www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.29
How to Cite:
Plakhotnik, O., Syladii, I., Kubitskyi, S., Koycheva, T., & Krulko, L. (2024). Formation of an effective management system in the
educational space of higher education institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 344-360. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.29
Formation of an effective management system in the educational space
of higher education institutions
Формування ефективної системи управління в освітньому просторі
закладів вищої освіти
Received: January 7, 2024 Accepted: February 26, 2024
Written by:
Oleh Plakhotnik1
Ivan Syladii2
Serhii Kubitskyi3
Tetyana Koycheva4
Larysa Krulko5
The article shows the importance of reforming
the education system at the current stage of
society's development to create an effective
management system in the educational space.
The role of an innovative university in creating
an effective management system in the
educational space is revealed; the principle
provisions of the new management paradigm are
highlighted; the formation of an effective
management system in the educational space of
higher education institutions is proposed. The
main mechanisms and functions of control for
carrying out reforms to form an effective
management system in the educational space of
a higher education institution are revealed; the
main types of management activities are
described. The main functions for controlling the
management system are highlighted; the
Candidate of Sciences (Sciences of Law), Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Justice of the Educational and Scientific
Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GYU-6937-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Teacher, Kindergarten Pedagogy, Educational
and Institutional Management, Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, Ferenc Rakoczi II, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Management and Educational Technology Department, National University
of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABC-9833-2021
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, State Institution “South Ukrainian
National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: S-2661-2018
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Lecturer of Socio-Cultural Activities Department, Municipal Establishment of Higher Education
«Academy of Culture and Arts» by Transcarpathian Regional Council, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCE-6672-2024
Plakhotnik, O., Syladii, I., Kubitskyi, S., Koycheva, T., Krulko, L. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 344-360 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
principles of the development of the management
system in the educational space of higher
education institutions and the task of an
innovative research university by the
peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space is
proposed. An experimental study was conducted
during which we investigated the importance of
an innovative management system in the
educational space, the professional development
of heads of higher education institutions, and the
level of quality of higher education in higher
education institutions.
Keywords: innovative management system,
higher education, innovative university, control
mechanisms and functions, higher education
The innovative activity of the educational sector
has led the world community to a new, higher
level of development. The objective historical
process today is the constant innovative renewal
of society, which is determined by the systemic
regularity of the development and growth of any
socio-economic system. Innovative processes
begin in certain fields of science, causing
progressive changes in society, which culminate
in the sphere of production. One of the strategic
priorities of any country is the innovative
orientation of the higher education system, which
is implemented through the activation of research
activities, increasing the level of computerization
of educational institutions, and the formation of
innovative structures in higher education
institutions. An effective system of educational
space emphasizes the role of education and this
is confirmed by the fact that the most important
indicator of the country's development, the
guarantee of its stability and prosperity is the
average level of literacy of the adult population.
The definition of the human development index
is based on the state's educational potential and
determines the country's place in world rankings.
The renewal of knowledge on the planet used to
take place every 20-30 years, and today’s
development of society has accelerated the
renewal of knowledge by 20% per year, that is,
we observe a complete rethinking of knowledge
every five years, and in some fields of science,
this process occurs even faster.
The last decade highlights the following main
world trends in the system of higher education:
globalization of the sphere of higher education
and its internationalization; rejection of mass
unified higher education; fierce international
competition in the field of education; growth of
trade in educational services at the international
level; reduction of the "life cycle" of skills,
abilities, and knowledge; rapidly growing flow of
information (Boltianska & Boltiansky, 2020),
which occurs due to the formation of an effective
management system in the educational space.
The relevance of the research problem of the
formation of an effective management system in
the educational space is due to: the need to
establish effective relations between local,
regional, and state education management
bodies; the need to reform the education system
at all its levels; the ever-growing role of
education as a field that has a powerful potential
for the formation and development of the future
of the state; implementing the ideas of a
democratic society; increasing the efficiency of
state administration.
Literature review
Scientists and practitioners from all countries of
the world pay attention to the analysis of the
current state of development of the education
system and modernization of the sphere of
education. A. Kuzminskyi, I. Oros, T. Kuchai,
K. Shovsh, I. Siladiy, & O. Bida (2022)
considered the first theories of scientific
management and highlighted the qualities that a
manager should possess for his activities to be
effective. In the historical perspective, modern
concepts that differentiate the leadership style,
which is presented as situational and flexible, are
highlighted. The process of forming a team of
teachers is shown, as the creation of a coherent,
unified team of teachers that can effectively
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achieve the goals of a specific project. The socio-
pedagogical conditions and specifics of the
reasons for creating a conflict-free educational
environment in educational institutions and the
possibility of solving the problem of formation of
conflict-related competence in future education
managers are shown. The organization of control
and diagnostic activities, according to which
management decisions are made to regulate the
object, is revealed.
The state of personnel provision of the education
system was characterized by V. Bobrytska
(2015). The issue of the educational sector is
considered based on modern monitoring studies
on the investigated issue; the approaches that will
ensure the European dimension in the formation
of the state personnel policy of any country in the
training of employees for the education system
are highlighted.
