www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.2
How to Cite:
Kharabara, M., & Dyakiv, K. (2024). Football live text commentary as a speech genre (Based on materials in English and Ukrainian
languages). Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.2
Football live text commentary as a speech genre
(Based on materials in English and Ukrainian languages)
Текстовий онлайн-репортаж футбольних матчів як мовленнєвий жанр
(на матеріалі англійської та української мов)
Received: January 14, 2024 Accepted: February 28, 2024
Written by:
Mariia Kharabara1
Khrystyna Dyakiv2
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the
speech genre “live text commentary” within the
football discourse. The analysis procedure covers
seven criteria, with the help of which the
communicative-pragmatic genre aspects are
examined in English and Ukrainian languages. The
addresser’s communicative goal and the recipient’s
corresponding model have been identified. The
narrative content of the communicative event has
been clarified. Potential preceding and subsequent
speech genres have been identified. The peculiarities
of the verbal realization of the author's
communicative goal have been taken into account.
The results of the research have assisted in
determining the leading characteristics of the hybrid
genre. Common and distinctive features in the
represented languages have been established.
Keywords: speech genre, live text commentary,
football match, English language, Ukrainian
Research in linguistic genology is mainly
concerned with scientific, everyday and official
business discourses. Within the football
discourse, such a new genre as Football Live
Text Commentary has emerged among
interviews, reports and other genres. Its nature,
Postgraduate student, Intercultural Communication and Translation Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KBA-7333-2024
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Intercultural Communication and Translation Department, Ivan Franko National
University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAS-8833-2021
functioning, communicative-pragmatic and
linguistic characteristics in the comparative
aspect still remain unexplored. The relevance of
the research topic is due to the applied and
anthropocentric focus of modern linguistics on
the study of cognitive and discourse phenomena,
Kharabara, M., Dyakiv, K. / Volume 13 - Issue 75: 20-31 / March, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
especially those that reflect various aspects of
intercultural interaction between speakers of
unrelated languages (English and Ukrainian)
related to the nature of the genres of such
The purpose of the study is to identify the
communicative and pragmatic organisation of
the speech genre ‘Football Live Text
Commentary’ and the peculiarities of its means
of implementation in English and Ukrainian.
The object of the study is the speech genre
‘Football Live Text Commentary’, in which the
corpus of selected texts is a complex combination
of a text segment, an image, a time stamp and
their chronological sequence.
The article consists of an introduction and a
literature review and theoretical framework,
which include an overview of recent research.
The methodology section covers the stages of the
study and the methods used to present the
research results. The main material is presented
in the Results section, followed by the
Conclusions section and the list of references.
On the one hand, a football match consists of a
relatively small number of repetitive events, such
as actions on the field, coaches’ tactic
maneuvers, intensity increase, and decrease,
adherence to the rules, etc. The discussion
revolves around specific cases of genre-creation,
which are structurally and compositionally
manifested in multiple texts, namely, sports
interviews, sports (football) notes, post-match
reports, oral commentaries, etc.
At the stage of selecting the materials of online
match broadcasts, we analysed the corpus of
texts that ‘fill’ the webpage of the publications in
English and Ukrainian. Football and the media,
media and discourse: emotions and
multilingualism in football are presented in the
linguistic study by Eva Lavric (2008). The
language of sport, in particular regarding the
language of football, is presented in a study by
Taborek (2012).
This is an attempt to analyse and highlight the
peculiarities of the language of sport and to offer
scientific perspectives on the language of
football. The research corpus is represented by
examples from Polish, German and English. The
linguistic specificity of sports texts in
contemporary online journalism is presented in
the scientific research by Kolupaieva (2016).
