Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.32
How to Cite:
Larkin, M., Boiarov, V., Pyrozhkova, Y., Melkovskyi, O., & Loboda, Y. (2024). Forensic-linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by members of youth informal groups (associations) of extremist orientation. Amazonia
Investiga, 13(74), 381-391. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.32
Forensic-linguistic and religious expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups (associations) of
extremist orientation
Судово-лігвістична та релігієзнавча експертизи при розслідуванні злочинів, учинених
членами молодіжних неформальних груп (обєднань) екстремістської спрямованості
Received: January 4, 2024 Accepted: February 22, 2024
Written by:
Mikhail Larkin1
Viktor Boiarov2
Yuliia Pyrozhkova3
Oleksandr Melkovskyi4
Yuliia Loboda5
The article explores the unique challenges of
conducting forensic-linguistic and religious
expertise during the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
(associations) with extremist leanings. It outlines
the specific investigative practices for these types
of crimes. The research aims to analyze forensic-
linguistic and religious expertise in investigating
crimes perpetrated by members of these groups.
The importance of these types of expertise is
underscored by the rising number of extremism
cases among young people, which necessitates
innovative identification and prevention
methods. Linguistic analysis can reveal
underlying meanings and manipulative language
tools, crucial for effective crime investigation
and maintaining justice and societal safety. As
extremist crimes often transcend international
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Law Department of the Department of Criminal Law and Law Enforcement (Zaporizhzhia National
University), Ukraine.
PhD in Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics (Academy of the Bar of Ukraine), Ukraine.
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Law Enforcement (Zaporizhzhia National University),
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Law Department of the Department of Criminal Law and Law Enforcement (Zaporizhzhia National
University), Ukraine.
Ph.D. in Philological Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation from
the English Language of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University), Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
borders, it is vital to develop adaptable research
methods for different cultural and social
The study employs scientific methods such as
observation, analysis, synthesis, comparison,
generalization, and extrapolation. It reviews
scientific literature on youth groups, anti-
extremism, crime investigation, forensics, and
religious studies, alongside examining
investigation materials from crimes committed
by youth extremist groups.
Promising avenues for future research include
analyzing forensic examinations conducted
during the investigation of crimes committed by
youth informal groups with extremist
orientations. This could enhance understanding
and provide better strategies for tackling
extremism in various contexts.
Keywords: forensic linguistic examination,
religious examination, investigation, crime,
youth, informal group.
In recent times, the world has experienced surges
in violent extremism, claiming the lives of
numerous innocent individuals. These extremist
ideologies, whether rooted in religion, ethnicity,
or politics, advocate for the dominance of a
specific group while opposing a more inclusive
and tolerant society. This presents two
interconnected challenges for modern societies:
the escalation and cross-border proliferation of
violent extremism, and the management of
increasingly diverse and multicultural
populations. Addressing violent extremism
requires immediate interventions to safeguard
people and assets, but preventing its spread
necessitates a broader perspective that goes
beyond strict security measures to address the
underlying developmental factors contributing to
the phenomenon.
The application of special knowledge during the
investigation of crimes committed by members
of youth informal groups (associations) of
extremist orientation is an extremely necessary
condition for obtaining evidentiary information
and establishing the objective truth. One of the
forms of application of special knowledge in the
investigation of criminal proceedings of the
specified category is forensic examination.
Expertise in criminal proceedings, in which
members of youth informal groups (associations)
of extremist orientation are suspected, as a
general rule, can be divided into two groups:
general (typical) and special. The first group
should include scientific and expert studies that
are inherent in the investigation of crimes in
which harm is caused to the life and health of a
person: forensic-medical, forensic-psychiatric,
forensic-biological, separate forensic
(traceological, ballistic, dactyloscopic,
handwriting) and some other examinations. The
second group, in particular, should include
forensic-linguistic and religious expertise
(Larkin, 2019).
It is the specificity of forensic-linguistic and
religious studies that allows us to establish the
motivational component of crimes, the nature of
ideas, and views that united young people in an
informal group of extremist orientation.