O. Shamanska's (2022) research is interesting,
where the use of innovative technologies in
education is analyzed in modern conditions of
social development. The theoretical essence of
the concept of "education", its features, meaning,
and main components are defined; the
importance of using innovative technologies in
education is outlined. It is practically proven that
it is innovative forms of educational space that
will develop and reveal the intellectual potential
of an individual, and stimulate him to acquire
new knowledge. The need to use the "Case
method" in education as one of the effective tools
in education the use of effective innovative
technologies has been proven.
Comparative studies are of great importance for
clarifying the effectiveness of the management
system in the educational space. In particular, S.
Moroz (2019) analyzed China's experience not
only to identify ways to ensure the development
of the educational sector but also to justify the
possibility of their use in the management system
of the development of the quality of higher
education; the main stages were considered and
the priority development vectors of China's
education system were determined, the
institutionalization of the norms of the
educational sector was emphasized; the role and
place of education in ensuring socio-economic
and socio-political transformations is defined;
summarized the results of reforms carried out by
the Chinese government; conclusions were made
regarding the areas of improvement of practice
and the content of the use of quality management
mechanisms of higher education.
The same problem is investigated by N.
Boltianska and O. Boltiansky (2020). Scientists
described the characteristics of an innovative
university and showed its role in integration into
the European scientific and educational space
and developed a model of the organization of a
scientific research innovative university.
Authors R. Bretaña, D. Chávez, N. Fernández,
N. Hincapié & M. Bonilla (2022) observed that
the implementation of a management system
contributes to the achievement of the institutional
objectives and the satisfaction of the interested
parties, likewise, it must incorporate the
requirements established in the accreditation
models in higher education.
Scientists J. Morales-Piñero, D. Niño-Muñoz &
D. Lesmes-Cardenas (2022) describe problems
with Public or private management of
universities: Which is the most efficient option
for a public policy in higher education in
In the article, scientists A. Valencia Celis,
G.Rosas Patiño & V. Sánchez Castillo (2023)
highlight problems in identifying students' state
of knowledge and learning in the first cycle of
Higher Secondary Education of an educational
institution regarding Natural Sciences.
So, the analysis of literary sources allows seeing
the current state of development of the education
system, and modernization of the education
sphere. An analysis of the problem of formation
of the managerial culture of the head of an
educational institution was made from socio-
pedagogical positions and the model of the
system of formation of the managerial culture of
the head of an educational institution was
substantiated; the state of personnel provision of
the education system was considered, the
possibilities of applying innovative technologies
in education were analyzed. Comparative studies
are valuable and are of great importance for
clarifying the effectiveness of the management
system in the educational space. Scientists and
practitioners have shown insufficient
effectiveness of the management system in the
educational space.
Therefore, the purpose of our research is to
consider an effective management system in the
educational space of higher education
The methodological and theoretical basis of our
research is the dialectical and generally scientific
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
methods of scientific knowledge: comparative
and logical analysis (to identify the features of an
effective management system in the educational
space); system analysis of management in
education (to form a holistic view of the
management system in the educational space and
self-governance in the education system;
statistical method and analysis method (to assess
the state of education development); sociological
methods (to identify the state of the management
system in the educational space from the point of
view of social groups and subjects of the
educational process) and others.
The theoretical basis of the research is literary
and scientific sources, works of foreign and
domestic scientists, scientific research in the field
of educational policy, self-governance,
management of educational systems at various
levels, best domestic and European practices in
the functioning of educational systems,
development of an effective management system
in the educational space, management of
institutions and educational institutions.
Empirical research included conducting
research and experimental work; analysis of the
results of an effective management system in the
educational space; surveys, questionnaires of
respondents; expert assessment; monitoring the
activities of management and higher education
students; statistical for qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the results of the
experimental study, the processing of the
obtained experimental data was carried out.
A survey was conducted, which was aimed at
identifying the level of relevance of various
content areas in the innovative management
system in the educational space. The results of
the questionnaire survey analysis showed that
78% of the respondents positively evaluated the
format and content of the proposed program of
the innovative management system in the
educational space.
The main wishes and comments of the
participants in the study of the effectiveness of
the innovative management system in the
educational space related to increasing
interactivity in the process of expanding
opportunities for sharing experiences and
Among the questions of the questionnaire offered
to the respondents were those whose content
direction is related to determining the level of
quality of higher education in higher education
institutions. 452 students of higher education
took part in the survey. We are not talking about
the fact that the conducted survey is
representative because it cannot be considered a
selective population that reproduces the
characteristics of the general population. We
believe that according to certain characteristics,
the deviations of the sample population from the
general population are not significant, which
means that we claim that the obtained results for
working out generalizations regarding the level
of development and the formation of an idea
about the subject of scientific attention can be
considered at the level of the informational basis.
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main, and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In the framework of
research work, the quality of data collection and
analysis not only adds weight to the research but
also contributes to the formation of sound
conclusions, which is the key to academic
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms a simple tool for creating
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions, and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R, or Python for more advanced data
analysis, statistical analysis, and processing
of volumes of data.
When determining the sample of subjects, the
general specificity of the research subject was
taken into account. The total volume of the
sample is 100 subjects. When forming the
sample, the criteria of meaningfulness,
representativeness, and equivalence were taken
into account. The sample was formed by random
selection using the technical procedure for
calculating the selection step.
