www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.28
How to Cite:
Wang, Q., Melnyk, H., Lishchynska-Kravets, H., Shpaliarenko, Y., & Tomashevska, M. (2024). Flipped learning in higher school:
theory and practice. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 334-343. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.28
Flipped learning in higher school: theory and practice
Перевернуте навчання у вищій школі: теорія і практика
Received: January 7, 2024 Accepted: February 26, 2024
Written by:
Qi Wang1
Halyna Melnyk2
Halyna Lishchynska-Kravets3
Yuliia Shpaliarenko4
Myroslava Tomashevska5
The article clarifies the essence of the technology of
"flipped learning" and reveals the main stages of the
educational process during the application of this
technology, models of "flipped learning" for the
educational process are taken into account, and the
advantages of the technology of "flipped learning"
are highlighted, which are taken into account when
training specialists in institutes. Having disclosed
the content of the main elements of the "flipped
learning" technology and proposing an algorithm
for conducting classes using this technology, we
experimentally proved that the use of "flipped
learning" technology is an actual technique in the
formation of independent educational work and is
necessary for the educational process. The purpose
of the study was to determine the criteria for
comparing the results of traditional training and
training using the "flipped learning" technology.
EG respondents noted that using the "flipped
learning" method, it is easy for them to learn the
material; they are more active in class; can process
more educational material, they are attracted by the
independence in processing new information, the
Postgraduate Student, Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ADO-7499-2022
Candidate of Science in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Docent of the Department of Technological and Vocational Education,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCX-8992-2024
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technological and Vocational Education, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCX-8901-2024
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: D-2383-2018
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
WoS Researcher ID: AAD-4714-2022
Wang, Q., Melnyk, H., Lishchynska-Kravets, H., Shpaliarenko, Y., Tomashevska, M. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 334-343 /
February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
availability of electronic educational materials, the
opportunity to study educational materials at their
own pace, anywhere, at a convenient time.
Keywords: "flipped learning" technology,
institution of higher education, formation of
professional competencies, students of higher
education, advantages of "flipped learning"
Modern society is impossible without public
communications and the virtualization of life
activities. Information and communication
technologies have deeply penetrated our
everyday lives and changed our communication,
our behavior, our way of life, and our approaches
to recreation and work (Riabukha et al., 2020).
In the circumstances of active changes, in
connection with the intensive implementation of
updated requirements for the enactment of
pedagogical interaction in the educational
process, the modern development of society, the
special conditions of the organization, and the
functioning of educational processes during the
pandemic, teachers are reorienting the
informative content of educational events in the
institution of higher education (Ridkodubska,
Currently, large-scale changes are taking place in
the education system, which requires the starter
of new pedagogical technologies in the training
of qualified specialists, leading to an increase in
the role of knowledge and the need to bring it into
line with the new challenges of social life,
focused on individual personality development,
the ability to clearly solve tasks, development
skills of continuous learning and independent
education, etc. This requires in the educational
process the constant introduction of alternative
modern forms of educational technologies,
which include "flipped learning" (Chuchmii et
al., 2020). Therefore, it is expedient to
investigate the peculiarities and advantages of
implementing the technology of "flipped
learning" in higher education in the preparation
of future competitive specialists.
Literature review
Many theoreticians and practitioners have
researched and are researching the theoretical
and practical basics of the outline of blended
learning into the education system and the
technology of "flipped learning" as its
O. Honcharuk, L. Shust, & V. Datsiuk (2021)
considered the technology of "flipped learning"
in primary school and substantiated the
possibilities of its use. The term "flipped
learning" is interpreted by the authors as "a form
of active learning, the essence of which is the
assimilation of new material by students at home,
i.e. familiarization with the educational material
before the next lesson takes place independently,
and the time of classroom work is used for
understanding and applying knowledge, skills,
and abilities, i.e. for practical tasks". The
advantages of this form of work are determined.
