state of the problem in
pedagogical practice and theory was studied;
psychological-pedagogical and linguistic
literature was studied; developed diagnostic tasks
using onomastic material were implemented; the
system of work was modeled to develop the
educational and cognitive activity of students of
the educational space in the process of language
The second stage. Research and experimental
work were carried out; the effectiveness of the
proposed method was checked; with the use of an
onomastic dictionary, the developed system of
exercises was tested, the effectiveness of the
experimental program was checked on the
onomastic material with a block of exercises to
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
stimulate the cognitive learning activity of the
acquirers of the educational space.
The third stage. Conclusions were formulated;
the results of the research work were clarified
and summarized; methodical recommendations
were developed.
In the experimental study, special attention is
paid to the quantitative and qualitative analysis
of the results of the use of onomastic material in
the educational space.
For the experimental teaching method, exercises
were developed aimed at forming practical skills
of differentiating onyms and appellatives in
students of higher education, successive
deepening of onomastic awareness of students of
higher education.
In the experimental groups, during the study of
the exercises, techniques, and methods of work
that activate the students' thinking were
combined: synthetic, analytical, and analytical-
synthetic. Different types of tasks were offered
among the exercises, the content of which was
onomastic vocabulary using an innovative
method. We developed a hypothesis and received
positive confirmation of it as a result of research
work. The research was carried out among
students who are obtaining a bachelor's degree in
the 3rd and 4th years.
64 students from the control group and 71
students from the experimental group took part in
the experiment.
A significant increase in the level of cognitive
activity among students of the experimental
group is shown by the following experimental
research data: the third year by +17%; the
fourth year by +21%, and a significant decrease
in the number of students with a low level of
activity: the third year by -31.8%; the fourth
year by -17.6%.
At the same time, no significant changes were
observed in the control group, but there were still
certain shifts in the development of the cognitive
activity of student youth since each teacher did
everything to activate the vocabulary of students,
which is the fundamental basis for their
development so that students are active in
cognitive activities and studied with interest.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In the framework of
research work, the quality of data collection and
analysis not only adds weight to the research but
also contributes to the formation of sound
conclusions, which is the key to academic
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms a simple tool for creating
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions, and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R, or Python for more advanced data
analysis, statistical analysis, and processing
of volumes of data.
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of an environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
Results and discussion
The content of onomastics and the onomastics
system in the modern language. The term
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
"onomastics" includes the art of naming and has
been used in linguistic literature with various
meanings, that is, it is a multi-meaning term.
Onomastics has three meanings:
1. The branch of linguistics that thoroughly
studies personal names (surnames of
animals and people, first names, surnames,
patronymics) in this sense, it is
synonymous with the term anthroponymics.
2. As a subject of linguistic study a system or
collection of personal names in this sense,
it is synonymous with the term onomasticon.
3. A branch of linguistics that thoroughly
studies proper names in this sense,
onomastics is perceived as a term a proper
name, or proprial, is "a name given to a
specific object, a person to distinguish him
(her) from several identical or similar", and
"the branch of linguistics that studies any
proper names is defined as onomastics".
We conclude that onomastics is considered a
science that studies toponyms and proper names
(anthroponyms) (Akoto, 2023).
A unique subsystem in the modern language is
formed by units of the onomastic system with its
own laws of functioning and development and
special system-forming mechanisms. Onyms are
one of the means of determining the
spatiotemporal parameters of the image of the
world, which provide the sign designation of
such coordinates as the object (subject) of real
reality, and this is what determines the "high
communicative and pragmatic potential" in the
"realization of the sociocultural function of
language". The specificity of onyms is
determined by extralinguistic factors, not only
linguistic status, which in turn directly affects the
functioning and formation of the semantic
structure of onyms.
We define the onomastic space of the language
in our research as a collection of all proper names
(invented and real), and this is an open system
that is constantly changing due to the appearance
of new onomastic objects.
The onomastic space, according to its internal
structure, is a complex entity. It is structurally
represented by fields with peripheral and nuclear
groups of proper names.