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of an environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
Results and discussion
Reforming the education system to create an
effective management system in the educational
space. The key task and the main problem of
reforming the education system is changing the
principles of management in general and an
effective management system in the educational
space, in particular, the introduction of the
mechanisms of the educational model and self-
governance of students of higher education. As
European practice shows, during the "shift of
management emphasis from state to public in the
transition to a systemic, corporate character, a
powerful stimulus for development, consistent
harmonization of state-public management,
enrichment of public potential in management,
development of new approaches to management,
which act as a source reforming the education
system" (Oseredchuk et al., 2022).
The global trends of modernization and reform of
the entire education system present the world
education system with tasks of a completely new
level. This is the creation and use of an effective
model for the formation of an effective
management system in the educational space,
namely a competitive education system, which
takes place without breaking away from the
processes of formation and constant
improvement of the single European space of
higher education. The vector of development of
such a system of higher education with an
effective system of management in the
educational space is set by the Sorbonne
Declaration and the Bologna Process, which
were put into effect in May 1998 by the ministers
of Great Britain, Germany, and France. The
Sorbonne Declaration forms the main criteria for
improving the quality of education. These criteria
are aimed at promoting the mobility of teachers,
students, and researchers, recognizing
qualifications by approaching the qualifications
framework of the European Higher Education
Area, gradually harmonizing training cycles,
improving the international transparency of
educational courses, developing programs for
postgraduate and higher education, and the
general system of degrees.
The role of an innovative university in creating
an effective management system in the
educational space. The innovative approach to
the formation of an effective management system
in the educational space is facilitated by an
innovative university, an institution that ensures
sustainable development, with a developed
infrastructure, and deep integration of
educational, scientific, and innovative activities
that ensure sustainable development, ensures the
demand and quality of scientific research and
higher professional education. The innovative
university maintains an academic component,
works in three interrelated directions scientific
research, education, and innovation and is
characterized by an innovative infrastructure
formed by centers of innovative consulting,
technology transfer, small innovative companies,
business incubators, science parks, etc. An
innovative university is an entrepreneurial
institution. The main activities for him are
educational and scientific activities based on
management principles and innovative
approaches. In the innovative university, the
main goal of innovation is the formation of an
effective management system in the educational
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
space, increasing competitiveness in the
corresponding market segment.
Innovative management (innovative principles of
management) of such a university complex
presupposes the implementation of an innovative
educational cycle: from the acquisition of
knowledge to its implementation on the
specialized market.
In the innovative university, measures aimed at
reducing the impact of negative changes are
implemented, constant analysis of changes in the
internal and external environment is carried out,
and positive trends in the development of
education are used. The innovative research
university provides conditions for scientific
results and the process of performing
experimental, applied, research and development
work to be used for the organization of targeted
and basic training of specialists, retraining of
personnel, as well as for the development of new
innovative technologies (Boltianska &
Boltiansky, 2020).
Principles of the new management paradigm.
Key points of the modern system of views on an
innovative research university, and its
management, that is, the "new management
paradigm", are the following principles:
1. Abandoning the managerial rationalism of
classical educational and management
institutions, when the success of the entire
enterprise system is determined primarily by
the rational organization of production, the
influence on internal management factors,
the development of specialization, and cost
reduction. Instead, the main place is
occupied by the problem of adaptation and
flexibility of the organization to constant
changes in the external environment (a set of
variables outside its boundaries).
2. Application of the means of the situational
approach in the management process,
according to which the central moment of
the organization within the enterprise is the
situation, a specific set of circumstances that
affect the work of the enterprise in this
3. The use in the practice of management of the
achievements of the theory of systems is
inextricably linked with the outside world,
which facilitates the unity of the task of
considering the organization of its
components. The success of the enterprise
depends on the limits of transparency, and
openness in the external environment.
4. Today, the orientation towards new factors
of social development and conditions is
reflected in the principles of modern
management, which indicate the growing
role of the entire organization of the system
between people, human professionalism,
and personal qualities.
5. Recognition of the social responsibility of
management to the circle of people working
in the organization and to society.
6. The implementation of new innovative
principles of management requires a radical
revision of production and culture,
management personnel, growth and
strengthening of their personal and
professional potential, the entire philosophy
of modern business, changes in the
psychology of working people, significant
improvement of their qualifications
(Kuzminskyi et al., 2022).
Formation of an effective management system
in the educational space of higher education
The effectiveness of the modernization of the
education system, the formation of an effective
management system in the educational space,
and professional training will largely depend on
the extent to which the higher school turns its
face to the future and frees itself from the patterns
of old ideas (Tverezovska et al., 2022).
To form an effective management system in the
educational space, higher education institutions
should, with the participation of the European
University Association (EUA), European
Students' Union (ESU), and European
Association of Institutions in Higher Education
(EURASHE), be guided by recommendations for
the development of standards, procedures and
quality assurance directives developed by the
European Network for Quality Assurance in
Higher Education (ENQA) an independent
body, the most authoritative European
organization, which includes European
accreditation and quality assurance agencies,
which, by the requirements of the Bologna
Declaration, coordinates work on the creation of
a system of quality assurance in higher
The policy of ensuring professional training, the
quality of higher education, and certification of
specialists with an effective management system
in the educational space is aimed at achieving the
optimal level of organizing pedagogical activities
in the innovative university, taking into account
the social, personal, state, economic interests and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
needs of the shareholders of education. To
determine the sufficient competence of
specialists, innovative educational institutions
should develop methods that are involved in the
educational process. Such methods for external
verification should be available and recorded in
reports (Oseredchuk et al., 2022).