Features of the use of innovative interactive
technologies in educational activities, in
particular, the technology of "flipped learning" in
higher education were defined by
H. Ridkodubska (2021). The teacher presented a
description of the main ways of implementing
interactive innovative technologies during the
study of the educational discipline "Project
Management in Education", which will improve
the quality of professional training of future
specialists in modern conditions. The essence of
the "flipped learning" technology ("which
consists in a radical reorganization of the
educational process changing the distribution
of the time spent by the teacher on explaining
new material and practicing it, which makes it
possible to use classroom hours effectively") and
the possibility of introducing the discipline
"Foreign Language" into teaching is considered
of this technology by such scientists as
T. Riabukha, N. Hostishcheva, L. Kulykova, &
T. Kharchenko (2020). The advantages of its use
are highlighted for both teachers and students. It
has been proven that this technology enables the
formation of the foreign language competence of
the future specialist and the opportunity to
achieve high results in the study of a foreign
language. The methodology of using the "flipped
learning" technology by N. Dobrovolska (2020)
was considered. It has been proven that the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
technology of "flipped learning" includes other
pedagogical technologies, to activate the
cognitive activity of students of higher education,
enabling them to work at a convenient time, and
encouraging the development of research skills.
The main advantages and disadvantages of
introducing the "flipped learning" technology
into the educational process of a higher
educational institution are revealed.
L. Konoplianyk, & K. Melnykova (2019)
examines the actual issues of introducing the
"flipped classroom" technology into the
educational process. The general features of the
technology are characterized; by the advantages
are highlighted. The same problem is
investigated in the process of professional
training of social workers by O. Kolomiets, &
T. Demydenko (2022), attention is focused on the
features of using the "flipped class" technology
during online learning, its advantages and
disadvantages are determined, and a comparison
is made with traditional learning technologies in
institutions of higher education at training of
future social workers. Also, the advantages and
disadvantages of the innovative teaching model
"flipped class" by N. Honchar, O. Zadorina, &
N. Lopatynska (2022), which can recover the
excellence of pedagogical education and
teaching in general, are determined. To rise the
productivity of the educational process, practical
tools for the implementation of the flipped class
model in pedagogical institutions of higher
education are proposed.
O. Klekho, & T. Chetverykova (2023) improve
the same questions, highlight the essence, and
note the rewards of this didactic skill. Scientists
noted that "the use of this technology in a modern
school is an integral component of the
organization of the educational process, which
determines the relevance of the formation of
teachers' skills to effectively use modern
methods for preparing classes, organizing remote
interaction and communication between
participants in the educational process."
In the trainings of experts, attention is focused on
the importance, shortcomings, and fundamental
differences of the "flipped learning" technology
in the organization of the educational process
from others. Aspects of the work of students of
higher education using the "flipped classroom"
technology are highlighted. But it is value noting
that, despite a significant sum of meaningful and
original works by scientists on the studied issues,
there are practically no studies devoted to the
problems of the influence of "flipped learning"
on the level of mastery of knowledge by students
of higher education institutions, which remains
relevant today.
The purpose of the research was to investigate
the features and advantages of implementing the
"flipped learning" technology in higher
education in the preparation of future
competitive specialists; study the influence of the
"flipped learning" technology on the formation
of professional competencies of higher education
students; determination of criteria for comparing
the results of traditional training and training
using the "flipped learning" technology.
In order to realize the purpose, means of
scientific knowledge were used: theoretical
analysis of psychological-pedagogical,
philosophical, methodical literature to outline
the conceptual boundaries of the studied
phenomenon; classification, logical-systemic
analysis, induction, analogy, deduction,
generalization of practical data and scientific and
theoretical data to determine the aspects of the
work of students of higher education using the
"flipped learning" technology; modeling
clarification of various models of "flipped
learning" in the organization of the educational
process; comparison of the received data to
clarify the connections, dependencies,
fundamental differences of the "flipped learning"
technology in the organization of the educational
process from others; empirical observations,
surveys, conversations, tests to find out and
check the effectiveness of the implementation of
the "flipped learning" technology in the
organization of the educational process;
pedagogical experiment in order to study the
influence of the "flipped learning" technology on
the formation of professional competences of
students of higher education, a comparative
analysis of the educational achievements of
students was carried out; quantitative and
qualitative analysis of research results to verify
the results of the experiment using methods of
mathematical statistics (non-parametric Pearson
test χ2).