The subject is the study of forensic-linguistic and
religious expertise in the investigation of crimes
Larkin, M., Boiarov, V., Pyrozhkova, Y., Melkovskyi, O., Loboda, Y. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 381-391 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
committed by members of youth informal groups
of extremist orientation, namely the study of
speech and religious aspects that are important
for establishing the facts, circumstances, and
motives of the crime, as well as for the
identification and confirmation of the guilt of
The task of scientific research in the field of
forensic-linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by members
of youth informal groups of extremist orientation
1. Analysis of crimes committed by youth
groups to identify general trends that may
indicate specific methods of activity and
2. Study of the peculiarities of forensic-
linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups
(associations) of extremist orientation.
3. Identification of problematic issues of
conducting forensic-linguistic and religious
expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal
groups (associations) of extremist
orientation and search for solutions.
These tasks will help not only to understand the
nature and spread of extremism among young
people but also to develop strategies and
measures to counter this phenomenon in society.
Regarding the use of specific terms, we note that
definitions of concepts are provided in the text.
Theoretical framework or literature review
During the study of forensic-linguistic and
religious expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
(associations) of extremist orientation, the works
of the following scientists were studied:
Gora (2013) drew attention to problematic issues
of special linguistic knowledge in the judiciary of
Ukraine. It was remarked that the publication of
their methods and their discussion by the
scientific community is important from the point
of view of verifying the reliability of experts'
conclusions. Conducting forensic examinations
only since knowledge in the field of science,
technology, art, or craft without reference to
published methodological works in the field of
forensic research may raise doubts about the
reliability of the results obtained. Understanding
the parties of criminal proceedings the basics of
the methodology of conducting and the tactics of
appointing forensic experts is important not only
for the correct assessment of the conclusions of
experts conducted at the initiative of the
prosecution parties but also for identifying their
own initiative in appointing an expert according
to an agreement or submitting a petition to the
investigating judge for the appointment of an
The subject of Khavarivskyi's (2012) research
was the state examination of religious studies in
Ukraine. The author concluded that Ukraine
currently does not have a legal mechanism for the
examination of religious organizations. The
prospects for the functioning of the Institute of
Religious Expertise in Ukraine under such
circumstances can only be characterized by
declarativeness and ineffectiveness. In this
regard, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine must
initiate the development and adoption of a
corresponding by-law, for example, the
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
"On State Religious Expertise". With this act, it
is necessary to approve the detailed procedure for
conducting the state religious examination and
the provisions of the Expert Council on this
matter. It is worth predicting that organizational
and logistical support of the activities of the
Expert Council will be carried out by the
Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. Some experts
believe that it is more correct to use the term
"state religious examination", which emphasizes
the state nature of such examination and makes it
clear that the state body in matters of religion is
the only competent body for conducting such
examinations (even though "religious
examination" may also be conducted by
scientific institutions, public organizations, etc.).
The procedure of the state religious examination
in Ukraine (if it is enshrined in the law) can
become an effective administrative tool to fight
against the illegal activities of certain religious
organizations. It is also worth considering the
possibility of creating a register of religious
trends, movements, and currents, about which
religious examinations were conducted.
Azhniuk (2017, 2016) investigated the issue of
linguistic expertise. It was concluded that
linguistic expertise and linguistic expert practice
are now actively researching and developing
new, accessible technologies for using linguistic
knowledge in the field of law. At the same time,
the potential scope of their application is
constantly expanding. The linguist's
argumentation often becomes a powerful tool to
strengthen the legal position of the legal
practitioner. Linguistics can offer new, non-
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
standard approaches to solving legal problems.
Practice shows that the conclusion of a linguistic
examination often resolves controversial issues
in the field of justice.