The genre of football live text commentary in
linguistic explorations is characterized as
relatively new and classified as a genre of news
commentary (Chovanec 2006, 2008a, 2008b,
2018) in terms of functioning on web pages of
online publications. Werner (2016) conducted a
cross-cultural analysis which was based on
material in English and German languages to
determine register features of live online
A study by Krone (2005) contains an empirical
comparison of the syntactic behavior of verbs in
a certain register, namely television football
commentary. This study provides a contrastive
aspect, showing the use of verbs in English and
German spoken football commentary, and is
significant for complementing comparative
studies of written texts. Batsevych (2005)
presented a linguistic study on live sports TV
commentary as a genre of television discourse
from the communicative perspective. Sports
video interviews in Ukrainian and German
languages are introduced in a study by Dyakiv
(2022). The author identified genre peculiarities,
as well as the causes of communicative failures,
considering the interviewer and interviewee’s
positions, along with the influence of
communication noise and structural aspects of
the genre.
Taking into account the literature review and
existing linguistic research in the field of
linguistic genology and pragmalinguistics, we
have established the following. Already at the
stage of comparative analysis of English and
Ukrainian language materials, it becomes clear
that reporters, working with the texts in English
“embed” readers’ comments, thus making the
description of the match not a one-person voice
but a heteroglossic text, an interactive text
presentation. As for Ukrainian live text
commentary, we concluded that it is a canonical
monologic genre, a type of text commentary,
most readers are likely to be familiar with.
There are two key points relevant to the concept
of “new genre” that will determine the nature of
“genre analysis”:
“…genres do not exist in isolation, but form
complex, intertwined relationships”
(Yakontova, 2009, p. 125).
“Along with traditional types of texts, purely
online web genres are emerging in online
publications… certain genre fragments are
modifying, and complicated genre forms are
appearing.” (Leshko, 2018, p. 250).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The first criterion incorporates recognition of
various typological genre characteristics. The
second criterion explains why, alongside
traditional genres, we observe the existence of
similar but modified forms of information
coverage. The above reflects all the complexity
of the presented genre of football live text
commentary as a relatively new hybrid genre.
Jucker claims that live text broadcast of a football
match, which comes down to the concept of live
text commentary of a football match, can be
defined as “written narratives that give a minute-
by-minute account of a sports event while it is
actually unfolding.” (Jucker, 2010, p. 58).
According to Meier-Vieracker, “live text
commentaries compositionally consist of a series
of entries listed in reverse chronological order
with the final moments of the game and the
outcome documented at the top” (Meier-
Vieracker, 2021, p. 277). The author does not
focus on football exclusively, but his statement
that “the single entries are composed of a) a time
stamp indicating the minute of the match in
which the described scene took place and b) the
description” is completely suitable for defining
and identifying a football match as a game with
a predetermined duration.
The speech genre of “football live text
commentary” is primarily realized through
communication between a journalist-reporter and
readers-commentators. A determining feature of
football live text commentary is a kind of
“presence effect” (live), which is recognized in
linguistic explorations as the “present of
commentary” a specific commentary form
(Batsevych, 2005).
The methodological base of the study, which is
an important criterion for the introduced
scientific results and conclusions, involves the
implementation and combination of different
methods in stages. The comparative-typological
method has been used to establish the regularities
of communicative organisation and differences
in the lexical and grammatical means of
expression of of the speech genre “live text
commentary”; the intent analysis technique has
been used to analyse the communicative purpose
of the warning in both languages; and the
transactional analysis has been used to
characterise the models of the addressee and the
The study developed a comprehensive
methodology for comparing the speech genre
“live text comentary” in English and Ukrainian,
which was carried out in four stages.