By the onomastic space, scientists understand
"the entire set of proper names regardless of its
internal organization", and "the onomastic field
is seen as an ordered, hierarchically organized set
of onyms, which is characterized by the presence
of certain structural and systemic connections
and united based on common features"
(Fernández Juncal, 2018).
Today, at an appropriate scientific level, it is
important to analyze and describe these
observations and empirical facts, because, among
onomastics and linguists themselves, there are
repeated calls to strengthen all the main sections
of onomastics at the scientific-theoretical level of
research given a certain decrease in the
specialization of onomastics works. This
question should be characterized in more detail
because it is multifaceted.
Special attention should be paid here, in our
opinion, to the diachronic aspect of onomastic
studies. One of the most effective approaches is
etymological because it is important in the study
of proper names, it makes it possible to
investigate all levels of the structure (word-
forming, morphological, phonetic) of the onym,
to restore its pre-onymic (basic) semantics, to
find out the ethnic affiliation of the name
according to those linguistic laws that reflected
in it, determine the probable time of appearance
of a specific name. Since the favorite onym is
mostly formed based on a common specific
name, we find out its origin within the limits of
general etymology. There is no special onomastic
etymology (Motschenbacher, 2020).
Basic principles and perspectives of the
etymological process of proper names.
The etymological process of proper names is
based on the following basic principles:
1) detection of the semantic motivation of the
onym, in connection with which there is
often a need to etymologize the appellation
2) clarification of creative appeals;
3) definition of the word-forming type (word-
forming model) of the name.
First of all, the interpretation of one's own name
should be based on the tradition of comparative-
historical linguistics, and also, since it is difficult
to name an onymic that would be formed in a
monoethnic environment, it is worth taking into
account the achievements of the theory of
language contacts. Therefore, the second factor
requires careful attention from researchers,
because it is precisely this that requires a
thorough study of the linguistic history of the
region in which a certain name is formed. Here it
is impossible to do without a comparison of a
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specific onym with formally similar ones. So that
such a comparison does not turn out to be
accidental when comparing genetically unrelated
forms that arose during the evolution of these
lexemes (purely external), it should be based on
the system of phonetic counterparts established
by comparative-historical linguistics. However,
this principle is not always followed in the circle
of linguists and onomasts who are interested in
the etymology of onyms, which is reflected
accordingly in the scientific conclusions of such
studies. In addition, the onymic of a certain
region is necessarily influenced by
extralinguistic factors (social, natural, historical,
etc.), and not only linguistic factors (caused by
the very nature of the creative basis of the name).
Insufficient attention to the geographical
conditions and historical conditions under which
the formation of a certain name took place leads
to completely incorrect etymology or unfounded
etymology. This means that etymological and
onomastic research should be complex, based on
data from historical sources and material culture,
as well as on linguistic facts, and in the case of
toponymic vocabulary, on the topographic
characteristics of the area, to localize a certain
name. Since researchers in many cases take into
account only the modern state of onyms and do
not pay attention to their linguistic history, this
approach will make it possible to avoid extreme
positions in the etymology of onym material
the name is only non-Slavic or only Slavic with
the admissibility of directly opposite versions.
Therefore, the prospects for the development of
diachronic studies of onymic vocabulary depend
on how consistently the principles of historicism
and systematicity in the approach to the
interpretation of onymic material will be
implemented in them.
Given the fact that onomastics is a multifaceted
science, that is, it examines not only names from
a historical perspective because if you direct
onomastics research only in this direction, it can
narrow the research possibilities of onomastics.
To prevent this, onomastics in general and
academics in particular need to develop other
areas besides the etymological aspect of studying
proper names, for example, the functional one,
which is directly related to onomastic practice
the creation of toponymic derivatives, the
spelling of proper names, etc.
For the prospects of academic onomastics, it is
1) to constantly stimulate the development of
regional onomastic centers to collect onomic
material, to assist the organization of
expeditions in replenishing the academic
onomastic card file, as well as consult local
authorities on the functioning of onomic
2) active popularization of the results of one's
research on the pages of foreign, local, and
central publications, which will provide an
opportunity to distinguish scientific onymic
etymologies from several pseudoscientific
interpretations, which are not unique
recently in the world onomastic space
(Rabelo, 2020).
