www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.3
How to Cite:
Shulyhina, R., Kochubei, M., Lashkul, V., Malyk, Y., Titarenko, S. (2024). Rhetorical and virtual communication: innovative
characteristics of future professionals' communication culture. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 32-44.
Rhetorical and virtual communication: innovative characteristics of
future professionals' communication culture
Риторичне та віртуальне спілкування: інноваційні характеристики культури професійного
спілкування майбутніх фахівців
Received: January 4, 2024 Accepted: February 21, 2024
Written by:
Raisa Shulyhina1
Mykola Kochubei2
Valerii Lashkul3
Yuliana Malyk4
Svitlana Titarenko5
The article clarifies the main characteristics of
the culture of professional communication of
future specialists and verifies the effectiveness of
the implementation of the author's system of
forming the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists to enrich the
professional experience of future specialists for
professional activities. The content of research
concepts is disclosed and the main aspects of the
manifestation of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists are
highlighted, its main qualitative communicative
characteristics, the most effective factors of
professional communication of future specialists,
and criteria of productivity of the style of
professional communication of future specialists
are proposed. The main aspects of the rhetoric of
professional communication are emphasized.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HLV-7244-2023
Graduate Student of the Pedagogics and Education Management Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JWP-8602-2024
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JXM-9118-2024
Master of Public Administration, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Foreign Languages and International
Communication, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCX-6368-2024
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, Oleksandr Dovzhenko National
Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AGX-8761-2022
Shulyhina, R., Kochubei, M., Lashkul, V., Malyk, Y., Titarenko, S. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 32-44 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The importance of virtual professional
communication of future female and male
specialists with the active introduction of remote
technologies into the system of modern
education is shown. Exercises for the
development of professional communication
culture skills of future specialists are offered. The
study confirmed the practicality of introducing
the developed author's system of formation of the
culture of rhetorical and virtual communication
of future specialists into professional training.
Keywords: culture of professional
communication, author's system of formation of
culture of professional communication of future
specialists, rhetorical and virtual communication,
virtual professional communication, professional
Moral and emotional well-being, the
effectiveness of professional activity, the
influence of the culture of professional
communication on the intellectual and personal
development of future specialists, satisfaction
with one's activity and oneself, professional
growth of a specialist depend on the peculiarities
of pedagogical communication and human
culture (Haluziak, 2019).
For the professional communication of future
specialists, one of the main means of professional
training of future specialists is of great
importance language, which contributes to the
development and formation of a person's
personality, will, intellect, and feelings; the
language preserves the spiritual essence of the
people, unites generations, forms the culture of
the nation, provides a national worldview.
The culture of professional communication of
future specialists in any branch of the national
economy is a measure of a specialist's education.
Official negligence and linguistic negligence
border. Incorrect or inaccurate use of a sentence
or word in the text of the document can lead to
misunderstandings in business relations,
distortion of the content of the document, etc.
Errors in instructions or technical designs can
cause production failures. An interesting
technical idea, scientific opinion needs a perfect
rhetorical culture and virtual communication, as
innovative characteristics of the culture of
professional communication of future specialists
and the linguistic form of the individual.
Presented in a reasoned and competent manner,
they quickly gain the support of the scientific
community and society. The lack of an oral
culture of professional communication with
future specialists hurts his relations with
customers, clients, partners, etc. All employees
should master the basics of professional
communication, and linguistic means, paying
attention to the features characteristic of official
business and scientific styles (Kuchai et al.,
Literature review
The problem of the styles of professional
communication of future specialists, the main
characteristics of the culture of professional
communication, which stood out in a special
direction of research in connection with the
importance of human social relations, were dealt
with by scientists from different countries and
devoted several works in which the
psychological structure and features of different
styles of professional communication are
analyzed communication, the features of virtual
communication are considered, the impact on the
personal development of the individual is
determined; empirical studies will be conducted;
gender differences in personal characteristics of
young people are determined (Solodovnyk et al.,
2019). He devotes his research to the
consideration of speech aspects in the rhetorical
aspect, of the business communication of O.