At the first stage, the corpus of analyzed texts
was selected by the method of continuous
sampling to identify text comments published on
the Internet. This analysis is based on live text
commentaries in the English-language online
newspaper The Guardian (www.guardian.co.uk)
and the Ukrainian-language sports news website
Sport.ua. (https://sport.ua/uk ). The popularity of
these materials is evidenced by the results of a
search analysis. Search engine algorithms that
take into account the number and quality of links
to rank pages help explain why certain resources
appear higher in search results. Other factors are
taken into account, including those related to
readership statistics. In particular, in Google
search results, The Guardian ranks first for the
search query “min-by-min report”, while
Sport.ua appears as a result for the search query
“текстова трансляція матчу”. The covered
events include the broadcasting period of the
2023 UEFA Champions League, the 2023
Women’s World Cup, as well as the 2023
English Premier League. The materials for
analysis were extracted and reformatted into
plain text, including basic data, such as the date
of publication and basic information about the
match. In addition, active hyperlinks allow
access to the original text and its multimodal
content, such as photo and video supplements,
Twitter feeds, tables and graphs. The potential
for influencing the main text is not overlooked in
the analysis presented here. In this way, we have
identified the formal, external structure of the
text: the volume, the formal division of text
segments, and the presentation of textual
At the second stage of the study, the pragmatic
features of the speech genre “live text
commentary” of a football match are identified
and described. The purpose of the genre, an
image of a generalized addresser and recipient as
genre users, content of an event, the factor of
communicative past as well as the factor of
communicative future were analyzed. At this
stage, the channel of communication, a webspace
of online publications, was taken into account.
The theoretical and methodological basis for the
study of the speech genre is the expanded and
‘modified’ questionnaire by Florii Batsevych and
the parameters of the linguistic expression of the
speech genre, as well as the model of the
analytical formulation of semantic primitives by
A. Vezhbytska.
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
At the third stage, language means of
implementing the communicative orientation of
the genre were identified. The analysis of
individual structural elements of live text
commentary, such as the commentator’s
explanations and specifications, and the use of
colloquial, evaluative, and emotional
vocabulary, forms linguistic structures for
expressing key moments of the game.
The final fourth stage contains the identification
of the commonalities and differences in the
context of communicative-pragmatic and
linguistic characteristics. English-speaking and
Ukrainian-speaking text commentaries
document and correlate the commonalities and
differences, which makes it possible to track
patterns of functioning of the analyzed genre
through a comparative method.
In this section, we analyse in detail the
communicative and pragmatic organisation of
the speech genre ‘Football Live Text
Commentary’ and the peculiarities of the means
of its realization in English and Ukrainian.
The analysis is based on a model in which seven
parameters have been analyzed. From our
perspective, these parameters are adequate for
identifying live text commentary as a speech
1. The author’s communicative goal
The author’s communicative goal in the live text
commentary is comprehensive, since before
“immersing” readers-commentators into the
course of a football event the author analyzes the
immersing environment, the course of a sporting
event …minute-by- minute or play-by-play
reporting. It should be understood, that speech
events in question are text comments, in which
the author’s verbal commentary is supplemented
or accompanied by verbal comments of other
authors and readers. (1) and (2) are examples of
live comments in English:
(1) Mikel Arteta tells Sky you can feel the emotion
on both sides and, in classic footballese, notes
that both sides “are in a good moment”.
(arsenal_spurs_guar) other authors’
(2) Oh man, this is fantastic. Football is the
greatest. the author’s commentary.
SAMSUNSPOR waves to team bus as it passes
each week, before it eventually makes surprise
stop to say hello. Love to see clubs being mindful
of these connections. Also love to see
Goalkeepers Union looking out for their own.
(arsenal_spurs_guar) an “embedded”
comment by the author of a Twitter post
(“another author”)
@ReckersLive Sep 25 He will never forget that.
Frankie Salmon @frankiesalmon87 Sep 24 Think
these could learn a lesson or two (Leeds United
players ignore young fans) (arsenal_spurs_guar)
reader’s comment.
In the provided excerpts of live comments, we
observe that the author takes on a certain role
either as an author of the post or a commentator-
reader expressing opinions or engaging in verbal
disputes. Consequently, the communicative goal
is a personalized form of self-expression, not a
mere description of football match events.
At the “immersion” stage, in the preamble of the
English-language live text commentary, the
author sets the tone and thus “encourages” the
establishment of communication with the
anonymous audience:
(3) Rishi Sunak and the people of Islington don’t
agree on much, but they’re all adamant it’s a
time for change. Sunak wants to fix 13 years of
Conservative governance; Arsenal are desperate
to end eight years of Manchester City
dominance. (arsenal_man city_guar).