Linguistic expertise in law enforcement became
the object of research by Sudak (2015). It was
concluded that the legislator did not establish
unified special legal norms that would determine
the order of appointment and the specifics of
conducting forensic linguistic examinations. Our
proposed method is aimed at optimizing the work
of linguist experts, as it allows building a logical
chain of actions that leads to obtaining a rational
result of the examination in the form of a perfect
Boyarov (2017) investigated some issues of
questioning witnesses in criminal proceedings
about extremist activities. Chernyavskyi (2010)
investigated the theoretical and practical
foundations of financial fraud investigation
Kolosok (2014) analyzed the requirements for a
religious expert in the field of scientific
expertise. It was concluded that, at the moment,
there are no clearly defined legal norms
regulating the conduct of religious studies
examinations in Ukraine. It is not established in
which cases such examinations are appointed,
who carries them out, exactly how they are
carried out, what are the objects of the
examination and what are the requirements for
experts' conclusions. It has been established that
experts in this field cannot be public
organizations, persons who have connections
with religious organizations, civil servants,
priests, or theologians. A religious expert who
conducts religious examinations must have a
higher academic education, a scientific degree in
the field of religious studies, experience in
participating in interdisciplinary research, and
professional competence. Unfortunately, the
legislation does not establish specific
requirements for the qualification of such
experts. Therefore, it is necessary to create
conditions for the specialized training of future
religious experts.
Tytarenko (2013) investigated the
methodological features of religious expertise as
a mechanism for regulating social relations. It is
concluded that the development and
institutionalization of analysis, forecasting based
on expertise and management of the religious
situation depends on the following factors:
overcoming the gap that persists between
academic science and practical religious studies;
an increase in the level of "demand" of the
government and other subjects of the religious
situation for expert-analytical products of this
kind; development of a culture of strategic
thinking of the political and managerial elite in
decision-making in the field of issues related to
the religious life of Ukrainian society.
Garasimov, Dufenyuk, and Zakharova (2019)
analyzed the methodology for investigating
certain types of crimes. Moreover, Didkivska
(2020) drew attention to the peculiarities of
criminal proceedings in crimes committed by
minors from socially disadvantaged families. In
her work, Shcherbyna (2023) carried out an
analysis of the characteristics of a criminal who
is a member of a youth informal group
(association). During the research, a number of
characteristic features inherent in the participants
of informal youth groups (associations) were
identified: they create their own system of values
and ideology, which is characterized by nihilism,
conflict and denial of generally accepted ethical,
cultural, moral and legal norms in society; when
a person is involved in an informal association, a
complete change in his worldview is observed;
participants are characterized by unmotivated,
increased cruelty and uncontrolled aggression;
may commit criminal offenses spontaneously or
organized; the number of participants can range
from a few to thousands of people; most
participants abuse alcohol, narcotic substances,
may have other types of addiction, e.g. gambling;
they usually have a low level of income and a low
level of intelligence; may have common features
of speech (slang), clothing, appearance
(hairstyle, make-up, tattoo, etc.) or leave certain
"ritual" or "ritual" signs at the scene of a criminal
offense (Satanists, skinheads).
Additionally, Babakin (2022) considered
operational investigative monitoring of the
operational situation in combating crimes
committed by young people. Based on the above,
it was concluded that the process of operative and
investigative monitoring in combating crimes
committed by young people includes several
successive stages. First, the collection and study
of general information about the criminogenic
environment in which young people function is
carried out. Then information about the
criminological situation and specific objects of
operational attention is revealed. Next, a search
for information about these objects in a
criminally active and criminogenic environment
is conducted to identify trends in the
development of crime among young people.
Then a search is made for investigative
information on specific criminal offenses and
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
persons who may commit them. After that, the
collection and assessment of information about
forces and means is carried out. The next stage is
the identification of factors affecting the
operational situation, after which a set of general
and operational search measures is developed to
improve the process of searching, obtaining, and
verifying information. However, the issues raised
are not yet final and require further separate
research or scientific study.
Regarding the key trends that can be seen from
the conducted analysis, it is worth emphasizing
the following: researchers are developing
integrated approaches that combine the methods
of linguistics and religious studies to analyze the
texts, communications, and symbols used by
extremist groups; research aimed at analyzing the
ideas, beliefs, and motivations behind the actions
of youth extremist groups, particularly through
linguistic and religious analysis of their
statements, propaganda and literature; research is
aimed at developing and improving
methodological approaches to forensic-linguistic
and religious expertise, including standardization
of evaluation procedures and criteria.