Muntian (2023), where professional
communication plays an important role in
education, business, and politics. Rhetoric is
presented as the art of persuading and influencing
others, the importance of rhetoric in business
communication and aspects of its use in the
modern world are considered, as well as the role
of linguistic and rhetorical means in the
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perception of the world by recipients is
emphasized. The correct choice of grammatical
structures, lexical units, metaphors, and
rhetorical figures in the perception of
information by the audience and the formation of
beliefs is shown. Stylistics is given the main
attention in business communication, in
important written communications the
importance of formal style is shown and the
correspondence of tone and style with the context
of communication is emphasized. V. Haluziak
(2019) implements O. Muntian's thoughts into
the practice of business communication, and pays
attention to the use of clear language, structuring
the message, and the need for audience analysis.
The scientist considers various approaches to the
effective style of pedagogical communication,
defines its characteristics; distinguishes bipolar
parameters: "sympathy antipathy"; "dominance
dependence"; "closedness openness"; finds
that "in addition to grammar and vocabulary, the
structure of speech plays a crucial role in
conveying information and maintaining a
O. Kovalenko (2015) studies the interpersonal
communication of the elderly and singles out the
content of scientific approaches of a concrete-
scientific methodological level (concepts of
interpersonal communication, personality
theories, systemic, existential theory, and
integrative approach). The scientist considered
the personal-communicative approach and
substantiated its principles and content in the
development of conceptual representations of the
process of interpersonal communication of
elderly individuals, which are considered a
conscious activity, a subject of subject-subject
communication that makes up a system of
interconnected different mental processes,
dynamic unity. The model of "interpersonal
communication of the elderly" was developed the
structure of the components of interpersonal
communication of persons of this age
(behavioral, emotional, cognitive),
communication mechanisms (sympathy,
empathy, mutual understanding, constructive
methods of interaction, reflection, identification,
decentration), factors (external, internal),
functions (informational-communicative,
affective-communicative, regulatory-
communicative), regularities related to the
conditions, driving forces, features of improving
the communication process.
It is interesting to study domestic and foreign
experiences regarding the specified problem by
S. Trehub (2020). The significance of the
formation of a professional culture of
communication for future doctors has been
investigated and proven. The importance of
professional communication of future specialists
for professions of the "HumanHuman" type is
proven, which requires its representative’s
tolerant, correct communication based on
constructive dialogue, a high level of
competence, professionalism, professional
deontological culture, concentration,
responsibility, based on moral and value
guidelines and principles of humanism. An
integral part of the professional formation of
students of higher education, one of the aspects
of development is the formation of a professional
culture of communication, which is not limited to
pedagogical influence on the individual but
covers the significant ethical activity of the
specialist in society.
The culture of language and professional
communication of future specialists studies the
approval and codification of norms at all
language levels. Content and appropriateness of
language, its accuracy, and logic, make human
language exemplary, impeccable, and highly
cultured. An important condition for success in
professional growth is mastery of speech culture.
Therefore, A. Starunova (2018) characterized the
types and genres of speech: report and business
report, anniversary speech, business speech, rally
speech, and speech; highlighted the main aspects
of the manifestation of culture in a professional
speech specialist: adequacy, normativeness, field
functionality, aesthetics; gave practical advice to
improve the personal speech culture of the future
Naturally, the problem of professional
communication styles of future specialists, the
main characteristics of the culture of professional
communication was highlighted in a special
direction of research. Several works are
dedicated to the study of the main characteristics
of the professional growth of a specialist, the
culture of professional communication, in which
the psychological structure and features of
various styles of professional communication are
analyzed, the influence on the personal
development of the individual is determined, and
attempts at classification and systematization are
made. Comparative studies of foreign experience
regarding the specified problem are interesting.
However, the basic characteristics of the culture
of professional communication of future
specialists, rhetorical and virtual communication,
and innovative characteristics of the culture of
professional communication of future specialists
are not sufficiently substantiated.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The aim of the study. To find out the main
characteristics of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists and to check
the effectiveness of the implementation of the
author's system of formation of the culture of
rhetorical and virtual communication of future
specialists to enrich the professional experience
of future specialists for professional activities.