Specificity of the onymic space of an artistic
Endowed with the proper nominative function,
the onymic vocabulary supplies various
information to the text (ethnographic, historical,
connotative, geographical, etc.), and participates
in the modeling of local temporal unity the
chronotope, which is characteristic of a work of
art. In addition, it plays a structural-semiotic and
constructive role in the formation of the "artistic
picture of the world" in the acquirer of the
educational space.
The study of the difference between the
onomastic space of a literary and artistic work
and the onomic space of language seems
interesting. If, regardless of the degree of usage,
real proper names are facts of language, then as
facts of speech, proper names of an artistic text
are an imprint of the specificity of artistic speech
as a whole, and not only of the national
onomastic tradition. Y. Karpenko defines
national anthroponymy as "the sum of all real
proper names used by the speakers of this
language, as well as speech unstable occasional
anthroponyms that over time become a fact of the
language, supplementing the national noun, or
Proper names, which function in the text of an
artistic work, are a special sphere of onomastic
reality, the specificity of which lies in its
subjectivity. The onomastics of a literary work
do not quite adequately reflect the role of proper
names and their position in a person's real life.
This is because "the communicative function of
the onomastic material in the artistic text turns
out to be a "complicated" poetic function, which
is brought to the fore here" (Butler et al., 2017).
The specificity of the onym stems from the
specificity of the onymic space of artistic work
and lies in the difference between literary and
real proprial systems. In its specificity, literary
onomastics in literary and linguistic aspects
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
directly collide with the study of an artistic text,
because titles and names are components of the
writer's style, integral elements of the form of an
artistic work, and means that create an artistic
The law of three correspondences is the most
important in onomastics:
the author's concept, which is manifested
with the entire artistic work, in the sound,
and etymology of names, in their
combination, contrast, or agreement with
each other at the level of onomastics in
the anthropocentrism of the text, which is
manifested in all components of the silent
space of the work, in particular the artistic
locus, which defines the topos of each
character, the spatial dominant;
the truth of realities and historical truth, on
which literary onomastics is based
(Hohulenko, 2021).
The study of any linguistic reality intended for its
description begins with the development of a
specific terminological system. "Onomastics is
constantly expanding its sphere of influence,
enriching itself, demanding more attention from
linguists every year... The state of development
of terminology is a kind of indicator that shows
the development of this discipline". Considering
this, the study of biblical onomathemes should
begin with the selection of a terminological and
linguistic toolkit, which systematizes the selected
material, giving it scientific expediency and
semantic sophistication. The establishment of
terminological systems, their unification,
standardization, normalization, and ordering
relate to this nationwide process, important
factors. The level of development of the
terminology of any science indicates the level of
science itself. Therefore, the process of term
formation is important in onomastic studies..."
(Gałkowski, 2022).
A survey of digital methods for the research
and presentation of onymic material.
In recent decades, poetic (literary) onomastics,
i.e. the study of proper names in literary texts, has
become very noticeably active among the
onomastic trends. Poetic (literary) onomastics is
increasingly becoming the object of close
attention of world linguists.
During the entire history of the development of
onomastics, the methodology of the study of
proper names as a linguistic phenomenon was
formed, and there are different approaches to the
systematization and analysis of the material. The
inclusion of various methodological digital
methods in the research toolkit of scientists was
actively influenced by: trends in the development
of onomastics and the current state of
onomastics. The proposed digital methods do not
contradict existing traditional techniques and
methods but only complement the extensive
accumulated experience of researching one's
own vocabulary.
Among the classic basic methods, the following
are distinguished: general scientific, onomastic,
and linguistic. In the field of onomastics, several
important tasks need to be solved at the current
stage of the digital development of world
science. This can be solved by appropriate
improvement and updating of onomastic research
methods, the main part of which was formed
even in the absence of digital technologies.
Digital lexicography is very common in the
world. A functionally complete lexicographic
digital space has already been formed for most of
the developed languages of the world.