As for the preamble, it is worth highlighting that
the author of Ukrainian live text commentary
aims to inform about the date, location, and time
of the communicative event, and assess the level
of preparation and analyze the course of the
previous matches (communicative past):
(4) В неділю, 24 вересня, відбудеться
поєдинок 6 туру Англійської Прем'єр-ліги, в
якому гратимуть лондонські «Арсенал» та
«Тоттенгем». Гра пройде в Лондоні (Англія)
на полі стадіону «Емірейтс», початок о
16:00 за Києвом.
Команди йдуть врівень зі старту
чемпіонату, в п'яти матчах здобувши по
чотири перемоги і раз зігравши внічию.
Краща різниця забитих і пропущених в
«Тоттенгема» (13:5 проти 9:4 в
«канонірів»), тому вони знаходяться на
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
другому місці, а підопічні Артети на
четвертому. Очна зустріч якраз дозволить
залишити опонента позаду і наблизитися до
лідера «Ман Сіті», який в цьому сезоні очок
ще не втрачав. (arsenal_tottenham_sport)
For both languages, it is crucial to create an
emotional and symbolic background, that would
correspond with the “reader’s” request to be
present and involved in the “cheering and to
evaluate what the journalist has expressed.
2. The general communicative sense.
The general communicative sense serves as a
criterion for differentiating genres, that have a
common communicative goal. In this case, the
communicative sense of the speech genre can be
identified through the model of analytical
formulation of semantic primitives by
A. Wierzbicka (1985, p. 494). That is,
considering it as a frame, dissecting intentions
into elementary illocutionary components,
constitutive motives, emotions, and positions. In
summary, the nature of the communicative sense
of football live text commentary in the Ukrainian
language can be expressed as follows:
“I, a sports commentator, describe the unfolding
events on sports platforms in this way.”
As for the English-language football live
commentary, we note the following:
“I, a professional sports commentator,
‘broadcast’ the course of the sporting event in
this way”.
3. The concept of the addresser.
In both languages, the concept of the addresser
can be generalized and presented as a
professional sports journalist, who
predominantly constructs texts about football.
Data on professional achievements are publicly
available, sometimes directly on the website.
The addresser of the Ukrainian live text
commentary is a journalist, an expert in
conducting live text commentaries, a specialist in
team sports, involved in sports journalism since
, or a news editor
. English-language
football live text commentary is comprised of the
posts of a commentator, who professionally
could be a columnist and a nominee for a
prestigious award among sports journalists
Oleksandr Snitko «Sport.ua»
(British Sports Journalism Awards) or a sports
journalist, freelancer, or writer (Daniel Harris,
Rob Smyth, Michael Butler «The Guardian»).
4. The concept of the recipient.
The model of the recipient is often about an
unknown audience, interested specifically in
reading about a certain sporting event. If we can
identify the reader who left a comment, we
consider this audience as non-anonymous fans
this is precisely what we notice in the Ukrainian
live text commentaries:
(5) AlexSem 19.09.2023 23:44 1. …Я не
розумію, як можна випускати фактично нову
команду Шахтар, в 1 грі ЛЧ грати у
відкритий футбол проти добре зіграного,
досвідченого Порту??? 2. Що за
експертменти зі складом у матчі ЛЧ….? Дл
чого це??…жесть… (shakhtar
It is worth noting, that in English-language live
text commentary, the author “presides”,
formulates their text, and determines who will
have access to it, and decides whether to include
voices that provide feedback.
(6) Email! “Rice is clearly overrated, as you
intimate,” says Titan Tempura. “For that money
you expect silk, not just iron, sort of pun semi-
I think he can get there if he adds goals because
his ball-carrying can compensate for his lack of
a killer pass. Either way, though, playing against
him must be a hateful experience.