Achieving the goal and verifying the hypothesis
formulated in the research (clarification of the
main characteristics of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists and
verification of the effectiveness of the
implementation of the author's system of forming
the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists will allow
the enrichment of the professional experience of
future specialists for their professional activities)
was facilitated by the use of a set of methods:
theoretical content analysis of pedagogical,
philosophical, psychological works,
systematization, theoretical analysis, synthesis,
concretization, extrapolation, typology to
reveal methodological foundations and
theoretical-methodological ones with the aim of
building a system of formation of a culture of
rhetorical and virtual communication of future
specialists, as well as interpretation of
empirically obtained material; classification and
comparative-pedagogical analysis of research
in order to clarify the essence of the categorical-
conceptual field of research and scientific
definitions; modeling and systematization for
the development of a system of formation of the
culture of rhetorical and virtual communication
of future specialists; selection of approaches,
correction and design of theoretical and
methodological positions, promising ideas that
form the methodological and methodological
basis of generalization, experimental data for
the development of educational and
methodological support for the culture of
professional communication of future specialists;
empirical pedagogical observation of the
educational activities of higher education
seekers, questionnaires, interviews, surveys,
testing with the aim of determining the state of
readiness and formation of future specialists and
establishing the positive dynamics of its
formation; pedagogical experiment to confirm
the verification and efficiency, effectiveness of
the developed system of formation of the culture
of rhetorical and virtual communication of future
specialists; with the calculation of the Fisher
criterion (F-criterion), methods of mathematical
statistics for the presentation and processing of
research results, testing and analysis of
hypotheses, establishing quantitative
dependencies between the investigated processes
in order to identify and organize the most
important signs of professional readiness of
professional communication of future specialists
as a basis for a professional construct by an
expert evaluation of the received data.
Research organization. The research was
conducted in three stages.
The organizational and prognostic stage, which
involved the analysis of scientific research and
approaches to the formation of the culture of
professional communication of future specialists,
allowed finding out the achievements in the
theory and practice of higher education; to define
a conceptual apparatus based on a systematic
analysis of psychological, pedagogical,
philosophical literature on the problems of
forming a culture of rhetorical and virtual
professional communication of future specialists;
definition of tasks, research tools (criteria, levels,
indicators) for assessing the readiness of
specialists; functions of education and
methodological foundations of professional
communication of future specialists; contributed
to the development of the methodology of both
theoretical and experimental research, specifying
the purpose of the research.
The content-procedural stage involved the
accumulation of empirical material on the
formation of the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists
(confirmatory experiment); the definition of
conceptual and methodological foundations for
the research problem; development of a system
for the formation of a culture of professional
communication of future specialists; clarification
of the chosen methods and hypothesis research;
preparation and conduct of the formative stage of
the experiment, which allowed to check the
effectiveness of the system of formation of the
culture of rhetorical and virtual communication
of future specialists.
The analytical and corrective stages involved
systematization, analysis, processing of the
results obtained during the experiment,
qualitative interpretation of the experimental
data, statistical processing, and registration of the
obtained results.
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Results and discussion
1. The content of research concepts
Language and culture are on the same conceptual
plane and spiritual values are organically
connected. The word culture, which means
education, care, and development, means a set of
spiritual and material values that mankind has
created throughout its history. Language is a
manifestation of culture. "Language keeps in one
spiritual field of national culture all
representatives of a certain nation both on its
territory and beyond its borders. It cements all
cultural phenomena, is their concentrated
manifestation" (Mukan et al., 2020). We preserve
the national culture, nurturing the language,
protecting its identity, and taking care of its
The culture of professional communication of
future specialists involves compliance with word
usage, emphasis, linguistic norms of
pronunciation, construction of sentences, clarity,
accuracy, purity, appropriateness and richness of
speech, logical coherence, and compliance with
the rules of speech etiquette (Fahnestock, 2020).
The culture of professional communication of
future specialists is "a complex socio-
psychological phenomenon, which is one of the
conditions for the formation and development of
personality, effective interaction between people
in all spheres of life, related to feelings,
emotions, experiences, thoughts" (Solodovnyk et
al., 2019).
The main aspects of the manifestation of the
culture of professional communication of
future specialists and its main qualitative
communicative features.
The following main aspects of the manifestation
of the culture of professional communication of
future specialists are highlighted:
adequacy (intelligibility and clarity of
speech, accuracy of statements);
normativity (compliance with the rules of
written and oral communication);
polyfunctionality (ensuring language use in
various spheres of life).
aesthetics (use of language (expressive and
stylistic), which makes speech rich and
expressive) (Kuchai et al., 2018).