When forming an effective management system
in the educational space, it is necessary to
proceed from the fact that motivated and highly
qualified employees are the most important
factor of the organization, the main capital. That
is, one of the most important resources of the
organization is the personnel, which is
considered necessary to achieve all goals. With
such an approach, changes must occur in the
consciousness, personnel policy, and university
administration, in every employee and student of
higher education of the university, in their value
orientations, views, and business relationships.
These changes should be implemented and
supported by the entire innovative university
The formation of an effective management
system in the educational space is aimed in the
field of the quality of the provision of educational
services to achieve results by the goals, to satisfy
the expectations, various needs, and
requirements of society and the state, individuals,
as well as institutions of higher education, which
are interested independent parties.
The approach to the development and
implementation of an effective management
system in the educational space includes several
definition of expectations and needs of
consumers (interested parties);
definition of responsibility and procedures
necessary in the field of quality to achieve
development of the goals of the organization
and its policy on quality assurance;
determination of resources that are
important, necessary and their provision in
the field of quality of achievement of goals;
development of methods for evaluating the
effectiveness of each process and
application of the results of these
measurements to determine the effectiveness
and efficiency of each process;
identification of means that are important
and necessary not only to prevent non-
conformities but also to eliminate their
development of ways of continuous
improvement of the management system in
the educational space, and application of
quality management measures (Parente et
al., 2021).
The main mechanisms and functions of
control for carrying out reforms to form an
effective management system in the
educational space of a higher education
To carry out reforms in the education system to
form an effective management system in the
educational space of a higher education
institution, the following basic mechanisms
should be applied:
raising the social status of scientists and
debureaucratization of the education
management system, increasing the role of
public management in the education system;
introduction of independent assessment of
teachers' qualifications, and results of their
educational activities;
provision of academic freedoms for
scientific and pedagogical workers;
expansion of autonomous rights for
educational institutions;
introduction of economic stimulation for
quality educational activities (reform of the
system of state financing of education);
development of the National system of
bringing the education structure and
education classification into line with
international (Chyzhevskyi, 2014).
It is quite obvious that for the formation of an
effective management system in the educational
space of a higher education institution, it is
necessary to ensure the quality control of
educational services, to combine the efforts of
the community and the state in creating strategies
for reforming the educational sector as equal
partners, to strengthen social protection for all
participants in the educational process, and to
improve innovativeness in training competitive
personnel, which can provide a comprehensive
and comprehensive solution to management
problems in the field of education.
Without public support, legislative support for
educational activities will remain ineffective.
Therefore, education management should be
state-public. The problem of forming an effective
management system in the educational space of a
higher education institution, involving the public
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
in the development and adoption of management
decisions, implementation and creation of its
mechanisms, about changing the content,
methodological approaches, technologies of
education of higher education seekers to
successful professional activity by modern needs
is the most important in the current
transformations of the entire society (Suprun,
Types of management activities.
The basis of an effective management system is
the control and diagnostic activity of the head of
the educational institution, who occupies a
leading position in the institution. We observe
two types of management activity here:
a perceptive type of management activity
provides an opportunity to collect
information about the development of the
educational process and its course, through
direct perception of the pedagogical activity,
provides for a comparison of the state of
affairs, which is effective with the standard;
communicative, provides an opportunity to
create a communication network through
which the information necessary for
communication of the manager,
management of the pedagogical process, and
interaction with deputy teachers, and
students of higher education flows.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay great
attention to the organization of control and
diagnostic activities, because it is during
such activities that innovative management
decisions are made to control and regulate
the object.
When organizing the control of an effective
management system in the educational space of
higher education institutions, it is worth starting
from the following provisions:
goal-directedness and specificity of control,
objectivity, taking into account all the basic
regularities of the study of the educational
systematicity and systematicity of control
based on the determination of the optimal
terms for the organization of inspections, the
selection of the most expedient types for a
given period, and consideration of time;
a dialectical approach to the analysis and
study of the content of the specialists' work.
During the control process, it is necessary to
define specific tasks for each member of the
teaching staff, to systematically cover all areas of
the educational process, and to outline the ways
of their implementation; day-to-day verification
of the execution of decisions, orders, and orders.
Functions for controlling the management
system in the educational space of higher
education institutions.
The following functions are extremely important
for management control:
diagnostic (shows the real state of the quality
of education in the educational institution);
informational (creates an array of
information in the institution of higher
education for quality education);
corrective (minimizes the influence of
negative factors in the educational process);
evaluative (based on a certain set of
indicators and criteria, it provides a
quantitative and qualitative assessment of
the objects of the educational process in a
higher education institution);
prognostic (forms the tactics and strategy of
the development of higher education in the
educational institution);
communication (to perform the diagnostic
function, provide information, enable
management (monitors the results of the
developed programs and the effectiveness of
the decisions made);
preventive (reveals prevention of negative
consequences and undesirable deviations).
Control functions are closely related to each
other and are implemented with the help of their
subjects; creating feedback and direct
communication between subordinates and the
manager (Kuzminskyi et al., 2022).
Principles of development of the management
system in the educational space of higher
education institutions.