In the process of investigating criminal
proceedings related to the activities of youth
informal groups of extremist orientation,
investigators need to use the special knowledge
of various experts. This may include the
involvement of specialists in the field of
psychology, religious studies, and other
disciplines in conducting investigative (research)
actions. For example, psychologists can be
involved in the interrogation of juvenile suspects
or witnesses, and religious scholars - in the
analysis of literature and texts seized during
searches. In addition, during the investigation, it
may be useful to involve specialists to conduct an
inspection of the scene, question people, search
and other actions that require specific
Research methodology
In the process of working on the article, the
scientific literature devoted to youth informal
groups (associations), the fight against
extremism, crime investigation, forensics,
religious studies, etc. was analyzed. The
empirical basis of the study was the materials of
the investigation of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups (in particular,
extremist orientation).
Note that it is essential to use a variety of
scientific methods, which include observation,
analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization,
and extrapolation, for forensic-linguistic and
religious expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
of extremist orientation. Below is how these
methods were applied in the study:
Observation: Observing the activities of the
group and its members, including speech and
behavioral activity, can help understand the
dynamics of their interaction and identify
possible extremist tendencies. The use of this
method helped to draw conclusions about the
specifics of extremist groups and their behavioral
Analysis: The analysis of scientific works, texts,
communications, and other materials related to
forensic linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by members
of youth informal groups of extremist orientation
allowed us to understand the peculiarities of this
type of expertise, as well as problematic aspects
in this context. In addition, the analysis method
contributed to the identification of trends
regarding the researched issue and problematic
aspects of conducting the researched type of
Synthesis: Compilation of received data and
results of analysis to create a comprehensive
view of forensic linguistic and religious expertise
in the investigation of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups of extremist
orientation. This method contributed to
comprehensive research and the formation of
Comparison: Comparison of the examined types
of expertise both among themselves, and
research and comparison with other types of
expertise allowed to identify of common and
distinctive features, as well as to establish
patterns and trends.
Generalization: Formulation of general
conclusions and assumptions based on the
analysis of specific cases and data, which made
it possible to conclude the nature of the extremist
activity of the group, as well as the specifics of
the examination of this crime.
Extrapolation: Using the obtained data to make
assumptions about the future trends of the group's
development and its impact on society, which
can serve as a basis for developing preventive
measures and strategies to combat extremism, as
well as improving the conduct of examinations.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
These methods made it possible to carry out a
comprehensive and objective study of the
extremist activity of youth groups and led to the
development of effective strategies for
countering this phenomenon. This method was
used to form generalizations about the trends of
the researched type of expertise, as well as to
identify problems and form hypotheses regarding
possible ways to solve such problems.
In the process of research of forensic-linguistic
and religious expertise in the investigation of
crimes committed by members of youth informal
groups of extremist orientation, various tools and
resources are used for data collection and
analysis. In particular, a variety of data were
collected, such as text materials (literature,
publications on the Internet), video and audio
recordings, as well as court cases and expert
opinions. The above-mentioned methods were
used to analyze the text materials.
Various tools and resources can be used in the
scientific work of forensic-linguistic and
religious expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
of extremist orientation. In particular, the use of
software tools for the analysis of text materials in
order to identify features of speech, lexical and
syntactic structures that may indicate
radicalization or extremist orientation; use of
electronic databases and web resources to access
text materials, religious texts, documents and
other sources that may be the object of analysis;
turning to experts in the field of linguistics,
religious studies and other relevant disciplines
for consultation and support in understanding
complex linguistic and religious aspects; using
text corpora to analyze speech features and trends
in language use in the context of extremist
To ensure the credibility and reliability of
scientific results in forensic-linguistic and
religious studies when investigating crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
of extremist orientation, a responsible approach
and the use of various methods were followed. In
particular, strict methodological principles were
followed during the collection, analysis and
interpretation of data to avoid distortions and
false conclusions. All phases of the study,
including data collection, analysis methods, and
results obtained, were documented in detail for
subsequent review and review.