To study the influence of the technology "flipped
learning" on the formation of professional
competencies of students of higher education, a
comparative analysis of the educational
achievements of students was carried out:
48 students of higher education took part in the
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
26 respondents of the control group (CG),
where learning by the "flipped learning"
technology was not used;
22 respondents of the experimental group
(EG), where training took place using the
"flipped learning" technology.
The purpose of the study was to regulate the
criteria for comparing the results of traditional
training and training using the "flipped learning"
The survey showed that respondents of EG have
a more positive attitude to learning than students
of CG. Since the emotional attitude of students of
higher education to study affects their
motivation, the levels of study motives of the
respondents of the experimental group and the
control group were diagnosed.
The results of the survey indicated the ease of
assimilation of the material by EG higher
education students, showing that EG students are
more active in classes and interested in the forms
and content of the educational material.
EG respondents noted that using the "flipped
learning" method, it is easy for them to learn the
material; they are more active in class; can
process more educational material (94.7%), they
are attracted by the independence in processing
new information (63.2%), the availability of
electronic educational materials, the opportunity
to study educational materials at their own pace,
anywhere at a convenient time (100%).
Research, and implementation of the technology
"flipped learning" showed that this technology,
taking into account the specifics of professional
training, contributes to the development of not
only the skills of creating professional electronic
products but also ICT competencies.
Results and discussion
1. The essence of the "flipped learning"
A purposeful process of partial change is the
innovation of education. Such changes lead to the
version of the education process to new
necessities; modification of the goal, forms of
education, methods, contented of the educational
process, and teaching (Kuchai, 2014).
"Innovations in education are a natural
phenomenon, dynamic in nature and
developmental in results, their introduction
allows to resolve contradictions between the
traditional system and the needs for qualitatively
new education. An essential feature of innovation
is its ability to influence the general level of the
teacher's professional activity, to expand the
innovative field of the educational environment
in the educational institution, region"
(Stratan-Artyshkova, 2022).
Such an innovation in the educational process is
the organization of flipped learning, a complex
process that requires proper methodical support
and thorough preparation. Therefore, if the
content of the course is carefully planned, the
training methods are selected, and the
appropriate technical means are used, the
effectiveness of such training is achieved. There
are various ways to "overturn" learning during
the organization of the educational process. Such
a technique can be applied not to the entire
course, but to individual classes, on certain topics
(Konoplianyk & Melnykova, 2019).
2. The main stages of the educational process
when applying the "flipped learning"
technology and the "flipped learning" model
The heart of the technology of "flipped learning"
classroom and homework lies in the radical
rearrangement of the main stages of the educational
process. Everything happens differently, that is, the
opposite of traditional education:
classroom work, classes at home,
homework in class (Reyes-Ruiz, 2022).
Let us describe the main stages of the educational
process throughout the request of the "flipped
learning" technology:
1) work in the classroom involves discussions,
interactive tasks, cases, role-playing games, web
quests, projects, etc., that is, interaction and
2) work at home consists of independent
familiarization of students of higher education
with new educational material: working with
presentations, watching video lectures, working
with recommended literature, working with
materials from recommended sites;
3) implementation by the teacher of feedback,
observation, monitoring, and evaluation.
There are many approaches to the implementation of
"flipped learning", but all approaches are based on the
main single principle: classroom work is aimed at the
practical application of the acquired knowledge, and
familiarization with new material takes place outside
the classroom (Cueva & Inga, 2022).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Let's reflect the most actual models of "flipped
learning", which should be used in the educational
process of a higher school.