The high culture of professional communication
of future specialists in various fields means
speaking skills and a perfect command of the
language in the process of communication
(Molek-Kozakowska, 2020).
The main qualitative communicative features of
the culture of professional communication of
future specialists are accuracy, correctness,
expressiveness, logic, appropriateness,
meaningfulness, purity of speech, and richness of
language (Schneller, 2021).
Accuracy is associated with the meaning of the
word, clarity of thinking, with knowledge of the
subject of speech. The ability to express thoughts
and form them adequately is determined by
knowledge of the language, a constant desire to
learn about the real world, and knowledge of
objective reality. If the words used fully
correspond to their lexical meanings established
in this period of language development, then the
culture of professional communication of future
specialists will be accurate. Accuracy is achieved
not only at the lexical-semantic level, it is closely
related to the syntactic, and grammatical levels;
depends on the knowledge of one's profession,
the speaker's intellectual level, wealth and
erudition, his active vocabulary, the laws of his
linguistic expression, mastery of the logic of
Correctness is a defining feature of the culture of
professional communication of future specialists.
Language has its own laws of development,
which are clearly reflected in language norms. To
be fluent in the language and culture of
professional communication means to learn
exactly such literary norms that operate in the
language system of professional communication
of future specialists. These include the rules of
stressing words, the correct pronunciation of
sound complexes, sounds, writing by
punctuation and spelling norms, and stylistic,
grammatical, and lexico-phraseological
normativity (Biočina & Rajh, 2021).
Expressiveness is a means of self-expression, the
ability to use expressive means of sound speech:
emotional tonality, voice inflections, logical
emphasis, pauses, which conveys an assessment,
mood, causes the necessary perception; is the
basis of mastery of the word, means the art of
using the expressive means of language, its
inexhaustible resources and is an integral part of
speech culture. The expressiveness of the culture
of professional communication of future
specialists is ensured by the expressiveness and
clarity of pronunciation and diction. Technical
factors of expressiveness in professional
communication of future specialists breathing,
facial expressions, pace, intonation, gesture.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Logic is a feature of every functional style, a
universal concept that strictly adheres to the logic
of presentation, which allows tracing the process
of searching for the truth, the course of the
speaker's cognitive activity. Compliance with
this sign of professional communication of future
specialists means intelligent, consistent, logically
correct speech, which is based on knowledge of
objective real reality and complies with the laws
of logic. Good knowledge of the language and
correct, constructive thoughts generate logically
correct professional communication with future
The appropriateness of professional
communication of future specialists takes into
account communicative tasks, the speech
situation, the composition of the listeners, their
mood, condition, and interests; the selection of
language means that corresponds to the
expression, content, purpose of the message, and
The content of professional communication of
future specialists requires a detailed
familiarization with the topic, with versatile
information, a deep understanding of the main
idea, statement, and topic, the ability to select and
subordinate the necessary material to the chosen
topic, as well as to fully contribute to the
disclosure of the topic.
Purity. The culture of professional
communication of future specialists will be pure
when the language sounds correct, there will be
correct grammatical forms, and only literary and
normative phrases and words will be used.
Wealth is a large amount of active vocabulary, an
indicator of the richness of the culture of
professional communication of future specialists,
a variety of syntactic constructions, and
morphological forms used. A well-educated
person uses 6-9 thousand words, and an ordinary
person uses about 3 thousand words, although he
understands ten times more.
Other signs can be added to the characterized
communicative signs, which testify to the
impeccable and exemplary professional
communication of future specialists, the high
level of their culture, the ability to use the gift of
words to the fullest: emotionality, variety, non-
standard, brevity, sufficiency, clarity, inner truth,
sincerity, weight, etc. (Starunova, 2018).
2. Factors of professional communication of
future specialists
Any communication includes a communicative
message and the emotional-sensual sphere of the
individual: anger, joy, enthusiasm, and surprise
at once. There must be an attitude towards the
interlocutor in the communicative act to which it
is addressed. Even in professional and business
communications, it is almost impossible to
completely exclude the emotional reactions of
interlocutors (Solodovnyk et al., 2019).
Factors of professional communication of future
specialists that determine the structure of the
components of such communication can be:
external to the subject of interpersonal
internal, determined by individual and
individual characteristics for the individual.