We differentiate readers-commentators,
categorizing them into those watching a football
match in all the possible formats and those who
did not choose the television or radio broadcast
of a football match. “Those who have watched”
the football match will rely on the
communicative past, referring to the previous
viewing experience, like in the following
(7) AKIN @Akinjoshua2017 Oct 8
Arsenal is winning the league (arsenal_man
“Those who have not watched” a football match,
in a sense, are not biased, without the intrusive
idea of “disputing” the covered material:
Serhiy Rypiuk «Sport.ua»
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(8) Viktor Shuper 19.09.2023 13:48
буде виніс тіла, насправді не думаю що у
Шахтаря будуть хоч якісь шанси. ми бачили
кілька днів тому як вони мучились із
Оболонню, граючи у більшості. і при цьому
Оболонь навіть в меншості на фоні такої
Шахти дуже пристойно виглядала. тут буде
виніс тіла, це 100% (shakhtar
In either case, it involves a specific group of
people, who are familiar with the game rules, and
the specifics of its functioning, who interpret the
means of language code used by a addresser
correctly and without additional effort. What
unites the types of readers presented above is that
they are interested in a game itself more than in
its result.
5. The narrative content.
In the speech genre of football live text
commentary, the narrative content is shaped by
the structural-compositional elements of the
published material, serving as a communicative
“event”. We can observe that football live text
commentary contains a conditional division of
the narrative content of a television journalist’s
commentary, as proposed by Batsevych (2005),
into three thematic groups: introductory, actual
game, and concluding. The author characterized
the thematic blocks of each presented group in
detail, which entirely aligns with the text
commentary. However, we conducted the
analysis of a live text commentary, taking into
account the “canonical” structure of the speech
genre. According to Chovanec (2018, p.102),
“the ‘canonical’ form of live text commentary
includes the textual segments that describe the
events of the game appear online in time-stamped
posts, most typically arranged in a reversed
chronological order, with the most recent posts
appearing at the top of the screen”. “It is known
that one of the most important roles in sports-
oriented materials is played by the header with
the main information about the match (names of
football teams, the current score, and further
elements indicating players and characteristics of
goals scored in the match), since, besides
attracting the reader’s attention, it expresses the
journalistic intention (Kolupaieva, 2016, ст.
245)”. (Premier League, The transcript of the 6th
round match of the English Premier League):
(9) Arsenal
Cristian Romero 26 o.g.
Bukayo Saka 54 Pen
Heung-Min Son 42
Heung-Min Son 55 (arsenal_spurs_guar)
(10) Арсенал Тоттенгем 2:2. Текстова
трансляція матчу
The thematic block “introductory informative
part” in English-language live text commentaries
contains the introduction, known as “Preamble”,
followed by information about the opposing
teams, several messages, and sometimes
commentaries by other publications or
commentators. In the Ukrainian-language live
text commentaries, this thematic group does not
involve a clear definition, but it is from this short
message that an “event” of commentary starts.
A commentary of the actual game consists of
cohesive text segments that relate to the specific
moment of the match. They are usually identified
by a time stamp indicating the minute in which a
certain describable action took place. In both
languages, addresser generate the mentioned text
segments, which are not an uninterrupted
verbalized product, allowing the author to
maintain silence. “Silence” refers to the absence
of a post with a time stamp, which means no
noteworthy action is taking place on the field.
A concluding part may be thematically related to
assessing the actions of the teams and their
individual players, analyzing the events that
occurred during the game. Also, evaluations of
specific moments of the game, performances of
individual players, and the tactics of the teams. In
the Ukrainian-language live text commentaries,
the mentioned thematic blocks are absent; we
observe the announcements of the end of the
sporting event (the 2nd round match of the group
stage of the Champions League):
(11) 03 жовтня о 23:55
ОлександрСнітко МАТЧ ЗАВЕРШЕНО!