"Among the global Sustainable Development
Goals, which determine the prospects for the
development of humanity until 2030, the
provision of inclusive and equitable quality
education and the promotion of lifelong learning
opportunities for all are defined". By the content
of this strategy, a purposeful, flexible, effective
system of education management is necessary,
which ensures the quality of education and its
intensive development, its focus on individual
requests, meeting the needs of the country,
provides for the decentralization of education
management, optimization of state management
structures; redistribution of functions and powers
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
between educational establishments and
institutions and local self-government bodies;
regional and central education management
bodies; development of the system of autonomy
of institutions and educational institutions,
measures to implement decentralization of
management, expansion of their opportunities
and rights regarding financial independence;
transition to programmatic management, etc.
(Shetelya et al., 2023).
Let's name the main principles of the
development of the management system in the
educational space of higher education
institutions. These are openness, democracy,
joint participation in the implementation of
educational, production, and educational
processes, interaction, coordination, mutual
control, and joint management.
As a socio-cultural center, a higher education
institution is a place of interest of both the
community and the state, it is both an element of
the structure and a part of social life that is
subject to state control. In the conditions of the
development of the expansion of the practice of
co-management and democracy, higher
education institutions rely on communities and
public organizations, which helps to complete the
transition from state dominance, and the policy
of patronage over the public to their interaction
and constructive partnership. "The direct
management of an educational institution is
carried out by the founders or a body authorized
by them, the head of the educational institution,
the collegial management body of the
educational institution. The basis of education
management is the state educational policy,
which is fixed in the current legislation and
appropriately guides management activities. At
the same time, in the conditions of modernization
transformations, the development of the
educational sector may imply certain changes in
the principles and mechanisms of state
management of education" (Suprun, 2020).
Tasks of an innovative research university by the
peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space.
By the peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space of
higher education institutions, an innovative
research university must ensure:
administrative and structural component;
financial and economic regulatory and legal,
material and technical, scientific and
methodological support; based on
innovative principles of management and
organization the unity of scientific and
educational activities;
active formation and forecasting in the field
of science-intensive technologies,
educational services, and labor markets, in
the region with the aim of anticipatory
staffing and scientific and technical support
of priority industries;
implementation of research and design
developments, fundamental and applied
research in priority areas of education and
science, and critical technologies at the
federal level;
provision of a wide range of services of
different levels, variable educational
programs, content, and forms, including
training through the participation of higher
education seekers in development and
the relationship between applied
developments and the balance of the stages
of exploratory and fundamental research, the
demand for the results of innovative
technologies and their implementation in
production, and personnel support;
in the field of education and science,
protection of rights to intellectual property
objects for all participants in educational,
scientific, innovative activities, and their
commercially profitable use;
adequate consideration of the needs of
infrastructure and structure development,
external conditions and innovative activities,
active participation of the higher education
institution in the field of education and
science, in the development of small
deep integration of innovative, educational,
scientific, and technical activities with
scientific organizations and specialized
industrial enterprises;
availability of resource management
systems, quality management, management
of the results of educational and research
activities, implementation, and evaluation of
their innovative potential (Illiashenko,
This approach makes it possible to formulate the
main tasks of the development of an innovative
ensuring the unity of scientific, educational,
and innovative processes and their focus on
the training of highly qualified specialists of
the new generation;
promotion to the market of new technologies
developed based on the commercialization
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of scientific knowledge and inventions in the
institution of higher education in conditions
of effective protection of rights and objects
of intellectual property using new financial
and economic mechanisms;
creation of conditions for the use of
innovative activities of higher education
institutions, involvement of teachers,
scientists, students of higher education, and
graduate students in the innovation process,
to improve the quality of specialist training
and strengthen the role of higher education
institutions as a center for the development
of innovative activities;
creation of a system of quality management
of innovative, educational, and scientific
activities in a higher education institution
based on a single information space of a
higher education institution, which unites
innovative, educational, and scientific
blocks of a higher education institution with
the organization of automated document
flow (Boltianska & Boltiansky, 2020).
In an innovative research university, due to the
peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space,
every management decision must be aimed at
achieving the institution's main goal.
In a higher education institution, management of
innovation processes is one of the functions of a
modern manager. To a large extent, the success
of this activity depends on the personality of the
manager, who takes into account trends in the
development of education, can see prospects,
objectively assesses the personnel and material
and technical capabilities of the institution, is
aware of possible risks, is oriented to cooperation
with the heads of other state and educational
institutions, parents, organizations, public
figures, and most importantly, he directs his
efforts to the professional development of his
colleagues and strives for continuous self-
development (Nemchenko et al., 2022).
Experimental research.
During the experimental study, we relied on the
research of scientists who studied the
professional development of heads of higher
education institutions in the innovative
management system in the educational space
(Viteri Intriago et al., 2020).
More than 100 representatives of higher
education institutions (provosts and heads of
departments) became participants in the study.
A survey was conducted, which was aimed at
identifying the level of relevance of various
content areas in the innovative management
system in the educational space.
The survey showed the following distribution:
measurement of learning outcomes and
competence approach 23%; innovative learning
technologies in the innovative management
system in the educational space 22%; the labor
market provided by higher education and 21%;
ensuring the quality of the innovative
management system in the educational space
20%; joint and double diplomas 18%; mobility
of teachers and students in the educational space
17%; implementation of the Bologna process in
the educational space 14%; staff development
in the innovative management system in the
educational space 13%; governance and
autonomy in higher education 12%;
internationalization in the innovative
management system in the educational space
10%; in the innovative management system in
the educational space of positive image
formation 9%; in the innovative management
system in the educational space of forming a
student-centered environment 9%; integration
of research, education, innovation in higher
education 7%; organizational development of
educational space 6%; social dimension of
educational space 3%.