External factors of professional communication
of future specialists are related to environmental
relations, conditions, and properties that provide
them with certain opportunities for professional
Let's single out the environment in which the
external factors of professional communication
of future specialists are revealed:
natural (conditions that are natural in which
a person is);
anthropogenic (natural environment that is
intentionally or unintentionally, directly or
indirectly changed by people);
social (characterized by various conditions
scientific, cultural, socio-psychological,
socio-economic, ethnic, informational,
spiritual, etc.).
The internal factors of the professional
communication of future specialists are the
subjective conditions of interpersonal
communication that are manifested in the
properties and attributes of the subjects of
social (a person's social status, social
activity, living conditions, professional
employment, interests and hobbies, etc.);
biological (gender, racial affiliation of a
person, state of health, body structure,
individual features of a morphological
nature, properties of the nervous system,
psychological (manifestations of the
regulatory, cognitive, and communicative
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
levels of the human psyche) (Kovalenko,
3. The main performance criteria of the
style of professional communication of
future specialists
The effectiveness of communication depends on
the conditions under which the pedagogical
interaction takes place and on its characteristics.
In particular, the effectiveness of professional
communication significantly depends on the
individual and age characteristics of a person, the
level of team development, the personal
attributes of a person, through which the stylistic
features of communication of persons, and their
educational influences are perceived and
refracted. There is no universal prescribed style
of professional communication in all conditions.
Let's name the general bipolar dimensions that
reflect the fundamental aspects of professional
communication of future specialists and
determine the productivity of human interaction:
"dominance, activity dependence,
"formality, closedness individuality,
"sympathy, benevolence antipathy,
Let's name the main performance criteria of the
professional communication style of future
1) the activity of partners' positions, their
nature (in unproductive above the partner:
active position of the leading partner; in
productive next to the partner: active
position of co-participants in the activities of
both partners);
2) setting goals, and their nature (in
unproductive only close goals are put
forward by the dominant partner without
discussing them with the partner; in
productive partners jointly develop distant
and close goals);
3) the nature of responsibility (in unproductive
the dominant partner assumes all
responsibility; in productive all
participants of the interaction are
responsible for the results of the activity);
4) the nature of the relationship between
partners (in unproductive resentment,
aggression, irritation; in productive trust
and benevolence);
5) the mechanism of identification, the
nature of its functioning isolation (in
the unproductive alienation and
extreme forms of identification; in the
productive style identification and
In the educational context of the individual, the
most expedient is the style of professional
communication, in which the demandingness of
the manager, which ensures the structure of the
environment, determination is combined with
benevolence, acceptance of higher education
seekers, personal orientation, personalization of
interpersonal contacts of each person. For a
successful educational process and a full-fledged
personal development of a person, from the point
of view of ensuring favorable conditions, the
most effective style of professional
communication that provides for the equality of
the psychological positions of the teacher and
students of higher education, corresponds to the
dialogic and subject-subject strategy of social
interaction, readiness to take the partner's point
of view, mutual activity, congruence and
openness. Building the educational process on
the principles of dialogue, as an equal,
psychological, pedagogical cooperation between
a teacher and a student of higher education, is a
necessary condition for the implementation of a
personal approach in the development of creative
potential and education of students (Haluziak,
In the educational process of a higher school,
there is interaction between teachers and
students, which involves the exchange of
information. When future specialists
communicate, information is presented to
students of higher education through the words
of the teacher, and its perception is carried out in
the process of explanation, conversation, lecture,
story, etc. The effectiveness of higher education
students' perception of the necessary material for
the future professional activity of each person
depends on the brightness, accuracy, color, and
emotionality of the teacher's words, gestures, and
facial expressions. A very important role in the
formation of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists is played by
competent pedagogical communication in
educational situations with students of higher
education as a teacher, the tact of the teacher, an
effective method of influence, the ability to
choose pedagogically appropriate material, a
sense of proportion, the ability to quickly find the
optimal solution to various problems in the
learning process, assess a specific situation
(Trehub, 2020).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
4. Basic aspects of the rhetoric of
professional communication
In addition to vocabulary and grammar, the
structure of professional communication is of
great importance for a person. It is important to
build consistent and logical arguments that
support the respective positions of the
interlocutors. using the introduction, conclusion
and development of the topic should follow a
clear structure of the text or speech. This helps a
person to perceive information more easily
(Salvatierra, 2022).