1. "Classic" model of "flipped learning". It is this
model that provides the student of higher
education with a preliminary introduction to the
theoretical material of the future course. For the
preparation of students of higher education, data
can be provided in the form of a paragraph of a
textbook, materials of a reference outline of
lectures, in the form of video and audio
documents, slides, etc.
In the classroom, the teacher uses interactive teaching
methods, arranges a conversation of self-learned
material, describes hard points that are unclear to
students and answers questions. Even though the
educational process is partly carried out remotely, this
model has a translational character and resembles a
traditional education system: first, concepts, theories,
and models are considered, and then their real request.
However, they are all based on a basic single
principle: learning is realized directly outside the
classroom, while the learning time is devoted to the
application of the acquired knowledge in a practical
2. "Advanced" model of "flipped learning". Such a
model provides for the expansion of types of
activities and the gradual complication of the
level of tasks. It has two stages: classroom and
outside classroom. In the process of preliminary
preparation, students of higher education read
articles, individualistically search for material on
a given subject, watch videos, individually or in
mini-groups prepare theses that will be presented
in the audience, questions for a round table or
debate. Students of higher education post the
results of their work on a common electronic
platform so that the teacher and other students of
higher education can better prepare for the class
and familiarize themselves with them in
3. "Combined" or "systemic" model of "flipped
learning". Its essence consists in rearranging the
key components of the educational process, and
not in changing the place of performance of a
certain type of activity.
In the classroom, under the guidance of the teacher,
students analyze the tasks, present the sources and
information found, compare the advantages of the
proposed solutions, and highlight the shortcomings.
After that, there is a remote stage again: students of
higher education study the experience of activities
related to the specified problem, and find out the
theoretical foundations of the issue. At the final stage
in the classroom, the learned material is consolidated,
summaries of the topic are drawn up; and the
possibility of applying the developed model to other
situations is analyzed.
Therefore, during "flipped education", every student
of higher education receives the most targeted and
relevant help when he needs it the most at the stage
of the practical application of the acquired
knowledge. And the usual classroom system of the
educational process at the time of traditional
homework leaves the student of higher education
"alone", which requires the application of the
theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom in
practice (Riabukha et al., 2020).
3. Advantages of flipped learning
Let's highlight the advantages of the "flipped
learning" technology:
1) rational use of classroom time;
2) conscious integration of the quantifiable by
students of higher education;
3) activation of interaction "student"-"student",
4) strengthening of the autonomous position of
the student of higher education;
5) optimization of creativity among students,
development of critical thinking, and
transformation into an integrative part of the
educational process (Prykhodkina, 2015).
6) a personalized approach to each student;
7) the opportunity to work at their own pace for
each student of higher education;
8) the opportunity to make up missed classes;
9) a more comfortable and friendly atmosphere
in the auditorium;
10) permanent possibility of archiving the
11) interactive nature of the organization of
work in the lesson;
12) positive transformation of the role relations
of the student and the teacher (teacher
adviser, guide, assistant) (Riabukha et al.,
4. Basic elements of flipped learning
The main elements of flipped learning
technology are individual protection of one’s
practical work, concise coverage of the topic for
independent study, brief explanations of new
educational material during online meetings on
videoconferences, preliminary familiarization of
higher education students at a convenient time
and outside the classroom with new educational
material, permission to use information materials
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by higher education students during work,
assessment of knowledge and skills of higher
education students during practical work,
introduction of means of disadvantage and
impossibility of write-offs (Shetelya et al., 2023).
The technology of "flipped learning" makes it
possible to significantly improve success rates.
However, the effectiveness of its application in
practice depends on the teacher because the
implementation of the "flipped learning"
technology requires creativity, knowledge of
ICT, time investment, deepening of knowledge,
and the ability to build meaningful and
interesting lessons (Dobrovolska, 2020).