The modern theory of onomastics interprets the
onymic space from the standpoint of the duration
of residence or the use of proper names in the
representation of representatives of this or that
culture. The onymic simple, in the mind of an
individual, exists only in fragments and is
revealed only with the help of a special study.
Onymic space is considered by linguists as a
general linguistic category "absolute
(complete) deductive (obligatory for all
languages) linguistic universality" (Habibli,
2021) and as a category of language in a certain
period of its development.
Important characteristics of names and their
criteria. The following characteristics are
important for a comprehensive systematization
of onyms:
objective thematic or subject classification;
distributive areal or geographical features;
morphological analysis;
statistical typology;
chronological and historical periodization or
connection with the roots and bases of
appellative vocabulary in the semantic
classification of toponymic facts;
systematization of toponyms, the
establishment of etymology, and language
affiliation (Karpenko & Neklesova, 2023).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The system of division of proper names contains
the following criteria of the onymic vocabulary:
time of origin of the onym; initial form;
denotative-nominative groups; way of
occurrence; origin; etymology of the name;
productivity of the word-forming type; method
of creation; motivational relations; semantics of
the creative basis; field of use; the relationship of
onym to language or speech; name form;
frequency of use; appointment of onym; name
recognition; the scope of the concepts fixed in the
title; features of declension; structure; the reality
of its existence; biological features of denotation;
dimensions of denotation; emotional and
expressive features of the name; the number of
nominated objects; additional linguistic
characteristics of the name; stylistic features of
the onym; additional extralingual characteristics
of denotation.
Approaching the description of onymic
vocabulary in this way, the main blocks are
etymological and word-forming;
denotative and qualitative;
The analysis of proper names gives the process
greater coherence and consistency and involves
making changes to the scheme, which helps to
avoid duplication during the characterization of
onyms (Melnyk & Voloshyna, 2022).
Analyzing the modern means of the English
language, we conclude that the problem of
representing one's own foreign language names
in a literary text is relevant, because the
onomasticon reproduces the historical and
cultural features of a certain ethnic group,
contains names, and plays a significant role in the
structural and content organization of the work
(Podhurska, 2021).
When translating proper names, the most
effective is the following sequence of actions:
finding out the etymology of the proper name;
identifying the semantically motivated basis
of the name, checking the semantics of the
significance of information about the
research of possible translation options,
taking into account historically established
selection of the most appropriate
agreement with the requirements of
language spelling and word formation,
translation of the found counterpart;
analysis and assessment of the level of
semantic approximation to the original
translation (Petrenko, 2006).
When choosing a respondent, the most important
thing is the translator's interpretation of the
author's intention, because the translator usually
sees the onomasticon of the work when it is
correctly explained, as an element of a more
global system in which it complements the
stylistic, plot-compositional, figurative
characteristics of the text.
An experimental study of the importance of
using onomastic material in the educational
In the experimental study, special attention is
paid to the quantitative and qualitative analysis
of the results of the use of onomastic material in
the educational space.
For the experimental teaching method, exercises
were developed aimed at forming practical skills
of differentiating onyms and appellatives in
students of higher education, successive
deepening of onomastic awareness of students of
higher education.
The onomastic material involved by us in the
educational process of the institution of higher
education was used to develop the speech of
students of higher education, activating the
cognitive activity of students, specifying and
illustrating the main program provisions,
systematizing and consolidating the learned
material, as well as checking the awareness and
strength of learning the material, making
connections educational process with the life of
each future specialist, diversification of
independent work during life, etc.
The proposed content components of the
onomastic work determined the variety of
techniques and methods of its implementation.
At the stage of acquiring knowledge, preference
was given to the use of the teacher's oral
presentation of the material, new digital methods,
explanation, problem method, story, heuristic
conversation with students, development of
linguistic corpora on onomastics using the
developed linguistic markup; onotological 3D
panoramic tours of the virtual onomastic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
museum; creation of a network tool to ensure
interaction with the information resources of the
"POLYEDR" system.
During the formation of abilities and skills, the
method of exercises was used more, and work
with a computer, a textbook, and a video
dictionary was used a new method of
presenting onymic material; creation of a
database for large-scale comprehensive analysis
of toponymic systems of regions of the world and
processing of onymic information.