Results and discussion
The legal basis for conducting examinations in
criminal proceedings is the Criminal Procedure
Code of Ukraine (Law 4651-VI, 2012).
Forensic linguistic examination is based on the
use of knowledge of linguistics and related
sciences psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics,
ethno psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics,
pathopsycholinguistics, philosophy of language,
etc. Only a person with a higher philological
education, preferably with special expert
training, has the right to conduct this type of
During the investigation of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups (associations)
of extremist orientation, there is a need to appoint
and conduct a linguistic examination of speech,
which is divided into subtypes: linguistic
examination of written speech and linguistic
examination of oral speech.
It is generally accepted that the object of research
of linguistic examination of written speech is the
product of human speech activity reflected in
written form.
The objects of expert research can be media
reports, materials of public speeches, anonymous
letters, posters and inscriptions, etc., and the
subject is the semantic orientation of this material
since the expert needs to determine and justify
whether this material is not aimed at inciting
enmity towards of one or another group: racial,
religious, etc. Such examinations are conducted
by psycholinguists, philologists, and social
psychologists who specialize in media research
(Gora, 2013).
The messages presented in the text can be
presented not only verbally, but also iconically
(from the Greek eikon - image), that is, by visual
means. Thus, in February 2006, Charlie Hebdo
reprinted the iconic image of the Prophet
Mohammed (they were first published in
Denmark in 2005). Since it is forbidden in Islam
to schematically depict living beings, French
Muslims have taken the weekly to court. But the
court sided with the defendant (the editors), who
explained that the caricature mocked radical
Islamists, not religion in general. In 2011, the
editors of Charlie Hebdo announced the
publication of a special issue of the weekly,
which indicated the invitation of the editor-in-
chief to the Prophet Mohammed. This also
caused a conflict, and the editor-in-chief of the
publication, Stéphane Charbonnier, received 24-
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
hour police protection. At the same time, only
1.3% of all cartoons in 2005-2015 were devoted
to the Muslim theme in the weekly magazine.
In case of availability of information and
materials seized during the inspection, search,
and other investigative (search) actions: texts
(records, program, charter of an informal group,
etc.) for research and determination of content
orientation (in particular, as a purposeful act of
public transmission of certain information in the
form of written speech), a linguistic examination
of written speech is carried out, which is an
important factor in determining the motivation of
the actions of persons who committed a crime.
Among the typical questions that are put forward
to be resolved by the examination, in particular,
the following: Does the presented material
contain information that incites actions against a
certain race, nation, religion, social group, or
individuals as its representatives? Are special
language or other means used in the presented
materials for the purposeful transmission of
shameful characteristics, negative emotional
evaluations, negative attitudes, and incitements
to actions against a certain race, nation, religion,
social group, or individuals as their
representatives? Do the speech (visual) means
used in the material contain humiliating
characteristics; negative emotional evaluations
and attitudes towards a certain race, nation, social
group, religion, or individuals as its
As part of the linguistic examination of oral
speech, identification and diagnostic studies of a
person's oral speech and semantic research of
oral speech are carried out. During the
identification and diagnostic studies of a person's
oral speech, issues related to: the identification of
a person based on linguistic signs of oral speech
are resolved; determination of the type of
expression (spontaneous, unspontaneous speech,
text reading, etc.); identification of signs of
imitation, native language, etc. in speech (Order
No. 53/5, 1998). This type of forensic
examination, during the investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
(associations) of an extremist orientation, is also
essentially aimed at establishing the motive of
the criminal offense through the study of oral
statements, both during the direct
implementation of the criminal act and before
and after it committing The objects of the
linguistic examination of oral speech for the
considered type of crime are oral statements
(slogans, appeals, threats, insults) that were heard
during the commission of the crime and have a
clear form of fixation, in particular: audio
recordings, video recordings (Resolution No. 4,
Quite often, hate crimes committed by members
of various youth informal groups (associations)
of extremist orientation are accompanied by
offensive statements regarding the race,
nationality, religion, gender, or sexual
orientation of the victimized person(s). It is oral
statements that make it possible to make
assumptions about the nature of the criminal
offense, the motives of the persons (suspects)
involved in the commission, and the type of
youth informal group (association).