The main aspects of the rhetoric of professional
communication of future specialists include:
Audience analysis: understanding the
expectations, needs, and attitudes of the audience
is an important stage in influencing the process
of the culture of professional communication of
future specialists. A business speaker must
clearly tailor his message to the person he is
Argument building: strong and convincing
arguments must be developed by the speaker to
support his position or idea. This includes the use
of statistics, facts, emotional appeals, and
Structuring the message: organizing one's
thoughts in a logical sequence is an important
next aspect of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists when a
business message includes the main part with
arguments, an introduction, and a conclusion.
Use of language: language should be clear
concise and appropriate for the audience. It is
important to avoid excessive technicality and
complex terms if the audience is not
knowledgeable in this direction.
Visual Communication: Visual elements such as
graphs, presentations, charts, etc. play an
important role in professional communication,
not just verbal language.
Communication with the audience: interaction
with the audience, attention and the ability to
listen, and responding to questions and
comments of interlocutors helps to strengthen
mutual understanding and maintain an active
5. Exercises for the development of
professional communication culture skills
of future specialists
Business rhetorical professional communication
of future specialists is an important skill of the
culture of professional communication of future
specialists for their effective interpersonal
relations and successful careers. To develop
skills, it is worth performing various exercises
that can help in this (Kuchai et al., 2021).
1. Exercises to prepare for performances:
apply exercises to develop future
professionals' public speaking skills,
including contact with the audience,
gestures, and expressiveness;
create a structure (introduction, main part,
conclusion) of the speech and prepare topics
for the speech.
1. Voice control and pronunciation exercises:
learn to correctly emphasize phrases and
highlight words to increase the effectiveness
of the text;
to practice exercises for the expansion of
voice volume and vocal range for the culture
of professional communication of future
use dictionaries with correct pronunciation,
and learn to pronounce phrases and words
2. Exercises for active listening:
learn to listen carefully to others and respond
to their ideas and thoughts;
to better understand the interlocutor, practice
questioning exercises.
3. Exercises on persuasion and argumentation
practice persuasion exercises through
evidence and arguments of other people
from their point of view;
practice analysis of counterarguments and
arguments on various topics.
4. Improvisation exercises:
improve response skills and perform
improvisational roles in unexpected
practice improvisational responses to
various situations or questions.
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5. Exercises to improve non-verbal
learn to understand and read the tone of
voice, gestures, and facial expressions of
other people;
practice your own gestures and facial
expressions to emphasize the meaning of
6. Exercises to increase vocabulary:
learn expressions and new words;
to make speech richer and more diverse, it is
worth using words from different fields of
7. Stress management exercises:
before important conversations or speeches,
study relaxation techniques;
before speeches or important conversations,
learn stress reduction techniques.
These exercises can help to become a more
effective communicator in various spheres of life
and profession, to develop business rhetorical
communication. To achieve noticeable results, it
is important to practice them regularly (Muntian,
6. Virtual professional communication of
future female and male specialists with
the active introduction of distance
technologies to the system of modern
The problem of replacing live communication
with virtual communication, especially among
students of higher education, deserves special
attention in our research. The availability of the
Internet, innovative devices (gadgets), and
information technologies allow almost unlimited
communication with anyone at any time. A large
number of potential interlocutors creates an idea
of a wide circle of friends, acquaintances,
colleagues, and subordinates of different social
statuses, ages, professions, and genders. A
person feels that virtual communication replaces
the real one and that he is part of the community.
In connection with the active introduction of
distance technologies into the system of modern
education, the problems of virtual
communication, as well as the transition of
various types of directions and communications
to the virtual world, are gaining special relevance
(González-Afonso et al., 2023).
Virtual communication has many common
features with real one, but there are also many
differences: first of all, this communication is
mediated by an innovative device or computer
when the interaction takes place in virtual reality.
Then a person, without the presence of a
communication partner, has the opportunity to
communicate and carry out communication with
what the interlocutor imagines and presents, and
not with a real person, that is, the personalities
they pretend to interact with, and not real
personalities (García Arias et al., 2021).
It has been studied that in virtual communication,
communication between men and women has
enough differences (Solodovnyk et al., 2019).
This is due to such factors as gender stereotypes,
sociocultural models, psychophysiological
features, and social roles.