6. The factor of the communicative past.
We interpret the factor of communicative past for
a specific speech genre as events that concern
“those who have watched” the football match. In
this sense, such interpretation determines
previous speech genres as potential ones and
those related to the recipient. Additionally,
previous speech genres may also be related to a
addresser who relies on previous experience of
“familiarity” with information about the match.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
7. The factor of the communicative future.
In both languages, everything related to lively
“discussion” of the results of a football game is
recognized as a factor of a communicative future,
which also has a potential nature. Clearly,
communicative future is not limited to a mere
“discussion” but involves a thorough analysis of
a match. In English-language online
publications, it is produced upon the end of the
match and reflects a comprehensive view of the
event that has been “commented on” before.
Fig. 1. Premier League Report Arsenal Spurs
Source: The Guardian (2023)
In Ukrainian publications, we identified the
following speech genre in the “reports” section,
which is also quite potential and in terms of
content is a deep analytical analysis of the match.
Fig. 2. Match report the Netherlands Italy
Source: Sport.ua (2023)
It is reasonable that “commentary” of a football
match as a communicative event involves using
a significant amount of lexical and grammatical
means through which the game process is
embodied in the text. Among the main problems
of language in sports texts, the following can be
distinguished: the emergence of numerous
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
linguistic clichés and jargon, inaccuracy in
presenting information, and oversaturation of
hyperbolic language structures to express key
moments in the game or main tendencies
(Kolupaieva, 2016).
Very often, we appeal to the genre-specific
features of football live text commentary, namely
the combination of the elements of spoken and
written language. We consider the peculiarities
of their verbal embodiment on various linguistic
levels from the choice of vocabulary and
syntactic structures to the discourse organization
Lexical means of linguistic realization are
presented with the use of colloquial, emotional-
evaluative vocabulary. According to Batsevych
(2005), a significant part of communicative units
of language code in Ukrainian-language
commentaries consists of professionalisms. He
adds that the language of sports publications is
frequently characterized by sports jargon, which
is emotional, expressive, and figurative. The
researcher of football vocabulary, Struhanets
(2016), claims that there is hardly any clear
differentiation between professional terms and
professional jargon, but he attempts to
distinguish them. The author points out that the
term “professional jargon” is used to denote
figurative-expressive concise words that have
neutral equivalents and function in the spoken
language of representatives of certain professions
or occupations, united by common interests or
belonging to a social-professional community
(Struhanets, 2016, p.63).” In the football live text
commentary author's language, sports jargon
dominates and serves as a means of emotionally
expressive expression and self-expression of the
speaker. The use of sports jargon, in our opinion,
can be explained by the author’s aim to establish
a “connection” with a multimillion readership
and to convey the course of events on the football
field as clearly as possible.
Lexical and grammatical means embodying
the communicative goal of the addresser are:
1. Football jargon.
The features of football jargon functioning are
determined within a classification that takes into
account the multidimensionality of a football
match. This includes names of teams, players’
nicknames, characteristics of footballers’
professional skills, names of equipment, and
characteristics of players’ actions on the field.
The most common jargon in football
communication is anthroponymical jargon,
serving to name a player’s surname:
(12) 17 min: What a let-off for Raya! (David
Raya) (arsenal_man city_guar)
(13) 90’
Назарина зіграв грубо. (Yehor Nazaryna)
(shakhtar donetsk_porto_sport)
The atypical model in players’ names proposed
by Struhanets (2016)
“Players’ name characteristic features of the
football club’s location” is represented in the
names of English football teams:
(14) 27 min Spurs have a big problem now, and I
hate to say this so soon into proceedings, but
their best bet now is to keep it at 1-0 till 75
minutes. Spurs FC Tottenham Hotspur
(Tottenham, also Tottenham district in London,
historically an important center of the equestrian
sport, where sportsmen used sours as part of
their equipment). (arsenal_spurs_guar)
The names of Ukrainian football teams also
correspond to the format of the model “Players’
name characteristic features of the football
club’s location”:
(15) 40’+3
Гірники контролюють м'яч. The Miners
FC Shakhtar Donetsk (Mining industry of the
In this case, the presented model is “Players’
name ← FC emblem”:
(16) 7’
Дракони володіють мячем. The Dragons
FC Porto (Portugal) (shakhtar
A group of terms related to the description of
tactical actions of players on the field and their
characteristics can also be classified as the
football jargon:
Після навісу з правого флангу Таремі головою
пробив у протихід Різнику, і голкіпер
зреагував! (shakhtar donetsk_porto_sport)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(18) 32 min AND HE’S MAKING IT NOW!