The following served as additional guidelines for
the heads of higher education institutions when
forming the content of the innovative
management system in the educational space:
the members of the expert team carried out
an expert assessment of the relevance of
substantive areas;
data from the study of educational needs of
heads of higher education institutions in
European countries "Mapping the Field:
Report on the Needs and the Supply of
Higher Education Leadership and
Management Training in Europe Report on
the Needs and the Supply of Higher
Education Leadership and Management
Training in Europe" research by Peter
Maassen and Atilla Pausits (Maasen &
Pausits, 2012).
The following data were obtained: strategic
management was noted by 74% of respondents;
innovative development strategies 57% of
respondents; development of human resources of
the innovative management system in the
educational space 56% of respondents;
research development strategies 43% of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
respondents; organizational culture 42% of
respondents; the policy of internationalization of
the innovative management system in the
educational space 36% of respondents; the
policy of ensuring the quality of the innovative
management system in the educational space
32% of respondents.
The priorities for the development of the
European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
(2012), specified in the Bucharest Communiqué
"Making the Most of Our Potential:
Consolidation the European Higher Education
Area". It:
strengthening the mobility of the innovative
management system in the educational space
(professional and academic recognition,
joint programs and degrees, balanced
creation of quality of higher education and
accessibility (social dimension of higher
education, integration of research and
learning, widening of access for all who
wish to study, student-centered learning,
recommendations for quality assurance in
the European Higher Education Institution,
European standards, governance in higher
education and funding);
tools of the Bologna process (ECTS, three-
cycle system, supplement to the diploma,
study monitoring);
improving the employability of graduates of
higher education institutions through the
introduction of an innovative management
system in the educational space (European
research space: "research teaching
learning", professional qualifications, the
framework of qualifications, learning
At the end of the first stage of the program of the
innovative management system in the
educational space, to find out the attitude,
evaluation, and wishes of the applicants of higher
education and management of the institution to
improve the quality and efficiency of such
activities, respondents were offered a
The results of the questionnaire survey analysis
showed that 78% of the respondents positively
evaluated the format and content of the proposed
program of the innovative management system in
the educational space.
The research methodology involved the use of
both quantitative and qualitative methods.
We have integrated different data types by
combining elements of the same data type, that
is, those belonging to a homogeneous data type.
More formally, such an approach can be defined
as an ordered collection of elements of a certain
type, which are addressed using one or more
indices. Different types of data were classified by
the number of array dimensions (one-
dimensional arrays (vectors), two-dimensional
(matrices), and multidimensional (three, four, or
The main wishes and comments of the
participants in the study of the effectiveness of
the innovative management system in the
educational space related to increasing
interactivity in the process of expanding
opportunities for sharing experiences and
Among the questions of the questionnaire offered
to the respondents were those whose content
direction is related to determining the level of
quality of higher education in higher education
452 students of higher education took part in the
We are not talking about the fact that the
conducted survey is representative because it
cannot be considered a selective population that
reproduces the characteristics of the general
population. We believe that according to certain
characteristics, the deviations of the sample
population from the general population are not
significant, which means that we claim that the
obtained results for working out generalizations
regarding the level of development and the
formation of an idea about the subject of
scientific attention can be considered at the level
of the informational basis.
At the beginning of the survey, the respondents
were explained the scale for evaluating the
innovative management system in the
educational space and the phenomenon of the
quality of higher education (10 points correspond
to the maximum possible level of quality of
higher education, and 1 point corresponds to the
minimum possible level of quality of higher
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
To positively evaluate the innovative
management system, we collected and
analyzed research data.
Collecting and measuring information about the
given variables made it possible to answer
relevant questions and evaluate the results. The
purpose of all data collection was to select
qualitative data that would then be translated into
the analysis of all the data and allow for the
creation of convincing and valid answers to the
questions that were asked. A survey was
conducted, which was aimed at identifying the
level of relevance of various content areas in the
innovative management system in the
educational space. Among the questions of the
questionnaire offered to the respondents were
those whose content direction is related to
determining the level of quality of higher
education in higher education institutions.
According to the results of the analysis of the
answers of higher education seekers regarding
the assessment of the quality of higher education
and the innovative management system in the
educational space at the university and state
levels, we can state that:
1. The majority of respondents believe that the
level of innovative management systems in
the educational space and the quality of
higher education are quite satisfactory (52%
of respondents rated these indicators at the
level of 4 to 8 points out of 10).
During the study, 28% of the respondents
claimed a very high level of innovative
management system in the educational space and
the quality of higher education was unexpected.
We explain this assessment by the respondents'
ignorance of the innovative management system
in the educational space and the level of quality
of higher education in other countries, as well as
the low level of training of those seeking higher
We used the selective interview method to
understand the choice of higher education
applicants, during which the correctness of the
first and second of the above assumptions was
clarified. We can state that the vast majority of
higher education students have no idea about the
level of the innovative management system in the
educational space the quality of higher education
in general and the provision of quality
educational activities by foreign institutions of
higher education, in particular.
2. Every fifth respondent considers the quality
of higher education in Ukraine to be low.