Female communication in the virtual world is
characterized by imagery, empathy,
emotionality, and saturation with epithets. Men's
messages are more informative and specific and
can demonstrate certain emotional states
(aggressiveness, etc.). Significant differences are
confirmed by the study of gender psychology in
the characteristics of female and male
communications (Bernal-Turnes et al., 2023). In
communication, women are aimed at
establishing mutual understanding, receiving
feedback from the interlocutor, and paying more
attention to facial expressions and appearance,
while solving specific cases inherent in male
communication. There are social views on
female and male behavior, traditional gender
roles, and which types of activities are more
suitable for women and which for men
("feminine" and "masculine" professions), which
result in peculiarities in communication
(Cañizares Galarza et al., 2021).
Communication with people who have a status
higher than their own or with people in their
circle is characteristic of men. Women are more
attracted to intimacy in communication, and the
ability to trust both interlocutors of their sex and
those of the opposite sex. There are also
linguistic and stylistic differences in the
communication between women and men. L.
Korneva believes that "these differences concern,
first of all, communicative behavior in general
and are manifested in typical strategies and
tactics of conducting a conversation, the choice
of communication topics and ways of achieving
success in it, the degree of confidence,
politeness, and cooperativeness of speech, etc.
Secondly, differences are observed at all levels of
language: phonological, lexical, and grammatical
(Kornieva, 2013).
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Different styles of communication are caused not
only by differences in the psyche and physiology
of women and men but also by gender
stereotypes that have developed in modern
society: the manner of presenting messages,
communicative behavior, aggressiveness,
persistence, compassion, emotionality, or
restraint. Such human behavior in professional
communication is determined by various social
factors, not only gender differences. These are
status relations, professional and sociocultural
environment, peculiarities of upbringing, family
relationships, etc. (Solodovnyk et al., 2019).
7. Experimental study
For the qualitative organization of experimental
research ascertaining and formative stages on
the formation of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists, based on the
level gradation, a diagnostic toolkit was selected,
and a scale covering high, medium, sufficient,
and low levels were distinguished.
In the first stage of the formation of the culture
of professional communication of future
specialists, the experimental groups did not differ
in any way from the control group.
In the second stage, the formation of the culture
of professional communication of future
specialists took place in accordance (partially)
with the author's conceptual idea.
The number of respondents in each sample was
almost the same 98 in EG and 92 in CG. A total
of 190 respondents took part in the study.
To check the effectiveness of the formation of the
culture of professional communication of future
specialists, the formative stage of the study was
organized. No additional actions were taken by
the CG.
The author's system of formation of the culture
of rhetorical and virtual communication of future
specialists was implemented in EG, which was
based on the purposeful implementation of:
the main aspects of the manifestation of the
culture of professional communication of
future specialists;
basic qualitative communicative features
(accuracy, correctness, expressiveness,
logic, appropriateness, meaningfulness,
purity of speech, richness of language,
emotionality, variety, non-standard, brevity,
sufficiency, clarity, inner truth, sincerity,
weight, etc.)
factors of professional communication of
future specialists;
the main productivity criteria of the style of
professional communication of future
general bipolar dimensions that reflect the
fundamental aspects of professional
communication of future specialists and
determine the productivity of human
main aspects of the rhetoric of professional
virtual professional communication of future
female and male specialists with the active
introduction of distance technologies to the
system of modern education;
development and practical application of
exercises for the development of
professional communication culture skills of
future specialists.
The implementation of the developed
educational and methodological support for
educational and independent work, the
organization of pedagogical and classroom
practice based on innovative methods and
technologies, and methods and means of
organizing the formation of a culture of
professional communication of future specialists
were taken into account.
At the end of the experimental study of the
formation of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists, only minor
positive changes in CG and positive significant
dynamics in EG were obtained. Thus, the vast
majority of EG respondents had a high (14.34%),
average (48.93%), and sufficient (34.49%) level
of formation of the culture of professional
communication of future specialists.
Qualitative changes as a result of the study were
established based on the comparison of variances
for determining the F-criterion. The reliability of
the obtained results was proven using the
methods of mathematical statistics.