In addition, we would like to emphasize the need
to consider as objects of linguistic examination
of speech only sources of information of direct
(immediate) origin (printed products, audio and
video materials, etc.), because the use of
information of indirect origin in the expert
research process (for example, protocols of
interrogation of the victim, witnesses, etc.).
When investigating manifestations of extremism
related to the use of computer networks: forensic
examination is often conducted. The main task of
the author's examination is the identification of
the author of the text. Autorecognition expertise
solves identification tasks (regarding the
identification of the person of the author of the
text), as well as diagnostic tasks (regarding the
conditions, peculiarities of text composition, the
fact of distortion of signs of written speech, the
place of formation of speech skills, native
language, education of the author of the
document, etc.) (Order No. 53/5, 1998). At the
same time, it is impossible to equate the linguistic
examination of written communication with the
author's examination (Honcharenko, 2010),
because they are related as a part and a whole.
Religious expertise in the legal field of Ukraine
is not legally established, but special knowledge
in this field of knowledge is necessary for
researching general issues of religion. In
addition, as part of the judicial examination,
issues related to Catholicism, new religions,
Orthodoxy, Islam, charismaticism, freedom of
existence of religious communities, as well as
certain religious cults, authoritarian sects, etc. are
It should be noted that the study of the latest
religious currents and trends in Ukraine at the
state level was practiced in the late 1990s and
early 2000s. In the Information Report of the
State Committee of Ukraine for Religious Affairs
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for 1998 "On the State and Development Trends
of the Religious Situation, State-Church
Relations in Ukraine", it was reported that the
Committee had introduced a system of studying
the processes taking place in the environment of
neo-religions, anticipatory orientation towards
cults, which have a negative international
reputation and are trying to establish themselves
in Ukraine. It was also said that the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine, on the initiative of the
Committee, created a state religious expert
council, which will deal with the examination of
the religious doctrine of neo-movements and the
study of their practice. It was noted that in some
cases religious-mystical phraseology,
paraphernalia, and practice become a cover for
openly antisocial or criminal intentions.
According to the Committee, in 1997,
manifestations of Satanism were recorded in
Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Crimea,
Lviv, and Poltava regions (Khavarivskyi, 2012).
An essential feature of the religious examination
is the establishment of the basis of those social
relations that are not regulated by the norms of
law and preceded or accompanied by specific
actions that lead to an offense. Also, the general
regularities of the behavior of a person (group of
persons) of a separate creed are clarified from the
point of view of religious studies as a science.
Thus, answering the question of what religious
norms and moral norms a person was guided by,
what is the authority system of norms (hierarchy
of norms) for him. It is in the examination of
religious studies that religion is of interest from
the point of view of its influence on human
behavior, because "religion is, first of all, a
teaching about how a person should manage his
life", what is the connection between behavior
and religious belief. The religious expert is
obliged to evaluate, within the limits of a specific
case, the conditions for the organization of civil
society and the regime of assistance for
individual freedom, from the position of a
specific religion (belief), which is important for
the case, that is, the relationship of religion to
illegal behavior (Maidanevich, 2011).
The main tasks of religious research are:
determining whether the organization is really
religious; establishing its religious affiliation;
defining the range of basic values, socially
significant attitudes, and practices; the study of
the religious direction itself; determining
whether there is a negative attitude towards this
religious direction or towards other religions, etc.
Such a problematic issue as defining the
boundaries between religious extremism and
religious attitudes and views is extremely crucial.
For example, the religious examination of the
beliefs and practices of the religious organization
"Church of Scientology" established that "...