Odeghaard presses Vicario, he feeds a short,
straight pass to Maddison, who takes a touch
and Jesus nails him, only to lash over the top!
that is very scruffy finishing, characteristically
so, and is exactly why I think Arteta will replace
him next summer. (arsenal_spurs_guar)
2. Negatively coloured vocabulary.
In English, negatively coloured vocabulary is
expressed by an adjective defining the quality of
a football goal. One of the characteristics of
Ukrainian live text commentary is the use of
adverbs and verbs indicating the intensity of the
actions on the football field, and giving an
emotional tone to certain moments of the football
(19) It was a crap goal, befitting the game, and
Arsenal will not care one bit about that.
(arsenal_man city_guar)
(20) 1’
Господарі одразу почали агресивно
пресингувати. (shakhtar donetsk_porto_sport)
3. Emotional-evaluative vocabulary.
Emotional-evaluative vocabulary is focused on
expressing an opinion on the course of the game
and evaluating a specific player’s participation.
In English-language text commentaries, we
observe the use of adverbs and adjectives. In
particular, adverbs serve to intensify the degree
of the adjective and noun phrases, helping
identify a specific player. Ukrainian-language
text commentaries also utilize noun phrases to
characterize maneuvers on the field, particularly
those considered successful in terms of
(21) 90+2 min Gvardiol overhits a pass to Doku.
City have been very poor in the final third; in fact
Raya still hasn’t had a save to make, though Rice
the player of the match IMO did head off the
line in the first few minutes. (arsenal_man
(22) 78’
Чалханоглу у класному підкаті зупинив Ді
Марію, який мчав до штрафного майданчика
Інтера. Аргентинець залишився на газоні.
4. Informal and colloquial vocabulary.
In English-language text commentary, the phrase
“(to) break a hoodoo” describes the team’s
attempts to outplay the opponents and break a
“curse”. The player managed to stop a negative
tendency. In Ukrainian-language text
commentary, “one-on-one” describes a situation
when a player is in direct physical contact with
another player or a goalkeeper.
(23) GOAL! Arsenal 1-0 Man City (Martinelli
Gabriel Martinelli has broken the hoodoo!
(arsenal_man city_guar)
(24) Лаутаро вийшов сам на сам з Трубіним,
обіграв його та пробив по воротах - захисник
вибив м'яч. Але був офсайд.
At the syntactic level, elements of colloquial
language manifest in the choice of sentence
types. An author interacts with the readership by
posing questions (interrogative sentences),
reproduces moments of emotionally charged and
symbolic atmospheric background (exclamatory
sentences), and accompanies the reader
(audience), satisfying the community’s need to
“find out more” (imperative mood).
5. Interrogative constructions
(25) 88 min As per the below, this hasn’t been a
game of great quality, but are you not absorbed?
(26) 90’
Як ви гадаєте, скільки додав арбітр?
In both examples, an author interacts with the
audience. At the core of the English-language
question, there is an affirmative statement, at the
end of which we observe the interrogative phrase
“But are you…”, addressed to the reader. The
text commentary on the Ukrainian website
includes an example of a complex interrogative
sentence, in which an interrogative construction
“How much do you think…” is also addressed to
the reader. The author seeks an opinion and
expects an assessment of the current situation on
the football field.