During the calculations, it was established that
the numerical value of the F-criterion in the CG,
which proves statistical reliability, does not fall
within the established limit (from 1.3 to 1.7)
(1.0383 procedural-activity indicator; 1.0393
motivational-axiological indicator; 1.0234
reflective-creative indicator; 1.0708 outlook-
cognitive indicator).
The results obtained in CG are not
mathematically significant and confirm the fact
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that future specialists in the specified area cannot
independently achieve significant results.
The indicators of the formation of the
components confirm that the indicators of EG
and CG at the end and the beginning of the
experiment were different: procedural-activity
(EG 19.97±0.33, CG 19.53±0.37);
motivational-axiological (EG 16.40±0.38, CG
14.25±0.48); reflective-creative (EG
12.20±0.17, CG 13.3±0.22); outlook-cognitive
(EG 11.03±0.22, CG 7.78±0.23).
In EG, the results were also radically opposite:
the F-criterion is within the limits of the table
value (1.3629 procedural-activity; 1.3033
motivational-axiological; 1.4003 reflective-
creative; 1.3125 outlook-cognitive ).
The implementation of the author's system of
formation of the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists made it
possible to enrich the professional experience of
future specialists for professional activities.
Negative stereotypes of future EG specialists in
the professional context were destroyed, and the
horizons of professional activity were
significantly expanded. In particular, this
concerned the main aspects of the manifestation
of the culture of professional communication of
future specialists; basic qualitative
communicative features (accuracy, correctness,
expressiveness, logic, appropriateness,
meaningfulness, purity of speech, richness of
language, emotionality, variety, non-standardity,
brevity, sufficiency, clarity, inner truth, sincerity,
weightiness, etc.); factors of professional
communication of future specialists; the main
performance criteria of the style of professional
communication of future specialists; general
bipolar dimensions that reflect the fundamental
aspects of professional communication of future
specialists and determine the productivity of
human interaction; the main aspects of the
rhetoric of professional communication; virtual
professional communication of future female and
male specialists with the active introduction of
distance technologies to the system of modern
For personal improvement, future specialists
received help in realizing their belonging to a
specific ethnic group, expanded intercultural
competence, and the culture of professional
communication, and increased the level of
reflection, sociability, and empathy. As the
analysis of the results of the experiment showed,
at the end of the study there were positive
significant changes in the levels of readiness to
form a culture of professional communication
among EG respondents compared to CG
The study confirmed the practicality of
introducing the developed author's system of
formation of the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists into
professional training. The analysis of the results
of the experiment suggests that the task of
implementing and researching the system of
formation of the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists has been
fulfilled, and the goal has been achieved.
The main characteristics of the culture of
professional communication of future
specialists were clarified and the effectiveness
of the implementation of the author's system of
formation of the culture of rhetorical and
virtual communication of future specialists
was verified to enrich the professional
experience of future specialists for
professional activities.
The content of research concepts is disclosed
and the main aspects of the manifestation of
the culture of professional communication of
future specialists and its main qualitative
communicative characteristics are highlighted.
The main qualitative communicative features
of the culture of professional communication
of future specialists are accuracy, correctness,
expressiveness, logic, appropriateness,
meaningfulness, purity of speech, and richness
of language. Other signs can be added to the
characterized communicative signs, which
testify to the impeccable and exemplary
professional communication of future
specialists, the high level of their culture, the
ability to use the gift of words to the fullest:
emotionality, variety, non-standard, brevity,
sufficiency, clarity, inner truth, sincerity,
weight, etc.
The most effective factors of professional
communication of future specialists are
singled out and criteria of productivity of
professional communication style of future
specialists are proposed.
The main aspects of the rhetoric of
professional communication are emphasized.
The importance of virtual professional
communication of future female and male
specialists with the active introduction of
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
distance technologies to the system of modern
education is shown.
Exercises for the development of professional
communication culture skills of future
specialists are offered.
The author's system of formation of the culture
of rhetorical and virtual communication of
future specialists has been developed. The
study confirmed the practicality of introducing
the developed author's system of formation of
the culture of rhetorical and virtual
communication of future specialists into
professional training. The analysis of the
results of the experiment suggests that the task
of implementing and researching the system of
formation of the culture of rhetorical and
virtual communication of future specialists has
been fulfilled, and the goal has been achieved.
Further research will be aimed at highlighting
the main aspects of the manifestation of the
culture of professional communication of
future specialists.
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