Various forms of work were implemented in
language classes involving onyms: new digital
methods, training oral and written exercises,
various types of dictation, digital methods of
processing and presentation of onymic material;
as a tool for active interaction of specialists in a
remote mode, starting virtual laboratories in
onomastics, because the tool for active
interaction of specialists in a remote mode is a
virtual laboratory itself, which enables the
research tools of modern onomastics to be
correctly presented, synchronized, improved and
promising for further use and filling; language
games, independent creative works with certain
vocabulary groups, etc.
When selecting the material for the classes,
special attention was paid to the desire of the
students of higher education and ensuring their
interest in performing cognitive exercises.
During the experiment, different types of
exercises were performed at each lesson:
introductory, warning, preliminary,
propaedeutic, trial, commented, explanatory,
training according to the task, sample,
instruction, control, and creative.
In the experimental groups, during the study of
the exercises, techniques, and methods of work
that activate the student's thinking were
combined: synthetic, analytical, and analytical-
synthetic. Different types of tasks were offered
among the exercises, the content of which was
onomastic vocabulary using an innovative
according to usage in a certain situation
developing the ability to choose onomastic
activation to the content of the onomasticon
for the development of attention;
improvement of skills and knowledge to
correctly select words combined with
onomastic vocabulary to denote signs and
forming, when constructing a text, the ability
to use onomastic material, combining names
according to communicative value and
formation of skills to match generic species
to onomastic concepts and vice versa;
by creating texts using various proper names
and working on revealing the lexical
meaning of the word, identifying creative
possibilities in students (that is, toponyms,
zoonyms, anthroponyms, biblionyms, and
cosmonyms were mainly introduced into the
educational process of the institution of
higher education).
We developed a hypothesis and received positive
confirmation of it as a result of research work:
Introduction of onomastic vocabulary selected
for communicative and semantic value into the
educational space
will lead to positive and significant changes
in the active vocabulary of the student,
thanks to which the development of
cognitive interest in language learning is
will lead to the ability to use the acquired
knowledge in practical work;
will lead to the formation of a rational form
of the student's mental activity and will
become the basis for the development of
speaking skills.
Such results were observed in the experimental
group. We also observed an elevated mood in
students of the experimental groups; the feelings,
and emotions of students and teachers were a
single whole, and all efforts were directed to the
manifestation of the creative inner capabilities of
the individual in language classes.
We were convinced in the process of the
formative experiment that it was the emotional
and psychological positive atmosphere in the
group, the desire of the teacher to encourage
students of higher education with various
methods of work to creativity using onomastic
vocabulary that had an impact: on positive results
in learning about the world around them, on the
development of the cognitive needs of each
student, to improve the quality of students'
The conducted experimental research gives
grounds for the conclusions that the use of
various forms of group work, pair work, etc. in
the organization of cognitive educational
activities. in combination with: new digital
methods, a system of additional targeted
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
material, explanation, problem method, story,
heuristic conversation with students,
development of linguistic corpora on onomastics
using the developed linguistic markup;
onotological 3D panoramic tours of the virtual
onomastic museum; created network tool to
ensure interaction with information resources;
video dictionary a new method of presenting
onymic material; creation of a database for large-
scale comprehensive analysis of toponymic
systems of world regions and processing of
onymic information; digital methods of
processing and presentation of onymic material;
the launch of virtual onomastics laboratories;
language games, independent creative works
with certain groups of vocabulary, etc., educates
such character qualities that contribute to the
ability to replenish one's knowledge
independently, stimulates the development of
students' cognitive activity, develops their
educational opportunities, transfers to new
conditions and uses their knowledge in everyday
The research was carried out among students
who are obtaining a bachelor's degree in the 3rd
and 4th years. 64 students of the control group
and 71 students of the experimental group took
part in the experiment.