The use of the technology of "flipped learning" is
an effective technique in the formation of
independent educational work. "Educational
independent works are tasks that are offered to
students of education for independent
assimilation of new material" (Leão et al., 2023).
The success of independent assimilation of new
material depends on the ability to analyze,
generalize, compare, and draw conclusions and
the level of formation of the skill of conscious,
correct, and rapid assimilation of material. This
form of work serves to ensure that each student
of higher education reaches his or her own level
of development through an individual pace of
work, freeing up study time in classes to clarify
specific unclear questions, for practical work, to
activate the cognitive activity of students of
higher education who are interested in working
with gadgets, which serves to increase their
interest in acquiring knowledge (Slushnyi, 2016).
The teacher has wider opportunities for an
individual approach, becomes a consultant for a
student of higher education, better understands
the gaps in the skills and knowledge of each
individual, and therefore more effectively
corrects them in their educational activities,
applying various types of work. At the same
time, the teacher is faced with several difficulties,
in particular, the need for a high level of ICT
proficiency, more time spent on recording
videos, etc., predicting possible difficulties for
students during independent work, lack of
control during the performance of tasks
according to the level of independence
(Honcharuk et al., 2021).
5. Algorithm for conducting classes using
the "flipped learning" technology
When conducting a class using the "flipped
learning" technology, the teacher:
records an explanation of new material on
posts videos on YouTube, distributes videos
to students of higher education, etc.;
as homework, students receive links to
educational resources and an educational
students perform tasks online;
the teacher in the class involves all students
in the work;
the lesson begins with repetition and a short
discussion based on materials from
electronic resources or videos;
analysis and review of online assignments
by students of higher education;
a survey of higher education seekers to
activate their attention;
monitoring of educational achievements of
students (da Silva, 2021).
Types of "flipped learning". In practical use, the
next types of flipped learning are most
1. The Standard Flipped Classroom. By
viewing text materials or video lectures,
students study the material of a practical
lesson or an upcoming lecture. Conducting
classes in the "virtual classroom", the
teacher has additional time for individual
work with each student of higher education;
2. The Discussion-Oriented Flipped
Classroom. Students receive the task of
processing materials from Internet resources
or certain videos, and the teacher organizes
a discussion of the received information in
3. The Demonstration-Focused Flipped
Classroom. Students of higher education
perceive and analyze the necessary activities
that the teacher demonstrates to them, and
then independently perform the tasks set
before them;
4. The FauxFlipped Classroom. It will be
appropriate to use this form if there is no
certainty that the higher education students
will prepare at home on their own. The
model allows students of higher education to
watch a video in class, and after that to
complete the corresponding tasks;
5. The Group-Based Flipped Classroom. The
model encourages students of higher
education to get the right answers in the
process of interactive interaction, to learn
from each other, to find effective ways of
conducting scientific research and ways of
obtaining information, etc.
6. The Virtual Flipped Classroom. Organizes
the work of students of higher education so
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that the entire education process takes place
remotely: the teacher offers material for
students of higher education to review,
consults online, uploads practical tasks, and
assigns final scores by conducting testing.
Independent processing of the relevant
material takes place as it happens according
to the principles of the "flipped class";
7. Flipping The Teacher involves doing all the
work, not necessarily by the teacher. His
task is to form practical tasks, advise, search
for or prepare video materials, and check
works. Students of higher education can
perform certain types of work, and the
teacher will monitor the organization of the
learning process, and the presentation of
information and, if necessary, will provide
assistance (Kovtun & Krykun, 2019).