Scientology did not avoid the declaration of the
construction (transformation of the existing)
society, which is common to all religions and
even social philosophies (socialism,
communism, etc.), based on the principles of
justice or divine wisdom, and as for the essence
of the creed of the "Great White Brotherhood",
according to the expert's conclusions, it "...
represents an attempt at an eclectic combination
of the provisions of various religions, in
particular, Krishnaism, as one of the branches of
Hinduism, Christianity, etc. ., to present them as
something new, original, and to declare the
newly created religion called "Yusmalos" the
"epochal religion of the future"..." (Maidanevich,
As the practice of investigating crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
(associations) with an extremist orientation
shows, one of the mistakes that complicates and
sometimes leads to a dead end in the
investigation is a contemptuous attitude to the
study of certain special issues (Larkin,
Biryukova, Makarenko, Ivanova, & Fedchyniak,
2020), in particular, regarding the appointment
and conduct of such rather specific examinations
as forensic-linguistic and religious.
Conducting forensic-linguistic and religious
expertise in the investigation of crimes
committed by youth informal groups of extremist
orientation faces several problems, but there are
also ways to solve them:
Insufficient legal framework: The lack of clear
regulations governing the procedures for
conducting such examinations complicates their
conduct. Solution: Development of special
legislative acts that will determine the procedure
and criteria for conducting examinations.
The need for qualified experts: High
qualifications and competence of experts in
linguistics and religious studies are important for
the objectivity and reliability of the results. The
way to a solution: conducting specialized
training and supporting scientific activity in these
Objectivity and independence: To ensure the
objectivity of the examination, it is necessary that
the experts adhere to ethical standards,
independent and impartial. Solution:
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Development of standards of professional ethics
for experts and establishment of control
mechanisms for their activities.
Ambiguity in defining the objects of
examination: It is important to clearly define
what exactly is subject to examination to avoid
disagreements in the definition of goals and
objectives. Solution: Development of specific
criteria and methods for determining objects of
The need for further research: The development
of this field requires further scientific research
aimed at improving the methodology and
increasing the effectiveness of forensic
The ways to solve these problems are the joint
work of law enforcement agencies, scientific
institutions, and other interested parties to
develop and implement the necessary regulatory
acts, standards, and methods to ensure the quality
and objectivity of forensic examinations.
Here are some examples of forensic-linguistic
and religious expertise, which can be carried out
during the investigation of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups of extremist
1. Analysis of radical propaganda materials:
Experts can examine religious or ideological
texts, correspondence, websites and other
materials to determine the presence of
elements of radicalization or calls to
2. Linguistic analysis of communication tools:
Experts can examine the linguistic features
of group members' communication, such as
the use of specific vocabulary, stylistics, and
syntax, which may indicate their extremist
3. Analysis of religious texts and symbols:
Experts can study religious texts, symbols,
and rituals to determine their use and
interpretation by group members and their
possible influence on their behavior.
4. Psychological state expert report:
Psychological experts can conduct an
assessment of the mental state and
motivation of group members to understand
the factors that contributed to their
participation in extremist actions.
5. Examining Internet Activity and Social
Networks: Experts can analyze a group's
online activity, including their social
networks and forums, to identify posts,
discussions, and other activities indicative of
their extremist activities.
These examples demonstrate the diversity and
complexity of forensic-linguistic and religious
expertise that can be applied in the investigation
of crimes related to youth extremist groups.
Regarding the applied value of the obtained
results, this is manifested in several aspects:
1. Improving the effectiveness of crime
investigations: Scientific research
contributes to the development of analytical
methods and tools that facilitate the
detection of extremist activities and crimes
committed by youth groups. This helps law
enforcement agencies fight extremism more
2. Improvement of judicial processes:
Scientific research ensures the objectivity
and reliability of expert opinions, which is
an important factor for judicial processes
and consideration of cases.
3. Development of preventive measures:
Research results can be used to develop and
implement preventive programs aimed at
preventing radicalization and intervention in
the activities of extremist groups.