A significant increase in the level of cognitive
activity among students of the experimental
group is shown by the following experimental
research data: the third year by +17%; the
fourth year by +21%, and a significant decrease
in the number of students with a low level of
activity: the third year by -31.8%; the fourth
year by -17.6%. At the same time, no
significant changes were observed in the control
group, but there were still certain shifts in the
development of the cognitive activity of student
youth since each teacher did everything to
activate the vocabulary of students, which is the
fundamental basis for their development so that
students are active in cognitive activities and
studied with interest.
Recommendations for educational space.
Modernity offers the following
recommendations for the educational process
(Nadutenko, 2021):
highlighting a separate direction digital
methods of processing and presentation of
onymic material;
as a tool for the active interaction of
specialists in remote mode, the initiation of
virtual laboratories in onomastics, because
the tool for active interaction of specialists
in remote mode is the virtual laboratory
itself, which makes it possible for the
research tools of modern onomastics to be
correctly presented, synchronized, improved
and promising for further use and filling ;
launching a video dictionary as a new
method of presenting silent material;
the creation of a database for large-scale
comprehensive analysis of toponymic
systems of regions of the world and
processing of onymic information.
Approbation of the method the creation of
the "Reference database of administrative
units". This database represents the main
points: district; council; type of settlement;
the name of the settlement; a brief
description (principles and motives for
nominating settlements, ways of creating
oiconyms, year of foundation, name
variations, etc.)" (Shyrokov, 2017).
for quickly and effectively finding onyms,
forms, and constructions, which is necessary
for a researcher of monograms
development of linguistic corpora on
onomastics using the developed linguistic
updating the method of presentation of
onomastic material onotological 3D
panoramic tours of the virtual onomastic
creation of a network tool to ensure
interaction with information resources.
The content of onomastics and the onomastic
system in the modern language is analyzed; the
main principles and perspectives of the
etymological process of proper names are
highlighted; the specificity of the onymic
space of the work of art; a review of digital
methods for research and presentation of
onymic material was carried out;
characteristics of names and their criteria are
presented. An experimental study of the
importance of using onomastic material in the
educational space was conducted, where
special attention was paid to the quantitative
and qualitative analysis of the results of the use
of onomastic material in the educational space.
For the experimental teaching method,
exercises were developed aimed at forming
practical skills of differentiating onyms and
appellatives in students of higher education,
successive deepening of onomastic awareness
of students of higher education.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
We developed a hypothesis and received
positive confirmation of it as a result of
research work.
The conducted experimental research gives
grounds for the conclusions that the use of
various forms of group work, pair work, etc. in
the organization of cognitive educational
activities. in combination with: new digital
methods, a system of additional targeted
material, explanation, problem method, story,
heuristic conversation with students,
development of linguistic corpora on
onomastics using the developed linguistic
markup; onotological 3D panoramic tours of
the virtual onomastic museum; created
network tool to ensure interaction with
information resources; video dictionary a
new method of presenting onymic material;
creation of a database for large-scale
comprehensive analysis of toponymic systems
of world regions and processing of onymic
information; digital methods of processing and
presentation of onymic material; the launch of
virtual onomastics laboratories; language
games, independent creative works with
certain groups of vocabulary, etc., educates
such character qualities that contribute to the
ability to replenish one's knowledge
independently, stimulates the development of
students' cognitive activity, develops their
educational opportunities, transfers to new
conditions and uses their knowledge in
everyday life.
One of the effective means that can help the
young generation in partially solving the
problem of national revival is the use of
onomastic material, which has practically
inexhaustible educational and educational
possibilities. This content of education, as
evidenced by the work practice of individual
teachers, constantly stimulates the cognitive
activity of students, contributes to the
development of their ability to use the word,
helps to identify and develop potential
opportunities, and affects the formation of the
personality as a whole.
Onomastic material has a positive effect on the
educational and cognitive interest, activity,
inner needs, and educational activity of
students. The provisions formulated in the
article can be used in improving programs,
preparing textbooks, developing lecture
courses and practical classes for students, and
in the practical work of teachers.
To further ensure the availability of acquired
knowledge for a wide range of users, the
urgency of the problem is determined by the
need for further implementation and formation
of new digital methods of research on
onomastic material for operational
comprehensive analysis of toponymic material
on a global scale at various chronological
sections, etc.
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