It is most appropriate to use Lourdes Morán’s
(2022) definition of the essence of "flipped
learning" technology:
at the organizational level: determine the
place, time general conditions;
at the substantive level: develop a general
education plan and individual programs;
at the methodical level: find a means of
learning that advances the student of higher
education forward;
at the social level: define such goals,
establish rules, create working conditions,
organize cooperation, conduct classes,
develop a plan for continuous education;
at the personal level: establish student-
student and teacher-student relationship
6. An experimental study of the influence of
the "flipped learning" technology on the
formation of professional competencies of
higher education students; comparison of
the results of determining the criteria of
traditional training and training using the
"flipped learning" technology
Having clarified the essence of the technology of
"flipped learning" and revealed the main stages
of the educational process and taking into
account the models of "flipped learning", we
singled out the advantages of the technology of
"flipped learning", which are taken into account
in the training of specialists.
Having disclosed the content of the main
elements of the "flipped learning" technology
and proposing an algorithm for conducting
classes using this technology, we experimentally
proved that the use of "flipped learning"
technology is an effective technique in the
formation of independent educational work.
To study the influence of the "flipped learning"
technology on the formation of professional
competencies of students, a comparative analysis
of the educational achievements of students was
carried out:
48 students participated in the study.
26 respondents of the control group (CG),
where learning by the "flipped learning"
technology was not used;
22 respondents of the experimental group
(EG), where training took place using the
"flipped learning" technology.
The resolution of the study was to control the
criteria for comparing the results of traditional
training and training using the "flipped learning"
1) motivation of higher education seekers to
2) emotional attitude of students of higher
education towards studies;
3) difficulty (ease) of assimilation of the
material by students;
4) passivity (activity) of students of higher
education in class;
5) academic achievements of higher education
The survey showed that respondents of EG have
a more positive attitude to learning than students
of CG. Since the emotional attitude of students of
higher education to study affects their
motivation, the levels of study motives of the
respondents of the experimental group and the
control group were diagnosed, namely:
connected to the content of didactic
activities: educational and cognitive;
related to forms of education: educational;
communicative activity in class, affirmation
of personality in the student body:
the importance of educational activities for
mastering a specialist's future profession:
self-improvement, and professional skills.
The outcomes of the review indicated the ease of
assimilation of the material by EG higher
education students, and showed that EG students
are more active in classes and interested in the
forms and content of the educational material:
pronounced interest and ease of learning the
material 26.3%,
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
expressed interest and ease of learning the
material 68.4%,
weakly expressed interest and ease of
learning the material 5.3%,
than among students of CG:
pronounced interest and ease of learning the
material 12.5%,
expressed interest and ease of learning the
material 56.3%,
weakly expressed interest and ease of
assimilation of the material 31.2%.
EG respondents noted that using the "flipped
learning" method, it is easy for them to learn the
material; they are more active in class; can
process more educational material (94.7%), they
are attracted by the independence in processing
new information (63.2%), the availability of
electronic educational materials, the opportunity
to study educational materials at their own pace,
anywhere at a convenient time (100%).
These factors affect the emotional satisfaction of
higher education students, their intellectual
satisfaction with the process of education using
the "flipped learning" method, and learning
EG respondents showed three times more
communicative activity (188 additions and
complete answers) than CG respondents (67
additions and complete answers), which was
recorded in classes by the number of student
performances (30 hours allocated to classroom
In the research process, the "Motivation to
Success" test was used to identify the self-
improvement and professional motives of CG
and EG respondents.
The results of testing according to this method
showed that the number of EG students with a
high level of motivation (by 23.2%) and an
excessively high level of motivation (by 17.6%)
increased before achieving success and the
intended goals. There were no significant
changes in the motivation levels of higher
education students who were part of the CG.
Interesting forms of work during the educational
process using the "flipped learning" technology
stimulated future specialists' desire for self-
realization. 79.4% of EG respondents received
high scores for their own developments, in
contrast to CG 12.7%.
As the survey showed, the respondents of the
experimental group spent more intellectual effort
and time on tasks than the respondents of the
control group. As a result, the educational
achievements of EG respondents were higher
than those of CG respondents (according to
academic journals).