4. Supporting security policy: Scientific
research can become the basis for the
development and improvement of security
policies aimed at preventing extremism and
protecting society.
Therefore, the applied value of research in this
area lies in its impact on practical aspects of
combating extremism, improving law
enforcement and judicial systems, as well as
preventing similar events in the future.
Research requires the development of
methodologies that would allow systematic and
objective analysis of linguistic and religious
aspects of extremism among youth groups.
The effectiveness of the examination depends on
the qualifications and competence of the experts
in linguistics and religious studies, as well as
their ability to adhere to ethical standards and
It is important to develop clear legal norms that
will determine the procedure for conducting
forensic-linguistic and religious examinations, as
well as the criteria for appointing and qualifying
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It is important that experts adhere to the
principles of objectivity, independence and
ethics during the examination to guarantee the
reliability of the results.
Therefore, the use of a wide range of forensic
examinations is a necessary prerequisite for a
high-quality and effective investigation of crimes
committed by members of youth informal groups
(associations) of extremist orientation.
Undoubtedly, a special place is occupied by
forensic-linguistic and religious expertise, which
should provide answers and questions about the
specifics of formation, activities of youth
informal groups (associations) of extremist
orientation and motives of criminal attacks.
The main problems of the research of forensic-
linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by members
of youth informal groups of extremist orientation
are analyzed, including: methodological
challenges (the development of adequate
methodologies for carrying out forensic-
linguistic and religious expertise in the context of
studying extremism among youth groups can be
difficult due to the complexity of analyzing
linguistic and religious sources); access to data
(getting access to relevant linguistic and religious
sources, such as textual materials, propaganda
materials, literature, requires specific approaches
and may face limitations); objectivity of
expertise (ensuring the objectivity and
independence of expert analysis can be a difficult
task, especially in conditions of high social
tension and the influence of political factors);
identification of extremism (identification of
criteria and signs of extremism in linguistic and
religious texts, which are the object of research,
can be subjective and refuted); ethical issues
(researching extremism among youth has ethical
aspects, in particular regarding the use of
confidential information, ensuring
confidentiality and protecting the rights of
persons under research. These issues require
attention and solutions to achieve quality results
in researching extremism among youth groups.
About further scientific research, we consider it
necessary to conduct a study of international
experience in the linguistic and religious analysis
of texts, identify linguistic and symbolic signs of
extremist propaganda and ideology, and improve
forensic-linguistic and religious expertise in the
investigation of crimes committed by members
of youth informal groups of extremist
Regarding the limitations of the study, we
consider it necessary to pay attention to the
following. Thus, research problems include the
peculiarities of the investigated type of crime:
crimes committed by youth informal groups with
an extremist orientation often include various
aspects that require a complex approach to their
understanding and analysis. In addition, research
requires expert knowledge in the field of forensic
linguistics, religious studies, psychology and
other disciplines to adequately understand and
explain the actions of criminals. Also, obtaining
access to materials such as correspondence,
websites and other group communications may
be difficult due to their confidential nature or
technical limitations. The risk is that the results
of the study may be subject to subjective
interpretation, as they are based on the
interpretation of texts, symbols and behavior of
group participants.
Future research in this area will have a specific
focus on the analysis of crimes committed by
members of youth informal groups with
extremist ideology. Forensic linguistics will
focus on the linguistic aspects of materials found
at the scene, such as correspondence, social
media posts, etc. A religious examination will
examine the influence of religious beliefs on the
motivation and behavior of criminals. Given the
complexity of interpreting and understanding
extremist activity, such studies will require a
broad interdisciplinary approach.
As for the practical implications of the obtained
results, the results of the examinations can help
law enforcement agencies improve their
strategies for investigating and countering
extremism among youth groups. In addition, the
obtained results can be used to develop
extremism prevention programs and educational
initiatives among young people aimed at
preventing radicalization. The obtained results
can contribute to the development and
implementation of state policies to combat
extremism and protect public safety. Finally,
understanding the motivations and factors that
lead to participation in extremist groups can help
design social rehabilitation programs for
individuals who have left such groups.
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