6. Exclamatory sentences.
Exclamatory sentences as a means of
representing tense moments of the game
Volume 13 - Issue 75
/ March 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(27) 17 min: What a let-off for
Raya! (arsenal_man city)
(28) 90’+2
Вікаріо витягнув низовий удар Сака під праву
штангу метрів з 18! (arsenal_tottenham_sport)
English exclamatory sentences are constructed
based on certain models of expressive syntax. In
the example provided above, the structure
includes the exclamation “What a/an…”, which
is a clear marker of an exclamatory sentence,
adding a strong emotional tone. As for the
Ukrainian-language commentary, the sentence
(38) is complex, where an independent clause is
“Vicario pulled off a low shot by Saka under the
right post”, and a subordinate clause is “from
about 18 meters.”
7. Imperatives.
As mentioned earlier, an author very frequently
accompanies readers, attracts their attention, and
calls for certain actions. For example, an author
may say, “read this material”, which
characterizes it as an additional syntactic
construction “expressed” by an author, beyond
the main narrative presented in the text segments.
We managed to find similar constructions in
English-language text commentaries:
(29) 24 Sept 2023 17.07 CEST
And really do not miss:
Solheim Cup 2023: Europe 14-14 USA, singles
as it happened
Read more (arsenal_spurs_guar)
The negative verb form “do not miss” is used to
direct readers to other pages or other available
resources. As for the Ukrainian-language text
commentaries, the journalist-reporter doesn’t use
imperative constructions like “learn more
about…”, “check out this article to…”,
“subscribe to receive updates…”, and “read this
material to understand…”.
For live text commentary, it is important to
provide expressiveness to the text, format, and
convey information, particularly through
techniques such as repetitive or capitalized
letters, with which the author imitates the
“conversation of emotionally charged content.
The mentioned graphic elements of text
formatting are observed in both English-
language and Ukrainian-language
(30) Peep! peep! Peeeeeeeeeep!
(chelsea_manchester city_sport)
Summarizing the analyzed material jargon,
negatively coloured, emotional-evaluative,
informal, and colloquial vocabulary are
presented. As for syntactic verbal means, in both
languages, an author uses interrogative
constructions, exclamatory sentences and
imperative mood. Oral communication is marked
by a range of graphic elements of text formatting,
particularly repetitive, or capitalized letters,
which are verbal means to “imitate” the context
of spoken language.
Football live text commentary is a relatively
“new” type of genre, characteristic of football
discourse. Since the events “unfold”, the author
aims to focus on the specific “moment”, which is
time-stamped. The live football text commentary
sets somewhat different parameters of
cooperation between an author and a reader. This
was particularly observed on the web pages of
The Guardian newspaper. The reader is a co-
author of the text commentary, who can be
quoted from his posts on Twitter, letters to the
author, and other platforms, available for
establishing contact. The content of the “event”
and thematic structure have been identified in
structural elements text segments of live text
commentary. Our analysis of the live text
commentary focused on the “canonical” structure
of the speech genre, which is characteristic of
English-language material. We have determined
that in the structural element of the text
commentary called “Preamble”, the author sets
the tone, and establishes contact with the
potential readers. In Ukrainian-language texts,
this is a formal component, since there is factual
material, and the author “informs” and
“familiarizes”. The communicative past in both
languages concerns both the producer and the
recipient, who can rely on the previous
“viewing” of the football match. As for the
communicative future, it is a journalistic analysis
of the match course in English-language text
commentaries, while it is a report of the match
events in Ukrainian-language resources.
A comparison of linguistic realization means in
English and Ukrainian languages indicates the
use of football jargon, negative coloured, and
emotionally charged vocabulary. In addition, we
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
observe the use of informal and colloquial
vocabulary. Text segments of text commentaries
combine the elements of both spoken and written
language. The author of the English-language
text commentary uses an affirmative statement,
at the end of which we observe the interrogative
phrase, addressed to the reader. The Ukrainian-
language text commentaries include an
interrogative construction that is also addressed
to the reader. Exclamatory sentences as a means
of representing tense moments of the game, used
in both English-language and Ukrainian-
language commentaries to convey emotions and
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