The application of the "flipped learning"
technology meets the demands and wishes of the
student youth of the modern world, which
provides superior training of competitive
specialists and is focused on direct work with
electronic sources of information.
Research, and implementation of the technology
"flipped learning" showed that this technology,
taking into version the specifics of qualified
training, contributes to the development of not
only the skills of creating professional electronic
products but also ICT competencies. Just as the
process of education of competitive specialists is
not limited to paper media, the knowledge of the
teacher, this technology increases the cognitive
interests of students of higher education, creates
an opportunity for independent processing of
additional information in a short period,
promotes motivation of students to achieve
success and set goals.
We will present the obtained average values of
the indicator we singled out as one of the main
reflective and creative components of the use of
the "flipped learning" technology.
At the beginning of the experiment, there was no
significant difference (10.46 ± 0.22 points)
between the average value of the indicator of the
respondents of the experimental group and the
average value of the indicator of mastery of skills
(respectively 11.01 ± 0.23 points) for the
reflective-creative component of respondents of
the CG. After using the "flipped learning"
technology, the average values of the indicator
for the reflective-creative component, we
observe a significant difference (respectively
10.46 ± 0.22 points) between the average value
of the indicator of mastering the skills of EG
respondents at the beginning of the experiment
and the average value for the reflective-creative
component indicator of skill mastery
(respectively 13.21 ± 0.19 points) of EG
respondents at the end of the experiment.
The results of the analysis show that there is a
difference in the reflective-creative component
between the average value of the indicator of
mastering the skills of the respondents of the CG
(respectively 11.01 ± 0.23 points) at the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
beginning of the experiment and the average
value of the indicator of the respondents of the
control group (respectively 12.4 ± 0.19 points) at
the end of the experiment. At the end of the
experiment, there is a difference between the
average value of the reflexive-creative
component of the indicator of mastering the skills
of the respondents of the experimental group
(respectively 13.21 ± 0.19 points) and the
average value (respectively 12.4 ± 0.19 points) of
the indicator of mastering the skills of the
respondents of the CG. At the end of the
experiment, there are differences between the
average value of the reflexive-creative
component of the indicator of mastery of skills
by future specialists in both EG and CG
respondents. At the analysis stage, each
respondent determined the purpose of further
work, taking into account the possibilities of
using the acquired knowledge in practice;
recommendations, topics, and tasks for further
work at home were marked.
Having clarified the essence of the technology
of "flipped learning" and revealed the main
stages of this technology and taking into
account the models of "flipped learning", we
singled out the advantages of the technology of
"flipped learning", which are taken into
account in the training of specialists.
Having disclosed the content of the main
elements of the "flipped learning" technology
and proposing an algorithm for conducting
classes using this technology, we
experimentally proved that the use of "flipped
learning" technology is an effective technique
in the formation of independent educational
work and is necessary for the educational
The purpose of the study was to determine the
criteria for comparing the results of traditional
training and training using the "flipped
learning" technology.
The survey showed that respondents of EG
have a more positive attitude to learning than
students of CG. Since the emotional attitude of
students of higher education to study affects
their motivation, the levels of study motives of
the respondents of the experimental group and
the control group were diagnosed.
The results of the survey indicated the ease of
assimilation of the material by EG higher
education students, showing that EG students
are more active in classes and interested in the
forms and content of the educational material.
EG respondents noted that using the "flipped
learning" method, it is easy for them to learn
the material; they are more active in class; can
process more educational material, they are
attracted by the independence in processing
new information, the availability of electronic
educational materials, the opportunity to study
educational materials at their own pace,
anywhere, at a convenient time.
Research, and implementation of the
technology "flipped learning" showed that this
technology, taking into account the specifics of
professional training, contributes to the
development of not only the skills of creating
professional electronic products but also ICT
The educational sector needs further research
into the issues of activating the cognitive
activity of students of higher education.
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