Such a result was obtained based on the
results of the analysis of the answers of the
students of higher education at the university
level. Such results testify to the objectivity
of the assessment because it was this
assessment based on fairly close, but non-
identical criteria in terms of the content of
scientific attention that turned out to be the
Let us draw attention to the fact that 20% of
respondents rated the innovative management
system in the educational space and the quality of
higher education in general at a low level (for
comparison, we cite examples of respondents
from other countries regarding the feasibility of
introducing an innovative management system in
the educational space, only 7% of Latvian higher
education graduates and 3% of Chinese students
rated the level of innovative management system
in the educational space and the quality of higher
education in their country at a low level).
Therefore, we are talking about the fact that the
functioning of quality systems of higher
education in general and internal and external
quality assurance of educational activities, in
particular, today have low efficiency and also
lack of perfection of the innovative management
system in the educational space.
3. The vast majority of respondents assessed
the innovativeness of the management
system in the educational space and the
quality of education at their university at the
"very high" and "high" levels (68% total).
This assessment can be explained by the fact
that the majority of higher education seekers
who were interviewed, get their higher
education in such universities that have
national status and offer a high level of
education services. It was this effective
indicator that was obtained at the state level
according to the relevant direction of
assessment. The difference between the
results of the assessment at the state and
university levels lies in the different values
of the individual components of the final
assessment: at the state level, the result was
obtained in 30% of the "high level" group
(from 7 to 8 points), while at the university
level 20%; in the "very high level" group
(from 9 to 10 points) at the university level
38%, and at the state level the result was
The system of ensuring management in the
educational space and the quality of education in
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
universities that have national status clearly and
well fulfills its functions.
4. Within the "adequate level" and "low level"
groups at the state and university levels,
comparing the results of the answers of
higher education applicants, we have
completely identical results 20 and 22%,
That is, 44% of higher education students
assessed the innovativeness of the management
system in the educational space and the quality of
education at their university of education at the
university and state levels within the "sufficient
level" and "low level" groups. At the level of the
lowest criterion group, the assessment of experts
does not have significant differences between the
macro and micro levels) and this indicates the
existence of problems in the functioning of the
innovative management system in the
educational space and the quality assurance
system of higher education.
In the proposed questionnaire, the respondents
were asked questions about determining the level
of satisfaction of higher education seekers with
the quality of higher education offered by higher
education institutions. Let's analyze the answers
of students of higher education:
76% of respondents of Ukrainian higher
education institutions are satisfied with the
quality of higher education offered by
universities this is the total number of
answers that were identified at the level of
statements "completely satisfied"),
"generally satisfied", "rather satisfied". For
comparison, we will present the results of
Chinese and Latvian students: among
Chinese and Latvian students, the
corresponding share of satisfaction was 70
and 72%, respectively;
34% of respondents, this is the total number
of answers that were identified at the level of
statements "rather not satisfied" and "not
satisfied" almost every fourth respondent
is not satisfied with the quality of higher
education. Above, we drew attention to the
fact that 20% of students rated the quality of
higher education, both at the university and
state levels, at a low level.
This fact suggests that students have information
about the quality of higher education in other
countries (in the EU countries) the existence of
a basis for comparing the innovative
management system in the educational space and
the quality of education or about the awareness
of higher education seekers about the needs of
the international labor market.
During an experimental study that
investigated the importance of an innovative
management system, the professional
development of heads of higher education
institutions, and the level of quality of higher
education, we chose a statistical criterion to test
the research hypothesis. We needed to answer the
following questions:
What acts as independent and dependent
variables in the study?
In what scales are the variables measured?
How many groups are there in the
experimental design?
What are these groups (correlated or
Before choosing a statistical criterion for
analyzing the research data, we defined the
independent and dependent variables. An
independent variable is something that the
researcher manipulates. The dependent variable
is the result of manipulating the independent
variable. That is, the independent variable is a
factor, and the dependent variable is a
consequence. We are trying to explain the effect
of the dependent variable that arose due to the
manipulation of the independent variable.
After identifying the independent and dependent
variables, our next step in choosing a statistical
criterion for the analysis of experimental data is
to determine in which scales these variables are
measured. The measurement scale of the
dependent variable helped us determine which
group of statistical criteria we should apply (non-
parametric or parametric). Nonparametric
criteria were used to analyze nominal and ordinal
data (Pearson's χ 2 test).
Choosing the necessary among these criteria, we
determined the number of groups in the
experimental study and the nature of these groups
(independent or dependent (correlated)).
Parametric criteria were used to analyze data
measured in interval and ratio scales. Choosing
among these criteria necessary for a specific
study, we determined the number of groups in the
experimental study and the nature of these groups
(independent or dependent).
Methodological recommendations for the
implementation of the project of the
innovative research university by the
peculiarities of the organization of the activity
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the management system in the educational
As a result of the implementation of the
innovative research university project, by the
peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space, it
is planned to create an environment to support
scientific and educational processes within the
higher education institution based on the use of
modern telecommunications and information
technologies, which will ensure:
management of user groups and users,
access rights;
rationing and monitoring of all types of
educational workload, calculation of the
number of rates for the contingent of higher
education applicants by specified state
modernization and formation in automatic
mode, automated development of
educational programs by specializations,
directions, and specialties;
calculation of the educational load of
teachers, departments of the institution of
higher education, and the distribution of the
components of the educational load among
several departments, calculation of the
number of rates;
support of remote, electronic, and mobile
modes of work of higher education
generation of the available teaching staff, the
schedule of classes taking into account the
contingent of higher education applicants
and the classroom fund of the higher
education institution;
feedback from the teacher to the student,
individual dialogue of the student through
the information base of the system;
statistical processing of the results of various
types of control: semester, current, entrance,
modular, knowledge retention control, state
certification, practices, and course design;
visualization of results in the form of graphs,
charts, and tables;
complex automation of technological
processes for carrying out various types of
evaluation of educational activities of higher
education applicants, monitoring, as well as
processing of their results;
maintaining an archive of information,
forming reporting documentation on the
functioning of educational and scientific
units of higher education institutions;
support for management of the educational
process, document flow between units of
higher education institutions that manage
and control the educational process;
support for decision-making regarding the
motivation of educational activities of those
seeking higher education, directions for
improving the quality of the educational
work of teachers, and improvement of
methodological systems of education in
various disciplines in the context of the
implementation of the principles of the
Bologna Declaration and the credit-module
system of education in higher education;
determination of the levels of success and
success of higher education applicants:
individual, by streams, groups, institutes,
higher education institution as a whole, by
areas of training, educational fields,
maintaining a database with the results of
various types of monitoring of educational
activities, control tasks, a database of tests
from various types of control, examination
tickets, a database of higher education
graduates and teachers.
We agree with the opinion of scientists that the
development and implementation of innovative
automated systems for managing the educational
process of a higher education institution "will
contribute to the wider use of ICT in higher
education, the creation of a single informational
educational environment for all subjects that are
part of the university community,
democratization and openness of higher
education, as well as the integration of the
institution of higher education into the European
and global information spaces" (Plakhotnik et al.,
The research methodology involved the use of
the following methods:
comparative and logical analysis to identify
the features of an effective management
system in the educational space. The basis of
an effective management system is the
control and diagnostic activity of the head of
the educational institution, who occupies a
leading position in the institution. Here we
analyze two types of managerial activity:
perceptive type of managerial activity and
systemic analysis of management in
education to form a holistic view of the
management system in the educational space
and self-governance in the education system
and to create an effective management
system in the educational space, the
importance of reforming the education
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
system at the current stage of society's
development is shown; the role of an
innovative university in creating an effective
management system in the educational space
is revealed; the principle provisions of the
new management paradigm are highlighted;
the formation of an effective management
system in the educational space of higher
education institutions is proposed;
statistical method and method of analysis
to assess the state of education development,
the main mechanisms and functions of
control for carrying out reforms to form an
effective management system in the
educational space of a higher education
institution were revealed; the main types of
management activities are described; the
principles of development of the
management system in the educational space
of higher education institutions and the
proposed task of an innovative research
university by the peculiarities of the
organization of the management system in
the educational space;
sociological methods to identify the state
of the management system in the educational
space from the point of view of social groups
and subjects of the educational process,
during which we investigated the
importance of the innovative management
system in the educational space, the
importance of professional development of
heads of higher education institutions, the
level of quality of higher education in
institutions higher education.
The global trends of modernization and reform
of the entire education system present the
world education system with tasks of a
completely new level. Therefore, the article
shows the importance of reforming the
education system at the current stage of
society's development to create an effective
management system in the educational space.
The role of an innovative university in creating
an effective management system in the
educational space is revealed; the principle
provisions of the new management paradigm
are highlighted; the formation of an effective
management system in the educational space
of higher education institutions is proposed.
The main mechanisms and functions of control
for carrying out reforms to form an effective
management system in the educational space
of a higher education institution are revealed;
the main types of management activities are
The basis of an effective management system
is the control and diagnostic activity of the
head of the educational institution, who
occupies a leading position in the institution.
We observe here two types of managerial
activity: perceptive type of managerial activity
and communicative.
The main functions for controlling the
management system are highlighted; the
principles of the development of the
management system in the educational space
of higher education institutions and the task of
an innovative research university by the
peculiarities of the organization of the
management system in the educational space is
An experimental study was conducted during
which we investigated the importance of an
innovative management system in the
educational space, the professional
development of heads of higher education
institutions, and the level of quality of higher
education in higher education institutions.
More than 100 representatives of higher
education institutions (provosts and heads of
departments) became participants in the study.
A survey was conducted, which was aimed at
identifying the level of relevance of various
content areas in the innovative management
system in the educational space. The results of
the questionnaire survey analysis showed that
78% of the respondents positively evaluated
the format and content of the proposed
program of the innovative management system
in the educational space.
Among the questions of the questionnaire
offered to the respondents were those whose
content direction is related to determining the
level of quality of higher education in higher
education institutions. 452 students of higher
education took part in the survey. We are not
talking about the fact that the conducted survey
is representative because it cannot be
considered a selective population that
reproduces the characteristics of the general
population. We believe that according to
certain characteristics, the deviations of the
sample population from the general population
are not significant, which means that we claim
that the obtained results for working out
generalizations regarding the level of
development and the formation of an idea
about the subject of scientific attention can be
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
considered at the level of the informational
Methodological recommendations for the
implementation of the project of an innovative
research university by the peculiarities of the
organization of the management system in the
educational space are offered.
We see the prospects for further scientific
research in the study of the conflict-related
competence of future education managers.
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